How to Make $1,000 a Day with Grant Cardone

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let's talk about financial freedom your financial freedom and how much different your life would be if you had all the money you need the income the savings money tucked away maybe a second or third flow that's what I want to share with you today how to create financial freedom that won't stop is indestructible it's based on you not having to go back and spend more money going to college or spend three or four years going to get a degree I want to show you today how you yes you regardless of where you are in life today can have total financial freedom so appreciate you joining me today I have done this for myself I know if you're anything like me maybe you're 17 years old maybe you're 15 or 12 years old maybe you're 25 years old maybe you're 45 years old look I've gone through every one of those right I had no money when I was 12 depending on my parents 15 years old I had even less money but now I started thinking hey I should I should I should be able to get a job now got a job at McDonald's that I hated got a second job that I hated got a third job that I hate it was fired from all of them by the time I was 18 and I didn't know where I was gonna go so what did I do I finished high school went to college bored money to go to college because my mom said it was gonna make everything better it didn't not to blame college but it didn't make everything better for me and so what I ended up doing and by the time I'm 23 years old I have less money than when I was 12 years old my situation is getting worse not better so look I've been where you've been in debt no job no future no credentials no connections I have been there if I look back just just a few years ago I'm scared every day worried I know I have some potential I'm like I know I could do something big here but I can't seem to put together any consist Cinci I'm lacking discipline I'm getting pulled away by my friends and my family I have an idea a bunch of them by the way I just can't get them to make any money in fact the first time I started my own business was when I was 29 years old actually 30 years old I was 30 years old just finished working for this guy was working everyday Leary almost 300 days of the year I was traveling on the road making this dude rich I was exhausted I was filling this thing they talked about this burnout thing I was feeling exhausted burnout angry upset with everybody hated hated him hated the customers hated my job hated all the time I was spending on the road when just a year before that I thought oh this is a dream job I'm gonna get to travel I'll get to see the world I'm gonna make a little money and I was burnt up and so I left that job started my own business because I had this idea of a business I'm like I can run a business better than this guy can started my own business and I made less money at this new job my business made less money a third of the money spent a third more time at the job and trust me I was 300% more scared so look I've been where you been I'm sure you have a lot of potential maybe it's just not you know you're fine you're out there shooting you're pulling the trigger and it's just not adding up I want to show you how to create financial wealth wherever you are whether you're a waitress a plumber a contractor you do hard labor you do service work you're in sales and not in sales you like sales or don't like sales I'm gonna show you how to create financial freedom that is indestructible and and just so you know I have done this myself I will never tell anybody how to do something that I haven't done myself I can't teach you how to skate I'm a decent shooter but I really I couldn't teach you how to be a professional shooter I'm not a boxer so I won't teach you how to box I'm not a singer so I'm not gonna teach you how to sing but I went in 25 years old having nothing $40,000 in debt I had all the good stuff college education they said that was gonna help me couldn't land a job even though I had a college education and I have come from being in debt and without work to today being worth more money than I could possibly ever spin in my life top I have five companies today all started from scratch all started from ideas and when I figured out when I figured out how to codify how to put a B and C in the right order and literally take a business take an idea put it together avoid the mistakes cash flow start a second business cash flow that one get enough cash flow coming from the first to business that I can actually start investing in real estate was my third business okay when I started thinking different than my mommy and my daddy and the schools and other people all the broke people and the skeptics you ever noticed that about skeptics I'm sure somebody's watching right now saying oh the only one that's gonna get rich is car down dude I already got rich I want to help other people what you're doing right now is not getting you where you want the skeptic will always be broke you ever noticed that about him that's not gonna work that won't work that doesn't work no he's always broke okay so there's a skeptic that is given up there's the hopeful that tries everything I'm gonna try another thing but there's something that that's missing for you as well and and I would say to you you know the old saying about the open mind you have to have an open mind open mind is like a parachute look it can get too open too if that parachute opens too much you're gonna crash and hit hit hit the ground so listen to what I'm gonna tell you today because regardless of where you are I have been there I had a drug problem when I was 25 I was broke my mom told me not to come visit her anymore leave me alone my dad died when I was 10 my older brother had died just just five years before this so I didn't have my older brother to mentor me my twin brother had pretty much said did leave me alone my sisters were calling me the black sheep okay I have dedicated from the age of 25 to 45 I dedicated my life to doing one thing I'm gonna get my damn money right I'm gonna get my money right I'm gonna get rich I'm gonna turn my life around I'm gonna build businesses that make money that's what I did from the age of 25 to 45 and it was really to prove to my mom my dad that was dead my older brother that had died early I'm like imma prove to these guys that I could be somebody I'm gonna prove to my sisters that I'm not the black sheep then I'm a winner and I'm approved to my twin brother that I can do great things and even my principal in high school said you told my mom your son could not win doggcatcher okay I had friends friends that wouldn't hang out with me I had my mom would tell my friends mother have your son stay away from Grant because he's trouble that's where I was so from 25 if you get sick sick and tired of that look for long enough you'll make a change from 25 to 45 I turned my life around and I dedicated my life to one thing I was not dedicated to helping people between 25 and 35 45 I wanted to help people but I knew I had to help myself I needed to get my financial life in order my business in order my discipline in I need to get my integrity handled I needed to get my my understanding of business together and while I did that the second thing I did was I did help other people while I was doing that but here today at the age I'm at today I have done that okay for the last eight or nine years now we have dedicated we've built a business around one thing helping other people the valuable final product of my company today is not the profits we make it is how many people can we help with my information you'll see all this information we have all these programs that I've created for sales people for organizations I've worked for companies as big as fortune 100 companies and make billions of dollars and they're interested in making billions more they'll hire me to say hey grant can you come in show us look where can we pick up another three or four hundred million bucks this quarter in a billion dollars a year I'm working with a company right now they're doing five billion dollars a year we were sending him a proposal right now how to take him from five billion to seven billion dollars those are the companies that pay my company to expand and grow okay we want to help I want to help my legacy will not be the money I made or the success I had it will be how many people can I help that were like me when I was 25 so where I want to start with your day on financial freedom is I want to start I'm gonna bring in my magic whiteboard I want to start if I have your full attention I want I want to talk to you about how do you create how do you create real financial freedom oh by the way I just left the gym I was working out with my wife at Co zone right here in Miami we were doing a boxing workout she's trying to get me in the gym working out and and I realized this morning me and my muscles aren't there my legs aren't there and my ankles my feet and dudes showing me how to jab and hook I don't know anything I don't know the language I don't know the moves I don't even know what he's saying to him he's like left hand left hand I'm using my right he's like no the other left right so the point of that is when you're starting something new everything is gonna everything you're gonna feel a little awkward so don't worry about feeling awkward today if you find the right person to mentor you and I'm gonna mentor I'm gonna take about 500 people in this program and mentor them to financial freedom okay I hope you're part of this experiment but I I hear so many people say you know you got to go to college to ever do any of this stuff I know that time not to be true most of the success I have today has nothing to do with the five years I spent in college or the hundred and forty thousand dollars that I borrowed to go there so first thing is we're going to talk about financial freedom okay financial freedom and and where do you start because that's a really that's a really big thing there I want financial freedom that's what I was saying when I was 25 I want financial freedom okay and then everybody's like you you just need to pay the bills son literally at 25 years old my rent was 275 dollars a month and most months I had to tell mr. Whitman that was my landlord that I was gonna be late again so when you when you go from struggling with money to like I want to talk to you about financial freedom it's like I just need to pay my bills I got a $300 Camry payment or a Honda Accord payment or a Kia payment right a Ford truck payment I need to make that payment but you need to keep this in sight can I create financial freedom and what would that look like now I had a sales job when I was 25 years old that I hate it so I'm gonna bring you back to this in a second I had a sales job I hated this sales job now the one thing I did like about the sales job is the sales job had a lot of upside the problem was I hated it I hated sales I'm not sure why I hated it I got some ideas today why I hated it okay but but this was the goal this was the target and I spent a lot of time talking about what I didn't like and I see a lot of people doing this so if you're taking notes this is a really important thing to do what you hate might be your gate it might be the gateway this might be the indicator of what you need to do I'll tell you in my life the things that I have hated the most I found other people also hated them I don't know why they hated them but they did hate them I know a lot of people that hate the idea of financial freedom that's that skeptic I talked about earlier that's always broke always broke financially broken spiritually broken and hope broken physically even looks kind of broken you could see they look they look a little they look a little ashy gray like they gave up okay just like a piece of wood wood after a fire he gave up it's ashed out right so financial freedom was my target I got in this sales job because it's the only job I can get hated the job and in a man told me a guy named Ray told me he's like do you you need to spend less time hating and more time making I said what do you mean he's like you hate your job you don't have any money he's like this job's got a lot of upside you can make as much money as you want to make here it depends on how you treat people how you handle people how you show up every day what kind of attitude you have grant how much you know about the job do he's like by the way how much do you know about sale I'm like III don't really I don't really know anything about sales except that I don't like it okay he's like do you know that sales means revenue the original word people used to call this revenue this is the top line he said this is the top line of a business grant I said right man I went to college to learn that and I didn't learn that there I got an accounting degree and I didn't know the revenue was sales I don't hate revenue I want to be rich he's that good man well a sales job might be the thing to get you rich but look do you really want to be rich today or do you want financial freedom okay what do you want and do you know do you want to be rich this is what people say I want to be rich okay I want to be wealthy this is the kind of stuff you I want to make a lot of money I just want enough this is probably the thing I don't need all that I don't need oh that which one of these people are you what else do I have Jarrod what else do you think I've got in here I want to get rich I want to be wealthy I need a lot of money just I want to be a millionaire whatever that means doesn't really mean anything okay these are the things people talk about what I wanted was I wanted financial freedom okay and when I took a look at financial freedom what does it mean my father worked really hard my father actually we didn't know this but my father right before he died actually was probably rich but nobody knew it because all the money was in the house this was the old ideas about wealth buy a house you'll save money if you lived there long enough put your money in a Keo put your money in life insurance my dad died when my dad died he gave the the life insurance company a week later gave my mother a big check boom we had some dough okay check miss Cardone here's your money we don't need never even told us how much it was she didn't want anybody to know how much was I still don't know today 4050 years later okay she took the money we weren't rich anymore Wow this is what you need to understand my dad died he was on his way to getting rich he died mama gets a life insurance check we went into poverty mode immediately we went immediately into poverty into scarcity into protection into conservation there was none of this talk here none of this talk was going on like I want to get rich I want to get wealthy I want financial freedom it went into scarcity and protection right here why what happened when you go back and look at this what happened was the income had stopped income had been killed off okay so when I went back at 25 26 years old and started looking at what how did how am I gonna create financial freedom how am I gonna create enough affluence what is it I want is it rich wealthy lot of money I just want enough I knew I didn't want this it had never worked for me I grew up with just enough okay my mom said all the time hey all you need to have is just enough if you have just enough everything's going to be fine we have more than other people I don't need all that this is what my mom said all the time I don't need all that we don't need a lot of money the day my dad died a week later she got a check and a week after that she sold the house she needed a house to get the cash my dad was rich and then he died and then we weren't rich anymore why because there was no money coming in now I'm giving you a very very important lesson right now it's very very basic it's simple you do not need to go to college for this lesson you got to get rid of this I just need enough you got to get rid of this I don't want all that if you don't want all that okay it's cuz you've given up on all that just start changing it to not I don't want all that to change it to I quit on all that okay this thing right here this millionaire thing nobody even knows what it means I wrote a book called the millionaire booklet nobody even knows what the millionaire nobody has a real description how much money is that how long will it last you how are you gonna get it I'm gonna show you all this but where I want to bring you today is this I want to bring you to this financial freedom what does that mean freedom man I don't want money to buy stuff I want a plane today owner owned the place ten million dollar plane cost a couple million dollars to operate the plane I don't want the plane to show off I want the plane to give me and my family freedom so I can enjoy more time with my kids while they're little so I can show my kids the world not just another another good school okay I would rather my kids have the education of being with me every day that's financial freedom the ability bill to move wherever I want when I want financial freedom but me and my wife can go where we want when we want and stay as long as we want that's financial freedom then I can get rid of somebody in my office or not take a client that I don't want that is financial freedom right that is rich that is wealthy and that's when you got a lot of money hard to talk about a lot of money when you broke them nobody wants to do okay so where we gonna start where are we gonna start this is where we need to start the goal the goal needs to be financial freedom okay so we're looking for the top of the food chain right here I'm looking for the top of the food chain the goal is financial freedom okay but then we need to work in increments in this first part of this program I want to talk to you about how to make a thousand bucks a day and I'm gonna tell you why the thousand dollars a day is important when I was 25 26 years old having a hard time didn't have any money having trouble making my payments I'm like I need to think in little numbers okay I had this thing I'm I'm a big thinker I'm a big thing oh my god you know I'm gonna be somebody one day I've been saying that for nine years I needed to come down to Planet Earth and deal with real things so I needed to get my big dreams the big goals down to something I could do see I see a lot of people talking about the big ideas and never getting this done what always helps me is can I reduce this to something I can live with and actually a cheat so I started saying hey how could I make a thousand bucks a day at that time I was making about 60 grand a month by 60 grand a year I make it 60 grand a year by the way everybody around me was making 60 grand a year so I was nobody special so mr. special boy I was the only one who had a college education making the same amount of money there's five other people around me that did not have a college education I was the only one that owed the federal government money for my college education none of them did okay and they were making the same amount of money I was making I'm like I should be able to make more money than these guys what's wrong they didn't have big goals I did okay two of them were skeptics the other Ford giving up and I'm the only one sitting there saying dude I want financial freedom I want this thing my dad didn't quite get so I need to think of little numbers I need to think in numbers that I can achieve something like a newspaper I remember being a newspaper delivery guy and I take the newspaper I knew man how many newspapers I had I knew how many I had to get out to get paid I started mowing lawns oh I gotta mow this many loans I get this much money in somewhere somewhere through high school in college I forgot about simple money is simple you have it I want it I gotta make contact with okay but you're not gonna keep going out and talking to people if financial freedoms not your target because it's too hard going out and talking to people rejection being turned down okay long days long nights no rewards it's too hard right so I needed to get down to something simple so I want to bring you to this first concept of a thousand bucks a day thousand bucks a day there's three hundred sixty-five thousand dollars a year a lot of money right there okay you show me three hundred sixty five grand right now I'm like but show me how to make that money right now where I'm at today this number would interest me by the way this would put you in the top 1% of earners in the world very exclusive group of people okay let me tell you this it's an exclusive group of people and it's easy to get into so I'm gonna give you a couple steps that you need to take to do this this thousand bucks today would change most people's life okay let me show you what happens with the 365 365 depending on what state you live in depending on what state you live in okay you're gonna walk away with about one hundred and forty thousand dollars at the end of the year so this is not a lot of money by the way and this is not financial freedom so anybody that thinks oh man dude 365 this is impossible okay that's impossible that's never gonna happen okay look this isn't even a lot of money you're gonna pay about two hundred and twenty five thousand dollars in taxes if you live in New York California or Illinois the rest of the states you're gonna probably end up with about 180 that's why I live in Florida okay because all my decisions on my business is how do I create financial freedom every business that out the real estate or consulting company are servicing big global companies that do sales where we consult with their sales organizations every company we own we were focused on our Global Initiative program and platforms where we're gonna partner with people around the world just to create financial freedom for me and my wife and my household I talk to my wife all the time talk to her this morning coming back from the box in baby financial freedom okay you know what that means that means you have to know how this business works so when I leave this thing can keep pushing and promoting and you know creating and generating she's like we don't have enough already not if we want to keep giving money away after I'm dead okay wouldn't you like your charity your favorite charity to get money from your estate every month for 50 years a hundred years two hundred years after you die that my friends would be financial freedom okay so we're gonna we're gonna boil this down from big goals down to increments a thousand bucks a day let's talk about this thousand bucks today and how do I get to it you already have a job you got a job right now unless you're a student you don't have a job yet this is bad this is what I would be looking for if I'm a student getting out of college so the only person who doesn't have some of this already done is the student your students making nothing he could be though cuz I know students that make money I know 14-year olds that made more money than 50 year olds because they're learning how to use the net to do the to play the game today so this is your target right see I didn't have a target in them in the in the beginning remember that sales job that I hated I had a goal and the goal was always given to me by the manager manager said your goal is but you know somebody giving you goals ain't gonna get you financial freedom cuz the guy that's giving you the goal doesn't have financial freedom so how could he possibly give you a goal that get would get you financial freedom I'm not giving you this $1,000 target today I'm just telling you it's a doable deal okay so I'm gonna show you why it's so doable okay 24 hours in a day you're like I don't work 24 hours a day yeah but you could we have the technology today they could keep you up or give you give the world the impression that you are up 24 hours a day what is 24 into this number is this 50 bucks or something I need to make fifty bucks an hour okay now watch how simple I make this it's 1,200 bucks I'm over okay it's 40 dollars an hour 40 bucks an hour that's 960 okay so check this out okay forty bucks an hour how many people do you know that make forty dollars an hour right now the average American that makes fifty eight grand a year all I'm trying to do right now is I'm trying to show you this is a possible deal see what I need to do with every goal big giant super monster goal in my life I need to be able to shrink it down to something that I can put my hands around and that's why you see doing so much I do a lot why because things are simple for me they're never complicated finances are not complicated getting rich is not complicated creating wealth is not complicated financial freedom is not listen to me if it's complicated you're gonna lose your money if it's simple hey move move the eraser over to the board anybody can do this and by the way you need to do things that anybody can do Walmart did this Starbucks did this Amazon is doing this right uber is doing this it is always simple 58 grand a year divided about 52 weeks 11 what divided by 52 weeks divided by 40 hours divided by 40 the average American makes 27 dollars the average American by the way I know you all always hear about minimum wage 10 bucks 12 bucks the average American if they work 40 hours a week they don't the average American works thirty two point six hours a week not party that number would actually go up to about 40 bucks an hour the average American without a degree by the way half these people don't have degrees make 27 bucks an hour okay I need to get to 40 to make 365 so I need to get a little bump in my hourly and I need to work 24 hours a day or or the other thing you could do is say no I'm not gonna work 24 hours a day I'm gonna work 14 or 15 hours today or 12 hours a day or eight hours a day and I got to get my number up see I think this is easier just do the math I talked about this in the millionaire booklet do the simple math you want to make a million dollars do the math you want to make 360 thousand dollars do the math by the way both of these you're gonna do anyway you're gonna do both of these anyway no matter what unless you die this afternoon you're gonna make a million dollars in your career you're going to make 365 in your career you're probably going to make ten million dollars in your career many of you cuz you're winners you're gonna make ten million dollars the problem is it took too long to get there time you need to figure out how do i crunch the time up and get it done faster that's why I like this 24 hour plan now if I take and say I'm only gonna get twelve hours of results you have to double the number okay what am I talking about right now what's the goal right now this is the goal 365 365 is what keep it simple 1,000 bucks a day is there a thousand dollars on this planet is there an extra thousand dollars on this plant will one thousand dollars because I'm gonna keep it simple I'm gonna keep asking myself is this an achievable target you're gonna have to keep doing this by the way you're neat people around you saying do financial freedom is real not the naysayer not the skeptic not Mama saying hey enough is enough you don't need all that you need people around you saying no no this is a worthy target what is this a worthy target to get to I think it is okay is a thousand dollars a day a worthy Iza bollocks essa buil target yes it is you're gonna have to keep reminding yourself of this all the time can I make fifty how much was it an hour in it fifty bucks an hour no it's 40 bucks an hour can I make 40 bucks an hour can I work 24 hours a day can I be paid when I'm sleeping I do all that didn't go to college though Lynette didn't talk about it in high school okay never read a book on it but I literally built businesses because I was worried about dying I'm like you're gonna die son your dad did the older brother died the moment they died they quit producing income the moment the second both of them got checks for dying I'm like I don't want to check for Don I want to check for living don't you want to check for living don't you want to no matter what even if he didn't show up today you got paid whether you slept in or didn't sleep in whether you got up early or stayed late that you got paid okay you're sick or you're not you're gonna need the money all right so look what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna mentor you I'm gonna be that tough coach that's on you with you every day say no no no no we're not going for a paycheck we're going for a financial freedom okay we're not going for just enough we're going for financial freedom we're going for wealth we're not going for rich we're going for well we're not going for a job we're going for income forever okay so look I'm gonna I've created a program okay this is the best deal on this planet for those of you okay that want to create financial wealth okay best deal ever it's my Jarrod Jarrod Jarrod Jarrod Jarrod jacking with it right now Jarrod's like cash flow cash flow cash flow because what I've done in my business is I've created businesses that cash flow okay you're so funny Jarrod's coming in trying trying to give me something eat no I'm fine man okay this is my top money-making program that I've created for you all right this is my top money-making program this is a 10x strategy to creating you with financial freedom well prosperity you need a coach you know you're gonna fall off the program we know everybody falls off the program by the way okay everyone falls off the program that's why all the greats have coaches Michael Jordan had a coach because he didn't want to follow the program so how do you how do you when you're making nothing and you're feeling hopeless and you're feeling beat up and nothing's going well and you're having to call your landlord say mr. Whitman man I'm gonna be late again or you're having to dodge them the landlord because you know you're late again are you not taking phone calls she easy called me last night okay you're not taking phone calls from people because you're like oh no that's AT&T oh no that's Sprint oh no that's the Eric you know the the utility company that's a collection agency I've had all those phone calls just so everybody understands I've had those phone calls and I hated everyone up when that happens to you won't you lose the target of financial freedom I'm a deadbeat I can't make it nobody believes in me I'm gonna believe in you when you give up I won't because I know from personal experience you know they say if you experienced it it's real for you right like you know if you have a miracle in your life you believe in miracles I went from broke in debt no direction and no guidance to having more money than I can possibly spend in a lifetime I know the financial freedom miracle is real because it happened to me now I took a lot of work okay this is not gonna work for everybody because most people quit most people quit because they don't have anybody to help them so this is my top money money-making program for you not gonna be get-rich-quick does not get rich quick this is a simple practical get rich for sure and it's gonna take time because it takes math and it's simplistic okay so how would you do this let's take a waitress let's take any job maybe somebody it's online right now watching and they can tell me what their job is my goal for you is gonna be no matter what you're doing right now how do you make a thousand bucks a day thousand bucks a day is 365 thousand dollars a year I talked to this rich guy this morning I said rich guy hey would you be interested in making another three hundred sixty-five thousand dollars every year would you be interested in a grand day he says I'm in bro rich dude guys making about thirty million bucks a year right now thirty million this is less than 1% he's like show me how right now do I have to invest money nope okay do I have to work hard nope number one you got to do is you got to make a decision now rich dude don't need a new program if you have a business right now paying you thirty million a year ten million a year five million year or here a million dollars a year you don't need a program you don't need a new program you don't need a new job you don't need a new opportunity I have people calling me all the time Karina I got this great program I got this great opportunity man could make you a lot of money I don't need another opportunity I'd have to look at the business I have right now okay if I've made a decision to make more money second thing I need to look at is hey what will get me there right first thing is decide okay second thing do the math the math is 40 bucks an hour you don't want to work that much as 80 bucks an hour okay if you can't figure out how to use the Internet it's 80 bucks an hour what's gonna be easier for you forty bucks an hour I could sell something right now for 40 bucks I guarantee I could get somebody online right now watch it if you give me 40 bucks for anything the 10x button the octopus pad okay I think these are 40 bucks business card 10x business card holder my 10x money clip my beautiful cuff links ladies buy this for your man okay those are all $40 products right why do I have $40 products because $40 a day equals 360 $5,000 a year times 10 years equals 3.6 million dollars now you got my attention now I'm on the road to financial freedom okay 58 grand a year doing what you're doing right now x 30 years how much is that 1.74 million dollars okay folks it takes 1.2 million dollars to put a kid from Jake from baby Jake to college Jake it takes a million two hundred and forty thousand dollars 18 years to bring Jake deck up okay is this right 58 times 30 you're gonna make a million seven and it costs you a million two to put a little freeloader from from from the breasts and out the nest you got to think it's you need a coach you need somebody to support you somebody like me somebody bust her you need to bust your kind of guy say no no no no not dude we're going for financial freedom that's the target here you need an uncle that can keep pushing you not a millionaire you don't need a Millionaire Next Door telling you to buy a cheap truck you need somebody saying no no no quit saving your money and let's go make some money your solution right here is to make money do the math and you're gonna find this out okay you have to make or collect more money how oh how oh how oh how do I do that okay well what you're gonna ask yourself right here is this what fits cuz I know some of you right now as you watch this you're thinking dude what's 40 bucks I showed you $40 $40 button I bought this button from China we got about how much what do we got in the button we don't we own this for we sell it for 40 bucks we'd probably have 18 or 19 bucks in and we sell it I make 20 bucks off of it but I made 40 I made $40 it was $40 to Kenya I paid for the button already regardless of what I have in the button if I sell the button today do I not get 40 bucks if I sell the 10x business card people want people have a pet need a place to put their business cards I sell this boom I got 40 bucks right I sell the 10 X money clip it's 40 bucks I made $40 I sell this now how do I do that man you guys got to go online man you got to go online you got to either do a couple things okay let's talk about how to what fits what fits with your brand what fits how many different things fit I want you to if you're watching live right now just post what fits at 40 bucks an hour it's all I need I need one sale every hour I need 24 sales to gross $365,000 you ever look at a simple this is Guinea oh by the way that assumes you're not making anything right now the average person watches making 60 grand a year right now some there there so now all I have to do is make an extra 305 305 divided by 365 how much is that can somebody tell me where's my phone 305 divided by 365 how much 835 oh I need to make 835 a day now not $1,000 a day how much is that an hour divided by 24 now I'm down to $34 product okay so do I need to net $34 they have this this is where everybody gets confused doing net do I gross you need to gross 34 bucks at 8 right so if my company makes 10 million dollars this year I know how to every 10 million dollars I make I keep about 40 pennies I give 10 10 pennies to charity and I keep the other 30 pennies to reinvest in my business I typically invest 20 of those pennies of the 30 leftover into the business expansion next year and I get 10% of that money out of the business and I take it and reinvest it in a third business in this case I invest all my money in real estate why cuz real estate pumps another flow of income at me right now we're just talking about one simple flow you probably have a job okay so I got my job first flow is my job whatever job that is waiter waitress plumber contractor roofer second okay what am i doing between 5:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. and throughout the day I mean you've got to think internet you got to think social right you got to think what's our store of Shopify you got to think about a Shopify account you got to think about affiliates you got to think about multi-level marketing you have to think about this one because this involves people and the more people you can get in front of the more money you can have remember there's no shortage of money on this planet financial freedom comes from people not from products you got to get your idea your product your service in front of people that have money so what fits you got your job you're doing that deal don't leave that number - what are you doing between 5:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. or throughout the day are you hanging with the right people you're doing the right things and then the third thing is going to be what product is it a product is it a service or is it some kind of other business maybe it's some kind of maybe you're gonna maybe you're gonna become a partner with me maybe it's income from an investment see but this is what most people do most people look at the investment this is the number one question I get about money what should I invest my money you shouldn't you should be doing these things first you don't have any money to invest right now prematurely people are trying to invest before they learn how to earn earn keep multiply you should spend most your time earning money I do not spend most of my time on number three I spend most of my time earning money today the day after a major holiday and what is grant doing pushing out information less than one-third of my office is on call today here in the office I'm one of them I'm coming in and couldn't wait to get here let's go let's go do something okay why because I know people or the solution to my financial freedom the more people I can help now putting this together the reason I put the top money program this is my top money-making program the reason I put this program together is I see so many people suffering with money we took one of we took a $36,000 product that I that I have I offered it for a one-time super-crazy nutsoid special and I had hundreds of people write me and say can you give me a payment plan on that my man people just nobody's got any money see this is never reported in the media what we hear in the media is I did Thanksgiving recently and we had all this food and the people that we eating the food felt bad I said man you had two turkeys you had three sweet potatoes you had four different asparagus things you had two cranberries you had six cakes three pies chocolates everywhere what about all the hungry people man what about the starving people these people felt rich but these people do not have financial freedom the moment they stop working the moment they come out of the clock off that clock what's it called the UH time clock you quit getting paid this is a problem this is a problem when you live in a time where there is no clock anymore there might be a clock at your office because of employment rules but what's keeping you from earning money between 5:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m. and then when you go to sleep and then also throughout the day how could you do that is there a product that fits could I sell Adidas shoes in my free time okay could I sell grant cardone ten F ten X money clips somebody's gonna buy we have an affiliate program by the way what do we pay 10 or 20 20 % we pay 20% our affiliate program are there other people that would be affiliates is there are there other companies that would allow you to without any cost with any initial investment zero investment where you could set up a site online just like we have done using social media the internet Shopify account could I push people to Amazon is there just Amazon have an affiliate account really how big is that could you be an affiliate for a $4,000 ticket and make 800 bucks every time somebody sells a ticket for 4 grand in my company the affiliate gets paid $800 we paid one person 19 thousand dollars one month last year $19,000 he does not work at the company he does not report here he's never been here I've never met the dude and he got paid $19,000 could you collaborate with somebody me and Daymond John a clap we collaborated on a product okay could we collaborate and work together could you partner with somebody or those all options look none of this is gonna happen none of this is gonna happen if you don't number one make a decision if you're overwhelmed right now if you're overwhelmed oh my god where do I get started you don't you go back to this I want financial freedom for myself my family kids my I want to be an example of financial freedom no I want to show my parents that financial freedom is real okay I want to be more like a role model like grant is then somebody struggling and and once or twice a year they're like look how much we have because you had two turkeys and three sweet potatoes and six pies oh look how much we have there's people starving on the planet you don't have anything you can't do this again tomorrow if you die right now the clock stops you don't beep in again and you don't get paid anymore okay people die and they get a death insurance check that's not financial freedom that's dying and leaving a family nothing more than a check rather than how about this you leaving there's a check this month check the next month check third month check 14 years later after they died you still get a check okay so number one you got to make a decision number two you got to keep this decision this is where people fall off you got to keep this decision in check what's it just tell me okay okay give me one minute we're gonna change this battery we're gonna come back and pick it up yeah just tell me God [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey welcome back to my best financial advice for you to create financial freedom for yourself and your family number one you deserve to have this you know you you can do it other people have okay and I want to show you how to do that click the link below click the link below to grab the program this is my best money-making program I've ever created with a focus on one thing financial freedom how can you create financial freedom how can you create multiple flows of income how can you create income for yourself and your family that goes on regardless of where you are today it goes on long after you've died okay now I want to I want to just get some money away real quick I want to give $100 away to whoever can tell me the first three the first three things that I said you had to do in order to have financial freedom and then I'm gonna let Jared pick a winner for a hundred big shout out to everybody that shared the stream by the way okay so that's alright Jared right here okay let me find out who we got here that I can now give a hundred bucks to somebody maybe I'll give away a money clip too and okay first money if this person can answer up real quick the first person you know weird we only have this Facebook shut me off after 5060 minutes okay so let me see who's telling me what they can tell me to through earn keep multiplied no that's not what I said decision earn multiply Connor but not quite what I said Benjamin has the cufflinks decide do the math take action okay the winner is Shane Gilbert Shane Gilbert call my office getting 100 bucks dawg if you want to use it at the store if you want to use it against the new program by the way that we're dropping if you want it against the link below Shane Gilbert is it Shane Gilbert so what I said yeah okay grab the program and I'll grab the hundred bucks just call my office and we'll hook you up with a hundred bucks you want to use it against the 10x growth contact that you can you want to use it against my new money-making program it's in the link below grep hit the link below take advantage of this system this is a great day to take advantage of it cuz it's super super reduced what I want to do is I'm gonna get my goal just so you know it's to take 500 people I'm gonna put 500 people in this program I'm gonna mentor you every Wednesday we're gonna have a program a platform where I'm mastermind and mentor you to keep you focused on what it takes to do these three things number one is what decide ok - what was the second thing do the math do math 3 I could add something in here ok what fits man I gotta take action on what fits ok what do I mean about what fits what is it like like I went and worked out in this gym today I'm like I'm looking around like how much money is this guy make here everywhere I go I'm like what do they make here I know the company's not making any money 64% of all companies in America break even or lose money you want to give me those that what you gave me this morning Jarrett the statue gave me 64% of this is an America break even or lose money you know what that is most these people got into a business cuz they loved it this dude's over in the gym sweating every day stinky skanky dirty I love boxing man I love gym and I love athletics man I love working out with people that's good bro but you're not making any money so what happens in this situation how many people do that okay I want to read something to you according to a study recently done by the American College of Financial Services less than 20% of Americans can demonstrate basic financial literacy check this out 76% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck okay one-third of all Americans have zero money and say none not a penny in savings okay two-thirds of all seniors over fifty years old don't have enough money to live out the rest of their life without income they depend on Social Security programs government programs to subsidize their income depending on how long they live to pay their bills what happens is the quality your life continues to get lower and lower and lower as you get older and older and older okay so so uh and if you think by the way that low-income if you think that the low income is the reason this what the government tells you all these low this all year about all the time oh it's cuz the guys making 19 grand a year okay the average American makes 50 a grant of you not 19 so if you think this is about these people that are suffering or 76 percent live paycheck to paycheck 20 percent can't demonstrate financial literacy check this out if you think that low income is always the blame for financial hardships only one out of five people twenty percent only 20% of the people facing financial hardships fall below the poverty line you want financials you want financial freedom you have to get the right information this is not your daddy's information this is not your mommy's information this is not your rich uncle's information your rich uncle was not actually rich he was scurred okay we're not talking about we don't get advice for millionaires or uncle's that have a little money okay that scared money and they will constantly give you information that will cause you to contract the people that have financial information of financial freedom do not contract or conserve they expand this is vital and critical and why I am putting this program together by the way this program is not a replacement for college this program is not a replacement for a business course this is the glue Jared this is the glue with the information they didn't give you okay this is the missing stuff I'm not I'm not attacking your dad nobody taught your dad how to create financial freedom your dad was taught how to get a job and how to save money okay so the fourth thing we got to do is figure out what fits here today in the 21st century what do people want what do people need and then number four make a list who can you service or sell 200 use the cell work who can you service a shelter who is your clientele selling doesn't mean you have to get on the phone and talk to them doesn't mean you have to go prospect them or knock on their door okay doesn't mean you have to do this could mean that doesn't mean that oh by the way if you want financial freedom bad enough you would be willing to do that okay okay the fourth thing you got to do or the fifth thing you got to do now is I got to plan this out who's on my target who's on my list where am I going okay but number three and four very very important okay what's the product and who's the market who's got my money now my friend this morning that I went worked out with he fell in love with his business just because you love a business does not mean it should be your business maybe it should be your hobby if it doesn't make you money if it doesn't create financial freedom right you should not be doing that thing I'm telling you right now now if it pays the bills right now I would rather be in a job I hated that paid the bills then a job I loved and caused me not to be able to pursue other things you understand what I'm saying I would have a job that didn't that paid my bills then something I love and tied my hands okay cuz the job that I hate that pays the bills is serving a purpose but what I need to do is I need to add something on so I got to decide okay financial freedom is for me the double FS that's what I'm going for not going for millionaire I'm not going for rich I'm going from freaking wealthy I'm going for financial freedom and I got to keep making this decision over and over again so when those wax that you spent too much time with family members brothers sisters uncles aunts your friend your buddy okay some guy that gave up your uncle your aunt when they say hey you can't have all that you don't need to do all that why are you working so hard oh I'm working hard for financial freedom that's what I'm doing I'm listening to Grant cardones program I just bought this program invested in it and that's what I'm doing they're gonna say that doesn't work remember this the skeptic is broke in a lot of different ways the skeptic has always broke those that believe you can't improve quit improving I have always been a person for the last 30 years interested in my self-improvement always I want to self-improve I've invested in thousands of programs millions of dollars I've invested to make my life what it is today I don't even remember the programs that didn't work I know I know there's gonna be programs that don't work okay it doesn't matter this program will work because because number one my heart's good I want to help you get your finances right my legacy will be helping people get their finances right maybe your teacher taught you how to read maybe somebody taught you how to count maybe somebody taught you Spanish I'm gonna teach you how to get your financial freedom I can't do all that right now right here but I can show you the main things decide number two do the math simple math you're gonna do the math one time you might go back and do it once a month is this real this is just to keep it real to you third thing is okay what fits what fits this is more of an action step what fits what product oh I could sell 10x buttons I could sell tickets I could sell water I could sell food I could sell gym classes I could sell coaching okay I could do plumbing after-hours I could do a roofing job I could add a roof it whatever you've got to come up what fits for you with what you do okay what fits in the 21st century what do people need right now like you have to consider if you're any good at social media you have to consider today hey how can I help somebody with their social media or their youtube or writing articles are blogging how many people do you know that say the same thing you say I don't have enough time good why don't you do it for him okay we hire people here all the time I'm always looking for somebody to help we're doing a big conference in in Vegas in February I'm looking for entertainment and ideas people out there that don't have any money that are starving that won an opportunity to be on a stage I'm not only putting them on a stage I'm giving them money but you have to know hey what fits for me if you're a guitarist you know what I can't just play clubs man I can't keep playing just the class maybe what I'm gonna do is I'll go play cardones gig write him a lyric or two maybe you're a rapper hey what fits for you rapper okay you're freaking starving you don't make any money until you hit G easy status once you start making G easy money it ain't easy he's flying every day every day he's in a different city he's gone he's basically trading time for money and he gets trapped by the thing you by the way he loves doing what he's doing but now he's handcuffed doesn't have time so the entertainer the celebrity has to figure out LeBron James gonna make 36 million dollars to playing basketball this year he'll make another 50 million dollars for endorsements he's gonna make double double endorsing as in investing as he will playing you understand what I'm saying so he was thinking about financial freedom and he figured out how to do create financial freedom around what he loved some of you are in spaces that nobody's ever gotten rich in and I don't even know what you're doing it so if you're a rapper right now or you're a waitress okay you got to figure this out you have to figure out what fits for me okay maybe you're a waitress and you give great service everybody always says oh my god your attitude so good everywhere you go they say oh my god you're unbelievable they come in they want to sit at your table you have to figure out how to monetize that now in those other 16 hours okay so think about the 21st century think about what people need today that's how Oprah was created that's why Amazon exists that's why Shopify is doing what it's doing that's why electric cars are happening in solar panels it's happening because people are solving problems right solve enough people's problems and they will pay you but who is it you have to make a list who needs what I want again something the college didn't teach me colleges taught me hey what are you studying for I'm studying to be an accountant I'm gonna get a business degree I'm gonna be an engineer if I wanted to be a plumber or an electrician I wouldn't go into college I to go into some school to make me an electrician or a plumber you study for a skill rather than study for who can I spend time with who can I spend my time with what you should be studying is this right here not what but who has my money not what industry has my money what industry is hot what industry is the job where the jobs are you should be studying who do I want to work with who has money that right because I don't want to work for somebody doesn't have money not if you want financial freedom if you want from financial freedom you're not gonna go work for the government they got a lot of money but they're always gonna be squeezing you for the best deal because they're already over budget right so you'd make a list who's got my money you probably want to work for people that want to do a couple things okay so now we're into what fits right what what product fits for you this is how I started my company this is exactly how I expanded my company to what it is today I'm like hey what fits for my product line what fits for me oh I want to help people okay what do you help people do so you didn't start writing down hey what do you help people do grant I can't do this for you but I can work with you I could spend the next year or so working with you meeting every Wednesday in a virtual mastermind and you could ask the question and say grant I'm a masseuse what works for me well right now you're using you got your you got your masseuse right how do you how do you go from one table to two tables to three tables to four tables right are you gonna use soothe are you gonna be part of the app where they order you and boom you just show up I would Wow cuz I'm looking for financial freedom I'm looking to go from that remember that simple thing oh I forgot about it in the beginning thousand bucks a day once you get to a thousand bucks today what do you think you're gonna be thinking about green what do I do now do you think about $1,000 a day again we go from 365 to 700 right you get to seven hundred a year what do you what are you gonna think about hey why don't we just double up now just skip the first 365 and go to 700 and make a million for make more money in one year then you were gonna make in your entire lifetime that's financial freedom okay that's financial freedom okay so I'm gonna ask myself okay what does grant do to helps people oh oh we have this corporate program we sell it for forty thousand dollars a year we did this for years okay I've sold of thousands to those brokers we've made hundreds of millions of dollars helping companies do one thing take a financial statement and the only thing we focus on is that one line right there the top line our job is to raise that we either did it by training them consulting them going in and visiting them looking for little breaks how do we raise your top-line we were paid by companies like Toyota General Motors Ashley I mean unit you name it I've probably worked for him okay and our goal was to move the top line in the customer experience you've heard me talk about the demise of Sears and Macy's and retail I've been on CNBC Fox Wall Street Journal talking about entrepreneur calm talking about the demise have retailed the customer experience because that's what I was known for the problem is I cap out at some point these people only took my phone calls between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. okay so I either have to go all the way around the world and do everybody now I'm traveling all over leaving my kids or I need to figure out for myself not just for you dude who else does my product line fit oh wow man entrepreneurs we ignored I can't believe how dumb I was for so many years we we ignore for the first 20 years of my from business I ignored 28 million American entrepreneurs businesses small businesses ok so really I got a bigger list here than this ok I got small businesses as I sit here and talk about this how can I help them this is gonna create the products when you write the list who remember weird who now where it who can I help right ok I can help corporate I'm doing that already ok entrepreneur corporate I could help entrepreneurs Oh small businesses we could do small businesses hey what about startups ok oh wow man how big could we get here hey what about what about a who else could we Yelp did we could help employees what about the employee the company doesn't want the program but the individual wants the program what about artists do we have a program for artists ok how about this for masseuses I mean we just start going over the list huh the millennium is just getting started somebody just getting out of college what if we could go in what about vets can we help the vets that are in transition and we started building out programs for every one of these sales marketing promotion social media follow up closing negotiating how to get a job where to start doing your startup cash flow financial literacy the the playbook to millions program the millionaire booklet be obsessed or be average if you're not first you're last seven best-selling books 13 business programs and we were still missing huge parts of the market when we surveyed this part of the market we said hey what do you need over and over and over again what we heard was this what would change your life what would change your life over and over guess what we heard honey money man okay I need money I need to make more money how often every day I need a little more money I don't have a cash flow problem we don't have enough brief cash if I stopped working over and over this is what we heard I don't have enough money to run my business to run my household remember 76% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck 64% of businesses break even or lose money they can't all be stupid these can't just be stupid dumb people so what's what's wrong okay why don't have people people have financial literacy I'm going to tell you why I think it is why do people not have financial freedom number one you have everything that you want in your look they tell you to get a job you went and got a job that should have been this you should have made a decision for financial freedom not made a decision to get a job this is not what you're going to work for it's not why you go to college but you one of college poor is this okay so you got a number one make a decision tip for financial freedom number two you got to keep that decision in place easy to make a decision hard to keep okay number three you're gonna have to surround yourself with other like-minded people and that's one of the most valuable things that we do in my company first thing people said they needed was this I need another thousand bucks a ten thousand bucks today changed my life second thing people said was this I need support to keep me going I fall off the program surround yourself with like-minded support this is why I'm committed this year to coaching you to financial freedom okay I want to take 500 people and make them multimillionaires and I believe I can do it okay all I got to do is do what I shared with you right here today okay the links below if you want to get involved with me I want to I want to make you part of a proof I'm gonna do a steady a white paper on you to prove that I can take people from all different parts and walks of life and get you in a situation to have the money you need to get the financial freedom you deserve you weren't taught this in schools you were actually telling how not to get it guy but you can't get there the teacher can't get there how can a teacher is being paid 60 grand a year teach you financial freedom she's not there to teach you that she's there to teach you science how can the biology teacher teach you how to make a million dollar how can the the culture and arts teacher teach you how to make money right you go to China or you go to Tokyo they're talking about money in their classes they're talking about financial freedom because they know on this planet money is necessary okay now the question is how much money will you be taught about okay number one if you've made the decision to have the financial decision to have financial freedom understand that a decision does not come as an idea the decision requires you to take action it requires you to do something all of decisions require you to take action any decision may in your head where you don't either take the time to go do something part and or spend money okay to support it is a decision that will not become anything because it wasn't a decision decisions require time and money as part of the support so we created this program for you you've made a decision today to not just get by to not just have enough to not just be satisfied to not just have a little more than the people next door or somebody starving down the street if you've made a decision and you believe the financial freedom is real and worthy and that maybe you have some misinformation if you've ever wondered to what why don't I have this if you've ever like asked the big question why am i struggling with money every freaking month if you've ever asked that question I asked that question to myself from the time I was nine years old till 29 years old why am i no matter how much money I had did why am I always worried about money because you should be you should be worried about money every day you have to use it every day it's like oxygen you should be worried about running out oxygen you should be worried about your body breaking down you should be worried about getting run over in traffic if you're going back and forth across traffic it's obvious you know hey I got something be scared about here the price of things are going up your income is staying flat you have to learn this game now your mommy didn't teach you your daddy didn't teach you you were struggling because of your parents I'm not blaming them it was a different time okay teachers 17 years I spent in school and nobody talked about money nobody the word financial freedom was never mentioned in 17 years but I went to workshops I went to what was it called uh where you learned how to play with wood huh wood shop wood shop I went to I went to I went to the typing class I was supposed to go to I had to go to English English literacy I went to math algebra trigonometry never not one time did anybody say let's talk about financial freedom do you have that in your class how many of you had that in your class did anybody here watching right now we have thousands of people watching this anybody talk about financial freedom I heard a lot about this I had the bank's influence in me I had Wall Street influencing me with their big paychecks okay you think you hadn't been influenced by these people save your money start saving early okay how about Wall Street hey diversify your investment invest in mutual funds put your money in a key Oh put your money in a 401k this is how you actually got rid of money buy a house how about this one buy a house okay they came out this week I've been saying this for six or seven years now a house is not an investment this week at CNBC they came out and said a house it is proven now a house is not a way to create wealth at best it is a place to save money your mommy and daddy taught you to save money get a good deal get a good deal click the coupons ok don't pay too much don't pay extra shop around put air in your tire so you don't spend as much money on gas it's all little thinking I want to help you ok I shared a lot of information with you today you like do what can I sell ok what can I service you can only do two things sell it or service it what can that be who's your market what do they want this is the questions you should be asking every people every day hey dude if you know somebody what do you want what do you need what would you pay for what is it that bugs you out in your life ok what is it that that you really agree and I got an app grant we built this app Green I want to build an app for you good didn't you want to build an app for me build a freaking app for me I don't want one why do you guys keep trying to sell me apps why cuz you love apps you're a coder you're all into code ok Johnny wants to take pictures of me let me get some photos of you the photographer out there I want to do photos of you I want to do what photos of you wet dude I get married one time in my life that's dumb man what are y'all doing because you fell in love with your deal you have a hobby you have a hobby and you're starving in your hobby you need financial freedom who's got my money and what do they want I'm gonna help you in this program understand both of those things who's got it what do they want every Wednesday I'm gonna include in this program for the first 500 people support a mastermind every windows e so that you can come in Skype into us you can literally just we're gonna give you a link you'll have private access to this mastermind so you can start asking a certified Cardone delivery support mechanism hey dude how do i how do I figure out who's got this money well in my case we do the same the same exact thing all the time who's got this I want to sell a product who's got my money what do they want okay you said you wanted financial literacy for me you said you want to learn how to make more money you said a grant I want to make a thousand bucks a day thousand bucks a day okay good let's create a good product I didn't make this because I liked it I made it because you asked for we priced it at 40 bucks at 40 bucks a person how many do I need to sell I sell a thousand of these a year I make 400 grand oh that's easy for you great people know you no no I made a decision when I was 29 to quit working at a job all I did was this 29 years old made a decision burn out exhaust it dude I'm not gonna do another job I'll have another job I'll work a job I'll work everybody around me but that's not why I'm going to work your major goal your major reason for going to work every day should be this a decision to create financial free can anybody do this everybody can do this okay so knock off this nonsense y'all saying yeah but what if everybody got rich the world would be a better place if everybody had money I don't know when why why when it comes to money everybody can't happen everybody can have oxygen everybody can have water everybody can have food we forget how many people actually don't have water and food or a good clean air everybody should have those things right okay give me a name in if you believe that everybody should have good water good food good health care people should be able to go to the doctor man okay and house over to here everybody should have that and everybody should have some money to CC but when it comes to money all of a sudden everybody's like no no everybody shouldn't have money but everybody should have water now everybody should have money - the problem is most people don't know how to get it who's got it okay so number one make a decision I made the decision I was 29 I've been working on this decision for 30 years now the second I made the decision I started making more money okay when I reinforced the decision how do i reinforce the decision you got to get around the right people you need a mastermind you need support you will fall off of any program any workout program anything you've ever done in your life I promise you I don't care how freakin much of a great person you are you will fall out the program everybody falls off the diets everybody falls off a workout programs so if you need reinforcement and that's why we're doing our support by phone we can actually give you this we can deliver this content to your phone your tablet your computer and on Wednesdays we give you live Master Mind support number three by the way I only do a live stream every day of the year including the day after Christmas and the day of Christmas and the day after Thanksgiving any of the day off and even when my kids are born I'm doing something lot to support you right so you get an example of who's supposed to do this one two three do the math keep doing the math okay because when you start making a million dollars a year I'm gonna show I'm gonna show you how to make the do the math on ten million a year okay when you get to ten million a year I've done this for enough people now I know I can do it for you I'm gonna show you I get to 100 million dollars a year I've done this for enough people I don't think I can't you think you can't and I want to show you that you can't I want you to be part of my test group okay 500 people first 500 people grab this we have 500 slots left or less this there somewhere somewhere okay wherever they put it you you click it okay I want to give you access to how you can create financial freedom in your life I am more proud of this program than any program on money I've created up to this point I want to provide you with a sport I want to provide provide you with the information I want to get you to start thinking different acting different handling money different I hope you found that a useful really really appreciate you if you have questions maybe about something I haven't covered something you want more information on if there's something you want that we're not doing please post below remember what I said always ask this who and what okay who's got my money who needs my support same thing other way the people that give you money or people that supported you and you supported them what do they want what do they need how can you help thanks for watching day I hope you grab the program and and I look forward to helping you in every Winston
Channel: Grant Cardone
Views: 995,405
Rating: 4.7940478 out of 5
Keywords: grantcardone, grant cardone, how to make more money, online training, sales, sales training, how to make more money in sales, make more money at your job, job, work, career, finance, tai lopez, gary vaynerchuk, daymond john, mark cuban, millionaire, how to become a millionaire, make money, cash, wealth, selling, cold calls, follow up, social media, facebook, instagram, youtube, twitter, snapchat
Id: _fFp_sofH5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 42sec (5082 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2017
Reddit Comments

I love that. I can see myself financial freedom in the near future.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2019 🗫︎ replies
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