Bison Hunt Road Trip Misadventures

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i'm on my way to uh go on the buffalo hunt i'm always into an adventure whether it turns out or not stop to see how long um it's a good thing i guess she had died during the night so i'm gonna pick her up give her some kind of a send-off hi i'm greg evans and this is ovens rocky mountain bushcraft here we go okay so i'm on my way to uh go on the buffalo hunt i'd be cool if i got one i'd like to make myself a uh jeremiah johnson buffalo coat wouldn't that be cool uh but whether i get one or not there'll be lots of good scenery hopefully some kind of an adventure every time you go somewhere it's an adventure so whether it's a short trip or a long trip in this case this is a long way from home i'm we're talking 14 15 hour drive so it's a long way from home so it'd be nice to get one but regardless uh stay tuned because we're gonna have fun [Music] um it's a good thing that uh my daughter and myself stopped to see hop along yesterday i guess she had died during the night i knew that day was coming i know some of you probably don't care but for those that do we'll do something for her i mean she must be one of the most famous chickens in the world at this point i'm thinking except for lilydale i guess so i thought everybody would be interested in a little update with hop along she's still alive um so we're just gonna have a little visit say hi to hope [Music] she's hiding [Music] she's big hey hop what are you doing let's see she doesn't freak out okay so she is heavier boy i must be 12 pounds or something you're getting big you're getting big you're getting big [Laughter] they want to put her down for a minute [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] i thought the gate was she still does that choking thing though hey you up [Music] i'll bring your cantaloupe next time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so this is hop along [Music] then we better put the seat bolt on you okay i'm bringing hop along so i don't have to worry about uh what happens to her while i'm gone we're going camping hop [Music] we'll see you later [Music] [Music] so we're getting far enough north now that there's actually caribou up here um this is moose country but the buffalo are still further up north so let's keep going um so i just thought i would uh show you a project that i drywalled with a couple of buddies of mine about 10 years ago stop and show you that i want to show you interesting things along the way where i've been what i've done uh some might not be interested in it but i know some of you will be so we're in uh grand cache alberta and me and my buddies uh drywalled this whole project i forget how many units there was we were here for months there was actually four of us it was a big project we were here quite a while throughout the winter and spring and whatever okay here's something weird nobody even lives in these units like there's i don't know must be like 80 units that we did and there isn't a single person living in here that's 10 years ago i don't know what's up weird only one set of tracks to one door see what's going on maybe it's interesting so no tracks in the snow nobody's living here apparently there's one fella i talked to here but he doesn't want to be on camera and he's saying what happened there's only two people that bought units here there's like 35 or 37 units that we did and i guess what happened is uh one of the companies or mining company in the area bought the whole building they were going to sell the units to people that work for them this and that and then the city shut them down because of deficiencies not drywall deficiencies um and now this one fella that i just talked to he didn't want to be on camera but he says that the town has shut his water off uh they condemned the building but the two people that own units here are still living here without water so i guess it's survival in the city sometimes too eh that's just weird yeah he says nobody bought the units and then the company that bought the whole project went bankrupt and it's been in the court system for years since we did this project that is weird man so i guess uh this whole building and the units will go up for auction eventually when this thing is settled in the court system but i guess the whole thing was built uh not up to building codes and standards not drywall so they shut the water and shut the project and company went bankrupt and i guess eventually they'd have to bring it up to snuff and then sell the units off but that'll be up to the city i guess when they take it over or whatever happens maybe the bank whoever owns it now but weird interesting too so i'm at a town called dawson creek british columbia this is mile zero of the alaska highway goes all the way to fairbanks through the yukon and into alaska i've got to go another 300 kilometers to my destination for either bison or razorback boars pigs we'll see how i do i don't know [Music] so foreign at a restaurant here it's called the sasquatch crossing not too many restaurants you can go to where you've got an indoor fire and throw your own firewood on pretty cool well folks i'll tell you something um i drove basically 1500 kilometers you come far pilgrim to realize i can't hunt this time of year up here i should have been here in september not the middle of december everybody that is hunting up here none of these roads are plowed if you don't have a snowmobile you can't go anywhere i can't get off the main highway on any of these roads just gonna hold her wide gonna be a good day she's tweaking i love the old super twin [Music] heck i think i can send that on the old super twin no problem you guys silly i'm still gonna send it so that's the big problem and i haven't seen any sign of buffalo along the highway or anything the locals are saying that they just haven't seen buffalo this year at all and apparently if you were to get buffalo you'd have to go way in the back up onto the the mountainside uh to find them more toys next year i guess it's a little chilly out it's not as cold now but still pretty cold out but is a long time going huh stays long this high i haven't seen any sign of buffalo anywhere people are just stopping at spots taking snowmobiles pretty cold if you had to spend the night you would have to have a fire you'd die you'd die overnight in this i haven't been able to do much walking through the bush looking for buffalo but i'll tell you right now there's no way that you want to get a buffalo very far from the truck atoll and it's been cold out it was minus 27 this morning so you're not going to be wanting to pack a 2 000 pound animal out of the bush very far in this very easy to get hypothermia in this kind of weather i haven't had hypothermia for a while i mean and i've worked hard you know i've earned it i deserve it no you would not last the night in this if you didn't have a fire let me tell you that so always bring a lighter with you you end up getting lost and you got to spend the night like one of my videos showed with the lighter even the dead later this time of year it's hard to find a spot to have a fire build it beside a log like this put some branches down so the coals don't go right in the snow right away that's part of the key there so uh [Music] that is really good nice and peaceful out here too you can get bison at the store so that's what i did this is really good i want to thank you subscribers you members and everybody for watching very good and i'll see you on the next one coming up right away were it worth the trouble huh what trouble but anyway no sign of buffalo and i've come to realize now that you basically need a snowmobile in the middle of december up here to even have a chance to get where they are well maybe it's just as well i didn't get one look at the size of these things these that's the only one i'm gonna see on this trip i basically wasted my time coming up here to look but until you go somewhere you just don't know right so i'm always into an adventure whether it turns out or not so keep watching there's always going to be an adventure that actually works out and maybe on the next one i can get hypothermia
Channel: Ovens Rocky Mountain Bushcraft
Views: 238,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: survival, rocky mountain, greg alone, ovens alone, greg ovens alone, greg ovens alone season 3, alone season 3, hunting, bush, catch n cook, catch and cook, bush cooking, wild game, wild game cooking, wood fire, funny, funny videos, greg ovens rocky mountain bushcraft, greg ovens, bushcraft, canadian, rockies, rocky mountain bushcraft, buffalo hunting, bison hunting, bison burgers, hopalong, pet chicken, alberta canada, jeremiah johnson, mountain man
Id: CCAifbQNwCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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