Famous YouTuber GETS CANCELED, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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miss day welcome it is such an honor to have you here thank you i'm so excited corey's excited too we all are we work with a lot of influencers but i've got to say you are the one i've been dying to meet the most i'll go with corey let me know you're here so go ahead grab a seat ready magazine i'll be right back [Music] my man really got a magazine with his face on it in the lobby that's not conceited at all babe uh could you not make those type of comments when corey shows up i'm only kidding babe hey relax i'm trying to okay but corey lee is like a really big deal right he's like 12 million subscribers on youtube and i really want him to like me [Music] how's my makeup look by the way beautiful hey why are you so worried about him it's like you got a little thing for myself i've been wanting to collab with you forever now i know i can't believe i'm finally going to be in a corey lee video you're kidding me i can't believe i'm going to have the allison day in one of my videos you've been killing it lately oh is this your assistant a boyfriend actually oh sorry man corey eric nice i i don't know how i didn't recognize you are you on youtube or tik tok no i'm no i'm like a i'm a manager for a food delivery company kind of like hello fresh oh he's just being modest he actually just got promoted to being a senior manager oh interesting i've never used a service like that before and i have a private chef that cooks all my meals so i really wouldn't know well by the way do you have one yet a private chef yeah if not i can totally give you the info for my lady she's amazing oh oh well i'm i'm usually actually cooking all our meals so i think we're good but thank you if you say so well you have to at least come over for dinner sometime and try my chef's cooking it's better than most michelin star restaurants well uh sounds good maybe we'll take you up on that cool okay well the crew and i have a little surprise for you corey you didn't have to yes i did oh here why don't you guys come this way i know that face come on assistant i'm all over your socials how does he not know stop okay he probably just hasn't looked at my page in a while okay how about i make a big announcement to everyone that you're my boyfriend when we get in there no it's not funny i'm serious we've been acting a little strange since we got here why you like this guy so much i don't i'm just excited to collab with him is all okay are you right about something come on you have nothing to worry about please trust me [Music] if we don't have trust we don't have anything right yeah you're right [Music] all right i guess i'm gonna just be used to being a not famous boyfriend we're ready for ya okay you can open your eyes in three two one open [Applause] surprise oh my gosh it's just a small token of our appreciation for having you on set with us the next couple of days this is way too much corey oh it's amazing thank you but uh i can't possibly eat all this by myself so you all better have some of course yes but you first please uh actually before we you know dig in is it okay if we take a group photo yeah let's do it yeah cool okay let's get the crew in the back allison front and center just like a star i'm gonna go here do you want me to take it for you guys oh no no i want you to be in the photo uh uh oh hey can you take a pic for us yeah cool that's fine well uh i'm sure someone else could take the photos so that eric could be in it too oh uh i kind of want the whole crew to be in the photo you don't mind do you no that's cool cool all right see all right guys gather in real tight and uh let's say allison day on three okay ready one two all three great awesome everyone grab a plate we're shooting in 10. okay thank you so much you'll stay less pleasure's all mine [Music] and cuts we'll take five can we get makeup for alison please so good so good yeah hey adam can i talk to you for a second yeah what's up something just feels off about that last line really how so um i don't know i just feel like the hand on the shoulders kind of kiddish you know i feel like the characters would kiss uh but i thought after that meeting with hr we decided not to do kissing in our videos i know but the audience would go crazy seeing corey lee and allison day kissing imagine okay let's just do it one last time please sorry were you talking about kissing allison trust me and it's the last thing i want to do okay but i'm just thinking about the fans and what they want to see plus how to get the most views you do want the video to do well right yeah no no of course of course i the idea of that just kind of makes me feel a little what you're not insecure are you me no i'm not insecure no no no no no no i'm not worried about me i'm i'm just worried for her and you know i wanted to be comfortable and i doubt she's going to want to do that hmm okay well why don't i go chat with her about it we catered lunch for everyone in case you want that instead oh no this is for allison oh that's really nice that you brought that for her yeah yeah no um she i know i i know her diet pretty well so i guess she trusts me with the cooking cool she's cool with the changes to the scene which she is yeah yeah oh let me just go talk to him actually we were just about to start filming so hot set okay are you all right you're not bothered no i'm fine before i forget can you just hand her lunch oh actually we were just about to start shooting through lunch since you know we're behind because of surprise and everything oh i didn't know that oh it's because we just decided it right now well hold on hold on so is she not going to be eating no no it was her idea not mine so yeah we really got to start shooting can she just text you later yeah yeah i i guess that's fine awesome hey you're the best man all right guys let's pick it up let's get going [Music] hey uh did eric bring me my lunch oh actually i made reservations for us at giovanni really i didn't know that that's my favorite restaurant what can i say i do my research great and how long so i can let eric know to be ready oh um he said he has to run some errands so he can't join us today he's leaving yeah i wonder why he didn't tell me oh it was a last minute thing yeah that's actually we were just talking about why don't you send him a text and tell him you'll see him later okay [Music] he seems a little eric you know i i wouldn't worry about it i'm sure he's just stressed from work you know how it is working a normal job thankfully neither one of us has to do that anymore i hope he's all right he'll be fine hey i wanted to talk to you about changing the ending of that last scene i already talked to eric about them and he's totally cool with it okay okay cool here's what i'm thinking oh i think we're gonna need a bigger table actually uh none of the other caster crew are coming it's just the two of us i didn't realize the rest of the cast and crew had to stay behind to do a pickup shot so they can't join us unfortunately i see alison it's always a pleasure to have you here um thanks johnny yeah um is eric joining us today uh no but i might message him and see if he wants to come maybe he finished work early before you do that i did want to talk to you about something do you mind giving us a moment of course what's up i just wanted to know how your whole experience was you know collabing with me okay i guess you guess look corey i gotta be honest with you this whole experience just kind of made me feel a little uncomfortable you know first you asked me if i would kiss you on camera regardless if eric says it's cool or not it's still really awkward to ask someone last minute like that and then i find out just the two of us coming here and wait wait wait a second are you implying that i did all of this because i have some sort of thing for you or something allison that's not the case at all wow i'm honestly kind of offended no i'm sorry i i didn't mean it like that it's just oh paparazzi's here what gosh okay i'm sure they just want a few pictures as well no you don't understand okay i hate the paparazzi they're always making up stories about me well i'm sure if we just take some photos they'll leave us alone no i don't want to look i'm just gonna go wait in the bathroom until i leave i listen come on it's it's a camera that's not a big deal just hey are you all right yeah just help me get rid of them i will i'm so sorry about this so would you call your girlfriend oh well that's a little bit of a stretch but it's definitely getting there oh i'm sorry but you guys can't be here why not he invited us it doesn't matter this is a private establishment you need to leave now all right then i'll see you later corey thank you anytime [Music] hey allison are you okay yeah i'm fine [Music] oh uh i gotta take a call real fast i'll i'll meet you outside okay it's right through those doors all right great oh hey where's allison oh she's inside getting ready for our next scene together oh okay i was gonna go see if she wants any food oh yeah no sounds good oh um before i forget by the way congratulations on landing such a great girl allison really is the best thanks enjoy it while it lasts you know what i mean i don't know what you mean what are you trying to say [Music] i've seen this happen a million times okay allison is just gonna get more and more famous pretty soon she's going to be dating a celebrity that's just how it goes i work with a lot of influencers so i know well you don't know allison the way i do [Music] okay [Music] everything all right you two went to lunch together yeah we rapped early and she wanted to go to giovanni's why is there an article saying that you two are dating really that's interesting [Music] i don't know i saw her talking to the paparazzi but i was coming out of the bathroom it's like i said man as she gets more famous she's going to want to date someone more of her caliber [Music] not someone who works for a food delivery company [Music] hey ah hey i've been looking for you where are you going after everything we've been through i really can't believe you allison [Music] wait what what are you talking about [Music] first off you agree to do this kissing scene with corey then you guys go to lunch together you don't tell me and now i have to read the news that you two are dating huh what are you talking about no no just save it i've seen enough [Music] don't walk away from me we need to talk about this [Music] you know what's funny you really tried to convince me to trust you and then you go and do this i knew something was off the moment we walked in here apparently i should have just trusted my gut eric open the door eric [Music] hey i saw everything you all right yeah just give me a minute [Music] well if you ever need to talk i'm always right here [Music] hey eric is allison joining today oh it's just me i i hate that be nosy but is everything okay no i thought i could trust allison it's like now i realize you can't trust anyone nowadays well i don't know her as well as you do but i do know that she's an honest person that other guy corey he seems like a snake why what do you mean well just the other day when they were here you know paparazzi showed up allison ran to the bathroom but then i found out that corey was the one who called them no no no he told me she was the one that was talking to them are you kidding you know how she is with them she did her best to get away from it all well and maybe maybe that wasn't misunderstanding i don't it does it doesn't explain why why she kissed him allison kissed corey yeah in that collab they did together the one video that came out this morning on corey's channel yeah did you watch it i'm too disgusted by it it makes my stomach hurt just thinking about it i watched it and there's no kissing going on between them wait there isn't you should watch it i'll be back to take your order say less the pleasure was on mine psych catch us next time on the cory lee show they never kissed why aren't you answering my calls alison how did you know i was here um did you forget you share your location with me oh yeah well i'm sorry i i just found out you and corey never kissed i thought you you agreed to that what you no no no no i would never that's what i thought and then i just realized corey he was the one that called the paparazzi for that article he did i should have known now it all makes sense i was just i was really hurt when i read that article and i you know i knew it wasn't true but i didn't even know you two went to lunch together you know without me he said you had something come up at work and that's why you couldn't come what what are you talking about i was literally waiting for you in the parking lot the entire time he told me you guys cancelled lunch seems like he definitely played the both of us what a snake i regret ever collabing with him i'm so sorry alison i'm sorry i didn't trust you [Music] i mean you're right if we don't have trust we don't have anything [Music] will you please forgive me [Music] of course [Music] just please don't ever ignore me like that again no i won't and can we also like never speak about that corey again he's just he's just caused us so much stress in our lives fine by me okay [Music] actually i do want to talk about corey one more time and then i promise i won't ever mention corey lee again oh okay um cory you should probably watch this hey everyone so i recently did a collab with corey lee and i have to tell you the experience was not pleasant it was being completely inappropriate the entire time oh no you try to add a kissing scene between us when he knew i didn't want to he played my boyfriend again it's already got millions of views corey there's more than just that hey guys i just wanted to back up allison day's post when i worked with corey lee he treated me the same way he was very unprofessional i was pretty uncomfortable even i can't watch this anymore i hate to be the bearer of bad news but trixie made a video too [Music] [Music] um [Music] what about what about the comments what are they saying there's a big movement to cancel you [Music] corey cory relax you're corey lee man you're gonna be good you'll get right through it okay then why is this the worst day ever okay how could this they got something any worse yes we need you to come with us um what for investigating some complaints about you how about we take a ride downtown that's why i decided to say why are we even doing this campaign anyways let's just stick to giving away free stuff to team trees and i have to outdo them look at this mr beast just announced he's doing team c he's collabing with a bunch of other youtubers it looks like just counting some money maybe you should join no way man i have to beat him
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 12,661,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: PDRwh_-S4F0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 6sec (1506 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 31 2022
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