Palworld: EASY Lag & Stutter Fixes

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today we're going to be talking about how you can reduce lag in pal world and we're going to talk about how you can reduce stuttering and how you can reduce just general lag because people are having issues with both of those and there are fixes that's the good news now the bad news is if you're having an issue only when you connect to a server so if you can play locally fine so you're just playing your own game playing solo no big deals you connect to a server and then it starts lagging the issue isn't with the game the issue is either you're on the Hub too much you're uploading too much something's going a little weird so you it could be your internet connection what that means is basically just stop out their downloads stop other their uploads just play the game um that that's going to help with the internet if it is your internet otherwise it could be on the server end of things and in that case if it's your server you're probably going to need to find a new host and if it's not your server you're probably going to need to find a new server or you're just going to have to deal with a lag internet lag is one of those things that's very hard to fix the other thing you could do is try to get closer if you're on Wi-Fi try to get closer to the Wi-Fi access point that can can help too now let's get into some graphics settings because that's probably going to be fixing a lot of issues for a lot of people so there's the obvious thing you can do is just move everything down to very low and see if the game runs without lagging if it does then all you've got to do is just play with some of these settings and get the optimal setting for you just to give you some pointers texture quality that's probably going to affect both the graphics card but it's also going to affect the ram so if you got a system that's really low on RAM maybe just bump that texture quality all the way down you can probably do the same thing with the effects quality but I don't think that is going to have much impact bump those all the way to low and see if that helps and you can keep everything else where it is if you got GPU issues if you're a little bit low in the paint when it comes to GPU you're running 2 in you know what I'm talking about what you're going to want to do is mess with the view distance bump that all the way down to low so there's just not as much stuff loading in Grass detail because there's grass all over the place and especially if you're running around in grassy areas and getting lag grass detail is going to do a do wonders Shadows bump that down effects quality and texture just bump it all down as is is going to help play with your settings and see what works for you some people love great grass and don't care about shadows and other people want to throw shade all day long so now when we get into some other things that you can play around with that you probably wouldn't think of you've got the field of view moving that all the way down to 70 it does make the game look a little bit more condensed but it is going to help there's a little bit less on your screen which means there's less for your GPU to render which means there's less tax on it now the other thing you can do is go into screen mode change it to windowed and then you can change that screen resolution as far as you want to go if you go down to 60/40 by 360 you're a bit of a masochist but that will help you run the game without lag issues so we've gone over all the settings and everything like that I've done it as fast as possible if you please hit subscribe that's going to help the channel but there's one more thing I've got to say and this would be regarding stuttering I did talk about this in the beginning of the video and this is the last one because this is the most complicated fix so I'm hoping everything up till now fix things if it did just leave the video right now but if you're still having stuttering issues there are some mods that you can go on Nexus mods and download these mods are going to help fix stuttering and some just general performance issues so if you're NE getting stuttering and you're just having lag even on very low or you want to try boosting your presets or your settings up to Epic and you're getting lag the these mods could help so there's one mod that both these mods are pretty early days right there's an MTP bw- pel world mod so I know this has been working for other games so this is it's probably going to help it's probably going to help reduce l a lot of people have said it does help reduce lag and performance issues and it also does take away some of the stuttering issues and then there's another specific mod that fixes stuttering issues and this would be called stutter fix I'm going to post links to both of these mods it's still early days when it comes to Pal World modding so likely these things are going to be updated there's going to be better mods if you're watching this video even like two weeks in the future I'm going to try and keep linking Down Below in the description but if you find something great please let me know anyways thank you so much for watching until next time peace
Channel: CerealOverdrive
Views: 16,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld fps boost, palworld best settings, palworld settings, palworld lag fix, palworld fps, palworld fps fix, palworld low end pc, how to boost fps in palworld, palworld optimization, palworld fps guide, more fps in palworld, fps boost, palworld stuttering, palworld fix, palworld stuttering fix, palworld mods, palworld performance, palworld lag, palworld lag spikes, lag fix, lag fix palworld, fps palworld, fps boost palworld, pal world, palworld
Id: GMRjMzyebzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 59sec (239 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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