Propagation Next Steps: Watch Me Transplant!

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[Applause] [Music] you guys ready to take some rooted cuttings and put them in soil well actually I'm gonna do it and you're gonna maybe watch if you stick with me so oh and by the way that reminds me thank you guys for subscribing and really really really appreciate it so let's just start doing it I have a few different genus and they've been in there for about a month or so and the roots are about like two inches long some of them are like fourteen so it's time you know I was planning on leaving them in water for a little bit longer because I just really like the way it looks but I've decided it's time to do a new crop get these in soil I know it's not the best time to be transplanting but I keep this room around 65 degrees and it's pretty humid and with all these grow lights I think it's gonna be fine all right before we actually start transplanting them into soil let's talk about the soil what kind of soil should you use there is no right answer and this goes back to how often you let to water your plants right so if you are heavy water meaning you like to water a lot then you'll probably want to have a mixture that has much more perlite or pumice or coarse sand in the mixture so you don't over water your plants and if you're like me and you like to wait as long as possible you want to have a higher peat moss content or coco coir content so it's really about you the thing to avoid is having too much moisture in your soil so you don't want your roots to rot on your plant but that's the key so now let's get started let's start with this big jumbled kind of concoction of pothos and abscess I even might have a monstera at a sauna in there yay and I haven't decided what I wanted to do so but I think what I do want to do now after thinking about it for two seconds I'm gonna plant it in a larger pot plant them all in one pot and just see what happens I've done it before and so far so good but yeah yeah it's not a common thing to do but I think it's gonna look good so basically what you want to do is fill the pot like halfway with soil right I've got just a really nice mixture here of peat moss and perlite and worm castings because I ran out of coco coir and they didn't have it at the local shop so I had to use peat moss which is completely fine I would say I have one half peat moss 1/4 of pumice and one quarter of worm castings because that's gonna work for me and you can change it you can have sixty percent you can have fifty five percent and really quite honestly I'm not measuring it so I don't know what is in there it is what it is so I have you know half of this filled up and then at this point I know I'm working on a light table but that's all I had around the shop here let me see it okay so I just took these guys out of my wall propagation station hanging thing that I made and they have pretty long roots let me see that I think I need to get closer for you guys you see that look at my shirt but see that's pretty long and if you would have messaged me and said Amanda what should I do I would say get it in soil soil but like I said before I really wanted the look of the roots and then I started feeling about I decided they need to go into soil now so and these are pretty long cuttings and I normally would cut you know we kind of at each node and soil propagate if I was trying to do it faster but this is really for aesthetics so now I have this long beautiful lemon philodendron that is going to go I might have to do two of these pots because I think a lot of vegetation to put in here I'm gonna lay it in the pot like that I'm gonna lay it in the pot until I get more in here and then I'm gonna backfill it with soil so what else do I have here I have and let's see how they're doing because I don't really I think most of them are fine okay so this is a Brazil philodendron really long like I said it's not ideal to start with something this long you probably I would have probably cut this in three sections that I wanted it looking beautiful on the wall so I just left it and there is a bunch of roots you see that you can see it against my maroon shirt that's about almost three inches fine and you don't want to do though you'll see here because I'm gonna cut this section that's underneath the roots off because that's dead that's not necessary and that's just gonna be rotting rotting meat really see I think this it's very limp and just get rid of it so I'm gonna hold on my dog is here hold on a second so right I've eliminated that little brown piece and I'm gonna put it in here and what I'm gonna have to I'll tell you guys that in a minute I'll tell you I'm gonna say that for later so I'm just gonna layer these in here different types of plants that have very similar needs and that's why I'm doing it so I would never mix like something like a cola Thea with this because the clay thieves need a bit more water than these guys do so the same thing see look I don't know what happened here there's just kind of one aerial root then if there's no fibrous roots and the foliage doesn't look so great I don't know I'm just gonna put it in there and see what happens because it does have a long a long aerial root so that's going there I might need pin it in or something like that that's that root system look at that root system I think it's all curly cube because it was in the test tube so I should have filmed that why did I not film taking it out of the test tube here here here's the little monster add it's on that I think that is - that's a monster at essaouira it's a little tiny hole in the leaf see that do you see it got in here so I have now four cuttings one five cuttings I think I'm just gonna put them all I'm gonna put them all in here because I like bold plants like a nice and full like little junk in the pot so same thing goes for the sky because when I stuck it in when I stuck oh how do you fix the lighting oh yeah I don't think I do so I'm just gonna take it cut the little excess stem there get rid of it get rid of it so this is going in the pot so if you are looking to propagate any cup of Pozos philodendron and you want a kind of an instant longer plant this is what you do ya packet with long cuttings and but you're gonna have to really water it and I guess I can talk about that while I'm doing this guess what it's used to being in water and it's getting lots and lots and lots of access to it because that's the growing medium right you think about it this way when you're when you when you cut a plant right when you are actually propagating you're triggering like this this survival instinct in the plant so when you put it in water it's saying I need to produce roots in order to survive so we'd created this environment with water right to make them push the roots out and then at a certain point we need to get it into soil so it says ok I think I'm gonna make it I think I'm gonna make it I'm getting a nutrients I need because in water it's not getting any nutrients it's nothing zero well maybe some salts and stuff but that's not so good after a while so that's it if you don't supply any kind of nutrients in the water if you want to keep your plants in water they're not gonna be looking so great after a while so you just got to keep that up so I put that in there and I have this is a golden pothos that is pretty green that's losing a lot of its variation but again I want to show you a little close-up of the roots coming from the nodes and when I say node I'm talking that swollen area like that's here's a here's another swollen area where the leaf comes out of it right so I'm gonna cut below the node try not to cut any of the new roots cut this we don't need that anything about X X s it doesn't have a node you don't want to get rid of it Carson is dying to get out of the garage so can you hold on one second I'm gonna let the dog in okay I'm back I'm back getting down get down to the last few and I might just jam them in this is where I'd lose my patience so but still I am gonna trim I don't know why I didn't do this when I was actually propagating it you should do this before you get to the stage but you know you just can't do everything perfectly jam it in and there's some beautiful growth here on this marble Queen and I think that's another I think that the golden so trim the bottoms trim don't cut the roots but I mean if you cut one it's not the end of the world where they coming from the beautiful little node I mean really it's pretty amazing that plants are so resilient I mean I know it's like I'm not growing an arm back they're pretty amazing I'm impressed with you guys so I'm just gonna keep putting him in don't worry I'm gonna put soil in there they're gonna they're going to be okay and then I've got the laughs they all have roots they're all looking pretty good hey maybe this one doesn't what is going on here uh-oh oh yes here whoo I thought that was like a lone root so here's a skinned abscess pictus with super long roots I mean come on guys what was I thinking I waited way too long waited way too long nobody's gonna put them like a little bouquet and I'm just gonna put them in because this video could be like two hours of talking about not doing anything I'm gonna jam him in like that and then I'm gonna put soil in it without making a mess and that's gonna be impossible so let me get on the floor make it a little bit easier for myself I'm gonna do it over that dirt bucket did I call it a dirt bucket and then I take my other metal spoon little spoon and just gently let that soil mixture in maybe hold it up so you guys can actually see it that would be nice right so I'm trying just to not get the foliage dirty because I have a clean side I like I'm pretty neat in general and when my house gets dirty like it is now and me it makes me pretty upset like I've lost control and I don't really have a lot of time lately to clean that's been stressing me out a little bit and yeah yesterday was Halloween and there's like candy wrappers all over the place um anyway be clean hold that up so you can see it this doesn't look so bad people might think why are you putting them all together what's gonna happen I don't think anything Bad's gonna happen because I've done it before and the roots will just grow together and it'll look like you know I got a nature things aren't just completely separate right although you want to avoid having the roots not in the soil like that one escaped so you're gonna get punished if you don't you're really heavy that's why you don't want to stay in there and just jam you in there like that I might have to use the bobby pin method okay so not that easy I'm getting there though and then you know just gonna pack it in a little bit you don't want to jam the dirt and so much where there's literally stay stay doesn't want to get angry at the plant not listening to me you're too floppy that's pretty nice right I mean that was all these were all the cuttings that I had on that I'm not wall propagator propagator propagating station okay so I'm gonna put oh this might be too tall for this pop I'm gonna put this grow pot in cover pot gently I've been breaking so many things this morning I knocked over all monstera I was so upset and broke like six leaves off of it and none of them had a node so it's kind of sad so I'm put this in here I'm gonna get the little watering can okay so that's really kind of it so basically at this point you back filled it the water like the dense soil is going to help keep the foliage in and the roots down in the soil so you want to water it let it drain water it again and then here's here's the deal because they were just transferred from water you're going to want to keep the soil wet for I mean when I say what I mean moist for about two weeks until you'll see you'll see these leaves will start like drooping and looking sad because it's not getting the water that it's used to getting that's it stay on it I think it's chubbs he doesn't even have any hands and I hi knocks so really want to keep it wet and you'll notice when you see the foliage dripping and drooping and dropping and looking like sad sadness then you want to water it again and I'm going to put this in a little bit brighter light spot because I think that's gonna help too it's gonna help generate energy help those roots push out through the new soil medium and become one big giant Hodos plant a multiple post with those species not bad right I think it looks pretty darn good it doesn't look so I thought it's gonna look really thin but it looks pretty dense to me so that's this one alright guys so now I've got these other species that we're on the wall originally I took them off the wall and then open someplace else they keep changing everything all the time kind of neurotic that way so I want to get these in water because some of them I think are turning to mush and that's not good so they get them in soil or water I forgot I want to get them in soil not water I'm gonna bring this big bucket of dirt and then some of these little terracotta pots I have to sneeze hold on one second oh okay cool so can you even see yes like the camera is so far back I'm gonna have to like crouch down a little bit so you guys can whatever so it's in a frame so these guys desperately need to be in soil because they have been in water the longest and it's time it's time so we're doing it do I have a tray do I have a tray in the house okay that my tray got my try try and I'm gonna crouch the crotch a little bit let's start with this 10 anthe because this maybe was from one of the first propagating videos and I showed it a lot there's another one I want to I want to transplant I gotta find it this is a healthy root system this is super healthy and look they're different these roots have here let me guess my shirt so you can see it's very very fibrous right they've got these little offshoots you see that lovely lovely roots so and they're white and they're springy and they're ready for their new life and soil so that's what we're gonna do someone's gonna dump a little bit of this scoop a little soil in there and kind of that's a just shake it in that's a new way to do it shake it in shake it in and then put a little bit of more see what I'm doing I feel like I'm being sneaky I'm not being sneaky just a little dirty it's being a little dirty that's fun to be dirty though you just take a shower afterwards that's up so that's really it and then where's my watering hand where's my watering can order it you can pre eat moisten the soil if you like but I just don't want to do that and you know I don't want to do it because I don't want that thing to be a big wet bucket of dirt I like a dry so this is what's going on here taking its time taking its sweet time to drain I'm gonna help it a little bit and there's gonna mix it up make sure that that what our starts running at the bottom here we go help it I'm gonna help it sometimes the first time you would or something it's the soils like what has to find it's a little pathways create those little capillaries and then also if it's not draining you might want to add some more perlite or pumice or sand it could be the case here else so okay so this is really sweet right this is very sweet um it has one little leaf that's brown but that happened for a while ago a while ago but there's a brand new little leaf here like so that that little leaf there is brand new and kind of beautiful looking so we're just gonna put this aside and then look at and then to see what else we have that's worth putting in okay so I'm not really sure about these watermelon peperomia oh that it's adorable it is adorable I'm going to show you a little leaf and stem coming out of here pretty cool stuff so I am gonna put it in soil I set the roots they looked a little brown and weird but I'm gonna put these two in this might even be too big of a pop but I'm gonna do it anyway because you want to avoid putting any type of plant like especially a small plant and too large of a pot because then you really do run the risk of root rot or encouraging root rot and that's kind of a disaster especially if you put so much time into something like I put a lot of well I didn't put the time in but a lot of time has gone by since these guys have been in you know propagating so they'll have to see what happens here gonna try and the reason I propagate a lot is because it's not always successful you expect to lose one or two or three or four I don't know I mean if you out of 20 if you get 18 to work and live that's pretty good you should be proud of yourself for that so I mean - is kind of risky you're pushing it so it's gonna water this and the other thing I'll do is I'll keep all my propagations together like the newly planted propagations so I remember to water all of them I try not to scatter them around the house because then they get lost in the shuffle and that's not good so I have some hania's here I think they're just employer compacta I mean Horak Cardosa this might be actually no this is Australis this is Australis and it's rooted pretty nicely again healthy yeah see really perfect healthy roots and I'm gonna do this I'm gonna be crazy I'm gonna go on a crazy train and I'm gonna take this Kenzi onna I'm gonna plant it with the Australis let's do stuff that's crazy today all right here we go so I put too much soil in and kind of shake it in there shake it in add another another spoonful it's like I can't say it but here we go cute kind of cute but you really want to make sure their roots are in the soil not sticking out because that's not gonna be good for these guys water water water water water it put it down and let it drain and I have this is what I've been struggling with amongst many other things but so I have this this has been in here for quite a long time this ficus Loretta and it has roots and the ficus roots are not in general white so if you see brown roots on certain plants don't stress out it's just natural it's just who they are what they are so this guy's been doing pretty well I mean it grew roots I don't how it wasn't getting a tremendous amount of light but it did it so I'm gonna honor it by moving it up stepping it up a little bit and come maybe I can show you something like we're at what level you want to plant your your cuttings because that's another question I get a lot like how deep should I put it in this soil so in this case I'm gonna set it like so you see it well it's hard to see but here's the stem and the roots started there I'm gonna think it just a little bit more because what's gonna happen is that this soil will settle and then you're gonna not you know you're not going to encourage any rot along the stem if it's sufficiently higher than the soil line so you guys see that it's floating above it's about an inch or so in it should be ok so then that gets watered this gets watered and I have this this is a methyl Andhra square Rosa so I'm shocked I'm pretty shocked that this guy grew a root it's one it's pretty much like one long root that's all new vegetation that's all new growth so I was pretty excited when I saw that so I actually you know I'm gonna get it a little sweet I had a better idea I have I have this little two inch grow pot and I'm just gonna put it in there that's it make sure that one root makes it inside a little soil around you and here's here's the deal though when you have something this small in such a small pot you're gonna want to keep it watered you know you're really gonna want to keep your eye on it I didn't put it in terracotta just because I'm it's gonna dry this plant out too much and those plant likes a lot of moisture I keep the mother plant pretty wet you know not soaking what not it dries out like partially between watering so this is going to be in its own slightly larger pot pretty soon I just want these roots to feel once this thing fills out it gets bumped up to a 4-inch flips it's like a four inch pot and so on and so forth and it'll go to become a big a philanderer square oh so Monday so this is how I'm doing it with the put this month because I want to encourage these roots to get denser sometimes they get denser in a smaller pot that's where you go sweetheart and then I just have all of these these are marbled Queen this is a look at the roots on that this is another golden pothos and this one I'm sorry I'll give you a shot I mean it's kind of sad and that's it I'm gonna put that in this four inch because I want to put it in a cover pot I'm gonna put a little bit of soil in the bottom I'm gonna squeeze that in actually you know what I almost didn't get it but I'm gonna cut off this little tail end the base of that get rid of that and then we backfill it mix this up a little bit better feel like I'm putting a lot of soil in a tiny little pot like is it a magic pot still needs more soil I just don't I put like thirty spoonfuls in there okay I'm gonna top it off I'm gonna top it off and just Pat it down and water it down and that's it that is it what are it so I think I covered all of my property there was one this one actually is the only one that I'm gonna leave in the water because it just looks so beautiful those roots look so amazing in this little Vaz so this Brazil philodendron stays I think that's it I think I scoured the room I found most of the that I wanted to put into soil the rooted cuttings and it was about time and I really appreciate you coming along and hanging out with me while I do it because I'm alone and it's nice to have somebody to talk to while you're transplanting it's fun thanks guys have a great weekend I'll talk to you soon and thanks again for everything for all your support on every single platform especially on plant arena comm you guys have been so sweet and amazing and supportive thank you so much see you guys I think on Tuesday right taste Friday see you Tuesday bye thank you
Views: 179,975
Rating: 4.9527278 out of 5
Keywords: indoor plants, house plants, houseplants, pothos, propagate indoor plants, propagate houseplants, low light houseplants, low light indoor plants, easy care indoor plants, easy care houseplants, gift plants, office plants, plant cuttings, how to propagate indoor plants, water propagating, indoor plant care, philodendron, transplanting indoor plants, potting indoor plants
Id: pSvkm6yp5A4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 57sec (1617 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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