Grow Huge, Lush Philodendron, Hoya & Other Vines: 9 Secrets You Need to Know!

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welcome back you guys how are you my name is Amanda from Plant arena and I thank you for joining me on these videos and I thank you for subscribing and I just think just thank you for all those things today I think I want to talk about how to grow very large and long vines vines like philodendron finds like Hoya and vines like senecio like string of pearls and string of bananas because I've been asked a lot like how does your how are your plant so long how are they so lush there's a couple of things that I I do personally and also things that are done prior to me getting these plants specifically when they're grown a lot of it has to do with how they're grown and I'm gonna start with the first thing that you need to consider and the first thing you need to consider is the soil if the soil is nice and light and has enough coco coir or peat moss in it and has enough compost and also amendments that actually let the soil drain or let the water drain from the soil because if the soil is too compact you have an issue right off the bat so good soil is like the first thing you really need to consider when you're propagating or when you are growing from cuttings any type of vine right because most of these vines I'm gonna show you now you can propagate either soil propagate or water propagate that goes into soil eventually so soil is the main thing it's like it is the basis of good health for your plants before I get into the next thing that's important for growing big full lush vining plants hanging plants is that I'm going to be doing videos on Plant Arena on the website planter Netcom in addition to the videos I'm doing on YouTube so I'm gonna take a little element of what I'm talking about here and do a little extra footage a little exclusive video on the website so you guys are you know feel free to check that when you have a chance and I'll probably doing it twice a week that's that's the plan okay so now we talked about the soil the second thing to consider is where you're getting your cuttings from where are these plants coming from what kind of condition these plants are in you want to start with healthy plants healthy vines like vines that look but viable this is a Brazil philodendron and I would feel very confident taking cuttings from this plant and propagating them and because they just look good they're in good health there's no pests it's been growing very successfully for I don't know how long maybe about a year I don't know it's I think it's been about a year so take cuttings from healthy plants you can you know you can try taking cuttings that you found on the floor but you're better off taking cuttings that have healthy cells that are looking good and start with healthy plants that is absolutely key and when you are starting with healthy plants you can propagate it two different ways you can propagate them directly into soil so you can take your cuttings and you put them right into soil and then the process will start the process of recovery of those cuttings will start in the soil or you can water propagate and when you water propagate them it's very cool because you get to see the roots grow but you have to transition those cuttings up that were grown in water to a soil medium it's a little trickier but you can do it I know you can do it so those are two ways you can propagate these plants here this is really this is actually very important this is a Hoya Poobah calyx and super pretty and I'm just gonna tell you when you are you see all these crazy vines these are this is the new growth don't cut that new growth don't cut the new growth that's not a good thing these will eventually look like this so but when you're taking the cuttings for propagating take a lot of cuttings take as many as you can because the fuller you make your pot the fill out the or cuttings you put in your pot the fuller your plants going to be so if you're if you're taking cuttings for like a four inch pot plant like this oops I almost got that in my eyeball this is a hoya tricolor and if you're putting cuttings in like a 4-inch sized pot like this is I would recommend putting like four to six meet at the four to six or to six cuttings in here because then you're gonna get a nice full plant like this if you put one cutting in it's gonna be just one one vine it's gonna be one vine it's not gonna look like this so really we grow them like this in the greenhouse because we want them to be nice and fall and the other thing you're gonna lose one or two so the more you have in here the better chance you have of having a nice full plant like this and if you're doing if you're taking cuttings for like a six inch plant you probably want like I'd say twelve to fourteen twelve to fourteen cuttings and if you're planting in a I'll just use this example again and a hanging a basket that's like an eight inch the diameter plant you could do like twenty to twenty-five and you can just get as many as you can in because like I said you're going to have some loss but you just want a nice Bowl plant you want a nice full plant and that's a major key and having long lush beautiful vining slash hanging plants lighting lighting is key where do you put your plants where do you put your newly propagated newly planted plants you need good lighting if you put them in too dark of a spot you're not gonna do much they're not gonna grow much they're gonna take a long time to grow so I recommend when you're propagating like philodendron and pothos and sango Neum like this guy over here okay this is a single and you might butterfly and this is growing up a pole it's getting really big and full there are a lot of cuttings in here just just want to prove my point you need a lot of cuttings to get a full plant like this but if you're putting these types of plants like philodendron put those skin daxus listen Zingo Neum they need medium to bright light they can handle medium light for sure and they can survive in low light but they really want medium to bright an indirect light so that we're really ensure that these plants stay and grow nice in full but if your hold on let me just put this down a little bit fragile then we've got this Hoya rich ISA I'm gonna have to put this on my lap because I know if you can see it there the better this is the better side if you're propagating Hoya Russa or or coil in an heiress or any type of Hoya for that matter bright bright indirect to light bright bright right on the top because if you don't have this the light on the top this sits right underneath the window that gets what West Western lights in the afternoon and look it's still holding on to its hair it's still not bald it's doing really well and you can tell also because this foliage is nice and full so lighting really makes a difference because in a poorly lit area your vines are not going to grow that long and lush and they'll grow but the more light that better that's all I'm saying that's all I'm saying about that okay so I'm gonna put you down and not destroy your foliage there you go also succulents like stirring the pearls stir with bananas need a lot of light on the top this I think has been over watered is very heavy it's very heavy but this has been outside on the porch so string of pearls string of bananas I have them up there want the light on top and they want bright bright indirect light they can even tolerate some direct light in the morning depends on where you are in the world but you know even if it's indoors it can just actually like it anyway just wanted to let you know any succulent type like Doughboy is like the SUNY issue is the like a lot of light I said that 13 times I'm sorry so now that you've transplanted your cuttings into some soil or water and then you put them in to some soil after they've grown roots in the water how often do you water them that's a big question that's not a big question it's just a question you water them you want to keep the water you want to keep the soil moist for the first few weeks because those roots need to grow and the cuttings will just desiccate if they're not getting any water so you really want to keep keep the soil moist until you really feel like it's rooted out when you can tug on it a little bit and they don't come flying out of the soil they're starting to take root then you might want to back off a little bit on the water and just kind of watch it the foliage looks like it's getting a little you know not so happy and and kind of drooping a little bit or getting a little puckered time to water you can also pick up the plant and feel the plant that really gives you a good indication when to water it but just touch it touch it if its moist don't water it if it's dry water it but anyway you'll be doing this over time and as it starts to develop roots more then you back off and then eventually you go to your regular watering regimen where you water when the soil is dry especially with these guys all of these guys like to dry out between watering okay so just keep your eye on them let's talk about fertilizing so yeah you need to fertilize fertilizing helps these guys grow it really does and when you are making your soil mixture the when you're putting in compost possibly I don't even know if I talked about that and I skipped over that but when you are creating your soil mixture for your propagations you want to add some sort of some amendment that is that has nutrients like a compost and I use worm castings mainly and but you can use others because whatever you can find is as long as it's sterile and clean but after I've done that after these cuttings have been sitting and growing for about a month or so until I know they're rooted maybe two months it depends on the light the temperature it depends on those two things are really important and humidity so once I know these are resource a but I actually use a liquid fertilizer too in addition to the compost that's in the soil these guys use a lot of the lot of nutrients they're just looking for it and they're sucking it up and you can add more dilute it to like a quarter of the strength whatever you're using I use fish emulsion I put a little chelated iron in it but if you're using a complete liquid fertilizer just like the blue kind just dilute it and do it almost every time you're watering they're gonna like it and this just really dilute it to like a quarter of the strength but anyway that's just that's my trick and it works it says another thing you can do to keep your your vines and your hanging plants bushy you can cut back designs and that will encourage growth from where you cut so cut right before the node in this case and then another vine will start growing out from where you've made the cutting and then take those cuttings and propagate them but you can also just let them grow long because eventually what's gonna happen more vines are gonna grow from these areas they're gonna Bush out and feel in so but it does help keep your plant bushier if you cut back the vines I like them long so you know it's you got to figure out what you like into it because I sometimes don't want to cut them and then sometimes I do because I want to show you guys how to propagate and I cut the vines and I regret it but then I'm happy because I have a bushy plant how long does it take get plants this long you know it depends I said I think I said earlier depends on the light it depends on if you fertilize it depends on the temperature it depends on the humidity and you know if there's lots of things that it depends on and and also it depends on your patience it might take up to a year for your plant really took have the roots fill in and start growing in cascade just give the time and if you find that they're really not growing move it closer to a better light source maybe closer to the window or add a grow light encourage it and fertilize it a little bit more in the growing season I forgot to mention that you might always have a growing season and then therefore your plants will probably grow faster right if you have a very short growing season they might grow slower so it all depends it's really hard to say but just don't give up okay and in trouble shoot if you see that nothing's happening that means something's going on okay so I'm gonna wrap this up and just tell you guys that some plants do grow faster than others like this lemon philodendron lemon lime lemon philodendron that sing go neom white butterfly the philodendron Brazil the golden pothos which I never even spoke about I didn't even show you but they grow fast they grow really fast even even like the string of bananas when they're happy and their roots are completely developed they grow fast ones that grow slow are Hoyas this Hoya tricolor that's a tricolor the Hawaii Australis pulled that fast they grow kind of slow I don't know what I said if I said faster so what I meant slow there are much slower growers Australis actually grows faster than the tricolor and the matusa they just take a lot longer to get moving so give them a little bit of time and have some patience and think about where they are living and that'll really indicate how fast are gonna grow okay so that's it guys thank you so much I do appreciate it I hope you have a fabulous weekend I hope these tips helped I really do because you know you can have big full lush plants like this it's just start with good soil start with healthy cuttings fertilize it put it in the right light and you're gonna have you're gonna have big bushy plants like this I can't guarantee it I'm just trying to help you get to that point I've got a really good weekend and thank you for subscribing and if you do want to see a little extra video go to our website on a home I'm gonna try to try to upload or post I don't know what you do on the website to a week that's my plan and I hope I stick with it black eyes thank you again see you soon see you next week
Views: 167,994
Rating: 4.961113 out of 5
Keywords: Indoor plants, houseplants, house plants, plants, best plants, best houseplants, large plants, big houseplants, interior plants, vining plants, hanging houseplants, propagating indoor plants, hoya, pothos, money plant, string of pearls, philodendron
Id: c46NJNkVDOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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