HOW TO BABY! | Ultimate Baby Shower Challenge

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you know it's gonna go in your mouth like he's just you just nervous okay like it's just wait till your blood see what happens this one okay so I'm just gonna for the benefit of the chat this one very clearly has the texture of runny snot which is what Matthew is experiencing right now I would like you say even without you saying like oh it has the color it's not it reminded me of something that would have been green like you know how you associate certain flavors with certain colors what color is your snot man [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys welcome back to GT live oh no no wait it's been oh it's been a while been a second yeah yeah hit it uh so we missed you while we were gone yeah I miss you Stephanie and I made an announcement yesterday that we've been kind of like keeping on the DL under wraps over the last couple months honestly um the last half a year just because when when uh you know when health things come up you don't want to like reveal too much information you don't know how things yeah whatever you don't want to risk things and you know with something as personal as having a baby it's that it's the kind of thing where you also just want to be able to enjoy it try and keep it stress-free try and keep it you know something that you and your close family can enjoy and so we tried to preserve that for ourselves so we thought it would be fun today to do in in the wake of our announcement in the wake of kind of sharing this information with you guys that would be fun to do some like baby related challenges and I think you know these sorts of things might get sprinkled into the live stream every here there and every now and then as we prepare to undergo our journey into Parenthood probably learn essential skills all right this is going to be a blind baby food taste test great ah you guys are already commenting on your blindfolds earlier what we're gonna do here is one of you is gonna wear a blindfold and the other one is going to practice feeding a baby by feeding the blindfold yeah okay we got to feed each other great then you have to guess of course the person with the blindfold has to guess the way a baby does [Laughter] okay okay you're right [Laughter] you seem really excited to eat please don't ever call me that ever again oh no wonder kids hate this garbage okay but it's really not that big a deal you guys it's really awful wait you tried something no I just know what it's right so no try some no try some here's like first it's got a bit of stress but it's got like this it's like a like a carrot or a squash or so okay so that's what you're that's gonna run in your guest it has like um if I were to envision it's weird to say this but it has like an orange like it tastes like I would imagine like an orange vegetable tasting if that makes sense three two one carrot the carrot nicely done you got Karen I don't know what so in all honesty I don't know what it is oh I like carrots that is garbage this organic carrot I don't care it like it is nasty all right here okay I think this is mixed enough maybe we just like this is so unfortunate oh sweet baby like McDonald's or something maybe Pat just like here here's a prime keep the fry it go on go on you gotta get a little more than that come on it is like eating moist sand oh you know it's also you the flavor it doesn't have much flavor I will say okay surprisingly um maybe that's for the best you know what boggles my mind how happy the kid on this on this jar looks look so I'm gonna show that I'm gonna show the chat what this is okay look how happy this baby looks that is an impossibly happy baby for what this actually is spinach and something spinch and what spinach and kale I don't know no no God no not even close it's rice and lentils what no are you kidding me yeah it's a bit misleading though because if I'm looking at the ingredients actually they're apples and carrots also in here oh yeah great you know it's gonna go in your mouth like he's just nervous okay like it's just wait till your blood see see what happens this is really this one okay so I'm just gonna for the benefit of the chat this one very clearly has the texture of runny snot which is what Matthew is experiencing right now it's like a pear okay we're going to be have like like a hair um or I'm trying to think of what else it could be it has a yeah like a sour but still like fruity flavor I would like you say even without you saying like oh it has the color of snot it reminded me of something that would have been green like you know how you associate certain flavors with certain colors what color is your snot man I'm gonna stick with pear actually I think pear is the first thing that came from all right your lat see your final guess is pear and that is incorrect it's banana lies its lies bananas what you can get out you know Chris went to the trouble of buying a pear flavour and baby food and a banana flavor baby food and then dumped out all the bananas and put in pairs just to throw you off all your buddy but that makes a good deal but no try fight tell me oh okay it's just unfortunate right why is that so bad I like bananas so much that this is Q's banana Chuck use this over here but that's okay okay so I will I will tell you suffer unfair as you're tasting this one this one should be good ramen if there's any No so this is a very generic baby food kind of color applesauce ah kun applesauce okay it has like the the graininess of applesauce it has the flavor of apple gotta be out sauce anything else in there probably see the baby being happy about this one I could believe this guy apple and pear okay wrong uh well half right though you're gonna have a point for that one it's Apple blueberry I know it's a tempest none of these make sense none of them okay we're gonna start simple to be the baby food master simple simple this is simple is this simple simple there are three ingredients that's so many ingredients here comes the choo-choo chugga-chugga chugga-chugga chugga-chugga children should open wide for a choo-choo train yeah go good good Stephanie ah yeah I think my guess is so and and this does if it's got a really smooth snotty texture going on I get hit right away with the with the banana and then I get some some cinnamon which I'm like oh that's an actual flavor I like that sort of and then I'm assuming the banana is covered up by the awful banana somewhere in there you are a ha you're almost under percent right yes banana cinnamon and granola granola I mean what is not even like a hint of there's not even like the grizzle in there stupid because it's a baby that can't chew and so any sort of like grit or granola would just like choke it come on that was the only one I got there you go all right one down one up mmm Pierce death no no no get it well just get it with just to prep your senses the whiff actually might help oh oh wait if this is like here go back yeah there it is you smell it no no are you sure you don't spilled it here comes the plane landing yeah good one no big old nope I'm getting the graininess of applesauce okay I'm gonna go apple and spinach Oh what I'm to the tuber it was an apple and sweet potato it was apple and pumpkin pumpkin oh yeah it was close I was kind of close getting into us I'm really back welcome into the fall holiday spirit gentleman pumpkins all right pumpkin all right I got a half on that one you get half these are a final two here we go we're ready open up oh you're so close come on come on I'm gonna get all over your chin and it'll be super embarrassing oh good oh this one should be delicious all right is it isn't so bad actually I see when we take the flavor country this one has pear in it I can't there's something I think there's something else in there how many ingredients in this have one one oh it's just pear Karen oh there it is well kind of jealous that you got the pear would they're committed to pair all right well Stephanie you're the clear winner so to the victor go the spoils actually not the spoils it's more like how much more can you win by so can you get this last one how many ingredients are in this last one okay you go you got it you got to open your mouth oh you got it I gotta open it my lover is a cat having baby yeah come on eat it yeah there is oh yeah thanks to the back it's brown solid ground I think this is peaches really I this to me tastes like I don't know what it's supposed to be this to me tastes like it's one ingredient right it is peaches I know that you're a fan of peaches would you like more no this tastes terrible why did this take all of our favorite stuff and make it taste awful oh god that's bright oh Jesus so that last one does ha ha prunes Oh fruit challenge to is to help you wash down the baby food before you you will see two baby bottles filled with apple juice oh great I was hoping this was not pee you are to chug them the first to finish the baby bottle wins what thank you what skill does this test us when it comes to totally finish this okay what if what should we yeah I did we deliver the bottle to the other person we're training for amazing skills oh no they're here oh good no come on so you realize how hard it is for the baby yeah yeah three two one oh my god wait wait my nipple is leaking my nipple is leaking wait what [Music] no where's the liquid is not coming out of my teat where does it go getting like three pops up I told you oh my god half our time is gone oh come on did you install this wrong it feels like all the liquid is leaking out from the side of nipple Anatomy it's like my nipple is you know I couldn't seem to feed on it that's you Matthew is clearly a lot more invested in this process knocking huh I have to say I almost ripped out my nipple you were going to race to the finish of filling these diapers and you're going to have the easy round first all right ready that that.oh diaper I'm assuming this is how do you know what's front and what's back just did the inside I know the back is worthy okay where the DP goes I guess 3 : this is this is a clear crotch area that I'm seeing here there's something screams - yeah where's the sticky stuff wait where's the sticky thing hold on oh I see a tab I see it Oh get in there ma'am okay don't shoot don't shoot and die yeah yeah that's totally like gloatin flown over chica got it a diaper it's a little saggy diaper yes our our what what is the success metric in this ludley three two one diaper go get in there right now that I know how these work I'm like such a pro I feel like these used to be harder or something right right the headline there we go come on baby the line come on well maybe get get your tail in there come on I'm just got trip it's just sort of like he's sort of stuck here can I turn the baby upside down and boom done wait what how did you die for that walrus faster my day for this turtle diapering a mermaid alright let's have it let's have challenge mode three what size or shape your baby is gonna be in what so wait hold on yeah yeah you never know what size or shape your baby's gonna be that that was not this that was not oh what's this supposed to be he has a surfboard attack me as a snowboard attached to like God knows how are you supposed to die for this thing did we get the jumbo diapers like No [Music] there you go three two one diaper okay come on baby kill that baby it work with you now I'm gonna kidding this teenager come on come on my cute small little child you're so delicate wonderful there you go baby go baby it's gonna be a song on you so literally gonna go up your baby crap I gotta finish the song it's not my problem here it is like that we know that you wanted to kind of separate private but we decided as an office we should throw at least some some contenders in the ring and we don't mind if the public knows what our baby names we gave you those baby names and you had to guess which person oh my god so GT live team offers baby name suggestions okay okay Wow the artist formerly known as a doodle doodle mix Trudel Patrick this is your baby name suggestion [Music] dorm Stormageddon Dark Dark Lord oh all Patrick Stormageddon Dark Lord of all Patrick that sound like Jason it sounds like a Jason name yeah he likes those he likes those fancy yeah drum roll please people are saying this is from Doctor Who London's woulda shmuck london shmuel in london these are great options I'm so glad we have such a robust list to choose from yes [Music] like a horrible oh wait no it's still going oh cool ah hilarious Algernon Aquarius Robert Oh Robert Patrick there we go Robert Pattinson that family name I presume that should I could see this one being Jason to help your done al we're gone this is the dawning how am I going to how am I gonna match these two anyway mmm is Aquarius in July Albus Percival okay okay oh we do have we do have a Harry Potter fan in the office Wulfric Brian well with Brian Dumbledore Patrick okay you're Patrick okay there okay all right great just like ignore the family name said alright I don't know she would did might end up being Google mate I wish Munden might be my favorite I think London wins by please Google save us okay so I'm gonna go with the first one it's Chris still I think I like that one as well I think the first one is Chris okay okay do we get it right we don't mix Trudel is Dan ah yeah and it'll make strudel okay alright that's true you wanna you want tastiness is a kit as the quality that you want in your offspring I think the Harry Potter one is gonna be Meredith whose whose works behind the scenes here goodie we get that one right you did alright having more apple juice on me than I am in my mouth I'm telling you magnetically ring still who is Harold Harold was Google yeah okay Harold is Google uh Munden one okay the doctor who won was that Amy that was Amy all right yeah we got a Coco's we got a couple extra people to weigh in on this one your McGann storm again we don't have to return of all day Dark Lord of all that's gotta be Jason okay your elder yeah you're Algernon Chris is definitely she mooned in correct yeah I'll toast to that I'll toast to SH Munden that's a good job Chris if you want to see the full uncut livestream of all the crazy awkward bottle goodness click the box to the left if you want to play more games sort of like these but more in a newlywed style check out the box I wet myself
Channel: GTLive
Views: 380,436
Rating: 4.9682016 out of 5
Keywords: taste test, baby shower games, baby food challenge, baby shower, baby shower ideas, baby shower games ideas, challenge, baby shower challenge, gtlive, gtlive challenges, gtlive matpat reacts, matpat and stephanie pregnant, matpat, baby food taste test, baby names, food challenge, gtlive food, gtlive food challenge, gtlive baby food, matpat reacts, pregnant, pregnancy, matpat baby, game theory baby, dadpat, babypat, gtlive react, matpat pregnant
Id: KMHTg1kNu7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 14 2018
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