5 Things to Grow Your Social Media

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three major platforms that I'm using today to push attention back to you because you push the tension onto me you guys thought this was a million dollar giveaway program but actually what we've been doing is creating a new program for you can we get this stick to go up a little I'm just worried because I have to look down on the red bar too much all right so what do you need to blow your social media because that's what we're talking about today we're ready we're live oh oh man Facebook Instagram YouTube Grant Cardone TV wherever you're following me as long as it's not in the shot okay it's in the shot dude see wherever you're following me look here's the deal today I'm gonna be sharing with you how I have blown up my social media and how you can - why you should how you can why you must and I'm gonna show you how to do it without giving a million dollars away I'm going to give a million dollars away while I'm on the show today by the way I'm gonna give one two three four five six seven eight nine hold on let me get let me get 10 more I'm gonna get $10,000 in cash down give you the rules here in a second okay and who knows maybe I'll go crazy and give a little more than that I've been known to do that can we back out the shot so they can see all the dough man that was good to look at I never get tired of looking no don't worry about it I just pulled this back okay all right so look this is what we're gonna do today I'm talking about social media how do you get on social media how to use Facebook Twitter Linkedin snapchat YouTube what Instagram and whatever else is coming how do I use these platforms to get known how do I push into the marketplace first thing I want to tell you by the way you want to take notes today if you're on Facebook the way to qualify to win the money is what is the most important thing in social media the number one most important thing in social media is not a trick okay so take notes today because one of the ways to win is to share the other way to win is to is to be able to duplicate what I'm doing people that do what I want I do they want their message shared with others okay so number one way to win today to qualifies to share on your Facebook page post on your Instagram sharing an image of me everybody that I've been calling out this morning shared an image of me okay for instance this is this guy's Port Orange where's this bully me now Mme okay he's got a program he's trying to stop bullying his name is Chaz can kill e underscore I muscle up I'm gonna I'm gonna teach you guys so much by doing this okay I'm trying to put attention back on him what did he do he shared a post on Instagram and I'm calling him out right now which by the way is probably worth more than money so if you want to go on Instagram or Facebook and buy followers you know what you're gonna get you're gonna get a bot follower maybe you get a real follower okay right Robert you're gonna get a follower and then what's gonna happen sorry I didn't know you were trying to set that up and then what's gonna happen is that follower is never gonna do anything for you what you want is real followers you need real followers that support what you're doing that somehow fit with what you're doing so it's tricky there's a billion people on the planet there's more mobile phones and there are human beings okay there's a whole bunch of fake accounts out there there's guys with numbers they're not engaging okay so if you see a guy's Facebook account 300,000 followers in in 5 likes on a good post he's probably got robots now why am I telling you that the first thing you need with social media is a commitment because man this is a job this is a job ok this is a job it is a job to get attention in the world but this is the first time in history that you can do it without spending a million dollars but what do you need number one you need a commitment you must have a commitment to working all platforms right so I'm gonna bring in my favorite magic whiteboard donate it to me buy the real Bradley if you're not following the real Bradley you need to I'm teaching you how to play the game right now while I do this what did I just teach you about bring real Bradley's name because I push attention back on the real Bradley you see he's a partner with me does business with me we do a lot of events together and I want people to know about my boy the real Bradley right wouldn't you like me talking about you right now I want you to tell people more about me than just I'm given a million dollars away I am given a million dollars away and the first people I'm gonna give $10,000 to the today during the show at the end of the show I'm going to look in my facebook stream cuz this is the only platforms I have today I have Facebook YouTube Instagram Twitter Linkedin and snapchat you should make a list of all these and make a commitment to them I commit to getting two million followers on this number okay I need 1 million is my next target for YouTube I should have more than that 2 million on Instagram Twitter needs to be at least a million for me okay LinkedIn I don't know what our number is here which means out of sight out of mind I don't have a commitment right so so so if the executive you're the executive in your life if you're like man I don't have time for social media good okay well just get a t-shirt I have no commitment to being known it's stupid and it puts stupid on the back because this is the new TV I get more views every day than Fox Business you understand I get more viewership than in a business that is that is you're like but grant your personality okay well how do you explain my real estate business how do you explain my my corporate sales business those are $80,000 products Oh grant it's great cuz you're a personality and you can promote yourself dude I've done eighty million dollar real-estate deals because of my social status online Lincoln I need a number snapchat I need a number right these are all different audiences I need to make a commitment to them there are all different audiences they all need different content and I need all these people to do something for me and by the way whatever it is you want others to do for you so number one make a commitment okay whatever I'm gonna tell you a little trick right now in social media I'm prepping to do a course we're gonna be dropping a course for you while you're here today I'm gonna give you both these programs everybody's a winner today everybody on the stream today Instagram YouTube Facebook you can get both these programs for free millionaire booklet seven-figure sales certification grant cardone comm 4/7 figures free program free no obligation you know what to do anything if you want the book you need to pay for the shipping if you're in Afghanistan it's gonna cost more than two bucks to ship to Afghanistan but I'm willing to do it you just got to pay for it alright so number one we got to commit I'm gonna give you a little secret right here I'm gonna be asking you this question and maybe later in the show to win it oh okay whatever you want for yourself do it for others right this is the simplicity of social media what do I want I want people to share grant cardone surreal deal oh I go to my staff hey guys I want people to say I'm the real deal right how do I do that without buying testimonials because we're not buying testimonials here I'm not interested in buying people to say that I'm a good deal so what I did was I put a contest on hey I'm gonna give a million dollars away I could spin the million dollars with Facebook YouTube Instagram Twitter LinkedIn and snapchat probably will too by the way why cuz I got a commitment see that's a commitment commitment it's what commitment takes when I do this that means these are the questions okay whatever you want for yourself what do for others and a commitment is a commitment is a commitment is always followed by action and resources which is time and money you got to spend time on it you got to spend money commitments are not ideas commitment is not an esoteric concept I've made a commitment oh yes I was with God this morning and in me and God and Allah and Jesus in Alabama we all decided that I have made a commitment to move out into the universe good for you dude okay you can go to Machu Picchu you can go freakin you can go do a sweat lodge you can go stroke yourself because that's about what you're doing you're stroking yourself a commitment requires time and money if I made a commitment to social media expansion here's a million dollars I can't put a million dollars out here to be a little bit of a risky thing here I don't hire more security to come in okay so but here's 10,000 another 10 or 12,000 there's 22,000 right there that's a commitment that's money right and time and energy look I'm doing a show today on social media that's a commitment I've made a commitment to this expansion I go tell the world publicly hey I want two million followers on Facebook 1 million followers on YouTube subscribe followers ok Instagram 2 million Twitter why why do you want to do this dude I got the best the best advice on sales marketing promotion you see me every day I don't tell people what to do I'd do it closing a deal follow up ok now what am i doing the whole time I'm doing this I am promoting what I do so I go to my staff and I say hey guys let's put a program together ok we got to separate ourselves from other people on social media anybody can go onstage talk for 30 minutes take a video of it drop it take the same thing and repurpose it for an article take the same thing and repurpose it for audio ok anybody can drop f-bombs for 30 minutes man and get your attention I need a skill I said I don't want to get beat by people that aren't transferring skills skills in the 21st century so how we gonna do what we scratched our heads Robert how we're gonna do it first let's have a commitment second let's have a target okay now what do we have to do Hey Dude money would do it well okay good so I'm gonna give a million dollars away if I give a million dollars way what if all these people just come in for free money Robert well that would be a problem okay just a bunch of deadbeats they just want free stuff I'm not the government man no no offense if you're a deadbeat today I've been a deadbeat okay by the way if you want to communicate with social media and get new audience you have to build a relate to I could call you a deadbeat punch you in the face calling you a deadbeat and then I need to say what dude I'm just hitting you in the face cuz I've been one dog okay two guys talking about bad credit talking about bad credit how embarrassing is how terrible it is how right dude I didn't pay that guy why because they both have bad credit and hadn't paid people they understand man it's not they're not like embarrass pot they both understand their situation you understand what I'm saying so you just got to be able to relate with your content because the second thing I'm gonna tell you today is this after commitment comes content now what does that get to do what does that have to do with me expanding my social media remember these platforms are different people are different on Facebook and YouTube than they are on Instagram and snapchat okay so we came up with this million dollar cash giveaway and notice down here brand what is my brand what do people know me for hashtag 10x hashtag real deal I'm not asking you guys to call me the real deal I'm asking you to use hashtag real deal in your posts so that we can find it okay for instance I'm gonna go on can we switch to this by any chance Robert and and by the way did is this my computer or hearse okay so I'm not gonna build okay so I'm gonna go into my Facebook feed right now and I'm gonna pull up this hashtag I'm gonna show you how simple this is and how it works right I'm on somebody else's computer so that's why you want your own computer folks okay I'm telling you it's like you want your own gun because every guns got its characteristics okay you want your own computer cuz you know where everything is like my brows are all my brows herbs are always open so I'm gonna go in here and I'm gonna put in rather than Grant Cardone fan I want to put in hashtag 10x see most of you guys just look you just watch social media can this pop in a corner okay so I'm gonna put in there 10x and I'm gonna start seeing poster grant cardone who's going to 10x growth come with us so what am i doing right now I'm having people I'm having people basically look at this Mary O'Keefe watch this Mary O'Keefe Simpson Mary O'Keefe sencence says she's posted she's posted a livestream of me last night she's posted before that success is my duty it's our obligation beautiful video by the way watch this video let's see if I can play this okay now what happened there I created some content I put on a program set hashtag 10x hashtag real deal and by the way I'm gonna tell you what I'm gonna do right now because this was an awesome job Mary Ann O'Keefe call me right now three oh five eight six five eight six six eight I got $1,000 for you because you did such a good job okay now now what am i doing now you don't have to do this by the you guys don't need to give the million dollars away by the way we have never ever given money away we've never given iPads away we have we ever given anything maybe tickets to our conferences programs like I'm always giving programs away these two programs right here are free right now for everybody watching okay so three oh five eight six five eight six six eight let's see if Mary Anne O'Keefe Simpson is has her notifications turned on huh what's wrong 305 865 Mary Ann Oh Keith $1,000 is waiting for you right here okay now you want your audience to have notifications turned on because that's the way you're gonna stay in calm or communication with people okay so number one I need a commitment number two any Content this is where a lot of people are struggling right here you don't have enough different content okay and when you do you think your first problem is nobody knows me nobody's following me I don't have anybody to follow me if you start dropping content with a commitment that means daily okay this content should be dropped daily also it's gonna give you an opportunity to start working out your content third thing I need you to do is this I need you to collaborate with other people who can you collaborate with notice normally on Tuesdays I'm doing a power players show I'm doing an interview with another person that has an audience this is how you're gonna pick your audience up content and collaboration commit content collaboration I'm gonna clad collaborate people who would I want to collaborate with first I'm doing a million dollar giveaway right now first person you'd want to collaborate with is somebody that is trying to get attention in the marketplace right now Daymond John is releasing a book right now Lewis house is releasing a book grant cardone is doing a 1 million dollar giveaway these are your targets to collaborate you call them up hey I know grants doing this million dollar cash giveaway program did she call it grants doing this million dollar cash giveaway program let's see if this is working by the way Oh God why can't they just give me my computer ok can I have my computer back ok that's fine remember what I said earlier what do you want to do for people what you want for yourself right you want grant to collaborate with you don't you agree if grant had me on the show that'd be awesome right well good what you need to do is do for me what you want for yourself I want my program No Damon John wants his book out Lois House wants his book out look at what other people want look at this through their eyes not your eyes ok by servicing them commit you get content solves the problem with the content and you get the collaboration of their audience the fourth thing you need to do is you need to share ok share what I see a lot of you going online and you're like I'm sharing man I should share my stream you go live like we're doing a lab right now we live on what so right now I'm live on Facebook YouTube and Instagram if we're smart we will drop this on Twitter write an article with LinkedIn right if we're smart we'll drop an order a tweet on Twitter we'll have a LinkedIn article 2 or 3 or 4 LinkedIn articles as a result of this and I'll drop some of this on snapchat easy enough to drop with snapchat I can do it right now I can just go to my snapchat I got my phone I hey hey hey look what I'm doing right now I'm giving a million dollars away come watch live at Grant Cardone TV no big deal I could attach the link in that snapchat that took 10 seconds again commitment content collaborate Who am I collaborating with my audience okay so watch I'm gonna give everybody a challenge right now if you want me to be on your podcast or you want to interview me call in right now three oh five eight six five eight six six eight three oh five eight six five eight six six eight if you have an audience and the audience is big enough and you're tied into what I do okay and you want to talk about the million dollar giveaway I will agree to do five interviews the first five people to call in three or five eight six five eight six six eight three or five eight six five eight six six eight I'll give a free interview way okay now what am i doing again I'm telling you how to do the social media game folks I started with no followers I started like confused I went from confusion okay most people confuse they're confused the way to get out of the confusion is make a commitment to learn in it this is a platform this is push this is TV this is radio right don't think about it be in facebook it's not that's what they called it he could have called it left foot he could have called it chess calm he called it Facebook I don't know why the dude called it Facebook does anybody know Rob okay know Robert when you started doing this I'm gonna bring Robert syslog through this when Robert started working with me did you have any followers on Facebook YouTube or Instagram zero he had no Twitter followers so what did Robert do first of all he watches a dude do work it out every day I was in confusion I didn't know what to do with snapchat right I don't know what to do with any of this stuff so what do I do I go into open an account at Facebook I open an account in YouTube I open an account by the way I didn't delegate those things I did them myself so all the executives out there all you people out there I'm too busy for this this is one of the great wonders of the world social media is one probably how many wants of wonders of the world or they're seven this is number eight for sure and it's funny that it's number eight because number eight goes on forever right it's the infinity sign on the side so what did Robert do Robert committed to social media hey man I'm gonna get I'm gonna I'm gonna use social media to blow up Roberts is low I said Robert you've got to be called the video genius dude we need to come up with a name big mistake a lot of you are making or your names your names are terrible okay let me just go on let me just go on I'm slinging computers mound up okay okay let me just go on here and let's see where's the best place to find terrible names give me that Jerry I got that because I want to shout out some people right now okay I'll go on Instagram instagrams got terrible names yeah now Roberts if Johnny the camera guy what was Johnny's original name j-john underscore hosting can barely spell it one two three seventeen to 221 I'm like dude you're not John holstein underscore one two three seven eight you're Johnny the camera guy dude you're a photographer bro okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go in here what am I putting I'm gonna put it in 10x I'm gonna put in it tags for 10x okay remember I did that on my program million dollar a million dollar giveaway and then I'm gonna find people watch I'm gonna give shoutouts to people right now if I can pronounce your name the name is important okay here's a dude right here the Jared Jones the Jared Jones though Jerry Jones good name used his name from birth added V coz Jared Joan probably wasn't available okay Rhett Osito Rhett Osito good push right there good post right Osito with the phones for the phone call okay cuz I was gonna give some money away here okay watch this watch this here and Robert just interrupt me if you got a question about this thing it breaks it up nice so I'm going to pull up with some another name here to next okay good yeah let's talk to him hey Ivan how you doing buddy hey Ivan how you doing I'm very good and very good hard your grand good good who are you and YouTube Ivan I am Ivan on tape and I talked about cryptocurrencies blockchain technology and how it can change the world and the society uh-huh probably logged me out yeah so so what's your what's your what's your youtube name Ivan on tape okay hold on let me get logged in cordoned success comm the other computer has YouTube up already all those have your four accounts logged and ready to go these two yep the tabs at the top you'll see YouTube right there there's g2 second tab second tab there's no second - oh there you go see okay what who are you on YouTube again Ivan on page on what I've been on page on technology tech I've been on tech oh good okay great name I've been on tech okay yeah you had 51 thousand subscribers can you open this up yeah so now what is I even doing okay I even hold on one second I'm gonna talk to you in a second but what does I've been doing Ivan is committed to being online he's taking his YouTube channel creating an account he's providing content Bitcoin content I don't know if the guys are caught sells Bitcoin or brokers Bitcoin he he wants to collaborate with me he's calling me right now I reached out and said for anybody that wants to do an interview with me put over back on hey Ivan why do you want to do it you with me I don't know I don't know why do you want to do an interview with me well because I have followed you for so long and I think we can have a great collaboration both ways as I told you my audience are very interested in finance social freedom how to become financially free which is fitting very well into your audience as well and I think you have an audience that will be interesting to the currency's and my knowledge am I done done done and done Wow okay see see Ivan's a smart dude right now what do you guys need to do this he's got two hundred and ninety two thousand views on a video that was just put up two months ago did you promote any of that financially did you spend any money on him to get that's also organic organic he's got three hundred thousand people if everybody watched it twice that would be 150 thousand people that watch that video so that's good so what do I want to do I want to collaborate with Ivan the tech I want to share Ivan the tech collaboration is different than sharing see a lot of you guys like I have celebrities that come in here they want to collaborate with me but then they don't want to share I'm like dude it's not going to go anyplace man Daymond John was him one day and he said man I'm on TV every night grant how do you get more views than I get and you don't have a TV show how's it dude I'm on TV every day - I'm on Facebook YouTube Instagram Twitter I have an audience of people that have never watched TV okay they're like this guy gives to me every day and by the way I give over a lot of different topics there's a lot of different topics so I don't want to get stuck just in a Bitcoin conversation anymore than Ivan does by the way so what do i do on content see the last thing you got to do is promote on content you got to figure out what you're good at what is it you know anything about I'm gonna give $10,000 away today folks I'm not good at that I'm good at making money I really don't like giving it away that much but I've been having fun the last couple days of getting used to it okay so what is your content what do you know anything about right how do you figure that out I did a video grant cardone in social media and it showed you how I became basically clear on what my content is I basically drew a little G C I put my face right there and I started drawing lines what do I know anything about okay it was amazing how many things I know and you know by the way this same drill would work for you how many things you know something about let's take Robert sisal again Robert committed he started putting up content right Robert yeah okay what kind of content I said Robert what do you know something about watch I'm gonna do it for Robert tell me anything that Robert you're good at video video advertising advertising production production and promotion okay promotion okay now watch what do you know about a camera no a lot how about lens no how about focus no a lot okay see now I'm gonna expand how about art no a lot do you like art yeah okay uh have you ever owned a jeep yeah okay you bought a used car before yeah okay does he know something bout used cars yeah man I bought a used car I made a mistake okay you understand like how about this I work for Grant Cardone for him not to do stuff about behind-the-scenes with me means he's freaking a lunatic you'd want to tell that story why he's got altitude he's got out to do always with content you want to share share this altitude how do you get out - till you share information other people don't have so this dude Ivan he's in Sweden right good he knows something about Sweden I don't know man I don't live in Sweden man like if you guys want to get the rest of the world to know about who you are you got to share about where you are right I live in the United States I take it for granted that I live here I should do a video on living in the United States I've never thought about it until right now okay so share information what did I say right there others don't have it's called altitude right I've done I've done real estate yos that gives me altitude anything that you've done hey Robert have you ever broken heart broke yeah okay boom heart broke heart broke Hotel who wrote that song the Eagles man I guarantee you whoever wrote that song was heart broke so what'd they do let's sing the song about it man the whole world understands it and what did the world do with that song shared it and what did they get millions millions of dollars hey did my girl call in earlier my god I can't even give money away okay so I even I agreed to do the interview set it up with Katy okay and then and then here's your five tips for today now I'm gonna be building out a whole program with social media my tips are these commits content collaborate share and promote right I'm gonna start doing this every Tuesday we'll do a little social media show every Tuesday what do you think Robert put it put it in put it in the rotation I'm gonna take some callers now 305 eight six five eight six six eight if you want to call in and I'm gonna give some money away first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go to my facebook page okay talk to me clap collabo dabba Marcus in Washington what you want to do a collab on bro hey you want to be a fab collab what a fab collab absolutely okay dude who are you there's Grant Cardone this is this is this great car down bro boys boys boys what social medium are you watching me on right now so I'm actually listening on a couple of them but I think it's YouTube the one I'm using mainly right now okay okay and so beautiful beautiful how do I find you what social medium do you use the most so I use probably either Facebook or Twitter or YouTube the most those are the 3 ok what's your what's your handle on Facebook Facebook should be Smeltzer sounds FM e el keys ber fo you and yet yes sou sou what nvs like melter sounds sound sounds yeah yeah actually I'm looking for an interview some time with you as well yeah dude what do you want to do it okay so you're an actor yeah can you open this up how's my voice dude sounds great man you kiddin you should be doing my job okay so look look okay so I'm looking at his post right now right now do you know I'm doing this million dollar giveaway right yes I am now I'm gonna ask you a question right here okay I'm looking why have you not shared any of my streams or information or post I'll tell you what grant the reason I haven't yet is because I have started just a couple of nights ago listening to you I listened to a couple year old call things I wrote a couple of scripts and I actually wrote a script out to do a video to send to you but if I can do it live I'd love to do it a lot I just don't know why you shouldn't share do you love with me dog like now I know but let me just let me for everybody watching right now this put you guys in a bad situation right he wants something for me my audience is probably a tad bigger than yours I would say low okay haha you go you guys got a start man to start thinking man start thinking like like I'm not just talking about about him right now everybody needs to start thinking what do I want I want him to share my he wants me to collaborate with him but you guys are violating the rules right the rules of this first you got to make a commitment what does that mean hard work man it's hard work it takes time and it takes money to you got to produce content every single day and drop it I don't have time with this get your t-shirt we need to get his t-shirt I'm I'm stupid just want everybody know I'm stupid number two you have to produce content every day number three collaborate with celebrities collaborate with people they have bigger followings in you I'm gonna agree to do the little I'll do like I don't know I'm not even feeling good about it should I do it Natalie Natalie said I shouldn't even do it would you do tell you what if you trust me with what I'm saying is it possible that I can set up an interview with you yeah what are we gonna do I will I will I will definitely share your material done dude go ahead and give him the interview okay I got week right there at the end all right okay let's take the next caller my name is Grant Cardone social media we're gonna show you how to blow your social media Robert didn't plan on being here today for this show I can tell but I love him being in a room with me if you haven't followed Roberts is slow he's Roberts is slow everywhere okay he's known as the video genius the guy's phenom they named a plane an entire jet a jet system was named after him phenom you know okay also if you're watching today I don't know what our numbers are right now can y'all tell me the numbers on the landline what we're looking at this is an online show so we're always going to need to like currently be able to tell people what's going on Facebook log you have about 812 people per minute on here okay and then YouTube you have 600 good so YouTube if you're on YouTube right now I'm gonna give you some money okay let's get some money away guys y'all want to do that all right so I'm gonna go in my youtube right now Roberts I'm gonna go in here and I'm gonna put in hashtag Robert open up my computer hashtag real deal this is for people that created a video of me if you're on YouTube right now do we have an open line right now well let me talk to somebody so we can open a line hey Zak what's going on buddy I'm going through my filter to find out who's posting most recently okay go ahead what's going on man what's happening grant my name is Zack Jensen entrepreneurs old dude that's awesome bro what's happening man split yeah all right so here's the deal I got a application in the in the work I'm working on a dating app I'm a computer science major working on your science related stuff and I'm making an application for dating and here's what I want to do for you grant I really love your programs I love everything you give away the advice everything you do I really appreciate it here's I want to run add in my app for free for the entire lifetime the of your programs if you help me out and we can do the interview I know you have a job you still own that place in La Jolla nope oh you don't well anyways we can do a we can do a video chat or something like that but I didn't you project so much confidence let me let me ask you a question though let me why'd you pick La Jolla well just get that close to where I live on Diego who's he thinking about right now thinking about myself which is not whatever dude look you guys got a commit man oh man hey you still living the ho yeah I can come over there and see you man cuz it's easy man that that's not what works okay by the way that's what also you would be missing so many opportunities cuz now let's say he says grant would you agree for me to come to Miami and meet with you now what content does he have because all of you out there one of your major problem is a commitment problem but the second problem everybody has is a Content problem but now he's got content what's his content now I'm getting on a plane going to CGC ok plane plane gets he gets he gets a there is gifts diverted to Dallas on the way over there because of some problems right some some whack case on Southwest Airlines gets thrown off he gets what more content ok I'm going to the World Series game Friday I'm going to the World Series game Friday so I can buy more apartments in Houston the games in Houston man you think I'm gonna go sit in a game for 4 hours for nothing dude I'm trying to buy some real estate so what do I do I buy a ticket at the Astro game can you show me that in it's funny chance I think I posted it earlier for game no no yeah yeah yeah paulie's got it oh ok all right dude but but so what do you want to do with me man so grant what I want to do for you is I want to advertise your programs inside my application yeah when I publish it to the App Store yeah and return do the interview with me I really and I want to advertise it based on confidence and some what happened different from all the other apps on dating because you do a video chat as a first interaction so it boosts people's confidence I'll do the interview okay I'll do the interview let's roll dude I'll do the interview okay yeah this what I'm gonna do right now got an open line I'm gonna get some some money away you see this dude right here 400 GPA drop out Grant Cardone is the real deal his name is s hu8 YB Shah be no avatar mistake big mistake you should have an avatar he's got one subscriber hey bro calling right now 305 eight six five eight six six eight he's got one subscriber you guys want to see how generous is this one subscriber I have no way to benefit from him and by the way that subscribers probably himself I don't think that one counts though does it Robert no it's his mom okay one thousand dollars Shabba sh you a YB because you put that video I'm gonna grab another one let's see grant cardone it's a real deal this from Steve Joseph no views I'll get some views here who is grant cardone scam or 10x man let's find out hey dude call me right now hey Zeus Teran call me right now 500 bucks dude 500 bucks right now okay let's see here let me go through okay real deal grant cardone these are all YouTube videos folks I'm paying money okay this is Micah Micah semester okay call me right now dude 500 bucks Michael shimeji 305 eight six five eight six six eight three oh five eight six five eight six six eight here's the guy we're the real deal we're the real deal that's not what I'm looking for so maybe I go back up in here and I put real deal and I put in can I put two tags in Robert to search face yeah see see we're learning we're all just learning the social medium fo okay here at real deal here let's see what this guy's name is Stephen Cooper Miller Stephen Cooper Miller dude I love your video I love your video $1,000 somebody needs to write this down so we know who's calling for what cuz I'm going crazy okay Stephen Cooper bro is that you oh my god Stephen Stephen what's wrong with you dawg young dude man let's see how many that's fine let me see how many he's got eight views he's got 11 subscribers Stephen call back in bro $1,000 cash now I know some of you right now Robert if you were watching this what would you be thinking right now is that all you're thinking about yeah because look you got you guys can't you can't give money no nobody needs to give money Robert you've been here how long how many years four years we've never given away a million dollars okay so so first thing first thing you got to come in okay for this thing to work you got to commit and by the way you have to commit to every platform you cannot commit to one I'm gonna give some money to some callers right now that can answer some questions okay I'm gonna help you out here real quick I'm just gonna brief you up commit content you got a clap what do you give these people what do you give the people you want to collab with do for them what you want done for yourself share right I've gone over all these points with examples today hey man what did this dude I gave this guy $1,000 because he's sharing my millionaire booklet my millionaire booklet is free content commit content collaborate share and the fifth thing is you guys okay Stephen talk to me but hey grunting yeah yeah buddy how you doing man I'm doing very well crowd my name is not Steve and Cooper but I saw an opportunity and I took it my name is Jonathan Rodriguez and I represent water let's be on Instagram wow dude that was sneaky I like that dude I like the way you did that man but look I'm looking for Stephen Cooper right now if you know and you know Stephen Cooper yeah that's awesome good that's awesome I appreciate you calling in thank you so much man so look folks is run talking about social media okay social medium social media how do you become social how do you become a media company how do you get known is this for you I don't know if it's for you if you're on YouTube right now I'm droppin thousand dollar wax here's another one grant cardone watch this high production I bet this is a high production nope ray call me right now dude $1000 by the way ray sent me this this hat a long time ago he's a fireman $1,000 ray right now Ray's got 806 subscribers he made this for me see the dude not the first time he showed up okay Ray Grant Cardone call me okay who do we have on the phone now Sean how you doing buddy did I call Sean's name yup yeah okay Sean how you doing buddy hey the real deal this is the real deal dude what's happening blood Hey before I tell you how much you changed my life I do have a podcast it's called the fend end where my goal is to win your hearts and change your mind the stern Ben F enn how many followers do you have when you're on your your your podcast yeah okay so look we can either do it now we can eat I can eat I'll do it I'll do it for you right now I'll do the podcast we might need a charge on that bat at that phone I'll be happy to do it for you or you can decide to wait build up your audience and do it later whatever you want to do is fine with me just set it up with Natalie and I'm happy to do it okay beautiful brother thank you for calling in so what am i doing I'm showing you how do you build your social media look if I'm willing to do this much work to build it out today right yeah right what are you gonna do you guys like I don't have time for this man you what do you have time for it then all right okay so Natalie set it up with him okay and I'll get him handled all right okay great talk to me ray what's up hey ray I know you I know I know I know this is gonna help you out right now but how you doing I'm doing good pal I appreciate that I don't miss you and I don't miss anything you put online so as soon as I heard my name I got on the phone I'm actually at the fire station today there's a fireman good fireman man okay hey you're to where you you know what Ray would be smart can you kill that screen down there Ray would be smart if he walked in here in this fire suit so hey ray can you tell me the five steps that I've shared today the five steps gee-ya the five things you got to do well I know that you talked about being know your numbers and committing the content and finding people I can collaborate with you yeah and getting to emulate them and get up to find out what they're doing you know if a man wants a book deal you know that's something I should want you know so emulate them the greater you follow just like yeah you yeah yeah yeah beautiful bro come back hey you want to come back you want me to mail you the money no I won't come by come back come by anytime brother okay thank you grant thanks right here thanks okay folks my name is Grant Cardone okay I've written seven books thirteen best-selling business programs I've worked for major corporations we sell programs that are a hundred thousand dollars and I'm giving money away bottom line is I'm giving money away I'm giving money away so people found out about me that don't now know about me I'm sharing with you today exactly what you have to do to get your social media to a place where your company your brand your name stands out in the marketplace I've shared five tips with you today one commit to content three collaborate for share and five you need to promote until people are complaining about it you need to promote until people are complaining about your promotion okay their callers it no colors okay so if you know if you know how do we want to do this we want to give some money away let me see this I mean let me share it let me share a Facebook just it's almost impossible to read this because again I oh there it is lalala my mama okay so I'm going to my grant cardone fan page we drop video there every day and I'm looking at the live stream today imma start calling out names if you shared my stream you are qualified to win one thousand dollars if you didn't share the stream okay oh my god you got to be kidding only 14 people no no go earlier go earlier go earlier oh did we dump yeah just on Facebook though so here's the other deal with all this stuff it's work man stuff goes wrong right we still learning every day right Robert yeah Grant Cardone fan I don't I don't see it or the wrong page so the other thing is when you start making it you're gonna have people knocking off your pages okay you're gonna have people knocking up your page is knocking off your name so y'all gotta get your name right in the beginning okay I'm gonna start calling out names the people that shared this stream today when I called your name what about what I'm willing to do I'm gonna give $1,000 away to town I'm gonna give all 10,000 how do they message it okay now look look here's the deal this is just this is sad it shows you how hard this deal is to get known in the world 112 people shared the stream Deborah Jones thousand dollars Erik Burgess one thousand dollars scroll earlier there's a one that has 396 shares the first go a little bit earlier than that oh that's the problem yeah yeah yeah okay well again you got to keep getting my attention things happen right technology breaks down things app so these are good lessons for you to understand this is gonna happen to you when you start trying to push into the marketplace you're gonna feel frustrated all the damn time I promise you I know some of you think sometimes I think y'all think that maybe man grant grants a pain in ass yeah well that's because half the time we're doing something we've never done before you're gonna feel like this constantly like yeah man you know what's going on here okay so let me share some do you have some you have two names for me from Facebook where are they okay okay so I'm gonna share I'm gonna these people shared I'm gonna call it their names okay so I guess they got they got something pinned here at the top Robert maybe how to make your social media come alive okay there we are okay good okay Gina Jones Quinn $1,000 how many have we done now Colin three oh five eight six five eight six six eight to get your money okay okay here here this this this person shared today post-post okay I'm looking at post you see it down the bottom left-hand corner I'm looking for people that posted something see it Robert can you show it yeah Grant Cardone and then I'm gonna put in here hashtag 10x and I'm looking for share so I'm looking for people that shared Justin bass call me right now three or five eight six five eight six six eight okay if I've helped you folks love to know that I've helped you okay you want the money get my attention how much have we giving away now there's right for a thousand grant ganon one thousand who Deborah Jones one thousand dollars buddy okay okay hey Deborah hey buddy I got I got a thousand dollars for you right here okay hey do you want to come pick it up do you want to come pick it up and you want me to mail it to you all right buddy we'll mail it talk to Katie make sure we get your number and we'll we'll mail it to you okay Katie's gonna get a little video from YouTube okay grant Gannon call me right now grant Gann and I have him right here I don't know if you miss him I'm gonna make this bigger okay grant Gannon amber felt $1,000 Cody Clements $1,000 Michael Barnett $1,000 305 816 thank you so much Deborah 305 eight six five eight six six eight if I just called your name call me up right now by the way one of my guys just won $1,000 oh my god he gave money to one of his people I'm gonna give a million dollars wait folks okay how many how many thousands is that how many thousands is a million probably a thousand yeah one thousand people are gonna win $1,000 I'm probably going to get tired of doing this Stefon Cooper let me talk to you bud yeah hey Cooper yeah Cooper what's going on bud I yeah it is a little oh dude don't worry about it man it's all good dawg hey let me ask you you posted a video of me on YouTube right yeah and what was the title of that video let me go so right now I just push back my channel it was granted Ole Miss horn is the real deal connect and then I did million dollars giveaway right now thirteen yeah yeah yeah right there right there right there okay here's the video he did hey bro I got a thousand dollars for you man thank you gonna do with your money what are you gonna do with your money man okay good man good so I'm gonna get you on the phone with Katie okay folks here's this video I'm playing it right now it's a good video one thousand dollars okay oh yeah I'll do that too man I'll do that too I tell you what i'ma slide a hundred off and do the interview now just kidding man and this kid okay okay good hook him up all right okay now I'm gonna call another one off for YouTube cuz I'm here right now there's what I'm gonna do everyday folks to the next 70 days I'm gonna be giving money away I'm trying to give you some money right now I need you to do what I'm telling you to do right which is what commit content collaborates share and promote I need you to do for you what I'm doing every day that bugs you guys out so much okay is crystal Snider on I think I did crystal last night crystal Snider did not maybe $1,000 crystal if I didn't pay you last night now you do not need to give money away to build your social media folks you do not need to do this this is stupid okay basically I have a problem I'm solving the problem I'm solving is I can't reach enough people now fast enough Jeana Jones what's up Gina Gina turn you know turn your computer down you got it where did you post something Gina I just posted it on this live video and I've been sharing on Instagram and Twitter okay I didn't call Gina's name out did I you got Janet Jones Quinn yeah maybe that was off Instagram Gina no just a little bit dude I love that man you how much did I say I was gonna give you $1,000 hey don't have an attitude okay good buddy hey hey I got it for you radio what are you gonna do with it I am going to connect it sir let's roll let's roll turn it into $10,000 I'll add another grand oh my god great okay where you calling from I'm calling from Biloxi Mississippi look I love I love Mississippi I'm trying to stay here I love it you okay buddy all right come see us when you're in Miami okay and do good things with that thousand dollars right buddy you got it thank you so much hey hey Katie's gonna call you back and get a little video from you too you got it okay kill that sad screen okay what am I telling you to do folks first you got to make a serious commitment to this game I will help you listen to me I want to help you blow up your social media if you're part of 10x nation if you're part of this 10x thing okay and you're part of the real deal if you're a real deal and not a scammer there's no shortcuts okay that's why we're using the hashtags real deal and 10x if you want to be part of the 10x nation if you want to be part of people to show up every day and bust their ass that focus they were willing to not take shortcuts and do it the ethical way if you're willing to commit produce the content collab share and promote I will help you how do you do that I left you with a lot of tips today okay there's a lot of information no it's one hour on a Tuesday for free on how to build up your social media I got $5,000 left to give away and we need to do it quick right how much have we given away so for anybody keeping count guys I need somebody to help me out while we're doing it so one of you is that like I'm gonna do this every day heavy hey sister Anne what's up buddy so every day we're gonna do it guys so somebody's got to give it she slammed right so yeah what's going on hey soos good man how you doing now I think I told hey sue said give him five hundred right I'll tell you what I do dude I'll do I'll do uh can I do it too next growth cone ticket rather than money yeah yeah I'll do one dude you buy the other one all right yeah I love ed my let make sure hey soos gets a ticket not the cash okay one ticket he can buy the other one for his wife I didn't marry her he he did okay all right YouTube YouTube I'm gonna give another one on YouTube if you're the real deal if hashtag 10x if you're part of 10x nation and you want me to help you commit with your commitment with your content with your collaboration with sharing a promotion I will do my part if you're willing to do your part Robert play this little video from Emily I'm just seeing it right now it is immeasurable he will give you she's got nine subscribers hey Emily Emily Emily I'm gonna get you some more followers Emily call me right now 305 eight six five eight six six eight and claim you $1,000 boom okay now let's find out if she's the real deal okay all right now do we have that video of Malia I'm gonna show you what you guys will get out of this I know some of you okay I know some of you think that I'm crazy you're like I'm crazy doing this I need to show the video first if you have a question about how to blow up your social media post it on the Facebook page that you're watching from I'll see you're just killed the whole Google search you found it rubber we're good okay go and play it hi grant my name is Malia Kabila's and I work here at Lexus of North Miami and the only reason without any sales experience that I've sold over 50 cars in four months is because of Cardone University you and I met on your birthday and I sold my two best friends that come move down here and try it again so if you want someone who will respond promptly in profession we're back ladies and gentlemen we're back okay now what did Malia do Malia responded to my commitment to my content okay Robert can you kill that so so my collaboration how do I collaborate with people they don't want to get their attention from okay this goes back to who are you what are you doing what are you promoting we needed we needed some people we had a problem in our office the other day where we were short people that could respond to all the messages because of this campaign so I committed to a campaign I start dropping content about it I'm collabing with other people right watch what happens I share and promote hey I need people on Instagram I need people to come work for me to do Instagram Facebook YouTube I'm expanding new program social media programs we're giving out our seven-figure certification program and we realized the other day dude we're overwhelmed so what did I do I took the overwhelm the problem I took the problem and I said good okay let's tell everybody I'm having a problem and I shared it I need help okay and then I promote the hell out of it that's where Malia came from and we're gonna give Malia a job she on the phone okay my friend how you doing great good hey saw your video loved it and we want to give you a job so I'm doing great today I just can't get enough great people around me so wit as soon as I saw your video showed it right that video sick it's so good she did two of them by the way okay notice she wasn't stingy she made a commitment time and energy she did a couple videos produce the content she's trying to collab with me and probably her friends did she get any views on that video was that on was that on YouTube where did you drop that video where'd you drop that video Maliha strictly sent it to you but I do have a youtube channel so I will be sending it out to all of my social media platforms absolutely yeah okay so she sent it to one person y'all y'all should never be sending anything to one person as much as you can unless you're doing a deal right you should be able to get that stuff out because again what do I want I want people to share my content I want to collaborate with other people I can only get so big by myself I want to be promoted as well so whatever you want thanks Maliha hey I can't wait to do the interview with you alright remember this trip about this trick about social media whatever you want I'm sorry whatever other people want do it for them and you will get what you want basically what you want is exactly what other people want they want to be promoted they want their information shared they want to collaborate whether they know it or not they want content and stuff to talk about and and look who doesn't want to be around committed people okay crystal Snider crystal did you win last night you know I did how much mind you win last night how much that give you last night gave me $1,000 last night now I'm the one that came in live on your Facebook beat dude I love that okay I love that but I'm not gonna give you another thousand I got to share the love okay okay will you cut it in half because you know what we need to reinvest it our goal this year is to get the cardones University so that we can no you are you should apply you should apply this thousand to the Cardona University right now and this is what I'll do Cardone University is on sale right now for ninety nine hundred I'll cut that in half and you can apply the thousand dollars to it alright that's a good deal okay now what are we doing right now okay thanks what are we doing right now I'm going live I'm sharing on everyone in my platforms every platform that I talked about amber felt this calling in 305 eight six five eight six six eight three oh five eight six five eight six six eight I'm sharing on everyone in my platforms these first three right now live and then what do I do I take this information I take this content and I basically recycle on Twitter LinkedIn and snap a chat see most of you do not have you're not going off speaking here and there and there and here doing all these big speaking engagements so you don't have that content to share so what is the content you have to share look for the problems you're having in your life and I promise you they provide content all right amber Philip called in for a thousand bucks I think I called her name out she was trying to call me here and I got to give a little more money away and then we're done okay I'm good amber said amber who do you have who do you have on the phone let me talk to somebody Raul bro what's up bro bro what's your Facebook page Rho I grab this grab yeah dude quit kidding me right now what's your Facebook page I don't have Facebook what's your instant well hey what's your Instagram page I don't have any of that I wanted to I wanted to call and and and run how do you know how do you know I'm doing hey how do you know I'm doing this right now what you're telling me is not true because I'm on social media right now so you're on some I've got you on YouTube I checked you out on YouTube I I don't I honestly don't have a lot of time for Facebook and all that stuff but I'm always looking at your stuff how do you know how old I am I'm 31 years old 30 what do you do for work I'm up kind of like a field engineer yeah you got how many hours a day you got 24 hours not me the last time I checked I had 24 hours yes sir I have 24 hours a day how many kids you got man I got two kids I got two kids how many wives you have I just got one good how many how many business here hey how many businesses you got I have I'm do I'm trying to get this one going grant investing in property just like yourself yeah I'll tell you what though I'll tell you what I do I got five businesses I got five businesses I know I know I know great I follow you all and I make the time to do this but you don't have the time I have the time we should give him a t-shirt I wanted to run dude I was going to give you $1,000 but you know what I'm gonna give you instead I'm gonna give you a wristband a RHIB bad I'm gonna give you three wristbands you're kidding me what are we getting it says don't be a little oh I was gonna give you $1000 dude but really what you need is a reminder you should wear one on each wrist and maybe one on your ankle that kinda that kind of rub grad should dude should it better better to get the rub for me bro they get it from the real world the real world with the real world folks is gonna rub you out no you know y'all like most of y'all like a piece of meat you know you put the rub on it get it ready for the grill yo yo y'all been rub somebody you don't know what it's a salt bath pepper freaking course like Cayenne like you guys are getting rubbed out right now that dude hung up on me because I hit the freaking I hit I hit too close to home I don't have time y'all got to make a commitment man you know what when you make a commitment you have time then you figure out what the content is okay this guy's got an obligation to his two little girls he should have taken the damn wristbands that would have been his content his content would have been what I called in to Grant Cardone show he bitch-slapped me on to YouTube to Facebook and he doesn't like blew me up his freaking he should do video on it get video get you right then he should share it everywhere and then answer a grant can I can I call you back and do a show with you but no what did he do he got butthurt now we know he needs there is man can y'all do this in slow motion perfect yet okay all right amber felt the seal who's calling right now let me talk to somebody oh no you don't have anybody that's fine okay that's fine okay so tonight I tell you what I'm gonna do tonight I'm gonna do a stream tonight at 8 o'clock tonight folks I got 1 2 3 4 5 I got 15 I got uh that's not 15 that's uh 7 I'm gonna give $12,000 away tonight at 8 o'clock tonight all right show up show up on Facebook or Instagram that's where I'll be god bless be great hey take these tips if you can be on tonight I'm gonna ask you three things that I shared in the show today don't feel like you're lost if I didn't tell you yet the money's coming 1 million dollars will be given away I need your help and expanding my reach that's what I'm paying for I'm paying to get a reach you need to do the same doesn't have to be a million dollars but it does need to be energy and creativity thanks a lot for watching
Channel: Grant Cardone
Views: 27,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: social media, social celebrity, instagram help, grantcardone, youtube stars, facebook help, manage twitter, socialmediamanager, managing snapchat, social media mastery, snapchat help, linkedin mastery, jamie shanks, yt:cc=on, blow up social, instastar, managing facebook, managing instagram, uncle g, grant cardone, 10 million followers, 1 million followers, social colloborate, 2 million followers
Id: DeJ-3uHsHzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 33sec (4413 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2017
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