KID SPIES On GANGSTERS For $1 MILLION, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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to do take care of the drop like I asked you to learn this momentum just make sure the package placement is supposed to okay you live here bud yep this is it I didn't realize that I don't usually let my dog hang out with people that live around here Dad it has nothing to do with you Juan Mateo knows that my father taught me never to trust people that aren't family but you seem like a good kid so I'll make an exception for you thanks Mr Perez later Mateo let's get out of here are you Juan Guerrero yes let's go son I'm Chief rotary again this is Agent Morris and what do you want with my son do you know this man Mr Perez yeah he just dropped me off did he do something we have reason to believe that Carlos Perez is involved in running a major underground drug operation this is called Blow Pop it's an extremely addictive drug that's been taking over the streets now it's been killing an awful lot of people especially kids and you think Mr Perez is the person selling it we do and that's why we need your help what I'm about to propose you might sound a bit shocking we need one to go undercover what running out of options and we're running out of time Perez is an extremely private person all of his Close Associates are are his family members who we believe are also members of his organization now what we need is a neutral party somebody he'd never expect it doesn't matter I'm not gonna put him in any danger I still can't believe Mr Perez is a drug dealer he's so nice one criminals are overly nice what I want you to think about something Carlos Perez drives a Rolls-Royce he lives in a huge mansion both of which he's purchased over the past 12 months who do you know who works at a liquor store can afford such a thing Miss Guerrero I understand your hesitation but may I add that there is a one million dollar reward to whoever can nail this guy officially approved by the governor herself you're not gonna not convince me to risk the life of my son for money I don't care how much it is I've seen the movies I know how it goes when you're in informant for the cops [Music] you'd be saving a lot of lives one and you'd help us put a very bad man behind bars now we would truly appreciate your help foreign [Music] okay and it's gonna rain and I don't want to walk okay Emma okay okay everything okay I'm sorry I'm just a mess right now I just talked to Ecto from church and his son is on life support what what happened you got into some drugs and he overdosed on something called die I don't remember lollipop Blow Pop see Hector said that all the kids are taking this it's even in the schools now you got to take care of juananna Juanito he would never I mean and now look what happened just be careful okay I don't know who these monsters are that are selling these drugs but we need to get him off the streets yeah before they take more of our kids take care of yourself okay all right one Emma I saw this really cool shirt but it's six dollars can I still buy it no I'm sorry baby that's okay I'll go find something else if you were scared it's not that it's just I still don't think Mr Pettis is a bad guy this is Carlos Perez's criminal record as you can see he has a drug possession charge from back when he was 17. wow we didn't know that these people are very good at hiding their pass one thing I have discovered in all my years of doing this is that you just can't trust everybody sometimes even a wolf can be disguised in sheep's clothing what exactly does one need to do I mean I don't want to put him in any danger oh he'll be completely safe I promise this is what they call a covert listening device some people call it a bug you would need to place this in Mr Perez's office or any place where he conducts business you think you can do that for us son I guess so great our informants on the streets say there's been a lot of talk about this big shipment coming this week we just need location and time and this bug is going to help us to get that all right I mean I am supposed to go to Mateo's house tomorrow so perfect you may not know this yet Juan but you're truly a hero for doing this and if you can actually pull it off that million dollar reward is going to help you and your mom a lot so we'll see you tomorrow at 0800 to brief you and give you all the details oh I almost forgot keep this with you at all times this is a tracking device this will let us know where you are okay okay we'll see you tomorrow you think you can do this mikho I don't want you to do anything you don't want to it's going to help people then I don't mind and besides we really need the money no you don't have to worry about that I have you and that's all it matters just be careful because if something was to happen to you want to play PS5 uh actually can we play something else uh how about uh hide and seek what are we six come on it'll be fun besides your house is like the best hiding spots ever final count to ten a hundred please one one two three four five okay [Music] yeah the shipment's coming in tonight yeah midnight at the warehouse in Santa Ana looks like everything's going to plan let's hope this product is as soon as it last that last shipment so like in three days the streets love it because that drop is going down tonight okay I need you to contact the SWAT guys and I need you get a hold of the kid and tell him he needs to somehow find a way down to that drop point the kid we can't see anything to do a drug deal is too risky plus we need to get clearance from the chief on that Morris no no we don't have time for that this is about to go down now our best chance of busting Perez is that kid and he's got the tracker and we need to be able to track these guys just in case they make a last minute change okay texting him right now all right I'm gonna have to take this call and then I'm gonna head back to the office but we'll meet up again at 2200 hours you two stay on surveillance until then and uh cheer up fellas you're about to take down the Kingpin tonight probably not copy them were you just in my office I yeah three or one sorry Dad we're playing hide and seek I forgot to tell Juan this was off limits right no worries though I just stepped in for a minute but good to know scaling we should get your home one uh actually my mom just texted me and she said she has to work late so do you think I could stay stay here no I don't let anybody say that's not a family my Father Miguel made that policy and I haven't broken it please Dad I never get to have my friend's day over I'm sorry Mateo but the answer is gonna be shibbons early gotta go [Music] you say but you boys have to get to bed no more roaming around you can sleep on the floor in my room if you want uh actually I think I was just gonna sleep in the living room but that's cool okay [Music] [Music] we're all set should we take that's Rolls-Royce instead let's move the backside of the car all right you know what never mind I don't like taking it to that side of town at night yeah let's go yeah it's all coming together Carlos that is Miguel would be so proud of what you've done to bring us all together and expand the story that he left for you that's huge Hermanos I just wish he was here to see it think about him all the time well that new shipment of wine you're making in his honor is going to keep his legacy alive yeah it is why the bags for now let's go meet him [Music] wait Miguel's sweet red [Music] all right [Applause] everything's here perfectly intact half of these are tequila the other half of wine thanks let's have a look uh yeah this is perfect you want to love this he'd be proud hey what's going on oh why we're here no I actually I honestly I have no idea make it easy on yourself stop lying we know all about the Blow Pop drug trade makes sense considering your past criminal history are you kidding me there's no drugs here yes I had a crazy life when I was a team but I've cleaned up since then if you look in these boxes all you'll find is wine and Tequila can it you're not fooling anybody it's true one what are you doing here I'm sorry I'll explain later Mr Perez is telling the truth Miguel Martinez his dad passed away and left him the liquor store he doesn't just work there he owns it these boxes have wine they're making in his honor [Music] doesn't make any sense you drive a Rolls-Royce you live in a mansion nobody can afford that who owns a liquor store that's what you think of me but I just owned a liquor store can we put our hands down so I can explain yeah one's right I did inherit the story from my father who passed away last year but I also teamed up with my brothers to start our own brand of tequila Sam owns the Agave farms in Mexico and Pedro has the factories here and that's why we named it the Hernandez Brothers tequila check out some of these boxes [Music] there's nothing but wine in these boxes sir thank you [Music] nothing but tequila in this one all right all right see this just doesn't make any sense it's got to be here boys keep going through these boxes keep searching search through the ones in the back keep looking [Music] huh what you have to say about this whoa hey man I don't know how that got there man that's not one of my boxes we know these men have been playing you why don't you head on home for the rest of you put your hands behind your backs that's a nice trick you pulled using a liquor store as a front to hide your drug import trade arrest them I don't know you're making a terrible mistake those aren't our boxes people always say the same thing you're going down thanks to the undercover work of Juan you're going to be locked away for a long long time he went on the cover one [Music] get him out of here [Music] still can't believe he really did it I trusted him I know one it's like I said I can't trust just everybody but I want to thank you for everything you've done you were great sure here's a Tracker the bug's still in the office all right well well well looks like I missed all the action well hey chief I told you we'd do it good job do you mind taking Juan home for me sure I have to stop by the lab with the evidence and uh also the rest of the guys will be here later on to clear this out okay thank you see you then how are you holding up son I'm a little shooken up but I'll be all right of course I can imagine but you can rest easy knowing that a lot of people's lives are going to be safe because of you why don't I take you home so I can tell your mom how much of a hero you are I'm sure she's so worried by now what do you think yeah look at that Maurice forgot his gun let me give him a call how are we looking good we could touch a million by the end of the month I like to hear that we're definitely going to make a million especially now that Carlos Perez and his family are going to take the fall for us oh how's this that's the chief he's blowing up my phone you can take it no no I need to buy some time before I head to the lab listen I need you to do me a favor I need you to open that up and pour half of that into our pile and I'll take the other half to the lab don't you need all that for evidence against Perez trust me half of that's enough to put Perez and his whole family behind bars for years to come besides I'd like to keep the profit for ourselves is that so chief what what are you doing here I was just about to call you David Maurice I heard everything look I know it looks bad but I can explain what what looking for this that's why I was calling you you forget your gun luckily one had the bright idea of using the tracking app to find you and I was a little surprised to see that you were not at the lab you're something else Morris arrest him no wait please I'm DEA word DEA get him out of here you're making a mistake get him out of here listen to me I was just about to rest this perf when you showed up Chief listen to me just get on me we're really sorry about the messed up Mr Carlos we had no idea this was going on it's all right I'm just happy that my name's in the clear absolutely and I'm so sorry about going undercover too we'll probably never let me see Mateo again oh please don't blame Juan it was our idea we made him do it because Maurice had us convinced that he was the drug dealer I understand it just goes to show what a good kid Juan is and in the end you help take down the bad guys making the streets a little safer for even my own son so you're welcome to come see him anytime you want really thanks Mr Perez you can't trust everybody sometimes even a wolf can be disguised in sheep's clothing oh wait you may want to check your office there's a bug in there sorry about that I was so worried about you I'm so glad that you're okay sweetheart I just wish we could have gone that reward what do you mean you're still getting it if you weren't for you we would have never found out the truth in fact I spoke to the governor today and he wants to meet you in person tomorrow to give you the million dollars of course you can and the new iPhone 14. now we are pushing yo is that Ricky what's up Nate the great man somebody's pulling up in the Porsche now is this you yep hey if you want to get it on this my phone are you jealous because I told you I put you on you're unbelievable
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 10,211,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: BW7IzPEzevk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2022
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