TWO BEARS Crash Bull Trout Catch & Cook Adventure

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but i have to finish this video with a catch and cook of a bull trout which i haven't caught for a couple of years but along the way like i promised and show you some plants berries whatever i find big pile of bear scat grizzly for sure it's almost become a more or less a video about bears got this bearer that won't go away come on get out of here [Music] hi i'm greg evans and this is ovens rocky mountain bushcraft [Music] here we go so i'm gonna collect some of these seeds for my fire and uh all my keychain my daughter gave me this bullet which actually comes apart and uh i guess apparently it does have an o-ring and you can put some butane and then it's got a wick just like uh you know a zippo but i didn't put it in i'm just gonna spark it with the seeds of these dryad and uh get our fire going and then the video here uh i was showing a lot of plants and berries berries mostly but i want to catch a bull trout i haven't caught a bull trout in about two years so i'm gonna make an effort to catch a bull trout catch and cook bull trout probably on a rock but we'll get the fire going spend the night and i want to also set up the trail cam again and try to get some better video of that big grizzly so we'll collect some seeds get a fire going first things first get some of the seeds from the dryad and off we go gotta like your birch too the seeds they don't uh burn for very long birch bark you can't go wrong with that should be enough with some small twigs we're set have something to eat hopefully catch a bully tomorrow two years that's that's too long man not quite come on go go worked i love corn i can eat them all peaches and cream i'm gonna figure out where this is okay [Music] so i'm just getting ready to cook my pork steaks and there's something crashing in the bush over here um i'm thinking it could be that big grizzly because it's making pretty loud noises so i decided not to put them on just yet it's a little unnerving at night time for sure sleeping on the grounds worse i mean at least i am going to sleep on my truck and i do have my defender which i always carry in grizzly country i just don't trust bear spray like i've said more than once seems to have gone away now but that's why i kind of retreated to the truck when i heard that you could be coming for my corn or you never know i decided to use the headlights of the truck so i can cook this looking good not so good the only thing cooked on the fire is always good so um this valley here is kind of reminds me of jurassic park because the berries around here are just way bigger than the other valleys and the bears are too that's probably why but i'll show you the wild strawberries first and those are almost worth picking you know they get big enough they're twice the size anywhere else that i go these are cloud berries similar to raspberries you don't find them too often not around here but they're good too sometimes they just have two little bulbs on the top or more but cloudberries bane berries show you the leaf there's the berries now these are very toxic um just a few berries can kill a lot of people so very toxic berry stay away from bain berries these are the red ones but they also come in a pure white look identical but white berries so two colors of the main berries stay away from them we're still looking for some raspberries which i will find in the meantime big pile of bear scat grizzly for sure got to show you that too full of berries like i say the bears are big the berries are big this bush is loaded as far as wild raspberries they don't get much bigger than this either beauties the size of those those are nice pretty nice eh this is not a video about berries i am going to go and try to catch a bull trout but along the way like i promised and show you some plants berries whatever i find love love these wild raspberries especially when they're that big they don't get bigger or not so we're going to uh hike down to this river i know this is a hike in spot hopefully we can get a bully i'm using rubber minnows wish me luck it's a bit of a hike takes a bit of time to get there but i can't dilly dally i gotta get down there and hopefully catch one of these big bullies that i haven't caught forever man [Applause] oh i tell ya every time i do a hike lately that i haven't done for a couple of years three years or whatever always seems to be further than i remember mater it's a little rough around these rocks some of them slipping and sliding and under your feet but anyway we're just going to use a rubber minnow this is a good little fishing hole here and if this doesn't work there's another one down by that log gem you can probably see down so we'll get rigged up and see what we can do snack already [Music] [Applause] so well no bites yet maybe it'll be tomorrow morning sun's going down behind the mountain like i say a lot further hike than i thought so probably call her a night try again in the morning i do know other spots i'm not going to give up got to finish this video with a bully [Applause] [Applause] [Music] okay so we didn't have any success catching our bully at the last location i'm going to try another hike in spot that i go to frequently but this is a good opportunity to tell you a little grizzly encounter i had about three years ago i was hiking the trail which is about 60 yards over this way and this big grizzly came crashing out from underneath this leaning tree behind me uh to within about 50 feet snapping his jaw ears back clawing the ground uh the interesting thing about that is i mean i didn't have my rifle with me my defender just a fishing rod so i talked nice i didn't run like that's what you want to do in those situations you don't ever want to be in them but that's what you have to do about three days after well it was exactly three days after my encounter with that bear another man got attacked by that same bear and ended up in the hospital for weeks and he was chewed up real big time so that's how you deal with that but ever since then i've carried my defender when i hiked to this spot because that bear is still in the area uh the conservation officers investigated and what they found out was that bear had a a kill over here that had buried so it was protecting its kill and that's what bears do they protect their cubs and their kill so anyway talk nice hard thing to do but i always pack this when i go to this spot now this is the time of year that he's probably in the area because the kokanee which are a lion lock salmon are probably down in the channel here and i'll probably show you them too if they're there they might not be quite yet but he comes here every year for these fish that spawn in the channel i don't know if we'll see the bear maybe the fish aren't in there but that's one of my uh bear stories that i have for you and like i say once in a while i'm going to tell you stories true stories and uh it's a scary thing but now you know don't run i think that guy he ran panicked and it got him so don't run talk nice oh yeah and one more thing i don't want to sound like uh colombo oh just one more thing uh one thing one more thing just one more thing oh there's one more thing one more thing but uh the reason i know the bear is here is there was a report by the cos that said the bear was doing what it wanted or what came instinctively and that's protecting its kill so it wasn't near town it wasn't an aggressive bear unusually so they did leave it alone and i've seen that bear twice since then so maybe we'll see it this year be nice let's get out of here so i'm at a different spot this is day three still trying to catch our bully um the fishing is not like it used to be you know ten years ago you'd come to these spots and catch your limit in an hour and nowadays sometimes you fish for days and don't get one but i want to get my bully it's been a couple of years i got one bite at the last spot and that was it i got something i had a bite i missed them uh bully's very good tasting fish not quite as good as burbot for sure but it's really good so let's try to catch something here [Applause] [Music] [Music] snagged already [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so we're going down to the sixth spot different day i'm gonna keep trying um i don't give up very easy does get discouraging when you try and try you go to all these spots that should be good and you're still not getting nothing i'll try here for a bit otherwise i'm gonna just keep going until i get one it's been two years can't have that situation you know i'm just gonna use another rubber minnow the type that you put a hook through [Music] okay well i was getting bites there but it's not a bully i can tell it's just something like a cut throat or something small maybe a brookie tomorrow's another day i don't know how long this video is going to take to finish hopefully not two years i'm just gonna head back to the truck probably find another spot tomorrow that'll be spot number seven probably eight nine maybe maybe ten is a lucky number get to the tenth spot maybe that's where i'll catch a nice bully but i have to finish this video with a catch and cook of a bull trout [Music] [Music] [Music] okay i see fish in here uh pretty big fish but i cannot tell if they're bull trout or not but we gotta keep trying so i'm just gonna go back to my hand line with a heavier weight rubber mineral still i can see the fish in there they didn't seem interested i don't know what i got to do to catch a fish or a bull trout i should say i mean it catches i catch lots of fish but what do i got to do hook up with jeremy wade and go to papua new guinea to catch something yeah yeah yes yes yes it's getting a little frustrating it's been quite a while been working on this for a few days trying to catch fish lots of locations and just their bull trout just not working hike to another spot what is this now my i don't know if it's my ninth eighth something like that but anyway maybe here i can finally catch my bully a lot of hiking i've done looks like it's bad lighting too just turn it okay that's the lighting i should have had so a bit of a hike again steep terrain where i am running out energy for these hikes i just got my rod propped up you can see it here and then with these bullies you just wait for your rod to start moving and that's when you're getting some action and sometimes just letting that rubber minnow sit on the bottom and because they're kind of a bottom feeder too and just watch the line on the rod hope for the best got this bearer that won't go away come on get out of here get didn't bring my gun again go on i'm trying to get up the hill too oh i keep having these bear encounters this year i don't know how many encounters i've had but i mean this one i've thrown rocks i finally decided to get the camera going because he just would not take off he would not leave i'm ready to go up the hill and he's just up the top of the hill here now of course i didn't bring my shotgun again i mean it's just a small black bear but hey let's do still do a lot of damage not interested in fighting with it just give him a few minutes to get further away so i know some of you viewers are gonna say oh you're a hypocrite because you said stay calm talk nice it's true but with black bears i tend to be aggressive with the grizzlies i tend to be calm and i've run into i don't know five black bear situations this year one grizzly situation i'm still here doing this video i take my advice the amount of times i've had encounters with both dealing with the grizzly is a different ball game altogether than dealing with a black bear black bears you need to be aggressive chase them off if you can grizzlies there's no point trying they're going to get you if you start to run and they think you're a threat by uh being aggressive that will be a mistake well at least the scenery's nice eh it's not looking like i am even gonna get one i can't keep this up forever elk hunting's already started i gotta get on with you know some hunting videos too so i don't know how much longer how many more spots i want to try so now so that's two bear encounters in the same trip now did you notice that second black bear it was debating climbing the tree but then it decided to hiss at me so when they hiss at you like that that means you're close enough so i didn't get any closer and he decided to wander off it's almost become a more or less a video about uh bears and what to do and how to deal with bears than anything because it seems like i got as much chance of capturing a sasquatch on video than catching a bully at this rate but anyways at least there's been lots of bear footage and discussions and stories and anyway hope you're enjoying it whether i get a bull trout or not i don't want one hey fish finally a fish but it's not a bully it's just a cutthroat but at this point i'll take what i can get one feels a little bigger on the ground that's cold water that's cold water it's september man another cuddy not getting any bullies so i just went to spinner uh two cuddies is better and zero pulleys so we got dinner do a catch and cook sorry folks just can't catch a bully this trip it's just the way it is i'm ready to get out of here now it's that was cold i'm gonna cook my cut throat up i'm gonna use this little grill zach sent me he's always sending me trinkets this barbecue it rolls out bitty barbecue i was looking for some field penny crests but i couldn't find any but anyways get these uh fish on the fire my butter got a little crushed in the truck but like garlicky so i'm gonna try my fish out actually uh like i say it's been two years since i caught a bully we did get some underwater footage but it's actually been since the 30 day challenge that i even caught a cutthroat i've just been catching burbot and rainbow so far this year so this is the first time this year that i've caught uh cut throat as well we'll have this go to bed and get on with the new video hopefully uh maybe next month maybe i can catch a bully i think october is a bit better month but we have to end the video i love my fist a nice big bully with a little greg ovens we'll see on the next one
Channel: Ovens Rocky Mountain Bushcraft
Views: 165,720
Rating: 4.9468179 out of 5
Keywords: survival, rocky mountain, greg alone, ovens alone, greg ovens alone, greg ovens alone season 3, alone season 3, bush, catch n cook, catch and cook, catch clean cook, bush cooking, wood fire, greg ovens rocky mountain bushcraft, greg ovens, bushcraft, canadian, rockies, rocky mountain bushcraft, bull trout fishing, trout fishing, bully fish, bear encounter, grizzly country, black bear, two bears crash catch & cook adventure, outdoors, edible plants, bear safety, cutty, cutthroat
Id: _3VoAa_HeNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 29sec (1769 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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