Cattail Down Jacket Solo Overnight

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this'll act just like goose down two handfuls from that big one stuff it all the way it's already getting puffy starting to rain so I might get lucky this is gonna be great right on [Music] hi I'm Greg ovens and this is ovens Rocky Mountain bushcraft [Music] Gregg ovens here ovens Rocky Mountain bushcraft so in this video I'm gonna make an overnight debris shelter and also I'm gonna take this summer coat which has no insulation value and show you how you can make a winter coat out of a summer coat using cattails this acts just like down like goose down starting to get windy and cold this is the Rocky Mountains start in the snow gotta find a place for a debris shelter but the first thing is to winterize this coat cause it's getting cold there's nothing to this coat I don't even want to take it off to show you but I will and then I'll tell you a little little story about an adventure I had but there's nothing to this coat this is towards the end of March last week of March but here in the Rockies it's still a boat ten below freezing at night and actually it looks like I chose perfect weather to do this video because it's gonna get cold and it looks like it's gonna snow that's really what I wanted to to be able to do this during you know adverse weather conditions winterize the coat make a debris shelter so there's some cattails all through this swamp here we're gonna collect a bunch of those first off I'm gonna need a lot more in this though you're gonna have to keep picking them tell you what the winds blowing my seeds away okay I gotta try to keep these out of the wind it's cold out but I wanted to show you I took one of the smaller cattail heads that I found and I want to try to show you these are compact the seeds when you scrape them with your finger I'll show you how much you get out of one little cattail head once that's all off even a small one Lots once you break them apart just like just like goose don't funny just like that the wind is dying down and the sun's coming out so like they say if you don't like the weather in the Rockies just wait five minutes so now basically I can sew less less windy here everywhere I go branches attacked me I'm kind of in this little gully but basically the cold has two layers like I see there's not much to it it has an outer layer serene coat and an inner layer so basically I'm gonna take my knife make an incision in the top big enough for my hands so when I'm pulling the seeds out or I can get my hand down in there and scrape them and get this coat full of those seeds maybe you're in an area that doesn't have cattail you don't have to use cattail although I find it's probably one of the better materials to use but you can just use grass or you can use debris like leaves you can use certain needles from the trees pine needles they tend to poke through and it'll be very uncomfortable you'll regret that but ferny Dalls you soft needle trees anything to insulate your body heat between the two layers of the coat push it down as far as you can into the arms I'm gonna get seeds all over the place but it's about the warm coat they'll be on me now you'd be surprised how warm this cold will be after I get this filled that's what we're gonna do and you'll see the difference when I get it done how old thin it was to how thick it'll be or just keep shoving these seeds way down and the arms down the back the wind doesn't help for getting seeds all over but if you're trying to keep warm in a survival situation this is what you're gonna do but I promised you a story so this was quite a few years back a friend and myself set up a hunting camp we out in a remote area we did this the one weekend and the plan was the following weekend we're gonna go hunting together so we chopped wood made a fire pit made a little trail into where we wanted this bush camp following weekend I'm heading to the camp and I'm driving along at an old 79 Bronco hit some potholes truck just died so okay I'm thinking well I've got enough daylight to get to the can uphill hike there I couldn't figure I spent some time trying to figure out what was wrong with the truck and I couldn't figure it out but anyway what I did was I decided to hike to the camp now I didn't bother carrying my rifle and I didn't even bring my coat because it was warm sunny September day but this story Allah give you a little example of things that you want to do and things you shouldn't do so I hiked to the camp which was about eight miles or 16 kilometres or something and as I am getting closer within half the distance now it's starting to get dark the sun's gone behind the mountain and the clouds start rolling in and what does it do it starts to rain and of course when I left it was beautiful and sunny so I never brought my coat never go unprepared I've been unprepared so many times that's why I can tell you these stories about what to do and what not to do I should have brought that coat and my rifle as you'll see as the story goes on so I get to the part where we had cut a trail into the camp by now it's pitch black and I did have a lighter I'm flicking the lighter just to see the trail I get to where the fire pit was and where he had his trailer set up and he's not even there now it's pitch black raining and my buddy wasn't even there so I did start a fire I searched with my lighter again through the forest there to try to find firewood which I did and as I'm trying to get the fire going and it was difficult because it was pouring rain by now no cold great situation and round the fire pit I can see now that I'm flicking my lighter trying to get the fire going grizzly bear tracks all around the fire pit in the mud probably I would say 10-inch grizzly tracks a pretty big bear so I did get the fire going and I ended up spending the night huddled against the rocks as they warmed up just to survive basically I was soaking wet but I was warm enough that I made it through the night so anyway I did hike back to next day but during that night there was noises in the bush and I sure wish I had brought my rifle then these are things you you rely on people or you think you know I was anticipating he was there I'd get a ride back to my truck to get my gear my bedding my coat never happened that was probably the most miserable night and terrifying night that I've ever had in my career in the bush it was scary because there was noises in the bush and I was thinking it could be that big bear it could have been a moose or an elk or something else as well I mean fortunately the bear never came into camp he was in the area so it was a terrifying night but also bitterly cold and absolutely terrible situation without the coat and and that but anyways we're working on making this coat and then we got to find a spot for our debris shelter I just thought I'd share another story with you because some people have commented that they liked the stories when I went to visit Zach but once in a while I'll try to tell you a true story and and the moral of the story is if you don't make it it's your own damn fault don't leave stuff behind in your vehicle if you're trying to go somewhere or hike somewhere you could put your life in jeopardy by not being prepared and actually the safest place to be is with your vehicle in a situation but things can go bad I anticipated my buddy would be there and he wasn't that was a scary time sure get a lot of seeds on just one cattail head I don't know how many I have here quite a few enough to fill the quota two handfuls from that big one stuff it all the way it's already getting puffy but I actually had to make two incisions one at each arm and the back because they're separate okay I got the one arm pull through the seeds and look at this it even holds itself up this one nothing nothing there so just got to fill the rest of the coat hopefully I can get it on but this is gonna insulate me okay we got the Colt filled now she's all puffy can't tell the difference I don't need it right now start and look for your debris shelter its spokes to snow and it is gonna get cold but no I'm prepared you know fluffy that is no I took almost all the cattail I had a couple left over that's the boat yet so I couldn't tell you that story without actually bringing the gun and the coat so I'm prepared I did bring a saw one of these at you or Canyon saws that Zach gave me I've got my Ferro rod and a knife that's what I brought I didn't bring any food and I hope it snows tonight so you can see how the debris shelter works okay I think this is the spot right here this looks good that tree is solid the one that's leaning between the two big ones it won't take much to block the back off and also this is what I look for when I'm building a debris shelter as well there's lots of firewood around we're out of the snow ground looks dry we're good to go I'm only cutting dead trees for my poles and then when I cut the boughs from the other trees I'm just gonna take a couple of branches off each tree so that I don't kill the trees now you'll notice one thing I haven't broken a lot of the branches off the tree itself because when I put my boughs I can weave them through the branches and get them to stay easier - this is a blowdown tree so I can take whatever I want off this but keep in mind this is just a video because I'm building this shelter of being a conservationist if you're in a life-and-death situation you're not gonna worry about the tree you worry about you anyway I hear a Grouse drumming behind us - this is mating time for the rough grouse funny thing with these grouse is they use the same stump or log every year when they're mating and drumming the shelter done spend the night and it'll be far more comfortable night than that night that night from hell that's what that was worst night of my life okay let's get on this I've been using Zack shovel quite a bit lately it is pretty handy we're starting fires even just want to clear some of these out of the way just the bottom side I don't care about the top side just where it's gonna be poking me and whatever I was thinking of trying to throw this into a tree like Zack was doing make a nice spot for a bed even though I got an old bedding well had my back turned to the camera when I was working on it and I guess the back of the log knocked the camera over oh well these are the things that happened to me a lot the idea is once now that I have my main structure I can just weave all my boughs in and out wherever I think I need them this side I have to block in the winds coming from this direction when you see how these branches or boughs will just weave them in and they start creating a structure start blocking everything in through and they stay that's I love debris shelters it's already getting closed in which is kind of nice okay so there's something I neglected to mention which I'm going to show you right now is I mean I got a great spot between these two trees and this leaning tree my poles they're nice and secure to these thick branches on the leaning tree but what you want to make sure that you do is when you start your structure make sure you use your long thick branches first because that creates more strength shove them in you want the strengths from the big long branches first and the other thing once you've got your strong structure with your smaller ones you don't just want to put them on top like if I just leave that like that we a big wind gone you still want to weave them in somewhere where they're gonna stay and even if it rains I don't think they're single leak it's going to be good it's making me hungry the shelter's done and I like it it's awesome it's starting to rain so I might get lucky this would be great so I can show you in the morning I'll dry it's gonna be under here I'm confident that this is not gonna leak it's like a little beehive I created around these three trees it's gonna be good I'll have a little fire soon but no bedding got my warm coat so I'm not worried about that you got a nice dry place to sleep it's gonna be awesome it's really awesome in there I'm not kidding you and I know because of these big trees it's not gonna leak I'm thinking about five hours to put this all together but if five hours is gonna save your life keep you from getting hypothermia I think five hour investment it's not bad well I tell you what I'm looking forward to this and it is starting to rain I hope it pours tonight this will be good so then I can show you how efficient a shelter like this can be for the sake of a few hours invested time one thing I should mention you don't want to have your fire too close to a shelter like this if this thing catches on fire it'll go up like a roman candle shelters on fire I'm gonna have my fire out at least maybe 15 feet from the shelter this is gonna be great I think I'm gonna sleep like a baby right on I'm happy man I'm happy cover photos so I'm ready for bed now I'll get to put the cold on make sure I can get it on I filled it pretty full should be able to get it home a little tight it's gonna be warm and it funny and it look like it's all puffy it's gonna be good but I'll see you in the morning zip this thing up oh yeah this is this is gonna be good I was warm but it didn't rain like I wanted it rained a couple of times during the night but not like I wanted I was hoping for a big snowfall or a rain all night so I could show you the efficiency of the shelter but anyway that's about it for this video hopefully you found it entertaining and informative the shelter was awesome just like you guys the viewers are awesome because of you I can stay out do videos all summer I'm going to get on another video today as a matter of fact I think we're gonna go look for grizzly bears it sounds like a plan but anyways thanks for watching Ovens Rocky Mountain bushcraft like I say I hope you learnt something and keep your eye out for new videos and like share subscribe you're the folks that are keeping this channel going thank you to all the viewers oh yeah one more thing I get a lot of comments every video and don't think if I don't respond or answer your question that I don't appreciate your views your likes and comments because as a view I can keep doing these videos this summer I love the support appreciate you all and let's go look for some grizzly bears
Channel: Ovens Rocky Mountain Bushcraft
Views: 1,256,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: survival, rocky mountain, greg alone, ovens alone, greg ovens alone, greg ovens alone season 3, alone season 3, bush, wood fire, funny, funny videos, greg ovens rocky mountain bushcraft, greg ovens, bushcraft, canadian, rockies, rocky mountain bushcraft, solo overnight, cattail, cat tail, cattail down jacket, debris shelter, bushcraft build, how to video, overnight shelter, primitive skills, wild animals, diy down jacket, homemade winter coat, cat tail jacket, cattails plant
Id: yrunivEyEnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 11sec (1511 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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