Grant Cardone Sits Down with the People's Shark Daymond John

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[Music] this guy while you guys are loading up cause me says hey I'm in Miami what can I do for you that's generous I don't want to say like that what can we do together you said hey what can I do I said man I got some raving fans I got entrepreneurs businesspeople small business owners network marketer salespeople sales manager you know who I got uh-huh guy said hustle and grind I've seen them all over the last ten X no no women that's right you didn't see them all you just saw a sliver right okay and I said Damon come over let's do some Q&A for these people and you said I'll be this done and he was here on time mm-hmm not some diva on CNBC never that ebc mm-hmm came to shark no man no man I'm always people I was like I'm always late though with my you know with other things but one is coming to speaking to the public never late and I don't even like listen none of us are perfect I don't even like the fact that I'm late on a regular basis other place yeah but yeah I got a lot of stuff going on I got a little two-year-old bouncing on my head you know I've got to be camera-ready I got a staff I got a ex-wife all of it got a lot of things going on that's why cause you yeah but about the kid you see y'all still know we know it she's still my best friend man but she's still gonna call me cursed me out keep me grounded yeah okay so Jared tell me when we want to where we at with our audience we're life well live we're live on okay so look Daymond John you guys knowing first of all we're gonna answer your Q&A I have tons of questions here Jared's gonna feed them to me all I'm doing tonight is answering your questions with mr. the six billion dollar man how much you walk away on there that's the first question I got it well six million six billion is over the course of 20 years yeah so me and my partner's we split up a couple of hundred you know you look at you look at hopefully getting out of everything you mean if you go through your bad situations you know if you can get 10% you know over the course of that walk away with 10% yeah but you know but so like 660 million 10% six billion I need you to help me oh man Wow better call 600 million there buddy see how hard it is to work with zeros but look look look I can be wrong but don't get me wrong probably the person will probably first 150 200 over the first five six years yeah we blew yeah right because you know you're just getting into it you're buying into more inventory bad inventory making good decisions bad decisions you know and then you start to learn right but on but but a lot of people are not gonna have that opportunity to grow that just like that they've done a lot of times compound isn't all coming you've probably lost money for you of course I'm less money for years that's when I realized the need for financial intelligence and to go to mentors to speak to people and find out what the hell's going on and what landmines can I avoid you know or what things do I need in my artillery yeah yeah yeah and so let me ask you this on the landmine sitting I'm gonna get to the questions but if an entrepreneur just knew what not to do yeah what would that do to it to accelerating their success well first of all has to be an entrepreneur that believes that the person and or the way they're acquiring the information is the right information because my Shark Tank entrepreneurs come to me all the time and you know listen after the honeymoon is over a lot of them I say here's here's what you don't need to do and then go wait a minute you weren't gonna just give me a million dollars and say just go off in the world and do everything and I'm gonna be a star I need new teeth and you know and I go no no man this is this is realest of how I broke you don't spend that money here you do this you go buy these by the way educate yourself here they go that's not right so it's when you're open to what's reality and you believe the person telling you yeah that's gonna that's gonna scale you so quick it's gonna cut out so much time so you got to really be able to trust the source you got to trust the source you also have to then look in there you see that source just check it out to say hey you know what grant and Damon told me do this let me go check the over here did this work this works in that person that's worth an effort yeah you know what they're right don't trust just one person I don't give a if it's me or you don't just want us how dangerous is it because the Internet's so wide there's so many opinions and so much information out there yeah and so anybody can be an expert yes all I got to do is Photoshop a Lamborghini yeah or Lowe's exactly a big house exactly how important is it for me to like confine who I'm listening to like and not be too wide you have to and that's why you know people like you and I we go on to a Facebook and shark tank and put out books and listen for me to be dyslexic and put out four books it's it's a challenge and when you see people that are dedicated to it and they don't always want something from you they're giving you information as much as possible when you see that try to go to more all of us with the same people with you you have the Daymond John Lewis house Grant Cardone Tim Ferriss you know Jay Abraham you have the circle of people that you won't find mess and crap about yeah right but the thing is a lot of times the ones working hard to steal from you and or to sell you insecurity they're working really hard to do that they're no they don't have a show like this where you and I can be honest and you know you see me over here and I see you over here you think we're both thieves coming together we're both like hey we have some information vehicle yeah and you can check our history and nobody will ever doubt anything we've done those other people to kind of sell you a pill to make you fat tall smart short selling you insecurities they're all over the place those are the pop-up ads yeah they just randomly come you never heard of the person heard of the place so when you start getting a group of mentors or Tim Ferriss calls that a tribe of mentors and stuff like that it'll start driving you in the right direction it's almost like going to a source such as the you know you know any anything that you've seen out there that works over the years Farmers Almanac or whatever keeps you keep going back to the same thing yeah go back to the same source and find people that don't have conflicting messages exactly like me and Tim I don't know if me and Tim could do a show together because he's doing a 4-hour work week and I'm doing no no I'm up at frickin 5 I'm at the office at 7:00 yeah but his for I'm saying nobody for our work was shown at maximum but there's also his new book travel mental he was showing you about working hard but just trying to find that little space in your life that just kind of yeah kind of get your sounds but he was showing you I'm just saying it could become it could become confusing for someone to hear hey go work for 40 grand and I'm over here saying dude don't work don't go anywhere to work for 40 thousand bucks you need to make some real money what's your opinion on making some real money here's okay so so so it look good information right I believe working 40 grand while you work on your dream and so that goes back to you saying work 24 hours a day I worked at Red Lobster for five years while I was creating FUBU because I needed that 30 or $40,000 a year because if you look at it over the course of five years that was $150,000 I had medical coverage I was utilizing yeah the the people in Red Lobster helped get my message out I would have to sell two million dollars worth of product just to make that hundred fifty thousand dollars and after that I was doing four hours a day on boo-boo then ten hours a day and it started to reduce my time working and then it compounded didn't leave the Red Lobster took a thing with rolling I didn't leave it to lose half rolling okay you are doing four hour work weeks no I wasn't at work weeks I was doing four hours sleep nights yeah exactly right that's it you know that's my point yeah well we Abril you want to preneur yeah they could get confused and say oh I'm gonna do this from home is that right and I'm gonna stay at home and I'm gonna get big from home they can do that they can who's ever gotten who do you know that's ever become a super unbelievable success from from home who do I know that's done that yes movement watches bombas socks bomba bomba still at home not anymore that's right not anymore no no they scale to a certain point but they got to 800,000 dollars a million you know watches are now doing a hundred million dollars I've met that one do not anymore that's right not anymore we're talking about getting getting getting getting you your stuff right for the first quarter yes not and then yes then you got to go out there you got it but I just think a lot of people out there thinking I'm gonna be I'm gonna work this thing from my house the rest of my life oh no no then you then you go in your day trader if you're a day trader then you do that you own the computer all day or your day trader but other than that you need a team yeah okay so look first you know we're gonna get into the Q&A right now there's gonna be awesome right here oh yeah we got everybody here we got all the connections are good and everything oh we get it dude where do people go to get the special offer that I'm doing with Daymond Grant Cardone comm ford slash shark grant ford slash shark for anybody that takes advantage of this right now let me tell you something first of all we came in and I was I was saying hey look through some of this junk see um I was saying I want to do something that when Grant and I said well how can we offer something to all these amazing supporters and what he told me when I walked in floored me yeah because at first we had some concepts of giving them some real value but then what you told me I can't wait for you to tell me come on man he's like let's get everybody a signed book no I like sign book have loved this little video it from you man dad come on man let's think bigger okay this is what let's go 10x right 10x by the way is a hundred it's not ten most people don't get that I was doing the math with you all the time with 25 cents for 18 holes doubled every ho $65,000 let's go play just go play so 10x the concept is to do everything big okay and Daymond here is to show you today and Huckel of handle around the chanson he's gonna he's gonna he's gonna call me let's handle the equipment shot see okay we'll take the cover so so this is what we're gonna do for you Daymond on demand is a platform for entrepreneurs it's unbelievable I want you to purchase it today I want you to invest in it's tax-deductible it's a $2,500 program $2,500 program not today 997 right you get an autographed book and autograph rise & grind book before it's out yeah and you get I'm gonna give you a ticket a seat bang 10x wrote con okay now this ticket right here these tickets run up to $7,500 a pop I'm giving you one if you've already bought a ticket to the conference this only applies when you get this program today and I'm gonna give you a new ticket I'm not gonna give you money back for the last ticket right this is about buying another ticket by the way you're not buying the ticket I'm giving you the ticket so you wanna bring your mom your dad your uncle yeah how important is it to bring people with you to events like well you need a support staff around your writing a lot of us you know we don't bring our families into what we want to do and you know we're out there trying to do the best for them and then having them go and do what they do but you don't realize you know my the reason why FUBU worked is because I wanted to quit every single day but every day I want to quit I had a mother that said you're not gonna quit in every day and I have partners three partners that were like you're not gonna quit and every time they wanted to quit I say you're not gonna quit because it gets dark yeah you get started you know what everybody else out there means what it gets dark you know what you start down sell people on you started listen you start doubting yourself you start listening to all the haters because the haters out there are gonna tell you it can never be done you won't do it you're gonna embarrass yourself you can embarrass us yeah right and when it starts getting dark they go I want you go back your own job why are you doing that you know you know you know nobody ever does that right and the reason if they knew so good they knew so much they wouldn't be living right right next door to you right yeah so um it gets dark man but if you have you have a support team you get scared you get scared you can't see that can't see the possibility start thinking small with that family they put out tentacles right if they're on a date if they have a family the power to the family the suppository puts a tentacle when they go out they go hey you know what you know when we talk my daughter date this person to me you know what I might we need to meet this person yeah yeah they start to so bring them in bring them in you know so as humans we're animals yeah let me ask you so so I hear a lot of people wanting to do everything wrong there oh yeah I want to go work for myself I want to go work for myself like how important is it define some a team to work with oh it first of all you can't do it by yourself you just can't you literally can so no matter what you're gonna have to go out there and have somebody who is a strategic partner in some other way and my buddy Jay Abraham says you got to use OPM and OPM should be other peoples manufacturing mind power marketing you know manpower and things of that nature to their knowledge you can't do it by yourself because I mean think about how how many people watching this right now who want an expert in what they do or who are experts in what you do whatever it is you're nursing it could be whatever the case is right you're gonna have to learn about being an expert in every other field in life right away you can't do that it took you 20 years to get to where you are today right I'm still learning about passion yeah yeah so when I go out I look for my mentors I don't know nothing about ladies fashions so when I go out I cuz i make men's fashions you would think it's exactly the same no it's a different buyer it's a different fabric it's a different season it's different designs I don't go out and go well today I'm just doing ladies I do out and find a team member and or somebody who knows about this stuff and we work together so you are gonna look for other people to these tentacles both both in your network and also in your mentoring absolutely 100% okay so Jared what are we gonna do for people that do it right now okay how about I throw in my journal how about a anybody the first the first 50 people to do this I'm gonna send you this all right grant cardone comm ford flash charge yeah so I'm giving you the ticket I'm giving you O do my numbers here book carry the fork and I'll have Damon just sign one of these for me for the first person that is $5,000 okay all right so look here this is from zeliha d3 from youtube once you started to experience success how did you avoid complacency and stay motivated each day entrepreneurs have a healthy paranoia I couldn't experience complacency because I was you know anything we're doing is worth overdoing and I got to a point in my life where I worked so hard I wasn't gonna let anybody take this away from me so I knew that I put in the time in the effort and I knew that the forces the bad forces were pulling me back oh you made so much money let's go hang out and drink all your liquor let's do this let's do that and a lot of temptation was out there because the devil goes to work once you see success so yeah it doesn't matter and I knew that I had to do a couple of things I need me to leave my girls a legacy instead of an inheritance see and I'm wanting to go out there and change the world so no complacency and by the way you know I have good partners who again a circle group okay they hold me accountable the minute I start saying I'm too good for this I'm too good for that they would say you know I was there when you do do it on yourself in the eleventh grade yeah you weren't so good then right and now you're too good how to pick up a box around here huh yeah they check you that's what that's what the support team does and and for everybody no I mean me and Damon are partners now we're working if we ever get this deal ain't we're partners anyway mate cuz you know what the bottom line is it doesn't matter but the contract is good as the paper that's on man it's about a handshake baby about all this paperwork Simon goddamn paper in the book we hate when starting other businesses this is from Kevin McMullen is it a bad idea to build related early on unrelated early on or should they all be in alignment with each other absolutely horrible idea to bill unrelated yes focus narrow Diaz my friend from Under Armour he he just you see Under Armour today but he concentrated on those wicker free shirts for 10 years see a mentor here's what I mentor he's gonna tell you there's three things that a mentor is gonna tell you in life number one don't take in capital too soon retain the most you can from your company number two do not scale too soon try not to grow too fast you want to go 10x but concentrate on 1x until you sir I have to learn how to do it and then you pour gasoline on it and number three don't spread yourself too thin don't try to be everything to everybody be the best at what you could do I love that idea by that cut that that thing Bruce Lee said he said I'm never afraid of a man with a thousand different kids I'm afraid of one man who concentrated one picks up thousand times right right yeah think about that okay so look let's go over those three things because you guys just got a million dollars worth of data here and this is exactly what is the N Daymond on demand Daymond on demand is what I call I'm laying now 20 million dollars worth of my mistakes the mine feels in the mines that blew me up and blew my leg off thank God I'm still here to survive but and now it's also a solution it's also all the things that we put together that are solutions they're very detailed answers and because as you know because I know your program is saying it's interactive we update it whenever we need to with new information that's vital in the market today so and so you know how it's different than what I'm doing with Cardone on demand is that I am sales focused you know that's my that's my lane is sales this guy this guy like I am what he did was phenomenal with FUBU right so any learned some things I didn't know so I'm structure focused and I'm structure and scale focused right so a lot of you gonna have the same question do i Anthony I open up a DBA doing business as though what's a trademark and once I don't have any of that well why do I need to have a patent well if it's patentable and a change of somebody's life that's fine but people can knock that off and people think that patents are usually more secure than anything else a trademark is more secure because you can come out with some kind of engine that's a hydro whatever engine I'm gonna come out with a different simulation of that but try to put Nike on a shirt and see how the how Nike gonna get in your ass that's a trademark you understand I'm saying so so they're various different things out there and whether you need to know and you know it you know it's all it's all about saving you the money up front because you're gonna go I you know maybe we're not saving the money up because patents are gonna go like this hey I have $50,000 on my patents yeah you need a trademark for 2500 mm-hmm but you're gonna go to an attorney and get that right yeah yeah you're gonna do all this other stuff so what it is is that it's a it's it's the power broke and we're saving you money today yeah for two different reasons Daymond demand is great but actually you know physically it's fine I love Damon on demand but this is an opportunity at a certain time to go someplace and be around people for three days for free yeah and other people are paying that immense amount of month sorry baby sorry I guess I guess I buy these type of things so great what are you saying and what I'm gonna say to you is this the three days are really important okay I knock you out the three days do it Rodney the three days are really important but but look you have to have something the other 363 days okay the books important I'm in the book absolutely let's talk about the book a little bit yeah Rison Ron yeah but man I got so many good questions here before you go to Roger ground I gotta ask you this don't take capital too soon I've had this question asked probably 20 times by different people on Facebook YouTube don't take capital to sue now what's that that be taking Capital can come in 15 a hundred different ways now taking capital to soon may say hey you know what I have a company and I want I want to give you 25% for a hundred thousand dollars but all of a sudden now you took the $100,000 great the company gets to five million dollar you need to raise another 500,000 well I'm not giving you my 20% slowdown for everybody so they understand what you say cuz I don't think anybody really understands what all right I want you know what grant can you please give me you're gonna buy my wristband business all right my wristband business I'm doing a couple of dollars in business but I real need $50,000 okay fifty grand and for that 50 grand I'm going to give you 25% of my company okay so I'm gonna give you 50 grand I get 25% of the company yeah now I have 75% to come right all right so now after this the risk friends you know the premiums go and I started doing mugs t-shirts hats everything else because you know what people want everything from me I'm gonna you know what I'm growing the business scaling it I just got a big big client like Pepsi mm-hmm or Grant Cardone yeah good kind of great all right I got five million dollars in orders hmm I need $500,000 joy blue Jory blue the 50 grand I gave you I have five million dollar would be more money yeah I need five hundred thousand dollars mm-hmm all right all right I'm worth more Cuban sees it human sees I got doesn't do nothing less than one-third 30% oh you know 33 and a half you're doing Bob now yeah but give me $500,000 Cuban and now you have 30 percent of the company so now how much I have well less 30 now you're down to 45 because I'm this guy that sold that they bought the 25 you ain't giving up we're not selling it it's right right so now I'm good now yeah because his investment just came back right so now I have 45 percent of the company right now I get to 20 million because the ratchets cold I guess it goes about five million about a million and a half then you still cracking at three five and then you go to 20 mm-hmm now I'm a twenty million and I need another three million dollars yeah yeah I'm gonna give that away for 15% mm-hmm now I have 30% of is I didn't even tell you if you do anything else right yeah now but if you would have moved along a little more slowly right you would have learned to take capital from different places you know places like a wreath or you would have worked or or you would have got factored or what does that mean to get back so factors is basically it's all a diamond on demand by the way that's right factors when you have orders and the orders are usually either triple rated meaning you're selling to the Walmarts or not even the Walmart Macy's JC Penney's even regular stores and the credit is good you can go to a bank and that's called paper you go to the bank with the paper and say here I have $300,000 worth of orders and they say okay we're gonna give you 75 percent of money because we know the store is gonna pay you and we're gonna charge you 8% or whatever the current market rate is you better off borrowing money at that point you can borrow money at that point well that is that's a bar alone yeah right you got collateral against the the lawyer do you have orders exactly correct so you're better off taking a loan in that case then selling shares in the company yeah because you retain the comment so now this goes back to what I was saying earlier and this is why I like working with you so much if somebody if some of you out there right now are listening to Dave Ramsey mm-hmm you just turned on CNN this morning you're listening to Dave and Dave's like all debt is bad debt then you tuned in to this show this morning and me and Dana is in there no man dude some debt is really good debt it is absolutely and then you got you guys get confused and immobilized that's why what I want you up that I want my audience for the next 12 months to focus on who they're listening to exactly that's why I don't let I don't partner with everybody we don't bring everybody that you write about that and and so so and for all those people will say we'll listen Daymond and grant I'm not at $500,000 I'm not selling to stores like Macy's I'll give you example when I got my first $50,000 in orders I got $2,000 in orders and I went over to the guy who made my t-shirts the guy was charging me six dollars to screen print and everything my teacher they said listen I don't have the money to give to you upfront because the store is not gonna give it to me until they get paid until they get the product scuse me I said why don't you charge me 750 to run the t-shirts hmm I'm gonna let you deliver straight you get your premium I gave him a premium what he was doing yeah and then I told him I'm gonna deliver it straight to the store because he didn't trust I was gonna give him the money the store didn't want to give me the money cuz I was starving at that time right I was looking just like this but just like this yeah yeah yeah and you two gave me 50,000 out I was buying a Hyundai with brand new rims you weren't ever gonna see me Yeah right because I know so 50,000 out of my life now the stores had because they knew they were given directly to a manufacturer of the cash that the manufacturer was around the the manufacturer was great because they knew they were giving straight to a store to them I retained a hundred percent of my company I gave a small premium okay so now this this is contradictory in my upbringing what you just did yeah which is the best deal comes with the lowest price so he just paid a premium he paid a 30% premium so can you explain when like when you're willing to pay more money for something to get something done that to you you didn't see ok cost you another dollar 50 yeah so the moment that I see that is why am i doing it what am i what are my inherent values of normal first of all I'm putting money into his pipeline and he's starting to trust me more because a lot of people out here they can get lines of you know on in factories because people like you're not gonna come around any much whatever the case is he's seeing that I have good business you know a lot of times you go to you go to people who of established businesses like I go to you and I go and I'm selling somewhere you go well where you giving them away I have no idea if you have a you know bad financial structure but he's seeing the stores the stores are also getting product now that's an advertising me I'm getting paid to advertise now uh-huh no longer do I have to go to the store and say can you please put it in and put out flyers so to me that wasn't a premium because I would have paid way more if I had to advertise a way more if I had to buy extra time on the line so number one don't take capital too soon number two don't scale too soon so it took me I mean I took me a lot longer to scale then then it should have just because I was thinking small could have been thinking small he could have been getting in ducks in a row yeah I gotta been working it out but but I did get it worked out what is I was thinking small too right how long did you think small I thought small for about eight years yeah I closed FUBU three times from 89 to 92 because I ran out of my little bit of capital but it was just all mine and then I thought that maybe we would have a boutique somewhere and put my partners and I would have a job but then I started to think wait a minute if I could go to sleep and put my head on the pillow and the register keeps ringing because in Japan they're buying it because it's midnight you know they're you know they're and it's midnight in in New York and it's 12 o'clock in Japan I can do this all over the world so let me do the best I can in Hollis Queens and then the best I can you know in New York and I want to replicate that but you know I don't want what you and I did I don't want people out there to think you know that they think so small and with great visionaries because I don't believe that entrepreneurs are visionaries I think that entrepreneur gets up every single day and does the best they can for their business and themselves and their customers every single day and they keep going somebody else is gonna build a bigger machine than me they realize nobody else can rest with them because they keep going like you and I you will never be able to stop me yeah but no that's the same thing yesterday the automation the robots I fear no robot not fear no robot either right Jared hey Jared be sure that your mics turned off so you're not banging into that mic with your keyboard because I can hear it from here just make sure he's not hot bang bang bang okay you fear no robot I fear no robot a lot of people ask this question I don't know where it came from me over and over how do what here was it was a Jeremy Warner Jeremy Warner says what keeps Damon up at night hey man that's an awesome question hey can you hang on grant just one second before you answer that question I just want to remind everybody right now that we have an unreal offer right now for everybody on here you can only access this offer wow this stream is live so you definitely want to take advantage fast so grant has partnered with Damon to bring you at an unprecedented deal Daymond on demand this is a full fledge entrepreneurial platform that will help you go from idea to profitable business he's gonna cover the business fundamentals how to validate your product or service how to protect your business so the legal side of things how to an out analyze an industry how to identify your target market to do a competitive competitive analysis how to build business credit preparing for the pitch how to find money and how to create your sales process so this is literally step by step on how you can blow your business up this course sells for 2495 and today for everybody here watching you can get access to this system for only nine hundred and ninety five dollars if that were the only offer that you got today it would be a steal and you should take advantage of it right now you to learn from a guy who took a company to seven billion dollars with FUBU you've seen him on Shark Tank you know he's real you know he's legit you know this information is gonna be good in addition to that because you came down here today Daymond and spent some time with Grant giving this education and information to our audience grant decided that he's gonna throw in a ticket to the 10x growth conference is gonna give you a thirty nine hundred and ninety five dollars Super Saver ticket to the tenants Grove Conference absolutely free when you take advantage of Damon's offer today so not only are you gonna get Damon on-demand for nine ninety five which is a twenty four hundred dollar product not only are you gonna get an executive level Super Saver ticket for the 10x growth conference which is a four thousand dollar ticket but you're also gonna get a brand new copy a Damon's book Rising grind before it's even out you've got to jump on this fast we only have a handful of books that we can give out and this offer will go away do not wait take advantage for it now Grant Cardone com forward slash sharp that's Grant Cardone com forward slash sharp you are saving over five thousand dollars for Damon Banda man a ticket to the 10x growth conference which is gonna sellout largest entrepreneur conference of the year put on by anybody and you're gonna get a brand new copy of Damon's best-selling book rise & grind go to Grant Cardone com forward slash sharp right now take advantage of this offer today listen I'll tell you what keeps me up at night how can I overdo what I'm currently doing the world is changing is such a lightning speed that there as my friend Andrew yang says he has a new book called the war in the comic book there's gonna be blood in the streets if you don't take control of your life right now because if we look at this thing right here and I always use the stat that 85% of the top the the 85 percent of jobs for males in America is driving heavy machinery and order and and trucks yeah well if everything's going automated they're not gonna have a job I don't care who's the president I don't care what degree you have you don't get off your ass and start empowering yourself you're not gonna have a job and by the way it's not that the trucks are also not going to give you a job but there's going to be no reason for grocery stores and highway rest stops it's the trucks don't gotta take a piss that's right they don't need a kit kat bar so that they're tracking you they're not stuck on some of your last wisdom in genius okay what are you saying it is inspirations not what's keeping them up it's a paranoia yeah it's healthier paranoia I'm getting up and doing the damn thing yeah you know on Shark Tank if you're worried right instructing the smartest person or the one who went who wins the best on shark tank is me because I learned from the Sharks as much as I mess with them I learned from the new people that come up there and they're doing business a new way I get to meet great people like you will like-minded people and I'm greedy I'm taking it all in taking it all in man you use the G word I'm taking it all in I'm greedy I'm greedy tell people why it's important to be greedy cuz cuz my mama taught me not to be greedy yeah okay listen you know even when I use people can oh my god he used in I heard I use them I'm telling you I use them telling you I use them we're like brothers let me bring Chauncey in the room charge come on here for a second let me tell you how much oh let me tell you how hey hey the cameras the cameras but it was second I'm using him alright I don't want to show chance for a second oh yeah I'm using him George he happens to be somebody who wa say what's up Johnson what's up everybody Tong's he happens to be somebody who grew up in the music industry he represented in work that I believe Interscope Records he handled a couple people you may have heard of you too Snoop Doggy Dogg a lot of people like that Cee Lo and he is connected with every single radio station television station everybody in the world cuz he's been bringing the biggest artists there for the rest of his entire life here's how I'm using him using him because I'm using him but I'll give you the hook in a minute I realized that the music industry went down but this man had the most best rolodex as you call it today contacts will call a rolodex was back in the days he had the most vast contact I and now I can either pay and beg and call producers and directors and all these people when I have ideas and projects I want to put out or I can put Chauncey on staff use him for his contacts but use him in his best interest because he's using me too because he's now realizing how he can add more value to those relationships he's had all his life and now entrepreneurship today it's like music in the past I mean other than you using Kingdom yes yes you use he doesn't like to talk but I'll let him talk right you know what a guy told me once man got to have a contact to get a contract I like that one right I'm gonna use that a straw I think it sound like I'm smart a long way you run away are their best interests in there miss interest so I want I want everybody to hear what Damon saying right now okay this guy is a highly successful entrepreneur for books under his belt TV show FUBU I mean the TV shows one thing but the FUBU things another thing I mean that's real yeah so so huh good Stevie you don't know about TV it's not it could be real who knows ok boobs real thing ok so you're listening to guy that just use two words that most of us were growing up never to use greedy and use people but you're gonna if you're gonna build something if you're gonna help a lot of people do you gotta be greedy and you gotta use P you gotta agree be greedy for yourself and your staff I'm greedy for my staff yeah my staff is the most amazing staff and I gotta do what I gotta go out there and bust my ass because I'm Batman there Robin and then you're Batman there Robin I'm Batman there Robin then sometimes there Batman in rhyme Rob right I work just as hard so I'm greedy right I want the best for my entire staff and I'm gonna use people in their best interests I'm gonna use them in their best century so this is the information you guys need to be hearing every day ok what I'm offering you today is this Daymond on demand how much content is in there I haven't looked it is eight hours of content you can I'm amazing raking up in two three four five six so can dive into a bunch of chapters as well so you can even go and say I want to know about legal structures I want to know where to raise cash red marks I want to know about trademarks way to raise capital what kind of capital race mmm-hmm how to do marketing what type of marketing what is more and branding the same thing as advertising and it's not the relations aside it's not he told me the other day I'm sorry to interrupt you I just love this club but but I'm in Vegas he's like grant you need a PR person oh my god what am i doing man hey you need a publicist - Grizz why are you trying to keep what you're doing this amazing stuff why are you trying to keep it a secret why why why aren't you on the cover of ink right now why are you trying to keep a secret every time I'm one short think that's why you can't be what stopped working so hard to keep this magic a secret get a public relations person look Damon on demand I'm giving it to literally I'm giving you I'm giving you something here I don't know which one I'm giving you there's a gift okay if you have an entrepreneur in your life husband/wife boyfriend/girlfriend this is the gift that will give all the way through next year okay or if you have only one chip renewing your life who keeps bothering you you know the person that asked you for 20 30 40 $50,000 tell them check out this Damon with the man come back to me after you check that out they go we won't hire people that don't get through our programs I'm like look if I'm not gonna hire you I'm not gonna do a partnership with you if you can't even get through my program so rather than giving somebody money give them Damon on demand I'll give you a ticket to the growth conference saves you what have we selling this ticket for right now so I'm not exactly where from twenty-five hundred seventy-five bucks to 15 grand so I'm but with this ticket this is a mezzanine executive ticket it's an executive Tiki here's a thousand minimum you need to pay for this tickets a thousand bucks and an autograph book bye bye mr. Damon driving line and I'm gonna send you out this journal because I want you to start journaling while you work on Damon on demand and by the time you get to the growth conference in Vegas you gotta write it down we got it right oh my god remember the dullest pencil we'll remember we'll always remember more than the sharpest mind you got to write it down and come back to it because you're gonna oh I lost my phone I got wiped out write it down Santo Eliot okay thanks for living the dream and showing us what is possible the question I would ask Daymond John yeah he should have said mister no it's so good I'm people Chuck what did they tell you what they day that's really weird and littles a david schardt not what is his immediate reaction when experiencing fear but prior to closing on a business deal starting a company pitching a prospect and similar experiences that occurs in business really good question I don't think I've never been asked that so my immediate reaction tourists to having fear when clothing on a business or whatever the case is number one Iowa whether it's fear or it's anger I always first of all ask myself why where is it coming from and I have to go deep into why is the fear because I'm gonna have way more work ahead of me is the fear because I have another partner that I don't want to dis necessarily deal with it would be responsible for is it fear because I don't think I'm going to make it is it fear because I'm going to do the damn thing and I know what that's going to do that's gonna create a lot of more things for me to do and making my agenda at the time is to take a couple of years off more slowly you know regards to going back to doing some more stuff of my family I have to ask why is the fear coming here and then what in regards to this fear do I need to do and what will it cause more pain more happiness more money and is the money important is it not sometimes you need to understand these methods because you need to just make a little bit more to improve your life and maybe you just want to get to where you would be in ten years from now just get there in two years but maybe you wanted to have a healthy balance of life and you know personal and business it doesn't have to be that I need a gazillion dollars yeah you know success could be somebody making $300,000 but they're making it in kind of a certain way where they can spend six months with their family right right you just got to know what you do in the format yeah yeah yeah how do you find that out how do you find out what your do look in the mirror you look in the mirror and say why am I doing this so you know I met so many people who did things only for money and they weren't excited about what they were doing yeah then they received the money and then they didn't have any purpose for it so they blew the money or they got high or they ended up in jail yeah they didn't have a purpose for the money right right so when you look at yourself in the mirror and say why am I doing this well my my daddy beat me for 19 years and I wanted to just go out there and show my better you know problem ya know why you're doing it yeah why am i doing I want to change people's lot no problem it all depends yes right yeah why are you doing it yeah yeah okay that's good man that's good I mean I think I think I've always had different reasons quit yeah how did you compound your growth most things start small the power of broke was a great book how did you accelerate and maintain continuous growth thank you where are just getting power broke dude we can do that I can find a way I'll give the e-book actually actually actually I want to give them before I do power broke I want to give them Display of power my first one where showed my my really raw days of fool will give that okay give that to him digitally yeah yeah yeah okay so anybody that hooks up right now its 997 it's tax-deductible it's a great Christmas gift you get Damon on demand you get a ticket to the growth conference you get a signed copy a rise in brine and we'll get her in Iran today and you can't get to Vegas give the ticket to somebody okay give it back to me I'll give it to somebody I'll give to somebody that needs it I'm sure you know somebody needs naps I know a bunch of people that need it and we'll get you a signed copy to rise Iran right and and a digital copy of my first book when I was the raw fool guy and I was like I got stuff to in and he's gonna sign this imma getting the sign like 30 of these okay grant cardone hush shark grant cardone calm Ford / basically giving you 4 way on up early this morning we're giving you 6 grand for just jumping on and learning from these two guys okay I will pay for half of it believe in it by the way let's get back to that question no I want to answer that question hit me with it again please cardi how do you how do you scale and compound your growth when you start small because everything starts small how do you continue to maintain growth making affordable mistakes at a small stage what you're doing is you're trying to get all the kinks out of the system and once you end up realizing you know listen the old saying is everybody overestimates what they could do in one year and they underestimate what they'll accomplish in 15 right once you start to do all that you start to then find out the assets that you need around you the strategic partners I always say that that that if you draw a line and put down all the things you love to do and all the things you hate to do you'll start slowly outsourcing the things you hate to do or trying to find a way to get that out of the system and you'll do more what you love to do and when you start doing that you start compounding but again who was started in 89 technically and we really didn't get national recognition until 98 but it started compound that was luck right I mean some guys just started wearing your stuff yeah yeah yeah there's no there's no such thing as love but I mean some of it was no there's no such thing as luck man I can tell him little little little day day is no such a little day they desire desire there's opportunity man yeah but I'm but you did have some fortune along the way I did not the only fortune I had is being my health yeah and having a great mother it showed up I showed up every day you know many times I failed man a hundred jillion time yeah there is no such thing as luck what big bowl party yeah yeah I did though big bowl party I lost everything on it yeah I lost everybody did when did he started wearing your stuff that was a little lucky though right and then he was wearing no doing it no that wasn't luck I had already put systems in place let me tell you how I put system in place I wish I could tell you that ll and did he just jumped and said oh I want to do this no I started making shirts and people like them on the corner here and there and then I closed business but then I realized you know what you see Chauncy huge he was on his knee and he was still taller than us right african-americans happen to be Oh some of them a big so I realized that these big guys who are usually big they're usually really really funny or they great joyful guys or they're the guy the other guy at the club going like this you can't get in here or whatever yeah and I realize big guys nobody makes things for big guys right they got to go to Rochester big and tall they get a couple of things so I made a bunch of shirts for the biggest guys I've never seen and I realized like the kids with the funny mustaches it's a really tight jeans and wear one shirt one time ago I don't know more I realized those big guys with we're at 10 15 times a month and guess what those guys are on stages like this in front of LL Cool J or in clubs like this pushing right right so what happens is so many people saw those things and then Loa puff was like hey why did you give me one yeah that's how I did it yeah it wasn't just hey ll wear a shirt yeah yeah thousand people are saying that too but you would have done that too right hey I sorta wore a shirt I was sort of asking that but I but also the way I pitch is just like the way that real people pitch they don't they don't kind of beg they'd be like hey man I love to give you one my shirts if you don't want you no problem I got all these other people wearing it but I would love you be part of but if not even trying to help me man you've been doing this stuff on me on our deal but but look but so everybody's clear you were willing to work a street corner and say hey selling shirts from the streets right wait a minute wait you don't understand I've worked Harlem Street corners at midnight when the Apollo Theater let out when you do that people don't tell you just what they think about the your shirt they tell you what they think about your mother your Harlem right so I can run up your net oh yeah what not me good I call I called on car dealers you called a car dealer the night I got yeah that's it a lot harder yeah okay yeah okay okay how can I find people this is from Andrea swats how can i funk how would you like to have this every day folks have this available to you every day and that you can go back to put bookmarks in yeah how can how can I find people who want to invest and find a great project for then invest in while I charge a percentage of the investment so this wants to be a broker she wants to get the piece let you answer that man that's that's more in your world I mean I can do it I can do it but I mean I don't like the I I don't like that business model yeah I mean it was a predator capitalist no better no no let's put it like this mean no because listen maybe you have great contacts I just don't think there's your control you don't want to create inventory but you're not in control you are two and three and four or five steps away from the money you want to do one step away from the money because you don't want your destiny to be determined by whether somebody likes order they don't like it you and I always talk about that about the network type of stuff right you don't want some buyer who may get fired you know a CMO like lifeline is about 24 months think about that in a company a CMO is usually about 24 months and for the first 12 months they're cleaning up the that the last CMO just did so you don't want that person to be gone and all of a sudden you're trying to depend that person so but brokering things if you have a really great database and you're not being predatory and you are sharing this information you got to do what grant and I doing give more information than you can for free overwhelm people with information you have a grant and I aren't afraid of talking to you for free and giving you information cuz check into what we're saying and if you don't like blue saying then don't mess with us but I'm confident people gotta mess with us over deliver for people over deliver over foot deliver for them and don't be plated or over deliver huh that's right just don't be predatory predatory man over deliver different from rising grind yes whoa power broke okay so the power broke was this y'all described you kid named Damon and he was and I wanted to tell people where my my successes were and where my failures were and then I walk people through my life from the beginning all the way to where I was at about 33 years old because I wanted people to say I believe in this theory and I understand when he came from because then you can understand these other lessons I was gonna give you rise & grind this is what I'm really excited about it's my newest book and of course my man grant cardone is in it why I'll tell you why the rising vine is amazing power broke I gave you a mentality you don't need money to make money and once you get it you got to do the right thing with it right and now that's the kind of a theory of cooking now in the power of broke I have 16 subject I mean in rising blood I have 16 subjects in there I'm showing you how to cook a steak I'm showing you how to cook lasagna because I study people like Grant Cardone I said one of the first things one of the things you do the first 90 minutes of your day one of the things you do the last 90 minutes your day what did you know what 20 that you stopped doing and now you need to go back to hey remember all that that stuff you did a 20 when you were just all out well now you're a little bit older and you have a family so you can't just go all out like that how do you have work time and then also time with your family right because you got to understand everybody said oh I'm rising and grinding well rising we're all gonna do cuz if you don't rise you're dead right so that's your defense but the grind is your offense every one of us have 24 hours in a day how come you may be more successful than that person that person is more successful than me and I'm more successful than the other we're all using the same 24 hours yeah so what are we doing yeah what are you doing that 24 hours so I put people in there like Santana Catherine zeta-jones Gary Vee Grant Cardone al Bubba Baker I put a guy in there named Kyle Manor by the way calamander was born with no arms and no legs and he army climbed Mount Kilimanjaro the entire Mount Kilimanjaro with no prosthetics Wow I look at him and I'm just a loser when I talk to her tell her by the way - what she does right every one of us have the experience hate because you want me to tell you about Kyle Mainers hate he became a wrestler in high school he lost every single match the first I think 35 or 40 matches year one he said he didn't want to go back he was never gonna do that he had no arms no legs right he goes back he starts winning you know what they start saying he has an unfair advantage because because what because if he's fighting at 120 uh-huh and everybody else is at 120 but they have no arms no legs technically his torso and his body is heavier than their so he can press them easier Wow you don't want an unfair advantage like Kyle had trust me he was like nobody else won total ban it's still gonna hate her in a man with no arms no legs think about that that's the riser grime Jeffrey Wilson wants to know for all the content you provide thanks grant my question is what's the best route to assemble your dream team for start up good question yeah great here's you know and grant and I will have different philosophies I don't know because we don't check on each other's philosophies all day we mostly argue when we're off set about the stupid stuff what let me tell you something yes I said we've just built different businesses which only goes to show you like but there's so many similarities it just goes to show you there's so many ways to make it absolutely this planet today not just in America your body percent 120% so so let me tell you how I build a team I most of my team has come whether from interns or people who were to come in put in time for free because if they're gonna bust their ass more than a person working then I'm going to make sure that I reward them I also want people who over deliver their team players they're not thinking about themselves and they respect each other see when you get hired me with jobs one job the job you're hired for the next job is to be a team player and make sure that you jump in anywhere you see somebody else week and then after that you and I are gonna do something together or you're gonna have some kind of proper chair to grow who you are because the good people out there guess what they're either gonna become your competition somebody's gonna steal them from you and then you're gonna they're gonna leave you can't hold good people back that's right and most of you right here are the people I'm talking about there's a good people that somebody could not hold back and nobody's gonna stop when the times got bad for me in my office it was the people I wanted a fire that wouldn't leave mm-hmm there wasn't the people that you couldn't stop but how did people out there get an intern you can get an intern because you're Daymond John yeah but you know okay I had a version of interns when I started in a house in 89 I had I had three friends that came home first of all who was a big ol five on it okay cuz what's that old five is on all the foolish shirts so cuz it was five oh but it was starting to boost stuff yes she did yes no I did not actually do I know you got food with drawers on right now it was Oh five I'll show you what I know no no that's okay that's okay we don't want a blackout we don't want to block the internet now who Wed five because I kept having partners come and I did a Airbnb at my house when air BB wasn't out I said alright guys you're gonna all live in this house we're gonna work on FUBU but that fifth member kept leaving it just kept leaving we went through ten fifth members it ended up being this four of us but it was an investment these people were making investment don't think of investment only as capital investment is when you have a sweat in there someone you more more yeah it is you're giving up your time and energy you're not getting paid on something you don't know will happen yeah yeah what what on this sweat thing okay how much work do you do every day that you never get paid for and never will get paid for what percentage you think I would have to say eighty percent that's what I say exactly the same number eighty percent of what I do I'll never get paid for but it will compound yeah it will compound with amazing team members knowledge access access to people and information that you know listen I went from being a clothing dude right to the author to then on Shark Tank to being a mole of a tional speaker - whatever I don't know how to not put in work and not worry about the dollar and I understand you got to keep the lights on in the house yeah but I don't know any better so tomorrow if I decide to go out and just start saving sea turtles I'm gonna be the ilis sea turtle yes saver and sea turtles on paper so in that form yeah they're paying in another way because I had a real estate broker call me yesterday said hey grant I want to show you this deal but I don't want to waste my time you know what exactly I'm waiting to hell on my damn boy I know what you're talking about you know quit talking about yourself okay so this person says I've read a variety of sales and mindset books webinars live training certifications I think there's a lot of people out there that have tried a lot of things mentally I mentally comprehend the material in depth but it does not stick or execute it's trained when I leave feel like I'm in a fog and quick Stan what would you tell them that's a salesperson and I don't want I don't want to generalize the answer what they're worried they're gonna be another homeless starving war vet okay well well where are they why are they in the fog are they being overwhelmed with the information or are they taking things and dealing one at a time and not try and do everything do one time remember discipline creates freedom right discipline creates freedom and you have to just go on one thing and try until it failed we got to do the best at it that information on what will fail will end up empowering you on what works but it looks like the person is like man I need to do all this yes kind of you got a contract you got to look at things like you're filing with a sniper rifle not in the shotgun you have to be laser focus on things so in the beginning would you pick one thing to measure like me yeah what I was doing you're selling t-shirts or you're selling a training or you're a plumber yeah would you focus like like when I started my business I focused on one thing I need I need to sell a product today and I need to get a check okay and I need to get enough people to present to to come home with a check because I mean I don't know only thing I could measure was whether I got money yes so my my my focus was since I had my job or a lot of my focus was I need to get this as many hands people who are gonna share this information with other people and I need to create a community so whether your community is a bunch of investors whether your community is a bunch of buyers or a bunch of banks you can go to for real estate or your community is software engineers and or podcasts or people like that you have to create a very strong community and that's all I concentrated on for about six years is creating a very powerful community and over delivering to that community and how did you feed yourself well I've got myself a little bit with with a Red Lobster I kept that going and then I also would make sure that I wasn't losing money with the shirts that I would do it if I made five sentences I wasn't thinking about making the margin of fifty you know I just wanted to make a little bit to just be able to reinvest like more shirts to then give to more of the community so you start making some money yeah okay start making a little money man when do you buy the Bentley when do you buy the big watch right when do you store it yeah loading up I so when so I didn't realize how broke I was until I mean my first million dollars and once I made my first million dollars this is the power of broke theory you know about forty five percent I went to the government so I had about six hundred and fifty thousand dollars so I looked at leverage how I leveraged my credit cards which was horrible at 28% I had to pay up another $150,000 in credit cards I let me $500,000 then I tried to pay off the house that I had which is about $150,000 I left me what about 350 I took care of a little bit of medical things you know and then I bought me a I bought me a little Lexus of $50,000 so that left me with about 250 you know you got to take care of mom right you got to take care of mom put away little son for Mom right mom got about a hundred and then I put 50 into my kids college fund and then I was broke again yeah but I wasn't broke again because I knew more money was coming in but I didn't realize how many how broke you are yeah and until that so so tell people the importance of or the unimportance of the million dollars point to the million dollars because I see how I just used it like that instead of instead of utilizing it and breaking the finances out a different way and and and not because a lot of we grew up or a lot of people grew up or I was like you got to pay for everything full no no no I learned this from this this this weird-looking guy that I see on YouTube sometimes man I own everything I rent and rent the things that I live in you know you heard that guy you have the you you have the financial area we live without you you rent where you live where you rent that's right I think some of that so that's what I started I started learned financial intelligence and a lot of times people can be investing in themselves right now and learning this type of stuff would they go and do frivolous things you know when the person people first raise capital you know you raise it you dig in your couch yeah you know you cut your credit card bills down and you go out for dinner one time instead of six times right don't go and buy that house and you say well you know it's only gonna be a two thousand dollar mortgage well by the way you didn't look at how much it costs to maintain that house oh by the way that house is three hours away I know that's why it was cheaper and now you're driving and doing tolls and busting up your car and stuff like that you happen to be more financially intelligent and you have to be sharp and do this type of stuff and then you go out and you purchase things like software like homes that you end up getting paid for about to take that million dollars and invested it I would have gotten paid right me right now right because what he didn't do in his math by the time he got down to giving his mom money there was no money to put back in the business no there was zero it was really so he's back to broke and probably had to go back on the boring cycle again I did so I think a lot of you out there are miss calculating how much money you actually need when you're sitting down thinking about your goals or talking to the mirror or whatever to utilize the money financial intelligence money is a tool yeah right you know money money is a great a great slave but a horrible master it's a tool you don't want to be a you know a slave to the money with the money to be a slave to you when you when you were building FUBU you did six billion in sales was that a target that you had you always know it was gonna be a big target like that so for somebody that's small should they be thinking with a billion dollar target no I did not know that FUBU was going to do anything more than you know provide my friends and I would hopefully a store for a little bit of a little while but as I started to bring more on other mentors and start to learn more I kept educating myself with with who were learning the industry and I started looking at a couple of things well how III didn't get beside myself cotton is cotton that's all that's all I was selling right and I started to do a couple of things saying number one yeah t-shirts right number one let me look at the trajectory of a clothing brand well the hot clothing brand last five years right no we're not talking about Nike and Louie Vuitton so I need to also start putting down some tentacles and anchors and acquiring other brands number two what is my gift is my gift that I'm a great designer no I'm a great marketer and I now have access to distribution and those are the things that I needed to go into number three where am i weak at well I can't make ladies clothes I don't know what they were in China so now I need to start trying to license the territory like China license out ladies you know so I started look at my weaknesses and strengths and I started to then home that in an okay my partner's who was around me who are the people I got a pending on when it gets dark who's gonna be there you know who those rats jump ship when it starts getting bad right and and that's how I started to scale before you know it I I had something you know you know bigger and yeah and and that's why I will try to talk about corporations everybody says these corporations are you know they have this thing called ROI right now I know your dollars out here small entrepreneurs are better on ROI than corporations because blockbuster had core ROI blackberry had ROI Toys R Us the Toys R Us at ROI that's a bunch of but it and they think entrepreneurs fly by their pants and they don't know if you're doing their pants yeah yeah an entrepreneur is more and more of a discipline person than corporation that's why because the hospital knows what they can bet today I have and they're better that they are gambling yeah yeah but they're gambling a little more we're so slice money they're going around in $20,000 or two weeks dedicated to this or piya or or what we're selling today the investment we have you ever invest today in this they're replacing something else for this so which one is the greater sacrifice right so what be what would be more important let's say we got a person out there they're they're on their last thousand bucks yeah I remember I bought a thousand three thousand dollars from my mom when I was twenty five changed my whole life you know to get a training program like that so but say the best thing you can do and I know everybody thinks that these things are like grandparents just insane the best thing you can do is invest in yourself and I'll tell you how that comes back around the reason why you said 80% of the things you do don't pay off is because you're investing in knowledge and/or people and access it's the same exact thing that I said you know if you are out there right now don't and you you're looking to create a website and this and that learn to code yourself don't go out there and hire somebody who's gonna tell you a bunch of sell you some fifty thousand dollars and then you can't never find them till they leave or something like that I started to learn everything in my company so you couldn't hold me hostage and my company yeah my wife says it's all the time hey can you get somebody to do this for me I'm like you need to you need to know how to do that okay because if you don't know how to do that you can't actually tell somebody what you want hey if somebody right yeah exactly someone right now was was was was was taking advantage of me from shooting a video argument sake if they're only gonna be ten thousand now you know cuz I went to New York Film Academy just for six months and I understand it's not ten thousand dollars with the technology right now it's five hundred dollars I'm telling me that so a question that a lot of people asked was hey do I go out and outsource my sales without knowing how to make the sales absolutely not that's right how you gonna tell some money how to sell your yeah yeah so so why are people like that's why I never understand why do people go to matchmakers cuz because they can't they don't know how to give you know somebody's why they don't know how to get in the right cell go sell me that I'm pretty go sell me that I'm handsome I'm tall I'm short go go sell me this is the sales every time every short take i watch I know the questions coming what are your sales sales are by far the most important thing I mean there's only two ways to operate a business you reduce costs or increase sales reduce a loss said again there's only two ways to operate a business yeah you reduce costs or increase sales and reducing costs may mean going out of business right right right increasing sales is not going out of business it's all about sales we're selling ourselves every minute of the day the product is just happens to be an extension of us yeah so the god is the guy that got he's down on his message it reminds you it's like good Gordo news yeah anyway because people are like I got too much debt that's not your problem man you don't have enough sales right okay my expenses are too out that's not your problem you have enough sales I've given too much money to charity not your problem you guys have the wrong problem what you need is a coach you need somebody with you every day between now December 1 11th of this year in December December 9th of next year to walk you through this entrepreneurs cures all sales cures all so if you're down to your last thousand dollars yeah this offer today is 997 grant cardone com4 it's like shark ok yeah you're down a guy's sitting there right now watching this and I'm I got my last grant should you spend it on this absolutely I would tell you the same thing I'll tell you why because the minute you learn this and you then go out and get a trademark instead of a patent that now saved you $20,000 or the minute you realize you weren't necessarily ready for distribution you had to put a couple of things in order or any of those things how much will that save you then yeah or the fact that you just can't get up right now like you're like I don't know who to call on don't know what to say I don't have a plan I don't have a path yeah I was thinking about going small he's telling me to go big you were thinking about being unselfish when he's telling you no right now you need to get selfish would you agree with that you need to yourself it's about you you can't help anybody if you can't and we're not telling you to hurt people though we're not telling you the predatory we're not telling you do anything of that nature do not do that but you've got to be a little selfish because I would tell you something you know you know I talked about my health and before you know because I had experienced stage two cancer but I thought that I had to say to cancer I you know I wouldn't got a fitness of that's why I never go get I got no I got an executive physical right but they found that I had something after the surgery they said by the way that was station cancer but the reason I say that is because I'm cancer-free and I'm healthy and having a great time and that's why you can see me here with my buddy the reason I say that is entrepreneurs tend to take care of everybody else and you will be a time to take care else but be greedy and selfish at first and take care of yourself so then you can pull people up the ladder you need to take care of yourself and then you will make sure that you can take care how about you go to your ring so dude that's what I want to know man two carats no these are expensive these are nice but those that fake easy these are fake ease because I I have the real ones those keep them at home but here's what happened I go to the shoot some show called Shark Tank I go oh you know this thing's not gonna work you know yeah I say but I got a free trip to LA so let me go hang out with a couple of my peoples right yeah yeah I go to LA I shoot the little little whatever it's called what is a sizzle reel or pilot yeah I wear my earring to that time I'm 37 years old and I'm going out to the club afterwards gotta wear the earrings the show gets picked up and they go after this but continuity you got it with the earrings from now on yeah so now I have to put the earrings in so I'm walking on this you branded you know people think all black people look the same so they never know if I'm ashy Larry CeeLo or Damon John so when I wear the earrings I become Damon John who does he look more like does he look more like JLo or c-level no I'm a mix between the new Superman dude and Tyson Beckford okay how does have yeah please Eric oh I forgot to color my Gray's haha you know yeah see I don't do that too much work you're gonna get a free growth con ticket when you purchase Daymond on a man there's a $2,500 program included today you're gonna get a signed copy a rise & grind this book ain't even out yet you're gonna get out yeah you're gonna get a copy first you're gonna get an executive level ticket to the 10x growth conference that's a $4,500 ticket it's a $7,000 package for 997 go to grant cardone com forward slash shark and let me tell you about Damon's program because I've had the opportunity to go through it a little bit this isn't just for entrepreneurs this program is for people like like when I went through it I was like man I wish I would have just understood how business works better because that makes me a better salesperson when I understand what goes into the licensing all the roadblocks that people run into as a salesperson that makes my job easier because I understand the problems of a business owner better so you're gonna get business funding don't don't forget this Display of power my book my first book display how are you gonna get as well and you're gonna get a download of the Display of power you can't even get that book anywhere but here right now so look you're gonna get business fundamentals understanding how to validate your product and service in the marketplace how to protect your business learn how to analyze an industry you're gonna learn to identify the target market you're gonna be able to do a competitive analysis on the market to determine where your fit is you're gonna be able to build a marketing plan you're gonna be able to create the bones of a sales plan you're gonna plan for growth get your business plan you're gonna be able to prepare your pitch building business credit and learn where to source money from this is information that is priceless for you no matter if you're an entrepreneur a salesperson you're an employee you have an idea some that someday you want to take to the marketplace or maybe you don't this information will help you and you can save six grand on it today Grant Cardone for slash shark in Vegas yeah in February I'm gonna tell you something else I'm being greedy right now with the offer I'll tell you why yeah because these are people who are actionable who are gonna physically go to Vegas yeah they're gonna be ambassadors because after they have what we have for them they're gonna go out and they're gonna spread the word and or they're gonna be people who are gonna be testimony so whenever any thing comes up and you doubt me I have now more of an army and these are real people that are traveling these aren't people who are like you know users these are users yeah so I'm being greedy again yeah because you want he's not just doing this for you I know myself and I say this all the time man I do this for me because it builds an army this is what he sells an army and by the way what he's doing and what I'm doing these are examples that you need to follow right now yeah there's a lot of people out there telling you I'm just being charitable okay I don't get it but but that's fine and maybe they are be in but he's telling you look man if you want to build your business if you want to help your community you want to take care of your parents if you want to make a better situation for the Chauncy that works with you okay you have to go out and be successful so you can help those people yeah and by the way Chauncey helps me more than I help him even though I'm greedy but yeah you let me also tell you something you know everybody watching this or people that took their Saturday morning during Christmas season but they can get on here and watch this and everybody else is like what the hell are you doing you should be at a brunch or my favorite uh buffet but whatever the case may be their hangover yeah but but you need to you need to think about it like this you're an influential person because I always joke when this I'm always saying saying this you know my friend Kim Kardashian has a hundred million people that follow her let's say you want to sell her lipstick right now and you want to get her to sell your lipstick well 25 percent of the females are women they love her they'll buy the lipstick you'll get it you'll get hopefully a one or two or maybe four percent conversion on that the other 25% of women they hate her they can't stand to see her they would never wear that lipstick and another 50% of people are guys with trench coats and lollipops in their mouths they're not even thinking about lipstick but the people like you who don't have that public stage the people that follow you follow you for a real reason that could be a hundred people it could be 30 people but they're not following you because they want to hate you this and that they're following you 90% of people that follow you are the people that respect and value what you do and they want the best for you and they want to communicate with you so as you learn these techniques like we're learning you're gonna then go out and share with your people the knowledge do you have you're gonna empower those people they're gonna come back to support you they're gonna be maybe maybe your next investor is you watching you then you're gonna have more confidence of course and if you don't have confidence people like how you get confidence you get it to experience you get that's a great point it is not you can't go get a shot maybe worst thing somebody could tell me on Shark Tank is this I got a company and if I only get one percent of a 50 million dollar market out your tongue shut up here's I want somebody who went out they acted they learned they repeat they kept learning because you're not if you don't know who your customer is you're not using my money as tuition you're gonna go out there and you're gonna know your customers when I walked into Samsung who ended up giving you my distribution deal I knew every single one of my customers they would buy a shirt for 79 but not 99 they were large over here they would blue over here they won't wear turquoise over here they like their outfits to look the same exact color they match the colors with the new nike line coming out they they wear a smaller size in Japan I knew everything about them so I was a value to Samsung because Samsung said man will do this business with you what else can we do in that market with you because how can we over provide for your coming and that Samsung happens to be a two hundred billion dollar privately held conglomerate and they were looking at me to do that why are so many people I had to have it 40 or 50 people ask me what's Damon's opinion of cryptocurrency first I want before you give me your opinion why are so many people asking about Bitcoin and cerium and I coined and cryptos you know I really don't know why it's been spread so fast I know that in Asia it's been used for a long period of time you know I think it's I think it's good I think no matter what we're moving in that area but like anything in the market you know things go up down and they have you know a lot of different it's a very young we're at a very young stage of this and people need to be careful but people also can make a lot of money yeah I've seen a lot of people if you if you're out there and you're buying crypto with 2,000 and now is what 16 yeah there's something like that yeah here's one thing my buddy Cramer always says take take it off take take it off the table take what your initial investment was off the table then you're playing with the houses money yeah you got to play with the houses I won't have in 54 a speaking gig yeah in advance of the speaking game they say the guy called up and said man I want to pay him Bitcoin I said yeah take it you can pay me and don't I know it Rob Lowe check it out so as soon as we got the money I carved off 10 you know said that paid for part of the fuel yeah it kept the other 40 it's worth a million dollars today but I think people are asking this question because they want to make money the you anyway okay and never been starting a business so you know I mean I'm just gonna bring it into this which would you tell somebody right now put a thousand bucks in the crypto or your last ow dollars into this program what's gonna get you of course housing never turn what I say here because this is gonna make you more lizard one your program it was my program only of course if it's if you feel that if you know that it's going to give you the power in the direction you're going I would say going to the program yeah yeah because if you think about it you save a couple of dollars here you can put that in crypto later right yeah you can always get into it later but no matter what whether is the dot-com area or stocks things are gonna go up they're gonna come down they're gonna go up they're gonna come down you know life is not not a sprint man it's it's a you know it's a marathon so that's what I would say Hepler jewel thank you my pleasure very much okay why did that guy pay you in advance that's that's our agreement you know why you you you deal with people that you don't think you'll ever get any money yeah after you do this I don't want to light up the bird yeah imma spend it on the way over there cuz the fuel why you gonna take do that then that's what I did you know how many animals you kill and that would that joke I won't see Billy man yeah you'll catch me on JetBlue yeah I was on your plane man jet and by the way by the way killing a plane your plane is pretty it's not that and no it is and then we watching the tail okay I only fly I only fried private about 30 maybe even 20 percent of times how you why yeah cuz even if you don't have a bag if you don't have a bed in there you're still sitting up like this you know I thought you wanted whatever when I lay in the bed I say listen I want the TT toes and sewed up every 20 minutes they just in the later well they got laid out seats later they got laid out seats you I lay down the whole time but you're they couldn't I kind of get out of my head you kind of left out and go to chiropractor how much do you cus I mean it Heather Joel please ask him that I want to hear you but nobody touches how raunchy they are I shocked folks make them laugh then sometimes folks always say Heather do you have to swear what's your what's your thing speaking to an audience because I mean this has become kind of kind of popular now drop the f-bomb over and over and over and that listen speak how you speak of course when you're on public and other people you don't want to offend them because they may be people who will be offended yeah yeah I think you should be classy as much as you can you see me often I'm going to be his class as I can yeah do you like curse at home I don't curse like a sailor but yeah you know what I I am myself listen be yourself everybody else is taken you know I think the thing that really has affected my like I see my kids watch my stuff now right yeah so they're like hey can you explain that that that word I'm like I really can't explain it yeah but so I had to start like how do you remove doubt when you failed horribly have you ever failed where have you failed tell me the biggest biggest failure you failed horribly well failing horribly means that you didn't take affordable steps mm-hmm where have I failed almost lost everything when I first took a hundred thousand dollar loan on the house I closed food with three times from 89 to 90 to I lost my first marriage I because I was running around trying to make this business happen and be greedy for my family you know well I thought what really ended the marriage is that what caused that it always does yeah I was running around and I was you know trying to do the best for my family and you know to create something and honestly even if I was a sanitation worker I would have been working 24 hours a day because I need to create something to then go invest into something such as this end or the market or whatever the case is well I you know every father every parent asked themselves will they or did did they do the best as a parent to be so where did I fail I don't know if I've failed yet in that yeah you know how do you get up to and remove the doubt like after you almost I'm not done with my failures I have four or five or six clothing companies that during oh eight they all went down to zero I had to cut back a staff from 300 to 100 to then 50 you know out of the shark tank companies every ten I failed one about six or seven of them and you may say well that's the other the the sharks you know the that person we best in that's their problem no it's not because they they let me be part of their dreams and if I let them down in capacity I failed but anyway I can go on forever don't depress it's great because I got strong because every one of them you know I'm moving out I removed it out do you yeah I do I do because because I do goal-setting and I know that the the thing I'm going after is the thing I would do for free for the rest of my life and I'm not gonna I'm not gonna veer from it because it's a target that I want to hit and there's a real reason and if I keep going back to that target like when I fail FUBU up close to rule 3 times 89 to 92 I had had a bunch of businesses before that that I was doing just for money and they all failed but FUBU every time that I closed it someone would say hey man I I bought a shirt from you at a at the Javits Center when you were out there with a little flea market in that man and make me feel so good I was like all right I'm gonna do it again yeah and then cake it kept coming back and I could not sleep because it just was it was dominating my thoughts so did you pay more attention to the successes than the failures I mean is that what you know I think I paid more attention to the failures because you know if you have the healthy paranoia when booboo started to go down remember I had those other lines they weren't working I was like you know what I got struck by lightning I go out one bite at the Apple I'm a laughingstock I'm I'm a one-hit wonder then all of a sudden I see started to come around I said coochie-coochie my other brand clothes I bought from Australia okay and then I said okay that's working then e tonics are where I said okay maybe I'm not an idiot maybe maybe maybe I have something here and I go I want to start doing business books now most people just said you got a left back in school and you didn't even go to college what the hell are you doing doing business books and I did one it did okay the second one didn't do that well the third one New York Times bestseller you know you just keep one because I I don't care yeah I wanted to empower people and show they didn't care meaning what I didn't care about selling a jillion copies of doing I just wanted to empower people whether it was the FUBU whether it was my book whether it was hey I you know what I can be a shark tank you never do my podcast or my my speech when you're doing you absolutely obsessed with absolutely obsessed what it keeps you on track how important is the obsessive because I wrote a book about that I believe that people should be obsessed you absolutely should be obsessed because if you think taking things casual you're second-guessing yourself that's when doubt comes in and if you don't have any gold you can't visualize you cannot hit a target that you can see mm-hmm you just can't hit a target you can't see you have to be obsessed with that talk so so back to that that that first marriage then okay like like you know see my first marriage didn't work out I was married a year okay and I was a freaking maniac yeah and I'm a maniac now I had change right I'm saying maniac I just got a different woman yeah and this was all good she's all good with me being the man yes let's roll yeah probably because she knows she's gonna end up with all of it yeah so she's like freaking go out there and do it all hit it yeah so so I just don't think that me being different what it made me any happier you know I'm saying you know I not been on the grind now my grind would have been the same but today and this is really great for everybody out there to hear it the technology would have allowed me to be home and be on the grind and I would have been able to be on a vacation and step aside I'd have been a to come down to Art Basel and talk to my man and empower people while my family was with me so let's use technology in the best way that he can because I my ex-wife who is still my best friend and the greatest mother ever I can ask for was doing what she was supposed to do I was just in China for six months I don't have to go to China anymore yeah you know if I want to write I can either make in the United States or I can do a CAD and or this thing called email I would send a shirt over to China it would get there on Christmas but I sent it out on Easter you know I mean that's how long it takes to do so it's anyway I think that brings up a good point you can you can maximize more your life these days with this knowledge on how you do things on how to reach out to people you can still have that grime but be a little closer to your family how big is the opportunity font reproduce right now with technology and advances with the streams with getting known different than it was 10 or 15 years ago different massively I met over the last five years I've met over 200 entrepreneurs that started a company and they were selling more than a million dollars worth of product within six months or a year because I'm part of Shopify and all that stuff people like self-help journal people like movement watches or bombas or you know what's the one that our kevin O'Leary did and they sold for three hundred million dollars plated or the or I I met so many on my elephant pants Irie Ella so many people that started with the need and desire and the drive they create a community they took out this thing called a smartphone and they just started to just monetize it and empower people the same time it's an amazing time what what industry wouldn't like what what industry and what do people need right now if they're gonna go make that play what industry well I've seen I've seen an all-in cost will estate all the way to sales to services to products but what do they need a foundation they need the knowledge and the foundation because you know many people I've seen go yeah you know what I got a clothing Brian no I gotta cook no they already done they've already done a million dollars they go I gotta call them Brandon and you know it's named after my daughter as what's your daughter's name you know and they may well chanel yeah let me means you know her name is chanel so I named it that's my daughter's name I said what but you can't trademark Chanel yeah yeah why that's my daughter legal name well then that's the case my next couple of kids gonna be named BMW Apple and IBM right you can't do that right right so what happens is or they got into a bad deal with somebody because the paperwork was in there and then there's a litigious partner out there who didn't do what they were supposed to do so your foundation is the most important thing you know that's it you're found out the industry the industry they're asking the wrong questions and I think the first time I mean you met you say man I get so many people want to ask me questions and often the question is not even though it's not the right question it's not so so can you just talk about that like that structure that we're asking right questions have you need structure set up right and you need to know what other things you need and usually you know do you or the only on your intellectual property on your your website your Instagram all the way back to your product do you have as I said a DBA or is it S corporation how are you set up what's your partnerships look like do you have a patent again or a trademark or something of that nature where you were at with the where you at with how are you how much are you writing off of the company how much you know are you looking at capital gains or are you spending money on different things how are you pitching the company how are you positioning it how are you describing your company or yourself in two to five words because if you don't know you know you know how much he just covered right there you're talking about Harvard Business class just that last 45 seconds that he shared yeah the LLC the s core the the the write-offs the acceleration the depreciation I mean there's seven or eight things right there I it wouldn't open eyes somebody starting okay look you want this folks okay you need this I'm telling you want it I know you want it you want to showed up this morning if you didn't want it that's right we know you need it you get immobilized not even knowing what some of these terms mean you you get analysis paralysis and I'm like I can't do anything do I need to hire a lawyer no you don't need to hire a lawyer this program is gonna show you exactly what you need to do first what you need to do second oh by the way don't go down that road not yet it's not time so just avoiding the potholes okay the offer is a seven thousand dollar offer you can get it today for nine ninety seven it includes a ticket to the growth Conference Damon will be there I'll be there for three full days okay I'll be there four days actually you'll be there you'll have a reserved seat okay you'll have access to entertainment I'm bring in are you yeah nice and I'm looking for one other vice so it's gonna be unbelievable entertainment networking opportunity you get his program for 12 months you get us two books and you get a seat at the 10x growth conference to network with other investors angel investors talk to me about angel investors should people be looking at them asking for him well you should be entertaining any of those things right but you also it really what's important a lot people don't understand is don't be so desperate to take their money and what's in it for the investor and what is the reason why they're doing it they may be doing it because you're doing something charitable that's good by the way charities are just just a different way to file a tax right so anybody out west charities and nonprofits that's then you don't make profit it's just a filing in regards to it so but um but yeah what's in it and that's in the program just absolutely you know just so you understand what he's saying you know knowing the tax code your accountants job is not to file your taxes I mean it is is to file the taxes but you need to know the code to know how to play the game yeah because if you're looking at a non-profit it's I'm happy about the nonprofit but yeah yeah who's gonna pay the rent and pay your employees and advertising to get the money to then give back to the people and or animals or the things that you love and again be greedy because if you're out of business and there's nobody great like you out there trying to go and stop human trafficking trying to take you legal guns off the street trying to get fresh water to people or education to those type of people and you hurt everybody else cuz you weren't greedy enough to do the proper things to structure the company and you didn't understand how to operate with cash flow so there's nothing left to give is that it you didn't take advantage of the tax code cuz you didn't know what you didn't even know what your margins were supposed to be there's a margin no matter what you know you can say well I'm just helping people well you know what if you if you're if your operating costs are thirty thousand dollars a year and then you have to pay for everything else well how much you need to bring in because honestly there's gonna be people with big foundations they're gonna say how much do you need to operate this year 350 thousand hundred dollar I don't yeah yeah sir ma'am I'm operating at a 50 percent margin and I need $200,000 just come to this and this lets me go to three different cities and say you know various amount of dollars and X amount of what he's telling you this all goes back to the pitch you see people walk into the shark tank they all look at him like yeah yeah you're you're cute yeah yeah you're pretty it's a good idea get out of here because you don't have your pitch together why because you guys don't know what is the valuable part of the pitch it's not that your daughter's name is chanel and you think it's cute Yeah right what's in it for the person you're pitching how will it reward them ladies this is like a guy walking up to you a bar and say hey I want to hang out with you and have a good time and I never want to listen to you and I want you to make me sandwiches it's bad you're gonna tell them out you know how are you gonna make enrich their lives you know you know things of that nature how you gonna enrich anybody's life an investor an investor customer customer they're the same they're all the same I always said hey my customers were my investors so I was going out to customers saying hey they're investing in my next idea now okay so one more question Jarrett all right the website is Grant Cardone come forth last shark right Grant Cardone com4 slash shark folks is a great offer I have one more question that a number of people asked and the question is like this man you did this all day long on your other stuff to just give away information like this I like it every day this is great every day this is this is absolutely great I do a different show every day the comments people are like okay dig in this big I hope you guys appreciate it okay and I hope you share it with your friends this will be taken down by the way the offer will only stay up how long you want to stay up with all for Jared today for the west coast we'll probably leave it up for a couple hours okay if you already have a ticket to the road comp and you don't want the ticket I'll just take it out the deal or you can give the ticket to somebody yeah it could be a great Christmas present I got your Christmas handle no you send this to Francisco or Francis yeah say hey 10x growth conference get yourself over there it's a ticket for them I got your Christmas as a supporter it's your staff money other staff I'm you're already doing great business you're scaling but you know what you're you're 1 or 2 people in the company you want to get their head wrapped around all the stuff you know a lot of time to sit with the mortgage person send it to them maybe should Treasury person your counter person maybe it's your can absolutely maybe it's your accounting person that you need to get that keeps telling you can't afford this helping you see that somebody in accounting said we can't afford it we're gonna do that don't do that salutely get them on the same page you don't want the same page dude it's about expanding it's not about contracting you can't he said it earlier you cannot grow a business getting smaller no you can you can run it into the ground you can you can go bankruptcy there's a great business out there for people who file bankruptcy yeah okay question go ahead Chauncey guys if you won't invest in you why would I invest in you why would a shark invest in you yeah it just so just so you guys understand like investing in yourself isn't a one-time thing it's about coming back over and over and over again and that's why I'm ins program is so valuable because it's there for you to keep coming back to over and over and over again training isn't something that you did it's something that you do yeah listen investing yourself it goes in various different fields but you got to invest in yourself when it comes to knowledge because things are changing so fast you have to invest in your health you have to invest in your time you have to invest in your family and invest in your faith if you have if you happen to I'm not saying you're just one way but you have to constantly learn you have to constantly grow you have to or you're just gonna be left in the dark a lot of my colleagues are doing the same thing that we did 10 years ago they're making a shirt oh they don't have any internet or any social media hopefully this store will buy it won't guess what all the stores are going out of business yeah and then when the store bought it made who they who they sell it to these people don't even know now I'm selling direct to my customer the boo boos and oh by the way food was coming out with a pool boo boo and Puma collaboration I know I know where he 26 you got it but I came in a little bit boom with oh they're too narrow for me nah baby although these are buttery but anyway yeah you gonna give me covered 10 X Pumas something you will be they are fresh you understand that right I don't even know what like it felt like I don't know what that meant that I'm sorry you're let's go back to where you were there don't move okay everybody wants to know not everybody but I know people said listen no no we're good news this guy love this guy is turning 60 and he was around when Jesus was wearing short pants think about that think about how many then he wore short pants one pair of sandals Merry Christmas okay so like my happy holidays all those who aren't if Jesus was here right now yeah he would have his own jet here that was own jet you'd have a fleet are you kidding me he'd have a fish was a carpenter yes he would no I wouldn't you can't spread the word if you can't get there no he'd be streaming on a Saturday you know he'd be on his smartphone and it would be old it would be a Nokia from back in the days he'd be busting there right now he'd be like Mary okay why my man Jay love oh yes and I mean real hold that dude that dude was a bad day okay he's he's one of my mentors I can I can joke because he easy got it he'll throw to tear the place apart to get his message across okay so people want to know for game and John yeah if you're looking at Grant Cardone from from from a third party as a third party yeah what advice do you have for you what's he doing wrong three or four people ask me this yeah what's grant doing wrong what do you see where do you see making mistakes and what does he need to do different grant has a whole bunch of people will tell him I'm man you know you're so great and you're you're like a big secret that nobody knows and I think that I think the Union TV show everybody's home grant he needs a TV show and grant knowing that the way that he empowered himself was taking his everything into action hey okay guys so just a reminder here that the offer that has been presented to you today is going to expire you must take advantage of it now we've had a handful of people already purchased and we are running out of books grant cardone com forward slash shark you're gonna get $2,495 course from Daymond on-demand entrepreneurial University that covers everything you need to know about how to start a business grow a business get credit for your business legally protect your business sell your product and then sell your business $2,400 course you get access today for only 9.95 and because you are a follower of Grant Cardone when you take advantage of Daymond on demand today grants gonna throw in a $4,000 Super Saver ticket to the Omo sold out 10x growth conference and as a kicker on the whole deal Damon's gonna throw in a copy of his brand-new book rise & grind that documents the success habits of uber successful people Grant Cardone included so take advantage of this offer right now it's a steal it's a thousand bucks it'll pay off the day you start consuming content and Damon on demand grant cardone com forward slash Shark Grant Cardone com forward slash shark take advantage of this offer it will go away it will expire don't miss this opportunity best deal of the year one more question big fish in a small pond small fish in a big pond first you need to be the big fish in a small pond and then jump to the other pond that's what I believe if you feel that you can deal with the big pond again that's a personal decision how big you want to be and why exactly why are you doing it so how do people figure out the wild man because I mean my wife's pink so many Tom 10 X baby where I'm I'm coming to 10x check this out I'm coming on my birthday that is my birthday where my wife my daughters and everybody and my mother like where the hell you going and who the hell who is this guy named Grant Cardone you've been dating cuz why are you going there on your birthday but it's important to me that Grant is my buddy and it's important to me that you see me out there on my birthday wanting to give you as much knowledge as I can with you because people like you're gonna go out and change the world you're gonna employ people you're going to empower people you're gonna share our message of why is it that the people with all the success of the one showing up first ready to roll oh you used to show it up first I will show up before everybody and leave after everybody I will sweep up the goddamn place if I need to and it doesn't matter because I'm going to I'm gonna find a penny underneath the chair and I'm gonna double that penny for you okay hey the offer the offer is good for what chair how long you will leave it up today yes okay we'll keep it up to about six o'clock today grant cardone am forced by shark figure it out figure out how grand corner come forward slash shark figure out how to do it if you need to borrow the money if you need to put it on a card put it on a card again it's tax-deductible you get Daymond on demand you get a ticket a seat two three days next growth conference that's great I was like you know what if 4,000 people do this then you got all of a sudden you it's gonna cost you way more than you build it out I wrote a check for four million dollars to Mandalay wow that's great four million no you did that upfront huh that's what you get that up front so from well you got to do it up here to posh ereserves something I don't know what you think about you guys in the street man yeah yeah yeah pay you later man yeah no no no we say in the street I got you I got ya I'm from Louisiana swamps man it's the swamps you want a canoe pay for it yeah yeah yeah Thank You fern Ansel we gotta talk finance of time I want you I want I like though you know I'm Sam the state i buy big real estate I'm closing a deal this month for 80 million are you they want the money up front they're like don't take you get to use it for a while grant I'm gonna do to do this much for 130 congratulations I'm sorry there you go you're a monster another monster man but I'm better because you bro I'm better cuz you okay so grab it grant cardone calm force nice shark thank you for joining us today if you have any questions that I can get to Damon post them in comments I'll do my best to do that really really appreciate your time here today it's an honor and thank you for what you do I don't I ought to say I think we're I'm always fascinated with you that you are able to do this every single day and get brought and give this information out you scale so quickly in regards to you know you're the best hidden secret the people here know you you know I was on a plane because I don't lie it private all the time and this one kid was like man I love this guy Grant Cardone he's like the real deal so it's like you and Gary Vee I like in-your-face straight no I love it about you guys I really love what you do did that really happen to you on the plane no but they haven't had my manager everything what oh no no I did it I was talking to somebody one time and they did say man that guy don't do it he's yeah I am it's because I'm committed and and I and I have a lot of the traits that Daymond talked about today which is I know what I'm doing I know what my purpose is I'm gonna show up and make I'm gonna push it through me and I what's harder man failing or succeeding good question I don't know because I hear people just failing is know won't do what's easier with it stay with it you got it I failed often so that must be there must be easier and isn't it know why because man if you fail man it's hard man shit's hard you got to make excuses oh you mean you don't feel on you because because if I'm on it ok look at my list I have I have what's five successes and that's out the failures man succeeding or failing Oh easier life is succeed he'll be men look like you guys think it's harder to succeed it's not it's an order to fail you got to make excuses you got you got to tell your kids you got to deal with your self-respect issues your self-esteem gets slammed your marriage gets hit money money you can't pay for stuff you got it you see who your friends are and then you find out who your friends aren't yeah man be a successful man he allowed as you get judged unfairly keeping success is hard Oh keeping success is very hard and that's why you have to reinvest in it but I want to just dumb it down for one second you know it could be daunting and these people like world men you and Graham both have so much knowledge and information and it's daunting to be an entrepreneur or to do this but I always like to simplify this every parent out there has done way more than an entrepreneur has cuz you bring this life into this world and I don't care if you have one kid or five there's no book that will that will do that will explain you what each and every kid is gonna be there's no blueprint to them and you figure it out you know you the kid has your baby has three ear infections a month you're at the hospital figuring out you're getting to work at the same time you're making sure your kids get to school you're training them you're loving them you're doing all this you figure it out you act learn and repeat and every kid is different and that being a mother a mother is the ultimate entrepreneur that's it she's controlling the house she's controlling her time she's controlling her health she's controlling what the kids are doing every single day this is easy yeah this stuff is easy so don't over complicate it and every single time something happens with the baby or you want to go a new place what do you do you go and look up things you read things you educate yourself and then the time I remember those comforts like a Geico commercial one of them the first baby came out the woman was like my dad listen the second one she was so useless she handed it to like a greasy mechanic here you know me because you understand you get confidence get confidence same thing with your business your business is a baby it is right it is a bait analogy I'm just amazing together for you guys at on the streets okay trying to piece it you try to put the bread comes really close together all right so we want to help you grant pardon calm for slice shark look one other thing I'll do for everybody if it doesn't work for you I'll give you a hard person to your money back don't do that here we always do it here if you don't use them I was a calling deal with myself you don't use them I give you money back if you die I give you money back okay if we go perfect right on if we go to Korea and fight there I give you your money back okay if Donald Trump active everybody thank you for it thank you for your service if Donald trum what gets impeached I'll give you money back thank you for all your service okay all right hey thank you guys appreciate you being here today again you got questions posted below I'll get them to the man say yeah grant cardone comm ford slash shark swim with the sharks or be eaten by Katya you
Channel: Grant Cardone
Views: 117,894
Rating: 4.8562531 out of 5
Keywords: grantcardone, grant cardone, daymond john, shark tank, training, entrepreneur, entrepreneurship, money, income, sales, how to become rich, how to start from nothing, gary vaynerchuk, tai lopez, how to sell a product, how to get great at sales, fubu, mark cuban, millionaire, billion dollars, billion dollar company, trillion dollar industry
Id: _0Kti53ZD-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 47sec (6467 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2018
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