Ovens Visits the "87 Days" Bushcraft Shelter and Tells Origin Story

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must have been a lot of work and you look around pretty bad looking fish here Zack I think I'm gonna pass on the fish we haven't had venison for a little bit Zack figured it would be a good idea before you explain how I got into bushcraft and a little bit about my life and there was a black bear in and trade off for the fish and had the chance to meet Arnold Schwarzenegger lifted weights with them hi I'm Greg ovens and this is ovens Rocky Mountain bushcraft [Music] you we're at Zach's yurt that he used to live in just coming up here what we're gonna do today is have a cookout cook some fish some bacon some deer meat there Zach you recognize him me must have been a lot of work and you look around and there's some pretty pretty bad looking fish here Zach I think I'm gonna well they're petrified not terrified petrified and this is bed I'll get the big stuff if you get the twigs [Music] how's quick silver for your raid on the rock oh it's cold now that cooled off quick [Music] yeah Zack figured it'd be a good idea if I explained how I got into bushcraft and a little bit about my life and how I got into the bush crafting and drywall and various things so I was born and raised in Surrey British Columbia in Canada I just hated it there I hated school I first got interested in bushcraft after I read a book by Bradford angira read that book at about 13 might have been 12 I was called how to stay alive in the woods I started practicing some of the ideas in the book and within a few months of reading the book I started my first bow drill fire at 13 and after that I was hooked on bushcraft I just had this dream of taking off into the wilderness with a rifle and being able to live off the land and that was my dream since I was very young I did run away at 13 after reading the book I figured I had enough knowledge I could just run off and live off the land for the rest of my life and course that didn't work out because they found me and brought me back home at 15 I had to go drywalling and that's what I've done for the last 40 some years but my love is just to be out there and doing these videos like the survival challenge that we just did I bought my first car at 17 after working a couple of years drywalling with my dad and on high rises in Vancouver and then I left home for good after that so I went up to northern BC and started working at drywall and continued doing that like I say the rest of my life I've got a bad shoulder my back is getting bad I don't have a lot of time left to be doing drywall efficiently so it's time to get out of that this is what I'm hoping to accomplish with this YouTube channel and my goal clean I realized early too after reading several books after the Bradford angio book Tom Brown books Larry D Knowles and I studied all the books that I could get my hands on and a lot of the books back then really didn't have good information on plants identification the uses for them it was was rare to find a good book on plants and I realized also how important plants would be in a survival situation because you can't rely on catching fish you can't rely on catching game with primitive traps there are unreliable methods and you could go days without food if you don't know your plants so then I started studying plants getting good plant books and it actually became one of the things I liked the most about outdoor survival was learning the plants but also I loved the friction fires learning various ways of starting fires I've started fires with sandwich bags feral rods all kinds of things my expertise in the survival world or bushcraft John Drewe was fire I mastered that at a young age and then primitive traps I was intrigued with those so I really tried to develop my own type of traps which I've done and you'll see in some of my videos some of my own ideas for traps and set lines for fishing this thing is dynamite my love for outdoor survival bushcrafting has never ended but one thing I'm gonna tell you right now no matter how long you study it you can always learn from other people that have different ideas I've learned a lot from some of the pioneers in bushcraft that I've met at different bushcraft symposiums and throughout my life people that were just good identifying plants I've spent some time with Nicole apne different people from the alone show thanks to Zack helping me with this new channel hopefully as time goes on I can just focus on that exclusively bring us some really educational videos on plant identification fire-starting shelter building I have a rounded knowledge of all the components to or survival but no matter who you are how long you've studied this you cannot know everything I need to learn things too I'm learning from others like Zack about making cordage tying various not so I never excelled at that because it was something that didn't interest me as much as say starting a fire with a sandwich bag or finding a really good edible plant so I do know my fiber plants but love to be able to make stuff from the fibers the way that some of the other people that I know can do like basket making and so I'm gonna try to improve on those skills I'm always experimenting with new traps as a matter of fact Zack and I have a little contest going here we're gonna try to figure out a set line trap for ice fishing and not only does it set the line and catch the fish but it reels the fish in right onto the ice no that's a video I'm gonna work on right away when I get home from this journey here in Maine so that'll be an exciting video I think I've got it figured out I had to burn my plans to the trap this morning because Zack wanted to get a peek at them so but anyways lots of exciting stuff coming up so I'm thinking about writing a book at this point I've been approached by different publishing companies about writing a book and actually that was a dream of mine as well but getting on the alone show was really a dream come true too just to get the recognition I always wanted to be known for survival skills and to be an expert in that field which I consider myself at this point because of my plant knowledge and fire-starting abilities and primitive traps that I've designed and developed myself invented some of them you're gonna see you're gonna be very intrigued with thank goodness zach has set up this new Channel Islands Rocky Mountain bushcraft because I'm hoping that this will be my way out of drywall and that I can get back into the bush full-time videoing taking videos full time and try to make this a career for the rest of my living days I guess you could say I also bought a gold claim last summer and that'll be interesting too because that's a something I've always played around with since I was young as well is gold panning sluicing prospecting I just love finding gold and I found some nice gold over the years too so this year I bought a cabin this will be part of a video as well we'll be getting on to my claim building a cabin and actually finding some nice gold is what I hope with that keep watching the channels both of our channels and every time you like and share and subscribe it helps us out too for new adventures because I'd like to actually get over to somewhere like Australia do some videos again with Zach maybe catch a crocodile that'd be neat and maybe a shark those types of things some new adventures in new countries and new areas so obviously in all the years that I've spent in the bush been living in my truck for the last couple of years but this year I'm going to build a tepee and that's going to be a series as well I want to build a tepee get running hot water have furniture and everything inside you'll you'll see that'll be an upcoming video as well but in all my time in the bush I've got lots of experiences lots of bearer and cougar stories I do remember one time I was out fishing and I had caught a couple of fish and came back into the town area and there was a black bear in a I think it was an apple tree and I got this bright idea to go up there and give him a fish so I crawled up there got within about three feet of the bear and tried to offer the fish to him like this and he swatted the fish out of my hand I had a friend that was at the bottom of the tree and I said well throw the fish back up he throws the fish I tried to give the bear the fish again he swats it out of my hand again I said so okay third time throw me the fish again I tried and I just talked nice to that bear and he was sitting there looking at me and he was hissing and swatting at me and eventually after a few minutes he calmed down and he actually gently took the fish out of my hand looking all weird at the same time he took the fish he started eating it right there I was only like three feet away that was an interesting experience but a lot of people say that's a pretty stupid thing to do and it was it was a stupid thing to do so don't don't be don't trying to copy things like that I'm just telling you some of the silly things I've done too had hypothermia I don't I can't even count how many times I've been out and things have gone wrong been stranded many times in the bush vehicle breakdowns or getting lost a couple of times having to spend a night or two that's the importance of fire you gotta go to be a master of fire if you're gonna spend time in the woods whether it's camping or were serious survivalist still my big love his outdoor survival and bushcraft what's that saying you can take the boy out of the country but you can't take the country out of the boy and that's the way it'll be with me until the day I die it's this is where I want to be out here doing things like I am now so I'm just telling you a little bit about my life story where I'm from things I've been through if I can think of anything else interesting you'll try to remember here oh yeah that's the other thing that was interesting when I was 19 had the chance to meet Arnold Schwarzenegger he was lifting weights in Surrey where I was from and went down to meet him and lifted weights with him for a bit before he made any of his movies he used to be a big bodybuilder as everybody knows so and then look at how big it became he was he how big was he then while he was mr. Olympia when I met him so he was the biggest bodybuilder in the world at the time he had the most trophies and yeah he was huge how they were you well I had just started lifting weights I wasn't nothing like that but then I carried on lifting weights and got pretty big at one point but you picture that yep have a hard time picturing you all like no I don't really want to picture you a whole no you don't but I've got some pictures also did you do competitions no not competitions just just for my own personal gratification yeah I used to lift weights vote five days a week for about three years Wow and I got up to 195 and I actually got my arms up to nineteen and a half was I was getting big ah but I mean now was since so many years of not lifting weights you lose it yeah but yeah you were you uh slinging drywall at the time yep like I'd go to work and come home and then work out for two hours go to the gym for to oversell but that's back when a person at energy yeah back when you're 2025 you you can go to work and still go and work out right Plan B you know survive very sandwich bags right my love for this hot over here that's where most of coals are right in the face that call went maybe watch yourself doing it there's nothing for one more well maybe it should be a log instead of a patty oh good thinking got some venison here from alex rebar we haven't had venison for a little bit Rock squat quite not hot enough on the one side so we have to juggle things around so make room that's dumb well it worked and it didn't work instead of making my usual chopsticks I thought I'd make the tongs like probably been make him from my 30-day survival challenge because the soft wood up there wouldn't allow me to make a regular pair of chopsticks but the maple is so hard it's more of a workout device that it is anything else is like you get it get a workout while you're getting your food well here you go Gregg I wanted you have a present that's okay yeah I can make my own oh he made two I did I mean I didn't make I make - fancy - thinner and they started to split out so I actually worked better quiet out here yeah it is yeah I'm pretty lucky this you know just two and a half acres but like it's just all kinds of woods out there and it's like having more it's like having more yeah and the neighbors are all cool so when I first bought the land I started traipsing around here looking for wild edibles you know people nobody has ever said anything I've never bumped into anybody out there anything I've heard people go buy four-wheelers and I just slip into the bush and just let him go by cuz there is like one mean snowmobile trail like half a mile out there behind here but I hardly ever hear any noise activity like every four or five years or so that one neighbor further out does a bunch of logging and he'll like log a certain area send it out back there which kind of was a bummer because there's this one area back there I called dark forest and it was all these you know just pines and there are hundreds of feet tall pines and we don't have treated it felt like it compared to you know 40 foot tall maples and Oaks you know it was you know out there they were like 70 foot and they're really thick big ones and tight in there so it's completely dark you know no matter how sunny it was and they'd be able to go in there if it was raining and it would be almost completely dry underneath just damp and you could creep through and see the deer you know would lay on the opposite side of that whole cluster in open maple area but they'd make their beds they're kind of like block from the wind and stuff right and just be chilling and you'll be able to sneak through there in the dark and just sit there and watch them yeah you know I had a few turkeys around imagine oh yeah they come through in droves at different times here and there and stuff yeah you know I like seeing the turkeys they're such a beautiful bird with we see them in the Sun and they just glow iridescent Browns and yeah they're just gorgeous and then even a couple times I was sitting out there hunt and I saw I want to say Wolverine but it's not a Wolverine it's uh something with an M Martin a Marten yeah beautiful watching it play and run mm-hmm they didn't know I was there and it was just like you know and just they're the ones that are semi-big right yeah yeah weasel yeah yeah but cute yeah they're beautiful and oh they are they're very nice I know and then I don't hunt them or anything but I've seen them quite a few times but yeah they're kind of playful sometimes if he's all playing together yeah this one was that's all it was doing it bouncing and prancing and you know it just reminded me of like a kitten playing with a ball of yarn kind of out in the woods just jumping around and having fun mm-hmm cool but now I see more wildlife at my townhouse you know what's ready well I think might be yeah I want a piece of venison venison meat blog wrapped in bacon smoke feels pretty firm is that one done I just put it on a lot longer go about that seems to be the best place description alright trying the the rebar venison wrapped in bacon a little bit of adobo hmm that's good you know I can't even remember the last time I had Benson oh yeah Chris brought some over the house and not that long ago I think our eyes are bigger than our stomachs they brought late to looking to eat well we can have it for dinner it'll be good in hungry after we go i specialist sent a message said the ice is good I think we're gonna wrap it here I head down to the ice we can step back to have after we use an ice fishing it's been a lot of fun hanging out Greg I'm glad you came for a visit well me too I can't wait to get on my ice fishing trap gonna haul the fish right out of the hole automatically bushcraft trigger system I went and gave away my plan for how I'm gonna wind the fish out of the hole and Greg's aren't taken part of that and run with it and now he's got some trigger part figured out he's been working on it it's gonna be a to trigger pert system he won't show me encounters weren't it in the fire his plans he had secret plans like mission impossible he's now that he's memorized the plans he burned him up in the fire its first first to get a fish up and out of the hole yeah it was a trap yeah self-winding that'll be cool yeah so you think we should go ice fishing before we lose our leyte yeah let's go ice fishing here oh that's hot that's hot oh that looks good I'm gonna save that for dinner take that home you
Channel: Ovens Rocky Mountain Bushcraft
Views: 377,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: survival, rocky mountain, greg alone, ovens alone, greg ovens alone, greg ovens alone season 3, alone season 3, bush, catch n cook, catch and cook, outdoor chef life, bush cooking, wild game, wild game cooking, wood fire, funny, funny videos, greg ovens rocky mountain bushcraft, greg ovens, bushcraft, canadian, rockies, rocky mountain bushcraft, primitive shelter, primitive technology, survival shelter, yurt, fowler, bushcraft building, 87 days, outdoors, wilderness living, venison
Id: Xq7tshXg8Ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 3sec (1623 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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