Intern Is FIRED By MEAN BOSS, He Instantly Regrets It | Dhar Mann

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Mar 19 2022 🗫︎ replies
[Music] so basically it's a dating app but when two people match each other they have to play games to unlock information about the other person pretty cool right yeah i just i didn't know we needed to bring our own code oh uh we don't i um i thought it would be nice to show it off to the developers here get some new feedback yeah um i don't think we're going to be talking to the developers on our first day i also don't think you need to wear a tie what oh come on man don't you want to make a good impression make big moves here yeah uh the only moves we're gonna make is towards that coffee machine over there for the employees oh well regardless i'm gonna do my best to stand out i'm i've got big dreams you know my goal is to be the next kevin system of the dating app world wow i don't know who that is but that's really cool i'm trying to get my coach credit so i can graduate that's the ceo we're launching in two weeks it's gonna be our biggest app yet just you wait and see that's what you said about the last three at this point the shareholders need to see some real results okay well this time it's a sure thing you know come into my office and i'll show you our first quarter projections i didn't realize you hired some new people i didn't realize either i'm sorry who are you guys again it's an honor to meet you gentlemen um i'm joe i just started here and uh this is david hello uh what are you working on oh this is some new code it combines game features with uh the matchmaking process it's very impressive what program are you using python it's actually a combination of java and php sir that way i can process the game features faster while also allowing for less developer hours to make changes efficient and mindful of cost i like the way he thinks see one of your new engineers i wish i knew i'm sorry what is your job title again well i um i actually just started as an intern they all think they have the next steve jobs you never know i'd keep an eye on this one i can see him definitely going places oh yeah i see him going places too i see him going straight into the break room to make us some coffee how do you take yours uh two creams two creams for albert you heard them in off you go boys yes sir oh you know what hold on you uh um do you mind meeting me in my office in just like a second yeah of course thank you i would appreciate it if you kept your little homework assignment to yourself i don't want my shareholders thinking that you somehow represent my company but he seemed to like it he was just being polite okay you're an intern you're barely an adult what could you possibly know about developing an app but sir i've been doing it but nothing you're an intern okay i want to see you sorting mail and making coffee all right stay in your lane right and i will take two creams in my coffee as well thank you now off you go goodbye right away ah can i help you i'm sorry i don't mean to intrude i was just um i was admiring your work you know code kid yeah yeah i've been writing it since i was 10. i'm hoping i can be in here working with you guys one of these days wow since you were 10. i guess it's true what they say you are never too young to go after your dreams i 100 agree with that you must be edward head of engineering i saw your picture in the break room ah that's me thank you well let me know if there's anything i can ever help you with oh wait do you want to take a look at something sometimes it helps to get a fresh set of eyes of course what's up i've been working on these few lines of code for a while and i keep running into a logic error i'm curious to see what you've got okay um see do you mind if i uh take yes okay oh okay i see what's going on you do it looks like you don't just have a logic error in here are you taking a look at what's in this array it should just be the meta details i think there's an index error hiding in here are you sure yep okay and that should do it you want to take a look what in the world is going on here oh i was just helping edward with the code you know i asked him to you're my senior engineer why would you ask a child for help and you little man are you trying to run my company into the ground no sir not at all i would give me that you're not at home playing video games okay this is real life you probably just broke something edward will you please fix whatever he just messed up thank you and you from now on leave the coding to the developers okay next time i see you you better be sorting mail or handing out coffee and if you're not i am going to fire you do we have an understanding all due respect you know what i don't hear it do we have an understanding edward he didn't sabotage anything too bad did he no as a matter of fact he just caught something the entire team couldn't he probably just saved us all a day of work at least okay well how incompetent can you be if you need an intern to do your work for you maybe i should be paying you what i pay him which is nothing i just don't think there's any way we're gonna be able to get all those features done in time for version one okay well then how are we any different from tinder or any of the other hundreds of dating apps out on the market okay we we need something unique people if we are going to be better than all of them do you really think we're going to be bigger than tinder i'm i'm sorry what was that i didn't hear that can you speak up can you did you have something you wanted to share with the group edward yeah no i didn't think so okay we need something that is going to make us stand out i'm not sure if there's enough time to add any new features before launch she's right can't we just push back the launch now that people that right there is a great idea push back the launch date and then um we can put a big sign out in front of the building that says failures push back the launch we've already done that twice edward and the shareholders are breathing down my neck as it is what if we added customizable interfaces like you could make your profile pink or add i mean kind of like myspace in 2005. that's adorable people you all got fancy schmancy degrees at very expensive schools and not one of you has come up with a decent idea you better be raising that hand asking me if i want sugar in my coffee no i have a suggestion okay little man how many times have i told you to stay in your lane give him a chance to speak calvin what have you got to lose isn't that the kid that fixed the syntax error i like to hear he has to say me too okay fine i will give you 30 seconds and then you go back to sorting mail go okay well it's basically a code that i already made it processes game material on a dating app platform without slowing things down if we implement it into the script that would allow for some really cool add-ons what is this this code that this person is talking about has anybody seen this code i have um but i really think this could work well i mean if the other intern thinks it could actually work then i am sold i mean his idea would definitely be unique i've never seen that done before yeah i think it's pretty genius like words with friends for dating exactly and all this code is already written yep all i need to do is migrate it over to the production server and run some tests on it if it's already done then there's a small chance we can actually make it by the deadline but the question is does this code actually work i don't see why it wouldn't i mean i i haven't tested it with real live users but theoretically it should okay so the answer is it only works if nobody uses it that's great there's only two days left unless you want to upload v1 without any additional features i suggest we try this is two days even enough time i'd need to pull some all-nighters but so long as i have some caffeine in me i should be fine maybe you can help yes yes i i can make coffee this is the best shot we have what do you say okay fine i will give you a chance and if it works you will become part of my development team as of monday really and if it doesn't work you get your stuff and you get out of here and i call every single person i have ever met in silicon valley and make sure that you never work in tech again how's that sound little man yes sir i understand i i won't let you down don't all right well what are you all doing sitting here getting back to work welcome to the development team even if it is just for 48 hours shall i show you to your desk uh yeah that would be great thanks what should i start working on first you tell me you're in charge joe walks off excited to join the development team while also hoping he made the right decision he's given a desk and starts working right away trying to add his gaming feature to the app launch he works all day and all night even long after everyone else has left well mostly everyone that is [Music] joe pulls an impressive 48 hours straight regardless of how tired he gets he keeps pushing through to try and make the deadline and then comes the day of the launch hey joe hey wake up man what time is it what time is it it's three minutes to eight everyone's literally coming up right now did you finish it i think so um yeah all done i just need the go signal to take it all live all right i hope it works me too thanks ah okay people we are taking this thing live in two minutes are you ready kid yes sir i just finished just in time all right everybody to your stations please uh you get me a coffee everybody listen be on your a games today please we cannot have any hiccups all the shareholders will be watching everything's looking good so far but there aren't any users yet that'll be the real test all right well the uh the email blast with the ads and the press release it's gonna go live in about one minute so this better work well i'm pretty confident oh have you load tested the servers yeah i did they're all set to aws to auto scale so we should be able to handle however much traffic we get but we do need real live users to make sure okay here we go edward take us live in five four three two one we're live we did it i did it relax don't celebrate just yet let's make sure that everything is running smoothly everything's looking good so far we have five thousand people downloading the app already no no way yeah and the servers are holding up just fine 10 000 downloads 10 000. are you serious and there are no errors coming in ah the load's not even spiking we just rolled another 10 servers the scaling seems to be doing great yeah we're looking solid 25 000 downloads in process and counting 25 25 000 are you kidding me like that's unbelievable our last app did not have 25 000 downloads in its first year i can't you i can't believe i'm saying this but welcome to the team uh oh what do uh oh what is it oh i mean why is she saying uh oh shoot ah we've got a problem what what is the problem tell me what the problem is tell me now what the problem is some of the servers seem to be faulty we're lagging hard the app just crashed no no no no get us back up online quick little little man go do something it's probably something to do with the aws oh i'll do what i can oh and terrific albert is calling already nope goodbye let me just go to the server room so i can fix something and you know what forget it don't touch anything this is probably your fault hey don't get mad at joe there's a number of reasons why this could have happened you do not defend him i knew i should not have trusted this kid he probably has no idea what he is doing and albert is calling me again well just give me a chance no more chances for you you know what i've had it get out of here you're fired no calvin don't do this i just did it little man you're not listening to me there's the door i said get out of here you are fired wait just let me wait for nothing i don't want to hear it from you anymore you're trying to run my business into the ground get out hi albert yeah no no don't don't don't worry everything is fine it's just a little technical difficulty it's uh nothing to be concerned about we will be back up online in a minute [Music] yeah i know what you're thinking if i had another hour i could fix everything no no i'm thinking that i'm i'm a failure i'm a loser i suck i really wanted this job to work out maybe i'm just not a developer why because you couldn't handle 25 000 concurrent users on your first ever launch none of the people in there could handle a fraction of what you just did calvin's right i'm just an intern i should have stayed in my lane no you are a coder one of the best i've ever seen hands down yeah a coder who is never gonna work in silicon valley again you heard what calvin said do you think that calvin has that kind of power his park is a lot worse than his bites i'm honestly more worried about him finding work again if this app doesn't work out he doesn't have the best track record well that makes me feel even worse considering my code is what crashed the entire app have you ever thought that maybe your code isn't meant for calvin's app it's meant for yours what are you saying i'm saying you're a smart kid and you are a risk taker that's a good combination you should be making your own abs but i'm only 18 years old well then it's a good thing you 100 agree you're never too young to go after your dreams you're right wow i can't believe i almost forgot that you don't need calvin you don't need this job all you need is this and maybe some funding oh yeah where am i supposed to find that who do you think helped calvin find his funding let me take care of it really you do that for me i don't want it to seem like charity i will want a percentage but that can come later for now get your app working and give me a call when you have a prototype all right yes thank you so much edward i am never going to forget this see maybe it's a good thing that you got fired yeah that's exactly how i'm going to explain it to my parents good luck kid joe is once again excited to go after his dream he spends all day and night coding again except this time it's for his own app he works harder than he's ever worked before and after many all-nighters he finally completes his first prototype [Music] a few weeks later edward sets up a meeting with the well-known investor it doesn't take long for the investor to be convinced to help fund the app joe couldn't be more excited [Music] over time job opens his own office edward becomes a cfo and david becomes his ceo together they all create one of the top dating apps in the world with so many users buzzing about their innovative features and then one day joe gets a visit from an unexpected person who am i meeting again today he says he used to work with you calvin hey long time no see what brings you here well you know it's funny i was reading a magazine and for some reason you just uh popped into my head oh i hate that picture i cringe every time i see it come on come on it is amazing how well your app is doing congratulations i am just so proud of you i appreciate it you know i i could say it's all thanks to you oh yeah yeah uh if you hadn't fired me i probably never would have started my own business oh well see i am i'm glad to have been part of your journey well you didn't have to come all the way out here to tell me that an email would have been just something no no no i am here with an offer an offer a job or no no sit down i would like to buy your company oh yeah yeah an all stock deal i give you 10 of my company in exchange for 100 ownership of yours you'd do that for me yeah absolutely i mean a young smart guy like you knows an opportunity when he sees it right i mean you could go anywhere live on a beach in costa rica or something like never work another day in your life do you mind me asking how much revenue your company has well none right now because our app hasn't taken off yet but when it does it is going to be huge i'm talking billions you'll see so you're asking me for 100 ownership of my company in exchange for 10 stock of a company that makes zero revenue i don't know if you know this but we're on track for 50 million this year you are with a 300 year-over-year growth rate isn't that right edward sorry but we're not interested come on at least think about it no sorry there's no way i'm gonna change my mind okay you know what little man you are going to live to regret it hey are you new here yes sir i'm an intern it's an honor to meet you if you'd like any coffee or need help with any of your mail i'm your person that'd be great thanks you know alex here was actually just telling me some good ideas that he had on some new features that we could maybe add into the app is that so yeah i know it's probably hard to believe because i'm young no not at all you know uh a wise person once told me you're never too young to go after your dreams i love that if you ever have a moment i'd love to show you some new code i was working on you know what i have a moment right now you want to step into my office that sounds great so coding what school you guys you better be on your best behavior young man what are you doing you're not supposed to have your shoes on in the house you're now his third sitter the other two quit i do have a pretty special way with kids drinking quiet twerp this is how it's gonna go
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 7,612,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: 3Vu9xpLSIX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2022
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