All you need to know about Epipremnum Aureum Pothos

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hi and welcome to Swedish plant guys today we're going to give you all you need to know about the pothos or the EPI premium our realm plant now if you liked this video please subscribe to our channel and hit that bell as well so you get a notification every time we put up something new and we always always like that thumbs up as well if you like the video and please of course share with your friends let them know about the channel now as usual we will divide this video up into four parts you have the purchase the planting the placement and the care of the plant and it is in the description below we will put the time stamps so if you want to you can skip forward however we always recommend you to watch the entire video to get all of the information about this plant now starting off with the purchase now there are a lot of different names for this plant and the most commonly used one is actually pothos in english-speaking countries here in sweden we call it Google danke and what we're usually talking about then is this variety here this is the golden pothos or golonka in swedish but you have a lot of different names for it like the devil's ivy or the hunter's robe or a couple of them the scientific name for this plant is AP premium our realm or if you want to be even more specific every premium P not'm our realm and the RM as actually used the golden pothos which is this variety and this is one of the most used indoor plants in the entire world so there are probably 40 or 50 more names for this plant but there are also a couple of varieties so when you go out to purchase this plant you need to know that as well now first of all when you go out to buy a Pozos you need to consider where you are planning on placing it in your home because the golden pothos the normal golden pothos can actually placed almost anywhere in your house but the different varieties can't and I'll show you why we have a couple of different one this here I have this one here this is the neon pothos which actually have a neon green color on the leaves and it looks like this all the time it's not sick it's not there's not a problem with this plant it's supposed to look like this this is a neon pathos and we have the marble Queen which is this variety here which has a little bit more of a white variegated color than the golden pothos which is a little bit more yellowish in the variegated form and we also have the silver pothos but the silver process is actually not opposed this is actually a scientific name for this plant its Sheen Dobbs's pictus so it's not really a pothos but it's called silver pathos now this plant differs so much in how you take care of it and how where to place it and in almost every aspect so we are actually going to make a separate video on this plant so when we're talking about the pathos do not consider the silver pros because it is a quite it's quite different from the other ones and the last variety I have here is the Manjula pathos now the Manjula is actually a combination of the neon and the marble Queen it's a combination of those two and what has happened is that you get another type of variegated color on the on the leaves and also it has the tip of the leaf here is a little bit twisted and you can never undo Stitz you cannot lay it down on a flat surface because it is twist in a quite a strange way actually but this is the Manjula version of the pothos now all of these varieties not the silver pros but all of the others or you take care of it exactly the same way as you do with the normal golden pothos so but when you go out to buy it you need to consider which one you want because in every type of plant when you have a variegated form it means that it cannot withstand a dark position in your home because all of the green in the variegated forms here all of the green spots on the leaves or where the photosynthesis is taking place the photosynthesis is how the plant absorbs light and creates those sugars and starch starches that actually feeds the plant so when you have a variegated form if you have white spots on it it means that it doesn't photosynthesize as much as a plant that has all green leaves now a couple of these varieties have white big big white spots on the leaves like the Manjula here is almost all white on a couple of the leaves which means that it doesn't photosynthesize as much it also means that you need to place this a little bit brighter than you would with the normal golden pothos so that is the first thing you need to consider when you go out if you need one of the varieties that doesn't have that much green in them you have to put them in a lighter spots however the golden pothos is one of the simplest and most easiest plants to take care of so but if you need one of the others put them a little bit lighter now when you're out the quality of the plant doesn't have to be as important as with other indoor plants because the it's so easy to grow even if you get a poor quality plant you will probably get it to grow just as fine it will be just as big and lush as if you bought a very expensive more quality pothos but as always try and look at the roots the poles all varieties of pothos has quite an extensive root system so what it should look like is that when you're out in the shop just loosen the soil a little bit and take a look at the roots as you can see on this plant here it has an extensive root system it covers all of the pot some of the leaves or some of the roots are actually even trying to go out of the pot this is good when you buy you both those if it looks like this but if it doesn't it's not that much of a worry you can still buy that one but also check when you buy this plant maybe there are 10 different golden pothos for you to choose from so which one should you choose well look at how many starters there are in the pot now starters is how many stocks that are coming out of the soil so you just check and see one two three four five I think I have six or seven starters in this pot here now choose the plant that has the most amount of starters because that will give you a more fuller plant quicker than if you choose one with less starters another thing is that just look at the leaves how are the leaves looking they should be on a path as they should be quite shiny and healthy you shouldn't have a lot of brown spots or brown edges or something on them if they have that and maybe choose another plant now the all of the posts are never bought for the flowers because you will probably never forget a flower on your pothos they can flower but usually they only flower when they are growing outside in the natural habitat and the vines need to be 35 40 45 feet long before it even can start to create a flower so you will never get that indoors so you buy the post purely for the green foliage and the way it grows now when it's time to transport your pothos from the store make sure that it doesn't get too much cold if it's in the wintertime and you know that it's cold outside please have the shop wrap it in plastic or paper or something it's not that sensitive it's not as sensitive like a Dracaena or something but I would recommend you to cover it with something but if it's in the summertime you don't have to do anything because it's not that picky when you transport it but if it is below about 1516 degrees Celsius please cover it in something before you transport it and if it's really really cold outside make sure that you're transporting at home inside of a car or a bus or something that has heat in it so that you don't expose it to the cold for a long period of time because then you could have problems moving on to the planting of your newly purchased pothos when you get it home like I've said a couple of times before it it is a very easy plant to care for which we will take up later on in this video but and you don't have to repot this plant immediately usually when you get home you can use the plastic pots that it comes in but as you still saw before here this plant is quite rootbound however the pothos actually likes to be quite rude it likes to have very compact root system so you don't have to report it immediately but if you want to report it it can handle a report in a large pot with a lot of soil around it however we recommend you to actually report it just in one size bigger or maybe two size bigger of a pot and this is because as I said it likes to be a little bit root bound so when it starts to grow out into that new soil it's a goes quite quickly for it to be a little bit root down if these this plant should be to root bound if it doesn't have enough soil around the roots if it has grabbed ahold of the pot so hard that you have a problem to just pull it out of the pot you could get that you could know that because some of the leaves could actually start to just drop off and you don't know why it looks healthy there's not a problem there are no burnt edges there nothing is wrong but it just starts to lose some of the leaves and it's usually the oldest leaves that just drop straight off that could be that it has become too root bound that is one way to say okay it's time to repot it and then you report it in one or two sizes bigger and then it will be happy again you don't have to use any special kind of soil for your Botha's it works fine in almost any type of soil so just go out and buy a standard soil to plant it in however it doesn't want to have too much water in the soil so we always recommend you to buy a soil that has a good drainage or you can you can get that drainage yourself by mixing it up with some pumice or maybe some perlite to just get a little bit more drainage in that soil because one of the most one of the things that this hate is to stand in water that also means that when you report when you replant this we always recommend you to replant it in a pot that has drainage holes because then you will know quite easy if it's it's standing in water because you will see in the outer pot that you have water in the bottom of the pot if you plant this in a closed container you will not know if you'd standing in water in the bottom of the pot so make sure you have drainage holes because it makes it that much easier for you to know that it has the amount of water it wants you could also plant this in a in a pumice mix a we have a video called all you need to know about pumice and in that we tell you how to use pumice and we say pure pumice but it's actually a promise mix between pumice clay and long-term nutrients but that is perfect for this plant it really really thrives the roots grow even faster and get even more extensive in pumice than it does in normal soil and it goes really really fast you could also use a self watering system I have one here this is the Mandula pothos that is planted in a self watering system it works perfectly as well what happens is that the plant will send out water roots down to the water reservoir in the bottom and those roots will be water roots so when we say that this plant likes to dry out a little bit that doesn't mean in a self watering system because it will get water roots in a self watering system but if you use pumice or if you use normal soil and plant it normally it's good to have the drainage holes so that it doesn't stand in water because then it will get root rot and you will damage to the plants now we have both the all you need to know about pumice video and we have it all you need know about self watering system video we'll put that in the description below so you can go and watch that if you want now the pathes is a vine plant it has long long vines that it continues to grow and can be very very long so when you plant this in a pot you have to make a choice you could plant it in a normal pot but you have to know that it will grow out of that thought and just continue to try and grow on your windowsill or on the table where you put this plant you could also plant it in a hanging pot like this and let the vines just hang down from it but you could also try and make the plant climb which is actually what it does in its natural environment now we have this variety here is actually planted with a type of metal wire that it's growing on and then you can have it as a standing plant like this it really doesn't matter which one you choose however our experience is that when the Pozos gets to climb it actually grows quicker and I think that is some form of genetics in the plant because in its natural habitat it starts down in soil level and it usually there are a little there's not much light at soil level so it needs to climb on something like a tree trunk or so to get to that light so if it grows faster that's better for the plot because it reaches the light quicker that way now epic premium is actually a Greek 4fp which is on and Prem gnam which means basically branch or trunk so on trunk so it is a descriptive name for this plant so if it can grow it's actually good for the plant but you need to know as well that these vines can grow on anything so if you put this plant on your windowsill and it has a wall next to it the vine here is actually going to grow out to the wall and then it's going to climb by itself what it does it that it sends out small air roots from each node and that air root has the capacity to grab ahold of basically anything it can grab ahold of the wall you can grab ahold of if you have a cloth in your drapes you can climb on anything and it doesn't need a metal wire to guide it it will climb itself so if you don't want that then you need to give it something else to climb on otherwise it will find it itself moving on to the placement of the pothos now like I said before depending on which both those you use that will tell you where to put it in your house now starting off with the normal golden pothos now this is the most common one and probably the one that you will be getting to your home this plant can be placed almost anywhere in your house it can be placed in any direction however we would recommend you to avoid the southern direction or the direction where it gets a lot of direct sunlight all of the day because that can burn the plant it can also make the green turn a little bit yellowish and it doesn't have that nice coloring anymore but it will survive in full full sunlight but that is not the optimum placement it needs a lot of direct sunlight but you could also place it in the middle of the room and it will grow it will survive however you need to give it a little bit less water and also the size of the leaves will become a little bit smaller and if you place it in a dark spots what will happen is that the nice variegated coloring that gives it the name golden pothos will start to disappear and most of the leaves will turn more green instead if you have it in a dark spot if you have it in a very very light spot it's the opposite you will get a lot of these nice variegated coloring on the leaves so it's basically up to you you can place it almost anywhere but where you place it will determine how the plant will look further on but if you choose another variety like I said before if you should choose the neon for instance or the marble Queen which has more of these variegated white coloring or as the neon here it almost looks like it's losing its colour both of these need more lights because otherwise they will turn dark green so if you want to continue to have them looking like this you need to have them in a light spot otherwise they will degree another thing to consider is that if you place it in a very light spot you will get bigger leaves you will also get smaller Internode's now whether what I mean by that is the more light the bigger the leaves and also smaller Internode's now internode is the distance between every node we have one node here that sends out one leaf we have another node here that sends out so no leaf now the inter node is the distance in between those nodes if you place this plant in a darker spot the inter nodes will be longer in between all of the leaves if it's placed very light they will be shorter this means that the plant will look fuller if it gets more light and it will look a lot leggy if it doesn't as you see here they plant has been growing somewhere where you have quite long inter notes in between each leaves it also has smaller leaves which tells me that this this plant has been growing a little bit darker than this plant here which has shorter endured inter notes and bigger leaves that is also something to consider when you when you're placing this plant somewhere now if you choose to place your plant somewhere where they where it gets a lot of direct sunlight for instance in a southern window like I said before it could survive in that placement but but make sure that it doesn't get a lot of burnt brown spots on the leaves because that is a direct indication that you have put it in a to light spots now concerning the pathos you do not need to consider the humidity like you have to when it comes to for instance a philodendron or a monstera that really needs that high humidity to really become full and lush it's not that picky the pothos is not that picky however if you have a high humidity it will grow foster and grow more than if you if you have it somewhere where you have a very low humidity however it won't affect the plant you won't see any difference on it and another thing is as usual drafts this can be a big problem for some plants if you place it somewhere in the wintertime where you open the window for instance and you get a lot of drafts on it however the posters usually doesn't react to that at least if it's not a very very cold just a little bit of a draft is not a problem but if it's really cold outside then move your plants from that drafty window until you've closed it again or until you know that the draft is gone and also avoid placing it directly above a radiator in the wintertime because that heat and that low humidity that that is being generated from the radiator could make the leaves start to droop a little bit it looks a little bit sad however it will survive that placement but if you wanted to continue to look very healthy then a straight above a radiator is not the place for it in the wintertime moving on to the care of the plot it is a super easy plant to care for so everything we say in this video is actually constructed to make your plant thrive because almost anyone can take care of this plant it's really really easy however if you do it in a certain way you will get a really nice lush and full plant now first off first off is the watering how much water does it want well the golden pothos and all the other types of pothos actually likes to dry out a little bit in between waterings so when you water this plant water it a lot let the access water drain out and then you just let it dry out a little bit use your finger to just feel on top of the soil if you have a bigger pot then push your finger down into the soil and when when it's starting to get dry one or two inches down into the soil then it's time to water it again but make sure and this is really important that it never ever stands in water so if you have a drainage hole in the bottom in it and this is standing in a outside pot here if there is water in that old outside pot and the roots are standing in water you will get root rot and that the plant will react to that immediately you will get brown brown soft spots on on your on your plant it will start to Drew it will just look very very sad if you want and if you want to make it happy again you need to take away that access water let it dry out completely and then start to water it again and be really really sure that it's not standing in water now how often should you water your oppose any type of pothos that's quite hard to to tell you because it's depending on where you put it in your house how much light it gets what size of a pot you have it planted in how much soil you have in that pot if you have drainage holes or if you haven't but usually once a week is is the right amount is the right amount of time in between waterings but feel the soil to make sure that it has dried out a little bit now when do you know when it's gotten to dry well what happens is that if it's gotten too dry the edges of the leaf could start to become a little bit brown and you will also see that it starts to hang a little bit it droops it looks sad that can be an indication on that you you you have let it dry out too much in between the waterings so just Walter it a little bit more often and that will go away the the leaves will go up and look shiny and happy again but if you water it too much and the roots start to get damaged what happens is that the leaves will turn yellow and usually it starts with the oldest leaves it's not the newest leaves on on the edges of the vines but it's the oldest leaves that are closest to the soil they start to get yellow that's an indication that you've watered it too much so just let it dry out more in between the waterings now if you want your profiles to be happy and shiny and just love your home then one way is to just wipe it off every now and then with a water-filled microfiber cloth used for cleaning now what I mean is that over time it there will be a lot of dust on the leaves so you take a microfiber cloth rinse that in water and just dust off the leaves and what you're actually doing is that you're helping the plant to regulate to regulate when it's really really hot because when you're dusting off it off the leaves you're helping these to martha's the small windows that are opening and closing on the leaves to actually function as they should so by doing this every now and then and you don't have to do this every day or every week just when you see that it's starting to get a little bit dusty just do that and you it will reward you by being happier getting fuller and just loving your home now if you want to know more about the stomata and how that works in your plants we have a video called how to grow your plants bigger and thicker now we'll leave a link to that in this description below if you want to go and check that out after a while your posters will become bigger and it will become longer every vine will become really really long so what you'll have to do is to start to prune your plant and the pathes actually likes to be pruned the more you prune your plant the fuller it will get we have one here that is really really long and as you can see it has low it's long it's leggy and how do I get this to be even fuller well I prune it and what you do when you prune this plant is that you just cut in between two nodes here in the inter node here you can just cut off that long vine use a sharer or a scissor or something make sure that it's clean before you make the cut so you don't transfer anything from your tools but you just cut that off like that you don't have to be very careful just prune it off leave a little bit from the the leaf here of the stork here now what will happen here is that it will start to regrow from this node that is on the edge where I've just made that cut but it will also start to grow from the other nodes along this vine now why does it do that what hasn't it been doing that on these long long vines well it works like that because you have a hormone inside of each plant that is called oxen now oxen works almost like a bouncer at a party well it does it it the plant sends out the oxen to the edges to D to do the tips of each vine here and then the oxen just tells the vine that only where where it can grow is actually from the tapir all of the other nodes here are not allowed to grow that's what the oxen is doing its suppressing the other nodes from branching out but by removing the tip of a vine like this just cutting that off you are removing the oxen at least for a little while before the plant can send out new auxins and what happens is that you are activating the other nodes that are dormant on the vine and they will start to grow now the oxen has a very important function because by telling the plant that it can only grow from the tip it's actually making the plant bigger and that is usually in nature what you want you want the plant to grow and use a trunk to get as high as possible to get all of that light so it doesn't want to branch out it wants to get to that light and the oxen is the function of that but by cutting and pruning your photos regularly you will get it to be fuller wider and look now just to be clear about the oxen every vine on your plant has oxen at the tips that works like this bouncer but when you cut the oxen off it will reappear again it will take a little time but when you cut it off it will start to branch out from the other nodes but then there will be new oxen that makes the plant to start to grow bigger again so it's not bad that you are cutting away the oxen it will appear again now all of the different types of photos they don't need that much fertilizer it will grow and become big without that much fertilizer however we would recommend you to use fertilizer a couple of times a season so from March until October you need to add fertilizer a couple of times during that period when the plant is in its active period now just buy any type of fertilizer it doesn't need to be a specialized type it's more important that you use fertilizer than you use a specific type of fertilizer just read on the Box what it says mix it up with water and add it when you water a couple of times every season and your protists will be fine now the pothos is simple in so many ways it's easy to take care of it will survive in your home almost anywhere I don't need to give it that much fertilizer and also you will probably you will very rarely get a problem with pests but they can they can be a problem and usually what the process gets is mealy bugs that is the most common type of tests that attack this plant but we have had some plants that have been attacked by spider mites as well but usually it's mealy bugs and mealy bugs are quite easy to see with the naked eye because they are quite big and they look like small furry cotton balls so what I usually do if you see one is that you can just pick them away with your hands go out buy a pesticide and spray the plant just follow the instructions on that pesticide you use that are used for mealy bugs usually only need one or two Springs and then you will get rid of the mealy bugs however you have a lot of leaves on your pothos so don't just remove one mealy bug if you see one mealy bug because it could have been laying eggs there could be others that you haven't seen somewhere on this big plant so be sure if you get mealy bugs or if it gets get spider mites go out and buy a pesticide you could also use just a liquid soap water works fine as well just mix them soap with water spray it on the plant and it will work as well but use something don't just pick them and then think that you will be fine because then you could get quite a problem because when mealy bugs get a hold of your plants they will be everywhere and when they get everywhere then it's quite difficult to get rid of them so use the pesticide if you see something on your plants now the pathos is actually a little bit poisonous it won't kill you but if you were to eat the plant it could you could react by vomiting and you can also get swelling on your tongue and in your mouth and it's also poisonous for animals so cats and dogs should not be eating from this plant and of course be very aware of your children if you have small children so that they won't reach the vines so that they will bite into it so if you have small children place your plant somewhere where they can't reach it now the last thing about the poses is that you could sometimes notice that there are water on the tips of the leaves of the POTUS you could also see that on your windowsill you have small drops of water and that is from the totals and this is not something you have to worry about it's not something it's something that is dangerous for your plot the reason for this is that the like we've said a couple of times the poultice has a massive root system and all of those roots can actually suck up too much water in the system and what it does to regulate that is that it pushes that out from the leaves and you will notice it by on the tips of the leaves you will see small drops of water it's nothing to worry about you don't have to do anything about it it just means that the plant is very very active you could also see that it could bleed from the vines when you've pruned it if you happen to prune it when it's very very active when it has a lot of water in the system when you cut made that cut it could bleed for a couple of minutes or even for up to an hour this is not something to worry about either it's fairly common with the pothos so just you could buy some small you there are waxes that you can put on bleeding wounds on plots you could put that on the vine if you want to however we've never done that we just leave it it will drop a little bit it will bleed a little bit but it will close that wound and you won't hurt the plant so this is something you need to know can happen to your produce but it's not dangerous for the plants thank you all for watching I hope you've enjoyed this video now if you haven't subscribed yet please do that and hit that bell as well so you get a notification every time we put up something new if you like this video please give it a thumbs up and share with your friends as well now until next time I don't
Channel: Swedish Plantguys
Views: 233,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pothos Scindapsus aureum, Devil’s Ivy, Marble Queen, hunters robe, Golden Pothos, Neon Pothos, Silver Pothos, Manjula Pothos, Pothos, Care of, Plant, Care, Indoor, Swedish, Planting, Purchase, placement, placing, the Pothos plant, Epipremnum Aureum Pothos
Id: g1oK5mGtzuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 59sec (2399 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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