Can you drive across GTA 5, using ONLY your voice?

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hey this is Doug Doug where we solve problems that no one has today I tried to play Grand Theft Auto 5 but using only voice commands now the goal of this challenge is to get from the town of chewmash up here down this long stretch of freeway all the way to the ferris wheel on the dock and you win once you've driven your car off of the docks at the end but you can only control the car by using voice commands meaning that I have to set up specific words to do something in the game itself to start out we created and named a few initial voice commands so that saying the word drive will move me forward saying left or right will move left or right and saying Drake will move me backwards we also added a dawn command for driving long which will move us forward for an entire 10 seconds all right we got a plan and it was time to begin [Music] dong dong left dogs working pretty well right right this is going surprisingly smoothly so far dog good left it's a hard G left left right right dong [ __ ] left left now you do have to turn left here onto the freeway okay we just got to get back on the freeway with Drake no no no oh draw dong left we're taking the scenic route let go let's just stay on the beach I guess dong right now if you try going on the beach instead of the freeway there's too many rocks and hills in the road to make any progress so in general lesson one stay on the road we might need to restart this run we also added some new commands here to give us more movement options including ping for a power left pong for a power right left to move forward left and fright to move forward right I'm ready okay let's do this dog left left left I think once we're on to that freeway we're in much better shape left dong dong dong [Music] right oh we're good dawn take the wheel left [Music] Oh pom pom all right see now I think we're doing right left right Drake we got a bail we got a bail so an important point here if you run into somebody they might get out of their car and come beat you up and you'll be defenseless with only voice commands so for lesson to avoid angry people I did want to add a voice command that gets back into the car though just as an insurance policy okay we need a command to get back in the car I need an F command I don't have one and after some debate with twitchchat we settled on using the word [ __ ] okay I'm going to add a command it's going to be called [ __ ] dong here we go dong oh right hmm right right damn it drive let's try the hills route maybe the hills is actually gonna be easier dong right left this might actually work and again lesson 1 stay on the road daang left beautiful so we just got to make it on to that on-ramp straight ahead of us and I mean we're pretty actually close to the end goal dong dong left dong left you know why are you turning right no no no no no stop right there why is it you're driving stop [ __ ] you [ __ ] what I didn't even say anything dude at this point it had become clear that the car wasn't really cutting it it just gets destroyed incredibly fast and instead we needed something sleek something modern something built for voice commands I think we should try a new vehicle I think that might help we could try with a motorcycle that might work an army trailer Wow ok got an air bus okay so we got bus as an option I'm voting for bus lesson three use a bus all right everybody let's get you to class let me line up a field trip all right [ __ ] field trip theme stream I'm loving it let me see it let you see if there's a yellow I think that works here we go let's go class dong dong laugh right left dawn left left laughs laughs all right we're taking the scenic route kids well and again lesson one stay on the road field trip time hopefully not into the ocean this time Freddie dong dawn then left dawn daang why isn't dong working unfortunately while our dong command had worked for the car it really was not enough power for a bus and we instead needed a command that would just permanently drive forward and after some debate with twitchchat we named this permanent command jesus take the wheel so the infinite one gonna be Jesus and then if we ever needed to stop the bus we added the command Satan Satan Satan you know actually they have they have custom skins in this game [Music] all right kids yeah Jesus is taking you to school and now we will get into our bus [ __ ] jesus take the wheel Oh baby [Music] it's [ __ ] field trip time right right oh right Jesus okay Jesus really wants to get to the ferris wheel right oh right right left left okay there's the on-ramp right oh come on oh right right sorry we're trying to kids on board right right right Jesus [ __ ] down jesus take the wheel right left left right oh right Jesus God right right [Music] it's learning time left okay right turns coming up left that's right left right right right right okay we're on the main dock no no no no no look out right right Jesus left okay nobody you already saw that left left Satan Satan Satan the best part about this is that anybody that we knock over with our bus Jesus could probably heal them afterwards so I think it's fair to say that we're not killing anybody jesus take the wheel left right left oh it's a lot of people right right oh Jesus will kill you later left Oh No okay we got a star left we got the ghouls we got the cops oh right okay clock is ticking right no no no ping [Music] jesus take the wheel it's a lesson for you got to stay in the center of the pier I hope you are all freakin ready let's do this Jesus take the [ __ ] wheel or jesus take the wheel oh [ __ ] left left again lesson one stale she's just take the wheel left left left excuse me left there we go we're good [Music] that's the ferris wheel straight ahead This Is It this is it lapin left-left I think we are in good shape I think the bus isn't that damaged we do not have the cops after us and we are good jesus take the wheel so coming up right here I missed to the freeway exit and then we had a bit of a detour because some guy got out of his car beat up Jesus and stole the bus but after about five straight minutes of back-and-forth wrestling Jesus finally knocked that guy out and got this field trip back on track jesus take the wheel right right right right right left left right right right right Oh baby okay Drake field trip still on let's go right right right everybody stay calm right jesus take the wheel kids you're gonna notice a little bit of a turbulence here left left right right Drake drink Freight okay we got two cops coming down the road at us we are at the ending if we can one-shot this not get stuck in anything we are good jesus take the wheel right right right right left [Music] that's perfect that's perfect okay we just go like this [Music] there's a few plants [ __ ] Satan Satan Satan break Drake [Music] what what what left-right great fright jesus take the wheel right right a little bit of turbulence kids nothing to worry about this is it this is it almost at the end almost at the end we just got it right right Satan Satan Satan that's it we just got to get through that Drake jesus take the wheel wait left know Satan Satan say great [Music] jesus take the wheel left welcome to class baby and that is how you drive across a city using only your voice I hope you enjoyed this educational field trip and thank you so much for watching I really appreciate it if you want to watch more dumb crap like this happen live then you should come to the twitch channel slash Doug Doug W there's a link below but basically just started live streaming a few days a week and it's actually been super super fun so if you're into that sort of thing and you want to watch stuff like this unfold live to come check it out with that said I do feel a little weird about uploading live stream content onto YouTube this is the first time I've done it so let me know what you think about this type of video cuz a lot of fun to make I could do a lot more of it but it is really different so curious your thoughts thanks so much I appreciate it you're the best [Applause] [Music]
Channel: DougDoug
Views: 6,435,462
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DougDoug, DougDoug Youtube Channel, Channel Youtube DougDoug, grand theft auto, gta5, gta 5, voice commands, gta with voice commands
Id: XvK4py0EE5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2019
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