Gary Vaynerchuck & Grant Cardone Talk Business, College, Money and Entrepreneurs

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[Music] hey grant call down here welcome to power players you know every week I bring you somebody in power this cat right here you know his name if you don't know his name you need to know as man you probably know his voice gary vay-ner-chuk develops super power I don't want to just get a lesson let me Superboy everybody got super powers okay I've been trying to get this guy together about it I've been wanting to do something with you because I want to collaborate with straight legit entrepreneurs they're not all that not all the self-help guru guys would you agree of course a lot of people sell you know people there's a lot I feel to actual physical viscera I run my thesis is and there's a lot of ways to monetize and by the way I want to set the tone right for you yeah yeah yeah I don't think Raj how anybody wants to want to actually monetize I'm just I just take a lot of pride right in that my end game isn't just monetizing my personal brand I I - yeah I like getting paid a hundred thousand dollars to speak because I like it that's more money than I made when I was thirty like like I love it right Rob but I do have a lot of pride in the fact that I actually build businesses and the fact that my Twitter and YouTube and all my social media propaganda led to me selling lots of bottles of wine yeah it led to me building a 600 person digital social agency on Madison Avenue that has Toyota and GE and Pepsi and johnsoning jobs legit yeah you know Turner like real companies yeah so yeah I like that so this is power players okay and this cat has gotten to power I don't know if you know his story but he came here from vulgarity belarus belarus i don't know if belarus is okay part of an exchange program for Soviet Jews were I don't even really know where Belarus right right better but I want to ask you about your passage in Jewish in the immigrant thing because I believe like if I have a choice I don't think I could say just actually but if I have a choice between the immigrant a u.s. Oh her client I'm hiring in my neck book's title is I've got two books that are still in my head that will come next three one is called crushed it which is following thousands of people that read crush it in 2005 and did it which is the ultimate book one's called perfectly parented it's a parenting book talking about how my parents raised me as an entrepreneur and I'm an immigrant and I'm getting B's and EPS and education is the way out in the 80s and 90s for immigrants but my parents reverse-engineered who I was put me in a position to succeed and I go so much to that and right now we have parents that are so micromanaging their kids and aren't allowing them to be damaged you're doing what makes the parent feel good they want to put a Harvard sticker on their car we're going to learn we finished yet and the third one sorry I know we don't members know doing it I'll most likely the third one is I wish everybody was an immigrant yeah yeah yeah and it talks about how if more entrepreneurs did it like immigrants work ethic save money Baba Baba and win yeah okay sorry look what we're gonna do I get random no no exactly so in people say I interrupt people I'm like dude you got to control it that way there's a certain product I want to get out of this which is you guys out there watching learn how to to get empower this cat's in power okay he can command a big feat he can control his schedule I waited for him for 40 minutes here right that's what happens when you're in power and I want you guys every one of you I genuinely mean this I want you to be in power so let's go back to who Gary Vee was yes as a kid in case people don't know six lemonade stands riding my big wheels around it was DNA from the get that's why I think entrepreneurship is really born I didn't really talking sell people's flowers and you don't think it's possible to grow the entrepreneur I do I think it's possible to grow anything I think that I could be a better singer to in three years I think that I could be a better basketball player do I think I can become beyond saying LeBron even if I started at six years old no I do not yes that's right and so it but but you have a better chance of being a not a master entrepreneur than a master basketball player I don't know I don't know is how I answered that I do think that salesmanship and organizational understanding and reverse engineering and pattern recognition is absolutely a talent and I think grant it's funny you ask me that I think we in the world have accepted music and sports as a pure play talent and I think entrepreneurship is something we think everybody has and I do think everybody can and by the way I think it's phenomenal to go from working at a job and not be on your own rules to making a business that makes eighty-nine thousand dollars a year but you get to be with your wedding yeah there's different levels like not everybody's going to try and buy the New York Jets like me Yeah right like not going to blow that up I do okay I really do it for you do you know what I do and I think this is a porn company Jenna went up your games oh I get it we have we want I don't have a fun time this is good to go to a game on a weekend dude because it's my religion right right so real quick and it's important and this is important grant because I think in the space where people look at us and other people to get inspired I know this is wrapping up how much I'll have two minutes oh we're not giving something to watch the veteran in a world in a world where people need to be more practical meaning not everybody's going to be a millionaire it's just the truth the data is against you but it is phenomenal to live a life where you get to make the rules and you make enough money to live your life okay so so hang on a second please okay so let's go back to who who the DNA thing okay so your kid poor family baseball cards get dragged to I got why why why did you want the baseball cards well you know we because my DNA said sell and like it was more fun for me to make money and sell she okay if it wasn't your DNA telling you that what was it watching my parents behavior alright my dad was working every hour of his life we had nothing all right a sudden we don't live in a studio apartment all of a sudden we live in New Jersey and there's a backyard that seems like a good yeah and so watching my peers you're collecting data you're how old at this point six seven eight so you're collecting day you're like this I I think I like the yard thing better than the uh yeah I mean it's better okay like what it's better but what I liked was the hustle of the game I like the thrill of saying hey kid do you want to buy this lollipop and she's saying no I didn't mean like laughs you like it what you liked it because of the money you I like using a score I like losing you like losing yeah I'm going to three days I like that fake Idol right there I like losing what don't tell me tell me yeah because when you lose it makes you understand what a win feels like yeah you know and you break through when you win it feels the best yeah right it feels the best right I enjoy lose Twila basics being a Jets fan no Super Bowls now that I love and I mean if I love the clock real quick I decline yeah more than the result okay when we come back this Gary Vee Gary Boehner shot Chuck okay master master entrepreneur you know serious social media guy probably talk to at read social media guys in the world right me and this guy own space right now I mean people put our names together so we come back from break we're going to talk about his rise up and how you can have that too all right [Music] okay hey welcome back to our players grant car down here every week I bring you somebody in power and somebody generous enough with their time that it's empowered that can actually share their time this is Gary Vaynerchuk top social media person in the world best-selling author owns Oh what was the funding for your your media company so vaynermedia there was zero funding yeah we my brother agent I over the last six years have grown into a zero to 100 million dollars a year revenue business and we do the strategy the creative alpha at risk yeah I'm a rich guy yeah rich guy I'm not really rich so let me let me call patient yeah let me go back to this thing you said about the eighty nine thousand the entrepreneur yes that works for themselves in makes eighty-nine grand again I gotta say I'm like that you don't want to do that deal for 90 grand you don't because you have enough talent to do more but the guy or gal that makes 47 thousand dollars a year working at Walmart and has to work on Christmas Day because he or she is not in control thinks making eighty nine thousand a year and doing it on their terms is awesome and so that's that and I mean if this is one of the misnomer conversations in this space like making enough that makes you happy yeah yeah and doing stuff that you want to do when you want to do it is my brother in law Justin who I love with all my heart it's been working at Wine Library for last 15 years he's now going to come and do recruiting for vaynermedia because I think he I think it's about putting players in a position to succeed his people skills are gnarly unbelievable he's good at unbelievable yeah and so I'm terrible he is about to live in a world where he's moving from retail to doing recruiting and he's going through this crazy process right now because he doesn't know what it's like to be at home on Saturday with his two kids he's so emotional because he's got to work Saturday because that's the game and he's gonna make more money because he's better at it like it's just it's so obvious to me but the problem is everybody watching right now they want a million they want ten million do that 1 billion I don't think they do but people I talk to don't want enough because they think it's out of reach they think somebody told us do you have that here's what I think is happening uh I think they don't they deep down no they can't make a billion or a hundred million and so they shut down completely I think if you go about in a different way and say look this is about making a hundred fifty thousand on your terms versus forty nine thousand or not your terms that's like wait a minute that I can do people are very very realistic in their deepest secrets when they're close by and thinking to themselves and no matter how much we tell them go get it go do it if they know because they're 38 and blib 38 years that they're not going to build a million dollar company then they're not going to go and do it yeah or or is the advice they've been given possibly incorrect well there's a whole nother genre that yet that we can talk about which is your parents suck yeah and told you that you're not good yes and that you can't do it or your neighborhood is and told you nobody gets out of this neighborhood or losing players you told some of that stuff no which is why I'm the winner my mom said that you're unstoppable I come home with an F and she'd punished me to make sure I knew that there was checks and balances in life but she never said that that was a preach that was a proxy to me being successful and more importantly I got weird because of my DNA that when people did tell me I sucked it made me want to win more or their brothers and sisters yes young I have a younger sister three and a half years younger and my brother AJ elevators and are they any they as successful as you are my brothers my partner in vaynermedia okay my duty as successful Jeana no you're the alpha dog yes but oh so so so same family yes same rules yep same messaging na DN a know why I'm pounding this not everybody's born right make 10 million dollars a year but okay the only people knew yes hey man I you they you need to make more money I mean where's money at in your hierarchy oven parts extremely low okay legacy like I would tell you that if you came and audited my last 20 years of my career you'd be grossly disappointed because I've left an enormous amounts of money as a matter of fact my one true vulnerability my true kryptonite yeah is being 80 years old sitting around and getting bitter that I left a lot on the table because I'm always hedging for the future I'm leveraging I'm here to bring you and to thank them value do I want to sell look absolutely do I make any money not because I was telling my wife this morning said we sell 500 books today she makes 500 at 10,000 he makes 15% of that right as that the deal I'm like are you very making money on the books I make my money because what I wrote about this book is right yeah and in four years yet when I'm right yeah I get paid a hundred thousand dollars to do a speech because I've been right for ten years about Facebook Twitter Boober and now people want to now people like he's entertaining and he's right right right right so I'm playing for legacy more than anything I already know how does the guy though this paying his bills he's got two kids he's married he promised her a bunch how does he play the legacy game out and the financial game because we live on an economic by playing the pipe laying the financial game first yes thank you you can't worry about I'm glad you're trying to turn around you know you can't you can't be all time if you didn't have results you you can't just say you're one of the great I can't say I'm one of the greatest bat mitten players of all time if I didn't do it yes sir she have to do it yeah um but the way he or she does that is by putting themselves in the best position to succeed I met a kid last night this is one from 0 to 5 million dollars in sales in two minutes all Instagram all the I spewed I saved his life he's gone the best I'm 27 Gary I'm high energy I'm just like you and by the time I'm 30 I'm gonna be a billionaire I stopped them I said why are you even doing that first of all you're probably not cuz you're 27 you got 5 million I don't see anything that gets you to a billion in your behavior right now number two and pulled off the unbelievable thing and you're downplaying your success because you're telling smart people like me you're going to hit a billion in 30 and the three years I'm going to see you and you're not going to get a billion and you put set yourself for a loss and most of all and it's why I'm telling the story if you truly are convincing yourself that you're going to hit a billion by the time you're 30 and you're at five million from zero twenty seven and you're not going to pull it off all your behavior for the next 36 months is going to be predicated on short-term behavior not long-term behavior and the best way to make real money wealth not being rich is to do things for the long-term because his life continues at 31 sure sure how old are you 57 I'm 40 people look at you you act with your 21 yeah I guess I look at your like 17 material no I'm saying that I'm saying when you're a life you're sucking life yeah fever awesome - Miami Dolphins my business good right it's fun to be down her tough right he's 75 we went to Super Bowls weekend Saturday for sure we go to a business meeting a lot of big cools to get uh we get back to the hotel crew t only two people having drinks from midnight to 1:30 in the morning me my brother and Steve Ross guy 75 and grinding and hustling you got time yeah yeah but but the grind in the hustle because I hear you talk about cause so a lot 24 I hear guys running around hustling I ever did it's why I do daily be I wanted to show all of you you're not working as hard as me nobody is and and just because you're hustling if you're hustling and in the cash register ringing would you would you know them cuz you don't mean they're poorly hustling exactly now that being said sometimes you need a few minutes don't with like you know this only have to go individual that's why these things are great but then you got to really get them in and by the way we're doing we're going to do it we're going to do a thing a private yes what do you call it a private stream we're gonna do a private stream for everybody likes anybody about 25 books or more you email him Gary at Gary Vaynerchuk help Gary at vaynermedia dr. Gary at vaynermedia man why you complicated I'm complicated okay now you complicated that's why you're doing well stay with us is power players Grant Cardone with Gary Vaynerchuk [Music] how much fun you got on you we all right now you do this is dead right there you have how much I got more than you oh of course you do I have $100 this is dead this is all dead again it is this is bad about one thing yeah I get it I get it it's all book it's all garbage the whole client game is garbage would you borrow money would you borrow money why borrow money now because you're making interest on it huh money is great it's a problem in a single game right which is it's the same thing around to the lottery it's the same thing with all these things it's it's tough for us I'm sure you deal with it I struggle with giving advice because I need more context if you're idiot you shouldn't borrow money because you're gonna go way worse you know like like like oh what's the difference you're going to be broke either way you're an idiot why not borrow the money so so look it depends on how you borrow money yeah let me give you a real good idiot play student loans that's the most video yes because that you can't get out of that's one of my questions okay go ahead college college hate it how you did right are entrepreneurs yeah if you need much money when you make this year I will make what do you go back taxes on what number will a tax probably 17 yeah okay 17 million right you can make 17 is your best year gonna be your best year yes so so any telling you don't go to college did you finish yes but I went to mount ina college yeah what's the magnet that users this is how you give miss howdy but is how I got to Mount Ida college I got a postcard in the mail in March of my senior year of high school and my mom finally woke up and realized I act like she didn't know the process she was an immigrant and she's like you're going to college and I'm like no mom I didn't I like didn't apply for anything she's like you're going to college I'm like crap alright and then a postcard came yeah I filled it out and that's how was about out of college yeah would you study there Oh mad in 94 tell us the story tell us the story about pulling flowers and refilling yes this is who I am this is my DNA the first business I ever had in my life I would go around the neighborhood I would pull people's flowers out of their yards I'd ring their doorbell and sell it back to them do this you know it's not super it's not super breath but this is why my dad has such a big impact in my life when I turned 14 and got in my dad's business the first thing he taught me was that and it saved my ass what word is bond Oh Lord is bond or does bond and that's it and it saves me because when you have this much level of charisma what I got to do with bone of Locksley okay it basically elevated into ethics okay you know like that it's a mission field and I look look I'm not confused at some of the things I'm spewing here are you not exactly aligned with you or everybody else it's what feels right to me just like you do what is right - yeah we all say what we say and so but when my dad did for me when you have as much salesmanship and charisma and story capabilities as I do this is just the truth yeah you could manipulate I can make anything happen I can fundamentally make almost any human do anything I mean it's dead serious maybe do something right now I'll make it I'll make him do something without you knowing and then I'll tell you the story about it okay I like looking good son so you're not gonna like this give it a lot okay and so so what's interesting about that is that's dangerous yeah yeah it will hit look at that I called Santa's bad correct and I don't have bad intent so I was going to be okay well my dad did was speed up what I would have learned by becoming a wiser man and so on a younger age I became more straight and arrow and less full of and that helped me so much you grew up right you grew up and down okay now I got somebody wants to ask you a couple questions can you say that Robert the questions yeah and while we're waiting opportu do that what would you do different today if you were starting over right now I'd hang out with friends and hook up with more chicks when I started I punted my 20s I worked every hour oh yeah I didn't go out I know you would play more I would play a little bit more only because and I don't know if people understand it though daily be my video shows finally made people understand this I worked every hour of my 20s all of them yeah I did all of them why why would you do that different actually work well I wouldn't work I wouldn't like good enough and I would have a minute huh I'm going bigger um what should the truth is you're asking me what I would do over right yeah yeah um number what would you do different that's right if I had to do it over its I wouldn't do anything different yeah I'm a I'm the happiest human I've ever been right this sec sitting with you right now like every day that goes by where everybody's healthy and I'm doing my thing happier happier but dude I really didn't like I don't know how serious you're being like no no I didn't do anything like nothing Oh am I like my high school friends aren't my closest friends because I laughs I don't know weren't at school my college friends are my like they send me a list of always a god every week I get a somebody that died at the high school I'm like sure taking out the list I don't care yeah these are not my friends anymore do you think people need to change their friends throughout their lifetime not a bit of good friends I mean I wish I was hanging out with Garrett man pleadin T Adam Blum and German okawa I just punted by 20s I just punted them I just worked at me I mean I worked every minute like and by the way um you know regret um no I'm ridiculously successful now with snapchat stories and daily be I know that you I can tell by your body language you guys see how hard I'm working now think about what I was doing when I didn't have it who works hard to me or you me how do you know that you just can't be working 18 hours day every day the way I am I just don't think you are I just believe it in my heart you don't really know anything about me you're right okay that's how our biggest mistake you've ever made biggest mistake you've ever made um passing on ubers angel round okay because that's $50,000 of beer or 400 million hmm and that hurts that and and by the way go look at crush it right now the only person I acknowledge besides my family two and a half years before was created was the CEO and founder Boober so you you wrote about something and then didn't follow why you're like no no no not true I thanked Travis Kelce who's my buddy and one of my best friends away out and parties with me friend it's always gonna be no first and then it's gonna be well I love saying yes my god I love it anyway I just passed on one of my best friends businesses because I was being conservative taught me a good lesson I just bought a new apartment and liquidated heavy I was doing my own poll tax money and investing and I didn't think he was going to do it they'd hire somebody else to do it so there was a series of things that led to it talk to me about the question you hate most in an interview you do a lot enemy or there's a lot of things I hate I hate the question of Gary what's the one question nobody asks you that you wish they'd ask I don't even know what's how to answer that yeah the thing I hate the most is going to save me some time is I get 10 emails a day center titled Gary you read this email it will help you buy the New York Jets that's oh that's an instant Eliminator you know I think that how long ago you know I don't know I delete it right now excuse me um you know that I hate that title so I got two questions yeah okay so if they're gonna play around okay then we'll insert it good hey Gary my girls want to ask you something whoa I'll have to check with them and ask okay and Sabrina Wow awesome questions guys thank you I'll find out from Gary and I'll get it back to you okay and why did you come down daddy's uh there any questions first of all big statement yeah thank God the girls look like your wife yeah second well they're not much it oh god is that right yeah all right okay I don't know second it I gotta prove I get it second of all second of all do I ever do I have a candy store no my two kids six and three adore feelings candy bar which is not too far from my farm in New York City so there's that why did I come here I came here because of a couple things number one tenacity you like you you wanted this to happen I appreciate hustle I love hustle and I can feel it and I could taste it and I like it too audience crossover enough people in my streams are like would love to see you guys together they want to see what happen so that's fun three anybody who cares about empowering other people to be entrepreneurs in 2016 though clearly I may not agree with every one of the things they believe in and they may not agree with everything that I believe in I love to interact and engage with those individuals because it is it is the most interesting thing in our society we live in a country I was born in the communist country right before I get into politics everybody says Obama's a socialist you're a idiot go live in the Soviet Union for a year and understand what cap what communism and socialism really is now it may not be the way of capitalism that you want it or your grandpappy grew up with it but it is not socialism and it's not even close number one number two everybody has meant that the different or what and at bat yeah the difference between LeBron and Beyonce in the story I said in the first segment is there are gatekeepers that decide if you could become LeBron and Beyonce you have to go in AAU basketball you have to go to college the NBA scouts have to know who you are you are not some random dude in Iowa who's just great at basketball and then you can go to the NBA entrepreneurship is somebody watching right now who's never made the leap who has the talent they don't need Harvard Business School they don't need you and I they need nothing yes if you're good enough the market will accept you and that fact that we can all have in that back to do that is special and you don't have that and that's why American Idol worked people got at bat it wasn't Clyde Davis and that's what entrepreneur your members and inner filters in the odds and whether they go by the motivator people saying you're it you've got to do it this way or if I'm saying is you got to do it that way or Cubans says it's that way or Farish says it's that whatever it is as long as they keep hearing a lot of different things and make their own recipe that's what I'm hoping to do what would you do differently if you were me and so one thing you're doing I'm asking for it but I won't be what should I be doing well I will give you an idea two things one first and foremost this is super important to context I don't have time to even keep up with my own world so I have not bought it'ld enough to really know I've asked everybody I love one but there you go there is my intuition yeah yeah so it came outside yeah yeah when something is working and clearly things are working for you right now what I've noticed for a lot of people over the last decade is when something's working from a monetization standpoint you start losing your balance of jabbing and right hooking I think in a world where you're monetizing audience coming in to things they pay for that you have to find it and that's why you're doing this and I think the more like this hmm where you can provide upfront value with no clear path to transaction finding that balance is a challenge for everybody right and most of all when it's going well so I don't have a good read on how much free content yeah we do about 80% 80% am so so you know so then I would say 82% yeah yeah because because I mean that grant cuz because of what I do know is that people have a much longer life cycle when they disproportion anything value right when you were guilty yeah yeah and that's the word yo-yo thing the people into buying $1000 program or $20.00 book because you've given them more value you've given them a thousand and one dollars up front yayan so I want to remind you guys we're going to do a stream yeah collaborating stream yes okay for everybody that buys 50 books ask Gary and grant 25 but I appreciate it I'll take that 25 will give you double time if you do the 50 I love it okay I love it and we'll give you a shout out and you'll be the first person in that conference you're going to be a private stream private stream before the end of March before the end of March 20 miles or more me and him are also going to do an event down here in Miami I'm going to go ahead and commit into that right now it's looking really good okay no really this is a 100% effort and I just got to make sure my Dallas in particular forget figured out and who's the real Gary big the real Gary bling like like the real Gary Vee the real Gary danger wants every single person that he ever in their access to come to his funeral and he wants to give everybody he interacts with 51 percent of the value of the relationship because the real Gary Vee knows exactly what to do with the other 49 got it and that is why I'm different and I know it and I know that who are shorter marry me what's our deal CA I do what the VA a is one of the Italian jerseys in the world and they right now represent all my speaking which is quite lucrative for me huh they always pitch me TV shows when shark tank what was taking a hard look at me that goes through them right but I don't want to do TV so they don't they're mad about that yeah look they make plenty of money on my happy seven figures speaking career and that's really it that's for when you're telling me about what the startup I don't even know why that would go through them or how it did yeah yeah I don't know why either georgikos' people the old testement Oh fact that's my speaking agents I don't know like you know he probably looking through back to bat yes but he does but he would be thick ok ok give me give me one we're supposed to me give me your one word one word fragile first are ok I'll give you a word you tell me what does Joe job um I thought Steve Jobs weirdly enough think about branding yet pretty good yeah right job I think it's a necessity for a lot of people it's one word answer necessity ok work love it money solid success need it failure interested in it vacation love it hustle the best competition I want to bash them in the face you don't want to compete I I wanna crush I want to live for competition when you ask me who works harder this is honest truth yeah the testosterone and other chemicals in my body when you ask me go so high it's crazy right I basically want to outwork if I you know what my mission is is a secret small ocean the reason daily be is being done is I want everybody to I basically want to outwork everybody so substantially that people even stop debating if they're even in my solar solar Bourget toe and that should be everyone's measurement right there I'm gonna miss my flight hang on hang on yeah anyone are you good go ahead let's go back you passed a book deal uh one-word answers yet underpriced interviews love them speaking gigs my hi I love being on stage a steer a good value power player right here Gary B I want you to be in that chair one day okay every week I bring you somebody generous enough and somebody that's actually done it okay Gary thanks for being here [Music] [Music]
Channel: Grant Cardone
Views: 652,466
Rating: 4.7859163 out of 5
Keywords: grant cardone, business, advertising, the daily vee, gary vaynerchuk, the 10x rule, entrepreneurship, the hustle, the grind, how to build a business, how to make money, how to get what you want, motivation, inspiration, financial freedom, gary vaynerchuk hustle, make money doing what you love, starting a small business, starting a business with no money, start a vlog, how to start a successful, how to start, askgaryvee, tips for success, make your dreams a reality, social media
Id: Nkb-5eSezO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 18sec (1818 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2017
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