Guy Tries To CHEAT On DRIVING TEST, He Instantly Regrets It | Dhar Mann

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tim can you please turn the volume down i'm trying to him can you turn the volume down yeah i got it up oh my god that was giving me a hand come on man i was jamming to that oh my just totally killed the whole vibe man well you can vibe later okay what you should be concentrating on is driving okay especially since you only got a permit and now you're licensed oh yet that is going to change today my friend i know i know i'm actually really glad that you finally decided to take it yeah i'm sorry but i was getting really tired of driving you around all the time and at the time are you watching you almost ran over the squirrel okay well i should have ran him over then he needs to watch where he's going bro if you do that on the test you're gonna fail fail smail with this tesla i am gonna pass the flying colors okay watch all i have to do is and the car drives itself huh look at this know i highly doubt they're gonna let you do that on the test why all i have to do is put my hands on the way i'll make it look like i'm the one driving huh yeah i bet i wouldn't risk it okay hey how did you get your dad to let you borrow his brand new car oh i didn't oh come on don't get me that look all right he's not gonna find out yeah i wouldn't be so sure okay it's your father and can you please keep your eyes on the road okay you know even with autopilot you're supposed to keep your hands on the steering wheel okay oh yeah you know what let's park on the street looks like the lot's full wait there's oh right there oh yeah yeah yeah i see it i see it okay i mean you do know how to parallel park right do i know how to parallel park i'm offended you even have to ask me that of course i do okay good it's easy all you have to do is press this button and the car parks itself okay it's cool tim you know getting a driver's license is not just about passing a test okay it's also knowing how to drive okay sure it is paul sure it is okay i need you to go do something while i take my written exam okay yeah i'll find something good luck oh who needs luck when i have the answer sheet is this wait how in the world did you get that i stole it from my driver's ed instructor pretty brilliant huh no no that's not brilliant okay that's cheating tim tim how many times do i have to tell you okay if you cheat you'll never get ahead okay to be honest i probably would have passed the test even without cheating but i have this delivery job lined up that pays 40 an hour okay so i had to pass okay well that first paycheck better go towards paying your half of the rent okay it was due yesterday you know relax all right all they're waiting for is for me to get my license which i am taking care of right now okay okay so why don't you go for a walk or something listen to some spa music watch some birds huh okay it'll help you calm down are you sure because i i can just wait for you no no no i need the car to drive all right yeah okay i have to be in there now okay so how do you just how do you open this well i just outside maybe yeah that's how you just got the handle i don't oh there's the oh there it is there's the button got it on the side [Music] c-58 calling c-58 oh hi ticket oh yeah that's right there you go so how are you doing today what are you here for well i'm here to take my dragon test you're going to complete this test in that room over there when you're done you're going to bring it back to me then i will assign someone to do the road test with you got it c-59 calling c-59 yes ma'am all right tickets please excuse you really oh hey weren't you just in my uh driver's ed class yeah uh timothy right ah yeah mr how it's good seeing you what are you doing here ironically my wife works here i'm taking her out to lunch oh wow i see you taking your test yeah good luck with that thanks hopefully you remember everything i taught you remember oh yeah no i remember every single word i wouldn't be surprised if i got a perfect score no doubt okay well that's good seeing you have a good day oh wait random question and did you happen to see my answer key i haven't been able to find it anywhere oh answer key um no no i haven't okay um i hope i just misplaced it and no one stole it mr how i don't think anyone would do anything like that probably right okay something wrong um no i just i misplaced something what is it hope you look forward no no i mean no thank you uh plus you shouldn't keep your wife waiting right well okay take care and good luck thank you yeah bye mr how [Music] okay yeah that is mine thank you very much so hey all right there's that wow oh yeah that's the stuff hey hey nice to meet you i'm lance i'll be taking your driving test with you hi i am i am tim by the way that is a nice tie i'm really digging that that's a good touch thank you is this your car yeah you like it i have never been in a tesla before oh really no one's brought one in for a driving test or anything like that maybe uh not with me actually this is my first test oh well that is perfect how about we take it for a spin huh lance yeah let me get the door for you by the way i love your name it sounds so super heroish you know what else okay okay okay [Music] so how am i doing actually i'm pretty impressed i haven't had to dock you on anything you know sometimes i drive so smooth people think the car drives itself wait a minute don't these cars drive themselves oh i don't know about that but you know it's my dad's car so i'm not really too familiar with it so you don't have any sort of auto drive turned on or anything like that because you know that would be cheating yeah no of course not i don't think my dad even bought that feature he's pretty cheap all righty looks like we're here i take it i passed that almost i just need to see how you parallel park oh nice you know parallel parking is actually my specialty okay all right [Music] is everything okay yeah yeah yeah um is that a squirrel in there i don't see a what was that noise noise oh i don't hear a noise is this car parking itself what no i'm i'm parking the car lance then why does the screen say auto park in progress oh it does that's weird oh look at that we're all done and set nice try tim i know what you did now i need you to pull it out and put it back in i am hurt that you feel like you can't trust me okay you know what i will do it again just for you lance okay watch me go all right oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh oh no oh no no no no no no no no oh oh my dad is going to kill me i am sorry tim but contact with another vehicle that tends to be a critical driving error i am afraid i'm going to have to fail you on that no no no please wait okay you don't understand um that was just a little tap i wouldn't say it's critical you're gonna have to retake your driving test at a later date oh ah you don't understand i need this license so i can get a job that i have lined up okay let's say you help me out and i come back after i get my first paycheck and uh you know thank you are you bribing me no uh nothing like that okay you're silly this is just a friend helping out a friend right pal take this to the desk oh and make another appointment i think we have availability in about two weeks two weeks no no you didn't hear me i won't be able to pay rent well go inside and ask them if they'll let you take the test sooner they you need to go in there and find out if you passed your written exam anyway so fine thanks a lot lance where are you going i am going inside you just said to go inside you have to leave a note on the car saying that you hit it do you know it is a federal offense to do a hit and run okay yeah i know i was just gonna do it after i went inside but i can do it now let me just find i will see you later actually i think i'll hang around for a bit and watch you leave the note [Music] the tie actually ruins the outfit lance and that's a terrible name fill out this form and take it to the front desk but they told me to come see you and i am telling you to go back to them some people i tell you hey hey hey what do you need it's good seeing you again too ma'am so i may have made a little tiny mistake on my driving test and i didn't pass but the guy outside said that you could help me reschedule another one sooner keep it here oh this no no i really don't think it's important the document please sir okay collision that's more than just a little mistake okay yeah but we don't have to make a scene about it right well how did i do on my written exam though give me a moment okay i'll go find out yeah okay hey oh you scared me mr owl so how did it go uh the the test yeah i'm sure it went great oh yeah i did do great yeah i'm actually waiting for my test results now the written ones okay good oh yeah by the way did you ever end up finding that little answer sheet that you misplaced oh no um it's okay i just had a duplicate one made oh good i really hope it was just misplaced i'd be so sad if someone stole it to cheat oh yeah it's sad for them mostly what i'm sorry well even though the questions on the real exam were all the same people the answers are all changing around so if someone was to cheat they'd probably get a big fat soon what are you doing back here well some imbecile hit my car can you believe that what i came to let you know sorry i won't be able to pick you up later i'm gonna take the car into the shop i'm so sorry sweetheart thanks son yeah not me too but it's good seeing you mr howe i will see you around one of these days okay hold on i have your test results unfortunately you didn't pass you actually got a zero that's a zero a zero i've never seen anybody score so low well except for that girl mayor who tried cheating a few months ago yeah hon can i see that oh you know actually wait wait this can't be right did you did you try to cheat i would never try to do something like that oh really how's it possible that all your answers and the answer are the same huh can you explain that timothy yeah maybe maybe it's coincidence oh no no no because he also failed the driving test for collision it happened right outside here lance and then he tried to bribe me into letting him pass anyway that was you who hit my car guys god this is this feels really like a team up right now okay i just i'm sorry i i gotta go oh no no no no security stop him [Music] come on this is this is a lot oh oh now so tight come on [Music] okay come on guys cheating on a government exam is a federal crime as is trying to bribe a government employee you're in a lot of trouble timothy okay watch the ledge guys come on oh you know i i did pay taxes last year um that's supposed to well yeah i'm just saying like we don't have to tim but what happened oh uh you could say i didn't pass my driver's test oh okay oh um okay um don't freak out okay but wait why would i freak out okay you you're freaking out now why are we waking up don't forget hang on get out okay stop it i think somebody hit your dad's car oh yeah no that was me that was yeah are you you [Music] is that is it okay if he answers that for me please go ahead how am i just grab it he's ringing are you no okay all right i got it no no no no no no the right part you have like three buckets uh it's um it's your dad oh crap um um no no no no no no no you you gotta answer it i need him to bail me out no i need him to bail me out answer it hello mr williams hi this is paul tim cannot talk right now have you seen the tesla anymore i came home and it's not here just well he actually used the car for his driver's license test today he may or may have not gotten into a little accident why are you talking in my brand new car just wait till he gets home i'm gonna make him pay for it hey hey hey hey dad uh this is this is your little favorite boy um i know this isn't exactly the best time but do you think you could bail me out of jail jail what the you know what never mind i don't even care there's no way i'm bailing you out i hope they keep you in there as long as possible maybe you'll finally learn your lesson no no daddy that's not fair okay i really really oh he hang up um just okay well i don't know what i'm gonna do now ow oh okay oh buddy old pow do you think you could just loan okay no absolutely not okay you still owe me rent money well okay i was gonna pay you back for that and you know it i'm sorry man but at this point i don't know if i can believe anything you say okay i told you many times tim if you cheat you'll never get ahead [Music] what the heck jenna i'm so sorry i was aiming for the trash do you have any idea how expensive this is it costs more than your rent yeah which is due by the way it's short tell me she's the one that's living in your dad's trailer i hardly even ever have enough to pay the full ride
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 7,968,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: XsHcqU7-gYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 19 2022
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