How to Generate Wealth with Air BNB - Ask the Pro with Grant Cardone & Brian Page

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[Music] [Applause] there hey welcome to ask a pro I have somebody today that is well-versed in many many things Brian Paige we're gonna talk about Airbnb today we're going to talk about real estate cash flow online marketing this guy has done a lot of stuff in a lot of spaces and we also want to talk about building wealth but I want to start because the audience didn't see this right before this if you told me you paid cash for a property yeah so let's just start there and my comment to you was what what why would you buy anything with cash yeah yeah so and what so tell me what happened a bad experience borrowing so before 2008 I was a real estate investor I became a millionaire in my 20s flipping properties but how old are you no I am 43 okay 43 so I built a whole portfolio properties and started getting into spec homes I built a huge seven bedroom sub bath house on the beach in North Carolina oh so you went from investor to build I got into speculating I was working there's all gobro all builders know that right yeah I know speculators especially yeah yeah yeah so I built this home and right around that time I was I was heavily into construction at the coast and the market turned I couldn't cash flow any of them I couldn't sell them I could even sell them from my what I had into him yeah and so everything went down the tubes I let everything go everything got foreclosed on that was the end of my real estate empire so so like when you look back at that you think it was the debt was it the debt or the speculation I was highly leveraged but no it wasn't the debt because I had some realities that were cash flowing fine it was the speculating on high-end real estate with no buyer in mind that that's a game that can turn quickly right so so I just I want to rehabilitate you on the debt thing because Ramsey clearly hasn't been rehabilitated he busted out too and he still thinks the debt was the problem but I you know the speculation was was the issue yeah so look let's start you and I met because I called into what I taught you and taught you were doing some more times yeah I was at ice house in New York and we were doing a live about air B&B at Home Sharing and then you called in yeah and you said something about you had a bunch of vacant units in your portfolio and I tried to I think that the connection went out but I was trying to tell you that you should you should list those things dr. rutledge so let's start with the air B&B thing cuz I know how hot that is and yeah and how many people it can help first of all how would somebody that's not that doesn't own any real estate benefit because that you and I talked about that so the majority of the people that I helped do not own real estate and yet they're earning six and seven figures on Airbnb and we're talking serious income and the way that they do that don't need a real estate license don't need a license no need credit don't need credit don't need money very little if any money they don't don't need to own a piece of real donated no need to own anything we're talking about serious cash flow and basically using other people's properties or getting permission from the owner and you're just leasing the property renting it and putting it on Airbnb and you do that over and over and over again across multiple units and we're talking low income properties high income properties Johnny the camera guy says hey I know gran owns a bunch of property yeah he calls me on the phone how does this play out okay so the way would work is you're only targeting people that are looking actively for tenants so you're looking for for rentals or I'm looking for tech guys so you're looking for tenants and I would approach you and I would say I would like to lease your property or multiple properties from you and here's what I'm gonna do instead of living in the property I'm going to put short term guests in the property now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make sure that your unit is professionally cleaned two or three times a week by Mike Mike Mike you know professional cleaning company I'm gonna let you handle that yeah I handle all that so your property's going to be in impeccable condition I'm going to cover all minor maintenance on your property so anything breaks under $100 $200 I'll take care of it because this is my business I'm going to insure your property for liability and for damage so if something happens with the guests and I'm gonna pay you the rent you're asking maybe even a little bit more if that's what it takes to get a deal down so the rent listen let's say market rent market rent so I rent for 1,200 bucks a month 1200 so I'll pay you $1,200 and if you say no I might say well give you $1,300 for that for that unit and and that's what I'll do and then I'll take that robbery you're responsible for that 1200 for the month foot for the year I'll sign with a sign of your lease at fourteen thousand four hundred dollars worth of yeah I'll sign for the year and then I'll turn around and take that property put on Airbnb and generally make three hundred percent more so $1,200 unit can make three to four thousand dollars easily in any market in the US so you're gonna advertise that you're gonna clean it up you're gonna fill it I do know have a glass box it you meet them over there with a electronic lock on the door huh so there's a code based entry I have a virtual team that does all of the guests communication so I don't handle any of it I don't talk to the guests oh that's out sourced and and that's how it works you can also do it as an owner so I got a lot of people that go through my course and their owners and their building wealth quickly so an example would be these properties I just bought I'm paying them off in two years two to three years why are you paying them off yeah I like free and clear property I don't know but I'm just saying that's the kind of cash flow we're talking about yeah yeah we're talking about properties that could bring in you know 30 40 50 percent value per year in cash flow okay so I said let's advance the conversation because here I'm sitting on I probably have 350 vacant units I'm always gonna have throw yeah percent okay I mean that that's what the leasing agent tells me you know we're never gonna get 100% grant so how does a guy like me I found a 300 unit deal yep I'm gonna have 15 they can't all probably all the time 15 to 20 there's a lot of large multifamily right yeah yeah large properties one in my least in my leases I restrict the other tenants from doing this I don't want them down to Airbnb yeah of course they don't you own the building you could change the rules if you need to or just do it for yourself so I don't tell people to go after any units in a large apartment complex we're talking small privately owned properties but if you're the owner eight unit eight unit little guard or single-family homes or I mean people are using Airstream trailers I got a student took an Airstream rented it from an owner for 200 bucks he's making $2,000 net every month on an Airstream in Arizona with almost no that's just just plug plugged it in and and yeah it doesn't even on it yeah just send in somebody's driveway so yes so so what does he he's having a canvas for somebody that owns property yeah well you just look at make the phone call you make phone call maybe though it's a sales call I mean yeah it's gone yeah I tell people how to pitch the owners because I talked to like hundred fifty owners base to play what's the course what's the course it's called env formula b and b b and b it kind of like Airbnb so that's B and baby and B formula set yeah I can write B in beast trademarked by me uh-huh Airbnb is not but okay maybe B&B as much okay okay okay so maybe we'll put a link on here a special offer for that this is fascinating you guys should at least learn what they're talking about like about 25 30 years old and I'm like I know I don't have any credit I can't buy property so many of you call in every day like I don't have any money there is no limitation I had a guy approached me I was on stage presenting this this very thing and he approached me he said I don't have the money to buy your course I'm homeless I'm literally homeless I walked in here off the street I said I'll I'll give you my course he followed it he got his first least well with an owner because I teach people how to do it without credit you can still do it without credit if you can convince the owner that you're not a risk so he did it now he's making money with an air B&B and on his way well so so so let's talk about my situation yeah yeah let's go back he goes back to let's go back to grant said oh well I'm trying to figure how to make money on this okay so I know that there's some limitations I'd have to ask Ryan exactly I know I have some limitations in my lease to the tenants yes to do this I don't know what Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac my lenders would say about okay now I'm gonna take 15 units yeah I mean maybe maybe I could own those I could I could have a lease agreement yeah separate from the property on those 15 units I've never actually talked somebody that has the larger on flexuz like you do so I'm not sure how that would work but we need to figure this out because I mean if I could figure this out well the cash flow 300 percent is conservative so whatever your market rent is a thousand dollars a unit you can be bringing a $3,000 unit on Airbnb well not the real play the real play is can I get the 15 units or the three fill you already own the units right so yeah exactly you're the boss can I get it full oh yeah you know so so like you don't even need to get full you can get 70% 60% occupancy and be super profitable yeah I know I don't I mean a lot of times I aim for you know full occupancy but you don't have to do that because you know yeah because I'm at $40 tonight yeah that's what it costs to live in my property yeah so what's not gonna be so on Airbnb you know you ain't swimming pool great security yeah so 100 out of 100 20 150 and 99 what might be might be some could be bearable area yeah so like the house that I house I just purchased its market rent is only about $1,200 but I'm getting to 250 and night so it doesn't take a lot of nights I mean I see you average I'm getting about 80% occupancy on that every one you're getting I allow my nights out my phone with me last month was $4,200 and bookings on that house 4,200 versus 1200 it's just night and day there's no comparison and now we're doing this with high-end proper so I just got a multi-million dollar home in Scottsdale don't own it leased it from the owner put it up on the RBO and Airbnb and we're crushing br-br-br-br-br-br in a lot of houses I mean yeah so it's rented for 34 days while I was on this trip so it was luxuries you buy yeah I love it about being a poor tile and we ran it everywhere what so this could work worldwide they can work I got students in 38 countries all over the world doing this because Airbnb is bigger overseas than it is in the u.s. uh-huh it's a us-based company but it's growing I think about three out of four all listings on the site or outside the US Wow so it's exploding outside the US so the course how do you let's let's move in your online marketer because obviously if you're selling that well I'm even more excited talking about that yeah right but why is that well you know I just love I love marketing I had a lot of success with Airbnb and I had even bigger success with teaching it and I really believe that that if somebody has something they can teach they can make millions yeah what it's like they didn't do huh yeah but I don't make more money teaching than I do investing I do well mine at least I do well no not not in the best thing because I'm not investing on your level but I have to make again soon I was at one time yeah but I see so many I see so many guys that store like Kiyosaki started out as investor I think I mean I don't know the whole story maybe it's not even true but he started out as an investor well no that's not true no it was a real rich dad I know is Keith Cunningham okay is the real rich dad that he faces book on and I heard that Kiyosaki was making about forty two thousand or so before he wrote the book Rich Dad Poor Dad forty two thousand so you've made the money off he made all the money in education education education then it blew up and yes see I started in education if that's true that's what I heard yeah yeah so I started in education but the investing is what oh yeah yeah your net worth is in real estate and I mean yeah the education thing is like minimal well okay so the online marketing because I mean the Airbnb thing is you're only gonna be a success was you can market call people talk to people yeah how is that where does your online marketing experience come from I didn't have any I I had actually done this with Airbnb had made all this money and I thought you know what this is somebody would want to learn how to do this and I looked online there was nobody teach at all there weren't even YouTube videos about it so I started building a course because a lot of people were reaching out to me and saying how you doing this because I was it's working a few hours a week guys travel in the world and I had all these Airbnb is making me money back home and so I built a course and I spent like it almost a year building this thing out tried to sell it nobody wanted it and I couldn't figure how to sell it so I went to a clickfunnels event and that russell brunson yeah and went through his whole thing and met that whole community and a guy there said you know what this is a phenomenal idea for a product just go home and do a webinar I was like what's a webinar I had no idea so went home worked another six months on how to figure out how to do a webinar first webinar I did made $64,000 converted thirty-four percent of the people on that webinar bought the product and from there McConville on that first whether well it was for a free webinar a couple hundred to two fifty something like that's less than that and then and then in 60 people bought about six people bought and then in the first forty three days I did a million dollars in sales of the course just blew up this and that people were people were calling me I got to work with Dean gracio see Tai Lopez I mean Alice people reaching out to me just like hey dude what is this thing cuz I was the only person that was ever to teach okay you've got a nice tight niche it's very very tight niche and and dominated the niche I was the first one in the niche and Home Sharing is an exploding industry it's a massive industry I mean it's you know you got home away got the RPO you got air B&B and they're in their global mm-hmm and nobody was teaching how to do this and it was like I'm so a good kind of like the new no money down except right you don't even have to own property right and so the new flipping no money down yeah it's not without without other people's money other people's properties other people's everything right right and I didn't have the credit so that's why I relied on leasing and I didn't have the credit to go buy more homes and I thought and I didn't have any money either so I started with leasing and now I got stored and everybody's gonna love that story I didn't have any money yeah I didn't have any credit everybody's yeah that's me I had nothing yeah and the cool thing is I've now got students that are I got two students approaching a million dollars a year on Airbnb and I've got a countless students that are doing over six figures multiple six figures I got a 19 year old in Chicago that's doing 300 grand a year net I got a 76 year old guy that didn't know how he's gonna retire he's in the 70s didn't how I was gonna retire now he's got three units makes about thirty five hundred a month net was like you saved my retirement so like people that have no idea about computers nothing they're doing it so so people listening right now they're like okay hey who's this dude bron page too good to be true no money no credit I can make 3500 bucks a month so tell me about the downside tell me about got the okay so take off the too good to be true and I and you guys understand there is reality in every cell let's talk about the risk so when you lease a property you're making commitment to that owner that you gonna lease it for a year most owners are gonna give you a you know month or a few months so they want a year commitment so the risk there is you know you're gonna have come up with the first month's rent deposit and if something doesn't work out you're committed right so in that case it'd be twenty four hundred bucks if it's a twelve hundred forty four dollars so yeah you're looking at the furnace property I try to aim for furnace properties first o first yeah and so we look for furnace property if you can't get people out of furnished cheaply but so then we're committing ourselves so I started finding that students were finding new ways to do those more creative ways to do this without having to sign a lease and I was like how do you guys doing this without a lease because I was just signing leases left right and they said well we're working with the owners we partner with the owners so I would approach you and say mister homeowner you've got this listing here that you're out if it's property you're asking $1,000 a month for what if I could show you how to make $1,500 a month no extra work on your part right and you'd be like sure how does that work I'd say I'm gonna take it and put on Airbnb I think it'll maybe it'll be around $3,000 a month I think it'll make yeah I'll do all the work we'll split all the money 5050 and I'll guarantee you your your first thousand dollars out so if we only make a thousand dollars it all goes to you so you get your rent right right would you be willing to do that in a month-to-month basis and at any point you can say I'm walking away who would say no to that so you make a little bit less than you do a few lease but it's still a way to and then and then why would he do this on his own most owners just won't do it this most owners are like you gotta run the whole portfolio of properties they don't they don't want to get in the Airbnb business and they don't know how lucrative is and they don't want to be bothered with it right I mean who would want to so most owners are not like oh yeah that's that's a good idea I'm gonna go do it that's almost it I've never heard somebody say that's right so you could partner with them you could lease from them or you can go out and buy property and build wealth by buying property and acquire property and pay it off or or just built Cosmo quiz saying don't pay it off guys if you're buying the right piece of property you do not need to pay this piece of property if it's cash no unless you don't trust the cash flow unless you think you know I think it Amir I think it'll be here long term and if it isn't I can always switch it over to long term rental but yeah by the short terms here to stay okay so the downside is you got to do a pitch you gotta you gotta talk to people yeah you're not gonna do this over the phone I don't think you can do it some of the phone no you don't know I think you just sit down with an owner so what I do is I say I want to come see your property the phone room yeah yeah I mean maybe maybe your guys could do over the phone no I always do it in person I just call him where do you live I'm in Charleston South Carolina how'd you get your deal in Scottsville I had a partner out there had a student out there who took my course and decided to go straight to the high-end market he got like a three million dollar property put it on the different sites and did over a hundred thousand net on the one property well and I was like how is he doing this went out and met with him and at the time I was I was meeting with Dean Graz EOC and he was asking how we were doing it we all got together and talked and he was like dude this is he told me he said if I was a less scrupulous man I would steal your idea and don't do the same thing you're doing because this is the best idea I've heard in a while so so I met with him and so that's how I got that property out there but basically I just call on an ad and I say I want to come see your property I don't tell him anything until I show up and then when I show up I'd build rapport with them I get to know them oh I like the way you know that properties for sale its babies and it's a rental oh it's a row I just look in the local paper or Craigslist or signs and I just find a rental and I just say I want to come see your two-bedroom apartment and they say great I'll see you saturday lamb when I meet with them on Saturday then I tell them what I'm up to okay so you're gonna spend how many how many these just so we take off the too-good-to-be-true thing for those people thinking okay no money no credit I'm gonna make that three grand a month so I got to make a phone call I'm gonna probably have made more than one phone call yeah yeah okay we have to talk to real live human beings you're gonna have to have a job already you're gonna have to set the thing up which takes some works what was that me say well let's say it's not furnace you got to furnish it if it is furnace you got to do some basics like the towels in there and soaps and that may succeed all right because people are coming in for three nights they're just they're coming in shorter brush yeah and then what you really need to do is build a team and there's virtual services now that do this there's companies that's all they do is handle your Airbnb account so once I got to like five or six listings my I was going insane because all I was doing was taking blowing up and all these people have questions and you know 1:00 in the morning I need more towels you know crazy stuff like that right so I was like I gotta figure out to cut this out so I found there's different companies out there like this company called guess tea they're over in Israel and for like a few percentage points of whatever you make they will handle all of the messaging so I handed all my listings over to them and then suddenly I don't have to even talk to people anymore and so the money just comes in you're going back to too good to be true going back the other way no no there's there's companies that do this so you outsource all that so then you're you're scaling back your hours how much you're working and yet you still have this insane cash flow coming in because that's the one thing everybody says I don't want to do it it's too much management and I said well it is if you don't outsource it yeah it's all that because that's the biggest job and dealing with the guests so let's talk about furniture that furniture okay if I don't out so I mean do I outsource the furniture do no no you're gonna have to furnish it I do have to do so here right yeah you gotta do something for oh you had a cure you gotta go find the property you got to get the owner on board again you got a furnished property if it's not furnished then you get a list what am I gonna spend on furniture am I gonna lease that I would say two to three times the rent so it's a thousand-dollar unit you're gonna spend two to three thousand but that's used you know gently used furniture I don't tell people to buy new stuff you should buy the mattress nation by the sheets new but you don't need to buy a new couch a new table you might have stuff used so you furnish it unless you're talking a high-end air B&B that could be a lot more so a few thousand bucks to get in if you can't find a furnished unit and you get that money back in the first couple months usually and then from there on you're making cash flow so so the people okay Caleb moves in for two nights she gives gives us the the two hundred and fifty bucks how do we collect that money you don't collect it so Airbnb collects all payments okay and the money is taken off her credit card before she even shows up so the day after she checks in write that 250 - 3 % Airbnb keeps only 3% uh-huh so you get most of the money they q70 so her money goes into the bank counting the next day so Bam Bam every day it direct deposit in the bank oh yeah every because Sarah 50 cents yeah they will say it's 3 percent the remainder I get the remainder enough hurt what I was paying you get the I get the remainder and then I can ask for a deposit from her if I want to and they put a hold on the credit card so if I say $500 she leaves there's damaged guess what I can call Airbnb and say I need that 500 bucks okay yeah now she she checks out she checks out it's the first of the month now and yeah and I need new seats cuz grants a mining company gran gave your credit card he's coming in for two nights you think I should change the channel change the seasons ever you're saying I should change though she's saying I'm just saying you know you gotta work you got you you can't trust nice girls most the time so what I would be the one to go crazy exactly so Kayla would check out and then my cleaning crew would see on the app that it's time to clean the property they show up she leaves at 11:00 a.m. the next guest is coming in three they turned the property really quickly they put a mint on the pillow they put the soaps in the shampoos out they put the towels they put the coffee out you know they they put it just like a hotel we got even put on a bottle of wine oh wow inexpensive don't get me wrong but I put a little bottle of wine that I got it like a ton of wine okay and a little card that says hey enjoy this on me people were like I mean I listen I stayed in the W here in Miami I didn't get a bottle of wine for free so right you know so so I do all that I picked the wrong room damn us out a lot of liquor there but it wasn't complimentary right so so yeah so they check in they have all these things laid out for them and I don't do any of that that's all done by the cleaning crew mm-hmm so I have no involvement there either that's good now I have an electronic lock on the front door ya know that allows me to go anywhere like that you own that I buy it it's 100 bucks 250 on Amazon okay I put it on there and now we have no keys to worry about so nobody ever gets locked out and everybody has a code code change they get a code and I got a Wi-Fi lock so I can lock or unlock doors and any of my properties on the Wi-Fi am I on my app it's amazing and you can do it so you go to other states No so if you want to go to California you could get a electronic lock and be looking at what's going on I got nest cameras on the property so I can see when people are coming in give them the audience everything ok I mean ask a pro zone there's more guys more yeah yeah so so what's a great market give me give me give me 5 or 6 markets that are like prime and tell me why ok well you've got to be a great market for this Miami's a great market there are well is it or no it is but if there are some restrictions here so there are what I call red zone cities a problem Vegas and then we got there usually the larger cities that have housing shortages like San Francisco New York but we find that anytime there's a red city any of the towns and municipalities around that area are gonna go good so I got what is a red city me red city means that it short term rentals are either not allowed at all or it's very difficult to do okay so so so it's about it's about what was it was the number eight percent roughly of all cities in the u.s. are red zone cities eighty percent some 92 minutes yes Vegas Vegas Miami's probably gonna be a red is certain parts of Miami yeah because all the hotels got Denver proper oh really yeah Denver and then we got but you know I have students in all these areas I've students at all these yes as students of San Francisco which is the least friendly the least friendly but they're doing it they're either well a lot of cities don't enforce so some of our doing it that way but usually they're going around the area so they just drive the next town over and they do it there but the interesting thing is that people are killing it in small towns I got students in towns of like under five thousand that are crushing it uh-huh I'm like how is that possible I got a guy in college pounds would be good that college towns are good anywhere there's a convention center it could be a big employer nearby you know with all these oil shale jobs whatever that are up north people are killing it up there with with Airbnb Texas people are now taking ranches and doing the cowboy experience and they get insane money in Texas and I know you know Texas and then yeah overseas I mean you know so you know this is amazing it's cool it's the most amount so you got in the deal would you make on your first deal I well first the first property I ever got not including the room I had a room in my apartment that I started with a fair room this first stand-alone property was sixteen hundred my first month net in my pocket 1600 and between 1600 and two grand every month on that one little one better well on a one-bedroom and then I went and got more I did three hundred thousand the first year on Airbnb and and now I've got students now they've gone way beyond so why wouldn't you just scale this thing didn't know I'd screw the education thing I am but this the education thing has been you know I've done yeah it's almost seven million dollars in last two years yeah so that's that's that's on its way too so um yeah of course B&B but we'll just put a link below yeah we get people to it and then let's talk about the importance of cash flow because you make let's talk about that tell me about how important is cash flow to you guys that are out there trying to create wealth you've met through some situations where the cash flow wasn't there cash flow is life man it's the lifeblood of everything makes everything makes it makes everything happen I mean for any anybody any anybody that's stuck in a job that they hate anybody that wants to be doing something else must have more time to do whatever it is they want to do in their life cash flow is the answer and so when I was traveling the world I went on a sixteen country tour I was in Dubai I was in all the I was in the pyramids of Egypt but Bill it's crazy how'd you like the pyramids dude incredible we were flying over did you not see him you gotta go to have to because XM went on YouTube we were looking at where to go right and so I'm like I go on YouTube the kids want to go to the pyramids I go on YouTube I look at the pyramids and everything I'm like no no and then we were flying over obviously I could see him from the plane you gotta say am i okay I'm good but no I went I went in and I waited on the ground I went in the Great Pyramid of Khufu and I went there hasn't been a lot of tourism going on in Egypt lately people are scared to go there and I went there and I walked inside the the King's Chamber and I was the only person in the entire pyramid Wow and I was like hello anybody here I was in there and it was the most eerie incredible weirdest thing I've ever experienced yeah what do you get an answer no answer so it's kind of cool to have its myself but um so anyways I was traveling the world posting all this stuff on social media and people were like what are you doing you're not a trust fund kid I know you don't come from wealth wealthy family how are you doing this Brian I said I got all this properties back home they're making the cash flow and I don't work and I just go do what I want and that's what cash flow does for you it allows you to do whatever you want so yeah right well I I mean how do you keep the cash flow going that yeah well I mean Real Estate's a great way yeah keeps coming in coming in coming in and in the online marketing now online marketing the cash flow that's really that's really really the real estate of the 21st century like I'm online it really is a real estate yeah I don't have any inventory I'm selling essentially information I wake up in the morning I check my phone see how much money I made that didn't do anything for it because it's all automated so and I'm always looking for ways to work once and get paid again and again and again I don't want to do anything where I'm trading my time for money and I want people to get away from trading their time for money that's what I'm passionate about yet until you're able to do that because till you're able to do it I was looking for this I would suggest that you keep trading your time for money as I do every day and then whatever money you have use that so that you can get more money with that money that's I mean you're not gonna get out you still got a trade time you got to do something you know just travel no why'd you stop traveling well I mean a certain point you get to a point where you've seen enough and I ready to get back to work let's get back to but the key is being able to choose what you do and not have to do something because you need the Paycheck okay we're gonna put the link below this dudes Brian page and started out he's done real estate flipping he's done ho sailing he's doing Airbnb okay he's got a formula for you that will show you how to create cash flow without net without money without real estate look I already own the real estate if somebody came to me and said hey I can fill up and I get this phone call quite a bit so you guys don't call me because we will get this phone call a job because I got to figure out the legal that's the issue on these larger properties then I'd have to furnish him yeah yeah but maybe maybe I take one property maybe we should figure out how to take one of those tests I mean it got might start with one or two and see what happens yeah yeah yeah so we got enough property time looking for a house for ty right now he's looking for something California right now so we're searching for something oh no he wants to get a lease on a property put on put on of course Airbnb yeah oh he wants to get out he wants to at least just for a short term yeah yeah so check out the site below you know Brian Browns talking to you about how can you figure out the solution I mean the thing I admire about you is you went busted you learned from your mistakes all builders go broke at some point folks they're making a lot of money right now but all builders go broke because they keep building and at some point the cycle will not support the supply that's what happened to him debt was not the issue and he's come back and figured out how can he work with his situation as it is I really admire that day you figured out how to come back pretty sure that thank you you're the man dude thank you ask the probe you got some specialty like Brian page has okay what he's doing is amazing he's gonna help a lot of people and help himself in the process and please comment would you learn today what did you like about today what didn't you like let me know where you're at I'll put some information how you can reach Brian and also his course will be down below let's grab it today [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Grant Cardone
Views: 350,572
Rating: 4.9311814 out of 5
Keywords: how to get started in real estate, income, short term rentals, air bnb investing, income properties, real estate investor, grant cardone, how to become rich with air bnb, wealth, investing in real estate, yt:cc=on, real estate investing, success, air bnb, real estate, how to make money in real estate, entrepreneurship, grantcardone, money, rental properties
Id: J0H6l1wjmd8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 22sec (1762 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2019
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