GTA 5 with ONLY my voice, but any damage kills you

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many years ago i drove across gta 5 with only voice commands that took three hours i turned into jesus and it was a nightmare but it wasn't very classy you see that was the old dug the new dug dug brand is all about class we dress nice we smell nice and we go golfing so today i've redesigned the ultimate voice command challenge i'm gonna drive this classy vespa scooter from mirror lake across the entire city onto this ramp and into the golf course using only voice commands but playing with a mod that blows up my scooter if it takes any damage at all plus i will instantly lose if i'm knocked off my fight not only that i've modded all the pedestrians to be as unclassy as possible by driving recklessly and constantly trying to fight each other this is the ultimate challenge if i can make it to the golf course in the midst of this absolute goddamn chaos with only my voice then i am a true gentleman now let's go golfing think of all the times i've done a challenge where i failed horribly and it's gone on for like 10 hours eventually there's gonna be a challenge where i first try it come on come on everybody ready three two one drive now of course i'm going to be driving a vespa scooter this is the pinnacle of classy driving jesus christ okay so i think it'll blow up now [ __ ] i wasn't expecting them to come from behind attempt number two now i think i need to start out by swerving so people can't easily hit me right oh left right right right right oh i'm alive left left okay right i haven't taken left i was doing great dude now i've made it about two blocks and the problem is that the turning isn't classy words like left or right are for commoners and peasants which is why we added fancy new words for turning like toodle pip and tally ho plus excuse me or pardon me for short dainty turds plus all these other words and it's very unclassy to swear so if i say words like or it'll launch me forward into the air now let's get classy this feels like one of those challenges where i'll die a whole bunch in the first 30 minutes and then i'll warm up and then i'll be good doodle pip tally ho tally ho tally ho you can't back up you [ __ ] [Music] you [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm gonna play it really slow toodle pimp tally ho [Music] [Music] you just said [ __ ] it's time for a business oh [ __ ] this is impossible why did i think this was doable i made it one block now that our vocabulary is all classed up and that we've changed into some fancy clothes it's time for chapter two watch out for the by jove by joe [Music] god no now god damn it i won't clip that door i won't clip that door now we [ __ ] book it nevermind shoot that gap right there god you [ __ ] i'm alive god i win right now i just do it no ah right well that's not fair that's not fair well that's not my fault [Music] what is wrong with these people i mean i did give them the worst and most reckless driving style in the game but what is wrong with these people pardon me we're booking it through this intersection where the [ __ ] do i go no no no no no no they all just stop in the center doug watch out for the car thank you now this street through the downtown is classy as [ __ ] but it's also a goddamn mess because all the hooligans keep clogging up the intersection and crashing which means it's time for the interstate this beautiful hunk of road is long and uninterrupted there are literally zero intersections for all the unclassy people to hit me part of me [Music] or not what was the point of that why did he do that i don't get it excuse me i'm getting better as long as no one drives like a dumbass why why do they do this highway is a genius strategy it's gonna work no i'm feeling it i'm feeling this run [Music] why bear excuse me what are the [ __ ] odds of that no you do it don't you do it i guess we're going farther fortissimo no we're not let me remind you they're not trying to fight me they're trying to fight each other just decide to do it in front of me halt all right how do i get out of this bye joe fortissimo pardon me oh come on this is a [ __ ] mess part of me [Music] what what are you doing there why did you jump out of your car for that now let's be clear i have no idea why the pedestrians are hurling their bodies out onto the open freeway i've never seen people act like this never in my life have i seen such a group of unrefined uncultured uncultivated untruth [Music] all right excuse me pardon me what the [ __ ] what is wrong with these people pardon me they're leaving their cars to fight each other maybe but a lot of them just like jump out on the move why don't you like come to a halt come on this guy's running down the freeway the other guy's going the wrong direction drive oh god damn it you [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my god excuse my god what the [ __ ] that won't kill me [Music] my brain's response to that was not turn right turn left it was there's a guy standing in the road that's all my brain could come up with at this point we've classed up the same quarter mile of freeway for about five straight hours and we're getting to that point where your brain is so full of fancy words that you can't actually remember how to speak english anymore toodle pimp tally pip tally toodle pimp tootle pip tootle pip toodle pip tootle pip telly pop tally poop what the [ __ ] is the command toodlepip toodle pip tally pip what is turning right fortissimo two tide pod tide pool fortissimo tally ho toodle toodlepip fortonus telepods charlie what the [ __ ] is it tinnitus tritone toodlepip [ __ ] fordinitis somebody wrote poodle tip bye joe bye joe vijov toby boo to be to be pip by joe vijov rhino skin pardon me pardon me produce me pardon me pardon me you called for a producer here i am produce me bye joe bye joe bye joe bye joe two something pip toodle pip i need like a post-it i don't have notes i cannot remember these [ __ ] words bye joe hi joe i jove by sexual crime produce me what is it pardon me this one's for the producers fran come on produce me produce me pardon me no my brain is broken you've got this done do it for jeffrey katzenberg twerk fortnite do it for the producers two two two tally ho pepe how do i forget it because it's [ __ ] nonsense and it sounds like 18 other things that are in my brain you just said like it's time for a boost hold on i'm going to produce my computer screen toodle pip produced produced the question is do i kill myself by looking upwards at that constantly i don't know and it's blocking a lot of the screen and now that you've taped your official toodle pip certificate to your vespa scooter you're ready for hour seven of this classy golf party what exit am i going off of i forget right here pardon me halt forte i need to turn right here and get up under this grass and then i'm actually fairly close by joe by joe toodle pip tootle pip tootle pip toodle pip [Music] tally ho tally ho tally ho this is it i'm like four blocks from the golf course if i get in the golf course i win you just said like no it's time for it [Music] halt [ __ ] dicks i forgot i can't say like tally ho pardon me freeway exit is up here halt toodle pimp toodle pip tootle pip fortissimo tally ho tally ho tally ho halt tally ho tally ho tally ho tally ho tal i said halt halt toodle pip please let this end two blocks i feel like i'm gonna die right here i have to be really really careful getting out of this spot forte toodle pip toodle pip toodle pip halt tally ho telly ho telly hoff fortissimo toodle pip tootle pif please i just have to go for it pardon me pardon me toodlepip toodlepip [Music] excuse me please excuse me excuse me it's right [ __ ] there i'm going insane stop oh my god i know i should have stopped i was just like i have to go for it i was freaking out for anybody who's been here for several hours you know that was real pain at the end i joined this stream for enjoyment not an absolute anxiety attack hey tomato tomorrow and that's how we learned the final lesson of being classy you must be patient because otherwise after literally nine hours of yelling at a scooter you'll [ __ ] it all up like 15 feet before the ending but that's okay because a gentleman never makes the same mistake twice no what i said i mean three times so get out your poodle tips it's time for the classiest gta 5 of my life fortissimo pardon me excuse me there's one car pardon me excuse me halt f sharp come on you can do it you can get up there come on you can do this yeah doodle pimp j crew jay what the [ __ ] jay leaf what is the name of it by jove fortissimo toodle pip tally ho tally ho [Music] one two blocks and i'm in the golf course and i win classy af please if i do it right now it won't be the longest stream of all time i'll end it right afterwards [Music] fortissimo i forgot how to stop i forgot how to stop excuse me halt pardon me fortissimo [Music] halt pardon me cortisone pardon me halt f sharp fortissimo excuse me holt fortissimo excuse me excuse me pardon me i'm going for it i'm just going for it excuse me excuse me excuse me please excuse me pardon me pardon me excuse me excuse me excuse me keep going you can make it please please and now finally finally we can play golf
Channel: DougDoug
Views: 2,690,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DougDoug, DougDoug Youtube Channel, Channel Youtube DougDoug, doug doug, twitch, twitch chat, dougdoug twitch chat, twitch chat plays, dougdoug twitch, gta 5, gta, grand theft auto, gta V, voice commands, voice, only my voice, vespa, scooter, classy, golf, golfing, golf course, challenge, funny
Id: tnNr087S9Ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 02 2022
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