Grant Cardone & Tai Lopez Talk Business & Social Media

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hey welcome power players every week I've try to bring to you somebody in full power in full glory beautiful people we like beautiful people and today we have somebody exceptional in all these spaces we got four cameras go and we got Instagram Facebook snapchat YouTube we got it all going and we got tile open okay we got a little mini jet here I need a mini jet man you know I mean I had to do tell me I had to dick Tomey a friend of mine system and your jets ugly you know what no matter what you do there's always stupid people never forget that yeah that's a good answer you're good Abbi your Tai Lopez the people that follow me ask a lot of questions about you a lot I wonder who is this dude okay okay I'm glad you here cuz I want to ask you straight up I really appreciate like what you do with social media dude is seriously admirable well I uh I think I'll tell you that that's a good day thank you but I was looking at Kim Kardashian the other day she had yeah one hundred eighty thousand people watching her lives I mean you've got a long way to go yeah but dude I mean come on man she had sex with a man on YouTube but have you done that yes so you you know you you and I you and I do similar things but very different right and and why do you do things different and we got different styles and all that I've learned a lot watching you and I really really appreciate I mean I go I go check out your stuff man I'm like what you doing man what you do what's your preferred what do you watch you like insta snack none of that those are just channels together so it's so to me what I'm always watching is is your move into an audience how to how you lure people and how do you create interests you know these these are whether people like it or don't like what you're doing yeah the ability to get attention right okay is is I think and you've read a lot of books but and you've studied a lot of people is one of the attributes of people in power the ability to get attention yeah so like like who have you like who of you I know you had a mentor but who you see in right now how do you think about attention let me ask you that well it's like you've said now it's actually interesting it become almost a zero-sum game so a few people are grabbing a lot of attention like I was saying kim kardashian live you know checking the other day had 180,000 people on it why well she's one of the zero-sum so I read an interesting book twenty thirty years ago attention was much more spread out and right now because of social media a few people right same with music there used to be a ton of small bands because you lived in a little town of Wisconsin little town of Michigan you know and you were able to come in a local sardine yeah it must exist if this is Bubba Joey okay this is the way there we go man come on man we got our you know Jerry yes but we drove a little bit I get your backup shop up so you know there should be a lot of little bins now you got ten or twenty if you look at Spotify top and got Drake always up there you're not a handful so more than ever like you said you got to get good at this yeah yeah because of Russia will be completely buried and no one over here from you so when you're doing a YouTube video ok I'm you I see the cars I seem to land by see the house you know everybody's got questions about the cars in addition you know what they are right I see the chicks you all have two chicks and a key and it ended guys getting it I got a wife and two kids and I can have a bunch of 17 year olds hanging out not 17 laughs I don't know 80 older 23rd 70 okay so so so like that's cool that's cool that's you know but like when you're doing that okay what are you going for is there an audience is there what's happening well I for me first of all you got to understand psychology and some people don't like if I you know one of the things about cars and stuff like that I think you got to be authentic at a certain level but no matter how authentic you are some people going to question it yeah so people says some people out there who think that I just have cars just to get attention but I don't I had my first Ferrari probably Oh 8 o 9 I never posted a picture on social media for five years because I wasn't doing that much I always really started me on social media two years ago so I haven't done it for that long and now I just post my life but one thing I like about social media it will tell you if you're living an interesting life so what I try to do now is actually live an interesting life I don't do anything just like coming to Miami I don't go okay that's going to be great for my social media but I've been coming to Miami for years but now it's awesome you get the opportunity have-your-cake- and-eat-it-too live an adventurous life for yourself and also share it you know and not that you couldn't do that before yeah yeah well now you can I mean how you had to have a TV show you had to be Lucille Ball you had and I had you need a writer in a script right now man well then it wasn't that quick it wasn't watching me um you know my life it was more boring you know on a set so the look this this is power players we're going to talk to Kyle Lopes today about how he got into this position of power he liked to do like me don't like him don't like me don't like us together whatever he's doing his life okay he's figuring out right yeah I'm figuring out what I got to figure out who you like as a kid that's the story I don't I like like no no that was a little kid five six seven years old like who is ty Lopez before YouTube I mean for I was always somewhat entrepreneurial but it got squashed you know when I was five or six I told my mom I want to make money and a little tomato stand mm-hmm I made 25 cents I think and you were a baller I was a baller man add a single mom you know a single mom that me too so there wasn't the school system now doesn't encourage that at all and my mom being a single mom being busy she couldn't encourage I wish going back and they said three biggest regrets that people have their education who they marry her in their career mm-hmm you know so for me I look back and like man what opportunity lost because the younger you start Warren Buffett I don't know where he got this step he said the number one predictor of success is the age you start so you know if you're watching this in your 50 I always say one of the best time to plant a tree you ever heard that saying best time yeah today yeah I 20 years ago yeah and the next best is today so I got a somewhat of a young store when I was a teenager after high school I went to work on this farm with Joel Salatin and he was my first mentor I was just so before you go to the forum though what I want to do is I want to farm out this ok yeah we're going to come back talk about education marriage and career and we're going to talk about young girls too because we got to hello Beth here you have your daughters how old are they they're five and seven awesome yeah [Music] hey welcome back power players I am just like so excited today we're sitting here goofy on the break I got Tai Lopez here a lot of questions a lot of people asking a lot of things about you man yep we got our concert let's do our little debate here's no no wait a minute wait a minute do our interview first okay you can do interview debate now we're going to do power players all right you guys knock it off here we're having a debate and we're going to come back to that question okay okay and so and we'll let the audience decide also we're going to handle we're going to take one of your calls today me and Ty are going to help you with your business so we're going to take a consulting call ty Lopez four and a half million followers on Facebook I know you numbers dude two million on Instagram six hundred and fifty thousand on Twitter you beat me on every freaking social media aisle don't worry about that someone all someone always beats everybody did I say there's always a bigger dick there's all right I don't say quite like that wouldn't tell me if I meant but well why don't you there might be a woman Oprah Winfrey but it's still the same thing that analogy works even with women I agree there is always someone better so you're Michael Jordan you're retired and there's a LeBron exactly right so let's talk about your kid you're not on tomatoes yep you think young you want money you want to be rich I mean what was the connection with with entrepreneurship and money and I don't think of people people think I'm more materialistic than I am I'm much more of an adventurer you know I even when I do now is I see it as I tell people people ask me what they should do with their life I'm like being adventurous at the end of the day that's more interesting than anything so you know I went off and I live with the Amish for two and a half years I traveled before you say when did you do that a little bit after high school okay so let's talk about I'll worry about the tomatoes did so back in the tomato no so back then you tell me tomatoes I sold one bag for 25 cents and then you know what I did this is marketing 101 I switched to sweet lemonade and I realize if you put some sugar in it yeah yeah well I made like three bucks which was a lot more than 25 cents o6x exactly so that's the moral of the story if all people want to grow their social media you got a drop sugar in it because it was all Tomatoes it might be healthy but nobody's eaten it yeah yeah so let me did you want money when you were a kid I mean why would why would a kid want to sell tomatoes because it's not that of the limited you wanted something I wanted money but I was I've never I don't think about money as much people too I think I bet I don't remember because I was six but I think that I wanted the money for something right right probably I always I like freedom yeah yeah yeah so for me when I was a little catching something I haven't sold on an interview I used to always dream of people would ask what kind of animal you want to be I always want to be a bird and Pete like an eagle and someone said why and I said because when you're a bird if you don't like something just pick up and go so I didn't have the text childhood a lot of nuts though no if you're if you're an Evo you can kill a lot of things feel real predator but I think for me it's always been I want enough money that no one can tell me what to do and if I don't like it that's how I am now if I don't like somebody no matter how powerful they are know how to rich they are I don't have to kiss their but I'm gonna move on with my life and so I'm like I said I don't remember that you and I had that in common because because the thing you know when I watch my my parents as a kid my dad had the power yes and my dad I'll go ahead of money yeah yeah yeah but he decided how long we were in the store he decided what we bought he decided when we left yeah he decided who we gave money to and I'm like hey that's what I want I want the control you know any of that play into to who Tyler Posey is yeah like I said I think it was literally I think that's freedom I think and I don't think I've ever changed so the money the money then you use it today because you spent a lot of money in appetizer yep okay so we go from eight year old tomato salesman right making a quarter yeah dude I remember a quarter of us the big deals a lot of money you remember rubbing it like I want to rub this out of our rough I mean everyone's your mind like money warming I never a lot of money dude I'll tell everybody right now look man you want an adventure add some money to yeah for sure you agree with it yes money people money is fuel uh-huh you can have a Ferrari life but you don't have any fuel on it just sits in the garage yeah so a lot of people's life they're smart they got ideas but you can't pull it off until you put some fuel in the tank so nowadays money to me is that fuel I get an idea and I can do it yeah yeah and I see you you drop a lot of dough on on on advertising yeah what do you spend on YouTube I'm a shipping because I'm selfish man he taught me grounded but it depends I mean it fluctuate I don't attend dude how much have we actually actions will let last year you know but I honestly don't know but I I'm almost a biggest youtube advertiser maybe coca-cola there's come on are you not that big yeah that's what Google tell me of Nan huge brand when you compared himself to coca-cola you can't do that watching this Google send to people in my house I got two or four reps that fly out to San Francisco yeah so and so I say amaya Vegas and they go we're not allowed to tell you but they wink at me yeah yeah I honestly don't know what yet they were having a conversation with it no they didn't say they won't say they're so confidential on Google they were all but I will tell who knows man oh I can figure out cuz we don't just spend on Google on YouTube yeah we spent all over okay so I mean yeah I've spent tens of millions over I don't know if it was last year but I spent a lot of money ah it takes it people don't realize you to build a brand if you're gonna do it digital it takes money because their attention is grabbed by something else charge so yeah for sure that you know it's so didn't I all these youtubers nowadays some people used to complain all I see some tests you have ads you allow that we do both so we don't do any 100 ads I don't allow add so much I don't make any money from you - oh you know why did you make that decision not to have that you don't make much money because you know what every time I did hey how to stay motivated yeah the frickin antidepressant guys would drop an ad yeah okay and I'm like dude I'm not doing a prozac at ok yeah I'm not no I don't want any that prozac money okay now so when did you make the move from ma soeur like hey man maybe I could make some money as Tai Lopez Oh well like I said I've been a business I became out for 19 what are all these businesses behind the scenes it wasn't until really I mean in 2012 I started doing or maybe 11 I started doing some consulting but still behind the scenes I did some public's you know speaking then I did a TEDx talk that kind of went viral and and that was in 20 no 15 it released January 2015 so January 2015 is really when I started going putting my face on so I was an entrepreneur for what are you doing with that oh man I gotta talk to real estate I got told you food but I was in the food agriculture business I'm a wealth management company so we're vesting for people doing Financial Planner I was a CFP doing finance stuff I was a consultant we launched all you know so we were all over I was doing all kinds of things in multiple venture it just they weren't you know nowadays you can build a business around your face you couldn't do that it's 2001 or you know I was just building separate businesses and I sold them and and now I do the same thing I got my hands and all kinds of businesses doing more like that just taken behind the scene when we come back from break we're going to ask power player Tai Lopez how many businesses how much money he's making I'm a freaking I'm going to take the cover off this band-aid off okay that's right they call me the investigator the Tai Lopez investigator don't go anywhere you're watching power players state owned just back in a second [Music] welcome back welcome to power players the two best hairs in all of entrepreneurs even got me beat mean you've got the best hair of anybody Gary who else would it be inky Les Brown DBT there comes oh okay I got to learn all the acronym and we add who else Jared could we add Jared I'm talking to you there Russell Brunson you could take all their hair put it together me and Ty together lights out on the hair pieces okay hello it has a wig man four and a half million followers on Facebook two million people on Instagram yeah I lost some number how many on YouTube I mean you teach I'm almost at a million subscribers yeah I'm not going there like like you morphman you I mean I'm more you yet you're marking me so really appreciate you being here hope to pick off some of your followers they're going I mean telling them how to get a snapchat and then this dude is a real entrepreneur okay I'm sure he's had a bunch of failures on the way you see the successes you see the cars you see the chicks okay so what's what's what's what's the idea behind the chicks okay you got a lot of chicks dude I'm like man how do you do like you get thirty people all in visited a we're gonna create is corny old is he can you pay this guy you know if I look online there's all kinds of guesses for my agent Matt I'll be close to everybody one right you and your age is going to be closing your network I guarantee you so which is age if he's not good bad yeah sure sure yeah so there's a few would let's go with me average remind me about the young chicks if I get around let's talk about that so like I said man it's hot I live in Hollywood yeah I know where you live and you know you got there's a lot of pretty women and so that's another thing buddy my closest friends like my friend Vermont I used to be an iced on the nightclub and nightclub business was another business I was and he said man I see people saying that you have this all staged they're like you should have seen he's like I've known Tyson you know a decade it's already been the same well I you know honestly here's my opinion yeah I see a lot of guys going out and it's a bunch of dudes I've never found yeah yeah a fun when a ratio is 90% guys look I and I'm not hating on you god okay I was single in La Jolla lived on the ocean hello plat pad right in front of wind and sea beach yeah I'd have a party there'd be 400 people there and 280 mo women yeah so and now I'm with you on my guests and we've always had 70/30 because you're the other thing yeah too many guys yeah too aggressive yeah you know you go out guys argue they fight with you so and nowadays believe it or not sometimes for me a lot of guys want to hang out and talk business the whole time and where women are more relaxed and just chill so I'm like you know what do I want to go out to a club with 15 I like I'll pass on that you know what but in that youtube by the way this is on top live you know why you get so many possible with the whole is on the top ten yet of all in check out so check it out so but but still the question is when you're doing that video in youtube yes you had to sit you made a decision you guys let's do the hot tub yes let's do the chick that was all but that was an afterthought the girls want people think it's like this is what people think about me they think that I wake up in the morning I go let me shoot a commercial so let me find for any girls of invite them over cut but that you have had to go to the garage to shoot the cars yeah but you know that person added to go down to the garage that garage that I got that video that got it got over 600 million views others a few variations of it it's one of the most viewed videos in history besides the music video that's amazing and that video was shot literally because I had just come home from London and I had a big shipment of books and so Nathan who was my assistant at the time he said where the hell do I put all these books you got them all filled in your whole house I said put the book I said buy bookshelves and put them in a garage because the own the extra room yes and then so I came home I was back for about a week and I was home and I had a new iPhone and I was like you somebody asked me a question about books and I just walked in the garage it was spoke to the actual video wasn't about the Lamborghini it was about the bookshelves because I thought people would find it interesting that bookshelves in my garage so I also know psychology and I know Matt I mean you know psychos well I've done this test there's only one thing that'll get more guys to turn heads if you're at a cafe than a beautiful woman walking by a Lamborghini guys lovely and I always loved cars from it's funny I was just in my 99 year old grandma and I forgot this I said grandma what was I like when I was 3 or 4 she said we used to take you to the beach and you would walk away from the sand and go in the Gras and go out in the parking lot and try to put the keys because you like cars and you'd go boom-boom room so this Clarke thing I'm like cars apparently from before I remember and pretty women uh like I said also like that from before I can remember when I was six years old I fell in love with the mother booby like what what movie was there a movie Karate Kid yeah that movie made the biggest impact on me because it was a mentor mr. Miyagi showed him stuff either oh yeah well girls and then there was there's no cars what's the cook what's up with me what's the movie they got you influenced ended like I want to be chicks in cars you know I don't think it was a movie with chick did I know watching James Bond goal thing nah man it just came instinctive to like what just came instinctive to like women I think you know if you know it Hollywood does John instinctive it know but I don't look back I'm not in West Hollywood I'm in Hollywood I know where you are I know you I got Tata Lopez here today we're going to take your questions I'm gonna I'm gonna look for the best question here okay and we're going to we're going to grant we're going to give you a phone number can you find me somebody to all my Instagram school that's cool we got on top line that doesn't happen too often yeah we're rockin dog we're rocking okay so live how did you how do you look at criticism of people making fun of you so this is calling you imaginary and clickbait t how did you get inspired to do the marketing answer what you doing what happened that you didn't tell people do you - phone or graceful you can't tell people man that that that you didn't plan to do it did you mean to click the the apps yeah yeah like how did you do it yeah we want to wait so that ad okay so here let me read this question we had David Cham how do you look at credit some people make a fun you know what people think a lot of people make fun of me they don't it's just that our brain is attractive if I have 10 that you know I posted on Instagram I almost broke instagram at ninety thousand comments on a post that I did and maybe a hundred or two hundred or maybe a thousand are negative yeah so what happened the brain going all tying its also listen to me I promise you this if you don't have people consistently criticizing you if you don't have haters then when popping that's off you've got to know that's right so I literally I remember once I was in the Lakers I've got a Laker game Kim Kardashian and Justin Bieber the camera turned to them this isn't like 2013 18,000 people booed him but now you know they clap because what happened there's a cycle and Gandhi says said this years ago he said first they ignore you because I don't know who you are yeah that's right then they laugh at you because you're new on the scene yeah yeah then they hate you the third step because you're a threat and finally they love you and I added one thing and fifty become a legend like our fortune agar went through all those and now you become Sylvester Stallone your legend yeah I'm not at legend stage but I'll tell you I passed through that the hate stage is it like I said I'm only 2015 popped on the scene now you know if I go out on the streets you get hundreds of people a day and it's never negative I think in two years I won't ever had one person is Maddie do you think a large volume of actions or more partner or quality of actions what would stranger if you had to pick one and you could only rest with one well I love your quantum I will go quality because they mean you disagree with that dude Warren Buffett says this he's like a baseball player that only has to swing and there's no strikes so he waits yeah but do he's Warren Buffett now okay nobody we got I mean yeah but to get in the majors but you're asked me which if I had I would say you got it you know we just well okay but but how can you be mean how could you this way how can you have quality without quantity well I'll put it in a sense I'm right now he only had one video on YouTube yeah I just could you know consider that the call one van at one great video one great video and you couldn't do any more or would you take a quantity over one great me and see what I mean one video though got six hundred million views okay one of my biggest give you an example okay would you rather that one video that one and only one that does 600 million yeah or everything that you're pushing out over time this a really important - sale I know that watch me I'm not gonna win both ways how about that no no no but I got my analogy and go painted four hundred pieces and sold one while he was alive yes nobody even knew the dude why because he didn't he didn't push the quantity out he held on to it right yes nobody discovered that he had quantity to later if he just had one painted we wouldn't be talking about doing the Mona Lisa it might win how about this one better with dating quantity or quality I had a choice you want to wonder there you ain't gonna be good at it no we do the butcher's enemy had to have its what if you only go out on one date I do not want to have sex with that woman that's only had one guy I need some experience man oh I'm not like that I need something I'm not like you mean you're not like that bottom choices under your feminine women in your video yeah but I don't sleep with all of them okay so that's it okay okay so the closet document but but this is a good argument for people to consider because it's a Nuka guys out there noon he's trying to create some he's knocking on doors take a phone calls call on chicks whatever right popping videos on YouTube or Instagram do you really think he's going to score on that video I agree we were just saying if I had a trick I got at the end of the day it's experiment a lot I mean you have to it's there's two analogies like I said the dating one you have a choice between yeah 10 people you ain't attracted to they're ugly and nasty and one supermodel mostly we want to go most guys but how many of the women you know be honest that's right because I like quality not bad yeah but I'm a beautiful exponent over that whole beautiful hey there's a lot of nasty pretty women how many big one with you did it look I mean ask you you know I've been out there no I don't like that I don't like no no no I don't like that hey regrets I've had plenty I'm not a fan I'm not a man and waking up and going what the hell did I do know I don't I thought I have too much I'll admit I have done every guy I've done that but I don't I don't make a habit of it I want Jordan Simmons wants to know quickest way I'm sorry David gage wants in a quickest way too quick strike quick cash sales like you said commission based sales job if you don't know how to make any more than a day if you're good at selling you will always have money in your bank account moon grant Jordan Simmons what do you think of Grant Cardone sales techniques I don't think you know enough about me to even have an opinion I can tell grant knows what he's doing now I'll leave it at that I got my game with Patricia she said I have high social media program sales program the sales will help you get clients that you can manage your social media everything symbiotic you should buy all kinds of programs man I've moved that you agree yeah no no I agree with that I agree and now let me I should sum here some laughing will disagree on okay okay because I'm a big I just wrote this little book it's 38 languages already okay nice quick rain you're up 30 minutes let me know what you think I love it I love you I love you a little I'm gonna do a little book but one thing I talk about in that book I showed Daymond John that book he's like dude that was smart okay okay I wrote that in two hours our goal is to get it out to a million people nice I'll pay for the shipping oh they pay for the shipping I'll pay for the book okay what do you think about saving when should people start saving so you think this is a trick question no no no I have an opinion I mean I can tell you my opinion and then and then set it up I think the old thing about save start early start early and then they send their money there's no way you can know what to invest in when you're young right okay so people end up in sending money to Wall Street when they should be invested in themselves yes I agree with that okay here's the best in the short term when you're young best thing you can do is invest in your brain and what's in there and it's kinda from a skill-based standpoint so you went off in another place I got to go challenge that oh I'm not the kind of you does good that ya know you should invest in yourself now to where you learn you learn what do you think about the guy sending money to the to the keo to the 401k to the matching funds sent off to Wall Street they set there for the next 35 years diversify how you invest sometimes you should do a 401k because you get a company match if you're an employee so you get some free money so so you're saying if I match you you're willing to lose control over the money depends now you can self-direct a lot of this stuff there's people doing you know they're self-directed IRAs and - really yeah yeah so I think you know what at the end of the day there's a saying avoid extreme ideologies so somebody tells you the only way to wealth is the same well that's an extreme ideology there's a lot of people that just invest in fact Sam Ray Kroc when we colleges broke to his 50 - yeah and finally he hit on something that worked McDonald's and the richest man in America sales okay by the way is the real estate play it wasn't a freaking hamburger bloody know what the real estate cash I mean the McDonald's cash flows now let's talk about the brain you bought right okay hmm do the brains a piece of meat right right but some people got a better piece of meat in another planet in it so what you're really talking about though like is control of something bigger than the brain yeah I mean that's a philosophical you could call it the will the character the it'd just super ego like it depends what you're talking what do you want to call it I call it Drive okay you gotta have that drive you got to have a little ambition to your game you know yeah you got it well you got to have a purpose right I forgot yeah so so like when you see kids out there today you know my average Paul probably under what 32 yeah yeah so so any advice you have for the drive dude first of all things that could be working against somebody yep so they never get to create the drug and then what can they do to add fuel to their drive the main reason people don't have drive is because it was removed in the process of childhood that's that's that's my short answer the school system and parents that shut down kids they don't don't foster curiosity I agree I agree with that yeah most people would be emptiness is not a normal state it's not a nice day but people thought we were gonna get up your fight man I'm going in genic we fought over the quality and quantity of women that wasn't close we make it your line dude because you're lying along with a bunch of skanks no no no no hell no hell no come on man Maya do you drink the Alex you know why me smoke weed occasion very Katy that that's what you know I'm gonna tell you this a guy who's been with a lot of skanks is usually a man who drinks a lot I don't drink at all I mean I have beer goggles or chuck any man okay so so so what were we talking about before we went off in the skank land we were we were answering that question yeah yeah what so drive drive so so oh we had our hard work debate when I went on that drive we're coming bad drug trial okay we're talking that's right this is much better than the mark you've been interviewed by the way yeah we've got a mark so so so okay what can people do whole to get a bad thing yes you can't get so if it's to vacation if it got driven out of you because your parents in schools do you think I've killed it no good no but the older you get the harder it gets it's harder to change to teach an old dog new tricks playing 15 is easier it's yeah yeah but you're an outlier and old all your unique has a reason to learn their tricks they do but not all dogs smart enough to realize it yeah you're you're smart woman but you got to realize not everybody smart again another thing that got killed in school system so what I'll put it to you this way if it was killed and you find yourself procrastinating you don't have a job you can't get out of bed the best short-term rem remedy is switch who you hang out with that will jumpstart you a little bit I'll give you an example at one point I was trying to get super six-pack ABS I decided little cat it's not right there we got it we got the one pack right now there underneath there dude there there there there there there there there hibernating me yeah I gotta go break guys how did they find me out here man so so I there was a guy named Janelle Castillo he's one of the top Ford models in New York City you know perfect has to say perfectly lean he came over his wife was shoot or his girlfriend shooting in my house and he popped in and I just started hanging out with him for a summer and magically you know he taught me a few things like when you go to the movies you wouldn't buy candy you notice a little and then when he's not buying junk code you're like you know what I don't want to buy junk food and so about three months later I look in the mirror are you try we're trying to get the a blockbuster it's good I'm doing I'm standing up right now you both back okay bringing to charge your cookies right now Janelle where's Janelle oh god but it rubs off on you is the end of the day no and the people you hang around okay so you're saying the way to re-establish your drive is who you're hanging with that's a jump start okay in the long term okay so that's the jump start in the long term you must do something that interests you that you have curiosity around you don't have to love it at every moment a but you have to have curiosity right okay now you're ready for some hard question hard if you ever like you ready let's see good now they're not there man there no there my mind there we go so people like many many much yeah why not okay if you were going to flip any products for quick cash which ones do you like so I'm going to flip tie and clothing and done well with that you know the whole flipping - at the end of the day do you want to be able make money for a day or make it for a while there you go you gotta be careful you do you do go to flip stuff short term to get a blow-up right but try to flip something that you can not only so if this guy's flipping clothes only do clothes if you also want to do a long term so only flip short what you also want to do long that's my answer so for example if long term you want to be in the restaurant business don't spit because the quick flip is never as quick as you think don't spend two years flipping you know but it's not butter sometimes I just got to get its money right sometimes you've got to feed the day you sell tomatoes do yes my 25 cents found it every day me sometimes you just got to go through the freaking process and figure out okay that's emergency land you an emergency land you do whatever you Joel Salatin my mentor used to say sometimes you've got to dig ditches with a shovel yeah oh yeah oh yeah let me ask you here's a question okay yeah do you think it's important that people love what they do not love curious is a big difference I give you an example my second mentor guy named Allen nation he said remember this do what you like not what you love because the day you do it for a living you'll cease to love it and I didn't believe them and then I owned all these nightclubs and I used to be a salsa dancer and I was like I'm gonna teach salsa I love it so much I need to see it move right now dude come on let me see you move why do I need a female hind dancer with a band just make it up make it everything I don't done no no you can let me just see a move one move on power players come on man give me one is also a load put your hand here put your hand in the middle of the little back okay that's the move okay let me see the moves oh dude what do you get you got to do with the feet there's power players man I thought you were going to show the people okay who wants to learn how to solve but my point was when I did salsa yeah for a living like as a class I taught one I never went again because it felt like work yeah yeah just cuz you look do something you're curious about that's the music and all I would say to that is at some point you're going to wake up one morning and not like what you're doing that day yeah there's no way around Amani they're paying you LeBron wakes up damn I got to go do this today yep yes okay so everybody's got to do what they got to do I like I like what that first mentor said to you okay what are the top three tips on storytelling by the way tails the salesman if you're watching right now call three oh five eight six five eight six six eight three oh five eight six five eight six six eight I'm going to have me and Ty give you a little business makeover three tips on storytelling three tips I'll start showing why it's like no I get this question all okay okay number one and you're I'm assuming we're talking out for social media so people will want to pay that you gotta say that basically brand how to tell a story on brand yeah so you're Bert you got a brand you want to build a story number one I know this sounds too simple you've got to know if you didn't love yourself would you watch this brand story and most people's brand stories are so boring that the only reason that when they create it and they look at they go this is okay it's because it's of themselves yeah yeah I'm not a stranger if a stranger wouldn't what if you and honestly no no stranger is going to watch it it's a gap yet so okay so what do you think when you see an avatar you go through your youtube channel you see it you see in comment and there's an avatar of some other image other than a guy's face what does that immediately indicate to you anything you mean you tell mother figurative avatar yeah this little thing right here what the hell yeah yeah you're the song ears pretty sure that's unmet with some nail it's not her but it's a it's a cartoon or it's a dog or a baby what is that what does that indicate to you anything that they're probably young yeah if somebody has like a cartoon thumbnail yeah okay to me is you're lazy and or you're Heidi yeah like think it through man like like you're not a cartoon you're not not a grapefruit you're definitely not an egg put your face on there so you they're asking about how to build a brand right okay look around it'd be interesting is the first step and the thing would be not to be a dog but to be a person yeah okay if I'm at YouTube looking at my comments I don't want to see a dog there I don't think my dog wrote man why do people continue to think they must work a job and be overtaxed when it's much easier let your money work for you well taxes is a tricky one at the end of the day entrepreneurs get a lot more tax breaks and employees get but not everybody will be an entrepreneur oh we got we got calm again did you call it it's an insane place did okay everyday we did this show okay everyone has what do you think about the middle-class pad there's a question from idiot not rich people not poor people but the middle what what's your comments about the middle class so I think there's good news and bad news for the middle class I'll start with the bad news the bad news is the rich are getting richer and in the middle class in some ways is disappearing the good news is even the poor of today and the middle class of today is doing better than they did 500 years remember 500 years ago we were serfs and yeah you know slate so there's some good and still a lot of bad and so the middle class it'll be interesting to see how it plays out in five years do you think the middle class is good is that there's a warning in this book about look millionaires the new middle class right you hear some way there's bill amid that fifty grand a year in Hollywood right it's poverty yes which is really considered the middle class by the government or politicians and that it's unsurvivable you cannot live yeah at 50 or 60 grand a year yes you can do anything really yeah if you live it if you got it you have to be a real estate we're making 50 grand you don't want a wedding Gary Vaynerchuk was it was in here he's like look some you know girl that's waiting tables for forty five grand a year or working at home for forty five grand a year she's better off working for herself I said no dude she's not better off either way right cuz she's dead like she can't live and it goes back to the thing about money is freedom yes and most of middle class never has that freedom you loot you agree yeah so if you're stuck in the middle class you better make sure you like your job I mean not everybody not going to have on a percent of people are gonna be able to be built Bill Gates that's really there is a difference in talent there's luck to it yeah there but at the end of the I would say this everybody should strive financially to be above average not everybody to be a billionaire but a life settle for average so what would the number be what do you think is there a number there the number you should try to be scientific yes yeah minimum is 72 grand that that was uh income that guy named Kahneman Daniel Kahneman a very famous some scientists at Princeton he said that's City news network if I'm saying the minimum get the rest committed an idiot yeah but he found the genius man here no business getting advice and happiness or money a for sure if you get a guy yes loopy dude have you met ya how can it be how can you measure my happiness I'm happier rich I've been poor you're like Warren Buffett warm up said I've been rich and I've been poor and rich is better dude I'm telling you I am when I school when I hit a big friggin when I friggin crack one yeah but you're I think you're a high dopamine guy that you like to be incinerated man you like that new experience you do I like I like levels man I like I like the right I like right another pain we like to G to no I don't like the G to but that's all I could afford it that's good you got it one jammed up good no you know and so I like to guy that hate so much yet because you did my date on the jet I get hit on everything just like you do man you know people are hating on you and me we don't even know who they are that's the interview want one to ten percent of people here is a good rule of thumb a business rule that I go by about what you charge if ten percent of people don't complain your prices too high it's set too low they found that like now on the flip side of that when it comes to your brand social media if 10% of people aren't following you because they dislike you you don't have enough followers yeah you know you want to my fault that I get I get maybe but see I reach on a million people a year you know 1% of people don't like me a that's a million data comments I would take you're like the people that don't like you I would just take and increase nothing I have it you know people say we got six collars tie you might have to talk to somebody yeah let's talk to him come on man okay this is a fire round folks we're going along here power players Tai Lopez is in the house see the phenomenal everybody knows it tie the tie Lopez man okay art art what is your question art hey what's going on guys grant cardone for president in 2020 how's everybody doing this would be my this will be my ecommerce guy yeah yeah I called yesterday with the real estate but I'm glad to be on with you guys you guys are giving a lot of value great man what's your question so my question is I guess it's for everybody how you guys truly combat the negativity which you guys are touching on but what keeps you guys going forward to disregard it and keep moving forward something to get personal yeah and they'll talk about you know whether it be your kids grant or your guys nail or ties case you know talk about his his precious cars or is lifestyle how do you guys it personally get over that in that moment you want to go first whether you know like I had some patents that freakin crazy start attacking my wife of my kid right okay did you just cross the line with me yeah I had it we wouldn't raise a million dollars for make-a-wish this weekend in Orlando I flew up there you haven't spent four hours there we hope you know get the freaking audience jacked up raise a million dollars I got a guy hating on me the next day I mean it hurt a little bit like I'm like dude you're just whack yeah so it makes me feel kind of bad about mankind like right yet so that's how I got up I know it's going to come with the turf LeBron James says don't read press about you that's the first of all just don't read it the second I think I agree with that second of all if like I said you're doing big things you and you don't have any hate you're not doing big things for yourself so I actually see as a symbol yes I'm it is an indication that you're being successful okay if you think you're going to get win a race without somebody making some noise do you could win a race by freaking links and links and somebody gonna say you rigged right oh yeah okay next caller great question by the way Thank You ty Lopez in the house power players at Grant Cardone TV Alice OH Alex that's what I mean what's up man come on Alex now Alex I'll tell you what Alex I'm gonna give you $1,000 if you can tell me the first time I met Tai Lopez where was it one one thousand in cash man I don't know what the answer to that is but I guarantee you if I ask you a question it's worth more than that okay go ahead I bought Tai Lopez's social media marketing agency program and I'm having a lot of trouble with my cold calling so how do I get clients to agree to it picking up the phone and just calling them do you tell them the cold call call sometimes up on your program yeah here's the best way to get getting millions on the phone get my cold calling program it'll tell you exactly what to do in is how to call how to make the phone call five hours on how to make a cold call yeah that's good that's one way another thing that I would say without a doubt give free samples so sign your first customers for free if you have to trials or something people been using it when you go to Walmart and they're handing out like little trials of sausage and stuff they know that psychologically when you try it for the first time free trial if you do a free trial one thing if you're struggling but look if you guys don't have the money to monetize okay because some of you don't have the privilege like you just don't have like if you need money now you're not going to bail do the free trial not even the homeless guy on a street corner does it he's saying hey make that part of your marching into a one week free trial then you get your money on day eight so we did we did free trials here we did terrible with it yeah it depends it's all okay okay yeah you got to test it on that but when you when you need money as much as I need it yeah okay I need money dude I mean I'm just being frickin honest about it right anybody ever tell you they just need money yeah then you're good at selling so you don't need the free trials there you go there we go there you go that ended okay okay so thank you for that question Alex that was awesome Isaac Isaac is in the house I think and you can tell me where I'm at Tai Lopez the first time I will give you $2,000 going up to 2000 is a great bargain I just wanted to say hi did you and Tai Lopez it is a pleasure speaking to both of you from one thing is that that's awesome dude but look dude do you want to win mm I do want to miss out yes I do there's probably most of it okay so where is that what's my speaking fee for this you give it away here's your where right where is the first point first time I met Tai Lopez go ahead I have it posted you guys don't bother question okay what is your other question then you know my question to you I was checking Facebook live it I always fought got you I love that the HR page which useful work I catchy provocative M and shells and Christmas yes is that I actually never get off the place what's the question now I got to get to the question well hey well we're framing it out Kenny see if you can understand this question hey Tom what do you think about income property like apartments like I invest in a lot of apartments okay I love it is it but I want to know you're for sure what do you think yeah cash flow you pay your mortgage off with other people's money yeah I mean for sure real estate I've always been a part-time real estate investor I've always been more of a business you know a business-to-consumer guy I like but for sure if you don't have some of your money in real estate do you are making a mistake yeah and income-generating stuff's less risky here's a great question from a caller what do you tell them time well when it comes to sales you got a plan numbers game some people you can close I'm sure you got techniques to coast yeah but just remember this you're trying to sell a thousand dollar program to someone who has two dollars in their bank account you got move on yeah it's kind of like dating some women just don't like you and are you and some guy home and I'm married to that she does it like she liked you enough at one point I hope you know interested like zero yeah yeah well you sound like you water down that you're finally she finally probably okay yeah but when it comes to selling something you not only need them to love you they gotta have the money to pay and at the end of the day the number one reason people have objections you might be might be fishing in the wrong pond yeah yeah it could be could be okay next question and then I'm going to ask you another question here in a second go ahead Brad you saw you ad we good me yeah pick it up some yeah say my name Palestine I have to say local social media my gameful program and as well I'll have your reading anxiety Cyprus audio he'll talk about them yeah and my question is Hank some people reading getting I wish I was told a social media marketing Asian airman guy run all of this bigger than his contract nothing this is my Shaquille O'Neal fall remember that when Shaq had his leg wrapped or something okay there you go first that way yeah so what was the question what you were up dancing around doing yourself I'm sorry I'm trying to do that I'm trying to do that on a Shaq fall that's my favorite thing I'm watching you ever seen it on TV where he got up try to be funny in that courthouse player okay well again this is how dude because and this goes back to the question about quantity over quality you ain't getting good at anything without quantity anything gonna happen sales you need quantity you need but it is better have some quality to well yeah but you're not going to have quality in the beginning yeah do you want to suck in it yeah for sure you know how many bad videos do you have on YouTube a lot exactly so you can't discover quality without quantity the road to quality is through quantity there's no you won't even know what kind of girl you want without dating a few of them yeah but again going to disagree a teeny bit on this one okay dude I'm the one that's been married 13 years with a hot chick is perfect alright so I'll speak in the amateur your there you go I am a pro if I was 19 years old again I would want somebody to teach me how to fish in the right pond so you do need it the better way you go on the gym you got to do the reps you can't just lift one time in our muscles then what there you have some people in the gym that don't have a quality lift so they do thousands of reps you see I see some people they're doing dead layers to band they pull their back on the first pull and then they're in the hospital they're still bigger than than you not always no no not all you know what I'm saying quality reps okay long as you get it you got to do quantity elapsed around at rap track to ever get find out when those gurus are yes or I got a shortcut for you oh you get someone to come in and train you how to lift on day one and that can help I agree with that that's where mentor recommended but it solely about my whole car you know and I get in some of this controversy with different people that do self-help and teaching a lot of people to me there's no offense to you and some of these other people I think it's not just quantity oh no I think quality's underplayed and that's why I posted that Bill Gates thing remember this is a man 18 at 17 times in a row richest man in the world I think he's at 93 billion he says I hire lazy people for a job they find it real gates also says this okay if we can't make a great product make it look great yeah well that's true he wanted that product everywhere he didn't want it the best product yes if he even wanted the best product he would have done with Steve Jobs did and build Apple he didn't he didn't want the best product he wanted a product that could be everywhere as fast as possible yes Fatma that's why I'm saying both of them got rich though collect all the data out of building Richards Institute that's because he's dead because Apple is now worth 800 billion ever owned in the Apple dude the guy the guy has this much Apple has a financial mistake okay my name is Grant Cardone this is ty Lopez you've heard of him you knowing I got one question for you and then we're out of here we lost connection okay I got a question for you let's go if you were grant car down yes when you watch my moves I'm making yes what advice would you give me on what channel any of any of them I'll take advice on any channel like the same advice I give anybody look no not anybody dude you're you with me I don't care about anybody at this point I'm thinking about my damn self okay take you to let's say youtuber Instagram either one of them I want to make moves on both up so I need to study it more I don't I haven't studied it when they hurt us and that hurt I need to you know I'm mostly studying people out of my industry because that's where I learn tricks that inside if you just study your own industry I'm really copying each other what it would interfere with my father would a lot I follow would I am Hollywood many people are going you got home I got I got I got movie look dude you guys come on what one piece of advice guys so I would not the first time you ran across my name come on what no no I've seen I just haven't studied 1 to 10 I'll ask you this question yeah if you didn't know yourself how entertaining is your social media content entertaining not educational I not only you you've studied more what would you give yourself once the most boring thing 10 is like you know a Steven Spielberg actually entertaining so what are you giving it I mean without getting naked I'm pretty entertaining I'm uh entertainment snot tuition you think here yeah I think if I were a bird audience is what 26 in Japan's Facebook's probably 40 get 40 good and then snapchat 19 you know it's not across the board so what do you want to reach you you and I are each a very similar audiences yeah very very do you wanna reach ideal I want to reach people that want help so so like if I was that if I was looking to myself I'd say my message is to correct I come off a little too hard need to use more empathy you know but that's all part of entertaining because if you're too harsh on TV yeah yeah so here's the definition of entertaining scientific or I stick with it until everybody comes around yeah but but see I yeah I'm gonna tell you this and let's do this there's a lot of people have been in the social media a lot longer than me to have a waist smaller following yes or you you beat a dead horse as stated in this guy's done a great job I'm really glad you came in here maybe you can do a little research on me do it study and come back come back and we'll do a little project on me I make oh I'm telling it's gonna be the same thing I'm gonna go 1 to 10 let's move you closer to 10 okay and then maybe I apply and I'll do one at your place they are complex to see the place and I might be out here at Miami l'amour offering yeah come down to South Beach I don't know how much money what kind of money you make a year I asked all my power players this it's up to you what do you want to answer it but if you tell the IRS I don't know why you can't tell the GTC I'll make a few bucks what would you make last year what would you say you tell me you know what this all my lawyer told me well then my lawyer tells me I can IRS I'll tell anybody I'll show you this online I'm Google and I've seen that my network they say three million I'm good with that the less people know you have money less unless you get sued okay my name is gray card on this side Lopez please thank taya for being on the show today you can follow that Instagram Facebook snapchat this is really really active different styles great questions that you had today I hope you enjoyed the show if you have a question for tile all you got to do is post it we'll do our best to get it to him and I'm trying to get my inch my net worth online to show a hundred grand I think that'll be the best yeah then if people like you it's kind of like a girl wouldn't you want a girl to think you have much money and then she just likes you for you now I'm all over the light behind me one day to revise to all the women out there okay gopher rich dude there's nothing wrong with you teaching your daughter that absolutely and you know what don't bring any deadbeats here I got one thing if a guy can't figure out how to rub two quarters together dude like like if you never figured out the tomato thing it didn't upgrade to lemonade right and then sugar yep I wouldn't even have you here today because you wouldn't be a power player that's right there that's true like your dumb bleep man okay thanks a lot to being in if they're rich make sure they're super old ladies no no man giveaway might be going through men you're the richest of them thanks a lot for being here follow tai tai wherever Tai is okay we're going to do some other things together thank you so much for watching the show today we'll see you next time maybe you'll be sitting in that chair right there okay roofie a salsa move we'll use it give me wonderful salsa music how about one of the drawbacks cherry come dance was a half chat okay Harry come Jerry Jerry Jerry Anthony Gary thank you guys so much for watching today appreciate it god bless the Drake [Music]
Channel: Grant Cardone
Views: 504,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tai lopez networth, make money doing what you love, how to become an influencer, how much does tai lopez make, yt:cc=on, how to make more money, how to become a millionaire, facebook, social media, tai lopez women, grant cardone vs tai lopez, how to get more followers, Entrepreneur, how to succeed as an entrepreneur, how to expand your business, Tai Lopez, how to maximize social media engagement, starting a small business, grantcardone, how to make millions in business
Id: VHpibH32tb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 56sec (3536 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2017
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