Influencer Gets TAKEN ADVANTAGE Of, What Happens Is Shocking (FULL VIDEO) | Dhar Mann

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next to me i have someone that needs no introduction one of tick tock's biggest stars miss allison day allison how are you i'm good a little overwhelmed but good has it sunk in that you're one of the most famous people on the planet i don't know about all that but yeah it's it's definitely a little crazy feels like yesterday i was just a normal girl in high school well you must be pretty popular back then too no not at all i was a bit awkward well you have definitely came out of your shell since then over 80 million followers and over 5 billion likes that's insane is that what's at i actually stopped looking at the numbers a while ago but i'm appreciative for every single one of my fans oh no wonder so many people love you so much you know valentine's day is right around the corner and i'm sure your fans are dying to know who's going to be a lucky guy um i'm actually not seeing anyone at the moment really or are you just keeping it a secret no no i am absolutely single well asked me someone what about a celebrity crush wow the last time i had a crush on someone was probably back in high school he was the captain of the football team and really cute this cute football player ever ask you out no i don't think he knew i existed to be honest well i bet he knows you exist now and i think everyone would agree that he missed out on quite the catch all right we have to cut to a quick commercial break but when we get back we'll have a tick tock chef show us how to make some delicious meals stick around and cut let's go to commercials you did amazing thank you that was really cool honey you did such a good job yeah you did an amazing job al thanks i'm really glad you could come oh of course that's what best friends are for oh my gosh i haven't seen that in forever it's like you two are back in high school well except for one of us is a celebrity now stop you know i hate being called that i'm kidding i'm kidding but hey i was thinking how about all three of us go out to eat and celebrate i'm done uh hang on one second manager stuff they're back you did an amazing job i'm so sorry to interrupt i just want to say i'm such a huge fan of yours are you kidding me i'm a huge fan of you i love your tick tocks really thank you so much oh sorry um this is my friend eric eric this is brandi johnson i i know who you are but it's nice to meet you it's really nice to meet you too i like the jacket oh thanks well i gotta get going but it was really great to meet you too it was really nice to meet you too [Music] what was all that about what do you mean come on she totally just flirted with you no no she was just being nice okay well it looks like i've got to go back into the office so you guys go have lunch without me a business is more important than me well considering you are my business and i'm closing a big deal for you i would say they are equally important but you guys go have fun i will call you later okay i love you i love you bye shall we careful brandi might get jealous yeah that's what i'm hoping for oh my gosh stop you were not my pity date oh no for sure was but i didn't mind prom wouldn't have been as fun if we didn't go together allison we love you is it okay if we get a photo with you of course thank you no problem uh but can you do me a favor can you not post that until after i leave yeah of course what are we talking about prom actually hold up the photo that night was so fun send that to me so i can store it okay [Music] got it what should i say [Music] throwback to an epic prom night with my best friend oh my gosh kevin bigsby just messaged me from high school well i'm not surprised you did just mention him on national tv i kind of bound to hear about it what should i do should i open it well then you know i read it for what if i were you i'd just block him no that's me i'm gonna read it whoa are you kidding me what he said he had a crush on me too can you believe this after all this time we both liked each other hey superstar just saw your interview guess we both had crushes on each other and never knew how funny we should hang out soon i can't believe that this is happening and right before valentine's day i hate to break it to you out this doesn't feel right what do you mean kevin was so mean to you in high school now all of a sudden he has a crush on you don't you think that's like a little sus he wasn't mean i don't think i can't remember that was a long time ago come on how could you forget you see there he is oh gosh this is my last chance i'm gonna see if he wants to go to prom with me no don't don't do that i i just i think that could be a bad idea well i have to try otherwise i'll never know hold these yeah my parents are really straight they got those security cameras so uh your boy had a sneaker out through the back door you got a much better weekend than i did donate the player kevin uh what's up um addison it's allison listen uh i was wondering if you would ask anyone to go to prom yet no why uh do you think maybe you'd like to go with me [Music] you really think that kevin would want to go to prom with you nines and tens in europe four [Laughter] sorry sorry i'm sorry but like maybe you should hit somebody in your own league like this dork over here some losers [Music] i can't stand them that was so embarrassing hey don't worry don't forget them i can't believe he laughed at me now i have no one to go to prom with um well you know it's not too late for me to tell my mom no i know i've already asked you two times but i'm willing to ask you a third if you'd like to accompany sure i'll go to prom with you yes yes oh oh this is going to be so much fun so you see he doesn't even deserve a response you should be with someone who treats you like a star even if you aren't famous allison huh oh i'm sorry i was responding back to kevin i just said oh great uh looks like some paparazzis and fans just showed up great those people must have posted i was here it's impossible to finish a meal without them showing up put your hood on [Music] okay now whatever you do do not look backwards okay okay all right come on follow me hey you're not allowed back there [Music] nice work thanks now unfortunately i've had some practice in protecting you you're sweet it's kevin you already gave me your number he said he wants to talk i'll probably give him a call do you mind ubering back home and we'll talk later oh yeah sure that's fine thanks you're the best i'll see you later kevin oh my gosh hi it's been so long oh my gosh mom paparazzi showed up at the restaurant luckily eric knew exactly how to get out there he was my hero man he really has your back erica's just such a nice guy wait is that who you're going out to dinner with no um i actually have a date remember the football player i mentioned in an interview that kevin boy the one from high school mm-hmm he messaged after we left the studio we talked for a bit and now we're getting dinner wow i guess it's fate wait is he the one that you had his face on one of your pillows oh my gosh mom please don't say that out loud so how does eric feel about all this i'm sure he doesn't feel anyway about it we're just friends oh come on he obviously likes you even if he did eric's just too nice well someday you'll realize that's not such a bad thing that's him how do i look beautiful as always now go don't stress and have some fun okay wish me luck hey allison day you know for the longest time i always thought it was addison i remember is that for me oh yeah i uh read on your wikipedia page that roses are your favorite flower judging from your smile i think i got it right you never know what those things boy ain't that the truth mom what don't mind me i'm just gonna go watch a movie in the living room have a good time i'm sorry about my mom she's so snoopy i aren't all moms it's a nice place you got here thanks ida i'd invite you in but you said the reservation was at eight so we should probably go now um for sure yeah oh uh before i forget would you mind if we filmed a tit talk real quick [Music] seriously yeah it'll be super cute it'll be us capturing our first date together um sure why not sweet i think your fans will love it oh you want to film it on my phone well yeah if you don't mind it's just i hardly have any followers [Music] what's up allison dave fans i'm kevin aka the cute football player yep this is the guy i was talking about as you all can see i am also a catch isn't that right allison yeah for sure okay i think that's good nice um make sure you tag me wait are you not gonna post it now well i don't usually post this late at night but i'll probably post it tomorrow okay um no that's a good idea because then we can get more footage of our date together uh what kind of car do you drive a porsche no way can we take your car sure i guess yes so this is your favorite restaurant i read that too by the way yeah it is a funny thing i was actually here earlier today what um i'm sorry we can go somewhere else oh no it's fine i i wasn't here with you so it doesn't really count awesome uh well since you're the expert what should i order oh you want me to pick for you this should be fun uh how do you feel about vegetarian well no i need more protein okay um do you like pasta kevin kevin uh sorry i i just noticed those people are staring at us no not again don't hide your face those are your fans give them a little wave see this is exactly what i didn't want come on this is fun hey allison we came here because we read that you eat here sometimes and here you are would it be okay if we get a photo uh i'm sorry i don't mean to be rude but i'm actually on a date right now oh no it's okay i don't mind go ahead thanks actually do you want me in it too i am the cute football player from the interview wow that's so awesome thank you thank you so much yeah no problem come back anytime for more photos hey allison you're back i wanted to ask for a photo earlier but i was too shy dude there's no reason to be shy you can take photos of us whenever you like then where people are gonna ask look i'm really sorry would you mind if we wait to take the picture like right before we leave it's not that big of a deal it literally just takes a few seconds i'm sure it would make your day right actually it would okay let's do it oh wow how cool uh don't forget to tag me in there [Music] actually i'll just put my handle in sure are you her boyfriend oh no he's not mine there you go thanks yeah i'll be back to take her orders that was so fun that was so cool talking to all your fans you must love that oh hey there's some ice cream here you want to get some um yeah sure sounds good there she is allison over here what's wrong with them taking our photo [Music] i just wanted to enjoy our date okay then let's enjoy it i know i am allison over here is this your new boyfriend is this the guy from the interview did you have a date mr feast kevin can we go now what's the rush let's just take a few more photos yeah that's right i'm allison's boyfriend we are dating my name is kevin bidsby that's spelled b-i-g-s-b-y you guys make a cute couple thanks kevin are you still playing football no actually i got injured i still play fantasy football that counts [Music] i'm sorry i can't do this right now uh just give us a second i'll make sure she comes back oh by the way can you guys make sure my instagram handle is included in those photos thanks alison wait up [Music] hey what's wrong nothing i'm fine you don't look fine why are you crying it's just [Music] it's so hard to always be in the spotlight to all these people watching your every move taking photos making up stories it just it just it gets a little overwhelming sometimes i i mean to me that all sounds so exciting yeah that feeling doesn't last when you can't even make it through dinner without these people asking you for a photo [Music] yeah i can see the [Music] now i feel bad yeah um i could have easily defused that situation and instead i made things much worse i'm sorry that's all right i know it's a lot to take in for anyone so i mean to be honest um i guess i just got a little nervous being on a date with the allison day it's just hard to see you as that girl from high school now that you're this massive celebrity stop i'm i'm not a celebrity oh really um try telling that to all your paparazzi waiting around for you i'm still that same girl from high school one who used to have a pillowcase with your face on it what no no no you did it wait are you for real it's so humiliating i know [Music] no um i think it's cute do you still have it probably [Music] uh you weren't jody can you send that to me um yeah sure but you have to promise to not show anyone for sure that is just for me [Music] i love it thanks for taking me out this date didn't turn out to be so bad after all [Music] well i'd like to go on more if if you're down and i promise there will be no more talking to the paparazzi [Music] i'd really like that [Music] oh um and with without moving too fast i i just remembered hearing on your interview that you don't have a valentine so [Music] if you're not doing anything um would you want to be my valentine i'd love to yeah cool [Music] oh you want to get some dough [Music] i'll get two delays ah that should do it we got it just smash it [Music] [Applause] hey i need to talk to you um okay i'm not i was at the plaza i just i don't even know how to explain what exactly slow down what are you talking about okay you know how you've gone on a few dates with kevin yeah i'm not exactly sure you're the the only girl he's seeing you're gonna have to elaborate okay okay so i was at the plaza and i saw him there with someone else you're joking right oh look what am i looking at here that's kevin and another girl that's the back of two people's heads this could be anyone no look look at the jacket that's the exact one he wears i'm sure a lot of people have the same jacket this is definitely kevin oh okay look i saw them they they were holding hands and he kissed her they walked into a donut shop together are you sure i saw it kevin said he was gonna hang out with his mom today uh no this this girl was definitely not his mom look eric it's definitely possible you thought you saw kevin it was probably someone else oh i know what i saw why why do you think i'd make this up well it's just i know you're super protective of me and you did not want me to see kevin because i'm your best friend and i i i just i want the best for you are you sure you're not trying to be more than just friends with me wait what what what does that even mean al why would you say that i just want to make sure you aren't trying to ruin things with kevin because you want to have me for yourself wow tell me i'm wrong and i'll drop it you know what it doesn't even matter [Music] you clearly don't believe me so you just just keep doing what you're doing i'm sure you'll figure things out eventually [Music] wait where are you going you're right about one thing i'm super protective over here and maybe it's time i'll leave you alone because you're obviously you're not that shy girl from high school anymore so [Music] i'm sure you're more than capable of taking care of yourself hmm [Music] something bothering you eric and i got a fight oh honey we've literally never fought before so i i don't know if you don't mind me asking what are you fighting about he thinks kevin is using me well he did come back into your life at a convenient point didn't he but i really don't want to start thinking that way i know but you're on tv you have millions of fans and now he decides to give you the time of day honey you obsessed over him for years and he didn't care you deserve to be with someone who notices you for you hmm not for your fame someone like eric okay i'm done talking about this mom eric and i will always be just friends hey i gotta take this oh no worries i'm i'm headed to bed anyway i love you good night feel better okay good night hey superstar you're excited for valentine's day tomorrow yeah i am great uh is it cool if we push dinner to 11 p.m just cause my grandma's still in town so i thought i made some extra time for i thought you said it was your mom who came to visit uh right yeah sorry that's what i meant my mom uh she's just so old that i still call her grandma sometimes uh i mean it's it's kind of late but i guess that's fine cool oh i was trying to tell you uh can you believe i've already gained a hundred thousand followers in two days that's like ten times the amount of followers i had when i first met you that's just crazy i'm happy for you hey uh i'm actually gonna call it early tonight but i'll talk to you tomorrow okay wait wait grandparents are so kevin kevin can we talk about you and allison day hey um can we not do this right now please can you just give me one minute um sure make your queen what is it like dating one of the biggest tick tockers in the world well you know it's awesome um she has such a massive following and so now it's kind of like they're my following it's just really overwhelming you know my social media has just been blowing up ever since we started dating amazing and how long have you been together exactly uh not too long but but we're super obsessed with each other i mean she's been obsessed with me since high school you should uh check out this pick oh wow so it's safe to say that you two are official oh well can we call you allison's boyfriend don't do that sorry um i really do have to be going but it was lovely talking to you in the park it was lovely talking to you guys um i appreciate the interview don't forget to follow me on instagram did it hey i'm sorry for not listening to you earlier you were right [Music] i was thinking can you meet up right now i have a plan wait are you sure you want to do this oh yeah he told the whole world he's my boyfriend now the whole world is going to see what kind of guy he really is how do you know she's actually in there i heard the shower going while we were facetiming definitely don't think it was his mom all right recording hey everyone so i have reason to believe that my boyfriend is cheating on me let's see if he's actually with his mom or with another girl hi um kevin's in the bathroom what's going on here hi um i'm assuming you're not kevin's mom no i'm his girlfriend you don't watch tick tock do you or like read the news i do and i know who you are you're alice in day and apparently i am also kevin's girlfriend i know he told me everything he did yeah about how this is all just a big publicity stunt and how you guys don't actually like each other which was hard for me to believe at first um but he told me he wouldn't be spending valentine's day with me if you guys were actually together he's a he's spending valentine's with you well until he has to go to his mom's later on do you want to tell me what this is i'm trying to watch your dorm and allison what are you doing here hanging out with your mom i see [Music] uh stacy not she's she's she's just my cousin your cousin okay uh hey i already told you it's just they came forward yeah well uh you can say goodbye to all those followers because i want my fans to block kevin if you really care about me don't do hey get out of here man you're trash and stay away from allison [Music] come on eric let's go i'll post about it when we get home and by the way red roses are my least favorite flower [Music] glad that's over right now we have more time to go on our date tomorrow right you're kidding me right what we're done please hey don't where where are you going [Laughter] well the only mistake i can think of is hiring you so i guess you're right see all clean like nothing ever happened unfortunately what is this i thought you were going out for valentine's cupcakes not a big deal i've got my ice cream i'm going to watch romantic comedy it's perfect you should go see him mom i broke up with kevin he wasn't even my real boyfriend no i'm not talking about kevin i'm talking about eric um for the last time you know what no just stop okay i i cannot let you stay blind to this forever open your eyes and see that eric has always been the one for you since day one and if you don't see his worth someday somebody else will so please go see him it'll make you feel better [Music] okay i'm gonna go mom hey hi uh have you seen kevin's instagram no i haven't why he has even less followers than he did before he started dating people really don't like him great [Music] wait did you come all the way over here to tell me that i don't know i was alone you're alone it's valentine's day so i thought maybe we could hang um and not just as friends this time like an actual date really where's all this coming from well i guess i finally realized that i should be with someone that treats me like a star even if i wasn't famous man that really makes me happy to hear but actually why are you so dressed up oh my gosh alice and i really should be here too randy hi oh i heard what happened with kevin i'm so sorry oh no it it's okay it was for the best really so um are you two randy's my valentine really that's great you're welcome to join us if you'd like oh no that that's okay really i was on my way home anyway i just stopped by to say hi you two are really cute together oh i'd better get going it was so nice to see you happy valentine's day happy valentine's day is everything okay no eric's moved on cutie has a valentine that was a really bad idea oh hi i'm so sorry this is my fault i took him for granted for so long that i didn't eric what are you doing here well i came to ask you will you be my valentine [Music] are you serious but what about brandy brandy's great but she's not you i'd rather be with you than anyone else in a heartbeat that's the sweetest thing any guys ever said to me so is that a yes a hundred percent i cannot tell you how happy this makes me [Music] but i have to get a picture of you guys before you go uh i think that's all right i i think i'd rather not have this be all over social media that's a relief but my mom's right we definitely need at least one photo for us to replace that hideous prom photo [Music] oh you're so cute okay i'm gonna take a quick video so do something cute [Music] got it shall we are you in a rock and roll at all yeah i love raw quaint i'm playing at thousand would love for you to come what do we have here we already have plans got us four front row tickets to the big hip hop concert because i know how much my baby loves if not some don't want to be rocking
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 18,426,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: zn0UTT2HrVY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 47sec (2507 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 27 2022
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