UNDERCOVER Billionaire Shocks POOR MAN, What Happens Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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can you share any change oh my gosh did you just touch me do you realize I have to watch this now do you know how expensive that is of course not you wouldn't you're homeless okay I I just can't today I cannot today oh hey man you didn't deserve that all right I wish I could give you more this is the most money I've gotten in weeks I'll be able to have lunch and dinner now God bless you sir God bless you take care please I have a doctor's appointment and I I'm going to be short for the bus doctor's appointment good one like I believe that great I'm gonna miss my doctor's appointment great there you go man hope you gotta get you where you're going and back actually don't know what this means to me I hope your appointment goes well thank you you're an angel mom what's taking so long I don't feel so good I know three hold on I'm slowly had enough um what was the total again 984. uh you don't happen to have a smaller box or something like that come on lady can we move this line along man if you can't pay you have to step out of line so I can help the next customer I understand it's just that my son really needs this medicine he's really really sick um by any chance uh can I borrow like a five dollar Biller absolutely not listen can I just pay for this or what otherwise I have to go right jeez um I'm sorry baby but I'm not gonna be able to get your medicine right now okay then how am I gonna feel better it'll be all right yeah this might help are you sure I mean yes yes it would but I are you going to be able to pay for yourself it's not a problem at all I have more than enough please take it thank you thank you so much it's my pleasure hope you feel better pal thank you thank you [Music] change have a good one okay hey look like you could use a meal no you've already done some Sciences take it it's yours but he must be hungry too it's okay I'll find more food I always do I'm confused you said that you needed money for food but then gave it to other people I'm sorry I hope you're not mad no no not at all I'm just curious why I mean I may not have much but there's always someone that's less than me I've always believed that the kindness you put out in the world has a way of coming back to you oh I like that I like that oh I'm Chris by the way oh I'm Hank not sure you want to shake my hand I don't mind so nice to meet you jack dude I wish I had more cash to give you so I mean you could get some food yeah don't worry about me I'm fine and I'm glad that your 15 dollars helped a whole lot of people Hank it's nice man it's a drive through hamburgers I figured I'll give you one since you're always doing some kind of things for me thank you Wendy Secrets told you I'd be fine I always figure it out it's good too did you want one oh no thank you I appreciate it but uh I got somewhere to go um it's really great meeting you guys I'll see you around nice meeting you too Chris oh this is good thank you Wendy well shall we eat honey okay sorry Mom I'm just thinking about this homeless guy that I met he's a very nice man oh yeah you wouldn't believe it I gave him 15 for food he probably only had a little bit of spare change to his name his clothes were dirty probably didn't shower for a while and you know what he did he spent the money on other people every last dollar I was shocked [Music] I mean who would do such a thing Mom are you okay just something you said um prop hacks and memories you helped someone did the same thing no someone help me a homeless person helped you [Music] that doesn't make any sense I've never told you this sweetheart but when you were very young there was a point in time when we were homeless [Music] you see my dream was always to start a family but your father he never wanted children so when he found out I was having you he said to give you up for adoption when I refused oh he decided to leave to make things even worse after you were born and I needed to take time off from work my job said they couldn't wait for me to come back they decided to let me go eventually I got behind on bills I wasn't able to keep up without any income so I had no choice but to sleep in the car I remember one day things got so bad I didn't know how we were going to eat but then a kind man helped us when I least expected and he continued to help day after day until I got back on my feet so you see for a few months after you were born we also were homeless wow Mom can't believe you never told me a story oh well it was so very long ago and thankfully our situation didn't last very long but it's just so sad to think that there's some people who can't escape it especially knowing that they're such good people out there David wait just throwing away the leftovers since no one usually eats them did you want some more no I have a better idea Hank you don't happen to have a dollar on you do you I need water oh man I had a dollar but I ended up giving it to this boy who really needed to help sorry that's all right Chris what are you doing back here I thought you'd be seeing me soon this time I came prepared so I hope that helps nah you didn't have to do all of this look what he bought us exactly what I needed thank you so much my pleasure hey Hank uh there's somebody I'd love for you to meet my mom it's oh [Music] [Music] you you're the person that helped us when we were homeless I did he did your name is Hank right you don't understand what you did for me it was at the lowest point in my life we get through it wow that makes me so happy to hear you know I always love when I run into people that I've helped a long time ago and to see them do so well well to be honest I've come back multiple times looking for you I figured you'd left the street I I didn't realize you were still here well I haven't exactly had the best luck in that mage it'd probably be a little too late for me right now there's not any extra food and there is there anything oh yeah sure hold on [Music] you know maybe you'd have better luck if you didn't give everything that you had away true but either way I manage thanks to nice people like you you know why don't you come home with us we have lots of extra bedrooms in our place no I mean thank you for the offer I mean you've done more than enough I don't want to be a burden anyway oh you aren't a burden I'm serious and it'll give me a chance to finally thank you for what you did for us that's a great idea I mean come on Hank I mean you would be doing us a favor yeah besides A wise man once told me all the kindness that you put out in the world will always find a way to come back to you well since you put it that way wonderful come on let's get out of the cold all right [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 3,919,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: lzW1ws6s5sU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2023
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