GRANT CARDONE & ED MYLETT: How 2 Legends Went from 0 To $100's of Millions! (EPIC SUCCESS INTERVIEW)

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margit all mars rock star dude that guy was a pretty good it was an excellent interview but uh me you carried it I was just I was Omar he carried it look you can't get that kind of interview without Dana that's true that's right I can't do a good interview I'm terrible I think you're great but he did ask great questions Omar ass unbelievable questions and your answers were awesome yeah and and what do you think about the setting and everything I do in this light I look pretty good yeah and and do you have any regrets about the interview probably yeah I always do don't you listen solo you guys ever get a chance to do an interview with that can I should do it on a percent you don't believe it's true [Music] hey guys welcome to this episode of the passion a few it's your host Omar al it's our here and today I am super excited because we have an episode unlike ever before where we sit down not only one legend but two legends and that is Grant Cardone and Ed my let you guys might know them as mr. 10x and mr. max outt themselves and in this interview we get into a whole range of topics ranging from not just their story which we've had in Prior interviews but also some of the things that make them tick things like their mindset business philosophies on money relationships and everything in between including some things they've never shared before anywhere else so I want to encourage you guys to really sit back relax enjoy this powerful interview that was once a dream in my head that has now become a reality overlooking the Hollywood Hills over wine and cigars and also I want to let you guys know if you guys want to create your own epic interviews be sure to check out my very free ebook in the description below where I teach you how you can do the same as well as join my facebook group community so that you too can create your own epic interview show wherever in the world you live if this content is something that you like to create in your own world so with no further ado I want to encourage you guys to sit back relax and enjoy the powerful interview with Grant Cardone and Edie my left enjoy thanks for being on the show today ed my let and Grant Cardone thank you man great to be with you guys absolutely my man my men actually so a lot of people wrote in about this episode they were excited to have you guys both on first question who's just faster is is faster is is actually faster we were talking about we were talking about actually telling us huh we were talking to having a race at 50,000 feet seriously one of the first plane racing to 55,000 feet a few weeks ago so I call my pilot I said hey Cardone wants the race in these jets how are we gonna do he goes I don't think we want to do that right now yeah evidently his is faster what what airplanes you guys on her now I'm gonna go stream 550 by 50 I'm gonna I'm gonna Falcon nine others he's got three engines I got three engines you got two we go into this basically it's a you know yeah it's the old who's dick Berggren rolls-royce engines in his airplane well he says I got three inches and you got two I said I only need two when you're over water you'd rather have three just so you know but his it's not a 501 engine now so come on okay so the next question is and this is kind of more relating to something that a lot of people deal with a lot of people look up to you guys not just in sales but in business life advice so I want to get into how do you guys manage to balance everything you guys are doing as well as have a family life enjoy your life because there's a lot of people out there that are working their ass off and they're just not getting anywhere so what have you guys found is your thing that kind of allows you to balance the two like what's groove you figured out along the way to to at least make the best of balancing the two of life and business well for me be honest with you I don't have balance I mean I don't seek it and nor do I have it to be candid with you I mean at any given time you know there's certain areas of my life that are spikin compared to other ones and I think just the people around me know that there's gonna be times where I'm gonna have an abundance of time with my family there's many times where you know I'm just going nuts with work or whatever it is in my life so I don't really have balance I don't seek it I think balance is boring and I think in people that have a ton of balance probably aren't achieving a whole lot or accomplishing all they're loving a lot like I like a little drama I like a little intensity I like stress and so I'm not even really after that so I think people that are seeking that are seeking something at least from me I don't know how GC feels about it but for me it's not something I want nor do I know that perfect balance exists for anybody I mean I think you're probably pretty balanced when you're dead but you know when I'm living and I'm alive there's just different areas of my life at any given time that demand more of my time or that I'm demanding more of my time in and so that at least for me I don't have it have you tried to like in your career like tried to have it and then figured I'll forget this it's not working or it's not that I don't it's not that I'm not aware right I need to invest time in something that I have invest not that I'm not aware of that it's just I'm not under the illusion that I'm gonna get to a perfect balanced state that's yeah because I've lived long enough in I guess what you'd probably call some kind of controlled chaos I enjoy variety I like uncertainty I like not everything being the same every single day now I get asked a lot about routines and things like that I'm very regimented very routine person yet I hope there's different things in my day different variables different things every single day so I think if someone's seeking balance they're probably chasing the wrong thing at least for me that's not what I want I don't want to be bored I don't want to know what every day is gonna be like and I like that life calls me to different places and it demands me to be great in one place over another at any given time so I know about you yeah I mean I you know very similar that I'm not I'm not I think it's an illusion a little bit of an illusion that somebody the seeking balance is probably struggling in an area maybe not winning in it and it kind of goes along this whole theme about when do you burn out people struggling with burnout I've never I've been told by numerous people I'm gonna burn out I've been told that since I was 26 years old you're gonna burn out and Here I am you know 34 years later I hadn't burned out have more energy today than I had when I was 26 I'm not a candle I'm a spiritual being spiritual being and they're perfect condition would not be interested in a balance it would be unnecessary so like nature it's in a state of flow almost the spirit the spirit itself would be able to move into any space at any time without any gimmicks without any preparation and be able to assist in the next emergency you know I see first responders first responders these heroes that jump into situations they didn't know there was gonna be a fire they didn't know there was gonna be a 911 they didn't know that a kid was gonna be trapped in a car they move into an event to save a situation and and that's what I hear a head saying like he moves into whatever needs to move in very very much like a liquid would mercurial to be mobile you know to build it to be able to move into different things this is what financial freedom is so important for people and it's it's why cash flow is so important so that people can move to their parents and help them move to a kid in their community that needs help and and that's why I pushed that money message so much because when you have enough money balance is not what you're seeking contribution and charity yeah that's a hundred percent so yeah you ought to talk about maxing out all the time just the concept if I've to have balance really with the embedded message in there is is like so I have to shortchange one area so that I can do something in another era Strether's yeah something has to be sacrificed for the betterment of another area and that's somebody who's coming from a place of lack who thinks that there's limitations in different areas of life and so I completely agree with you and especially when you come from a place I love that you said that man like you come from a place of contribution you know that's not an area at any time I want any balance and I want to see how far I can max it how many people I can help how many people I can reach how many people I can serve we're doing this on a Sunday night you know I worked all weekend he spoke yesterday in an event right like I had another event today you know one right before this thing right and so we'll both be cranking tomorrow too so I don't on the Lord's Day by the way I'm working on the Lord's Day yeah so you're like like I see a lot of people confuse that message to like you know God got God took this is the day you're supposed to take off and I'm like yeah but you kind of dropped out all the contribution he did before he took a day off there were six days of a tremendous create tremendous amount to create like endless amounts from butterflies to mountaintops to lakes to oceans to man and animals and butter you know everything right and then he's like I think I'm good now I'm gonna take a day off yeah and but after you did all that yeah and by the way neither one of us I think it's important for people to know this too like we're not just imma work right I mean I was at church this morning I was at breakfast with my kids this morning so it's not that you know that lack of balance means you're just this crazy working person I don't really separate my work life from my family life from other parts of my life I hope that even today like to some extent that use the people's sense of goodness about us they want to be better that's that's that's giving in my spiritual life right and we're gonna get some tips on money so now I'm in my business mode we'll talk family and I've already mentioned my children in the first 10 minutes so yeah all those areas are all one to me like life is one thing right and so it's not one area I'm in necessarily and try to balance yeah yeah at any given time just before we went on camera a little Scarlett was talking about College with grant right I'm not going to college that's okay baby did you go you know like sits right one thing all the time earlier when we were over here talking about different things grant said you listen to Eddie and when I was talking about different business things and so that was family time and business time so was that balance probably but they're not one area over the other gotcha Oh makes total sense so the next question that someone asked is what's the worst piece of advice you've ever gotten in your career and what's the best piece of advice that you're glad someone told you early on in your career both you guys so best and worst piece of advice worst piece of advice I was ever given yes was bigger is not better god busted out okay you got it you got to know the source of the information and where that individual is coming from he had some losses he tried to scale big and he got spanked and had to file bankruptcy so when I was starting to scale my thing up he's like grant remember bigger is not better chip on his shoulder kind of thing I had well that was his you know when a person has a loss what they do is they try to figure out why did I have that loss so now everybody does it every race does it every religion every person does it I had a loss and you're going to go into calculation why did I have that law I went big too fast typically the vacuum is filled up with the wrong data so the calculation for him was I went big no you went big and quit because Walt Disney went big got spanked went big again got spanked went big again create Disneyland so worst piece of advice I was ever given was go big best piece was my mother saying hey the best investment you will ever make is in yourself uneducated 411 little Sicilian woman she's like grant the best investment you will ever make is in you how old were you at that time I had to be 25 26 years and you when you heard it first you kind of internalized it or you're kind of like like brushed it off and then internalize it later yeah probably now it hit me like the truth you know when when truth hits you guys that's true when truth hits you like you know it hits I had a guide the other day asked me for some advice okay you know these people who they ask for advice I know you know I give it to him and they they don't do it yeah yeah he knew it was true it hit him he's like I know that's right and then he went did something different and this is a big mistake people make man thinks the best things that have happened to me did not require any more thought the best decisions I've made in my life for instant so like my wife and I like when I've decided to buy something I go buy it I don't check with her because that adds thought it adds time and and this is another bad piece of advice I was given like take time think about it don't move too fast take baby steps you don't know nobody on this planet ever took baby steps they went fast and the faster you can go you know the my plane is safest when it's up in the air when it's landing slowing down is in trouble when it's taking off it's at risk that's interesting that flight at full speed it's almost the safety that it wants to fly you know and people people are being conditioned to slow down think about it take your time take a drug I was put on lithium when I was 20 29 years old because the the psychologist thought I needed to slow down she was scared of speed I wouldn't and at that time were you doing well financially or doing God was doing great but everybody was saying hey you're doing too much of this you're doing too much of that and you're gonna burn and you're gonna do this and people were worried about me around me that we're going slow I was vibrating faster than they were but a hummingbird vibrates bumblebees vibrate right they do things that are impossible so you don't want to slow down and and you want to move with speed and certainty that means people need to know what they're doing if I know what I'm doing that's why confident people Tiger won today Tiger wonder they're even fighting man but effort in ten years he hadn't had a win he won today that guy moves with speed and certainty you know winners move with speed and certainty because they practice they train they educate has that ever burned you though I'm sure early on in your career when you started a plan I look like I'm burning it and now nah no when I burn it's when I'm doing stuff that's not in line with what my purpose is when I'm tired when I'm exhausted when I'm doing stuff that's just not making it's not it's not feeding where I'm going where I'm supposed to go it would be where the juice ain't worth the squeeze almost yeah yeah mmm gotcha how about you yet ironically my good advice was identical from my dad about the same age that's really incredible man and and it's you said something I just want to acknowledge it like when he said to me my dad said to me the best investment you ever gonna make is gonna be in yourself and right when he said it I knew it was true I didn't debate it I knew he was right my dad's my best friend to this day he's in his seventies now and he still tells me that he'll still remind me of that to this day at I'm 47 years old had a little bit of you know some beginnings of some success in my life and my dad still will remind me of that one lesson and so I'll tell the other thing too most of the best advice that I've been given was solicited - not unsolicited and and so I get a lot of bad unsolicited advice from people when they're projecting onto me their own insecurities their own limitations their own weaknesses right and the reason that that's important to everybody know is that when I ask for advice I ask it from a place of certainty and expectation I'm going to win I find a lot of people asked me for advice from a place of doubt almost a validate their doubt like if you could answer this correctly then I wouldn't have such doubt that I'm not gonna win and I watch the advice that I'm asked man when you ask advice replaces look I'm gonna win I'm asking you advice of how to execute this how to properly get there that's a powerful dynamic that when you have that with somebody when you're constantly asking from advice advice from a place of doubt and discouragement all the time which is when most people ask for advice right there in that state you end up being very limited in the answer the worst advice I've been given a ton of bad advice and I'll tell you and when I've taken it here's the mistake I've made it's taken advice from people who aren't successful in the area you're asking the advice in in other words just because someone's really successful financially doesn't mean you should be taking advice on how to get in shape or if someone's really great in their family there are wonderful parents right or great in their faith doesn't mean should we take an advice on how to get successful in business and I watch people all the time get their dreams stolen their vision stolen their hope stone because they solicit advice from somebody from who's not successful in that area and so I've learned if you I don't if I were at a gym and now we're gonna have a trainer I don't understand trainers who aren't super fit like why would I let you train me on how to get in great shape right yeah and you're not even in shape yourself you're not even a water than living embodiment or example of this stuff so how are you gonna transfer to me something that you're not experiencing yourself that's impossible you can't transfer to me something that you are not experiencing yourself you people take advice all the time for people who aren't even experiencing success in that area in business why would you take a lifetime business advice and someone who's not even successful in that endeavor themselves but points to it and doesn't have a business doesn't even mean iam have this we have this conversation all the time right and no offense I got buddies that figured out how to run a business with one person but that's not a business not a business you're nobody's gonna buy it right it has no value it produces money might be a lifestyle but that's not a business so again what IDI saying is you got to look people need to study the source of the data there yet particularly now today with data can come everywhere like people have too many mentors today yes people I need a mentor no but bro you need to get rid of mentors you everyone is a mentor right you're getting advice from your brother brother your cousin the tabloids like what date is real and what what's not most of the data is wrong because it's not coming from a source of experience and that's what he's saying yeah I think that's also true and I don't mean this with any disrespect anybody but social medias got a lot of great strengths right one of the real weaknesses is that you're really getting advice often from people who sound really good on their 19th take on the video they've made right right but if you were to look behind the scenes what kind of a company do they run what kind of a life do they have a kind of net worth do they have and you got to be really careful I mean they may sound good you may like them their videos may be really appealing but what have they actually produced outside of telling you how to do something that they have not done themselves and so he's exactly right about too many mentors there's too much information that causes people to hesitate I also want to acknowledge the other thing he said speeds important and so is certainty look I've made a whole bunch of mediocre decisions that I've executed with intensity and passion and made them win there's no perfect decision in fact a imperfect decision made with speed and complete certainty you think about in a football game not every play that's called is perfectly right is perfectly called but it's the way you execute to play with certainty that matters not every play call is right people think well the Patriots are the best team in the world because they their play calling is just incredible now I will tell you that the play calling is pretty good the way they execute that play even in a bad play call they find a way to win and that's what I meant earlier about advice you gotta know you're going to win no you're going to score and then ask for advice from that place from a credible source so those would be those are my two nah makes total sense now focusing on money which I know grant that's a particular topic you love uh-huh what would be your best advice to people out there whether they're entrepreneurs whether they have a sales team they're building an organization what would you say is the best advice that you could give other people from what you learned about making their first million bucks so say somebody's making six figures yeah do the math you know what's what's first of all do you want to make a million or do you want to keep them in there completely they're like sixty percent difference between those two question right so specificity in the goal you want to make everybody's everybody watching is gonna make a million dollars you live 25 years you're gonna make a million dollars 25 times 40,000 bucks fine you made a million dollars if that's your goal so this is what I talked about in the textual the goals people are setting are incorrect and that's why people give up on their goals because I know so many guys that hit a million dollars like I've had so many people come to me and say I hit a million and I lost the juice hey I got comfortable almost damn lot of guys in network marketing tell me this like I was in network marketing I became a million dollar producer just lost it because that goal was wrong the goal was wrong first of all it wasn't your goal like anybody's got a million dollar target it's not your goal you adopted disco this idea from somebody else because the number any number of the ins in Xero is a lazy number ending in zero is almost what a great what a great point so it's a lazy concept you just adopted somebody else's idea I want to be a millionaire what do you have even done the math do the math on a million dollars it's no money this is what people they like hey grant because your target was a million you're struggling making 200 you think a millions impossible you don't want me to tell you the truth in the truth is it is no money as soon as you get it I read the book The Millionaire Next Door almost everybody read that book back in the 90s it was the best book for me because it taught me I don't want to be a millionaire it lifted the lid I'm like I don't want to be the guy buying a Ford truck I don't want a Ford truck man right I gotta buy Ford truck a use for truck f-150 so one day I could be a millionaire yeah and I can't go get coffee I need to bring a brown pack to my office every day not drink coffee at the shop in order to be a millionaire well the reason I knew that was not good for me was cuz my dad died in 52 with a little bit of money there like I don't want to die with money when I'm old I want to have enough money and that undid everything for me I want financial freedom I don't want to hit a quota you know and I think everybody's struggling for the quota they're struggling for the bills they set their financial plan based on what their spending is or what their apartment cost or what the mortgage is rather or what their kids need rather than I want freedom I don't want financial literacy I want financial freedom you know I hear people say oh we need to teach financial literacy no you need to teach financial freedom the possibility of it what would I need how much you know this whole cash flow thing that talk about cash flow is the holy grail of finance that's why his business works that's why he's able to enjoy the lifestyle he has he has financial freedom not a money number so it's not income it's more cash flow that's focused which income in the firt in the beginning yeah income to set it up people need to work first I would tell people look you need to get some financial literacy what does that even mean to focus on income I don't abandon income flows I'm still doing what I was doing thirty years ago like nobody works harder for 15 bucks in grant Cornell okay so uh you know I'll push for a $15.00 product because that's income and it's a score it's a little tiny score and it's a habit it's almost a muscle right exam they want tell me cuz I respect money right so it could be a dollar it could be a dollar ninety-nine it could be three dollars my kid worked you for a hundred you know we're struggling with you for five I said just up to anybody you know you know and so you know these these are things that are a bit there they're like even you said like a grant you're known to talk about money a lot you want to talk about money a lot this league I says to me man you like money more than relationships I like relationships that help me produce freedom so I can take care of my charity in my church and I can take care of mankind I can create a legacy and I can have enough money that I'm not so worried about my 24-inches now he has 24 inches my 24 inches which covers my entire like this proximity you know I remember when I couldn't even handle this right the 24 inch neighborhood I had my little grant cardone zip code I couldn't even handle that so I had to handle that verse and income takes care of that and then it's like but I need some bigger goals that allow me to if I'm an introvert extrovert enough to go get my freedom so I can take care of my mom and I can take care so my kids maybe don't have to have the same worries and concerns that that that I did like scarlet said she was she does she have to go to colleges baby you know I go to college you need financial freedoms what you need yeah so you can go anywhere you want makes sense how about you had best advice your first million bucks for people out there well I think he gave you great advice right there I think that listen people do two things I think incorrectly number one is they they're most people don't have any goals they're out they have goals they don't have obsessions both of us before even met both were a we're constantly discussing about your obsessions become your possessions right like most people don't ever get obsessed about anything other than their problems or their worries forget money just for a second they're just not obsessed with something that would fulfill them right so that's number one and then number two they set them so small once they set them they they short change themselves and that's linked to their identity so your goals are always linked here I didn't if you see yourself at a certain level you think you're only worth a certain amount you set goals at a million bucks or and even if your goals aren't money right yeah listen there are people listening to this who are not wired it's okay if you were watching this and say my goals aren't financial I'll even I'll accept that for a second what I don't accept is when people tell me that but it's not replaced with another obsession that that would fulfill them if it's you know I want to have a million children get educated or I want to feed a million people or I want to you know I want to start a charity that does XYZ for homeless women all those things I think might well or or the raising of money right right of someone else and so I I find it I find it that people either aren't clear on what their obsessions are or when they get them they're just some arbitrary thing they've set low that they think everybody else would think is a big deal and so we were just off camera right before we went live and we were both saying to each other which is just you know probably only say to each other is we're both really feel like we're behind we really feel uncomfortable with where we are because what we want to achieve when I've done my show the number one thing that surprised me Omar is in my podcast in my show is when I interview people some say it on camera but almost all of them say it off camera and that is that honestly this is something people would be shocked by the mega achievers that I have on my show struggle with what I would even call borderline depression this is a secret I people won't tell you know my shows well yeah okay so you understand this little fill they're not happy they made the money but they don't have a mentum i think there's an element of that right and i think there's another element that people that are mega achievers have such gigantic standards and outcomes to themselves if they're never quite meeting them and i kind of like that i kind of think that having some discomfort with where you are everyone thinks i I think everyone's fantasy is I want to get somewhere where I don't want something anymore listen to me on this I think a lot of people think if I could just get somewhere where I no longer feel uncomfortable where I no longer want something I don't have we're not no longer seeking something with the really saying is I'd like to get somewhere where I no longer will grow again right I don't want that I always want to be in a state of discomfort a state of growth a state of contribution and so you better be careful that whatever you set that your as you're approximating it as you're getting closer that the next one's thrown out there the next one's thrown out there we spent the better part of the last two hours both of us we're playing cards board what do you want man what makes it leave me a card I took literally all his money tonight matter of fact right well all the money that was on the table but the point I think I would make to you is that your obsessions are what you're going to get so be very careful what you choose make them big and make sure that there's something that at least at this stage of where you are in your current level of awareness you believe truly would make you happy truly would make you fulfilled and be very careful when you set them and so if that's a million bucks great like and we're both at a point now where we don't mean it in two condescending way whatsoever I know that a million dollars is not a lot of money in this world right maybe it was a lot of money in 1940 but it's not anymore people that make six figures and bless their heart that there are still people walking around that have deluded themselves in them comfort and thinking I'm successful because I make six figures six figures there's a lot of money in 1965 man right this is just 2018-2019 when some people will watch this that's not a lot of money now and really neither is seven figures in income anymore right and so it's just a matter of you getting aware of what your capacity is and the more you are aware of how spectacular you're wired the less you'd sort change yourself with really small goals and and just this depression thing yeah this is a topic that interest me so much have you ever dealt with it at all coldly okay almost my whole life still a little bit no well what happens is socially we say it's depression but what if okay what if it wasn't depression and it was just truth yeah that I'm having to sleep with my own truth that I can do more right so why wouldn't I be a bit depressed if I have this potential and I'm operating here every individual knows what they're capable right so if I know I have this much potential and I'm living here wouldn't that be like a little bit disappointed with myself yes now where did where what happened where because back in the 50s there was no depression nobody was talking about depression people were talking about how do I get to the next level right today in our in our psychiatric community where where drugs are where the average American has eight prescriptions sitting in their medicine cabinet like I'm on one drug I got to take a second drug to handle the third drug because of a blood pressure drug because of this drug and dude I'm stacking out like why because I was depressed why am I depressed because I don't look like I don't have his arms I have the potential to have his arms maybe not but but it would require me to go to work right or or I need to look a different way or I'm I'm aging or whatever the deal is right like so for me I have always struggled with depression but it was more because people were telling me I was depressed when the truth is I was just disappointed man me too I was disappointed with me me too you know my mom my mom would always tell me my mom was always the first person I would call anytime I scored and she was my best friend and and she passed when when about nine years ago when Sabrina was born five days later Sabrina was born and every score I had I was 51 years old man between 25 and 51 every score had my mom was the first person I called mom I did this every time she had the same response son that's great but I love you just the way you are over and over she told me that and then one day I'm like but I don't now I can't really say that a whole bunch of people gonna say why don't you love you just the way you are something wrong with you because there's that whole culture out there this this I don't know what the term is but it's a this that's this holistic idea that you should love yourself the way you are I would tell everybody there if you know that you can do more do not love who you are achieve who you can be because you can be more he's done it I've done it and and I did it by replacing the depression concept not doing the drugs by the way I was put on him like five or six times and threw him away and just said you know what I'm gonna go for my goals I'm gonna go for the think my potential if I'm gonna screw this up I'm a I'm a screwed-up grants way not that's so well I don't only where place where grant I are a little bit different on us because we're saying the exact same thing we're just using different words is I love myself but I don't accept me as I am probably I have very few friends who are like hey mast where am I really you're 50 years old that's it and so I think when you hear people say depression or I think what it really is is I just don't accept this version of me I don't accept that I've I don't mean to be corny when I say this I know I've not max this out I know I've not 10x this but so it is really true you've seen it in your interviews as well and I think that if we're if what your desire is is balance is a million bucks is comfort you're just setting something up man that is going to be miserable for you right you should always be in this state of flux we're like man I know I can get here I know I can help this many people I know God gave me this gift administer make a difference in the world all of us when we were little kids when we're little scarlet sage we knew we're supposed to do something special we knew were supposed to do something greater maybe the our parents or the world or kids at school or whatever life starts to happen and we forget it gets further and further from us and the most enlightened people that I know the most successful people that I know the most fulfilled people that I know are very aware of what their capacity and potential is and so because of that there's this tension inside them about getting there all the time right and so that's why I don't want balance I don't want that I want that guy and the closer I get to that guy I'm gonna want that guy because that do can help more people eNOS wins enough enough right that's the next question is our wins enough enough right Nuka I think it's a terrible never right it's about trying to make sense of where he is right it's actually offensive it's people in your life saying please conform so you make me less comfortable with my miserable existence where my friends say it's me hey man when's enough enough it's almost criticism of the fact that I'd like to go to another level you imagine being in a huddle with Tom Brady and the guys the guys in the huddle go hey man we've won 11 games when is enough enough time exactly you imagine saying that Kobe Bryant or or to the leader the free will will be a Barack Obama or a dog when's enough enough aren't we good are you kidding me right like magic someone said that to Jesus is the most offensive question you could ask somebody any any whatever your religion is right you imagine asking so he wins enough enough that's an offensive question it's it's the same version of my mom saying hey you know I love you just the way you are right and by the way my family says that to me too and they mean that out of love right it's a different level of what it really is is that your did a different level of awareness than what your mother was who loved you dearly right yeah it's just their way of showing us affection but often times that's again that's his mother was an incredible mother but probably he shouldn't be taking business advice from mom yeah cuz she started every business right right that's not an example of that doesn't mean they're not wonderful people right it means in that area this is not someone you should be taking counsel from and that's what I mean by it steals our dreams it steals our energy steals our passion and it's hardest for those that are listening to this when the very people sometimes you're doing it for are the ones who are the ones discouraging you from doing it yeah the most but I promise you when you get to that place they're the ones that are the most grateful I promise you there's a day where they're great yeah there's people watching right now that that are asking themselves silently I wonder if those two guys are actually happy that's the other version of this are they happy though are they happy like there's this whole thing about success that people label on top of are they happy but they still have problems they're probably yeah did I still have problems it's the same problems everybody has so does jay-z and Beyonce right everybody's got problems like question is are you going to keep looking for bigger problems to solve rather than little small problems that you have next you're also looking at two dudes frankly that are just we're with you on this journey we're figuring it out ten totally right we're both we're both figuring out as we go to and the truth is I am happy especially today I'm happy I'm happy with him happy with you are there days where I'm not happy absolutely but I I kind of have found this recipe and formula in my life for what I know makes me happy and I know what fulfills me and that's a really cool place to be in your life where you kind of know what makes you happy and you know what makes you fulfilled and you're seeking them yeah it's so been that directs a great thing to know so I feel like I have that now that actually makes me think of another question because I noticed both you guys have a great energy right now when you're leading an organization or going after your dreams do you guys find that other people other winners quote-unquote at the level of life that you guys play at also are in an up energy like I want to know was that cultivated are you guys NASA I know it talks about being introverted a little bit grant was that was that something that you like to connect to people at will can extrovert anytime he wants I agree with that okay and it will he can introvert you know so like there is no such thing there's if you can show me that there's a test that proves any test on this planet that it's ever validated an introvert in an extrovert again we're back to labels alright yeah if you can show me a test I will give you 1 million dollars in cash to do whatever you want what I would just say about myself is I enjoy but somebody told him somebody gave him those dog I somebody made up those terms by the way you're very right when I was a little boy a mom would be introduced is this is our this is Eddie he's shy yeah so there is there's a lot of validity to what you're saying that was a label this fella lady toll a a guy at the shop down here the little uh one of the little grocery stores told that to Sabrina when she was like 5 years old yeah oh she's shy I said no you ugly okay you're ugly that's that what don't tell my kid you take responsibility for my kids response to you when I say that I'm introverted below I wanted to be clear because I think people can relate to this I enjoy solitude like I enjoy you have people around you like I enjoy solitude I enjoy and sometimes enjoy my own company I enjoy the Lord's company right like I enjoy quiet right and so that's what I mean when I say that I mean it's never attendants saying that I love people man I love I love I mean it was so excited when you reached out to me you know like I love people I was looking forward to seeing GC and Elena and captain Ryan like I love people but I enjoy solitude as well right I just I know that's part of what I enjoy everybody enjoys people well everybody on this planet enjoys people but grant in your mid-20s before you started on your year yeah up were descent were you always an introvert where you know I said I was a guy that was driven to provide for myself and my family so that never subsided so if I have to go through my introvert my fear whatever man again these are labels they're [ __ ] made-up labels the depression thing is these are labels okay we're told we're these things we're told were shot okay yeah okay everybody's shot he shot put me drop me in a room where I don't know anyone and I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna bend to the wall I'm not gonna go jump into the middle of the room you know wake up I just do that stuff that like because because you do it when you're around comfortable environments you know people explode into their comfortable environments the nerd you ask the nerd that the introvert the ideal the perfect scenario nerd right he's on the computer ask him about something he loves ask him about that gamey place that do will freakin explode into extraversion that's true he's got passion for it I in my mid-20s man I was like I need a pair of shoes ok I I worked on it in a car dealership and I was on concrete all day long and my feet hurt man and I needed a pair of shoes and those shoes were like 60 bucks they weren't Nikes either ok they de de big I need let's show them your shoes right there cuz it's got that night I saw him he's got this nice big sole right here it was my right leg shorter than my left leg everyone had a tumor in my right calf I didn't know so the balance is my feet oh I know but I was looking at the left one I didn't even see the right one so those are really good that's what I needed at the car dealership so I needed suit I didn't have any money you know and I'm like who's got my shoes and so I'm like I gotta go call a customer I got to go meet a customer I had to go out into the environment because my feet are man yes you're more focused on what you want versus who you are currently right basically that's what you're saying yeah yeah that thing about who's got my money mm-hmm and I'm probably the reverse I'm probably more focused on Who I am than what I want and that's not bad or good it's just you asked about energy I do find that the people I think winning is an energy and I think that influences energy often and I think that it's there are people that have it and then there's people who have the ability to transfer it to somebody actually let me reword that everybody has the ability there are people who actually do it though and so you influence people with your energy that doesn't mean like your intensity necessarily I have very I have some really great friends who have a lot of influence over me whose energy is unbelievably persuasive in silence they're they're they're so comfortable with themselves and this is what I've told you before then you're good at they're so comfortable with themselves they're incredible listeners because they're comfortable in their own space they don't need to be speaking to feel valid also many interviewers do that man yeah yeah yeah and you do a wonderful job of that I find myself even sometimes a rock miner he's back I'm like I wish I would just be a little bit more quiet you know or Omar asked and so I think that energy is important and I find myself I gravitate to people not necessarily I have a lot of really close friends who aren't high net-worth people but they make me feel a certain way and that's energy right so I I have like my lot of my friends if you met them they're really eccentric strange odd people and I love them for that because their energy is just infectious it's different right they're unique I love unique spirits I love people who express themselves like as they authentically are they don't have to worry about being judged by me right so I do think energy is a huge deal in success and I've meet a lot of people for me to be like that guy like that I love that and right like that's that they make you that you're always making someone feel something so you ought to be conscious of what you're making people feel right you make them feel you're boring or you're not successful or you don't matter or what you have to offer them is of no value to them so you're always making me feel something so successful people are just more conscious that they are making you feel something and they direct their energy to make you feel what they think you should be feeling it and the the most effective energy is when it's congruent when it's actually what I'm experiencing I can give that to you so absolutely energies Maps that every person who's ever met him feels like that yeah came out for him to be able to meet them what do you mean by that came out what you mean they had to they had to show up no question yes gonna be there right no harder to leave their home everybody's comfortable in their own that the deal saying about no place like home of course it's your environment you created it you know where everything is it's a safe place you know after 9/11 homes and then in this country exploded like 9/11 people started buying homes like like crazy and and there there's they tied it to interest rates they said oh they drove the interest rates down everybody went bought homes I believe what happened after 9/11 was people sought security and safety the world's going to come to turn in I want to be in my little cave with my family and everybody just introverted immediately I'll pay whatever it takes to have my own little space all those people that I had talked about the eccentric sore the guy that made him feel a certain way good or bad they had to be in his space they had to leave their home every great thing that's happened to me in my life happened outside my home except for tonight but I had to leave my home in Miami to come here to do this so even there gotcha okay so how about this a lot of people know what you guys have done in business because of the power of your salesmanship your ability to sell influence persuade give people value what would be for people listening each of your guys is top three keys to be a powerful salesperson like take away notes somebody's got a pen and paper or they got a business or they're trying to build a sales team what does it take to be a true 10x maxed out phenomenal sales person from the legends themselves so grant you go first you know I mean at number one you got to come you got to commit to being a great salesperson like if you're going to commit to if you're if you're just going to be an average salesperson you're gonna hate it forever so one you have to commit Tiger wants to be a great golfer you had to commit to it so number one number two you have to get an education on how to be a Salesman most salespeople just don't ever they don't know anything what education would you recommend or what education helped you with books training there's no guess on your way go ahead let me guess I mean there's no there's no better education on sales than mine right it doesn't exist on this planet of course and I don't say that bragging Lee I say it because it's true by the way Muhammad Ali said that look if I am the greatest it ain't bragging it's true but on the way up though what was what we're something the way up I started grabbing everything I could write I started grabbing everything I could and then I would take whatever I learned from Brian Tracy or Tom Hopkins or all those guys right and then I would study it I wept a list I was committed though and I kept a list of everything that happened to me every customer I hired my mom to work for me and my mom would take notes I said all I need you to do is take notes she would sit across from me I was into this desk and I would close deals and I said you sit there and basically this is pre recorders and stuff you take notes of what's happening right and at the end of the day I would literally look at the notes when you said this this happened when that said that way you know so she would take notes of your sales yeah yeah and I would you know yeah exactly I would take phone calls like I I I was a student committed and this is even when you were kind of broke or kind of like figuring it out on the way I figured out yeah 25 years old committed hated sales hated it and I'm like I cannot lose another job this would have been my seventh job and I'm like I'm gonna commit before I quit this sales game I'm gonna get great at it then I'm gonna quit that was the whole plan and once I got great out of my that make sense so so and I started winning so the third thing I would tell you is you know you got a in in the sales thing you have to learn how not to be emotional you know to the price is too high I don't want to do it I'm not interested you have to be almost dr. Spock not be emotional keep following up hardest thing to do is to not be emotional you know social on yourself getting emotional about deals oh of course man yeah I mean when you even when you said that I just ran a list of like 17 guys that I still haven't closed yeah makes sense you know as soon as you said hey don't be emotional I thought about I didn't close that guy he's in Boston you know I worked this deal that didn't happen okay I'm working this angle over here this didn't all these deals that I have stored up in my inventory of losses their their their accumulated losses and this is what happens to the salesperson right they get all these losses and they start lowering targets so what does it think you think that you did that maybe other salespeople didn't because there's people hungry out there in sales obviously you got a good pulse on that industry yeah what do you think most people do wrong even the ones are hustling grind in going all-in what what are they doing different what is it that you figured out they don't have it really so it's not that simple I don't know if it's I don't know see I think people needed to find what commitment is for me when I commit to something the next two things that what happened is it will be on a schedule requires time and I will invest some money all commitments for me require time and money if I don't write a check I'm not committed if I don't have to finally take time out of my calendar I'm not committed so if I want to work out okay my body started sorting to cause me some problems right so I'm like I'm committed to taking care of my body you know what did I do wrote somebody a check show up in my freakin place every day at 7 o'clock and I'm gonna work out okay that was four months ago I've missed five days in a 120 days that's commitment time and money right let me ask you this last question on that because someone actually wrote in specifically asking and and Eddie you can chime in on this too on your response when should somebody you know people get in sales they you know it kind of suck for a long time maybe some people are natural maybe some people aren't when should people admit hey maybe I'm not the best at this let me move on to a more stable income versus should they push through I mean for somebody struggling you know I'm sure you guys can understand maybe you guys have built sales teams we have people on the fence when should someone take a good honest look in the mirror and say hey maybe this isn't for me let me maybe focus elsewhere versus let me just go all-in and figure this out what what should somebody be evaluating when they're on the fence like that and the kind of in uncertainty Ville they're on the fence Kazan committed yeah let's discuss that weapon cuz they're not committed like you're looking at other things you can do I mean that God that asked that question is looking at other things he can do I invest in real estate I don't invest in stocks I don't do bonds under stocks I do nothing but real estate so I'm committed why real estate well I don't want to move it into a real estate conversation but the point is I'm committed I find a space and I work it I work it over and over okay it worked for me in sales hey sales is my gig I'm not gonna I'm not gonna be the the big app guy I'm not gonna be the Facebook guy I'm not gonna be the Silicon Valley guy I'm not that guy right so I can do a sales job I'm 25 I'm broke I'm in debt the world needs salespeople is a job I already had I just took what I had then when I got good enough at sales I'm like I need to invest my money for 25 years all I've invested in is real estate like like I just commit to a couple of things and just groove it and grind it and push it and shove on it until one day I get to hang with ahead and you make sense so how about yourself well there's a lot of great information there are a couple things I think one level of influence is this I think people mistake some things and I'll talk about some specifics the first thing is this I finally figured out that I'm not trying to completely convince you everything I'm saying I'm trying to convince you that I believe what I'm saying so I think there's a subtle difference when you're influencing people people think to close you I have to convince you to believe everything I'm saying I don't believe that's true and think I have to convince you that I believe what I'm saying that's a totally different level of influence it looks less like a beggar mm-hmm it looks far more certain which is level 2 level 2 is the more certain person will always influence the least certain person and you know your product so you should be more certain about it than they are or your program so a couple things about that all kinds of things give you certainty okay number one preparation knowing your script knowing your knowing your product back and forth believing in your product back and forth knowing that you know the words knowing you know what you're gonna say when they say it's a dance this is very interesting to me when people struggle at sales there's only like a certain amount of objections you're going to get and whatever your industry is you ought to you already know what they're going to say it's one of 10 or 20 or 30 or 40 different things you ought to be ready to respond to them so most people in sales are professional presenters they're not professional closer's so i they're great at their presentation they can't close and so i got really good at closing because someone's gonna close somebody there you're gonna close me you shouldn't I'm gonna close you that you should yeah and so the more certain person is going to win if you just want to accept that truth that in one you got to believe that I believe what I'm saying not that you believe people buy things all the time and say yes to things all the time that they don't necessarily believe everything about they believe the person presenting it to them believes it that's a different level number two someone's gonna close someone you had better be certain there's so many professional presenters in the world very few people get skilled at being able to professionally close somebody and persuade them to say yes right I finally moved to her I'm not here to visit you I'd like to be friends with you I hope that we connect but I'm here to get you to say yes to what I came here to get you to say yes to and so that was second and then the third thing I think overall is that you got to run large numbers in business so I'm not suggesting that you blow off every single appointment but people say I'm grinding I don't know anyone who grinds really hard I don't even like that word but that runs large numbers okay they're totally they get people to believe they believe what they're saying they're completely loaded with certainty from their skills to their product knowledge to their belief to overcoming objections to closing to whatever it is and third what you think as large numbers what you think is grinding is another person's really slow day right so when you really get after something listen to me total immersion in something you can become unbelievably proficient at it that guy was thinking about quitting he's not totally immersed he's not totally in let me give you an example real quick my dad's got cancer you know that when grant knows it my dad has something called liposarcoma I think dad's okay with me saying that now three years ago if you de said the word liposarcoma to me I have no clue what the hell that means I'm not an oncologist I know nothing about cancer right all of a sudden it became important to me I became completely immersed in the topic of liposarcoma I know what causes it what treats it what you die from it how it doesn't grow you name it right I'm not a cancer doctor but I know a ton about that topic because it became so freakin important to me if you really want to win you unbelievable of getting people to believe you believe it you will be loaded with certainty from product knowledge to belief to skills and you will be completely immersed with I believe no B plan no other plan no nothing out completely immersed in it aside from dunking a basketball or hitting 100 mile an hour fastball these are things that are limitations to human beings but average ordinary people every single day succeed in the business of persuading people there is no limitation to being able to do it except those things and the things that grant added is let's say your personality okay right yep but you're not going to go through all that if there's no payday why would anybody go through any of that if there's no payday no it makes total sense so there's got to be a payday like like I know great salespeople have the potential to be really really like I mean world changers but that their goals are so small they they settle you know I spoke at your event I was really just talking to the front row it was you've done were successful people I was like hey I just want to talk to the most successful people in the room you guys quit you settled out you stopped people's will to win is easily bought in life in their spot it's bought two ways he and I have talked a lot about this keeps told me to write this book but you got to just ask yourself in advance here's what people do all the time in business in life okay they're constantly negotiating the price they're paying they're in constant negotiation in their mind can I go through any more they're constantly negotiating the price this is apps your energy it zaps your certainty it zaps everything from you if you're gonna win negotiate in advance that you will pay any price required that you are not for sale as long as it's legal ethical and moral once you've done that when I was poor I'd walk into stores all the time I wouldn't buy what I wanted because I was poor I'd be flipping price tags or what's it cost what the cost what's it cost and I wouldn't get what I wanted I get what I could afford right I'd negotiate the price okay if you do that in your life you will cut you'll eventually be bought you will either be bought by failure because it's just too big a price or worse this is the one he's talking about you're bought by some level of success you get some price tag they give you your number and they buy your will to win and you stop getting after you stop going to the next level both are insidious the obvious one is people who just sell out there will when they're failing the other one is for the people in here that oh wow now you're at 250 grand here oh wow now you hit your big number you're at a million and your will was bought if you really size up the really top level at anything they can't be bought it's like the heavyweight champion how many guy it's one thing to win a title I coach a lot of UFC guys one thing to win a title totally different deal man to repeat and repeat again and to repeat again and to repeat again and then go win in another weight class and another weight class that's a whole different heels one thing to win a Super Bowl a lot of guys who want to see totally different Hill to win five like Brady totally different deal to win six like Jordan right totally different deal their will to win could not be bought by the losses or the wins this is the separator from the best of anything but the bran came to LA he didn't come here to win rings hang on he's not gonna win a ring here he came here for the money he said it he said at the night they lost he's like they're like hey what are you gonna do you're gonna own that you're gonna you gonna come back and buy the Cleveland you know the the clean team and he's like man you you know where I'm at on the palest I'm like number six man I got to get my money right I told my wife that night I said he's going to LA guarantee he ends up in LA because the money's here for him right now whether he can win another ring you know maybe somebody comes out of another team he's got they got a plan but he can't do that all the Laker fans right now go just give him Kawhi Leonard gonna give him Chris Paul or getting somebody and maybe he could pull a tow that's the other element right the great leaders the great leaders and all different endeavors are the ability to collaborate and bring people onto their squad onto their team that are better in certain areas than they are right and that'll be a little separator for LeBron here could he because that I love Kobe a lot but Kobe did have a hard time later in his career of getting great players to come play with him right and so hope that'll be the separator for LeBron is King LeBron get great players to come play with him I actually think he can but will remain to be seen so we'll actually get into leadership but I do want to ask someone wrote in and they asked that you guys on social media to give out a lot of advice you help people not just with confidence and money mindset and living a life of their dreams but what are some things that you guys now our dealing with that maybe you don't share some vulnerabilities and securities you know things that you're not totally comfortable in or anything in life that is kind of uncomfortable for you that most people would probably be surprised to know I mean I'll give you a few I mean earlier when we were talking about balance making sure that I invest myself in the right areas I always I'm always not feeling I'm living up to what I'm capable of so that struggle we talked about earlier is always kind of a thing for me and also I'm such a massive believer in certainty and you get what you obsess about that I found myself lately and that just just is candid like lately knowing I need to even be more specific and more clear about not only what I want but why I want it and so I'm at a stage right now where I'm I'm building my recipe in my formula by the way I executed a thousand miles an hour whether I'm ready but I at the same time I'm executing and navigating right now exactly specifically what I want for the next ten years of my life and why I want it because at the end of it people say all the time well material things they don't make you happy you ever hear somebody say that to you yeah and that's just completely a lie I mean have you ever bought a nice dress ladies it made you happy when you bought it right guys you got a nice and brand-new car that made you happy it doesn't fulfill you but it can certainly make you happy right and so so for me I know that those things can make me happy but I've had a lot of happy I want to be completely fulfilled and so I'm navigating in my mind what exactly is it the next 10 years of my life it's gonna fulfill me not just make me happy because our Jets are amazing great cars are amazing but they're less amazing over time what's never not amazing is serving people making a difference contributing which never ends for me what never I get tired of is making a difference in someone else's life of thinking my life has meaning to another person and so I'm navigating in my mind right now I'm struggling a little bit with exactly how do I reach the most people the best way and why I want to do it so that's my struggle now make sure how about you grant what what what are some people people never see you like really vulnerable or share where you struggle so maybe share something you haven't shared before yeah and you get stuck or you get in your head maybe times the lane about you don't show a lot of stuff so so like you know exclusive yes here he wants he want he wants the gritty give it I just used the restroom with the head right we all get we peed in the same toilet at the same time he done that which I'd never done before so that was thank you beautiful it was beautiful thing man you're such a conflict anyway I really appreciate your confident in what I saw like its freedom dude its freedom its freedom it's amazing yet you're calm you know probably the biggest struggle did his time like like Here I am on the second half of my life right so now I'm starting to say it's really about time what can I do with the time I have so you know are things in place what would happen if I mean well you know what we'll you know I'm not concerned about making a difference while I'm here I've made a difference so I know I have made a difference not in enough lives but I could check it off and say yeah yeah dude I helped it up people out you know you know I get to heaven in God's eye hey man there's a lot of cussing going on there was about nine years you wasted down like yeah but dude I mean it come on I helped a lot of people open the door I know you got a place for me so so but that's not really the argument I'm having with myself it's what happens in like I'm not really planning the rest of this life I'm planning the next thing so that's what I never tell anybody like I'm thinking about a hundred years from now you talking like spiritually and after all are you talking about I'm gonna see here I'm talking about can I live on you know can I can I make a contribution big enough that that people would actually you know say hey like in other countries Sabrina would go to India and they'd be like I know your daddy or I read your daddy's book and it helped me get out of this place I was in now that see to me that's that's you know we're talking about sins and we talk about the things we do wrong and we die but man once anybody talked about the things we do good you know like I know Mother Teresa is probably pretty proud of herself so that that's the kind of score I want I wanna I wanna I want and and I don't know if I have time to do it so I kind of just woke up a little late actually that brings up another question someone else wrote in that a lot of times with media nowadays and these interviews they appeal to you know twenty and thirty year olds on the way up there's a lot of 40 and 50 and six year olds just getting in a business you know their first shot at Entrepreneurship getting beat up and they're like man the younger guys can do I have the energy to compete right can I keep up with them so what would be your advice to somebody like that maybe in their 40s 50s 60s just can start an entrepreneur my best brothers been the last nine years me too not like I was 51 I mean uh I have more energy now they're not I got a reason I got I was talking about a friend me and he and I have in common I'm like he's got a big advantage though he's like what's that I'm like came from another country we're in America we've been here the whole time there's an entitlement I was born here raised here I don't know I don't know what goes on in other countries until I go there so there's a drive from the immigrant that comes here right he's got that drive my drive now he has time and how do I use it like everyone's talking about how do I use my time who do I use it with right so where do I play my cards I got a hand how do I play it out you know and and you know that's one thing I struggle with this time too is the way I deliver my message it's it's awful I I deliver my message worse than anybody on social media but it's sincere and I think that's where a lot of people relate to it because they feel but you know but but half the people all the people half the half of Ed's audience that loves it probably three-quarters of the people that love Lewis house right I mean there's no way they're gonna like me right they're just not gonna like me you know is it cuz that's such a good job no it's not the cursing I don't even curse that bad yeah with Tim Grover yesterday I'm like I had to come take a shower so it it I do a terrible job I am a challenger okay I have figured out how to use challenging in my sales I've used it to raise two hundred million dollars in charity I never tell anybody about that very very rarely like I've bet big that that's a huge amount of money than everybody for charities right and I've done it through challenging to pushing through doors like I've always been that pusher guy like in that that at this point in my life I need to back off on the push and it be a little more stately a little more diplomatic I think have you ever tried to meditate oh yeah absolutely love meditation really I loved it you do it often I don't do it anymore why not I found something better so the problem with meditation is this you know the guy the guy I was actually very good at meditation I went to detox place the whole deal loved it I've been seeking the truth for since I was I was eight years old man eight years old I'm like man I gotta be more than this fear thing man you know so I've been I've been interested I'm more interested this is the other thing people don't know about me I am more interested in the spiritual than any other thing in my life does that does that inspire you you know whether it's God or whatever spirituality or faith you practice yeah is that part of your motivation is that part of what keeps you going oh absolutely do you think without that you wouldn't be as effective without it out hmm Edie would you agree with that yeah I mean you know that for me I just have this bizarre obsession with the end of my life here and as a Christian you know I hope that the Lord tells me well done good and faithful servant but I have this other part of me that thinks in that conversation he's gonna introduce me to the man on this lifetime I could have been mm-hm and what I was capable of the people I could have helped the place that could have been the memories the moments the different things and I'm afraid that if I I'm challenged by and fearful that I'm gonna meet that guy and we're gonna be complete strangers that to me would be hell right heaven would be we'd meet each other and were identical twins he goes man I'm so proud of you and I'm like hey man I've been chasing you all my life and I'm so glad that I maxed this out and that's not corny to me it like I was driving up here today I was driving up to two and a half hour drive in traffic and I only have so many days left on earth I had some health issues in my life and so I'd literally do think like is this the best place for me to be going today I asked myself that and I asked that often like is this where I should go cuz I can go anywhere I want I don't have to be anywhere man right right is it and I concluded it was because we're gonna reach a lot of people today and so for me my spiritual life is is a the ongoing obsession of my life it's the ongoing reason that I believe I'm here and so it's every it is literally everything for me all the other stuff is meaningless to me and so I don't even know that I do a really good job of expressing that to people and I have learned to change my message to to Grant's point that I used to just speak to people like me and I think people make this mistake in sales they make this mistake in life like you just talk to people from your worldview you just talk to people like I speak all the time you know me cuz man I was young and intense so all these young entities loved my intensity but I'd miss all these other people who had different ways of hearing messages and I thought that's not all me that's one version of me there's this other part of me that I don't ever show people why don't I ever show them as part of me my family knows that part of me my friends know that part of me why don't I think that's real grant saying is yeah is there's parts of him he doesn't reveal to people that I know that other people know that I am kind of more conscious now of saying hey man like there's there's more people for me to read you're more sure than I am that I am the most immature person I know that's the other thing I am an immature person the fact that we were going there and pee in the same bowl it's an immaturity it's a very childlike quality I have and the child does not have a lot of filters my kids will say anything to you mm-hmm and that is I'm still a bit childlike do you do that honestly to stay in a good flow because life is kind of hectic dude I'm a natural he talked about this in the very first segment like it's I'm doing my life and I'm just figuring it out right I want to have more than anything I want to have fun like everybody knows me about the money guy and I'm pushing for the money in the real estate fund and doing this and all we did that at the end of the day I want to have fun I bought a jet cuz I want to have fun I don't want somebody telling me to put on my damn seat belt terminal when I know my seat belt cannot save me now you know if I'm a die in the plane I want to be all over the plane and I want to make sure it's mine don't you like the one turn your phone off and somehow it's gonna mess everybody's equipment up hilarious so I was the guy that got that I know reversed oh yeah you're the first guy ever to record the you know I'm the guy who got the reverse I'm the one that fought the FAA to reverse oh they'll turn the [ __ ] phone off and I'm like no no no that I need the bird strike no I'm the one that got that reversed it okay so so I want to have fun man and again I'm gonna go back to this this topic you can't have fun if you don't have money nobody's telling this story like where are all the rich guys I'm calling all the rich guys out right now come out tell everybody it's no fun being broke it's no fun getting by and you have a blast picking up the check and not worried about where you're going on vacation or how long I'm gonna stay or what it costs it's fun is it fun it's fun where we differ is I but he's gonna say in a better way no everybody watches he knows how to say it okay I'm not gonna say no I eat what you just said is beautiful true you're gonna say it better what I've been happy broke and I've been happy rich and happy rich is way better I'll just tell you that I have been happy when I was broke I've had I've been happy broke I've had a loving family I've had but I can't create happiness for a whole lot of other people without any money and I think that's what GC saying have you ever been happy program I was never happy when I was broke I mean he's just [ __ ] lying to you know ain't nobody happy broke man okay he was freaking this guy was asleep if he was happy broke I'm telling you he was unconscious yeah you shouldn't tell people that yeah I know you're making sense of that yeah I think you think that but I'm telling you that I know and I'm by the way and all of you listen to this know people that are happy that don't have a lot of okay and if money is what you think is gonna make you happy I'm telling you straight up you're chasing something that is gonna be a never-ending empty pit that you'll be cheesy right now no no it's hearts because then I get demon because I mean cuz I'm actually telling them the truth and so the truth is you I've been happy broke and so of many years I hello how long will you have I don't know because I didn't stay broke that long okay he's not the source of information okay Steve Jobs says look man don't do it for the money Steve said that when he was rich he was not saying that when he was broke those guys were grind and they were animals bill and Steve were animals well I think to what ed might be saying correct me if I'm wrong is that he was happy on the way up while he was broke he's not necessarily say that is that what you meant say both are true I'm saying that I know people that don't have money that are happy that also the pastor of a church that's listening to this right now has no money and I'll bet you they're happy and if you think they're not you're wrong and his churches are struggling congregations around the world are struggling because the families are having financial drive away and you're not showing up in church and that's true so both can be true so what you just said is true and the first thing you said is not true okay so what you just said is true about the church yeah and there's a hole between watching this nodding their heads with me because grant there are lots of happy people without money okay now what you said secondly about the church then they go to the store that is true yeah Oshin until they go to the store now Oh God and hamburgers hamburgers $24 and I got four kids okay until somebody gets sick in the household and my dad gets sick and I can't pay the 60 grand or my little girl ends up being a drug addict and I can't send her to a treatment center now nobody's happy all that everybody is freaking out now oh that's because they're like [ __ ] ain't got any money to get my kid to a treatment center I can't get my kid to get a new lung I can't get influenced now nobody's happy because there's no room for happy now it's fear and terror I grew up like this right all that's true okay let me just tell you the other where your where I disagree if your child is a drug addict whether you have money to get them treated or not you are not happy okay so you just use an extreme it's a false premise you have a child as a drug addict you're not present period whether you're 50 million drug addicts in America right this second I know that by the way my there in my family my dad's a recovering one and let me tell you something right now if there's a guy watching this with fifty million dollars in the bank and a drug-addicted daughter yeah and there's a guy in this watching this with a $50 in the bank and a sober daughter who's happy fulfilled the guy with the 50 bucks is happier grant just tell me straight up yes yes because the life conditions that you have now what you said about getting them treated is very valid what you said about the church is very valid but I promise you because I know a lot of these guys they got all kinds of money and they got adult children that are completely screwed up yeah okay and they're miserable people because their families are a mess now you're saying it but now you're adding a lot about anything you did you added this false narrative about a drug-addicted kid and I'm telling you if you have a drug-addicted kid you're not happy whether you got 50 million dollars or not but we're not kids sober but we can met you can you can provide a solution totally 50 bucks does not have a solution I agree I have a sister who's diabetic yeah okay so here's here's where you're complete arrived a sister is diabetic who has had struggled with vision issues in her life okay and we'll just leave it at that I like the fact knowing that I can be there for her to help her there's massive benefits to being wealthy I am happier wealthy it's better to be wealthy it's incredible to be wealthy it's three billion times better for you and everybody around you that you create abundance and wealth in your life that can be true and it could also be true that someone can be happy in the absence of money that's what I'm saying to you and so I telling you there are people watching this that are very happy people who don't have a lot of money it's not their priority now you're saying they'd be happier with it that's a fair point perhaps they would be but I'm telling you that that's where by the way that's why you wanted a good interview with the two of us here right and so by the way I want everybody listening to this who has a priority of abundance and wealth in their life to have more of it and I'd never one of the things I despised when I was broke is rich dudes telling me it ain't all that big of a deal to be wealthy you don't worry about material things I couldn't sound like that's easy for you to say when you eat lobsters and filet mignons every night drive a Bentley live in a beautiful safe gated neighborhood and my kids are getting shot at on a poor somewhere in a bad part of town I relate to all of that so I know what you're really saying we're just saying it I think a little bit differently a hundred percent one of the worst things that we'll have someone get someone goes that's not worth it it's a million percent if I knew how good it was to get wealthy I'd have done it bigger faster and sooner and I want more of it yeah okay but I'm also telling you that there are people who are watching us who their happiness is not for money they're leading a church right now they lead a school right now there are there a doctor who heals people and saves lives or Drive an ambulance or they ran into a freaking building on 9/11 and saved someone from that building and they have no money and they have completely lived an amazing life and they're happy and there's a family that's happy they pulled them from the building and have no money so I don't think that was the question though I mean you're you're you're now you're you know you can be right there ya know maybe I'm just saying nobody nobody nobody should make sense of being broke and somehow saying you can be happy no one should ration card because the firemen that went in and saved the family the next week okay he's happy oh my god I did this great thing I'm a hero he's like no I'm not a hero I did my job mm-hmm next week he cannot buy food for his family at that moment he will not be happy it is impossible to be broke and happy because every day you're confronting we live on an economic planet that this is it costs money to live here correct and that's all I'm saying like you say that's a false premise that a fireman can feed his family he just may not want a g550 I'm not talking at a g550 I'm done about being broke you're talking about wealthy I'm not talking about wealthy I'm talking about I can't buy hamburger broke is about I can't buy hamburger it's not about I can fly private we're talking about like different into the specular well I'm talking about you asked me was I ever broke well I usually hang on and I said never yeah I was never happy when I was broke okay not for any period of time so there's a difference between a pastor and a fireman the pastor isn't happy who's I've never been a pastor so I don't know okay well I've never been a fireman but I bet you not know a pastor right then I know if I'm right right so do i and I think they're happy and I've been broken I wasn't happy right okay well that and it doesn't mean that I have money and I'm happy by the way okay you can have a 2j you can I know guys for 3j I know a guy right now on it's three jets and doesn't do anything with them yeah he's not happy he's not free okay to me that the happiness thing is about freedom it's about I get to go where I want do what I want hang with who I want okay have the customers that I want or don't want or say I don't want you to here's your money back I don't want you to do business with you that to me is happiness like now we'd have to define what is happiness right for me happiness it's a freedom go where I want so was mother I'm just but this is a great topic I'm asking yeah you brought mother Teresa upper yeah yeah you think she was happy I don't know I never met okay I had no clue okay but I don't either what I think to just say because she was poor she was unhappy would be an incorrect assumption I don't know I don't know dude I know this she had to raise money to get the job done right so there's everything good she could do more good right I don't I don't know that she was broke either she probably never need it for anything in her life like the firemen somebody funded her right somebody funded mother's Teresa's like when I talk about it's broke I'm not talking about whether it's my money or not right it doesn't have to be my money yeah I just think everything is the meaning you attach to a situation right so use mother freezes topic out yeah yeah but but I think it's like a it's like it's an awesome talk because it's it's it's we both we both want everybody's kind of what you said about messaging too we both want everybody listening this to be wealthier and do great things with their money to influence more people we both do we're just saying it a little bit differently and I think it's a healthy debates like if we just agreed on everything what's the point of having both of us on the show right like we're great friends like we we discuss things off-camera where we agree about 99% of the stuff and we disagree about something but I think perspectives an important thing last thing I'll tell your mother Teresa see you and I go did you know mother Teresa I didn't know Kay I don't know her neither did you I said right I know but she was poor I didn't know that yeah I never knew she was a nun so I'm assuming she didn't have a honey you don't know that she was poured well I've read enough about her life to know at least orally I don't need money to have wealth okay well you want ask some about that okay okay good because that's different than what I don't need money to have well okay it's not it's not having money it's control so so I don't know if she was funded or not if she was funded by other so she could go do her mission somebody got to fund the project okay Elon Musk is not going to Mars on his money mm-hmm he does not have enough money I don't know what he's worth seven or eight he ain't going to Mars with seven or eight billion dollars but he has control of influence of enough people that's wealth and I don't know a little Elan musk is happy I have no idea I've never met the man yeah I don't think he's happy right now yes I think he I think he's proven that smoking we could cost some money from this topic good I think it was really healthy dialogue absolutely if it was healthy or not healthy what would be healthy about crack him right now now let's move on to the next topic and it's something that a lot of people don't talk about but just how important do you guys find it is to pick the right person when it comes to relationships I know Elaine is here in the audience and you also add talked about how important it is to pick the right person but can you guys share some insight about just how important it is for people out there to pick the right person to be their life partner whether they're entrepreneurs or otherwise because I think would serve a lot of people to get your guy's opinion on that Wow no amount of money will solve that problem you got the wrong person you just got the wrong person so what is the right person mean to you well they got to be compatible with with what you know where I'm going and or I have to be compatible where they're going or both so you know relationships look just just just handling my 24-inches is difficult add another person to the dynamic no no I'm complicated within myself you know so so all of a sudden you add another person now you got all that person's complications add two kids now you got like you're talking about it so what was it about Elena that you made you know like our boom she's the one she's my wife that's like what was it something something just like I mean I had done enough homework research I had done enough research enough experimenting all in the in the goodness of experimenting and I mean I can't go back to San Diego County you know so I lived in San Diego and I had to leave there so I did so much experimenting so and so when I met Elena first night I moved to LA okay this is what I'm gonna go back to it III eat my products okay so whatever I tell you here is what I do in my life that's all I know is what's working for me so when I say hey a commitment requires time and money when I made the decision that I'm gonna get married I sold my house in lawyer and I moved to LA and I met Elena the first night I was here sold a dream house like nobody's going to get anything they want without giving up what they have you have to give something up to get to the next place met her the first night I was here just down the street downtown LA I knew five minutes I'm like oh bang that's it but hey I got to tell you to be honest with everybody I said that about a lot of women okay bang that's it okay now for whatever reason this one's stuck you know it took a little work a little pursuit I think she was reeling me in the whole time playing me like a damn one like just uh just a one-string little penis right did she play me the whole time one stream on stream i Lynn I just changed that it was because because that's what it may last what drives that man breathing like a one-string little penis by the way we peed in the same toilet earlier and I can attest to the fact that the latter part of that is true I just work with the equipment I've made two beautiful kids with me so yeah so yeah so you know now it's worked out I mean 15 years we've been together we've worked it out it's it's there's been moments where we really fortified and really strengthen a relationship and I think that that will continue to happen so we are on the same page we know where we're going and why you know we know what the end play is so we're not always perfectly on that line you drift people come in start telling this other stuff we get you know we were watching Beverly Hills housewives for a while we had to quit watch and we were arguing all the time what is causing these arguments they're coming out of nowhere man and we're like we start looking for who's the person I'm like maybe it's the [ __ ] we're watching sure enough quit watching the Beverly Hills housewives talking about divorce arguments you don't pay me enough attention blah blah all that was getting dropped into our marriage and ended up in our bedroom and so we don't go I don't go to add about my marriage problems I don't go she doesn't go to her friends we don't get advice from other people that don't know what the hell they're doing and we don't read tabloids where divorce is divorce is is perpetuated so she's a good chick man she ain't perfect but she's a great chick man I'm like I'm like and I'm not perfect but but you know I'm kind of happy with me so if you had to give takeaways I mean I know there's a lot to it but if Grant Cardone had to give us top three relationship yeah it's off the top what would they be the beans have to have a similar vibration okay I know that people say it likes and what is it likes to try no no opposite attracts yeah I don't believe that I think that's just a bunch of [ __ ] I think people need to vibrate similarly I can't go 500 miles an hour and expect to be what somebody wants to go 80 they're going to be uncomfortable they're gonna be like you need to slow down and be like you need to speed up and we're going to have this thing so so you know if one person's on the brake and the other person's on the accelerator you're going to wear this freaking vehicle out and that's what I see happening a lot of relationships and and so the people have to figure out who's doing what who's driving where are we going and and and and admire that in each other right so so you know a little private thing that that I don't share much is that you know their concerns me is like man if something happened to me is she ready you know it sees me hanging around people I am surrounding myself with more family okay not because I need people around me it's because I'm planning okay because I can't go on without people right other people will they'll carry out my legacy I tell Jared all the time what if I'm not here what are you gonna do if I'm not here you guys need to operate like grants not here what would grant do now and so I worry about that because when my dad died my mom should have been in grief that week and my mom wasn't in grief my mom was in fear and Tara okay she could not she could not have the grief of losing her the love of her life because she was now forced and this goes back to this broke thing right she had to now worry about managing money and that's maybe where this Drive in me comes from I couldn't help my mom I was 10 years old and I just swore over and over I'll never ever be in that position again and it concerns me about her because I'm like man if something happened would she know what to do so that she doesn't have to worry so that she can continue to be charitable it's it's not what if she keeps the jet because it's already in the will sell the jet sell the house okay and then don't touch these these jewels over here and they'll take care of you but will she be able to continue to give to charities will she be able to fund you know I have a passion for helping kids that don't have fathers so we create a foundation can that foundation continue to be funded so that kids ten years old 15 years old 20 years old I know kids that are 25 don't have dance man they need a dad they go bad because they don't have dads and drug addiction amongst kids that don't have dads it's like 63% of all drug addicts don't have fathers in their lives suicide rate three times higher of kids no no 63% of all suicides don't have a father three times the drug addiction rate like all the stats say a dad is in part so you know I told us a minute something happens to me don't do these things do this thing and go get a husband and make sure he's good-looking as good-looking as me mmm you keep that close to you - he's a good dude thank you I would be there but I know it's interesting I'll answer your question in a minute but I think this is really telling what grant saying right now because I was gonna say this earlier about the mother Teresa thing but it applies what grant you said it's not the events in our lives define us it's the meaning we attach to those events and it's clear that to me and the more I known this brother the passing of his father was this massive defining moment and he took some meanings from that moment in his life and one of those meanings that involved money right involved the helpless state of his mom at that time you hear when I talk he talks about that time and his life over and over and he talks about the difference that it made for him and you know the charity that he now supports where you know boys without dads and so that that that event defined him and the meaning he took from it and it's been a driving force probably in making him the success that he's becoming his life too right so what he did is he took a really positive meaning from it but his deep with him he watched that struggle and I'm in the financial services business I know what it's like when a father passes away I've had this I mean I'm our firm thousands of times probably you know someone we tried to help we didn't help and a dad passes away with a wife and children and no insurance and no money to his point about you talk about misery and being broke and so there's validity to all of that it's so true and he lived through it and so I understand the deep meaning of hard to be happy when you're broke and that is true and and and and so I want to acknowledge that version of that because that obviously defined him so I mean it's clear every time he talks about it when he talks about a look at his face when he doesn't it's just that's grant yeah I've never seen him terrible yeah that's great I have the many times he's talked about that story and so have that inner message he should he does he does but it should she probably should be more so it's the driving force also uncomfortable your stud dude like but that's the driving force for him I know that start force of his life it his life changed then right and so it's the meaningly attached as Vincent luckily he attached an a positive intention eventually in his life to that event right that's why such a wonderful dad to answer your marriage question I'll just answer something people don't answer so there's obviously you got to love each other you got to have trust which everybody talks everybody talks about that right trust there's two things people don't talk a lot about you got to be married if somebody who believes in you a lot of people have love I have a lot of trust but the truth is if you really ask the spouse they don't have a deep belief in that other person's capacity to do something special and so I think in seeking in a relationship or giving to each other it's deep belief in that other person it's not talked enough about yeah I got to love each other that's like base level stuff you don't have love or trust you have no marriage but that belief thing that's the kicker that makes it an extraordinary one and then there's a fourth one no one talks about but it's just being real you gotta be attracted to each other you have to physically be attracted to each other otherwise you live with your buddy right and a lot of marriages go south because there's no attraction anymore they're just friends living together so your marriage counts all talking about you got to be great friends you got be great friends yeah you do but I got lots of friends and I don't want to lay next to them every single night you have to be attracted to them and want to be intimate with them that's what makes it a marriage now there's an age and a time where your intimacy may not be sex all the time but it's holding hands or touching or crystianna's parents when I used to date her when we were kids I'm sure they were still intimate but I would walk in to pick her up for a date and you could see into their living room such a beautiful thing and her mom and dad would be slow-dancing on a Friday night in the living room just alone no one knew there just intimate you know and so you have to have that in a relationship and that's the the trust and love is that's the base but then do you have belief and do you have intimacy Dee are you physically attracted to each other do you touch each other if that's sex that's a big part of a marriage right especially when you're younger as you age if there's some age I'm sure am I'm not there yet luckily but you know you're it's holding hands it's hugging each other it's it's just being physically connected to each other the physical connection is part of a marriage and so that's a separator now that makes total sense okay now let's kind of segue back to business kind of coming full circle here and it's kind of different than the relationship talk but when it comes to building your business right I mean it's one thing to build it to a certain level it's a whole new world to take it to higher and higher levels and there's a big difference between entrepreneurship and solopreneur shrimp which grant you talk about and Eddie you're in the business of you know building wealth through team building so can you guys talk a little bit about what you guys have learned how important is to hire the right people what are important traits attributes when building a team to look for or is it just training is it just a matter of hiring quickly and firing fast I mean what are the particulars the little nuances that you guys have learned about your best advice and best experience on how to build the right team for your business to take it to the next level well we you know we live we live on a planet this kind of broken people broken miss educated under educated over educated drug problems in schools too long you know people have been hammered lout losses like like that's who you're hiring so in every business every industry I've worked in almost every industry now and filled with broken people Facebook's gone and Microsoft has got them they're everywhere man so they're people they're human beings right so they're struggling they're having problems like they're having marriage problems they're having health problems I have a parent problem surviving moving problems they're having they got the drugs in the medicine cabinet problems like it's everywhere man they got kid problems that's who you're hiring so when I moved to Miami somebody said man you're you're gonna you're gonna like it you can't hire people in Miami the Miami talent is terrible I said man I'm leaving LA go down there they're like no no you Miami is the worst I said well then I'll just have to be better so if you're having trouble every city I've ever been to when I work with CEOs they say number-one problem here is the people said then you need to get better so to the degree that you're having problems with people you got to get better and it starts with you and you're only gonna hire the people like we have people come to us I'm turnin resumes down I'm like sit I can't see enough people like I got people that too so so many people want to work with us because we're successful right if you want good people get big yeah everybody wants to work at Facebook okay the average person at Facebook makes 250 just under 250 a year which by the way if you do any kind of financial literacy you would know that guy walks away with 60 grand 250 in Silicon Valley converts to sixty thousand bucks after all his expenses he's broke he might not have 60 by the way so you know just that you're gonna have to go through a bunch of people recruiting should be the number one thing for every company out there every entrepreneur first thing you should look for is not a sale that's what I did wrong I was looking for a sale I should have been looking for a recruit mmm so focus more on team building than just sales sales sales now now well you need to recruit recruit recruit recruit and that means you need to pay people now we back to that of the ugly problem that nobody wants to talk about I need some money everybody wants to be the boss nobody wants to pay the invoice yeah you recruiting the lifeblood of every single business and the first thing I would just say is that you got to sell a big enough dream that the dreams of everybody you're ever gonna have involved in your organization fit inside the one you're selling so most of these entrepreneurs out there don't sell it big enough don't talk big enough don't think big enough and aren't intending to do big enough and so your message is so small nobody can fit inside it they got these people you're talking to they have ambitions and dreams and hopes to you're gonna sell a big enough one that there's can fit inside the one you're selling and here's the thing man it's got to be repetitious you have to say it over and over and over you can't get tired of saying here's an old adage that I'll give to you leaders are always trying to say new new things right to old people okay don't do that say old things to new people keep getting new people keep saying the same thing over and over again and getting new people all the time right that's a huge factor and be repetitious with it the second thing is this you have to create a culture and a mission and a cause for your business okay if you don't have that people will do a ton for money that's the number one driver but people also do a lot for the mission the cause that especially Millennials ironically a lot of young people now want to be a part of something that's cause and mission oriented and then what he says a fact you better build a winner people want to play for the Lakers man people want to play for the New York Yankees they want to play for the Patriots of the Cowboys they want to play for Facebook or Google okay you build a winner people will come the way you build that winner is by selling a big enough dream and then here's the other thing you can't be SP we can't just talk you got to back it up with your own F your own example people know what you're saying is valid when you're congruent like we're gonna do these big things they see you crushing it means it's true okay then you create that caught that environment when I went to your place I walked in for their sales meeting and I knew already knew he sold it big 10x right I already knew that but then we walked in immediately there's like this environment so you recruit to an environment yeah right the environment is what gets people your message in your environment I walked in there with my I told myself this is the best environment I've ever seen in a sales cup and his organization is unreal 50 times bigger in mine you can't see it cuz it's spotted all over the place this you walk and I was like my god the energy the enthusiasm the reverence they had for Elena when she spoke that day and for grant the enthusiasm level and energy and how committed the people were in that space to what they were trying to accomplish in any given time massive accountability massive accountability I want this environments bananas now what you'll do he'll still pour through people in a bad environment but when you do get a thoroughbred when you do get a Rainmaker when you do get a stud they get into your environment you can max them out if you don't have that environment man you get a thoroughbred they leave ya they don't stay if you don't have that environment you know that's why the environments so huge and and and what you need to build something big enough also that has rings on it so that people can play another spaces so what I mean by that is like when a guy gets into this and the inner ring let's say the outer rings are even more enticing okay so like like it's that's the problem with the solopreneur they got their one little gig it makes whatever right 200 400 a million somebody gets really good I recruit an ad my lat and he gets really good he's like there's no place for me here right and he bounces out and starts his own deal you know this is a recurring problem I'm bringing people in and they bounce out and go do their own deal now their competition you know why it's not because he's a thief it's because the ring was there wasn't a second ring and a third ring and a fourth ring so I have rings now Ryan Seco he comes in as a phone guy bang then he's the pilot now he's in the real estate the guys the guys going in three from working a $125,000 a year job two deals that are 125 million dollars like he's next to me on phone calls where I'm negotiating a hundred and sixty million dollars with a debt on one deal like we're playing with big boys now he did all that because he didn't chase a career or job or salary he looked for an opportunity and he looked for how big can that opportunity again I think this is a problem that people people that go to Facebook that they're making a mistake they should be looking for for entrepreneurs that want to accelerate and build massive opportunities for other people that can that can keep doing this and lastly I would just tell you people should be look people I'm recruiting people right but people should be looking where they go they should be looking for opportunity before anything else not money not where the location of the office is they should be looking for particularly the talented people how big could I get with this company and they could go further with a company in most cases than they can by themselves okay well damn we talked about a lot of stuff tonight but I actually have a couple more questions here before we wrap up but I want to ask you guys looking back on your guys as you know unbelievable career and I know you guys still have a long way to go you know taking it to the $10,000,000 level a hundred-million-dollar level I mean nine figures is not an easy metric to hit being that you guys play the game at this level I'm curious you know what's the biggest misconception that you guys found about what it takes to actually achieve the dream or at least this level of it versus what you thought it would actually take and the reason I'm asking is because there might be an audience out there watching this that aspires to be where you guys are at and they might be thinking inaccurately about what it takes can you speak to that at all yeah mine was that I needed to be prepared for every next level like somehow everything was preparation I had to be completely ready for the next one that I'd be completely ready for the next one and then I'd be completely ready and this is not how it's worked I got prepared a couple times and I was ready but there's a whole bunch times I was completely ill-prepared and we just charged into the dark space right we just went to that next place unprepared we would figure it out when we got there I had this philosophy and this thing in my head that I'd always sort of be able to be ready for the next space and we the perfect plan every single time and that was almost never the case we've just sort of moved into the next level and we've achieved things and seeing things and gone to places I've sort of surrendered that yeah I gotta have a big old vision and I'm really big on that I've also sort of surrendered to the fact that I'm gonna enter some spaces man they're gonna show me some things eventually that I'm not even thinking about right now then I'll see them from where I go and so that was a huge misconception of mine that everything needed to be prepared for I needed to be ready for every single one of them and absolutely not the case at all so just taking imperfect action of a hundred percent in grant same thing just imperfect action well oh yeah definitely in my case imperfect yes me too so look I remember when my target was a hundred grand I just want to make hundred grand a year and then it was like okay I want to make $10,000 a year passive I just need eight hundred bucks a month coming in passive then I'm not working for not was the first target you all involve zeros so a little bit about the zeros a sell me maps I could do okay a hundred grand I make 100 grand a year on each I just wanted her in ten thousand bucks a year there's that I don't have to kill myself for so the big mistake the whole time looking back it did the think was too big I should have been playing a three comma Club the whole time ever since I was 25 years old I should have been planning for the three comma Club it was attainable back then and I didn't know it so looking back you would've just played a bigger game from the beginning for sure I would have gone into different spaces different I wouldn't have been doing what III picked the wrong careers I picked the wrong careers like three times now okay and and they made me money and then I got trapped in okay so I made it picking the wrong careers me and him talking about something a business and I'm in I'm like Edie there's nothing there like it's just full of illusions you told you that 20 times now full of illusions there's nothing there okay and my first business second business third business man they were all just there's nothing there there and so you know and I pushed so hard in them I worked I over worked all my spaces so that's a big mistake I've every under estimated might how much energy it takes and I've also underestimate because I underestimated what it would take to do it I over work the space I literally overworked all my spaces I was telling run this today I constantly overworked because I trust nothing I don't trust any effort like I think everything will not work and so I'm like okay add one more and a second one and a third when the next thing I do is I make a mess like I make constant messes everywhere I go so constant there's messes everywhere I go somebody's having a pickup [ __ ] and but hey you know next thing you know we figured it out right and now now all that being said it's also been easier than I ever imagined I never thought I would get where I'm at I underestimated like I am so far so far beyond anything I ever dreamed of like I heard Barbra Streisand say this that she had dreamed everything that happened to her career she dreamed it for I dreamed none of this never in my lifetime me neither did I think I'd fly on a private jet of anybody's private jet I don't even thought about it nobody thought about me either she was the one thinking about it okay so I remember I was in San Diego County I was I made a big mistake with the business I was I was looking at buying in San Diego this 2008 2007 and these guys down there I was going down there I was gonna buy the business I'm gonna partner up with this guy because he was gonna give me a big leg up and we were gonna do big things and they were talking about jets private jets it'll make private jets only to find out the guys going bankrupt okay steals nine million bucks from me that's so that's the first time I had ever heard anything about a day I'm proud of yeah okay when I took delivery this year I was like he still busted yeah how much are those jets for people under there a lot can you give us like a ballpark it's on the Internet man it's a lot of money one thing he just said don't want to say to you that is important lesson for me also auntie here Lani knows how much they are Lenny's a pilot I won't tell you one thing that I I think also those you that are achieving we talked about fast earlier and not slowing down when you slow down and when you're successful when you start letting yourself sit around and thinking when you start making all your mistakes when you let off the accelerator in your business it's not just letting off the accelerator in your business you allow all kinds of other distractions and crap den or your life and you're doing stupid things here and another dumb thing there you need to be at full speed man because when you're not at full speed and you slow down there's all this stuff that starts to happen to achievers because most of us can't sit around the rest and we just get occupied and crap that doesn't serve us investments activities endeavors indulgences whatever they are that don't serve you when you let off the accelerator so to keep going fast ya always say success has a pulse that has a pace to it it has a pace to it yep yes man I love that now I gotta ask you guys what's one piece of advice you wish you would have gotten early on in your career mine is this I wish I had known I wish I'd have believed in myself more younger I wish I'd have known what I was capable of younger to Grant's point out had gone bigger sooner I was lucky that I picked a model that worked actually it picked me I was lucky I picked a model that worked for me young and I wish somebody I wish I would have known what I was capable of sooner what this was capable of sooner I've always been a thing I've always been limited and still am to this day but my lack of understanding of what my capacity is and the more I step into the next place like wow that was easier than I thought I could have been bigger than that and so certainly for me my biggest detriment is me getting in my own way with my lack of belief and myself even when you think we're both super self-confident guys now it's still a limitation of our ability to go to the next place it's just me understanding what life is capable of being for me and so for sure that's my deal husband all my life for me yeah probably probably you know just under estimating the ability and the potential of the spiritual being you know me and and and unfortunately because we have so much attention on our physical capacity and limitations five eight you know I've been a little guy my whole life got to feed myself three times a day because I'm hungry I've got a urinate you know sometimes with my buddy I got I got I gotta sleep nine hours a day eight to nine hours a day I'm reminded I'm a body which has been a deception for me because that's not what I'm I'm not limited to just that and so it's been a big trick thinking oh I just got to take care of this I got to close it I got to protect it I got to worry about it the older you get the more you worry about it kids can do almost anything you know kids can jump off a freakin they can jump out of a car roll around on the damn grass and pop up and say yeah that was fun let's do that again you do that to me man I'm like I ain't not hurt right so you can see a kid flying down the mountain at 70 miles an hour man I'm terrified because I'm gonna break something so it's that it's that concern about me as a like something gonna happen to me if I wouldn't have been concerned about myself my god I could have done anything man I would have already done it so so that's how I would just that's been a big limitation what what I was talking about the the capacity and the individual is I don't think I've even like remotely scratched hopefully if I come back if I can come back if you believe anybody believes in that kind of stuff like then I can come back with oh my god man maybe I'm not just five eight 170 pounds you know little tiny little tiny one get some good guns right now okay but maybe I can do more than just the physical limitations that they don't impose on myself looking back on the careers you guys have built and obviously you guys still have a long way to go a legacy to build people to impact what would you say is your best 60 second piece of wisdom to the world so like we talked about all this different stuff there's so many things out there to take away but if somebody watching this right now I really wants to start making a life work they really want to max out they really want to 10x what have you guys found is your best piece of advice to people out there if you'd give it to them in one minute well who would expect good advice in 60 seconds first of all like why have we come down to that like that why are we down to like Instagram delivering the content man goes back - what my advice would be if you're gonna start is that what you're asking me correct like somebody whose best advice in 60 seconds it's not that common so they're complicated well I I'm a big believer that you can't exceed your identity you and I have talked a lot about that in the past and so I think if you don't begin to where there comes from your faith some just follow me let's start that again that's too much they're gonna get us to answer that you know if that means start that again the last question what would be your best piece of advice obviously there's a lot of stuff out there in the world but for somebody to start making their life work I know you had a moment grant yeah where you were you know you had the drugs alcohol but there was a flip switch to change Edie you had a similar moment and get one answer get one mentor solve the problem you're having right now get in one group that gives back stay connected until your life and Bruce handle your 24 inches you can't handle your 24 inches don't don't try to handle your neighbors problems don't criticize me criticize yourself like you know so many people like want to give me advice I'm like did you get handle your own life I my hands for handling mine I'm not handling yours just handling your 24 inches until you got that handled then could be anything could be money could be weight it could be maybe you're cheating maybe you're taking shortcuts you're you don't wake up sooner whatever your problem so everybody's got him handle I still got my 24 inches I worry about my 24 inches every day okay is that even better I handle my 24 that's better even better that's not a dragon fly though that's a huh yeah praying mantis okay that's even better music better three comma Club for sure okay so so so so landed on me to see when he gets close to that doesn't [ __ ] when it lands on you oh shoot these are the one neither one okay so do do do get get get one guy you guys gotta quit every one of you quit listening to two and three and four or five people you creates confusion and confusion means you don't do anything so if you don't you rep you're better off for one piece sadita that's wrong then ten pieces a day to this right do the one thing wrong I know that I've done stuff that's not supposed to work but I believed in it so much if it was like it was like dang that worked okay so don't do drugs don't do alcohol you know don't hang around losers I mean you know family could be losers just cuz you were born with them doesn't mean you're obligated to them right okay I've been a loser there was parts of my family that should not have been around me during nine years of my life from the age of 16 to 25 no one in my family including my mother should have spent time with me I was a risk to her to myself to my friends into society just the way it was you got to give something up now you know make sense how about you doing really good I don't make [ __ ] that makes money I won't keep the promises you make to yourself you start keeping the promises you make you forget about everybody else that's gonna build your self-confidence it's just the foundation of doing anything in your life as you start to keep the promises you make to you that's number one number two you got to begin to work on you your identity you're never gonna exceed your we both said earlier that we're still to this day limited basically by our identity we're limited by what we think we're capable of right we we said that now it was true when we were 18 22 and in our ages now and so you've got to do the things that stretch your identity and your worth whether that be your faith life your spiritual life your personal development self-improvement reading listening all that stuff you expand your identity you'll never exceed your identity okay you're gonna be your habits and rituals so you better get a habit and a routine and rituals that serve you because if you show me what you're gonna do because here's why under pressure you'll always go back to your habit so you've got to have habits rituals and routines that serve you the next thing is this you better think about something huge that you want to do with your life that grips your heart that makes you want to get out of bed every single morning that's massive and it should be right now whatever just occurred to you it's bigger than that it's bigger than that and make it big because it's gonna be the compelling vision of your life it's gonna get you moving okay that's a at least for me a massive significant part of my my life and that is and then lastly is don't listen to people they're gonna tell you that you can't do it don't listen to haters don't listen to naysayers don't listen to people to give you advice that tell you to slow down or you shouldn't do it or you can't do it or the times not right or any of those other things those are dream stealers they were sent to you to see if you'll overcome them they were sent to you to test your resiliency and if you can overcome that if you just discard all of that stuff and you get clear on those other things you've got a really good chance of doing something great with your life and just remember what you were put here to do you're not a mistake you're not here by an accident you were born to do something great with your life you were born to make a difference with your life this is a fact every one of us was put here to do something special and that special thing is to help one another in some way shape or form and if you can just remember that and negotiate the price in advance decide now that your will to win cannot be bought by any failure or any success and now you've got a chance to do something special with your life and once you've made that decision just get ready because here comes all the adversity just get ready here comes all the setbacks all the failures all the rejection it's part of it so just like when it's happening to you you shouldn't be going oh my god that's a sign it's not for me or I should shift or maybe I should you know I can only take so much you're on the guy who should I go into something I'm not cut out for just get ready adversity setbacks rejection certain things you'll reach and they weren't as good as you thought when you'd get there right there's all kinds of stuff that happens when you get there like I didn't think it I thought to be better than this right all of its there it's all part of the journey it's all part of the path just accept that and do something great with your life and stop acting like you don't know stop acting like you can't get it done like your one key away one mentor away one this away you know your away your one belief in one activity away your one new recruit in your business from changing your life your one new client one breakthrough one distinction that you make away from doing something great get totally immersed in it like I talked about earlier with my dad's cancer get totally immersed stay focused in that area don't look at 50 different things and decide that's what you're gonna do with your life and now you got a chance to do something that's powerful now all right so at the end of the interview we always play the game for things first I know it was a hit both with you grant and Elena last time we played it remember this grant I'm gonna I'm gonna rifle off ten words or phrases you tell me the first word or phrase that comes to mind it's just an association type game I remember it alright so first time I play with grant I don't play with you and you guys are gonna play together okay okay alright so the only rules you can't repeat yourself twice got it yeah okay cool so first word money freedom Elena freedom you're peeing yourself - whoa I can't okay yeah she is pretty big thing mmm rejection rejection and it's a Miss it's a one-word somewhat weird rephrase yeah I just miscalculated 10x growth Khan tough real estate the kind of real estate I do indestructible add my let good dude social media gift captain Ryan good really really solid dude your legs like like like somebody I really super admire your legacy my legacy will be the people I helped and last one you ready no I'm so your daughters oh my god you know phenomenal reminder of potential and possibility and you know unbelievable I never seen a almost speechless man that's awesome alright ed you ready yeah max out my life failure inevitable money freedom service I'll give you what my first answer was my duty tough times ooh my my water being turned off Mentors there's my answer did you break the glass yeah important investing careful grant cardone relentless the arte syndicate the what I didn't use art a art a sender yet my legacy and last one ready yeah your story unfolding powerful now it's time for you guys turn the tables on each other so now you guys are gonna play together you guys are gonna rifle off ten words or phrases to each other grant will respond and then ed will respond and that's it so I asked him a word and he responds yeah and then we ran in vice versa yeah any ten words anytime words yeah okay so you rifle it off so just you can count it you can count on your fingers or however you want to count Oh will probably not do will probably missed it that's what I'm but obsession necessary mmm does he ask me or do I ask you know no you do your ten first and then he'll do it okay death impossible peace peace mr. dad work ethic money freedom ivory used it earlier but yeah you're over three on that okay I want to ask them everyone's I really want to ask so your body you know my body uh you know just they're just it's just an engine vehicle just something health important your legacy questionable hmm trust verify integrity vital and personal I think that was ten now using the counter you're trying okay shoot ready man no there we go pressures on a real friend truth honesty everything sales money money okay money freedom sex love it [Laughter] flying private I was gonna say freedom again the baddest-ass thing I've done with money yeah it's a bad assessed thing I've done with money yeah way better in a house really challenges passion yeah heaven what am I at right now not okay okay one more time uh that time illusion uh-huh I like that and one more for and my let next chapter now you guys enjoyed that video be sure to hit that subscribe button right now because every week even is a very best in personal development content interviews and insights help inspire you to take your life in your dreams to make them a reality and also if you don't know how to look between guests same way I have you can check the link below for my top three secrets so if you have a podcast or a show or whatever is you want to collaborate with them if you click that link below I'll give you those top three secrets to help you get in touch with anybody and also don't forget that the passionate view is available on media platforms as well so you can subscribe to the podcast and until next time thank you for being one of the passionate to you [Music] [Music]
Views: 252,800
Rating: 4.9247885 out of 5
Keywords: the passionate few ed mylett grant cardone, ed mylett grant cardone, ed mylett grant cardone debate, ed mylett and. grant cardone debate, the passionate few grant cardone, grant cardone power players ed mylett, the passionate few manny khoshbin, omar elattar interview, omar elattar grant cardone, The Passionate Few Interviews, The Passionate Few, Omar Elattar, ed mylett motivation, life balance, grant cardone, ed mylett, invest in yourself, mentoring, grant cardone podcast, 10x
Id: J5KRMdZxhg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 24sec (7524 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 16 2019
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