Buckets of BEACH GOLD

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hello and welcome back to the flower gold wizard channel i'm jason part-time gold prospector based in wisconsin that's rigby he's my minded partner today we're at the beaches of lake superior in michigan we're gonna see if we can't put a big pile of gold in the pan actually tomorrow today i'm just out prospecting around trying to find the best deposits so when i come down here tomorrow with all my gear and my help mrs wizard junior mrs wizard uh we're gonna focus on mining rather than prospecting that's what it takes test test test so let me show you around a little bit there's rig bomb say hi to everybody all right let me show you around a little bit i've been here a number of times and every time i come down here changes just a little bit the water comes up and it crashes up on the bank here and it knocks big chunks of landslide off here and it lands down on the bottom well since i was here last my deposit has been covered up by this huge chunk of land right here my deposit is gone now you would think that that deposit would run parallel to the to the beats here and just go on forever but it doesn't the gold bearing sand black sand etc uh kind of concentrates in certain areas along the beach for whatever reason wind direction wave direction uh contours of the land and uh if you're lucky enough to stumble upon one well you're that's pretty fortunate otherwise you gotta dig dig dig and guess what happens when you dig there well all that sand falls down you got to keep digging for hours on end just to find out there's no black sand down in there and i went and i dug probably 30 holes just like that just like that one and that one and that one there all the way down to stern beach and uh i just can't find what exactly what i'm looking for so i'm moving up here where i know there's deposits of black sand i don't know if the gold's quite as good we'll find out tomorrow but there are some pretty darn decent deposits here now you still have to dig for them let me get around this stuff here like this one now trust me that might not look like a huge pile of sand i moved but it is this all every time you take a shovel out here it crashes down but look what i found there's a nice layer of sand in there let me get the camera right up in there and you can see how red that stuff is that's garnet sand mixed in with that stuff that's a nice mixture right there it's showing me that it's it's carrying some of the lights which should be the garner garnet sand i mean it's lighter it's heavier than this sand but it's still lighter than the black sand and the gold so i think somewhere in that layer right there which does go quite a ways down that way yet but it keeps filling in there's going to be some decent goal deposits and this one does run quite a ways if you go up here you can see the beach start to turn color here starting to turn black and red tinted that's all black sand and garnet sand i will guarantee you somewhere in the mix of this stuff here there is really good gold to be found look at how dark this sand is right here look at that oh yeah and you get down just a little bit and look how black it turns look at that just pitch black we're gonna do quite well here tomorrow i'm just gonna stick to my guns and i'm going to work this deposit not run up and down the beach like a like a maniac so that being said me and mrs wizard here we're going to start collecting cool rocks for her rock garden he's already hard at it and it's beautiful day so we're gonna go back to the camper have a couple of cocktails we'll pick this back up tomorrow back in a bit it's time look who's ready to go it's the rig bomb yeah we're going buddy we're going and the moose dog's ready but all right we made it it's noticeably less windy today as you can see there aren't huge waves crashing in the beach and i can hear myself think so we're getting set up on the beach up top there got a nice little blanket hanging in a tree for the gals to have a little bit of shade and we're gonna get our equipment set up i got it out of my backpack over there and we're gonna start the running so so i'll show you guys a little trick now if you don't feel like carrying a big tub out here to do your recirculating and all that other stuff a simple pail will do just fine you just take your pump you fill your pail right up to the top and you grab a clamp like such here you just clamp that pump down just like that right there so it does go down into the bottom of the pail then as the sand is going off of here it fills up your pail but you still have water running through your system now you're only going to be able to use one pail at a time before you have to turn this machine off in which i'll do a clean out but that's just fine with me this small mat i don't know if i want to run three or five or whatever pails through there one's just fine with me so when this fills up with sand i'll dump it fill it back up with water do a quick clean out because i can clean this out in about 30 seconds this mat pops right up and out of there the silicone mat right here uh you'll notice i do have a different configuration i had some silicone mat up top and then my devon gold vdr mat it was designed for a gold cube but i just couldn't get them to stick together properly and it had a big seam right here and i didn't care for that so i made this until i get something figured out with that other mat so that's what we're gonna do there's my deposit right up here just like the one we it's the exact one we went and found yesterday there it is let's get to running those guys are looking for cool rocks for the beach garden or the rock garden at home gee i wonder where they could possibly find cool rocks well there's a couple all right enough jack john back in a bit and we begin yeah that's lots of black sand in there thought it goes on to my splash plate right here that just slides right in and out of there see that that keeps it from pulling up on the very back of the the sluice right there and i can just see down in that in that sunlight area right there the mats are three research circulating pretty good exchanging the heavies for the lights or vice versa whichever you prefer i've got this set at 10 degrees right now i may put it down just a hair i'm going to run a little bit more of this through there we're gonna do a little test run this pail through there and we'll see what it looks like in a pan i got my big xp pan with today and every time i make the beach video somebody suggests that i try in the cobbles just away from the deposits of black sand well today we're going to and i have the perfect piece of equipment for that a mini high banker we're going to test some of this area right here as they say the the waves push the sand around and then the gold kind of stays with the cobbles and if you'll notice that this band of cobbles right here is quite a bit darker than the cobbles right here that stuff's heavier which would make sense that there may be larger pieces of gold or even more pieces of gold in it so let's test that right now all right change of plans i've been running some of this stuff here i've got oh i don't know half of that pail run right now and i did three or four test pans on the material that i was feeding into my machine here which i'm going to turn off right now to save some battery okay and i was only getting maybe two or three pieces in half a cup or so i mean it's it's gold and it's a numbers game i get it but there's definitely better to be had and i found it this is from a half a cup right here there's all kinds of pieces of gold in there i'm guessing there's probably close to 15 pieces in there there's kind of scattered all about in here and some are a little bit bigger than others and i'll show you exactly where i got it i'm looking down the beach here and i'm testing the cobble theory that i that that some of the commenters uh gave me and i took a shovel out of here and there wasn't any black sand and i did do some panning out of there and i didn't find any color whatsoever and i took a little sample out of right here because it looks like there's a little bit of residual black sand uh in in amongst that stuff and i didn't find any in there so i came over here and you can noticeably see that it gets really really dark right there so i took a scoop out of right where the cobbles meet this black sand deposit here which is absolutely pitch jet black look at this stuff here and underneath it is nice sized cobbles and i took that out of right here i scraped some of this gravel back and look underneath there that's all black sand mixed with gravels underneath there that stuff is exactly what i what i want i think so we're going to shift gears a little bit i'm going to fill up a pail of that and run that over my high banker that's right we found it all right let me do that around a half pail of that and we'll see what it looks like back in a hey bit that's right around digging [Music] so [Music] all right we've got that new deposit material all run now let's do a quick clean up and uh see what kind of gold's in it let me shut my battery down i'll get this out of the way and dump it about 5 8 of a pail and i've got a pan of water right here and we'll grab my mat give it a brief inspection and we'll put it in my pan just like that and good to go all right let's see what's in that stuff and the results they are awesome look at the gold in this pan let me get my glasses off so i can see too there is gold everywhere there is a lot of pieces and look at how big some of them are that's half five gallon pail right there and it's mostly cobbles that those guys weren't lying to me one bit that is a pile of gold for half a pail i don't care where you go so guess what that little shade blanket just turned into a tent because we're camping here now of course i'll have to run that by the ladies well you know what time it is it's time to grind grind grind grind the boys are up there in the shade not grinding but we're going to we're going to run that battery dry and i don't know i don't care if i got to run and charge that battery up we're staying here over the night probably not but we're going to grind back it a bit well as we've been grinding away we're building up a little hunger for a snack you know what time it is it's snack time let's see we got no bag of tricks here we got some beef sticks some meat skis quality meat mild beef sticks let's have one oh they love bee sticks they're hard working miners and how do you wash the beef stick down for the pbr tall boy i tell you what every once in a while life throws a day like this at you we're on the gold perfect video update 17 412. 19. here's what i'm doing i've determined that there is awesome gold right in this line here right where the cobbles meet the this black sand deposit right here it's super black right here and then when you get over in in these areas here there's no black sand under this stuff so the waves and uh whatever must have been uh coagulating in a way that deposited this black sand and these cobbles right here and it is just loaded with gold i did a little quick test of like a three pill test when i did a clean out and it it's unbelievable and i do have my cleanups loose and we're gonna do that back at the campground tonight but i want to show you what i've been doing now to make it a little more efficient i'm just taking my shovel and i'm scraping that top inch or two of material off the top of it so just like that you can see i've been doing this quite a bit just like this here it's just more less material i got to carry over the smooth and then i just scraped that top inch inch to two inches of black sand see that and i fill up another pail just like that this stuff wait till you see the size of some of the pieces that i've been pulling out of here it is going to be maybe a record-breaking deal here back in a bit all right we're getting ready to wrap it up here here's my last big full pale run here and look what i see right there that is a great big huge giant piece of beach gold right there man we just been on it all day long all day when i saw that i knew it was time that baby is loaded we've been pounding absolutely gold laden material in there all day long i've never been on a spot like that for this long ever so i'm gonna see if maybe mrs wizard will let me run maybe one or two more we'll see but i'm out of pbr i just had to do a little quick peek here well it's loaded loaded loaded look at that couple of pieces there really really nice let me see i can get that in shade here one time where's that sun there we go look at that now that was a really quick pullback this stuff right here is just loaded with gold so we're gonna go find some more pbr he's ready back in a bit all right we made it back to the campsite we've got our concentrates right here yeah it's probably a full cup or so i did do a sum panning out in the field but uh we were out of nutrients so we had to make it back quick but we are back we got my cleanups loose uh set up and ready to roll here so we're gonna clean that stuff up right now and take a look at what's in it and we're off and i instantly see in that first scoop some really nice pieces of gold let me put that camera up there and see if i can get them before they disappear look down in there oh yeah there's some really great pieces and i saw a number of slightly larger pieces for a beach as we were mining today so i'm going to run a whole bunch of this through there see if we can't really put something special in a pan because we were on it back in a bit all right we've been running here oh running i've got about three full teaspoons through the sluice now and it is looking really good look at the size of some of them pieces in there that is fantastic and they do it is starting to stack up in these drop riffles down here a little ways well that's that's your typical beach gold nothing's going to catch at all but this devon gold vdr clean up sluice will catch in the 90s that's for sure now i see gold probably right down to about here which is about halfway and usually i don't see any down in this area here when i'm done so we'll see what happens when i'm done but so far things are looking really good all right it's really looking good i'm gonna shut this down throw it in a pail turn it back on just a little bit do a clean out actually gravity's doing it for me there we are all right i've got all that material here in my lap and i'll use one hand and i'll just pull it back briefly here to see if we can see something good i know we're going to it's just a matter of i want to see it now and we are starting to see a bunch of flower gold showing up here at the bottom so i'll have to adjust my panning technique just a little bit but look at there showing up at that one corner it's going to be one heck of a cleanup but it's tough to do with one hand it's going to take me quite a while because that flower gold does float down with the with this black sand as you can see so let me get this all panned up and uh decent fashion and we'll take a look at it hey miss wizard boys are wrecked back in a bit all right let's take a little look at what we've got i pan that stuff out and it's looking pretty darn good there's plenty of pieces in there and look at the size of some of these pieces like right there that one there now i pan this back a little fast because i got camping and pounding to do you know pbr pounding but i'll take that any day all day long i love the beach well there you have it another successful day at the beach uh we found a spot we stuck to our guns worked it a little bit took a little advice from the comments and we came out on top again we just love the beach so until the next episode like share subscribe please do leave a comment it helps build my channel flower gold wizards
Channel: Flour gold Wizards
Views: 532,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Beach mining, Gold, Prospecting, PioneerPauly, Dan Hurd, Ask Jeff Williams
Id: gJsoZfTIvMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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