How To Sell $287,000 A Day & Own $700,000,000 In Real Estate: Grant Cardone & Tai Lopez

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who's here what's up grant cardone what's up my man good to see you good to see you buddy good to see you he's in town for that Dodgers Astros game that you mean that Dodgers whoop ass don't start trouble in Los Angeles so I got a question for you yeah how long you've been an Astros fan ever since I started investing in Houston real estate never one honest answer Greg knows my heart he knows that most business deals are not done in the conference room they're done they're you know in the dugout on the Doug yet they're done in the stadium so did you get any business out of being there what were you right on the where you write row one - dude the dude that sold me the tickets right I bought a few stuff oh yeah and so I sit down we get there early we're all excited somebody might drink my dream to be a World Series game much less game 7 you know so the guy comes in he's like you bought those tickets from me his name's Barry awesome dude and I said he's a entertainment transaction guy and he said you bought these tickets for me he said you paid a fair price yes I want you to come back next year as my guest any game so really go on this by the way really I'm gonna 10x whatever you paid on the ticket and new Houston row seat I don't get out get getting it I've never let my dogs inside because then they always want to come in so we're gonna talk we're about to do what I've been to your house a million times bro yeah you've been here yeah everybody's been to your house you've been through virtually through my podcast we're getting ready to go record live and doing a podcast we're gonna talk about how to invest your money we're talking on how to invest your money this is an investment master in lots of areas real estate is that what people you think when they think of you as an investor is it real estate or sales I think I think I think people probably think about me as a sales guy first you know the rule that they don't know how big you are in real estate it's been kind of quiet you know I've been helping companies grow their sales for 25 years and taking the money from that and investing in to this to this hard asset real estate game right what do you like better sales or real estate or they do well you know when you bought real estate you're not you don't get the satisfaction of helping somebody right away right and with it with the sales you know there's two young dudes could they come up to me in Beverly Hills and say man I was cold calling you help me or you know we work with a company like Ashley Furniture it's got 60,000 employees a lot of them on the floor selling stuff handling phone calls not everything's done on the Internet is you know you know so you know the sales thing when you're helping somebody increase their income right you change another guy's life what's the story you've seen rags to riches from using your sales stuff Oh ty there's so many one that stands out I mean I there's every every day I get a hundred like every day I get a hundred people saying hey you you made it possible in Traverse you made it possible for me to pick up a phone for the introverted people sales can be tough what tough going in right what do you teach them though like even they like to talk too much right you know like you talking past a sale you talking past the close you don't you ask a lot of questions you never get any answers yeah so basically what I did was I got in sales when I was 20 17 18 years old yeah when I was 25 of us I was forced into a sales job after an accounting degree the seven years between yeah 17 and 25 I hated sales every sales job I had I was terrible at yeah got out of college with an accounting degree yeah and couldn't get a job one out of four people unemployed where I lived and the owner was that weird in Lake Charles Louisiana refinery town that's right Louisiana Nicholas how come every Nicholas Cage movies in Louisiana I've noticed that that's why that's why I like last night that picture that hit the three batters yeah that's what we do what scene from a movie scared of people we hit up yeah that's my place then get up there buildings act we got back here so what I was going to tell you on that was was I got in the sales job in the car industry right you don't go to get an accounting degree to sell cars right so I hated the job why'd you go to cars then because the only job I can only think I was in the unemployment line yeah and my uncle came and grabbed me and said no you're not gonna pick that check up you're never gonna take a check from there dude you're gonna go sell cars I said I didn't go to college sell cars he says you didn't go to college to stand in his line neither yeah so sure enough he got me a job at a car dealership uncles are good my uncle is the one who helped me get started he gave me advice you know as it was yeah I was sleeping on a couch in a mobile home he said ty go into sales and cuz he said you I don't have a college degree and he said I said what kind of cells did the to that I know you can do was car sales cuz that's what he had done or financial services and I said oh I don't want to do car sales like you so I want a financial service yeah yeah I hated car sales car sales rough they weren't those do I board three grand for my mom I said look I don't know what I'm doing I hate this job and I'm sorry I can't quit another job I'd lost five jobs and I can just come out of a treatment center for drug addiction and I'm like I can't lose another job I got to turn my life around this is a shot you know and a guy gave me a tape and I listened to it I'm like oh wow there's a way to do this yeah so I don't have to sound cheesy and I don't have the manipulative sales kind of take some sales guy what was he remember the name by his name was Jackie Cooper he's just an automotive guy and so I listened to that tape I ordered his stuff I bought three grand from my mom okay and that's that knowledge thing the knowledge man to know something knowledge knowledge knowledge and so you tend good salesman so the tapes help you a lot to it so much what was what was he teach there were twelve baited he was teaching old tactics like old school manipulation clothes and hammer and control manipulation so but but I needed to learn something right something better than enough and then when I got good at what he was doing which wasn't really it wasn't like bad manipulation it was like how to control a cycle right yeah well then I started really it gave me a chance to get committed to becoming a professional salesperson and then I started figuring out how to get rid of all the manipulation stuff and all the stuff that salespeople hate you know I got good at his stuff but you can only get so good at manipulation before you realize realize that you're manipulating right and and what happened was my productivity drop do you think that you didn't believe what you were doing exactly yeah that's the first rule for me for sales it you really believe because people buy off energy they buy off confidence it's not just logical sale so you don't believe I was selling health insurance when I first started financial services and I became like number three in the whole US for that company but then I read through what I was selling and I'm like this is crap and I stopped being a good salesman yeah and I switched over to a better product and then I went back so yeah we don't want yourself productivity dropped yeah and I started really looking at I became a student of really an observer yeah and and and that I was 28 years old and started looking at hey I'm gonna rewrite this sales thing I was studying Tracy and Tom Hopkins and all those guys all the old guys right and I'm like I'm gonna change all Tracy yeah yeah I said I don't know I'm gonna change the way selling happens okay and so I started looking at how could I shorten the cycle have you created your own system exactly yeah this is back in the day where you're not longer you spend with the customers better off you're right and I'm like I don't have time dude yes my dad died when I was 10 older brother died when I was 20 I I I'm in a rush yeah I don't have time I was spending four hours with a customer make 300 bucks I'm I guess stupid yeah and and I was the only guy saying that I'm like why would I want to spin this out of backgammon board there's not favi play we have to play love the game I've been playing Mike you know Bradley right yeah he owes me six ten right now assuming that six hundred thousand sixteen yeah yeah here come back we got a whole bunch people waiting in here yo everybody went in here so they wouldn't be in our shot but we thought we were getting tossed children this is that opted family right yeah right I got captain Ryan he yeah we've got a lot of people in here Rock captain Ryan are you turning the third-person about yourself you guys brought me a little prize or what is this a present to give did I win something Oh Versace Oh everything you provided us with what do we got [Applause] give me the Hugh Hefner Versace robe Sameer do you walk around with that please tell me you do a roll I added another man where's my rope I am never wearing it again you can take it home with you look he's got a bullet or if you need a book no he was saying he wants to wear it in my interview and I'm like no no you were a view of me okay okay I watched it with this but I like the plan that I'll have to do a series act Zach should walk by with this and that is actually go guess what I have on under here yes they told me I just they're learning learning from everybody more people you learn everybody's got a different angle on life grant has his techniques I've got a couple techniques make war with a multitude of counselors not just one some people looking for though but don't get so many you don't know what to do yeah well good news is there aren't that many people you can learn from so even if you try most people don't know what they're talking about so there's a few red they have one bad general they did brilliance yeah but I really have two badass armies cuz look at kata how do you study Congress does both alright let's go do this let's do it let's do this let's do it let's do what we were doing a little talk in it let's talk into here so grant you were telling me your story what was the day that changed it all you remember what I did I needed I needed a I needed a path to walk down right I got to know where I'm going you can't have confidence without having a path I got to know where I'm going what do you remember a day in your life that changed your life like you told me you were drug addiction yeah yeah you know we're unemployed kind of when the counselor told me I was coming back man then I'd never make it he's like did you'll never make it really give up the book idea I'm leaving the treatment center he says give up the book the rehabilitation give up the rich as did all these rehab centers that they kill people gonna kill people they destroy people so how'd you get the confidence when they weren't given cuz I walked out of there said I did I'll never see you again you will see me one day bro you will see me everywhere so you laugh a lot but I love that the skeptic they help me yeah they're fuel they have tremendous energy yeah let's go okay welcome everybody Tai Lopez show guess who showed up at the house we got Grant Cardone we're talking about how he makes over two hundred eighty seven thousand dollars a day even know I made that that's not know I had to make them do it on the calculator and over seven hundred million bucks in real estate so listen that's a good number it's almost a big better ones he's almost that's almost a three comma Club so what we're gonna be talking about who gets their be first me or you that's that not dad it sounds like right now you know that that would be a great time we'll see well what have we documented it like that would be a carpet I don't like to build know we all pure coke you're my friend I don't want to only be inspiring one another crafting we got to get to a tee whoever is that a tea first Steve Jobs Apple he's gonna be the potentially the first trillion dollar business that's what's the wager is whoever gets to a tea first now that's a given that's not even real for me I can't I can't even think with that Grant why be constrained I am constrained at this very moment I just want to tell you I have a mad amount of admiration for what you've built oh me too like why you've really pioneered let me just give you that let me give you the compliment before you are and cut it off that's not confident this is if I can get him to blush up so they're just mad cut you no respect for what you've done online how you built your name out how you've really pioneered a lot of stuff that's going on online like a really a lot of admiration for it for that well I appreciate that now I'll just have the [ __ ] you do I don't know about but I do all right let's start where you talk about practical tips I want to give think about goals let's talk about goals goals because the truth how do you set goals well no it's just so far out there like like like I have to have something I can get to then I guess I can eat right yes so and I know you agree with that like total a trillion when you say a trillion I'm like dude like I'm not in the music business I'm not in the TV business I'm not I just like to pull his leg cuz he got it this is a great book the 10x rule so I'm like what if we change this I'm gonna just add two zeros the thousand X rule because no no he wants a billion a thousand billion is a trillion yeah yeah I'm with you dude but I also think that like you know yeah you want to have realistic goals well not look my goals are not even real Astaire stretch goals but they're still really for you to add a tee to that that was a joke okay here's what I believe on that yeah you have vision yeah you have a vision for my gonna do nothing good hair Zack Zack Zambia's no you got to have vision your vision can be huge your vision could be to be a billionaire trillionaire but like Grant says you got to break it down to mini goals yeah today I always say I just tweeted today you got to optimize today because to MIT today you pretty much can count on you're gonna make it to the end of the day good chance if you start projected I meet people are like what's my 30 year you know my 30 year goals I'm like that's too far off so what do you have do you write goals in the more I do I do no pad I'll write them down on the bed with with the pen daily some of you every morning yeah and at night okay and any time I lose any type but what about when you win you do a gratifi on successes every day - okay so right in the morning when I wake up first thing I do when I wake up in the morning yep and that's good see but we're all control freaks dude no we're gonna get you getting he's gotta hit the viewers here we gotta getting them yeah so so I'll write them down in the morning and they changed by the way like I like I went on an aerial interdiction combat mission and you know relink so you were like interdiction means to let down so much fire you suppress the enemy so I took all my guys put them on helicopters okay we put the they have rails outside the choppers yeah we all had ar-15 and it's on a video game where you actually video game and give me the helicopter so we own the helicopter we're running about sixty miles an hour we're shootin we're laying down fire on targets what state were you in I'm in Florida man you were doing that in Florida yeah yeah so we just did this two weeks ago and it the point of it is to lay down so much fire on that target right that it can't move and it just reminded me of the importance of having a goal and it reminded me years ago I used to write in the morning I own a helicopter look at this when I was in La Jolla probably 25 years ago I just I had this thing I want you know some of the things you just want you don't know where they're coming from yes I dropped it out years ago okay when I got on that helicopter I'm like I wanna I wanna fly a helicopter huh like I have no interest in fly my plane I want to sit in the back but I would like to pilot a helicopter so you've got a Gulfstream but now the new stretch goal is not only have a helicopter but pilot Alan I want to pilot that chopper I got talked out of it because some guys said man it's the hardest thing you can it is hard sometimes when I'm in a helicopter that's why I only take helicopters with two pilots because you get one I'm like if this guy is a heart attack I can't land this thing they got these little paddles yeah by the way is this in or now pull it back pull it back no I got you we got it we're gonna go right here is that is it out of it now yeah but this let me look at the frame real fast Oh am i keep talking oh my god God's goodness for he's got I thought I was bad that you making me feel good I thought I had character defects [ __ ] now put it back on this corner where I had it okay that's my goddamn camera grant I'm giving you a better angle did all my angles are good I don't have a good side you know that's my famous line when I do he's a character when I do it feel free with somebody I'm like I know I look good yeah maybe get maybe get to lunch at you got that thing in the way yeah I think I think that's your thing good then we both character that did they ought to do a movie about us man what would the movie be called we're like the new Cowboys we're like I called the internet mafia yesterday I was with two guys they both do about a billion in online sales and I took a picture and I was like welcome to the internet mafia they're a there's no Illume you believe in Illuminati I'm dealing with this planet bro I'm dealing with what I can see that what's in front of me I mean I don't have time for a bunch of conspiracy stuff even though I don't think the shooter at Mandalay was the shooter you don't I was there okay I was there that night he lived below me for for four days we checked in the same day so you didn't know him he just happened to be below you he was below me on the same side of the hotel but you don't bring I'm from Louisiana you don't bring 26 weapons to go hunting right unless you got 26 people okay you bring 26 weapons because you got you're selling stuff I'm a Salesman okay I'm a car dealer I got lots of cars I don't bring one or two you going on a trip you bring one car maybe two you going on as she professed you bring one or two maybe four guns yeah you don't bring 26 you bringing 26 good you want to sell stuff okay but here's one of the biggest conspiracy theories ever alright so going back in the back he's like that listen to tunes yeah my staff is back here doing what every in every Patsy situation there's always a witness right okay the witness in this case comes down the hall 200 rounds get fired down those hallways okay let me tell you you fire 200 rounds of AR what is that 223 yeah okay you don't scrape a guy dude right okay that hallway that hallway so so it's so convenient to have one guy that gets a little scrape to tell oh yeah he was the one that did it you need a witness for the patsy you know you know that I I was there at that we were at the same conference yeah and we jetted out yeah we drove by the loss of a man la baie in that country it was like a Country Music Festival yeah and we got on the plane and when we landed basically a little out of it landed it was going on and I'm like we were playing poker we at 9:58 we left the the Foundation Room we had a hundred people up there for a real estate investment dinner yeah I told Elena 958 cuz other than watch maybe it's two minutes before 10:00 I'm leaving before anybody else okay let's grab Kevin Harrington shark tank Harrington and a handful of other people that want to go play poker let's get a table and let's play some poker everybody had a 500 ala buy-in and I was gonna wipe everybody out I told everybody going in one lesson you're gonna learn from Grant is you need confidence I'm really extremely calm I'm gonna whack everybody you got to go and believe in you gonna so so we're literally going at 958 this thing goes off at ten o'clock ten o'clock he starts doing this deal whoever and we're going down we literally passed by his his floor we got down Kevin Harrington won the first first hand mm-hmm and literally two minutes later the energy in the whole place just changed yeah and it got intense for the world and there was a shooting yesterday in Colorado tears and there was a people running people over in New York so one of the things you know if you look at Maslow's hierarchy of needs you have five things that you need to feel fulfilled and happy yeah the bottom is physiological physical needs the second thing is safety the third thing is love the fourth is respect and the fifth is self-actualization but people don't realize and while we're talking about money mmm is that the bottom to the found money doesn't make you happy but the lack of money removes the possibility you'll be able to do the top three number one cause a divorce financial issues yeah and safety is a big one and we see that in the world and you can't completely control the world people shooting and if they take away guns and look and they snap money the money didn't matter that night so we got we got trapped from ten o'clock till 8:30 in the morning it didn't matter how much money he's read Safety's more important but we were separated captain ron was on the 48th he was stuck there at 38th or whatever you were and I'm on the one that I'm stuck with 250 people yeah nobody was armed yeah except me oh yeah okay nobody was protected yeah I'm like we're in a room for ten hours trapped yep how do I know that that they're not down there with me yeah so like we live in a world right now that's dangerous like yeah you know you people in California you don't want to carry anything then you know I want to it's just a pain in the butt to get a concealed carry so I mean I got so all these soft targets I go to the Dodger game last night inside the stadium's not a problem me and my wife every time we go into any environment we're like what's our plan here right we always make a decision here's our plan whether with the theater the store we need a plan everybody needs a plan you get you guys you guys I can't believe that happened it's happening all the time wake up yeah same thing about your finances that's why what me and you do is really waking people up yeah until they watch so much of it they're just going you know what's the number one thing you you reach a lot of people what do you see people number one financial illiteracy prompt like what's the angle they're always wrong not number one buying $2,000 tennis shoes [ __ ] dumbest thing you could do ah now don't miss a thing you can do let me just say you're gonna clip that out no I'm gonna keep it all okay okay he's making fun of me for penny to rant on shoes no much did you no no I'm not I'm not I'm not yes I mean you could he can do it guys so but I do it as part of a social media outreach I know you can do it cuz how much did you spend on the Astro tickets been a lot of money you can call me out my weekend every super cool call and then we start these were these were 2000 what was the witch at 117 okay I understand 21 28 whatever now the only the most expensive World Series tickets ever yeah last year I spent 55,000 and I was the top one I bought the top 2 a bus yes but here's the thing and we won don't we but now the game you didn't win you're fooling with you in Florida what do you mean was it your team huh but let me tell you why he's smart grant is smart because he bought those tickets it was actually an investment Tully because his Astro he's doing deals in Houston and all and it's hard to get good real estate deals yeah and now they see him on the front row of the Astro security obscurity is why you will fail yeah you need to be known look how look how successful this dude is people know him everybody knows tight like him hating don't know who he is what he is more people ask me to what to do what's a great but they're asking I said you know the deal is you're asking who to do it is man right and so so obscurity and you guys want your money more than you want your nut you to be known yes and our parents didn't teach us this yes our pay social skills it's social skills ain't networking technique you think about what our parents say hey don't get too much don't get in the limelight yeah don't get known too much don't get too much attention yeah it's completely wrong save your money no no use money to get attention all right so that's what I did my decision last night not only do I love baseball and I wanted to play baseball and it's been a dream to be at the World Series but it I wanted to be on the front row man yeah you know look the only guy that had a better look at the game than I did yep let me up the catcher and yeah it's the same with shoes I get these shoes one of my most popular things I post on Instagram on average it'll get 500,000 views by by now I like shoes because I'm a basketball I've been playing basketball grew up in a family that was so poor I got one pair of shoes per year and I played basketball eight hours a day look at these yeah but you can't compare those Easy's what do you think I can't right now the shoes look at these on the fives dude I made about [ __ ] probably 150 million dollars in those shoes right but it's not related to the shoes I will you could have been barefoot or anything I'm pretty sure causation correlation the shoes call me Tarzan but I don't want to see you as Tarzan your wife maybe cause you Tarzan but uh-huh I'm saying because she wants us to be swinging from the trees all right let me just say this grant trees again okay like real estate here's a little tip on real estate do you know how miss a big trees okay big money yep when you when you look for real estate you look for big trees right big mature trees absolutely so let's talk about real estate for a second you built a 700 million-dollar Empire you sold over a quarter of a billion what do people need to know because you have a cool angle on real estate which is basically you're trying to buy larger apartment complex you're not going for single family or duplexes or things like that what what's your advise people not to do single-family okay why is that because it's one door yeah you got you got Facebook Instagram what it was you got YouTube whatever okay you're doing you got four different flows going right now yeah never depend on one flow yes so one front door yeah is the death is a death trap so why's this is that you you brought it up earlier with some things we've been talking you talk about knowledge yes you know you were taught to buy a house it's a dumb thing those houses were built not for you to have a dream they were built for banks to lend you money yep it's the only reason nobody Warren Buffett owns one home he's on one home his whole life because it has nothing to do with his net worth yeah homes are freaking 1% if you take the last 32 years 1% growth yeah homes only B well he will get leverage yeah after you take out inflation meaning money becomes less valuable over time in general it's been about 1 or 2% it's nothing okay soso and in the biggest problem with the home purchase is it you lose your mobility mm-hmm you want to be able to move people need to move particularly today this isn't 35 years ago where you had a rentals are up yeah which is good for you because you're the one rent you're controlling so real estate that they're renting yeah when your mom and your dad said hey the landlord makes all the money what you thought it meant don't rent owned but what it really meant was be the lamp bitola exactly when I got in a nightclub business I went to a nightclub and I paid $20 for a drink or two and I said wait a sec I'm on the wrong side of this yeah I went to Vegas the other day with my buddy my buddies made about a billion dollars online and we were playing blackjack then he goes way to say I'm on the wrong end of the table I should be back I want my people dealing exactly not receiving the cards exactly there's no money Vegas you don't make you make nothing in Vegas I don't care if people tell you oh I made a hundred grand bar in the end Vegas wins and in the end what you're basically saying is Society has pushed people to be people who played me is it never built me the banks built those houses okay the banks these guys are brilliant okay they're brilliant Wall Street's brilliant how do we keep their money how do we capture their money how many eat a hundred grand hello my house let's get them houses let's get everybody houses with no a 100 grand in Vegas there you go and and that was for the banks the 401k was for the banks and Wall Street okay those are the compound interest concept that doesn't exist today you're earning point zero four percent of the bank's let's go back to this Scranton now you're making over two hundred and eighty thousand a day selling various products online yeah and I've never thought about how would I make a day but I don't we haven't calculated I like to calculate all my goals daily because I feel like I can control the day so take us back you're unemployed you're an unemployment line 25 you're out of drug rehab yeah was that around the same time 25 25 from 16 to 20 I had more money when I was 8 years old then when I was 25 a lot of people can relate I can relate to that so what got you off the unemployment line Monsoor 207 down the unemployment line I was 23 years old oh yeah I had a drug problem I hadn't made it out of the treatment center yet all right I hadn't gone into the treatment center and I was 23 years old just got out of college for an accounting degree and the unemployment line I'm all Cobra holes up says what are you doing here he went in there to cash a check okay or some government check he got from somebody some section 8 housing he was doing and I said man I'm getting on I'm gonna get unemployment I can't get a job 1 out of 4 people are unemployed yeah this is Louisiana and this is 30 years ago so this is back in the day where the unemployment numbers were reported correctly yes not like they are now yeah so they're trying to manipulate the numbers to look good and I lived in a refinery town where it was you either did hard labor or what'd your parents do my dad was a sales guy he died when I was 10 okay and then my mom my mom never had a job how did your mom sustain you when your dad died he died there was life insurance okay she then protected life insurance yeah so I'm getting a lesson she protected coupons to protect the money yeah I didn't know how to make money she do know how to bring money in right so when I was 16 I'm like I'm not gonna do this middle-class thing because she'd keep telling me hey you should be happy she was really poor she gave up food line for because in Louisiana some of the deep south I lived there the south has poverty yeah yeah I lived in North Carolina Raleigh you go into some of these projects Halifax core county has poverty here you go everywhere everywhere it sits in a Honda yeah it's with an iPhone yep you know hear you it's just a diluted you're going to the movie theater you're buying nice tennis shoes you know but but you're really there's really poverty in town middle class I mean if you really want to call that you so you tell is your advice to people forget the middle class the middle class that last no you don't forget it you want to run from it why do you want to run cuz that goes against everything that like it's Isis like this Isis dude it is terrorism so why is it terrorism though because because you go to sleep in it I'm better off than the people in Afghanistan I'm better off their comparison the middle class is built on a comparison yeah I'm not in poverty I have food this is what my mom told me I've done you have a bicycle we have a car we have a roof overhead we have heat we have running water be grateful you have clothes on your back and that is where the that that's where the trap that I'm better off than others this gratitude thing but is there a tendency or a possibility that you become ungrateful because on the rise like of course no rise is overnight no get-rich-quick is is a scam so I say get Ritchie get getting rich quicker is a possibility yeah yeah but is there if you take that mentality full board do you ever feel like people might go well I'm only making I've got one of grants programs I learned to sell I'm only making you know one hundred fifty thousand last drives making zero shouldn't there be an element of gratitude and how do you balance that I didn't say there shouldn't be ready to you sure you should be grateful but you shouldn't be satisfied so the differences I like that I posted one of my most popular instagrams was it's okay it's okay to be grateful but never be satisfy you should always be grateful even when you're losing dude like I'm at Mandalay Bay and I'm captured in this place okay I'm not dead I have a Glock 26 I have four rounds of four clips mm-hmm I'm the only person in here can protect myself my wife knows what to do okay so I'm alive right now but you need to be ready and you need to stay ready so you every situation has something to be grateful for but you don't want to use the gratitude thing as a way to accept yes you're you're operating below your potential yeah and that's what I did you wrote a book let's talk about your book because I've recommended people read it you've written a couple books but one of your most well known I would say yes 10x so is your basic philosophy in his book take whatever you grew up thinking you would make basic thinking with life multiple excuse x ten whatever and that's what you do whatever the target is yeah if you think okay man I want to make 80 grand a year okay then then what all the books suggest it's like you need to think 10 times bigger than that because basically what you did was you adopted somebody else's idea your ideas right oh or could start a big tree well they're constructed by they're constructed by our the influence around us yes so when people say oh my write my goals down that's good or I'm gonna go do the thinking Grow Rich thing or I'm gonna do those yeah but you're the secret right some people conceptualization they can't even dream correct exactly yeah that's the problem yes like I just want a good job I want a good I wanna I want a house the thinking your goal setting has been influenced by your government so if you just think a little bigger look how you gotta do is go back to 2007 understand somebody set the wrong goals yep okay half of America got wiped out yes we forgot about that now yeah but half of them it's like it's gonna come again oh yeah sooner than later there will be a recession every ten years or so the next one would be so deep so brutal and so long okay you think is going to be bigger than 2007 is that your prediction no doubt about it what makes you think that what are they we have almost 40 percent more debt yeah there's no way it's more debt and income hasn't gone up that much productivity is not look the Dodger Stadium had more tickets for sale yes then 16,000 out of the 56,000 tickets were for sale why is that yeah because people can't get that ball broke yeah you know that's the one thing I've learned from social media is you can't fathom and especially you and I we grew up I didn't neither of us grew up with you know handed business or handed a billion dollars anything like that it's easy to forget like most people are struggling tiny and I also never forget that so one is that one out of every five days this year the stock market hit a record yeah almost 20% and what goes up must come down one every one out of every five days he's hit this is crazy dude yeah maybe one out of six days a record so what's the practical innings all going to this to a handful of people so what's the practical tip somebody listening they're struggling financially they hear story they see my stuff what's something somebody can do within the next 24 hours yes that allows them to think bigger go sell sale sell anything no sale tennis shoes I totally agree with that immediately what you Commission sales well no on salary base percent commission to you go sell something at your house you're not using yeah anything now why do I tell you that because like you want to go raise money right now like who's got my money this is my mantra when I wake up in the morning right you know who's got my money who's got yeah you say that a lot on so tell me my money right so you need to go out on my target who's got it like like quit saying that you don't have it you you know who's got what should be yours yeah riffing and saying money won't make you happy I don't care if it makes me happy or not do when you're broke you need money yeah mommy's oxygen when you don't when you haven't you forget that you have it the second someone put your head underwater yeah you remember how as soon as I get it I get rid of it yeah so you get rid of it you're big believer it's not hoarded and reinvested I get I get it I don't spend it I'm very frugal yeah so I get it I stash it as soon as there's a little Mountain I push it and what do you push it you like realist everything in there is and I push everything into realist everything into my main business in first into myself yes but you can only spend so much on yourself yeah in self-development right yeah sooner or later that should start working if whatever you're doing is not working you're doing the wrong thing yes second thing you're gonna push too is I'm gonna push to my business get over that businesses that's giving me that first flow yes no matter how small that first flow is you need to you need to keep feeding that thing yes right so that it blossoms I'm saying then when there's enough left over and you got a big freakin blossom then you push that off to the side yeah and what I want to go into at that point is something that's indestructible real estate knowing that your business is is destructible there's not a business out there right now it's not destructible yeah these phones the Facebook's the Google's the youtubes they will not exist for sure in your lifetime somewhere in the next 20 or 30 years it won't be a Facebook there won't be an iPhone maybe faster maybe fast exactly companies come and go myspace comes and goes I mean you be surprised you go yeah I'm gonna go pro wasn't gonna be worth how many billion they turned it down and then they harness over to the blackberries done the taxi cab drivers like the Cowboys the horses it's like the Bible signatures though Todd feeback don't piss off this town I want you to get you and your pilot to get off the ground we don't want to riot and meet you at the private Airport but remember all flesh is grass that's one of the oldest proverbs and what that means is everything comes in a cycle the grass grows it looks great and then it's gone and that so you diversify real estate no no I don't do I mean no push all in on the downstate I'm all-in I mean I like what Mark Cuban says diversifications for idiots yeah but another thing that we were talking the middle class diversify your assets being a hundred investments yeah right wow that's mutual that was for me that was for Wall Street that pitch was for Wall Street saying you're too stupid I want to go all in on one thing so I'm gonna miss a whole bunch of stuff that you might have vest in yep because I want hard assets produced cash every month I don't build anything yep all I do is buy trophy income-producing location a properties yeah and if you go back to Maslow's hierarchy of needs what's at the bottom physical so the good thing about real estate what grant saying is no matter what people will be two thousand years ago there were building shelters and they'll be doing it 2,000 years from now people must have it now the prices will fluctuate there are bad real estate deals you can one of my business partners was a billionaire in real estate he told me back in the 80s he was built he built a apartment complex condo complex and the thing went he literally bulldozed it yeah so you can you still have to be smart real estate but what people need to know I mean here's you have to have cash flow yep that's why the first the single door doesn't work that but cash flow is great to have a business he's generating two hundred eighty seven thousand a day with the online and in-person sales belly-to-belly business and phone and you can push that over also into a hard asset so I told ya it's not that diversification you mean I know mark Mark Cuban what he's saying is he's not saying you should never diversify but wealth isn't created by diversity safety is created but wealth is created by focus yeah it's what you want big bet so look the reason the reason Las Vegas Las Vegas exists is not because the odds are against the player it's because the players never play big enough yes to bust the bank yeah okay if a bunch of whales went over there they won't let you know okay well let's say okay why don't we let you why do they have the limits on the game because they don't want to get broken yes because people don't bet big enough like that's what my family didn't teach me man they didn't my family taught me to play a little game and they loved me they were awesome my mom my mom's job was to protect me Yeah right but so so nobody said do go in so the problem with most people can't go all-in because you guys do your homework on one thing you study 50 things yep rather than becoming an expert at one thing yeah so so your core expertise you would say has been I mean I know I know sales and real estate and I know real estate I know real estate better than I know sales I have a tuning fork in me and people don't realize that that's one of the things I want to bring out that this guy knows a ton about real estate it's kind of like me people in the modern world people compartmentalize people so people sometimes meet me they're like oh you're the Lamborghini guy yeah yeah as if I only know about Lamborghinis and then they meet me I had I had some people some billionaire on a podcast not too long ago and at the end they were like wow you actually know about business but remember that's gonna happen to each of you yeah you'll be pigeonholed and that's it's actually okay they sleep on you and they don't realize you're building a 700 million-dollar the real estate my first job was a car salesman not my first real job that I did I finally made it was my sixth job but my first commitment mm-hmm and I'm like I'm gonna get great at this job I hated it by the way yep hated it and I said I'm gonna get great at a job I hate yep and and then I'm gonna quit yep okay once I but but I fell in love with it dude I was like man I'm good at this yeah I don't need to lie to anybody I don't need to cheat anybody I don't need to manipulate and basically what I discovered was another way to sell things yeah the way that people want it right from a price tell them how much it's gonna be you know if you can't win their business no problem right so what's it what is the core grant because you have your own philosophy that's not manipulate to the point and keep it a short sale so I don't try to read tones and personalities or match don't try to do any that kooky [ __ ] because you talk about mirroring he's not about a principle called mirror yeah and I don't believe in it because look the only reason you'd want to mirror is because you don't want to have a full pipeline the way to win in business is to have a full pipeline and azan wins top of the bottle top of the funnel why so I agree with you on not marrying I do like reading personalities so it's okay we have a slightly different blonde but yeah for sure the cheesy mirroring if you lean forward I leave you when you start no whack you got you guys to think that I have folded on I guarantee you there's some comments in here oh yeah I started this with morons folded they're like oh he's closed off to that's all [ __ ] dude that some psychologists okay yeah that's information from seconds more style some people all just sit like this it's dumb hey by the way snap a little bit either Sammer's act what do you want Ron okay we're good we got four thousand live concurrent on Facebook back back back to the back to what I do right so I basically took the automobile industry I saw a problem I'm like nobody wants to spend four hours in a car dealership yep so I was 29 years old and I'm like I'm gonna I'm gonna turn this sales thing upside down in the car industry only thing I knew was cars yep well I turned the car industry over like every car dealer in the country knows me if you're if you're looking for a good deal on a car right right the end of the negotiations say I know Grant Cardone and I guarantee you'll get a better deal okay trot grin I don't know real theories no no cuz I'm going to do that no number two number two can I wear a mask of yours and just pretend I'm you walk just initially just least number two what I realized was every industry Aetna brought right furniture people sign itself it's to even restaurants something the whole think about how primitive the concept was yes okay this sales was created years ago when you went door-to-door and but you had to travel across foreign land and right you so you sat down so you're saying it needs to be updated you've updated the system you got 3.0 sales transparent yeah okay fast tell them how long it's gonna be tell them what how do you believe in overcoming objections this is absolutely so common thing how would you what's your favorite way to overcome an objection first of all treat the objection like it's a it's a complaint not an objection okay so I said let's say yes is to I I agree with you completely by the way I knew that before you did yeah okay so you say that to them yeah I knew I knew that like I'm selling this watch so watch this 70 grand mana well you know he's gonna say too much yeah so let's say Sam says man it's just too much dude there's 25 of them in the world right okay these are MasterCard American Express nobody buys this watch because it's not too much they buy because it is too much right you know so you flip it around yeah you somebody said you embrace I call you no no no it's not you guys getting always calling you out now of course I call no it's using the energy yes it's more clean fluish yes right there you go kung fu is still strikes jiu-jitsu yeah so so so basically it is look its integrity selling agree with them do you not be have you not thought that was a lot of money for a watch it's reframing week exactly it's like just agree with him it's just like be honest yep how about be honest yeah okay those shoes man they're too grand dude that's a lot of money right you're right he knew that might be why he wants them what about the objection very common I'm very interested let me think about it for those of you in sales is very most government up one of the most common general course for these people like yes except of course no we're working on a course you guys think about of course you want to think about it yeah how long have you been thinking about because if you're the kind of person that thinks about it you thought about coming here you thought about calling me yeah you've been here probably visited my website three or four or five times yes by the way these skills that we teach people are definitely website and internet transferable and this is stuff they should have taught us in school by the way the fact that sales is in a required part of everything you do in life will have some component of sales whether it be getting married whether it be getting a business part you have to persuade people people have their own worldview and you have to be able to interject with your worldview yeah or else you're always taking advantage of you guys that want to hide behind a computer you know in sales game so sales what is is no difference between selling on Facebook or shallots all the same or door to door or over the phone there's a few there's a few advanced strategies when it comes to online but the same psychology exists I call it all the same concept same Sun tracks you're running down you basically have the procrastinators totally you have the people who are right a lot of people procrastinate see that's the only more so because fear uncertainty yeah fear and uncertainty so the thing you want to do with with the customers you want to raise their certainty not reduce it yes you definitely don't want to challenge it you don't to raise it because when I raise somebody's certainty did I make a decision yep so what is that certain people you think that's just giving them more information because that's where people go in room and room to breathe right room to breathing room to move around right and and maybe it mean means you need to follow up like we have a program let's just follow up you're not going to close everybody no matter what you do what percentage of deals do you think can be closed realistically first time around if they're $500 plus when you're mine if you were them on your at your talk tiny very tiny and on average I would even would agree would you try to measure it calls how many would you want for one person to close a 500 hour deal what do you think it 3/5 more like 1212 calls so do you do little calls just hey what's up I thought I'd catch up with your text email gift so it doesn't have to be all phone calls they're gonna be texting complaining no Madalena a clever I called her 26 times over 13 months yep I didn't expect her to close the first time that's how you got married yeah she didn't put you on a clock you I have a guy that I've been calling for 17 years dude us doing closer 17 years still getting closer to an ideal dude I'm a whack it's not married right I'm a whacky I'm not gonna marry you okay all right to Seminole Florida Florida we're not alone in California all right so changing subject once more somebody wants you d hashtag any day for somebody watching what do they need to know if they don't know anything about sales what would you tell them start go start and sell cars no I would sell something in your house we can go get a job online eBay I'd find something at your house you hadn't touched it in a long time maybe even more importantly take something you love and sell it so what's the exact wit the shoe the shoes just some some you know something you got from some park a Jersey something you spent too much money on that was stupid you need to know that you can raise money yeah if you don't want to selling you your ship and go to the street corner go get on a street corner and go go stop cars and say give me 20 right or just raise it to 100 you think Cola Mormons are so successful because they take their kids and then make a little cartoons the turnover missions that's great that's an example the Mormon you don't have to be Mormon to learn the principle is that big on people there yeah and saying confront go get over your fear cuz people are afraid to confront I took people you should only be afraid of one thing and that's living a crappy life yeah agree with that it's like being turned down as part of the game yeah yeah and like my real estate background I'm not transitioning here but but I've never read a book on real estate yeah and I'm not bragging about that he's written some books but not on real estate but that's coming next you're gonna have a real I know game Graham but I don't know what kind I have walked so much real estate just don't have an indie book I'm not promoting the anyb book I'm out rents go up when you solve a needy issue I'll have a fee but you see people a lot of people read books I think I think you'll disagree with me a little bit on this it's good to disagree people like that drama sells but I think people read the people that do read read too many books depends on how fast you read okay but but you can get too much information yeah that's hard huh if you follow my 50/50 rule you'll be good fifty percent of a wise general plans but doesn't over plan i guarante no idea like taxi doesn't over attack I guarantee there's at least eight to ten people that you've read yeah there were miserable [ __ ] that I've read about what you've read their books oh yeah that had failing marriages sure could have committed suicide freaking junkies and I did who do you want to learn from you guys got to start picking who you can get what I don't just read from I try a business I read for the best me and you have different styles yeah like you know really different right but I think we agree on more points than we done of course so people need to pick one or two people yes I'd go deep on a guy before I'd go shallow on a bunch of people right I go deep on Warren Buffett I think he's the best businessman to walk in our planet by far I read his you know he said keep on warned oh hell yeah my business partner blame you you got Warren Buffett's basically God and by the way why does Warren diversify not because he wanted to cuz he has so much cash so much money he's got a hundred weight when he goes yeah okay he goes all-in he does two deals on average a year since 1965 yeah he's done about 75 deals a little bit more let's say a hundred main DLC a seventy-five holding company make it 200 billion so there's you smiling good tonight man me you look good I'll throw you're talking to the camera now you you look good give him a little thank you you know I got to try to keep up with you one way or another you look good just with a suit so somebody say he has 400 million yeah what what Buffett hears Buffett's philosophy Buffett basically says we'll get this on snap flash it always one of the things that Buffett says is if you want to get rich put all your eggs in one basket but what launched the basket watch it doesn't mean you shouldn't diversify what he's saying is what you're saying you must focus yes and I say you could build multiple streams of income but you got to build them one at a time yeah yeah I agree it's like a building house and you got to fill the first floor before the second you can't do half perhaps at the first floor no don't don't go further or build the second floor and say okay now I'm gonna bulldoze the first floor that's what a lot of you guys do you've got one stream coming you add a second one and you freakin neglect the first one and you end up with half exactly so rather than two so what I did was I took my first job I never left that first job still today I'm still doing that for job I never leave that first job then what I do is I add a symbol a cumulative I try to symbiotic the first one so whatever I'm doing here it moves this one that's like Confucius said the man who chases two rabbits catches none but you can catch one rabbit and then move on to the next what I'm saying Louisiana's you catch a [ __ ] rabbit you barbecuing you eating just a big deficit like that you eat that rabbit that is a little more southern version Confucius's why you chase a rabbit you're not gonna that's just dumb your mother cell in the fur huh good wouldn't you know what if you want the rabbits or your daughter I like that idea for eater right Easter any day hashtag any date hashtag that is not I do not do that on grants that's good so next question I wanna take a question that I saw coming up here live okay so somebody said how do you invest if you don't have any money go get money okay so how do you go get money who's got your money dude how do you you went out you said you told me there's already money you you were able to borrow some money 3,000 just so everybody knows cuz some people compare me to Donald Trump right I bought I bought three grand from my mom and I paid her back thirty days later so how do I does the message though you had to say what do you have to say to her to get her give me 3 grand mom I need to learn car sales I found this program I want to learn she's like you don't even like car sales I know I don't like it I need to learn it I need to learn how to do this and I'm gonna quit it I have to get a new bought of tapes you bought like off VHS Oh Beta Beta what was the name of the guy that Jackie Cooper Jackie Cooper I'm not a baseball player no no no no that's a LoJack so so who's Jackie Cooper the baseball players have sold cars oh hell yeah yeah so send a lot of athletes lose all their money and then go back to selling cars after they buy some people here are gonna be like oh he's a car salesman he sounds like a car salesman you guys you guys need to quit hating on [ __ ] you don't understand I'm telling you you need to quit hating so many people out there I don't want to do that job I don't want to make somebody else rich you guys got the wrong ideas if you're gonna get rich it's cuz you're gonna help somebody else get rich yeah okay you know solitude told me a man can or woman can do anything as long as it's not forever so don't be too picky when you're completely broke you can do anything as long as you're not locking yourself into a 30-year bad running nasty business but but if you get beyond to do anything even when you get to the top of the food chain the got the guys that I know that are really successful and happy they'll pick up a broom yeah no but you don't want to live when you're at the top game you're not sweeping every day yeah you step in like Google some of the CEOs are the largest company in the world they'll go do customer support why you know two days a month right yeah you got to always keep connected but you should delegate out as you bill so how do you build your business you can't do a delegate well I mean you know I just do as much second you have a big team yeah do you so yeah what how many people in there in Florida I came to your office we have 70 people there another 150 in the real estate use a traditional hire or nothing you got a yo we got boss no not really I need more that yeah I was with the got the founder of ABC Mouse today 600 employees yeah place is so organized man it's just like so that's not your forte no I'm not a good organizer but I need to learn that game yeah there's always something to learn right look but what are you reading these days you don't read much you say well what do you read what's a book that's change your life beside your but all that all I've been reading right now is real estate is for performers and deals yeah I mean I've been reading so many deals right now like what's got you excited you know the real estate I think it's a huge play I think that we're in the next cycle for apartments is gonna last 35 years are you worried about a depression no no cuz you'll be buying cheap no I'll be a contraction would help me that's why I'm saying it would help there's a contraction of recession and you're right when do you do better what happens with my real estate is my real estate can go down in value but I'm not selling it right that value as long as the cash flows there the cash flows like in 2008 and 2009 I kept getting rent man is the rent never stopped yeah so so that's as long as you have cash flow this is what people to understand as long as you have cash flow you don't lose yes because if I have time apartments double every 10 years mm-hmm every ten years I get them double I'm gonna get it no matter from the top from the bottom I'm gonna get a double okay most of this stuff that I buy we look for a 300% return over eight to ten years and that's counting accumulated cash flows chain cash and we just wait for that part of the cycle where I want to sell now yeah so so you want to sell destructable because you're we're gonna become Europe here where it's unaffordable it's not affordable to buy all you think so you think America's headed in the direction of Europe we have the lowest homeownership in America that we've had since grants and apes thinks America is gonna become like Europe no doubt because we're there now people used to only spend about 5% of their income on housing now it's going up up and Europe people spend 56 days we had the highest lease rates in the history of the automobile industry yeah why is that because people can't own yeah they don't have the down payment they don't have the monthly payment and it's becoming it's becoming cool to use rather than own yeah right so I least my roles it's better to lease cars okay and it depends on if you have a business or not if you in America if you don't have a business of you're an employee you can't usually deduct the lease yeah so you got my home but all the way all you homeowners the out there you're getting all your tax deductions are about to change right now yeah so like I think for the better for the worst for the worse for homeownership but it should it's it is it's a dumb investment for you so you'll get a lot will get a lot of the homeownership thing is like people are so like no that's my thing that's a dumb thing a lot of antiquated ideas like so so like I own put in the Department of the new Europe I own a company that I can rent from mm-hm so I could own this structure yep in a structure and then rent for impact ataxia that should exactly so I get a hundred percent of all the great yep there's a lot of tricks for those you as you get bigger in the game of business yeah there's a tremendous amount of tools out there when you become sophisticated like you said goodbye back to yourself that question a guy asked about how do you buy apartments see if you don't have any money did you don't you don't buy anything without money yes okay so that's why you need they need some sales have a self some start a business sell online sell something you're okay yeah because most of you don't have any goals the reason you don't want to sell is because you don't have an end goal it's what he said you can do anything for a little while yes so I did the sales game so that I didn't want to be a car salesman yep I did it so I could get my money yeah we planted a seed that you were have now grown into a large tree now I knew oh I can control I could talk to people I can I I learned a skill set right so I'm really thankful to the auto industry for that but then I took that saw an opportunity sold sold a solution to that industry got money took that money and put it in the real estate yeah I only oh you want to know how to sell because it's survival how'd you learn real estate what gotcha just trial and error three years I walked apartments every weekend for three years and how'd you learn about one deal didn't buy one deal okay so you laid the foundation you know that means by the time I was 33 years old I had looked at probably I don't know thousands of units that's what by the way what honors short [ __ ] did honor short [ __ ] walked the streets of Santa Monica and he became a millionaire before he was thirty not from acting not from bodybuilding but from real estate he also the other cool thing about retire before the internet apartments by the way he wasn't buying homes yeah Bonaparte Eddie shipped weights in the mail before the internet you know you couldn't sell and so he had a cash flow business that required sales and then he learned real estate was a reinvestment back into real estate yeah so he did you learn then after three years you just jumped into it was that was I lived in Houston at the time and I walked real estate every weekend and look at deals I look at didn't buy anything I was scared yeah so I moved from Houston to La Jolla yep and I said if I ever get that feeling again because if you look enough you know you don't get that from books when you walk problems or look at businesses you start to get a feeling wrong wrong wrong right wrong you develop your intuition you develop your gut feeling but tuning for yeah really your spidey sense Otis be like oh god oh this feels good so I went to San Diego and I said if I ever feel that again I'm gonna buy it was 1995 I was driving downtown San Diego and I would have buddy of mine Dale and I'm like dude I got this feeling dude something was happening there was more there was more trucks leaving more what's the truck that of you all of you house were in California they're coming in and I said dude I got the feeling about 500 units huh in what year 1996 in San Diego where'd you buy 500 Chula Vista all the way up to Vista California so by then had you save money from car sales that allow you to put a down payment I think I had at that time I had my first deal was my first deal up at 350 grand and my first deal I had a million dollars yeah from the sales thing yeah I'm cumulating money for years I just accumulated accumulated didn't behind the sneakers yeah didn't have a German car yeah I had millions of dollars in the bank I did not you would not have thought my life had changed one bit yeah I was printing on double-sided paper like if I printed I print on both sides because I thought it saved me money yeah so he took the MIT so you took down pay me well I thought of the bank's too giving you your first the problem well I was qualified I had good credit and and I had three hundred fifty grand and put down the deal with 1.9 million I put 25 70 units for 2 million 38 units 38 units oh ok times have changed in San Diego I should've bought all that yeah everybody should have all all the bank didn't want to give me a loan yeah her first two banks told me no yeah her bank said let's do the deal I bought 38 units second deal was bought 30 days later 48 units third deal was bought about three months later 90 units on my dude I'm going and I was collecting money every month yeah so I'm like was a positive cash flow right on day one day one everything we buy is positive for day one we're even now even now so your source you're having to look at a lot of deals because a lot of deals you get out there aren't they're banking on appreciation so they're not cashflow I was I used to look at 25 deals to buy one now we're looking at hundreds yeah about so what's your process now do you have people help you or do you literally sit at your desk and just flip through them yourself did I walk every deal yeah so you okay I am the picker yeah okay I'm the picker yeah so I got a big team that helps me go over numbers so they filter it down and you get on the plane and go look yeah yeah so how many deals do you find per year that qualify that filter well we have three deals in contract right now so I looked at to get those three deals I looked at 10,000 units yeah to get together that'll be about a thousand minutes yep what's the goal you said four thousand unit no we're at four thousand now would be a five thousand by the end of the year we'll be at ten thousand probably in the next three years yeah maybe faster yeah and is that their goal 10,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 and I want to bring the whole package to Wall Street you can do what's called a REIT roll-up yeah that's great if you own enough real estate there's huge tax advantages this is one of the things that not everybody gets access to because they're reroll up you've got to have a billion two billion in real estate but then you get basically you basically walk out you exchange your real estate what they're about but you don't pay that much taxes the name of the game - and one of the good things about real estate and business by the way is that you gotta control taxes and if you're only a w-2 employee the tax code does not favor you like it does yeah somebody was real estate you know and somebody wasn't I mean one of the reasons I lived here for 25 years here in California I lived up the street ran from California with it soon as they did their Jack Jack yeah as soon as they did their hey and he's in Florida no state tax so there's a couple places with no questions for me like we you don't know it until you do it but all you do is you reinvest all the money yep it's not like you keep the money when you save state taxes right so you're a believer lower taxes totally yeah because that's what people one things I realized America's so financially illiterate people don't realize the way money works it's not like Bill Gates richest man in the world takes all his money and sits on it like the hobby dragon sitting on a big chest of gold no they redeploy it back into the world so trickle-down economics is somewhat controversial but the basic concept is look what happened to California they raise taxes you left a left now and if they raise taxes too much in Florida my buddies are all even going to Virgin Islands they're going to Caymans they're going they leave the America animals in Ireland where do you think I'm buying real estate yeah I wouldn't I wouldn't buy anything in this state let me pose this real quick and read yeah I wouldn't buy anything here so yeah this is a broken state man you don't just raise taxes here okay that three and a half percent they raise taxes in California did not solve their problem party on tickets went up the next day okay right parking tickets like everything went up man they step up made I can buy I can buy tickets on StubHub in Houston yep and I can buy them in California it's like double here yeah because of the time fees because of the taxes so why because the state is broken okay you you park a car over on Rodeo Drive and if you had 20 minutes on that thing and they shocked you yeah nearly 21 minutes you got a ticket yeah the state's broken yeah so what do you how would you if you were the governor if you were the president I would tell everybody who is removed I am now the governor of California everybody leave this is my solution you guys should move what the governor should have done to see this should have taken taxes down to like six percent yeah but I'm saying would you just drop taxes he needs to admit he's broken yeah he's paying firemen and policemen a hundred and thirty thousand dollars a year because they made a commitment to pay him years ago now they found out they can't sooner or later you got to renegotiate a deal yeah there comes a deal there comes a time in a relationship where you got to go back to your partners they do just doesn't work anymore right can you do a deal let's say we do a deal yep we go down the road everything's fine for two or three years and then something changes tie man we got to do another deal doesn't worked anymore so you're saying it for government bureaucracy has zero flexibility and that's one of the big problems nobody will confront the beast man you guys all need to confront this goes back to what I said go sell your [ __ ] sweatshirt yeah get your money confront the beasts that you can solve the first problem which is I got a money problem yeah yeah confront your friends all those losers you're hanging out with one of the things that I posted a date one of the most important things you can do if once a year you're not pushing one person out of your social circle and bringing one better person in you're doing something wrong you're not gonna be oh you're doing something wrong can bring new people in without pushing somebody yes the room can only be so big yes can only be so many people it even more important input the reason you're pushing people out it's not like Stalin you're not doing a purge just for a purse all I need to purge people for no reason maybe you are well hopefully I'm not I don't want to be Stalin to my friend but the point is hurts there's no way sometimes people in your life have your best interests are no no zero way they're even your own family even though they're only the best interested oh okay no the self instructions another from the age of 16 to 25 I was my biggest enemy yeah I could have purged myself my mom told my friends don't spend time with my son he's trouble really your own son my mother my mother what other people ha ties all the way from grannies trapped so let's stop for one sec yeah as you make more money what are some of the common things you found and people gonna have to learn to deal with one is your own family turning against you yeah they'd think you know I've seen that too trust me cuz one / - I know but what how do you deal with criticism and hate I just fly you just fly yeah and I say just dance I say fly man fly you know you you so you fly haters haters I believe that the haters not really hating me they're talking to themselves right they're not talking o ty Lopez this or that did you talking about his Lambo or his whatever you're not talking about ty you're talking about yourself most people most people that hate don't have enough like there's not enough crit you can't create and hate at the same time well and also remember there's a lot of people who are Machiavellian psychotic sociopaths though it's been proven almost everybody who hates if you post something on your Facebook wall of an accomplishment you did new job you get 10 nice comments one person in your social circle writes oh well good for you guarantee you they have massive psychological problems yeah send them to the dark triad there's just think that people I think that people you know I've been in a place where I was envious yeah what I'm like I can't like what you're doing because I'm envious of it so my first response is you know I don't like his cars or I don't like his jacket or I don't like his hair yeah who would not like your hair so my hair is recurring somebody's losing theirs right right so so why does he wear that jacket well dude what Jack and do you have one so haters gonna hate they're just gonna do their deal you know what I tell people what amazes me is there's actually people who will go log into their YouTube account go into someone else and type a met even if I hate somebody I love my own time enough that there's zero so I'm like that stupidity level of planet Earth haters can't create no hated create they can't manage time yeah and if you hate somebody you can move on like that hater doesn't have an avatar motive you gotta have some of you guys have with this is crazy like blocked Instagram private Instagram it yes people like to yeah they don't like to take they'll dish it but you go on there was a guy who came and said something mean about my ninety nine year old grandma and I posted on snapchat I wish we live in a world where I could beat this guy's ass without going to jail and I I shouldn't have posted that this is there maybe I should have but this dude basically DM me because I'm gonna have to delete my candidate thirty thousand muddled in LA dude he goes I'm getting death threats so you know he realized that it's better to just have a one-track mind put your blinders on like horse and move forward there's always people doing stuff you don't agree with yeah take the best like Abraham Lincoln says it spend time hating on Donald Trump man you just wasted time here yeah Abraham Lincoln said he learned something from everybody even if sometimes it was what not to do there's a lesson in that so you look at the Kardashians you know you see Kylie Jenner yeah she just passed four hundred fifty million in sales on her lipstick kids in under eighteen months so people hate on the Kardashians I'm like look they're gonna do what they do take your blinders focus on what the Kardashians do that's created a billion-dollar Empire from freaking Instagram and snapchat that's the lesser for everybody here there's not enough time to go oh well Kylie's a name this is I mean who cares dude if people is somebody animal you don't like what she did figure out how to do what you can like the guy was with today Doug during that runs ABC mouth man impeccable business man what is ABC mouth ABC mouth ABC mouth it's a it's a learning online learning okay I'm for kids I thought it was related to ABC ABC NBC came out here to Hollywood you say ABC how many countries were you know eighty-nine he's a multi-billion dollar company but the guy's such a classy dude yeah nice humble five beautiful kids great marriage like the whole back yeah doesn't drink doesn't drug you know gifts to his church just like that's what I want yeah I don't need all the I just want to take care of my family my community I want to be a example the the the the thing that I believe is not the money I made it's gonna be did I help somebody along the way yeah you know maybe there'll be a young ty come up you know 30 years from now this is you know I studied my grandson maybe he's your grandpa little tai tai tai tai tat T 383 there we go we've got CP 3 down in Houston and now we got T 3 and I'm gonna have G C 3 yeah you got daughters your daughter's gonna run the world yeah you got the next president yeah next day yeah so I want to wrap up with one final thing please I want you to pick this laptop winner okay I'll pick a lint I want we got what do we got here we're giving away MacBook Air 13-inch three 13.3 20 gigahertz is so small okay so here's the deal what did I say about there's a principle I share it about multiple flows of income there's one most important thing but I'm not even sure I know what it is oh okay okay see if anybody could get this what's up this is for that he gave about about I didn't say diversify oh yes never wait what'd they say he said we can go down whatever never gone so he he don't let go a lot not that one right there Oh 89 dude Wizzle it'll never go ms o 89 on YouTube and any d-dog any day no nad and you can win twizzle drizzle you can go to Grant's Channel where can people find you grant best place best place is you know just probably Google search me even if you don't know who I am you should go do it you got grant cardone got not Compton grant cardone calm and you can write on his insta any D and belong you know I'm given a million dollars right here in the next over the next is it a hundred grand bars ten of these cash no it's wrong cash we've given out one hundred and thirty five thousand in cash already gonna follow me you want to chance at some of a million but all you got to do is post an image of me and tied together okay are me by myself who's got the best hair how old do you do - I'll say how old I am we ready tell me everything about where that is weird looks like my hair okay tell you about grant said look grant confidence so the one of the lessons you got to learn to read between the line grant is a confident man and there's power in confidence yeah yeah yeah yeah and well that and by the way confidence can be learned okay it can be done so you're one of my mentors is confident your confidence you got to be confident at something good at something you'll get confident confident to become I want to bring I want to bring your audience yes a sales program yep that's affordable that they can use and that we can really change a bunch of lives with we're gonna we're working on a joint project so be watching for this hey will you say that on the snapchat I didn't even know he's gonna give me a compliment can I can you do it twice I don't think I can do it twice that's right I just think I can do that twice the second one grant has a lot of confidence you need compliment you once for life I don't think I can do another one can I do another one did I just want to tell you I got mad you know wait for the light I just what do you mean take one it's gonna be the only tape okay the second time I ain't doing [ __ ] three times okay look I got mad admiration for what you've done online in the business you've created and you know that people know you appreciate that so I have to be just like you wanted you already passed me mean well good well thank you guys so much we had a ton of people on here and for grants audience from my audience go check out his stuff follow on insta and when you follow him be like yo ty sent me yeah yeah sent do that you had a little tie sent me and we'll get that little cut that sounded good all right everybody peace you [Music]
Channel: Grant Cardone
Views: 135,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: real estate, real estate investing, snapchat, tai lopez, yt:cc=on, shark tank, investing, business, 10x growth conference, influencer marketing, success, grant cardone, youtube, 10x growthcon, entrepreneur, smart investments, social media, how to make money online, 10x, marketing, facebook, smart investing, instagram, gary vaynerchuk, grantcardone, social media influencer, mark cuban, how to make money on the internet, daymond john
Id: 6wp1gan-PwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 52sec (4672 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2018
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