Magician RIPS OFF His CUSTOMERS ft. @juliusdein | Dhar Mann

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excuse me would you like to see your magic bro this is so whack man we've been out here for hours and we've made barely like what four bucks it's a slow day just gotta keep hustling every magician goes through this yeah i doubt that i can't picture julius dean out here wasting his time oh dude speaking of julius dean have you seen his name stick dog trick no man what are you telling me oh man he is so dope it would be so sick to meet him oh wait we just posted a new video what's up guys julius dean here catch me at the 2022 las vegas magic convention go get your tickets now link in bio he's gonna be at magic on this year i didn't even know he was going me neither let's see how much tickets are yeah hundred percent 300 bucks don't even tell me that see look there is no way we're gonna come with that kind of cash in time yes we can we just gotta keep grinding dude hey there would you like to see a magic trick sorry it's really quick yeah man keep grinding keep on grinding and we'll make it to uh magikon 2025 million we can make it happen man we just need to stay positive dude what we need is a super rich guy to come around and tip us 600 bucks you know make the dream real but i don't know about you i haven't seen anybody around here who even looks so spitting it actually this guy looks pretty loaded excuse me sir could i interest you in a quick magic trick sorry kid i don't got time well hey come on it'll be really fast and plus this trick is going to blow your mind you got 60 seconds great that is all that i need i'll just take your cup there so your hands are free i will pass it along to my lovely assistant melvin assistant just go with this assistant now remember as mind-blowing as this trick is it is just a simple card trick so let's begin by splitting the deck you tell me where to cut great now pick a side any side there's no wrong answers here lovely choice though here is your card remember it study it do not tell me what it is do you have it got it great back into the center of the deck she goes and we just need to shuffle it through a couple of times get the magic essence on it of course make sure that we have the blessings of the magic gods my personal savior is julius dean but hey to each their own and now the magic words alakazum alakazam and voila is this your card yeah wow great how'd you like that my head was not blown it was decent oh just decent well that's heartbreaking but i do have some good news that wasn't the trick melvin if you could hear a suit why don't you just give it a nice shake [Music] what in the world how did you wait when did you how's that mind doing now officially blown wow where'd my coffee go i'll tell you where it went it's a little place i like to call magic melvin sorry it was so hot that trick was worth my cup of coffee very impressed i'm just glad my watch didn't disappear because this baby's worth over four thousand dollars you paid four thousand bucks for that watch i paid a thousand but the price of watches has skyrocketed because of the pandemic actually i gotta go keep up the awesome work guys oh yeah if you don't mind yeah he could thank you of course thank you for your patronage man with a watch like that four thousand bucks you know he left a good tip bro a dollar this this guy he's walking around with this cardiac watch and he did he leaves he leaves a dollar oh yeah that's hey it's at least one dollar more than you have i mean come on man come on i'm livid man think about it you know that trick was worth more than a dollar i know yeah so i mean like what are we supposed to do at this point honestly it's apparently just feels like we should have kept the watch oh man that's it dude dude that is it what are you talking about what think about it man a four thousand dollar watch that could have easily bought us tickets to magikon man and flights i mean we would have had so many perks on top of it man we are magicians jeremy magicians not thieves yeah yeah but we would be pretty good thieves if you think about it man we literally make things disappear for a living i mean i was just absolutely not man i'm not even gonna have a conversation about this your actions always have a way of coming back to you okay so let's just stick to card tricks yeah yeah yeah you're you're right man let's let's let's just stick to card tricks and stand here like a couple of idiots and uh you know make a few lousy bucks hey man well this is honest money yeah anyway fine whatever it's getting late we should get going jeremy huh uh you know man i think i'm actually just gonna hang around a little longer you know i'll catch up with you i just want to work on my magic works a bit more all right cool that's your card just promise me you won't do anything dumb while i'm gone dude of course not what would i do all right i'll see you tomorrow man i won't be here tomorrow remember ramen is coming over but i'll be here the day after all right later man oh good afternoon ma'am you wouldn't happen to be a fan of magic now would you no no thank you i love magic you do well have i got a treat for you buddy so let me guess you're gonna pull a rabbit out of your hat oh god you know what hold on just a sec you know what i think i left my rabbit at home but i do have another trick that i think you'll both enjoy do you mind if i borrow your backpack there buddy sure hold on i don't know about this oh it's an amazing trick i promise all right please can i see it please fine yes thanks buddy now do you mind if i uh take a look inside yeah there's just some stuff for school in there great oh yeah you got a couple of paperback books oh look at that english wasn't my best subject but that's all right so i have a question though when was the last time that you you know cleaned these like really gave them a good wash uh wash them don't watch books you don't wash your books oh my god what are they even teaching in schools these days you know what i'll do you a favor i'll uh wash them for you no i know you're not going to pour that in there ma'am please just trust me i'm a professional all right so the first thing that we want to do is make sure we get the lid off and then we got to get as much water in there as humanly possible so we're really gonna try and get that stuff nice and in there make sure it is drenched you know until the water is all gone zipper back up start to give it a good shake so we can take it through kind of the spin cycle you know that's the only way to really clean it up almost like a washing machine here buddy you want to shake it around for me sure great great keep shaking it you know make sure you hear that splashing sound make sure everything is getting nice and clean and span and now you can just hand it back to me because now we are on to the dry i usually like to air dry but i know that you're on a tight schedule so don't worry we can go blow dry for today [Music] snip it back up and say the magic words alakazam alakazoom and voila how about you open that up tell me how those books are doing buddy they're dry oh yeah and is there any water in that backpack at all no that was awesome you see i thought the books would be drenched impressive well thank you just do me and your grandma a favor don't try that one at home all right buddy i thought you poured that in there oh you are an amazing magician but how did you well um good magician never reveals their trick oh hold on hold on i just want you to have this so i'm just gonna put it over you oh no i can take that for you ma'am thank you though thank you you have made our day oh thank you you made my day lady bye bye now take care buddy yeah i could get used to this could i help you yeah yeah i was hoping that i could pond this watch it's a nice watch you got here kid i know these very well nice nice so um how much do you think i could get for it i don't know i see about uh 500 bucks five that that's it i mean i've heard that you know with the pandemic and everything the value of these things has been going way way up yeah and this is a pawn shop and i don't have many high-end buyers coming in they want this could uh could you do 700 best i could do is um six okay yeah perfect perfect let's let's do that then all right hey sam how you doing randy uh same old you know what let me get everything for you yours uh yeah yeah it's nice looks like a female watch yeah well um it's actually my grandmas gotcha well there were only three this time there's a new list see you next week all right sounds good hey man i i know it's none of my business but uh what was that all about well uh some people come in here with stolen goods so i turned them over as evidence oh um how do you know if something's stolen i just uh have a feeling why do you ask is this stolen no no of course not are you sure yeah man i i swear like i said it's my grandma's gotcha i'm just giving you all time i know it's not stolen you see expensive items like this have a serial number uh see right there yeah yeah so i look for that number on the list please give me but new stolen goods and uh well let's just see if your watch is on here sorry all right man you know honestly i kind of get wait a minute this is stolen got you again and you you are a kidder oh it's just 600 uh here we go one two three four five six there you go thank you so so so wait so that cop comes in every week with a new list typically so hey you want a receipt uh no no thank thanks man all right have a nice day you too alakazam alakazoom and voila is this your card no no it is not just it's not hold on let me just uh is um this your card no still no huh that is so weird because you just need some more practice no no that is really really odd because i mean i'm looking through them all right now and uh i don't even see your card anywhere in this deck in fact could you actually do me a favor could you check your pockets for me my pocket keep digging you might find buried treasure check them all how did you do that the magician never reveals his tricks but uh on the note of airing things out is there maybe something that you wanted to you know say about something you did earlier that you might want to take back you are incredible and you do not need any practice thank you oh and here oh no need to do that i can take it from there but thank you i would give you more cash if i had it that trick was something else no worries hey you've given me more than you know take care hey melvin hey man how's it going you're unbelievable man man i didn't even know that you were coming out today but hey i have got some great news check it out man when you left the other day things really started to pick up huh you need to give that person their watch back right now dude what are you what do you think i saw why you did do you want to explain what i'm just stuck all right okay you're just not cause it's a scene all right look this is the last one okay the last one yeah because everything that i have in here man picture this first class flights right we get there we're staying at the encore popping some bottles at excess and then next thing you know we are backstage with julius dean bro are you listening to yourself right now you have stolen the ghosts what are you trying to do man rap me out i don't need to rush you out you're gonna get your own karma if you don't give everything you stole back [Music] hey we can still become great magicians and go to magical and do all the great things we talked about but they're like this so please give it all back look man you know part of part of me wants to but if if i go around giving these people their stuff back then they'll know for sure that i stole it all right i mean then i'm definitely gonna get in trouble you'll get into more trouble if you don't say anything look i'm sorry man but i'm not gonna do that okay i i i can't do it and i can't be your friend anymore i find my own way to get to majikan an honest way take it hey melvin come on man [Music] uh good day sir could i uh interest you in a quick magic trick it'll blow your mind all right okay yeah yeah let's pick a card any card all right you got it perfect hey randy how's it going man same old how are you doing uh you know a little bittersweet actually um my grandma just found out she has stage four lung cancer i'm sorry to hear that yeah thanks man i it's it's been hard but on the bright side she uh she left me with a lot of things to pass along some of her jewelry in fact quite a bit of it and i actually have a good amount of it to uh pawn off today i hope that's okay let's see what you get sure that is a lot yeah she uh she had quite a collection so this one right here very rare nice great great that's uh what i like to hear i thought you said these were your grandmas right yeah yeah why um that explained the women pieces but uh they have men pieces in here too oh um you know that's actually because those originally belonged to my grandpa but ever since he passed away last year i'm like my grandma's been you know not really wanted to part with them not until now well i guess that explains it what do you do for a living again oh i'm actually a a magician you know uh the money from this that's not going to the hospital bills of course is actually taking me to magikon this year believe it or not so uh should be pretty cool i'm going to meet my idol julius dean he's going to be there hopefully get some time to talk with him get some face time and uh i don't know see where it goes that sounds cool yeah yeah man yeah but anyways how much do you think i could get for these i'll see about uh hey back so soon yeah there's been a record number of robberies the past 24 hours so the department wanted to make sure i got you this new list okay any uh suspicious activity nothing comes to mind you again oh hello wow all this is yours um yeah my grandparents actually it's a lot of pieces would you mind uh checking these out sure just as a uh precaution if you don't mind yeah of course why why would i mind wait a minute you find something [Music] [Laughter] my bad this is my dyslexia yeah none of this stuff is here it's all good all right well sorry for the baller i'll catch you on the next one have a good night all right like i was saying the best i could do for you is uh five grand really mm-hmm uh yeah let's great let's do that then hold that door oh my goodness thank god you're here i just realized that my watch is stolen could i make a report of course how did you know to come to a pawn shop looking for it well i just figured the crooks come here and plus my son owns the place hey mom hey baby what are you doing here well i just found out that my watch is missing i think that guy from the plaza stole it um i told you not to wear a jury around there i'll be right with you after this transaction okay sure so let's make sure you're watching is your five grand then i'll take you you don't want a receipt it's all right wait forgot your magic tickets magic that's the guy that stole my watch yesterday are you sure about this yes i really need to get going you're not going anywhere let me go man okay is this your watching yes you should be ashamed of yourself no i didn't mean it okay look i was just trying to help my grandma oh my look i won't do it again i've learned my blessings you're coming with me [Music] i'm just glad you're all right me too thank you baby okay man we got five minutes hey um i know you tried to warn me about my actions coming back to me and um i don't know what are you here for men trying to rub it in i mean i guess i i got sort of carried away with magic on i just really wanted to go and i wasn't thinking straight no i caused all this mess neither of us went you know oh no man i went you're right man yeah you're serious yeah man it was unreal how did you get the money in time i kept practicing my magic and dollar by dollar all the money added up and you won't believe this julius dean even pulled me on stage no yeah he recognized me from tic-tac look dude dude that's that's insane we exchanged numbers and everything he wants you to perform with him julius dean wants to perform with you yeah let me come come on man he was just being nice or something i wouldn't make that assumption he's calling hey what's up man i'm performing in new york next week you want to come heck yeah if i can put together enough money to flower there in time man all right well don't worry about it everything is taken care of we've got first-class flights and i even spoke to the promoters and they're gonna pay you five grand to perform seriously man that's amazing all right then yeah let's do it cool well i'm looking for one more magician you don't happen to know anyone do you oh no man sorry all right well don't worry about it text me your id so my team can book the flights and i'll see you in new york see ya [Music] yeah i can't believe this is happening there's no way you can go i'm in here for the next six months man all right well i gotta go home and practice some tricks man i'll come visit you after new york okay later boy not loving no melvin [Music] don't we slamming the phone unless you want to spend another six months up in here [Music] no more rules for the next 24 hours you mean i get to do whatever i want you got it oh my gosh this is going to be the best 24 hours of my life that's a lot of sugar i'm going to eat all of it you can't tell me
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 15,390,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: KzB4wWsfOXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2022
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