The Secret to Bushier Hanging Houseplants! | Make Your Hanging Plants More Full!

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hey guys today I thought we could talk about my tips and tricks for making your hanging binding houseplants look more bushy I know a lot of people really like that super long hanging plant look me personally I can appreciate that beauty but kind of drives me nuts on my own plants in my own home when the ends start to get a little bit scraggly bare looking which does tend to happen after so long today I will be telling you how I combat that and make my hanging plants look a lot more full I don't know maybe it's just me but I just feel like once a plant gets so long and the new growth comes in so small it makes the plant look less healthy even if it is a very very healthy plant an example of this is my philodendron Brazil which hangs in my bedroom this plant here you can see the top is just full and healthy looking but then as more and more new growth comes in its gotten a lot smaller I don't know I just don't love the look of all the scry Bolinas down here so yeah today I will be demonstrating on my philodendron Brazil Planet these tips and tricks do definitely work for a lot of other vining plants as well in fact it works for pretty much any type of plant but I primarily use this on my hanging plants that get long like this before we get into all of that we do have a sponsor for today's video thank you so much to care of carob is a vitamin company that simplifies and customizes daily vitamins something I personally really really appreciate about care of is how transparent they are about the ingredients they use in their vitamins and then also how those ingredients are sourced and they do only use the highest quality ingredients so you can feel good about it basically how kariv works is you go to their website and fill out a short quiz the quiz asks you questions about your current lifestyle diet goals and other health needs they will then recommend vitamins that benefit your lifestyle and goals once you've submitted your order they ship directly to your door which is really nice I wanted to go to the grocery store they come in these cute little personalized and compostable packs as a vegetarian mostly plant-based very active pregnant women my health was already extremely important to me but then when I became pregnant that importance has gone up a notch in my mind so Kara has been really awesome for me I take their prenatals and then also a fish oil vitamin from them as well to make sure I'm getting everything my body needs to stay energized and focus so if you'd like 50% off your first care of order head to my link in the description box to take advantage of that now let's get into the plants I ended my scraggly little plant I mean it's kind of cute and I really like how lime-green the new growth is coming in but I just think we can fill in this top a little bit more and make her a little bit bushier and more healthy-looking I especially find this helpful and important in making my home fill more jungle esque because we have so many plants that sit down low it really makes the space fill more jungle if you're able to keep plants higher up so by moving a bunch of this up here I will be able to get a more jungle vibe home at least that's my opinion first thing I recommend for making your plants a lot more bushy is to cut it back I know it is kind of difficult to go in and take scissors to your plants at least it is for me even when I know I want a more bushy looking plant that those plants were cutting are still going to stay in our house we're just moving them what I would do on this plant in particular is ice I'll find where the growth starts getting smaller so probably honestly probably about here here we are with the plant I'm preparing to cut her up don't be scared so here I have my little pruners I'm gonna go ahead and spray them down with some disinfectant or like isopropyl alcohol or something whatever you want to use and then wipe them with a paper towel or something just to make sure you're not spreading any bacteria or diseases or I don't know I've been playing a lot safer lately now that I've been getting into the more rare plants that are hard to come by I don't want to risk contamination so anyway we have our pruners all cleaned now I'm going to find the point I want to cut really what I look for is if there's a point where leaves start to skip and there's like a big gap of leaves here I took some cuttings on I'm actually going to cut that back a little bit but here's actually a really good example you can see so I took a cutting from here to share with a friend it started to get scraggly the bottom looked really healthy it just was a lot more spaced out and the leaves were a lot smaller than the mean then the rest of the plant was so went ahead and took a cutting right below a node and you can see the plant shot out new growth here so when I took the cutting this was one single vine after I took the cutting this new one started to appear and it has shot out new growth it actually went sideways you can see it just it hangs differently when you take the cutting and then it grows back back to what I was saying I'll find a point where the plant is starting to thin out so usually there will be a node where the growth starts to get significantly smaller an empty know what I mean like here you can see there's a normal-sized leaf an empty node and then the leaves get quite a bit smaller so I'm going to go ahead and cut right below the large leaf that I want to leave on the plant so I am left with this cutting and then I'm going to make another cut just maybe like an inch below the node which is where the plant is going to root from there is the plant and I'm just gonna repeat this all the way around on every branch on this one there's not the empty gap but the space between leaves does get significantly bigger between this large normal-sized leaf to these smaller ones like it's quite a noticeable difference you can see so I'm gonna go ahead and cut below that normal-sized leaf cut again below this leaf here about an inch also and then I'm going to remove this leaf you can just pull it off or cut it off whatever it doesn't really make a difference this way it gets so tingly I think cuz the leaves come in with like weird twisty steps I don't know if you guys have that problem too but I swear I'm constantly untangling this plant it just feels kind of refreshing to get all of this scraggly growth cut off I don't know what it is like the filling of that and then to hang them up and see it's not so long but they have a lot of space to grow you know it's a good feeling for me something I didn't mention earlier is it is best to propagate plants when they have been watered after they've been watered and they have a good chance to soak up the moisture from the soil that's your part time to take cuttings just something to keep in mind all right so I'm left with all of this we could make an individual plant or what I am going to do is pot it back up into this main plant here's where you have some options so you can make an entirely new plant what I really like to do is cut take the cut and then especially on my hanging plants I don't like to have to get up and down and be constantly taking my plant up and down and out of like macrame and stuff that's really annoying with plants like this that vine to untangle them from a macrame what I'll do is I'll just let the end of the cutting quell us over a little bit for probably like an hour and then I'll just go ahead and stick it directly back into the pot to make the top portion of the plant look more full this is a really really great way to do that I mean right away it makes it look a lot bushier of course and then once that once those cuttings take root in the soil you guys know I'm usually a water propagator but once those cuttings take root in the soil it really makes such a huge difference kind of fun fact about like philodendron and pothos where you take your cutting it is extremely extremely I'm not going to say it's not going to happen it could happen it's just very very unlikely that the new growth will come from white right where you cut majority of the time is the new growth will come from somewhere up higher on the stem so it'll shoot off a new growth point and then start vining off from there so it branches off and helps like fill in the space a little bit more stem equals more leaves all right so now I'm gonna go in vine by vine and just stick them in the soil that's literally it kind of pack it down a little bit and that's kind of another point if you have watered your plants cuttings are going to stay in the soil a lot better I hope you see what I'm doing I'm just finding bear-bear points on the plant and then I also this is another no I can't really mentioned before but I also really like the look of different sized leaves like it'll look really nice having these large leaves but then a bit of these smaller leaves mixed in for contrast if you know what I mean the cuttings yeah so we got all the cuttings but even if you decide you want to take the cuttings and not plant them back into the pot if that's just not something you really want to deal with you can of course go ahead and propagate them in water pop them in later or start a whole new plant and the plant will still end up getting bushier because that new growth does most of the time tend to curl upward if you do decide to pot your cuttings back into the pot like I prefer to do you guys know I'm like majority of the time a water propagator this is one of the few times I prefer to soil propagate on my hanging plants you will want to keep the soil a bit more moist than you typically would if it was just your mother plant while those cuttings are still forming roots make sure the soil the soil isn't drying out completely or it will kill your cuttings it really makes such a big difference if you prefer a bushy plant to a long plant leggy plants so here is the before of this plant really beautiful and long is a healthy plant I just personally don't like the look and then here is the after looks a lot more full and healthy in my opinion and I'm really excited to see more growth coming in that's that so if there's anything I missed or you have any additional tips and tricks for getting your hanging finding plants to be more bushy then please leave a comment down below be really helpful to me and I'm sure others as well so yeah that is it for this video thank you so much for watching and I will see my next one
Channel: Harli G
Views: 50,270
Rating: 4.9248052 out of 5
Keywords: hanging houseplants, hanging indoor plants, ceiling hook, how to hang plants inside, philodendron, trimming long houseplants, make plants more full, hanging houseplant hacks, how to trim indoor plants, large indoor plants, best low light plants, low light hanging plants
Id: 7Ws_6f2hIVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 03 2019
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