Pruning & Propagating Pothos, Philodendron and Scindapsus

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[Music] hi guys welcome back oh I forgot I had my glasses on this is Amanda from Planet Arena and today I want to talk about why when and how to cut back and propagate your Poteau so your philodendron or your skinned abscess so let's just get started like just dive right in because there's some work to be done here so basically let's start with why why do you want to prune back our pothos or skinned abscess or philodendron there's a couple of different reasons why you might want to do it and the first one is if you want to keep your plant bushy if you want a bushy plant you're gonna want to cut it back so we have a see it and this is looking pretty nice it's nice and full on top you guys see it and it was very dense and some people like that in a plant they don't really like long vining plants and you know I don't know why I don't know why I like them but I understand there's a limit like I'll show you in the next example so you know so if you want to keep our plants if we want to keep our plants nice and full and bushy we prune them back and I'm gonna say to you but plants actually respond well to being pruned and don't feel guilty you don't feel like you're hurting the plant you can really hack a plant back and sometimes it's very necessary to do it I my gosh I have had I still have this salome philodendron which is now called some mob leaves or something and I had to cut it all the way back because it was taking up so much space on my second floor so I was like nervous about it but I did it and now it's actually pushing out new growth so I felt bad but in the long run I'll be able to train this plant to live in the space that I needed to live in so anyway if your plant starts getting like crazy long like this one like this skin - this cactus I mean it goes longer it gets longer it is longer me I want to think about helping it right helping it to fit into your aesthetic and your decor so that's why that's why we printer you also print it because sometimes they get really like I don't want to hurt sometimes their internodes Internode's get really long and long and they don't look so good this is like high up on my upstairs and you know it's kind of struggling so this is a great candidate for cutting it back and you know when you do that it really encourages a fuller plant a happier plant and a denser plant so but then again people like this I like this so it's really up to you so that's why you prune back your photos philodendron and adapt this and when did you do it and when you actually supposed to do it doesn't really matter I just had salads I hope it'll have like lettuce and mighty think I do I can feel it it doesn't really matter I find that these plants grow all year round they do they're inside they don't know what's going on outside and as long as they have the nutrients and the light and the right amount of water they're gonna keep growing so when you can do it it's up to you if you find that you're you know if your plant is the philodendron good if this is fine don't cut it back but if you start thinking like wait a minute I just like it up here I don't want it down there you might want to cut this back and I'm gonna show you where to cut it back okay but that's in my next section under house so let's just say you can prune them back any time that's when it's pretty easy how do we cut them back right and what happens to them after we cut them back nobody really talks about that at least I don't see it often but I don't really watch a lot of TV so but what happens when we cut them back and that's actually a really important point let's just start with how how to do it so we've got this giant look at this thing I just stepped on that other golden pothos this is too long I bought this because and it wasn't quite as long when I bought it but it was pretty long I wanted to sis to have a really drapey droopy foliage cascade and then I realized it was ugly it was not looking like I wanted it to look and it's dry mister I know surprise and now that it's dry because most of my plants are dry and let me just let you in on a secret with these guys they actually like to be dry and they don't like to be cold the skin too abscess so keep them dry and warm they'll be happy so anyway what are we gonna do here let me move some plants over so we can take some action so I'm gonna show you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna find a place I want to do it let me get closer and I'm gonna cut right below this note here so what's gonna happen here which is really really interesting is that there's growth this growth is gonna just start coming out from the side and I'm gonna do something over here on the side I'm going to show you a split screen to tell you and show you where the growth comes from because it doesn't continue growing from where you cut it it shoots out from the other side or even sometimes above it depending on if you didn't cut below the node and that's where the new new growth comes from so if I want this to be bushy what I really should do is I should cut it way back but I'm going to leave foliage so the plant can still go through photosynthesis right you don't want to cut it too back but I've had situation situations where I've left my post outside in the porch and the deer came and ate it down to the nub and then it grow back so nature is pretty resilient so you just find find an area that you feel comfortable with and just give it a hack give it a whack give it a cut give it a snip and you know I think I'm putting a pretty short but that's okay it was really really a stick of looking at it looking so sickly I'm gonna be doing here just keep cutting keep cutting it and I think I have one more long one this is it I mean I'm just looking all I'm taking off you're picking off a lot cutting in here and that's it I know you might be crying but believe me this plants gonna be happy and I'm gonna take these cuttings and I'm gonna propagate them not all of them because I don't really need that many more plants but I could put some in the top here after they've rooted out and fill this in if I wanted to and that's that's an option but to in general what I'm gonna do is I'm going to take this long vine all right one of the long vines just for demonstration purposes and I'll show you what I had to get in here to show you I don't even know what what is going on but I might snip this end off I'm gonna snip so I've basically left with a node and some aerial roots so I'm gonna continue doing that until I have as many as I think I'm gonna need to fill a pot right to fill a pot filled with soil and just stick these in stick them in and they're gonna grow but here's another kind of problem but I'll tell you what people do run into with skins APS's pictus in all the different varieties is that it takes a while for these guys to root out out of all these plants out of all of the philodendron and the Pozos the second axis are a little more sensitive and that leaves will curl a little bit and I find that you cannot let you can't keep the soil too wet because if you keep it too wet that's what happens but you can't keep it too dry so you have to find the happy medium where these guys will survive so I'm just gonna cut out of now about 30 of these possibly and put them in like an 8 inch hanging basket pot that's what I'm gonna do that's what I'm gonna do I'm just gonna do it let me do it later it's smooth these over and these are good for about a couple of days did you keep them kind of cool so you don't have to get to it right away so that's one way to do it another way to do it is to water propagate them hold on a second I think might fix my pants see I'm just a disaster today is to water propagate it so here is a Brazil philodendron that I cut right below the node and look beautiful healthy roots it's definitely time to put this in soil if that's where this was going to end up but I like it in this glass pause so anyway you could you can water propagate pretty much all of your prunings and you can have a zillion more plans that you can give away to people that you can keep but you should give them away because people really love getting plants as gifts and I think you should do that or you should think about doing that I'm not gonna tell you what to do I'm just suggesting it so yeah you can water propagate them and then put them in a pot and I'll show you something that I did right here there's a whole assortment of different types of pothos and even skinned apses and am i brave enough to say that there's a zebu blue there's a super blue in here so this is just like a container garden of vines and these all have the same requirements so if they like to dry out between watering they can tolerate medium they can tolerate low light but they like kind of meeting too bright in direct light and I think they look really beautiful together I don't know I was wasn't sure about it before I did it but this just looks beautiful and tropical and makes me want to do more of these so I think I am going to do more of this type of planting like a mixed vine planting so anyway these were all water propagated I had them on my wall and I had that what a propagation station still there and then I just stuck them in here and I'm really happy I did it so you can be creative but the general I guess my point here is what a propagating is pretty easy but you have to just watch the transition between the water that it's like the water medium that it's in to the soil medium and the thing that you have to watch out for is it can't let the soil be too dry in the beginning or the roots are just gonna say what like I was just doing water and now I'm in a dry soil like what's the deal with that remember to acclimate the amount of water so start with more water when you first put them in here and then slowly back off until you get to your regular routine of letting the soil dry out and then watering it thoroughly so that's what you should do with these guys and I think that might be it I think I did want to say that you know there's certain planets like when you get a new plant you might not find many places to propagate so just wait until your plant gets a little more full so you have more nodes to choose to choose from because if you just take this part of the leaf and you don't have any node nothing's gonna happen it's not gonna grow so wait till your plant gets to be a little bit more mature like like this one well this is overly immature this is overly ripe and you know then make sure you have the nodes and you either soil propagate it or water propagate it and that's really it it's super easy you don't need a lot of attention they just they just need a little bit of time to grow this gand abscess takes more time and is a little more sensitive like this this is a I think and it's quite beautiful quite beautiful I just want to show you where I cut so I cut here you see though I'm sorry I cut here that was already cut it and that's where the new growth shot Adam so don't think because you cut your vines back that it's over it's just the beginning they've got a lot of exploring to do they want to take over your house and they will if you let them so feel free to cut them back feel free to pop propagate them and just make more plants make more plants and spread that love that's it you guys take care I will see you soon and happy propagating and thanks again thanks again you guys you know are the best seriously are the best people in the world and just so glad that you've invited me into your living room or your car or your bathroom you're watching in the bathroom you know where you're watching your want not watching anymore after that I'm sure all right take care guys bye
Views: 477,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pothos, devils ivy, money plant, Epipremnum, hanging plants, philodendron, vines, propagating indoor plants, pruning houseplants, house plants, houseplants, plants, indoor plants, interior plants, foliage plants, how to propagate vines
Id: oJ51GyA2UDI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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