TACO MAN'S Life Changed In 24 Hours, What Happens Is Shocking (True Story) | Dhar Mann

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there you go buddy hi what are you doing you want something to eat little man i don't have any money don't worry this one's on me what did i tell you about talking to stranger he could be dangerous ma'am it's not like that at all [Music] hey you need to leave you scared my customers ma'am i'm sorry please i'm just trying to make a couple bucks that ain't got nothing to do with me now you need to go and you need to take this dirty dog with you excuse me i know i know i'm leaving no i just uh wanted to get something to eat yeah of course i'll make you my specialty nacho tacos hey aren't you a good boy how have you been doing this cooking oh man forever i actually used to run my own restaurant making all kinds of stuff pretty popular place maybe you've heard of it tony's a big red building and had a pink door i remember that place that was your spot wow they had some of the best food in colorado springs as i think about it i think i took a date there one time yeah in fact i know that i did because i remember thinking that the food was way better than the day it's like that sometimes you know [Music] can i ask what happened tony's was always pretty packed you mean like what i shut down same reason everyone else did pandemic i may have lost everything but uh it's all right i'm still one of the luckiest guys in the world what do you mean well i get to do what i was put on this earth for every day i get to cook and share food with people sometimes i even still go downtown to help feed the homeless just like i did when a restaurant was still open plus i got roscoe here you know you uh you want all the fixins please let me uh let me know what you think oh my god this is probably one of the best things i've ever eaten in my life just a little something something i've been working on you ever think about opening up another restaurant i think it would make a killing yeah that'd be the dream the banks won't really give me a loan you know people won't even really look at me everyone thinks i want to scam them out of money for drugs or alcohol or whatever else you know it must be really tough i'm sorry yeah thanks it's just being homeless [Music] nobody trusts you i've been kicked out of so many places now i just may end up living in a tent downtown someplace are you gonna be around tomorrow yeah i mean not exactly here but i'll be around what i'm gonna bring some friends by if that's all right with you of course i'll be waiting and uh i'm tony as you know i'm charlie i'll see you guys soon see you charlie oh wait wait you changed no no no you keep that believe me this is worth that and then some [Music] hey what are you still doing here i know i know i'm leaving i'm leaving right now i swear i swear i don't get it he said he was gonna be around here yesterday excuse me have you seen tony the guy who was out here yesterday cooking you talking about the homeless guy oh i finally got rid of him for good i had to call the cops why would you do that for loitering and bothering my customers i had to tell him over and over again nobody wants him here okay well do you at least know where he is it's kind of important that we find him hopefully he's in jail but i don't know as long as he's not in front of my store i don't care okay come on hi yes i'm looking for a man his name is tony i don't know his last name he's uh middle-aged probably has a dog with him he would have been booked about an hour ago okay thanks anyway you called every police station in the area i don't think we're gonna find him yeah maybe it just wasn't meant to be at least you tried yeah well trying isn't good enough come on guys think about this if you were a guy who loved to cook and wanted to feed people work i got it oh i know where he is what there you go i can enjoy this hey charlie my man what are you doing here we stopped by where i met you yesterday but they said that the cops kicked you out yeah the owner she really has it out for me but how'd you find me all the way down here well first i called like a million places but then it hit me that you would be where you are needed most and here you are looking for homeless people downtown what can i say uh old habits you die hard you know these are my friends hey hey can i uh offer you guys something oh no thank you no actually uh we want to offer you something oh yeah this is for you what is all this cooking supplies pots pans knives everything the guy at the store said that it is the best of the best and uh of course i couldn't forget you roscoe charlie this is this is way too much i can't accept all this i insist you have a gift you should be able to share that i just hope that all this can help you do that it definitely will i don't know i'm ever going to be able to repeat you don't have to repay me just one day when you're able pay it forward because what goes around always comes around i will thank you thank you so much you're welcome actually yeah uh we have a few more surprises for you what are you doing tonight oh man i mean i might have to check my schedule but no plans charlie well why don't you come over to my place i'm gonna cook for my friends maybe you can give me a few pointers you mean like like a dinner i don't know about that oh you wouldn't have to do any of the cooking i'll do all the work it's it's not that it's just i'd be happy to make all the food it's just um not really in a state to be in somebody's house you know i don't even really know the last time right i had a little shower you can shower at my place i've got an extra bathroom and like a hundred of those tiny little hotel soaps just lying around he's not lying either no that all sounds great but really i i'd hate to inconvenience you you wouldn't i would be learning from a master chef that is worth a shower and anyway you're probably gonna want more from me after he takes my cooking okay okay i'll do it yes oh shoot no charlie it's all right i got roscoe i got a great big yard that he can just run around in so what do you say it's just all this almost seems too good to be true what do you think roscoe you want to go i think that's a yes okay yeah sure uh let's just meet here at five o'clock well we'll see you then it's great see ya bye guys hey tony how are you 20. hey roscoe you made it [Music] so i hope you don't mind but uh i picked up a few things for you i just guess that you're a large that's right [Music] awesome [Music] guest bathroom right here take your time get cleaned up fresh towels for you right there and i will take roscoe i can't tell you how much i appreciate this of course hey ross come here are you hungry refreshing oh you should check it out we're at 42 thousand dollars what the winds hey looking good you clean up nice tony yeah you look like a completely different person thank you thank you that was the best shower i've had in years we look amazing man [Music] awesome for you thank thank you thank you cheers cheers tony would you mind taking a look at my suit oh yeah what you working on here charlie charlie i'm impressed um that is one good base now if you want to elevate it though spices we're gonna add some cumin just a little bit there's the paprika same thing not too much and then some chili [Music] give it a stir go ahead and give that a try [Music] that's delicious nice so that's all i've been doing wrong all these years i think it's probably a little bit more than that there so do we eat dinner first or do we show tony his next surprise wait wait more more than all this guys really everything you've already done so far so much more than i could ever ask for i think you're really gonna like this next one should we show them yeah let's go [Music] your whole life is about to change to me i can't believe you guys are doing all this for me come on oh wait we should cover his eyes yeah i got it i got it okay all right all right watch your step all right come on couple more steps ready open's nice what in the world no no guys no way you don't have to cook on that little grill anymore time you said your wish was to open a restaurant again right yeah now you have one come on let's go check it out oh this is yours you own this now tony [Music] no way no i don't believe this it's got everything you need sink fridge shelves we even got you a gift card so you can buy groceries the only thing this place is missing tony is you thank you thank you guys thank you um i don't know what to say how did you guys even do this well i may or may not have posted your story online turns out there's a lot of people that remember tony's wanted to help it's even started building some immediate traction you started a gofundme you actually raised forty three thousand dollars forty three thousand can't eat meat we use that money to buy you this truck so that you never have to get kicked out of anywhere after cops called on you again thank you thank you thank you thank you this is this has to be the best day of my life thank you charlie [Music] yesterday was really special yeah i was i wonder what tony's doing i bet you he's still on cloud nine wait should we go check on him yeah that's a great idea sauce cheese everything yeah hey tony what's up man hey guys what's going on what brings around here well we just came by to check up on you it looks like things are going really well here i definitely can't complain here you go thank you well if they're anything like your last place i'm gonna need to put an order in how much are they no charlie put that away it's on the house here you go sir thank you i i appreciate that tony but i want to support you i'll pay what everybody else is paying all right i'm not charging any of them so here you go i actually made a policy that i'm going to come down here at least once a day i'm going to feed as many people as i can and i'm going to do it for free it's incredible tommy where'd it go good for you it's just uh my way of paying it forward you know because a wise man i know told me that everything that goes around always comes around pin agreement at this rate you're gonna have to hire somebody to help you you know what that's a great idea charlie give me a minute hello ma'am i saw your sign are you looking for work yes i'm just trying to find a job so i can get something to eat but it's it's hard getting employed looking like this i know the feeling why don't you come work with roscoe and i are you for real a hundred percent i mean i really could use the help does 15 an hour sound okay oh my god that would be the greatest blessing oh wait do you have to interview or anything no no don't worry about it most important thing is that the manager likes you roscoe's a pretty good judge of care well thanks for believing in me roscoe here you go try these nacho tacos it's my signature dish and whenever you're ready come on board you can get cleaned up and i'll teach you how to make them oh my god thank you thank you so so much don't mention it take your time okay okay thank you [Music] can i trouble you for 22 so that i could get something to eat for today you mean buy some more drugs i'm an artist and i work with celebrities yeah right buddy and i'm elon musk and i'm oprah winfrey
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 13,924,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons, charlie rocket, tonys tacos, true story
Id: aSL5aQFvxMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 26 2022
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