The Grant Cardone & Tai Lopez Challenge

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first it is me but hey dude anyway I'm not arguing with you on us whatever you want to do I'm gonna be here I miss you know nothing we should go fat I'm what am i I'm an eraser what I mean I've seen that well the strategist he's thinking how do we move these chips and pieces around the wall I don't hate not paying cash for the jet yes these guys you want me to finance it with them they wouldn't give me money so they see me a little mom to try to get my money right yeah they went throw money out so I'm not like we can just take the position with your audience I think more of them know me than you might think okay and if they don't know me they're gonna Google me and they're gonna be like this guy's legit and it's gonna be good for both of it's just gonna Louie raise the value the brand value of both of us in the marketplace you disturb organism he wants me to dude he wants to do a beta test and I said not a beta test I wanna have attention when I call I because Ojeda see results and I said Tony said although I have already okay affected sales in the hundreds of billions of dollars to yoga Chrysler Nissan Ashley Rancher Sprint what do we do for spreaders all right grant gave us your oh beta test they said looking my because they give me the entire state of Florida we were the only in 35 days we were the next at a 16 major markets that they have in the country yeah this is the only one that was up and it would they were up double digits all right by the way we're the ones that said hey cell the t-mobile ring you're gonna do the may challenge for me yay let me tell what to make challenge it's a grant it's gonna double triple our sales floor revenue that's right and if I don't do it by the way any program you get from me I'll pay you back for it okay and he's gonna give me the jet he can't promise a tax for the g550 he can't promise you this works but I can't I'll promise you that it works and if it doesn't I'll give you a hundred percent money-back guarantee refund as long as you want it care when you put a link up this month this could be part of the ty grant challenge he's challenge would be that he could double my sales phone sales and if it works I'm gonna put a link up on my website and I'm gonna show you what he taught me look right bottom line I want to see is your business is only as good as your ability to sell products and answer the phone and make phone calls and get in front of people and talk to people it's proximity not to money you have to get closer to the money to get the money so is grant gonna be able to do it yes or no what's your vote I like that yeah I create a little drama yeah I love the dress drama so okay I love the conflict to get a little conflict who's right who's wrong okay hey if y'all think tie ties right give him a t if you think she sees right GC why can't I do it can I do it Alex what do you think alex is the pessimist push ups if I do push ups do I build arms and pecs okay do what if I do them every day do I get it does something happen something so if I start work out if I start working with your deadbeat sales team and making excuses more than they make phone calls if I spend time pushing on them we're gonna make an extra sale do I double or triple I don't know maybe I cut it in half maybe only get you 50% of that no I want double than that no I wanna do well this is the double challenge we're 10x I'll do it this weekend all right I'll end it right now they're walking around the sales room they ought to be making phone calls I agree okay let's do it okay all right this is what I say big question the month of May will grant cardone mentoring me on full sales double my phone sales no way will 10x my daily phone sales we have about a thousand paying customers new paid customers can you can somebody give me a phone number to call right now yeah good I'll show you how to make give me a gun baby bull we shot this is safe if he if he does I'll show you what he taught me created your entrepreneur Academy yeah good one of those the metro box is 14 so they bought one ninety nine hundred yeah you've called them before we can we can give you both do you want to know what I called it yeah I'm putting some bleeds over there grant what's your email where I can share a page with you yeah see so one thing that we would do is we would sort have a TOS and every deal every unclose - okay so hey you just talked to Ty and you got off the phone with him you didn't get the program I want to know why there's not even any talent here it's its caveman just want to know why why you didn't fight him in there Mr Lopez personally wanted me to call you I'm gonna do that in fact there's gonna be people who know me or mentor box mental oh sorry okay so mr. mr. mr. Alex here Seyfried 84 units I just fancy I get these deals every day here's 34 units of point memory I chose picture picture what there you go did you I think you're under estimating dude I'm not no no I would have here if I didn't think it was gonna work yeah yes or no see perfect example like this great man I don't need a last thing I need to know this phone call is about the product I need you make the phone call I don't need to know about the client I don't even know his age is and then you know anything that's what guys go through this I gotta know all this I didn't make phone call first yeah see you dad and then your people need this role model right now that I don't need to know anything Yeah right because I'm not going to be a great funnel do it yeah so the frequency precedes the greatness this is Kaitlyn people want to be great without ever doing anything she puts it she paid sixty nine hundred Fitness dollars I'm a box I'm from Mentor boxes Grant Cardone granite oblong the big bastard we've got Pablo Escobar's cousin here come on Caitlin pick up the crane it's Caitlin I can't answer the phone right now but if you leave a message I'll get back with you soon right yeah hey Caitlin this is grant with mentor box and I want to call you about your recent purchase I have a question if you don't mind calling me back my numbers three one zero seven seven seven oh two five five three one oh seven seven seven oh two five five I got a question and we got to know just from Caitlin Thanks what we're calling next this is so right here yeah that's right here's your course right here okay course not gonna work that's an Indian so all these young entrepreneurs right Michael I was with I was in Grant's office I told him we had this thing going on a mentor box whom you're talking about mentor box he says give me a sheet and started making phone calls now if we make if we actually make some money here million in sales for the month of May that'll be a 10x little less than attend a full counter that's a 10x would this person spend $99 9000 that's 99 who is this Michael Wong Michael long what phone numbers do you guys collect hey mr. Wong my name is Grant Cardone calling from Mentor box I need to talk to you today stop what you're doing and call me back three one oh seven seven seven oh two five five can't wait to talk to you got a big surprise for you here someone already wrote back I raised 22 K for my university in eight months by cold calling first jobs and sales your videos improve my talking came a thousand hundred percent think some of me or you I'm not gonna get your phone number that you called before calling garner no nihlus yeah that's the only thing I know like thank you for calling Adam D technology at any time you may dial on extending or present for the operator we have greatly improved many of our products you have a rounded surface bring great secure cloud backup system please first what auto rather vehicle that you can own Amin a ticket for service at any one time to do so you do not click these down SMD technology knock on door - help and select support request following up technical and website support please press 1 for sales and product enquiries miss something else's hey Jeff how you doing Jeff is this the sales department yeah make it actually out right now that's why I'm answering her phone Oh III need to talk somebody is about sales I want to buy your product okay where's your entire team sell yeah let me guess what is it gonna cost what is your what is your service their cost just about hell marketer huh well the full service see this is what happens every day in companies they start up to people they're out to lunch really out to lunch he's the answer the phone shouldn't be now its me dude just give me some information it's costing people money I'm getting a bad taste in my mouth about the company I don't even know what they do now go back on a whole button yeah I've been on hold long without talk to humans when I talk to unity will help so you're saying every company needs to answer the phones have enough people then you don't lose these opportunities let me call my office all right what's happening telephone rings si si phone didn't finish ring in the first time to see the difference like this is what tied you and I could help so many of these young entrepreneurs that are doing startups that are in network market that are trying to get a side hustle yeah and I'm like man you have to know these basic skills because there's plenty of money out there and there's plenty of knowledge how do you say it knowledge knowledge there's plenty of freaking knowledge out there there's not enough action but no knowledge there's nothing sales knowledge none of sales knowledge right yet so in a none enough persistency cuz look I haven't done anything yet let me call another person I do this all day long you know why because I know what - I'm doing most people quit right now because they don't know what they're doing because they hadn't been trained I am the LeBron James of sales thing and if you're not gonna be that guy or gal you're not gonna have a business 64% of businesses break even lose money they got plenty of intelligence floating around the universe not enough of this yep just cost nothing everybody wants to go raise the money rather than make the money I want to see the tenants let's do this dude your people need this every time I've talked to Jared about you I said his audience media could do something so good together this has to turn into taking that challenge alex is running the set alex is competitive hey there hey there this is venture box can you give me a call back please this grant cardone I can't wait to talk to you I was given your phone number a day and said you just done business with this and I have a super super big what is it favor to ask of you give me a call back Thanks so the purpose that I left three different messages I don't really know what I'm gonna say to people yeah doesn't really matter yeah it's not it's not like I'm gonna have some magic sauce here it's you know [Music] see are you guys doing this now yes but I mean not like this videos how many calls that they do date do we mean per person yeah yeah that needs to be for our project rate is very high because we're calling on a buyer so for us to be able to make $100 a day it's tough because it's constantly talking to people yeah their phone time is high but they're it's because they're connect rate is higher it was a cold call me what's that was the closure on this I'd say probably 10% said and probably right now with everyone being nude probably 50 to 70% close you saw our probably closer to survive for Saints and upside down shop and what do you do for what kind of training do the basket we also monitor their call so like if someone's on a call in their new it's listening to him telling them what to say and following through with that hey Josh grant can you give me a phone call back i'm i'm with mentor box that's mentor box my name is grant call me back three one oh seven seven seven oh two pop pop I got something special to share with you you can start getting calls back I mean keep the camera on 24 what's a product like it's like somebody buys the initial program and that's how much problem we have opportunity here and resources here so we're gonna talk we've got you know we need to hire and scale salespeople as fast as wording from the city so like we would you know we don't spend any time training sales people that's all yeah like if I walked in and had somebody watching my videos in there its grounds for dismissal during the work day is what he's mean like everything we do for training with the sales guys the roleplay Cardone university that all happens before like our work day started I'll take a phone call form I'll do a video form sent a video back to a client because it could be some 80,000 or it could be a two million dollar contract selfie that's tolian yes but but there's no way that I'm gonna sit there and teach the basics of selling yeah right what exist so that's what I would get the entire staff on and say but you your job me on us to say hey this is what we live in breathing da ba yeah don't say it won't work here don't add it doesn't fit our industry I don't want to hear anything like like nobody ever says that around here that's what they watch we can track who's on it what they're using how much they're on it when they watched it what time of night you have trouble to leave you tonight watch our show yeah it's all laid out there every phone call that you make every sales call every follow-up call every situation every objection that has ever been said by anybody in any sales situation is covered so let's get access to that and we have people start on their own and then in terms of hiring people do you think it should be as simple as but something on my snapchat we're hiring salespeople who's ready to go make money I would say that it really you need to define like who is gonna be successful in that role so for us what we do is we have over the last five years we know when somebody has a certain type of background when they've made a certain amount of money before like if somebody's made 150 grand before then then we know that they have a shot here when somebody's never made more than 50 grand before it's gonna be hard for them to understand that they have the opportunity to make 400 here like I haven't broke when we're looking at resumes we're looking for people that have phone sales experience yeah if they've worked in inside sales in an inside sales environment even better but most Dee mostly it's the personality assessment its sales experience do they know how to make a call on the phone if they made cold calls or you're pitching the idea of working the sales business and then have them go through like an application process [Music] we gotta say if you've done sales if you don't hundred fifty thousand and say are you can't Diana saying that you know you're all your trainings gonna come from Grant Cardone you've heard a grant that's who we partner with that's where your training comes from we're gonna support you because a lot of companies are using my platform now to attract talent sound like this you will get training so they'll show this as their we're not gonna just let you down the bond out there like most sales companies do yeah they actually write ads yeah to recruit people you'll be saying apart in addition to a job here you'll get certified with Grant Cardone sales training yeah yeah we do on social media I can job applications go insane what's the most we've got eight thousand in one hour something people why 6,500 and why I said you want to work for me Andrew although it's not an Apple way yeah I got quizzes that not people 6500 we had 365 you know but I especially just say qualify have you done on her fifty thousand phone sales yes or no on the drop-down they can lie but most people if it says no it would be like sorry we're not hiring but again like Steve sprite yeah never did 104 mm fuzz heady no we wouldn't have hired him today today yeah you know so and he was broke so the guy came over he's been with the six percent sellers now our living any use for a nice no were the first things I talked to a good-looking sold his car Rosa you know I did you know most C's chest would say go hard right yeah I've had I've gone to companies that I work for they would pay me a bunch of money to consult for them and then they're like I said let me do your test no no there's no way yeah yeah because you miss the it factor some people have whatever whatever once somebody gets through that we see their video we see their resume we see their video yeah a 60-second video a resume and then that personality assessment so we have three things to look at it before we even talk to them yeah the video knocks out more than half the people people won't submit or the video goes well they won't there's this great do it what we do is we say send a 30-second video so if it's over 30 seconds we don't wanna look at it we already know the guy can't take an order yeah if it comes three or four days late he wasn't really interested yeah so if it comes over produced I know that he's a he's into overproduction and not what I just did was just pick up the phone then the other thing is when he gets there say hey here's the list didn't make a phone call yeah that's the best test I don't care if he's a psychotic I care if you can make a phone call I care for a psychotic but I really do you understand so so because that's what he is for me to go from 40 guys back there to 80 I'm gonna make some mistakes in the heart how long did I did do you think well I wouldn't do everything that Jared just went through I'd say hey if I can put him back there yeah and they cost us some payroll when we make some mistakes so what let's roll dude I can't get good people like you guys everybody in the room would have not hired me at 25 24 23 I was just I was I was I was getting ready to have a breakthrough yeah but you wouldn't have because of the condition I was in yeah you said I'm a psychotic well you psychotic and not psychology by definition but I was I was messed up look good wait 140 pounds and a drug problem you know I'm broke credits bad I mean just my car would have said hey maybe to do too long yep too many bumper stickers and that's how you know so you to pass but I was waiting for that I was getting ready to be good at something yeah just figured out a lot I lost a lot of passed over that should yeah what would you say that your turnaround was because of the job that you had because it changed it was me no no I would say it's because I was finally given something that's why I'm so yeah that's why it's so important for me to gives people's no because I had something to study yeah I didn't want to read I wasn't a big reader so but I had a guy's video program somebody gave me a video program I got DVDs it was all David it was Betamax action was even for DVDs was it sales training yep no it was teaching it was a guy named Jackie Cooper old South Carolina guy Jackie Cooper yeah yeah yeah Jackie Cooper was a comedian I think - yeah it was but anyway this guy he gave me some to study he gave me a track to run on so I'm like okay I got we're you doing car sales yeah so you were all a lot selling cars yeah yeah so Mike's so a lot of how much did the video though then DVD I went in making twenty five hundred bucks a month to twenty five hundred bucks a week yeah this is thirty years ago okay it was like it was like night and day I went from being the bottom 5% their top 1% in the entire country what was the main point of the DVD though then you remember exactly I remember the whole thing why she had thousands of times I could recite the whole 12 Betamax is probably right it was it was I studied it so many times but nobody had taught me anything I hated sales yeah I didn't know what to say didn't know how to introduce myself my dad died when I was 10 so nobody taught me like how do I talk to people how do i caller got back how do i selectively listen how do I handle an objection right how do I handle somebody in an negotiations so the basically systematizing the whole product yeah I mean the whole process yeah this is car sales 25 years so imagine what that was like yeah you know there's no data Google searches true car yeah there's zero trust which is the problem with thirty years ago no trust in the in the space and it's gone up about this much now our faxing yeah that way you know yeah it's changed a great deal from where was yeah so and then I left that and I basically changed that industry that's where I went from I went from car sales to call them on car dealers yeah so that's where I really learned to sell when I was 30 I started calling on the Nissan dealer and the Toyota dealer in Utah I go to Utah just calling car dealers for two weeks and sell them to an event so I went from working for on to something to him yeah then learning from you yeah so this is all part of the challenge we're gonna see million this month okay ready million this month well 30 days for today this is hey dude if you guys can validate it then you know at the end of the month we come up there we finished shooting this thing yeah and say hey this is what happened for you guys watching this videos like a preview we actually don't know what's gonna happen he doesn't know what's gonna happen I know exactly he goes after just to confirm the actual date it's May 2nd that's not made-up 2018 so we're gonna check back on June 2nd 2018 if alex has a new Lamborghini where's Ryan at Ron's echo by the way if you guys are in the apartment business you need this information and know how to lead somebody an apartment okay selling a house you need this information you know how to sell a house if you're buying a house and you want to get a mortgage you need to know how to sell the bank on why you're a worthy person to get a more to you you want a job you wanna you want to pay raise you got to go negotiate and sell somebody I'm first getting a time from then making him comfortable and then agreeing and say yeah man I'll give you another four bucks an hour basically everything money is made through persuasion and there's ethical persuasion and dishonest but if you epically persuade people that's what the world needs more of even your school teachers like school teachers aren't persuading kids they need to learn anything and so this society goes at the end of the day like jay-z the rapper he had his 12-year twin who's 12 years old one of his teacher persuaded him that he was good at poetry and so he now worked basically a billion dollars as a rapper so you have to in the world you have to have force of will which is you have to be able to know what you're selling is good or your business is good and you have to take your will and not force it in a negative way but show people like you're missing this these guys make it for five hundred thousand dollars a year part-time Cole college selling security systems today they're 20 years old how do you approach the door how do you get rejected and go to another door yeah how do you come back around at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and call in that first door again that said no T this morning after you sold to other people these these potentials and possibilities are in the marketplace for people that know how to speak know how to communicate that aren't gonna blame their introverted self so you think introverts do fine I think I think I think the whole introvert thing is complete so an introvert you think can because I mean I think there's top introverted introversion is misunderstood it's not shyness you can actually be introverted being good salesperson the better salesperson is the introvert yeah it's a solicitous more yeah it takes interest they're more systematic usually but the interpreter must extrovert in order to get attention yeah because if you don't get attention you can't pay attention and the extrovert has to become more introvert able to not be a TD extroverts tend to be more all over the place out what's new that's actually the real definition of extrovert introvert how you get dopamine what stimulates you extroverts are always something new introverts are okay with routine so introverts a--they make the most money you met me on a plane you would say he's an introvert your body there's no test I love threeways yeah so and by the way everybody out there you better be able to be all these three three things you better be able to be an introvert and extrovert and a by Bert hammock or whatever big words okay I didn't sign up for this revelation you have something to say yeah scared of the plains all right well I'm excited I'm realistic by these because Hartman does it same deal persuading people yeah like like they got they have more buyers than they got deals yeah so how do I get to the top of a list of deals on this big so what do you think it is is it because my friend is this when when everybody around me has more money than I have so give a preview but we're gonna get this works we're gonna report I'm gonna show you how to core system let me show we're really good but I want to know what's the preview now nobody knows about this right now so I'm a little look at this deal okay is this no that's that's that's a deal I can't show you mmm how is Houston wasn't it beautiful delete that from the video no no no that's alright I'm not worried I ever show that I got where's that one deal I was showing you earlier on this deal right now is all getting ready to go to market all right okay the buyers for this deal are gonna be Berkshire amli big big big apartment owner okay could be black stone yeah everybody's heard of black stone could be could be Morgan Stanley could be the buyer for this deal and and then Grant Cardone is gonna be hanging out on the fringes that's the deal right there freakin monster 431 units one hundred sixty million dollars Dadeland brand-new product $2,500 a month rents goes to about 4,500 it's got a concierge get rid of the cons here we're done done for twenty five hundred there's no way I'm getting the concierge for twenty five honey maybe the concierge owes to the guy that it's got the townhome in there for forty five hundred yeah maybe he goes if you get a 17 month lease but I'm not gonna give it to the deadbeats in the building yeah now how do I get this guy they can sell this to anybody he knows it's gonna be bought how do I get him to sell him it's gotta like you maybe first he's got to know me yeah second he's got it he's got to trust that all close so the certainty if I can raise his certainty about my ability to close yeah right the third thing that has to happen is me buying the deal from him has to make him look better right then if he sells into Blackstone he'll be a hero right so then I as the guy in the deal I need to ask him there's a whole list of hard questions that we teach our guys to do hard question is one in this case is why would you sell to me rather than them yeah it's basically finding out their motivation yeah yeah you persuade around what people are motivated in different ways and if I can get him to communicate particularly around the hard stuff yeah like the real heart in which things like your gut feeling why would why would he fizzle to you because I think he makes more news selling to meat than he does to Blackstone yeah so and who knows maybe he's got a grudge against some of the big boys I don't know but I don't know that yet but I know that I've asked him the hard questions can you even sell to me because here's the reality situation is he in position to sell to a little guy and offend one of the big guys because his livelihood is dependent upon these big players that are worked their money's uncountable yeah compared to mine my money they would throw at this little thing they'd be like get rid of that it doesn't mean anything to him isn't it's not even on their balance sheet right so they can watch me so I have to be willing to ask those hard questions which most sales people you heard the people here didn't answer the phone when they did they don't answer my questions the third guy didn't take a message wanted me to call back like that's gonna happen right and so how do I stay in that deal and then what if I lose this deal what if I don't get it how do I keep that relationship going which most people you know that they get big a little little hurt yeah this is all gonna be in the training what happened today this is what my own challenge he's challenged he says he's a hundred percent sure that's gonna take my sales in May from hunter grant phone sales till million no week done oh you know and it and he said if not this g550 that was on the way will be delivered not to his house do based on what I hear if I just got your people doing that every day I know your sales are going up do I miss the tonight maybe I do you're not gonna be pissed off at me you'll be like we went from 100 or 200 yeah if I can do that in the first week you and be like like anybody you can be like dude those results were freakin unbelievable and I didn't spend any money but let's try for tonight good always trust this board consistent with your how we drop 40 next what is just gonna be no connections yeah yes 10x base that's that's the new 10x beast I let me know what's gonna be on you say you're gonna put my face on though I'm gonna put a big 10x right here because there's a tail cam right here okay so I could there's three cameras on the plane so when I flip onto this camera you'll see a big 10x on the top of the thing I'll put 10x down here so gonna fly over your house you'll get a buzz he's gonna buzz and then a little penis pops out right here and then I'm gonna put tylo pesos I like here on the inside on the little flip there and when he doesn't like me a little shade oh thank you appreciate your audience yeah I'll send you boys back tomorrow 7:00 tomorrow and I'm gonna send you some deals on on the real estate stuff and Ryan at Cardone capital and put me a grant at court on capital or in stays that's the way I know where the real estate deals going oh you talked about three deals for email but the other thing hey I get deals that I won't do every day okay I showed you send me some of the ones you don't want yeah I get every day I get new one do I want to do a deal in California right now what you just don't like California is that the reason no I just I mean I looked at I'd look at you if they were big enough I would look at it just too small but yeah what's city or order province effective regulation problems Island 500 good but you know I just don't think you return there's going to be you like the Midwest the Midwest I saw portfolio of twenty twenty two hundred twenty six twenty six hundred units in the Midwest yesterday yeah what do you think about Toronto there's no there's not enough quantity uh there's not another place to exit this is the apartment capital of the world yeah Chinese have never seen this South America doesn't have this like this is the only place in the world where big apartment building so Texas Texas great Colorado you like it's it's over price right now you just like so where's the word that you look at the hotter deals to look at one hundred about with you yeah you better you better yeah Tom got to find a hundred feet you got to find a hundred potential people to find one good Thursday he go from LA City its tightness I've seen me because I tried to charter a while oh really they're like if you hit any turbulence you got to stop and life easier global Express Australia is about the flora that's in winds are a big factor it wouldn't swing me just when I just went I want on four thousand sixteen hours really that's not yeah so ste so that because we have just you needed to win on the way back it's faster yeah you don't want to go sixteen hours in that anyway yeah I got one person was going back how was that deal that's trying to make school yeah but that's the kind of people we can get to get real estate funders disrupt you disrupt away people investing funny yeah for sure or a total I want to deal what's doing what you do these lots to do say okay what about some of these deals you don't want to do they're too small for you do that with you should you should invest with yeah so we have to tell people you were okay money's not gonna go away yeah how's the money winter reggae gonna be not three months three months what you need to be in the rig no no not for me I just want to know how long would it take yes you started this classical time we're just starting it out I'm gonna write down some tell a fashion investors won't put ten grand with no no who is Tai Lopez who are these people where is Waldo who is dying anyway okay good all right man hard man well we'll be in touch I'm gonna send some people back tomorrow yeah I got a lead I'm gonna hurt your halfway yeah I'm trying to make money there's money there I got a bit of rent to smart yeah mangoes go i sat next to God first time I ever went this guy's got 500 million of his alone lunch sitting up and get top with any yeah the FDIC's name everybody makes money different ways well just remember that he's going off to Berkshire I'll be back here tomorrow CeCe's place pound it that's right head locking twisted I'll be doing what I gotta do right now to keep my game sick while Tai Lopez does whatever he does just remember [Music]
Channel: Grant Cardone
Views: 337,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mentoring, real estate, instagram, how to get started in real estate, grantcardone, gary vaynerchuk, social media, youtube, entrepreneurship, social media influencer, grant cardone, daymond john, influencer marketing, how to get more followers, tai lopez, work, snapchat, cardone universirty, mentor, knowledge, ed mylett, sales, internet marketing, income, sales training, real estate investing, money, mentor box, social media marketing, twitter, facebook, yt:cc=on, entrepreneur
Id: KkawF-3sEEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 43sec (2383 seconds)
Published: Mon May 07 2018
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