Greedy Boss CHEATS His CUSTOMERS, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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welcome to jean sandwiches what can i get started for you i'll have a salami and swiss on six-inch white with all the fixins please coming right up [Music] what are you doing what's wrong i know you're new here but we are not doing any charity work here okay i'm just trying to follow orders it says uh put the meat on the scale until it reaches three ounces so you have to read between the lines i'll show you there three ounces i don't think we're supposed to do that who made the rule uh you did sir so then what i say goes got it yep good i'm trying out some new policies to improve my margins and increase my profits so there's going to be a few more changes coming soon be prepared [Music] stop stop stop you're still doing it wrong it's way too much cheese i'm just trying to follow orders it says four slices of cheese per sandwich so exactly watch and learn okay [Music] there four slices that's i mean that's cutting corners literally i am here to make a profit not to be a moral philosopher you wanted everything right yes please yikes robert yeah what do you think you're doing i'm sorry i meant to throw this away this morning no that's perfectly good brands are wasting i thought we only serve fresh bread here we are can't you read it's monday well right these were made last friday so you're only supposed to count business days not saturday and sunday sir i i don't think that bread waits weekends to go stale we do is there a problem uh no sir um it's just that this feels wrong you know like like we're taking shortcuts let me ask you something robert have you ever run your own business before no but it's always been my dream you know to to to have my own store like my dad who uh actually he used to own a place a lot like this is that so yeah i used to work for him too he would always say there's no cutting corners on the way to success at least that's the business philosophy try to instill in me so if he's so smart why aren't you working for him well he uh actually had to close down his shop after so you take advice from him in his business failed you just proved my point let me tell you something robert the more you cut corners the more you profit remember that but is it really the right thing to do who cares about right and wrong you weren't right and wrong listen to a priest you want to know how to run a successful business listen to me today's lesson use friday's bread what if what if the customers find out just toss it in the toaster for a few seconds they won't know the difference back to work [Music] organ jeans sandwiches where can i get started for you uh could i have one of those sure things there you go and have a great day thank you thanks how's everything going um good following my rules to a t i hope come on i'm so sorry it's totally fine i'll i'll clean it up thanks i really don't know how that happened i i'm such a klutz you know can i get a refill on the drink absolutely absolutely not here clean it up okay no problem why would you offer a new drink i mean that's our company policy right free refills not anymore since when since now three dollars that that's more than the drink soda ain't cheap we can't just keep even refill after refill especially in these situations i don't think that she did that on purpose it was clearly an accident did you forget about what we talked about today i got to get that make sure you collect three dollars or no soda there you go i'm sorry about that again don't worry about it happens all the time i appreciate it so can i still get that refill i hate to tell you this but uh we actually just changed our policy it's um it's gonna be three dollars if you want to refill oh yeah okay um well then can i just get a water i guess um yeah actually you know what um i'll get you that refill don't worry about it really yeah wow thanks um okay i'll just be sitting down sure there you go thank you enjoy how dare you what i saw you on the video camera while i was on the phone you gave that customer a free refill look it was clearly an accident and i don't think that she should have to pay for it when you just changed the policy fine i'll just take those three dollars from your tips that's not fair let that be the lesson for you to do what i tell you to do no more refills but that made a lot of customers really happy and if we keep cutting corners like this then i'm getting awfully sick of you constantly preaching to me if you want to make these customers happy how about you do it at your dad's shop then huh oh yeah you can't right because his business shut down that's really not very nice i'm not here to be nice or make friends i'm here to make money so either you do as i say or you're fired how about that fine you're look i don't want to work in a place that's run like this anyway wow so that's it huh yeah i'm done good i'm better off without you so maybe you can use this opportunity to open up your own shop and with the way you run a business you'll fail in no time just like your dad my dad's business didn't fail okay he had to take time off because he had health issues but when he was open he was actually really successful sure kid [Music] you'll close down faster than you can say pastrami on rye and don't think that i'm not taking this you're unbelievable you know that robert decides to leave determined to start his own shop when he tells his dad about how gene treated him his dad decides to do what he should have done all along he writes robert a check for him to start his own business robert couldn't be more grateful with the money his dad gave him he doesn't have enough to open his own shop but he does have enough to start a hot dog stand within a short time robert's dogs was officially open for business in the beginning everything seemed to be going great he didn't cut corners and went above and beyond to take care of his customers even if that meant sometimes taking losses [Music] what robert didn't expect is how quickly bills began adding up running his own hot dog stand was more expensive than he thought he soon realizes that he may not be able to stay in business for long eventually he decides to give up thanks thank you oh actually would you mind adding some chili for me oh of course there it's perfect how much extra is it oh don't worry about it there's no extra charge for chili it's on the house i've never had that experience before thanks have a great day well well well what do you want gene heard you started your own car how's the uh the new business going it's um it's going fine thanks for your concern look if you're not gonna buy anything can you please just sorry to bother you i just came by to drop this off right um right yeah i'll uh i'll take care of it look i don't mean to be pushy but if you don't start paying your rent soon i know i know uh let's go grab donut it's going fine huh you see you about to shut down even sooner than i thought it's just it's just taking me a little bit longer to get off the ground that's that's all right hold on i've been waiting for this moment i told you so wait i'd offer you your old position back but unfortunately for you that position has been taken by someone who actually understands how to follow orders even if i was homeless i would never go back to work wait what is it that your dad would tell you again um oh there's no cutting corners on the way to success [Music] how did that work out for you huh look you please just leave okay things are hard enough without you making them worse don't be so hard on yourself kid it's it's like they say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree you could just tell them that you were following in your dad's footsteps [Music] sorry is there anything else i can get for you i just come back to say that that was the best hot dog i've ever had in my life thank you yeah we uh locally sourced all our ingredients and it's a 100 real beef i um i prepare myself every day before work oh i believe it i mean you can taste the quality i didn't get a chance to introduce myself earlier i'm a producer for the food lovers network i know the show i used to watch all the time with my dad well that's great we have a new segment called undiscovered gems if you'd be open to it i'd love to feature you are you serious yeah i absolutely great i'll be back tomorrow with my videographer and we'll start filming right away and uh thanks again for the free chili anytime [Music] robert's excited once again hoping to find the lifeline he needed to help his business succeed the next day jeremy comes back with his videographer and features robert's amazing food robert goes into details as to how much effort he puts into making the best quality product possible when the interview airs robert and his dad couldn't be more excited it's the exact kind of exposure robert needed to really make his business boom within a short time he had customers lined up excited to try the amazing food they saw on tv robert couldn't be any more happy amazing segment on the food network by the way i appreciate that very cool thank you thank you thanks hey hey how are you doing i'll just have a hot dog with ketchup please i'm sure coming right up thanks well uh hey sorry uh uh give me a moment hi gene i'm uh surprised to see you still here yeah well things have actually been on the up-and-up ever since my segment on the food network uh is there something i can help you with [Music] yeah i was wondering do you think i can get the producers contact who helped you get on the show i was wondering if maybe they want to do a story on my sandwich shop yeah um i uh i don't think so i'd be careful if i were you you know not all news is good news and well i've seen your two-star reviews and frankly i uh i wouldn't want that on television i don't know what to do with those ever since i started changing my policy business has been slow well i i try to warn you there's no cutting corners on the way to success maybe you're right well if you ain't gonna give me the contact do you think i could try one of these dogs i want to see what all the fuss is about well sure if you want one you're gonna have to wait in line do you know who i am this is ridiculous i don't wait in lines look we're hiring if you need it it's good seeing you too gene i'm sorry about that don't worry about it thank you so much thank you welcome rapper's dogs we're gonna get for you hey can i get a hot dog with onions please sure hey son wow i'm so sorry can i get a moment yeah i can't believe this is on you i yeah i mean what can i say i i had a great mentor you look well tell me about it it was driving me crazy locked up in bed all day now that i'm up who knows maybe i can work for you seems like you could use the help i uh i've got a better idea here what's this it's uh thank you for helping me get the money together to start my own business you don't have to pay it back i appreciate it though dad it's not money just open it please okay geez so we can start our own business together [Music] i still don't understand look i know it broke your heart when you had to close down your store so i talked to the landlord and they haven't leased out the property yet so they agreed to run it to me are you serious [Music] i don't know what to say i do that [Music] you'll help me make hot dogs [Music] [Music] oh the ending was shocking
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 14,501,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: 4xWQtreKLf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 04 2022
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