Gotta COOK 'Em All! | Pokemon Pancake Art Challenge

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so I try to flip them yeah you've gotta go and try and flip you can use fingers it's okay oh no his tails already coming off man what are you gonna do we dock you points [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] to the Sun Magikarp [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys and welcome to a very special GT live we're really excited about it today you guys I am cautiously optimistic about today's livestream in preparation for Thanksgiving we're doing some fun stuff today we're all sorts of fun cooking prod right we're wearing our Thanksgiving best Matthews Thanksgiving bat vest is a grungy like jacket Wow mine's a sparkling eu-turkey my sparkling turkey so Jason and Chris went out bought a giant pancake griddle mixed up some various colors of pancake goodness pancake look better that sort I'm working for better I said now our challenge the challenge posed to Stephanie and I is to recreate pokemon in the form of Pancakes you've heard of Pokemon sudden mood you've heard of Pokemon Red and Blue you've even heard of Ruby and Sapphire maybe maybe that's one of them but have you heard of Pokemon pancake and waffle I think we should start with Jigglypuff okay I can do that I think I'm gonna pull up a picture of jeans you don't even have to do it from memory I'm gonna pull up a picture of Jigglypuff and you're going to recreate all so let it be known the colors that I have to choose from there is no pink there is not my problem alright okay okay there's our Jigglypuff okay No thank you Google Images alright I'm ready to art it up okay start it out man what's this list oh it is sizzling all right okay so that's his ear it's a body that's a foot oh man here it's like mirror image camera okay more body over here got your shoot oh no his roundness is disappearing here's this little hair poof there okay so that's okay it shapes its outline now we'll do a little hair curl all right he's got little arms right here oh they're definitely passes for jiggly there it's jiggly so wait I got to fill it in don't I okay wait I wanna you might want to do a little bit of fill anyway there's a little feeling it's weird that this is pancake because to me it feels like like weight shoot but his arms are white oh no but I did do weight okay his ears have got a little bit of brown chocolate oh burned out like it's actually shifting around it actually feels like a dunk pancake I'm actually pretty impressed with this okay weights and I'm filling them in okay are we if we're not gonna have enough you can just like give us the idea of a Jigglypuff Jigglypuff yeah oh man look this he didn't even run into the time crunch or anything well now he just had like a big blob on it very you know gotta fall now a bit of a conehead it's totally totally a jiggly that his eyes are literally bulging either right if this isn't a Jigglypuff Julie oh then I don't know what is here I'm gonna emphasize his arms here with the new colors oh man it is done man gotta catch em all gotta catch em all Jigglypuff whoa apparently you flip the pancake art and it comes through on the other side really oh that's not gonna work okay ready yeah a little bit okay I got I got the explanation here this is the Jigglypuff who went to the OL Olin Islands and got himself a pair o tanpa he's at an Lea puff I'm armed with my yellow batter am I ready to go no does he have the timer ready what I mean I was timing you but I like okay okay great good awesome there's our crack team right there all right ready yeah all right ready set go okay this is the bottom of your focus focus our Pikachu I like that Pikachu's arm is also very small right now look at look he's got look at his little arms in the photo hey man come on to beatnik thi see see right that's important oh no make sure you leave room for them here oh all right ha ha ha ha ha ha juice ok shoot spatial awareness a minute all right two minutes left stuff on his other ear is gonna be kind of over here nope he's got another ear that way he's rhymes Lee's got like floppy ears everything is yellow everything's yellow I'm starting to believe in that black outline and it was all yellow okay so he's got his little tail back here come on man all right hold on a so I'm gonna make it I don't have black so I'm gonna make his eyes and the tips of his ears that Brown blah because she's just like pick at you oh oh hey got it okay it's like his ears pooping over there is there had a little accident okay jeez God don't forget his classic rosy cheek I know I gotta have the rosy cheeks there you go oh jeez the people cheeks all right great and then we got his little little heavy mouth Kika mouth man a little bit of bear saying I have to I was a classic movie Carrie I was expecting this to maybe go slightly better every one man okay okay I've got to fill it in I guess she looks very healthy right now he definitely doesn't look like someone just killed him are you he's very happy okay he's just really really happy right there's nothing I can do there's nothing I can do Pikachu or the love of black pancake batter I know ah the phrase gotta catch em all I have never disagreed with I'm gonna try and define his arm just a little bit with this blue to see if I can possibly save it gotta abandon this Pokemon by the side of the road that's what I'm doing man I hope you know thanks no I don't want this one this one can stay ouch I like that you're just cutting off his feet as part of this outline no I'm not they're so they're so good they're totally in there there yep yep his feet are definitely a part of this story that really don't really hold his head just comes way down here there we go give him like a word creepy murder man that he has like kind of a double chin well here's the moment of truth man I'm gonna flip it I'm gonna flip it this is gonna work yeah kind of work ready 3 2 1 rip ah see that was amazing alright that's that's not too bad there we go you still pretty out of it come on he's beautiful just looks tragic Joe don't hurt Pikachu's feelings like that he's related to our PIPA all right here you go there it is you side-by-side comparison of Stephanies Pikachu - the real Pikachu I think it looks great I like okay so I'm gonna pick one and here oh this I got I think you guys should be able to identify him even if he completely slaughters it I got oh okay okay okay here we go giving you the thumbs up here's the colors you can start guessing come on what I'm just like okay alright okay wait I don't like how he's facing this way that requires imagination Jason okay there's not the direction I expected this to go it's a radish it is good the radish Pokemon the classic radish and the classic root vegetable Pokemon it's a whole generation that that's looking pretty nice there got a little no that's fine you're looking pretty good there I have to say thank you I'm pretty proud of this one I feel like I'm not very good at many artistic forms but maybe I found my calling with with pancake art you got it man this is certainly an ugly version of that Pokemon but I think you can tell what it is right I think you can tell what it is yeah oh it's jinx this one looks looking good I'm proud of this I'm like from an artistic standpoint I am little pieces of art ever made ever my art career peaked in elementary school that's not actually an exaggeration but I will say this is a resurgence I think you're looking really good right then everything else is just they're all just one color for the most part yeah which we thought would make it simpler but actually having multiple colors to switch it helps a lot helps you differentiate oh man we're almost out of the batter yeah I can't make more is there any more batter oh are you gonna be a short steam or or we'll just make very creatively coloured Pokemon from here on up do you want it was squirtle but it's like entirely green so everyone in the chat has done an awesome job of identifying Matthew's Pokemon as magic card oh yes good job that was an excellent magic card that one better go on the fridge says tortuga okay so that's awesome on the fridge and you just slowly like rock there right so I try to flip it yeah I see you gotta go and try and flip it you can use fingers oh no those tails already coming off man we dock you points to the Sun Magikarp okay well maybe we pull up the image that he was going for okay and this is the final product every wire it is rated why is your cropping so crappy [Laughter] oh man so this is again guess along as Stephanie does this we got a little we got a little explosion of the green today stuff yeah it was me okay all right pull it up okay so we got it well oh boy okay okay all right all right three minutes on the clock Ready Set Ready Steady Go hey I was spots of Stephanie in the game lab I was actually probably in the background of several game labs because I was there for the shooting of every single one except for one but I was actually in one of them in particular hyunbin Anna yes Bulbasaur that is not correct Wow Wow I totally see this polka if I hadn't picked out this Pokemon I would have a lot of trouble the thing is the position that this Pokemon is in is a bit on the awkward side I'm happy today I have to say man this this nor lacks oh this Snorlax man is like neon green hey I think I didn't have any other options of the green man I think I would have these more like the game theory Snorlax yes a bit of a game theorist he's one of the nine million okay that's all right I might have gone with blue I feel like I think 13 right thank you guys you guys come on you're the worst both of you yeah hey this this turned out pretty well right this is even though it's radioactive he's very vibrant yes guys it's Pokemon uranium which if you haven't seen on the live stream is up on the GPU this guy doesn't take a bat that as long as Nintendo doesn't shut it down look at that pretty good yeah there ya like it nice put up the side-by-side he's looking good I think he's looking nice yeah there it is there we go nah he's pretty good I got that one pretty good I yeah but really good the crucial moment I know the flavor before so one thing I already know is that his claws aren't going to be on both sides and neither his his face so I do know that we're gonna we're not gonna get all his features coming to uses hashtag excuse me oh I'm not it's it's like the anti excuse actually I totally own it I totally own it I I recognize I could own my dog it looks like his but it looks just like just like your backside he just faceplant if you guys it was totally intentional he's just like back and then he like cracks this is what the underside of a Snorlax right this is just a belly flopping Snorlax right here you've got him he's like oh hi and he's likely still waving but he's just he's just kind of he's flopping around he's also lost its side of the store I didn't realize that we were right in game theory titles today your side is Snorlax here skipped you want the tanking want some Snorlax okay you don't have to buddy it's alright what are you do I'm outlining it in brown ah all right it was a choice tough it was a choice it was a bad choice in retrospect haha but you know what but you made what strong boys I appreciate that I appreciate that I did see one person who's already got it that's good one most most people are guessing something else though at this point which it's not I think the brown is really leading people the brown pay no attention to the brown that was a terrible idea in my part I thought it might be good but you know it did not pay off in the way that I hope yeah uh it'll help once I got color it is not Bulbasaur do a skip skip his generation of Pokemon has not happened yet his will be Pokemon cat and dog that doesn't come out till 2025 oh boy yeah okay okay all right this is not as strong as my uh Magikarp I you know I I think you can still salvage this though I'm I think this is doable I think this is totally doable guys we've got it Oh Oh they've got it they've got it they've totally got it uh good I'll do the color yeah do it red penguin you've totally got it Theodore Maddox has got it Leo Daniels has got it Madison Charmin you do not have it sorry uh bendy ink demons got it maybe they ain't even everybody's on board and everyone is correct I didn't know bendy the ink demon it is my kids I didn't know bendy the ink demon was a fan of pancake art yeah this is that this is a nice one fellow Ben he's a huge fan of pancake art you know Nintendo is always looking for like new so Nintendo does all these like arts and crafts games the world Kirby's Epic Yarn but Papa they should do something in pancake art style oh my gosh that'd be amazing the world needs it you know okay this is pretty beautiful I think that's lovely I think that's kind of passable yeah I think you got it you can do nails it's not quite like I mean nailed it's a bit of an overstatement but that's okay it's not quite as strong oh wait I forgot it's like it'll just dig it on in there there we go nice perfect beautiful yeah oh man that's pretty good that's not too bad but are you ready for the crew or the flip though how'd you handle the flip side this is this went downhill so here we go alright wait I need them to solidify a little bit okay sure sure accurate Hey oh oh don't you sticking for the time to brown his newly informed brown and just give me a little bit dirty all right 1 2 3 flip yes no yes yes yes oh yeah I think that's great oh look he fit look cuz he's mirror image it looks perfect oh yeah it's great yes uh he looks uh oh I take that good job good job next round okay what is it gonna be hot boy please oh man you think he's a fire-type yeah everyone's like it's Litton not living Lytton doesn't have a whole lot of green especially the green part Ella men Xia's that has a good gasps Draco whitey growtopia roblox and more I get it your name has the games that you play oh it's moose it's moose the Pokemon will see on right moussah for there it is you got it you got it dude how did you do it so fast alright Pro 7 if I hurry was scratching at something or eating outside no I was definitely the sound of skip hauling that seems typical it seems about par for the course ah antler maan oh my gosh how did you know is it a digimon uh we uh we just threw it in as a twist guys alright well look at me mixing it up whoa crazy blue there's no blue in this mom yeah but sometimes your if the green is more blue then you got to mix it up and it's like whoa one is even going on here and then oh geez oh geez no little bits are also kind of green it's not meant to shoot at you it's not not Pikachu got it okay okay that's good people are getting everyone you guys have got you guys have got only like if I haven't got it Edoardo Olvera got it Ethan babbler Alfredo he knows you know here Jackson Darkwood says it's green Eevee which is aa sort of it isn't young aka green leafy green leafy wait you showed off the yellow and then you end up not using the yellow at all stuff oh but he's more of a white now that I look at him he's gonna he's smiling on the inside shoot and also rather let the record reflect that I ran out of white so I switched to yellow artistically shading his stomach yep there it is oh yeah oh this oh that's hold it I'm Lee Fionna I totally see it now right there it is all of the other reindeers I think that's pretty good for you know for it being kind of a dorky yeah he's a little bit it's up to you reindeers called an evolution not a mutant okay Pokemon you're so right there we go look he's looking real cute I did his I would try not running into the side of his long day like a shadow I because I was running into the side of his face there you go I think I did pretty good I mean I think it's pretty awesome look I even got some of the blue into the tail and stuff I think that's looking pretty swell and I considering that I ran hot and he'll light this lip it's gonna be impossible yeah the tails gonna come off its gonna write you're gonna just pluck the leaf yard no no no no I'm gonna stick it back on after it now it has the Batman logo I know denim-on-denim it's like a sad Batman okay okay there it is no like a floating demon head I think it looks great it's just wow it's just terrifying it is it's really I'm I can have an old-school NES boss after you beat it's like first form its head pops off and starts floating around and start shooting fireballs out of things looks like a doom boss I think it looks great oh it's perfect there is it's a puzzle it's a puzzle yes you have to put the pieces together so not only is it food it's an activity who's that Pokemon oh it's forest fire leafy on one more of the game theory logo what can we try the game theory logo you totally try to game - alright alright we gotta get this crap off of here Stephanie that is your beautiful artwork okay do on a bite its head there you go alright keep going oh boy look it's perfect oh you're doing a green circle yeah I was gonna I was gonna put the yellow on the outside sure I've gotten good at this pancake art stuff I know I think this may be your medium batter I was always born to be a chef in very specific quick breads right oh the camera flips it how the chaos a so it's actually in the completely wrong quadrant that's okay we'll flip it we're gonna have to flip it at the end there we go right we have some bread oh yeah oh the if the yellow just ran out of steam to the very last one ah got enough blue okay there we go what okay here we go yeah this is definitely black interprets this is black there we go no oh no that's how efficient we're being though we're using up all of our batter right no waste not want not here there it is nice nice oh no it just looks like I'm pooping all over oh yeah I mean well great logo quality this show stands for right here's here here's that quality of game theory logo that you've always expected there look at this oh yeah looking good this is looking good oh this is totally the new logo for the show yeah filling the rat filling the trophy good you guys man there it is that's a nicer logo than we have anyway right look at that that's beautiful whoo let's change change all the channel artwork Dan I know we're working on a new channel banner this is it that is the one it's official alright yeah how do we do perfect [Music] alright I think we just got to go for it I think we just gotta flip it be ready right 23 one nine two seven three nine yeah okay okay okay look at that look at that you guys we did it feed me Leafeon say poorly Fionna hey guys thank you so much for watching this episode of GT live if you want to see more Pokemon stuff well then click the box to the left to watch our playthrough of Pokemon uranium or if you want to see more cooking challenges XANA pansino where she came over and everybody got embarrassed and messy very messy do it
Channel: GTLive
Views: 371,484
Rating: 4.9450064 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pancake art, pancake art challenge, pancake, pokemon art, pokemon sun and moon, pikachu, pokemon go, pokemon song, charizard, pokemon pancake art, react, funny, fun, challenge, pokemon gtlive, gtlive, gt live, matpat, pokemon matpat, game theorists, pokemon ultra sun and moon, pokemon ultra sun, pokemon ultra moon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 37sec (1717 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2017
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