Grouse Grand Slam Hunting - CATCH & COOK

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i got my grand slam with the grouse hunting so the thing about grouse hunting is you really got to look they're very camouflaged you got a spruce here to eat like this out in the bush is just dynamite [Music] hi i'm greg evans and this is ovens rocky mountain bushcraft [Music] here we go [Music] oh greg ovens here uh this video we're going grouse hunting my favorite meat of all um there's no wild meat i like better than grouse i did my video last year the gross permegiana you remember that hopefully if you haven't seen it go check it out this video i want to get all three species of grouse in this hunt that we have we have blue grouse they're also called duskys we also have spruce grouse which are called fool hens and then we have rough grouse which are considered willow gross so i want to get a grand slam all three species in this video do a catch and cook i'm going to cook it a little differently this time but guaranteed there will be some interesting things along the way so let's get hunting i like hunting well it's the meat i don't like shooting anything it's just i like hunting and for the meat i'm not no trophy hunter so the thing about grouse hunting is uh you just drive slow you really gotta look they're very camouflaged they can be sitting right there ten feet away and they're hard to see eventually we will see one but at the end of the video i'll show you when i do get all three the difference between the species i always get excited to go grouse hunting just because i just love that meat so much just nothing like it hard to hold the camera and drive so i got a young bluegross i didn't have time to set the camera up one thing i didn't mention was the blue grouse are up high spruce usually down low in the spruce groves and roughs anywhere in between so we have to go to different uh locations but i think we'll do this one fairly easy i got a spruce here very hard to run the camera and get a shot there it goes actually i thought i missed but i didn't it's hard to run a camera and shoot a gun at the same time okay so we got our spruce got a blue just need a rough and then we got a grand slam there's a few more birds in here um family of a probably six i'll only take one i'm not that way i'm not going to shoot a flock off if i see a group of six maybe i'll take two if i see a group of four i'll only take one um that's the way you keep uh the hunting good for next year okay so that's another spruce grouse there's two or three of them here but i got my spruce roast i'm just after the grand slam i just need a rough gross i got a blue i got a spruce it's the only three we got i haven't seen any roughs and it's kind of weird because usually that's what you see is the roughs more than the rest of them but i'm going to leave these guys alone because i already have my spruce roast so let them forage and have fun there's a turkey here with chicks and this is september that was just the weirdest thing to uh see a turkey with chicks that size in september like this i mean man alive it must be a second batch of chicks or something maybe she lost the first batch i know gross will have two batches sometimes but i've never seen turkeys that small this time of year they're usually almost the size of the parent bird at this point weird oregon grape throat pretty sour but i like them they make good wine might collect some i'll show you the bush here this one's just loaded when i'm out grouse hunting i pick these and they're good there's cows on the road up ahead here they'll just get on the road and they won't get off sometimes so i got my grand slam with the grouse hunting i got one of all three species [Music] these other birds are getting wet the uh lid broke on the cooler and the ice was melting so they're not it might be hard to show you them the rough's got the brown lots of different colors blackish neck grays on the back i got a blue i've gone all an entire season and not actually got a blue now because the bird's all wet it's hard to really show you the color um it kind of looks black in this picture but they're actually a light grayish blue and uh how you can tell a blue as well both female and male have a yellow mark above the eye oh you see the yellow okay and i did get two spruce and they're more of a blackish color this is a young one pretty tiny actually but with the spruce they have red above the eye you can see the red there so blue yellow spruce red but anyway we uh gonna have to let these birds cool down for a night i'll do a dinner up tomorrow unfortunately the wooded beardsman isn't going to make it down uh for hunting this year i'm talking about letting the air the balloon for the canadians you see the frustration so there goes the stick rack he's got a trapping course and he just is really busy with his stuff i know that's going to disappoint a lot of you viewers um it's disappointing for me as well but he did promise that he will do something in the spring so stay tuned and we'll get this dinner done tomorrow when these birds cool down so i'm gonna cook up my gross but i think it was my chicken dinner i said well i'm gonna make my favorite potatoes and i never even bothered doing it so i will show you how i do my potatoes they're really good too kind of strange in this video because i got a blue gross right off the bat and i didn't expect to maybe even get one so i didn't know if i would even get my grand slam but i did and then the turkeys with chicks was interesting and then when i was sitting in my truck with the door open that little nut hatch came and almost flew right in my truck landed on the running board and sitting there that was pretty interesting too so it's kind of a strange video the way it went oh no there's a bug in the water as if i haven't eaten bugs before now we seem to be burning an ant log oh wow breakfast he bit my tongue still having trouble with this hand of mine just doesn't want to work cut my other thumb off come on hand work so potatoes are boiling um one thing i forgot though was a potato masher um what i do with these potatoes is i add 50 philadelphia cream cheese 50 sour cream whip that all together make them nice and smooth great potatoes great with like my parmigianas and stuff i can't have my pudding unless i eat my uh potatoes like that pink floyd zone how can you have your pudding if you don't eat your meat uh i'll figure it out [Music] if you haven't tried these potatoes this way you really should sour cream they're really good depending on the amount that you're making but when they're smooth like i showed in the video they're that's about right piece of gross done just right i don't like to overcook growth either so good so good to eat like this out in the bush is just dynamite it's really good i wouldn't lie about it well lying's illegal you can't do that well i'm just heading to hans and roos i uh got a chicken for them as a surprise here and uh hopefully they enjoy it they help me out a lot so i gotta do something for them as well that's the only neighborly thing to do that's what you do in the bush i'm setting up your decoy eh yeah i would tell him you know what that's your buddy he's from last year you know killed him last year yeah [Music] that's not fair right it's cheating okay i got you a chicken okay yeah good good nice well you guys help me out right ruth yeah i want to see your gun too oh we'll join the gun come now i clean it best i could yeah okay okay you have to pluck it i got it for you okay i do it like you do it you know i skin it no well that's what i do yeah i do it too skinny i don't eat the skin anyway it's huge yeah have you ever eaten egg with skin on no use chicken right well i fillet most of them yeah me too it's too much work to uh i'm gonna fill in to i take this heinz and the breast yeah take the legs and the breast meat and the wings there's not much weight there's not much from there no no it's good it's good chicken huh okay well did you just want to fillet it i gotta feel it yeah okay well let's just do that should i show you how we do it oh i i know how to do it i've done a few am i i want to see your gun roof oh come on show him the gun come on there you go i know you don't like video but come on i gotta see your gun it's a 6.55 swedish mauser but it's beautiful you gotta see this gun that's a beauty yeah it's very nice it's custom made for her the length of the stock is important because she has short arms right well and who wants a yeah 300 magnum when we just should be the shot at least it's light yeah well and they don't kick roof right i've got one too very mild kick yeah very mild for sure well that's you know i didn't know you wanted that done or i would have done it it's okay it's okay i can't do it well that's what i do with mine because it's too much work yeah you're right you're [Music] but you know plucking takes like 40 minutes yeah playing takes 10. yeah okay i'll show you something here so new shower yes and a curtain new shower curtain yeah you go in here you go in here see i go back here step in here yeah and there's a problem here here see let me fit down here i open the water here and put on the propane yeah hot water it's really hot you can't touch it oh yeah that's good you can make it hot if you want to nice huh it works it works perfect yeah nice i mean you're just hanging it's less nail in here hook it up and you can put it any tree have a pair of water instead of this put in the water this hose it sucks it up and heats it up and comes down unbelievable yeah it's really good what they're coming up with eh yep and it's not china it is not china made you know right maybe the curtain is [Laughter] oh man i tell you you know that authentic okay i'll see you on the next video i've actually been working on a couple of videos that are pretty exciting as well so say excuse me almost choked on a piece of gross seems so stay tuned and uh we'll see on the next one
Channel: Ovens Rocky Mountain Bushcraft
Views: 120,428
Rating: 4.9485235 out of 5
Keywords: survival, rocky mountain, greg alone, ovens alone, greg ovens alone, greg ovens alone season 3, alone season 3, bush, catch n cook, catch and cook, catch clean cook, bush cooking, wild game, wild game cooking, wood fire, funny, funny videos, greg ovens rocky mountain bushcraft, greg ovens, bushcraft, canadian, rockies, rocky mountain bushcraft, grouse hunting, grouse grand slam, grouse grande slam, bird hunting, bc canada nature
Id: sKpFIEwL2ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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