How to Pan for Gold - The Expert Gold Panning Tip Method

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[Music] hey guys dr. old hog and today I'm going to show you a little method for panning I've put this up before but I figured I want to cover it again real quick and it's not that people necessarily do this wrong but it's a better way to do it and then the problem is is that experienced miners and experienced prospectors usually don't watch panning videos that's why they don't learn this method and I have to teach this to all my experienced prospectors to all my commercial operators I have to teach them this method whenever I go out and I do an event I teach this method watch the gold shows you ever see this no but they need to learn it this is how you finish paying that final amount of gold out of blocks and it's the tap to the side nothing so before we see it started on this video real quick I just wanted to say if you haven't clicked the subscribe button down below click the subscribe button we've got about 30 videos coming out and it'll notify you when we upload them the next thing if you haven't watched a new flow pan video watch the new flow pan video it's a brand new product will really cool watch that video I'll probably put a link to the flow pan video down in the description so you can see it too let's get out to this video now I don't want to say you're painting the wrong way but what I am gonna say is that there's a better way to pan and I'm going to show you especially when you get down to the little amount of black sand and gold left how to get that and everybody I see everyone swirl swirl swirl that's what they do they get down the end and they swirl on this world the problem with that is you still have layers you have black sand and gold black sand and gold and when you swirl you're taking off layers and you can push gold so I'm going to show you how to get the gold out of those final little layers and over to one side real quick I've done this before but I want to do it again real quick okay so you have to excuse me I'm kind of using two cameras here so I'm trying to stay on video and do this at the same time so here I am I've got my I've got a little bit of concentrates here and let's pan these down a foot so I'm just gonna shake shake shake all my gold is at the bottom take the lights off take the lights off when I see blacks and I stop or gold settle settle settle settle and pan pan pan if I see gold I stop settle settle settle and I get to a point where there's not a whole lot of blah not a whole lot of guan's left so what I'm gonna do is all right now you can see that I've got almost all black sand in here it's almost all black sand and gold is starting to show up so this is the problem point okay so here's what I'm gonna do what people normally do let me show you what people normally do all right when they normally do this they're at this point what they're gonna do is they're gonna take a pan and they're gonna swirl so they're gonna swirl the water and what you're gonna see is that as you swirl the gold is actually going to fall away with that swirl and I'll get a little close-up on that so as I'm swirling you come in here and show this over here as I'm swirling that gold is actually moving with that blocks and when I swirl so I'm really just pushing a lot of it back over here okay and that's not what I want to do let me show you again so if I have this all up here if I swirl it I'm gonna push that gold I'm pushing that gold over here too so let me show you a better way everyone knows my story of when I tell the story of driving down the road at 60 miles an hour with a bunch of heavy buckets in your truck you slam on the brakes what happens the buckets slide to the front and hit the truck that's the story I always use it's inertia it's basically that stored energy the buckets are still going 60 miles an hour even though the truck is stucked I'm gonna do the same thing with gold here so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get the truck moving down the road it's kind of what I'd like to do and I'm just gonna use this hand here as a stopping point and that's what I want you to think about this hand really doesn't do anything it just is a stopping point so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna tap tap tap tap tap tap tap and what you're gonna eventually start to see is you're gonna start to see that all my gold is gonna be over here in this corner so my goal will start to accumulate over there now the important part to this is as I tap it I actually tilt my pan a little bit as I'm tapping make that gold ride up so let me do it again one more time tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tilt my pan and you can start to see the gold that's accumulating over here that's what I want I want this gold over here on this side so as I'm doing this all I'm gonna do is I'm a stop you're gonna see something get over here in this camera what are you seeing on this you're seeing that the side that I was tapping to over here has more of the gold inside of it you see that over here all the gold is going on there so now what I'm gonna do now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make some green space so I'm gonna shake I sort of shake the pan this way and what I do is I make space up here so I've made space up here now I'm going to reverse this camera around so you can see it actually so again what I'm doing is I'm tilting my pan back a little bit just a little shake and now I've opened up green space and now I'm gonna tap here now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put water over this water has to be over this and I'm gonna tap and you're gonna see something happening right there see that goal line see that gold line form and so now what I can do shake a little bit more you get dry air water over it and now I got my line right so now you can see that golden smile as I call it over here so I can take a sucker bottle and go suck this out all right so now if I want to use water to help clear this out what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna bring the water let it come down bring the water up let it come down and let these sands sort of pull away from here pull away from here I'm not gonna swirl because if I swirl everything's gonna come over here pull the sand come up over here let it pull I keep and spread this out a little bit get more of that black sand out what I'm doing is of course is I'm just letting that water fall straight down pull straight down pull straight down you got that action so again now watch what happens watch what happens when I tap it with water over it I get that golden line again so that's really why what I want you to do so so when you get down to this final little mountain here don't swirl your water don't swirl your water just get all this over here tap tap tap tap tap tap tap took your pan tilt it away I'm leaning your goal is gonna be up here now this works really well a Feingold the harder goal is actually harder to catch in this method than it is the finer gold I'm just letting you know that it actually works better with fine gold the finer the better of this from this method works good so I'm gonna get it one more time let me get this other camera and shoot it so you can see it and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna hug this camera tripod here so you can see this so there so there is my actual blocks and so what I'm gonna do is on tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap see the yellow smile coming up tilt away there we go now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to make some green space so I made some green space come up tap that gold that gold will follow the tap make some more green space there we go now I can just spread it out let the water fall down over it golds floating because I'll have jet dry in it and now I got a clean line I can use the sucker bottle for alright so one more time everyone does the same thing everyone gets that down to that little black sand there and then what they do is they're gonna do this method and they're gonna swirl they're gonna swirl they're gonna swirl and this gold is actually gonna pile up all the way around here it's piling up all the way back over here pile it up the gold is gonna want us as I swirl it that gold is gonna want to just move away and move away you can see that all that gold is going back over here it's not what I want I want to concentrate it down so here we go so here we go tap tap tap tap tap tap tilt the pan away from that tap and you can see the gold corner up here that's all I'm gonna do is I want to make some space come up tap and then I'm gonna have that yellow line up there now I can focus on that yellow line and now I can actually go up and I can just tap over so anyways guys that's just a quick tip I wanted to get that out there I teach this all the time whenever we do our outings or whatever we do something like that I always teach this method I talk about the truck I talk about the heavy buckets in the back of the truck getting that momentum using that inertia I want you to understand what we're doing here so that tap method is a perfect way to see every ounce of gold no so what I'm gonna do is is I'll get that out and get that out get that gold out with a snuffer bottle then I'll go ahead and do that again rake it over and make the smile do it again do it again three or four times later I've got almost all my gold out of that even the fine stuff but guys what with your panning raw material or whether you're panning concentrates you want to use this method just a little bit of water over it you don't want too many cons you want to get down to the point where you're just at that final amount you know we have a couple of tablespoons left of black sand and gold that's where you're gonna use this you're gonna use this at that final method do whatever you want to get that to get the other crap out of there but once you get down to that final little amount of black sand and gold use the tap tap tap tap metal I'll go to one side make some green space bring it down doc go [Music]
Channel: Gold Hog
Views: 665,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold panning, how to pan for gold, gold panning tips, panning fine gold, gold panning video, how to use a gold pan
Id: oMsTOqa998U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2018
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