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hello guys crispy here welcome back to another video in this B off friend I'm going to be testing a GeForce GT 1030 2 GB gddr5 in poke pal world yes this one is the MSI Arrow version of the card we are running it with the latest NV drivers and I'm not manually overclocking it you can see all of its specs right here in Tech powerups GPU Z again it's the gddr5 model the ddr4 is way slower than this one and over on the left wearing it with a ryzen 5 3600x and 16 GB of RAM in dual Channel ddr4 3200 MHz let's get into it shall we all right here we go guys let's go over the settings first as usual and I'm starting at 1080p resolution using the lowest settings with TSR and ta lising and uh yeah I I think we'll stick to low settings and with lower resolutions as well in a little bit because seeing how it ran on GTX 1060 I'm not really sure if this is going to be playable oh my God no way no way this is worse than I expect expected it to be holy crap we're getting 20s and it actually drops from 20 looking in this direction Jesus oh what the hell the draw distance for the bushes is insanely low on low settings look at that this can give you an advantage I mean this is not really a competitive title so you don't really want that but oh pal sphere oh hello what what happened hi dude uh is this my pile I think so yeah go fight that bastard over here over here here let's go buddy buddy come on can we play like this I'm going to try to capture rate 43% yeah that's not going to happen yep okay let's go let's go we can fight this one let's go I really want it it's level five you know all right there we go we got him we got him this time oh yes a new one so how how do I grab my my other one again hello oh my okay there we go the stering as well oh this is this is not doable guys and that motion blur we're still not able to disable it for some reason like it is disabled in the options menu but it's not actually disabled in the game itself I've already seen one person refunding the game because of that so please developers fix the options menu I also heard that dlss is not working in this game yet although we got an option for that um so yeah I'm not really sure cuz I haven't tested it still no no no no no no they definitely need to work on a lot of things okay it's still in Early Access though anyways this is not going to happen at 1080p with a gt130 I'm going to try to disable the anti aling maybe it's intensive for this card but with the GTX 1060 it only dropped the FPS by like one uh and yeah it's exactly the same thing without the TSR AA although it might look a little bit sharper right now and especially on low settings I think it actually looks a little bit better without TSR than it does with TSR whereas on the ultra settings or epic settings when I tested the GTX 1060 with and without TSR it looked better with TSR cuz the the finer details weren't really shimmery um but we don't really have a ton of finer details here on these settings anyways so there's that my friends this is it for 1080p I didn't even count the FPS but it's not playable so who cares right you know what I'm going to go home now which is on top of that hill over there oh my God the enemies also pop out of nowhere so I'm going to go to my house sleep the night off and then uh turn it down to 900p resolution which is probably still not going to be playable okay here we are again at, 1600 by 900 resolution this time lowest settings no AA and look at that guys we're actually getting 40s and 30s at least inside of the house but I got good news I already tried it for a little bit outside as well and it doesn't seem to be dropping from 30 so this is a massive oh it it does drop but it still it is a massive Improvement compared to 1080p for sure it's probably because of like the bandwidth of this card which is extremely slow you know it's also PCI Express 3.0 Time 4 yeah uh that hurts its performance a lot usually in a ton of titles and here dropping it down to 900p makes things a heck of a lot better and I think think this time it can actually be playable okay even if it drops here and there even with a stuttering issues the stuttering issues are just because this is a ue5 title all right u5 usually stutters a lot unless the games have a preload shaders feature which this one doesn't I mean you can't even change the full screen resolution in the settings you got to do it in the desktop and then then go back to the game and yeah it's just it's unfinished all right but that's okay because unfinished games can be good apparently now a lot of people are playing this game so it must be great right I'm just starting here I know how it feels already and I know to do how to do a few things I built that base over there it's beautiful it's much better than my house in real life because I don't have one at least to my name okay yeah it seems like an interesting game for sure with a lot of creatures as well running around they're cute and so on and it's dropping into the 20s a low 20s so I I just I you know what I take it back guys some parts of the game will be very playable with 30 plus FPS even 40 FPS at times but other parts of the game will drop like crazy like right here look at that nope since we're so much into the 20s now even the averages dropped to 29 right there for a second I don't think I will recommend 900p I was really impressed with the initial FPS but yeah it's it's crap anyway there's a reason why the GTX 1050 is the minimum required GPU for this game okay yeah I'm going to stop it there and now I'll drop it down to 720p right here in the desktop there we go and now here we have it guys 1280 by 720 resolution lowest settings I think we got like 13 more FPS s right now or like 14 more FPS we were seeing like 32 or 33 in this area and now we're in the 40s the mid 40s so finally this is probably going to be playable and not drop from 30 FPS I really hope so okay over here it dropped to like 27 or whatever it was and it's now dropping into the mid3 so like 10 more FPS in this area that's good all right and if you really like that first area that that you come across in Elden ring by the way is very similar all right anyway we're getting mid-30s low 30s at times in this area this means that probably in some few areas in the game it will still drop from 30 FPS but it's going to stay above 30 for the most part I'm just trying to make it drop now like looking this direction it's usually really intensive not really but I'm going to go up there and look at the entire map from above and maybe it's going to drop into like low 30s and high 20s but guys regardless of how much it drops I think this is actually playable this is getting very similar fps to the GTX 1060 at 1080p epic settings and I played for about like half an hour before I started recording that video at those settings oh no I picked up some things and now I'm slower I don't want these and finally we're here looking this direction 30s it's not even dipping into the low 30s guys I guess down there by the mara church or whatever that was uh it was a little bit more intensive than this 35 right here with the vegetation near us yeah it's it's probably safe to say or assume that this is going to stay above 30 FPS for the most part holy crap my boys have done huge piles of of of rocks I don't want that many rocks seriously uh who is slacking off what are you doing buddy you're going to sleep you know what I I'm going to grab you and bring you to your room so you can rest for a little bit let's go buddy look at that 60 FPS inside of the house that's pretty nice no no no no no no not there not there come on all right well he's sleeping who cares oh he woke up now okay even though this is playable guys and I would probably recommend you to buy the game if you really really are interested in playing this one if you have a gt1030 it's going to run as you can see just need to drop it down to 7 280p and also play on the lowest settings which look pretty bad in this game honestly even on the maximum settings it's it's nothing special really but it's all about game play and the adventure of playing this game and capturing the the pals and so on look at that 30 over here because we got some grass on screen I guess this grass is being rendered at the further distance the draw distance of it is not really um that small or short so it's dropping a little bit more into the mid-30s but I mean you could look fps to 30 and Achieve that consistent experience not going to be very smooth of course but it's going to be consistent at least so I would say they based their system requirements the minimum ones at 1080p low settings and the gt1030 is a good Contender to a system requirements GPU but at 720p low settings look at that oh boy oh boy it's dropping it's dropping with all of these trees down here 31 it dipped to like 30 previously but it's not really ding from 30 and obviously if you overclock your gt1030 by a little bit God the stuttering you can achieve a little bit higher FPS as well and make it even more stable instead of dropping to like 30 FPS flat it would only Dro like 32 33 whatever the point is it's playable feel free to buy the game okay lastly I kind of want to see if we can play at 800 by 600 res so I said it here on Windows there we go it is actually running at 800 by 600 now I'm going to set it to Windows right here oh it doesn't show interesting this is weird Okay so it is at 800 by 600 resolution now definitely because of the stretched res you know but we could actually go down if we played in Windows mode to like 480p I think I'm actually going to go back to 720p right here and do exactly that because I want to keep that 16 by9 look you know all right apply there we go this is window now wait can we actually set it to full screen while keeping the 480p resolution we were getting like 50 no no it's it's at 720p again oh boy come on why don't the resolutions work all right there is a work around though I I'm going to show you okay so you go to your Nvidia control panel and you want to go to change resolution customize and uh create a custom resolution right there and now you're going to type the resolution that we had inside of the game in Windows mode all right that is 854x480 854x480 test and now the capture card stops recording but all you need to do is accept or save the test say yes basically in the check box and here we have it we are at 480p P inside of Windows all right everything is very very crammed in and finally we're playing at 480p full screen guys there it is and getting 50ish frames per second in one of the most intensive areas remember this was dropping to like the 20s at 900p and the mid-30s to low 30s at 720p and we are at 60 FPS dropping down into the 50s this time around so if you want that smoother experience and you don't care about the resolution cuz you have a smaller monitor for example um this is this is a good way to play the game it's going to be that little bit more smooth than uh 720p is for sure there's quite a bit of uh scaling coming from a higher resolution to a lower resolution in terms of FPS for sure here with a gt1030 that's good to see CU in newer titles or at least with newer gpus you don't really see it that often that happens in pubg with like the gt710 I even play that 7p that seven vertical pixels everything was just basically a few pixels you couldn't really see anything obviously uh but yet it was getting exactly the same FPS as like 360p on that card that's because of the limitations but uh in this one it's good to see that it's it's very scalable and if you're okay with creating these custom resolutions and playing at really really low resolution you you can have a good experience and good thing the Graphics aren't really that impressive as well because that means that it will work pretty all right with these super low resolutions as well yeah it's pixelated but you can see pretty much everything so yeah that's been it for this one guys I I guess the next one should be the gt710 since we can actually play with these very very low resolutions but well stay tuned in for the next one then ooh dropping into the 30s over here seems like we found a new more intensive area all right interesting but it doesn't drop from 30 so it is playable feel free to buy a game if you want to again and I'll catch you in the next one very soon as always love you all bye-bye
Channel: zWORMz Gaming
Views: 23,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: i3, i5, i7, i9, graphics, gpu, card, benchmark, games, testing, test, fps, performance, zwormz, gaming, cpu, pc, computer, laptop, desktop, nvidia, geforce, gtx, rtx, intel, core, series, amd, gt, radeon, rx, 3000, 4000, top, gtx 1060, palworld gtx 1060, 6gb, 3gb, pascal, gtx palworld, game, palworld benchmark, palworld, pokemon game, pal world, pals world, new game, 2024, gt 1030, gt 1030 palworld
Id: _Mw6J1sRObw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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