An ignorant Vision Pro unboxing - Apple Vision Pro

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while I have put in my usual best effort to remain cloistered the Apple Vision Pro has been absolutely unavoidable in the news if you're even remotely connected to Tech so I already know all kinds of stuff about this thing like someone apparently got steamlink working on it so you can play your games with a gigantic screen the good news is everything I've seen has made me more excited about this device if you were hoping for the PC guy just hates on the thing you'll probably have to wait for the review over on LT for now I just want to see these displays and good Lord have they ever done a good job of making this thing feel like a few thousand wow look we develop a lot of merch around here okay and this is a really cool material I fix it has done a tear down already which I'm sorry I couldn't resist so I already know that removing the strap wow really is that easy which is important for I don't know cleaning the device and also for swapping out to one of the other straps that came off a bit more easily than I was expecting to their credit it's really easy to get aligned really fast to put back in place and I do like the magnetic Mount man the materials they feel really good it's got almost like a gel filled kind of feel for the face cushion this is my first time putting on a spatial computer oh one sec okay I really wanted that to go a lot more gracefully it pumps against the bridge of the nose a little bit there which could be a concern for certain experience but if you're using it to expand your Mac with a virtual desktop then that's less likely to be an issue and I've got to say even though I have seen some users talking about wearing it without the light seal just to get it in closer to their face and closer to their eyes to help with the weight distribution and the field of view I don't really feel at least initially like that's necessary maybe part of it is that a lot of the press and a lot of the users who are covering this are not VR enthusiasts necessarily but even though it's heavy what they've done a really good job of is keeping the weight in quite close to the face which is something I talked about in my big screen Beyond review okay what else we got in terms of accessories Does it include a charger I love that some reviewers complained about uh messing up their hair not an issue for me baby uh ah your size but more cushiony well that's something I want to try I'll have to see how it affects fov before I make a decision but that is more comfortable ah the other band so my understanding is this one's a touch heavier but is a little bit easier to kind of get it on there let's try the Dual Loop band real quick not going to lie guys there's no denying that this costs a lot of money but that doesn't necessarily mean that it is overpriced we've known Apple has been working on a mixed reality headset for many years somebody's got to pay for all that research and development and like them or not this has got a Macbook in it it's got an M2 processor with an 8 core CPU and 10 core GPU along with their new R1 spatial processor which is supposed to handle near zero latency pass through I think they're claiming about 12 milliseconds so that's less than 1 frame per second at 60 HZ so it's about one frame at 90 Herz I think incredible that doesn't necessarily mean it's worth spending the money on see there's three different answers potentially for this thing is it expensive yes is it overpriced no is it worth it that remains to be seen I definitely like the face hug fit of the default band but I can see how if you were wearing it for a very extended period of time this could be goodish personally I prefer the angle to go a little bit more to the back though like a little bit more wrapping around the back of the head I think this is the first time in as long as I can remember that I've actually done a prop prop ER unboxing and really looked at everything that's in the box cuz I care see people think I'm some kind of apple hater but guys you can like a product without necessarily agreeing with everything that a company does I love my airpods Pros look there it is a charging brick so they can do it I mean all the laptops come with charging bricks so I guess the precedent is there for it unboxing the battery the first thought that I have is thank goodness this isn't also strapped in your face uh this side uses that hidden lightning connector we will never be free of it Sim removable tool will pop that out and then you've got a USBC input that handles charging for the compute displays that are all in here Apple boasts that these displays have a total of 23 million pixels allowing you to use this not only as a virtual private theater but even to expand your desktop and use it for productivity that is the use case I'm most interested in we were just working on a review of a foldable laptop and I loved the idea a of being able to quickly do something or unfold my screen put it on its little kickstand and really get to work well that's basically this I'm going to switch over to the other band let's fire this thing up there's no way that at the price this thing shouldn't come with a carrying case that includes lens protectors that is an essential accessory especially when you consider that Apple obviously knows that because they do include a protector for the front like they don't mind if you damage it in a way that affects the user experience but heaven forbid you damage it in a way that affects how good it looks to other people while you're wearing it just Apple priorities man everything about this comp anyway doesn't matter the point is let's fire it up please tell me it makes the Mac boot up sound please tell me it makes the Mac boot up sound please tell me it makes the Mac boot up sound it does nothing if you don't plug in the battery one moment please Hey Little Apple logo man the iix it te on of this thing is something else all the different layers that they had to put into this front glass to achieve that look oo not going to lie would have preferred the old boom there's a massive array of infrared LEDs and IR cameras inside to help with eye tracking so that's going to be one of the big pros and cons of this device Pro you don't need controllers con you don't have controllers at least for the time being all right press and hold to the line whoa it automatically adjusts the ipd for you this pass through is incredible I really want to adjust this angle right here and I cannot it doesn't it's sitting really hard against here there it is Boom here it goes green cap you guys get to see what I'm seeing now saw quite a few complaints about the field of view you know what obviously it's not as good as the top headsets on the market but to their credit Apple doesn't have nearly as much internal pancake lens glare as I saw on the big screen Beyond and if that's the price they had to pay I'm okay with it oh man we got cargo pants cominging LTD boom Apple Vision Pro pocket got them oh wait wait hold on hold on hold on please oh my God this pocket's perfect for it we're ahead of the curve baby coming soon okay what are we doing all right dbrand is offering you a unique opportunity of double or nothing our sponsor money if you're able to dodge all of these things that I throw at you what while you're wearing the Apple Vision Pro I'm going to dodge them all okay I accept the challenge I got a able manage myself we're going back to headphones boys the very thing Apple swore to kill okay okay well that was easy oh you couldn't hit the broadside of a barn brother right oh you know what this is too easy who you can't do that whoa whoa who why you throwing 3D printed trophies at me that's all I got I expect Double D br I assume dbrand also wanted us to pimp their overpriced stickers right they are not supporting The Vision Pro because I don't know then you couldn't have the creepy pass through eyes effect hey but iPhones MacBooks consoles all kinds of other devices really short man why am I so Gass hey here we go let's get creepy oh my God I'm you stop stop this is great hi I'm Jake bance I have a deep voice subscribe to short I I can't even fake it refine your hands up okay sure capture complete oh boy I have a feeling uh on to continue got a feeling that's not going to look too good so you're you're going to notice oh that is terrible do I look like that I mean they really captured my totally crooked eyes so that's an accomplishment check this out Belle well I'll see you in the FaceTime oh yeah okay okay yeah okay okay facetime that is really something you know it does look like you oh well that's a disappointment oh yeah oh I didn't know that you can see my hand so if I was like this then yeah thanks thanks for your compliments knowing Apple I'm surprised they don't sensor it you know how they like censor stuff if you dictate to Siri and it has swear words in it hello call controls at some [Music] point looking at the dot does not bring up the controls I have to look at the call can I actually resize it myself doesn't really look like it why this reminds me of how when you're viewing a picture and Apple's photos app you can only zoom in so far and then it'll just be like no why who cares just let me make it bigger I want to I want a giant movie theater size Jake bons here we go here we go this I'm pretty excited wow does that ever look good holy crap balls oh micro OLED baby got those deep blacks that resolution though wow now we saw some cool stuff at CES this year around future micro OLED Tech in terms of brightness and pixel density that is going to make this even better but today right now that is pretty usable you can only have one window why oh you know what it's probably a link speed issue cuz that's pretty high res so this one I get cuz your wireless linked I can see why they don't want you putting up like four different monitors it would just choke the connection out but there are some arbitrary limitations uh like the fact that Bluetooth keyboards work Bluetooth magic Trackpad works but Bluetooth mice apparently don't work at least officially okay I want I want to watch can I watch an HDR video now just a gosh darn second here I want my audio to come through this it's it's not showing up is there any way to interact with this with Gest doesn't really look like it seems like I just have to use the trackpad which if all you really want is a gigantic virtual display I mean mission accomplished I guess right okay let's say I wanted to browse my photos now though so I could move this I don't know over here so now can I just oh yeah there it is and it acts like a little iPad accessibility dot mouse thing oh okay spatial ooh spatial video of a car oo ah it makes sense that something so far away would have less depth to it in this case I don't think the spatial of it is really adding a lot but this Vista o this picture though this panamic picture that is cool that's less like I remember taking this picture that's more like I remember when I was there very cool I would like to watch an HDR video oh wait this is not available in Canada yet it's not available anywhere figures give me that HDR can I can I use this oh no I I unpaired it hold on let's see if I can hello no I don't know I thought maybe if I tap it NFC I'm kidding relax it's really a shame that the MacBook display doesn't stay lit oh I want to change my environment I want to be in VR so I can really see the Deep blacks of this OLED can you can you just put it in just VR mode no what if I just block the cameras then it's just the inside of my hand oh yeah there we go okay I'm 100% on the moon now good gravy is this display ever good still work to do for text if you're used to you know a retina display or something like that not the best I've seen for automatic background removal but it's still solid here we go HDR um why is it defaulting to 720 fine 720 videos that we end up making almost entirely by accident meet the Alexa 35 on AR's website they brag that most big Productions are that's pretty figuring out exactly how the eye tracking is pretty amazing something to note guys is the Vision Pro uses fiated rendering meaning it renders at a higher resolution where you are looking so in our screen capture if you're looking where I'm not looking it might be a little blurrier your mileage may [Music] vary there's just a couple more first impression things the speakers did not wow me I would use my airpods pros and in the time that I've been sitting here using it we managed to use up about a quarter of the battery that's not bad if all I want to do is just experience it for a little bit but it's not going to be great if you're trying to get through a workday with oh it's warm wait did you see my eyes in the past through thing it's pretty hard to see oh okay apparently there's a lot of Reflections hello lonus I'm here in the void can you see me oh wow and I can see your eyes it's weirdly 3D okay it's like looking at a 3DS screen cool you know what else you can do a little bit subscribe to short circuit and make sure you're subscrib to LTT for the full review I'll be spending realistically a while on this is it going to be worth switching to a Macbook guess I'm going to find out
Channel: ShortCircuit
Views: 1,240,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shortcircuit, SC, unboxing, first impression, tech, gadget, home, fun, buy, apple vision pro, apple, vision pro, VR, AR, XR, mixed reality, virtual reality, WFH, office, display, monitor, cool, passthrough, expensive, luxury, eyesight
Id: IZxPuVn8fGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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