WAITER WON'T SERVE Poor Looking Man | Dhar Mann

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she'd really help out more I don't think you want Laney seeing you like that no I'm a waiter not a busser she wants me to clean cups she's got to pay me more waiters make more than Busters you do know you're already getting paid more right damn thank you so much for helping out with that James try not to work too hard I'll try not to thanks we just had a big table come in so what have you guys help with that please uh sure yeah no problem Sam why don't you go take care of that I would have thought you would want to help James there's probably a big tip involved well maybe if we didn't have to split our tips I would be very motivated but since we pull them it doesn't really matter does it ah that reminds me the new owner wants to do away with the shared tipping system so everyone will be able to keep 100 of their tips from now on really yeah also they are moving me to the downtown location so the manager position here is going to be open and the new owner is coming in today to decide who gets it sounds like a lot more responsibility without any pay so no thank you pay six figures okay say less I will take care of that table [Music] Sam yeah make sure you clean those glasses really well I see you leaving spots they're not my boss yet but I will be so and I would hate to have to fire you buddy so do better [Music] all right hello everyone my name is James and I'll be assisting you today so are we celebrating anything special yes we are uh company just got a quiet oh well congratulations you must be in a really big celebratory and tipping kind of mood that's expensive yeah I didn't ask I'll tell you what a bottle of wine on the house oh that's so nice of you it is the least I could do now if you've gotten a chance to look over the menus we have a Japanese wagon that is so tender you can cut it with a fork it's about thirty dollars an ounce but I suppose that won't be a problem for you fine folks uh sorry to interrupt but I just sat him in your section oh wait um have Sam cover him thanks Sam's in the back helping with everything else well I don't care I'm not gonna help someone who looks like him [Music] I've got to get to the front you can tell Sam [Music] well I'm sorry folks but I'm gonna have to step away for a moment so why don't you look over the menus I'll be back to take your orders and I have some free bread brought out for you okay enjoy oh hey I was just coming to find you need you to take that table over there thanks bye he's in your section okay and I'm busy I'm helping that in the back yeah but I just told you to help him okay it's only one table what's the big deal clearly that guy has no money I mean just look at him his clothes that we're not splitting tips I don't want to waste my time when people are just going to order water and free bed all night really James yeah shouldn't judge a book by its copper cute you're trying to give me advice when you obviously know nothing you know no wonder you're going to be working for me someday now I'm gonna go take care of customers that actually have money I need you to hurry it up oh boy hey sorry for the wait can I get you started with anything to drink um it's no problem uh can I get a water though yes do you have any questions with the menu or I'm still looking but um can I get some bread in the meantime yes of course excellent choice great I will put that right in in the meantime enjoy your wine thanks [Music] okay there's your breath yeah Jax can I please get some bread too thank you okay I'll be right back sure so was I right free bread and water look yeah but you know I'm sure he's going to order more than that keep telling yourself though pal see you just gotta listen to me you see my table over there they ordered Steak Seafood the whole works I'm gonna make more tips off them in that one table than you will in a whole week we'll see about that yeah you know what since I'm feeling bad for you you can have that table over there I mean the guy looks like a janitor but he'll probably order something more than just free bread water at least an appetizer that's kind thank you you're welcome [Music] okay here you go and you are welcome to tip on the card cash is always preferred no one likes to pay taxes am I right yeah how are we doing over here oh great thanks uh would you like to order anything or um not right now I'm actually waiting on someone oh okay well perfect take your time let me know okay thank you and were you ready for some food um we're actually good with just the appetizer oh thank you of course yeah uh I'll just leave this here for you then uh if you need anything else like water bread chips or salsa let me know okay thank you you're so sweet please it's my pleasure thanks okay congrats again on the sale of your company by the way you must be so proud if you ever do end up deciding to come back here I'll probably be managing the place but I would not mind being your waiter at all you know I have no ego when it comes to these things at all [Music] I just stuck them with the most expensive food that we have and let me guess Mr free bread still hasn't ordered anything nope said he's waiting for someone and then he'll order sure he is Sam that is the oldest trick in the book he's just saying that's your staff was back and then he's going to come up and say something like hey man um the person I'm waiting for she's taking too long so I'm just going to head out do I owe you anything oh no no problem and you're all good thanks you sure man can I tip you no no no seriously just uh promise you will come back to visit us another day oh of course man I definitely will okay thank you so did I call it or did I call it I can't believe you didn't take tit though I mean it's just going to be a couple bucks but it's still going to be better whenever a couple gives you let me guess they've been ordering appetizers all night Sam my boy see this is why you're never gonna get ahead in life because here you are you're gonna spend all day and get a few lousy dollars and here I am racking up a buildup about a thousand dollars twenty percent that's gonna be at least a 200 tip and I would bet even more everything okay oh no no no it can't be happening it says a zero dollar tip like no that's not right thanks again for the great service okay I'll be right back with your change no it's okay you can keep it it's a hundred dollars at the bill no need you were great you deserve it one hundred dollars for some chips how can you afford that uh excuse me are you actually owns his own company and employs over 100 people so he just has a weirdly modest Style wow that's impressive not that I thought anyways um thank you guys really no problem right [Music] hey guys I think there might be some sort of mistake I saw on here that you put zero dollars for a tip did you mean tipping cash or no that's right uh but I I don't understand why would you not tip I gave you guys fantastic service I can give you free wine and you guys just sold your company for crying out loud well first off we're European we don't believe in typic in second yes we sold our company but the only reason we're celebrating is because he was going into bankruptcy we didn't actually make anything oh and before I forget could you get us some more bread cheapskase man foreign [Music] I'm still gonna be the manager here okay and when I am you are not hey man um so she did show up so we actually are going to eat here oh that's that's great hi I wanted to introduce myself I'm Sharon this is who I've been wanting you guys to meet she's the new owner oh well well hello Sharon it is so lovely to meet you my name is James and if you need anything please let me know uh what if you and your son get a table I would love to be your waiter names told me how you refused you son because you are unbelievable but Sam they did tell me how nice you were and I thank you for that you're exactly the kind of person I want managing this place I mean if you're interested of course and yes yes of course I would love that thank you thank you both so much great so I want you to start as soon as possible but can we eat first I'm starving no problem I'll be right there to take your order [Music] oh boy I did try to warn you maybe next time try to listen to my advice and don't judge a book by its cover wait where's my bread fit better hurry up and get that bread James oh yeah I knew it quick before I fire you [Music] excellent oh James here you go what's this it's your receipt I heard you gave away some free wine someone's got to pay for that are you serious can this day get any worse how are you James I am Charlie from the IRS I'm here to talk to you about some back taxes from unclaimed tips [Music] foreign
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 7,871,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2023
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