The MIRACLE BERRY Taste Test Challenge! - FT "The King of Random"

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oh wait oh I think my sense of smell is also to learn awful but I develop a little bit like vomit haha this smells a little like apple cider it smells like vinegar it absolutely apples light everything I eat a lot of apple cider vinegar I don't think this is it ready wait wait make sure you hear that cheers cheers Cheers here's you guys there - over there yeah oh my god look out stomach here come hello internet welcome to game hey guys and welcome to GTI [Applause] yeah but recision you're shooting a multi-barreled gun at the camera like a six girl gun six barrel so many barrels it was gone my thumb is kind of pointed back at me in that situation that seems the sideways water it much bottle many barrels have gun will travel darkness where your kind of influence they the gonna be blind place the sacred garden of influence for those of you who are unaware this is Sir grant Thompson I just knighted garage I like that I like that I've always been self-appointed itself does well now you look he's not he's not a knight though he's a king he's a king random Wow blue yeah to give you an update as to who this man that were saying next to is he specializes in doing extreme experiments on his channel basically all the stuff that your science teacher tells you not to do he does ah like in rowing good doing it yeah thank you likewise all that wow that's a major comeback yeah I am they've got like she's got like sunglasses or like safety goggles he's always looking cool doing science I'm a nerd you're a nerd no where's the glass side what we tried to do is take science and I don't know put it on like a household level where you can understand it not necessarily want to try it but understand what would happen if you push those boundaries until they break you're like you're like an edgy Bill Nye the Science Guy yeah that's an interesting yeah right like like a modern-day Bill Nye the Science Guy uh for example you have thrown liquid nitrogen into your own face I did do that which I did do that we really I mean so it is really stupid but his face is perfectly intact so it must be okay own coal over there yes okay because we Schwimmer so it's completely different before the liquid nitrogen typical reconstruction really funny well somebody actually like did before and after and they like totally photoshopped it they did a clickbait thumbnail of like some liquid nitrogen experiments gone wrong and it was my face before and after and it looked like my skin and just peeled off oh I click the video to see what happened to my so today when we have planned is a very special livestream we've done food challenge II kind of stuff on the livestream before and if anyone knows anything about the livestream it's that we like to use food as punishment and potentially force ourselves to eat stuff that might not be as pleasant but today we're actually making things a lot better on ourselves because we are going to be tricking our taste buds into thinking that stuff that would normally not taste very good actually tastes great oh well I mean that sounds like so we need to apply with our kids and vegetables oh well we'll see if it actually works today so we ordered we ordered a bunch of these Mira burst taste the sweet sensation dietary supplement that I hear I love it oh this is a dietary surely take four times daily this is this just is just a laxative produce from the all-natural Mira birth miracle berries so temporarily modify the perception of sour and acidic fruit food and during ass to make them team sweet so basically food tripping yeah food ripping we are getting high our tones are getting high at least on some weird food drug so that way we can taste test nasi foods and and bill tastes delicious exactly that is the golden one so since since we have a scientist on board today we can actually talk like about how this works a little bit and in case in case you're wondering actually like how this happen um what we're going to be doing is actually changing the way our taste buds are shaped basically did you know that I have not looked into the size of it I let's just in general random berry from the middle of Brazil and who knows other senses at least one tablet but two if preferred what involve some pills like shall we not not just need to tell welcome to the live stream and pop up your handout line are we gonna do one we do three three three go home oh my gosh I don't know what we want this up one is okay too is preferred three days all day today grant has been telling us his motto which is like if no one gets hurt like it's not a good experiment yet what your what your what your motto here yeah let's listen provides what is the model I think it's um like you know if you're not getting hurt you're not having fun so so hit me up with three random miracle pill alright we decided to sign their waivers and release how they here they did they had me sign a release before I got on a livestream so now I'm getting a little nervous these are little chalky do you think you just got to let them dissolve or do you think you can can you chew them up for faster surface area might on balls and cobalt let it dissolve in Coke themselves yeah all right okay so while we're coating over here hold on well we're old is running about Stephanie everywhere hi I'm Jason Street please do you know actually these days pretty good if I can just talk about how these taste for me and goblet they're not unpleasant it all actually tastes quite delicious I mean delicious is I mean correct I mean I mean I think my kids would take them before meal Oh - I'm trying it's like a it's like a Flintstones chewable vitamin yeah it reminds me of a Flintstones vitamin it's got a little like cherry almost like a little yeah well like a cherry neck oh it's got like the neck Oh like you know neck Oh candy I have never had an echo are you kidding me I'm totally confused echo wafers from like 90 is like 1920s and as we have something okay with that we could put some on him there's the best candy that tastes like chalk ever I grew up in Canada give me a break oh good got you a break so I've coated this on the underside of my tongue as well good thinking oh yeah I'm not sure if that makes a difference but I am I can feel it tingling underneath my tongue yeah can you feel a tingle no maybe I just rub - all right I'm gonna say hi in the chat to a few people Cameron McGrath news oMG grant what are you doing there oh hi welcome to life Jim grant be prepared for sprinkler time says Oh Joey oh yeah we'll get that slippery dang bear wants us to eat butter cool oh oh oh J edgy might thank goodness I don't think we have any I've tried Vegemite I was in the UK for a couple years and they have been oh yeah oh you love it or you hate it well I've tried it and I immediately maybe avoid oh can you acclimate to over time I couldn't get into it did you like it I wouldn't say it was preferred ha ha ha ha Nancy dull uh Ella Smith is Canada Canada Canada I just wanted to represent I think what your homelands a shot shot coming your way grant Johnson Angela Sun Reese's I mean suggesting you eat an onion you also have a suggestion from Robert Lombardi for Lemon Lulu Meeks a vinegar all on wall man jellyfish whitey Thursday coke I wonder them to change the pace today oh you da man oh no we have Diet Coke in stock with right and Harry Greb grant Mew wish grant me with okay okay so ah you got to take all the stuff done to my tongue no like zoom in on this business what ah oh look at the show up oh you got the clam tongue actually I wanna know can you guys do that no I can't yeah I could just do the roll Oh hmm it takes telling mm-hmm definite that me actually trained her tongue local to be able to do them yeah I never you know really yeah I actually had to do I I did like I would like you know like she shaped my tongue around like like to get it into that shape because I could never do anything fancy with my time and that's okay anything I practice for like a week yeah like a week of my youth well Savannah cannot you take a break right grant Thompson king of random also noted clamped yeah I mean no hey those are not eating your Clarence alright let's do this okay so the rules go we don't we're not allowed to know what we're tasting yes are we are we blind holding that are blindfold okay well you guys have such properly folded blindfolds I feel like I'm behind all right yeah the curve raising you right now look at me I'm like a like a tupac shakur no boy no rap back return a rest Pat please say he's doing that with a blindfold actually over his eyes hip-hop that what I'm from the ghetto oh all right yeah I have eponymous thanks good one all right good stuff well done alright here we go I'm all I'm all blinded and make sure you guys keep track with sprinkler turn it because we ain't got none right no eyeballs here okay here we go are you guys lying you totally black I am I'm blinded by the poll I just wait I realize I just waved my hand in the air really hard and there was a good chance that I could have actually hit somebody with my hand back and forth okay what are you starting with so grab the plate in front of you and you around sorry no that's okay okay this goes a lot like an orange or a right way to well it's got the little number on the top right got the little nubs you can tell by the note what's the play here are we doing a bite in are we biting or amazing I'd say like a biting stuff is the way oh oh it's like bitin soccer thank you Chris right right all in all in all in like like shove the whole thing in you're out I don't know could you put the whole thing in your mouth well if it is a citrus fruit which I'm Adam again lemon is no I don't think you're gonna eat the rind I don't know I don't know how miraculous these berries are but I think eating the rind is probably a bad idea I I think I'm gonna go for the rind I think I'm gonna bite halfway all right all right and I'm gonna do I'm gonna do the bite okay ready one two three go hmm that's interesting like that is great did it work for you guys this is delicious some parts are this is what let me guess is the ride not edible hardshell because I don't know if like the lemon juice on my lips is coming through is that sour Wow but then on my tongue hey sweet babies we always I can't believe how it all doesn't hurt it's like it's like I'm eating no water it aids candy mm-hmm it's um it's really confusing to me right now no I'm getting a lot of seen sorry guys yep a lot of you but like I could just eat this no problem it tastes like a lemon head or like a lemon candy it always tastes too sweet it's like so sugar is really curing it's delicious yeah I have to say like normally you need a lemon you pucker up you can't take care no I write like you're not only your eyes start watering right this is real and this is great no it literally did like you said stuff it tastes like it doesn't even taste like a lemon hit it's sweeter than a lemonhead it tastes like it's almost takes me a like I'm almost like oh I don't really want any anymore cuz it's so sweet you know anchor I like you know how your body has mechanisms like this isn't good for you our yeah I feel like we're disguising that it's like oh yeah let's go ahead let's take it off yeah Toby is this really gonna be good for us in the long run oh I was like this is still like after this like in your stomach and Rockwell is very good going to play ball hear something right we're gonna be working we're never gonna get scurvy you guys it's going to be all the vitamin C we could ever want wow wow this is unbelievable it does have like a dude are you think doing like a slightly like a slightly artificial sweetness like I'm getting a lot of nice lemony nests but I'm also like maybe the application is a bit of like I don't know I got the real tartness of the Ryan or the peel okay alright so you got the bitterness coming through there that's what happens when you place the rind of a citrus fruit grandmommy oh good boiler alert try to ward I don't know can we poke our blindfolds on yeah okay alright I'm 11 yes really yeah Wow Wow that's insane how did you get your so clean Alex if you look at this let's hold up there actually like all the other compartments are cleaned up but it's still got all the little division lines I don't know I just that's how good I am in young laminator although I didn't feel great you have a very talented you know Matt you know it's Randy you can do that talented mouth you know it you don't well okay that was why I did not okay so legitimately I did not expect I would this actually be effective I don't like this is such a gimmick I think this is so - yeah genuinely thought we were just a meeting terrible foods this entire livestream sorry what I want to know though is like it doesn't have a like I know it says 90 minutes but does does that mean it keeps working 90 minutes or does it start to rub off like if you got a hot pepper on your tongue eat bread and it kind of like dissipate no I know is there like only so many things you can eat before it wears out well I doubt okay at a certain point we all freaking survive two lemons and up whatever I don't that is so oh oh we that's what also recommends vult balsamic vinegar I know we have it I don't know if it's on our list oh so that could be like being on integers ah or apple cider vinegar that stuff is the worst oh yeah are you not a fan step low I love no I said apple cider vinegar it's like the stuff you drink when you're like getting sick and it like wipes all yeah like like it'll keep you healthy but it will make you gag as you're taking it like that I would be converted if we had apple cider vinegar and really I didn't take them up on the challenge present so I say we bring some apple cider vinegar and you should cleanse our palates with something oh god oh boy and coin with us today well this is this is so fun already I'm so excited about this okay I love you daddy thank you so you had medicine whoo you look good too you look like a regular blood a regular if I don't know I don't know who would call out what mmm you're so you're so in the know you know it you lost Angelina Oh Matt wait wait back when I was growing off me Oh John Kenneth you're gonna get killed as you don't you're gonna gang sign I learned that there's you're supposed to like put your knot and it like forms like good it doesn't mean that we course - I don't know how this is the coolest this is the coolest gang slide that I learned yeah oh man oh my gosh well done is that right okay eat well yeah oh yeah your blood oh I'm worried for grass may see now how could you tell that's going back to like grade seven yeah exactly exactly man you trained your fingers how to do the blood time you trained your Tom you sixth grade to do the class what you left me your talent if you know obviously I do gym Jimmerson and recommends that we try tactic that that will not that will not be affected by the miracle berry that would still be about it my son is still singing from that peel right and again yeah you know okay okay not all things are gonna work what do you have to push the boundaries to find out now we know yeah now we all know now we don't have known that eating the ride of a citrus fruit at the batting wow they're good next thing you know you're going to tell me that eating the rind of a watermelon is a bad idea yeah not preferred not prefer how do we know until we bought into it let's do you're likely you are probably like you three thousand years ago it's probably like the first guy who like hey chicken egg here's here's an egg that came out of the rectum of like some weird animal let me shove them in my mouth does any what happened oh wow this is mildly edible revolutionized your neck yeah sighs you're the egg guy yeah you're the head guy and then to the enter this day Chrissy's egg for breakfast there you oh you're welcome are we writing world let's do the next more right than I thought okay let's get all right what do we got okay we've got oh I guess we got a blindfold here huh just keep your eyes shut I guess but doesn't make them more dramatic so much more fun this way and we all get to have these like cool color but we on this planet I see nothing so this is a drink everyone reached carefully for the glasses monitoring the tree I can clearly not shoot those are you oh wait I think my sense of smell is also to learn awful but I did know a little bit like vomit oh this smells a little like apple cider it smells like vinegar absolutely not Apple site everything I eat a lot of apple cider vinegar I don't think this is dead I think it smells like Apple right I don't like starting tonight I don't know you might drink a lot of apple vinegar but if you don't smell it cuz this is different cut is it white vinegar is it like a mint Syrah okay ready wait wait we should we cheers it cheers cheers Cheers here's me guys they're over there yeah oh my God look out stomach here come it still tastes bad well okay weird I've got another pill oh okay well we're oh oh it tastes so bad million yeah so mine you see you wear it up with the ride the right thing has been all over board yeah that dance is like apple cider vinegar yeah the front of my tongue can taste it at all but when it is my throat all always burning and burning all the way down that must not what in this I'm gonna pop another pill this is just like a pop in the bill well c'mon O'Connor why why did you give us they say oh this is real is it burning anybody else like in the esophagus area I mean oh no no I'm definitely like gallium or injured warms your throat on the way law it's adorable ein pulled off and it doesn't appear to be and we re supposed to guess yeah I mean you're good guess with the times I would have an apple cider vinegar well I should get back in sex what a mistake oh look I mean it smells like apple cider vinegar now going down it has like a vinegary bird I know that they are doing the impossible clue no I think I think I know I promise it doesn't taste like apple cider vinegar but it does taste like sushi rice basic vaguely oh I think it's sushi vinegar recently right right rice vinegar that's a white rice vinegar is it right sitting on it is right yeah oh oh it tastes like sushi but not in are not in the best way that I love to do a base fermented wine rotten ha right um I'm not getting off by the way I'm what are you tasting I'm doing happy over there yeah I'm getting a like yes it burns going down as vinegar would but to me not just like kind of like a dull here let me get a hit let me hit it one more time here what mm-hmm come on it's a very dull kind of pull slap taste I think any mom it's not sweet like the lemon was certainly not with the lemon was right but it's very dull it's very kind of hard to explain I like a UH I'm on my fourth pill I just think I'll work till I'm gonna see if that makes a difference now that we've recoded like recited reset mine I think I think my programming is glitching out so I've hit the reset button ha ha ha oh yeah reset here we go reboot it no but this is like I'm drinking it too fine I I feel no yeah that was my face I think Malibu's too it's not growing bad okay so the tip of my tongue is burning from vinegar I throat is very familiar good but the rest of my tongue actually feels okay you guys look look right there was a duo of coercion in my thumb where I just couldn't taste anything at all for vinegar and then I'm quoting the back of my tongue now because that's where it hit me and I was like wow I'm mad no no yeah okay so it is location specific so like I guess because I think I just rubbed it around on my tongue except for on the tip and then just hit me really hard on the zipper yeah I think guys are like you guys like yes I like the whole surface area - whoo oh man wow that's strong stuff all right duty yeah ring all right my stomach now like pretty unhappy it's so funny like I did not feel that at all like nothing you guys like uh I'm like yeah that was perfectly drinkable for like is it something that I myself would like actively drink no was it as sweet as 11:00 absolutely not but it wasn't it didn't taste like vinegar at all it tasted kind of like a flat dull um like almost like oh not a soda because it wasn't carbonate about like a flat fruit beverage almost so I feel like the project for this it's called your whole tongue wherever you haven't put it you'll still taste it yeah at least stop I don't know how you call your throat does it's like it burned all the way down the throat and I got that guy grease well I want that burned I like it what it burns them through yeah since we got lemon juice and we've got God vinegar vinegar in our stomach strainer right I know I'm going to be a 40-acre hang in there yeah go to sig left side man our bowels will be so Glen yeah we're just colon cleansing like one one ingredient at a time after you guys that's why this is a dietary supplement oh yeah there it is I'm going to be like the the woman in her yoga pants on the back being like yeah yo yeah we don't guarantee these statements right we don't guarantee anything neither did the FDA HIPAA rule about I mean this is this is what I did not again I did not expect this to work as well as it has rather than went for salt just so you know oh I would try ah and chilli pepper oh don't oh whatever bring it on going alright next next ah ah I would try some salt back Brett says hopefully old all is rice old by the way gentle just put it out there have you thought about so few health and potatoes I brought just loves the list right potatoes so you're nauseous were you not only crying the burners there you go right here's my question don't like words so we're trying kind of like nasty extreme stuff does it make stuff that inherently tastes good tastes bad that's what I'm or like what if you summers you're so wrong like whatever it be something tastes good oh okay I can feel that that's a strawberry oh that's not your your sedate your sense of touch is second to none oh this is good yeah my fingers know all all right ready hmm go oh my god that's amazing this is the best strawberry of my life I take Wow I taste pure strawberry Wow Wow do you notice any difference I do actually you really do I do do you not I don't it's so sweet I taste strawberry it's just so like wonderful program they don't wow there's like strawberries after you coated them in sugar or like yep blender or something this is so that's exactly what I tasting it's like strawberry plus you're not driver another one of those please I need to reevaluate no it was in prep enough okay Wow yeah awesome with this organic I don't have definitely with organic I got it from you we don't have the budget for G what do you think we are I would be more surprised if you told me that wasn't Wow I look successful do you think this channel is man I was awesome we're not the king of Randolph doing like episodes we go getting like a million plump you know thank you for your support really ball see in the next video so that was awesome that was that was like the best fruit I've had maybe well I did it so it did to me it tasted like yeah you can you can oh hey welcome back yeah it did it tasted to me like a strawberry that was dipped in kind of like straw like sugary strawberry syrup or yeah yeah when we put sugar on strawberry and so like do uh do like a strawberry shortcake that's what that tasted like I don't I do have to admit that was absolutely delicious it did have a lot of flavor yeah oh yeah I guess what I was getting at is it didn't taste not like a struggler no no it definitely tastes like a strawberry go home immediately there's a strawberry and I almost can't taste the roof of well as well which is interesting because we all have taste buds in the rift or mouth I mean Jaime I am tripping don't allow you man Yeah right the part in the morning three tablets you're borderline for sadly you are just gone your D keep you out like Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds right now okay I got tastebuds rice in that Pittsburgh yeah okay put on my fingers oh all the cameras so good right now oh you at a home okay now you got to clean that way there we go sob cases like ah finally somebody who understands that's all okay what happens if we taste a Nintendo switch cartridge on and only in it yeah why is there is it really why it's there we were I just had that idea or blindfold oh really I just have that idea organically I'm just curious now so when you taste when you lick into testing perfectly made the Nintendo switch cartridges taste bad for little kids because they're tiny I don't want to be a choking hazard so when you lick them or put them in your mouth they taste bad oh really I'm curious okay do they know tastes good no definitely not today no no no no oh it's even worse than it was ha-ah oh just Billy all and still grow I was so curious oh oh this is awful do you have another one of those I'll never go I'll have what he's having oh so like what I first did this because I did it on the live stream but oh so nasty and fell like acid reflux Oh when I first tested it on the live stream and we did it all everyone's lookin there to Tyndall's with you like dude let's try it like I made fun of it and I'm like let me do it on the stream and it tasted like like a like postage glue or like an envelope or stamp glue only slightly worse alright then Oh oh my gosh it's so bad and it just lingers in my mouth at this point so this stuff makes a good stuff taste greater bad stuff tastes worser so that's update someone but yeah put hands up this didn't die and I don't know if it's like oh wow okay great oh you--oh super Bomberman good choice baby when you have a difference gun cartridge to baby children carton let me get this right so they made these things taste bad so people wouldn't put them in their mouths correct and instead it got everyone to everybody started putting in their mouth welcome well I mean I think everyone has the same desire that you do which is like let's take it to the extreme lack of our income portion there you go I mean don't eat them oh so fellas like Bomberman oh no oh man well how about worse you've got worse cartridges ha oh good and for our latest tweeting about taking grant to the emergency room right it ain't a fridge cartridge doctor no he did it on purpose you know what um yeah that is unpleasant yeah I wouldn't say it's desirable no it's super gross right yeah proportionate I still have it in my mouth oh you're done you're like oh yeah uh me I can't be passed out I'll abstain then um you had whole mouth on that way yeah I'm trying to figure out what it tastes like I feel like I feel like I've tasted that before somewhere but I can't put my finger on it really yeah but it's not pleasant I see what you mean about the whole post exclu thing but right but worse but it oh yeah it's definitely like rotten looking good glue that they talked about in Seinfeld that killed the woman when she licked it it's not the glue it's the paper cuts on your tongue it'll kill you good stuff yeah well thank you thank you for that experience yeah going at me super Bomberman our man there you go taste the rainbow so is there a point where these will stop tasting like can you actually lick the coatings off I don't is infused into the planet there's gotta be a try how many licks does it get only to get to the center of it like quarter a Gillette sliding down those more videos popping up on YouTube like where people do something for 24 hours straight look at looking at the cartridge for 24 hour challenge oh no it's not every time I've liked this it is still as strong and the person whose growth got like one of those scratch and sniff stickers but accept it it lickin yeah what contain with all cartridge oh yeah good yeah stop your nap here we go all right here we go good stuff yeah oh you know what that probably tastes like I I think it tastes like a fruit that I tried in Hawaii one time in a Chinese food store and it was called a sour stop okay Oh sour stop I burned that we've never tried that before though it was like one of the worst vegetables I've ever tasted I'll test like south south south stop or sour stop something like that yeah I think so I think it's like a Chinese vegetable really blending so well the Cape like that then and I was like oh this is really expensive so I'm going to eat it I convinced myself that this look you know what these cartridges taste like our luxury luxury food okay yeah it's uh mojo yep and in the meantime just to call a couple people from Twitter at will love FTN says I'm getting weird looks because I'm laughing so hard let's see at let's see at green grateful fangirl says try cinnamon or ginger yes ginger when we're getting and we're also getting some really good some really good screen grabs like this one from a Tesco DA why does he look like a superhero oMG hashtag - hi - I like I like you're lopsided I actually the bandana makes it look like you have my awesome oh that's hilarious wait a minute it's the lazy eye it's not off side we can't start the next round yet why mindful stop we can't start the next round I know because it's pretty much is it though let us double check but I'm not exactly in research what is sprinkler oh oh you're about to find involve me getting wet it doesn't it just well well what is it pretty close if not it's not for clients oh yeah all right it's time for it's time there it is Meredith yes sorry okay I'm sorry ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen it is spring clear time what in the heck is going on don't worry ready she's rolling with the punches really wobbler top regular town sprinkler top three four times every reason to be robbed sprinkler table legs are tossed wrinkler top three four times sprinkler time grand tops and sprinkler time calendar time granted regular time that's right sprinkler just spring up sprinkle tub sprinkle forward frequent on sprinkle back bring your time free Glen Grant sprinkler times we grab that sprinkle times for heavy break your time Michael time freakish a good kind of you know I was with you for the first 30 seconds of this is Oh God because I feel like the song it doesn't end yes prickle it all over my face good to make sure that you're well hydrated voice yeah right boy there it is time was is now an institution on my ablutions after after Sept like a few weeks ago our grass completely died and we literally had to set a timer to remind ourselves of when the sprinkler was supposed to come on so that we could help revive our graph so it's been a live streaming live activity to help revive our lawn every day on the live stream it is literally the time that our sprinkler trends so let's yeah that's why we're looking out the window to the things I really don know surprised 100% exactly what it is each at is a very popular part of the live stream everyone Wow sprinkler time the others look at all those raindrops and water bottles there's a lot of sprinkle so we'll call out people for their participation infrequent time as well Chandler Honeycutt thank you for your sprinkle pour Grant says proton I like you awesome thank you for your sprinkle and your whales Cesar Martinez Cesar Martin Carla Morales let's see Caroline Mikael the silly squirrel pixel dragon 75 pixels two to eight Turner H Peter Pan Peter Pan's now fan and sell Wow and then galaxy angels also says I sing along I always sing along to sprinkler times so okay well while we are engaging in this in this particular spring which is a very special sprinkler time to share with you people doing a lot of filming in our backyard today did you make sure to make sure that all the equipment in the backyard or anything that would not like a very merry some of those players yeah okay so James is going to check on very clear in the backyard and risen as red as the miracle berries on my table round three run for I believe it is right because we had strawberry vinegar and oh you're incredibly yeah and lemon all right here we go never liked berry row four I still can't get over the lemon I still can't get over it it was so good I saw I got something I've still got the Nintendo switch yeah what is the plate thing or a tough thing okay it feels like a slice of potato it's like a guitar yeah yeah hey sorry can be a small potato oh oh oh you know this is a I smell good that's good away must have all smells at the same time okay are you ready guys I have actually eat so a true story on a previous livestream people have already seen me eat like take a bite of this without the without the miracle berry so I'm hoping then it improves oh oh yeah you did you get to you fall yeah oh that's strong oh that's really true oh oh no you know what you got to do to get something what eat it all uh-huh just power through it mmm Oh actually it's not as bad the second time really just keep doing great we have to like wash this down oh wow this is so strong oh my whole like on fire yeah my vocal cords are screaming oh that was a lot of flash go down it has a lot of yeah you can reach forward for a helpful grab beautiful it's really hot will crank dude I heard some bubbly oh if this doesn't get better oh you core whatever isn't on on top of the vigor oh oh try drinking it it actually tastes fantastic oh oh so bad the ginger is so bad and the drink is good hey did you get some of that drink mmm-hmm that's Pleasant I'd like do the taste like it's not like 35 to anyone else I I can't tell me what my mouth is so on fire my nose is also totally messed up as a soil my glass still smells like vinegar it's definitely a professor I can feel the bubbly well I'm really interesting so like the G let's let's let's talk down the ginger the ginger ah do not taste like ginger it tasted like burning it'll melt Ratan um I did get the ginger I definitely hit like I got some ginger via tasted like a like a like a root like some sort of as well like a ginger root my life my god so accurate magic well god that's like a like a daikon or something but it had that like ginger ebert yeah I've still got the ginger burn right here right in my throat like right in that yeah along the sides of my mouth like oh yeah this drink is quite nice I hear you guys laughing which makes me think it probably isn't quite as nice as we're thinking yeah what is it no it's a drink ever it's gotta be dico right hahahaha anyone is always a much a taste a bit much yeah it tastes much sweeter now you taste a lot more of like two sugaring it I was trying to think yeah well kind of vinegar was carbonated ha ha ha it may be that could be a thing what are the six intensive driving you can do you can do a lot of fun stuff with a SodaStream yeah you can like carbonate anything yeah you could carbonate what a great idea yeah carbonated vinegar challenge okay ready yeah there you go carbonated yo gave me the cue that I love - oh man my my whole system is just going to be cleaned out right top to bottom really glam I feel like I have fire breath like - I know I guess I'll breathe toward Jason so it doesn't conduct like that like the ginger we're gonna send out some fire swirls oh thank you no because if you if you sink deaf to the live stream where you actually had to eat the like giant hole of ginseng like a nod on and ginger root it was really it was a lot easier to eat was it not how does your stomach feel though my stomach feels like you've been doing some very important item it feels right now yeah it's working hard to get here did Ross pretty unclear about what's going on it just wants whatever is going on to stop and think yeah it's a dietary supplement man right now this feels really hard like this was really burning for me it was Bernie but what about the flavor to me it didn't taste like ginger I like the flavor of ginger though so now it's just the barn - the flavor of ginger which all calories and no enjoyment no you can eat it well you're not gonna enjoy oh that's awesome oh man we should we should keep going before my stomach completely rebelled here oh yeah is your bevy do you got more to say oh I did finish my bevy thank you thanks British my seven-year-old a commander Simon you're a dog yeah this isn't care this guy did you mix it everybody you empty out the vinegar did you have empty alphabetically yeah they were empty really they were not it was rented mine wasn't empty no when I saw vinegar okay it smelled like vinegar but it didn't mind smelled like minute oh yeah I need vinegar of the place album oh okay yeah load it up oh yeah let's go my boson oh I peaked I saw it coming oh let's up the order to switch up the order all Jason is directing things yeah man okay oh it's not there yet you guys have to share like you know it's 1960 and we're splittin tonight screams so reach for the spoon wanted I know people feel what i screen it-- so weird are we actually scooping something yes Matt Joe got it okay is there stuff online yoke it doesn't feel like a have stuff what I'm concerned about this okay I'm very concerned about you oh oh no oh no oh oh yeah ha ha it tastes like were snail Miracle Whip oh is it matter is what Matt is I hate anything realize Oh any little work to finish the worst food ever it's not like miracle is a fellow of a tangy zip of Miracle Whip how is this like midnight thank you is my precision he was very sick are you thinking of like let's go down the line went down to the sodas yeah I can all have our own paradise Chris their bull managed what a nifty ball away you know I almost wonder like um hey this just seems like manna hey man we really just yeah they did nothing typically yeah it's not it entered manatees and it still tasted like it kind of makes me wonder like are the blindfold like removing a step in the thought process like if you see a lemon Oh think a lemons going to taste a certain way yeah and then when you needed you actually notice the difference more why we're wearing the blindfold you don't have that preconceived notion or or is being the food making you expect a certain flavor and so excuse you to kind of ferret out those flavors right right more you know more prominently then here we're all you have is just with the taste so the miracle berries only work if you're not blindfolded okay coffee why so many oh man I hate man it was good man roll it around smooth great the best condiments do you know that some people are afraid of white food white food there are actual fears white a phobics yeah yeah that's all and I think a white flow because actually scared of something else oh call a spade a spade typing in your suffering from wayna phobia yes white food is not what your embrace are there really is a way to phobia I mean yeah sure there is intended you know Meerut have you had Miracle Whip I have so Miracle Whip really is just mayonnaise with vinegar in it right I believe yeah is that where that vinegary taste of lemon on the minute that's an esse Miracle Whip that's it from what I understand yeah as opposed to held in or best food which is just a pure panic a little bit mayonnaise how do they say it in Ohio it always it always is no no they say may name meanings yeah oh but yeah man meaning maybe mayonnaise out here apparently in Southern California I kid you not I don't I don't know if this is true if any Southern Californians are watching which I'm sure some of you are and you don't say it this way but like the kid who was in our neighborhood before move here called it mayonnaise Mayo Mayo Mayo and I'm like wait are you are you are you are you playing me the fool right I'm like are you two okay Mary Ellen how I say it looks like s house written on the jar they're like mayonnaise yeah Omar yeah yeah those weird regionalism like so in Wisconsin calling water fountains bubblers when a water fountain has nothing to do with bubbling whatsoever no right no hey I got into a big argument with someone from Wisconsin about this exactly is secretly really impassioned about I am no but there are a few things that I will defend to the end of my life and water fountain versus bubblers one of those like the bubbler to me is like an addition to a hydrogen generator for scrubbing a hydrogen bubbles yeah but anybody actually bro actually bubbles yeah yeah the hydrogen generator oh yeah how dare you with Costin feeling being all confused are there any regionalisms from the area you are from could be many places well I'm actually from Canada right I'm actually from Canada so I used to get bugged all the time about the way that I would say things a boot and bag and all kind of bag look I is the way they bag bag I think big big I think so big or maybe that's what we used to laugh at Americans for I can't remember but in either case I feel like I've got rid of most of those Canadian isms like I don't say eh I transition to the more appropriate huh oh thank you but there are a couple that I hang on to like sorry I'm very passionate about sorry you're passionate about like em no they are done and the other thing that I found I've actually a really hard time with you know the stickers you peel off and put on things you call them decals yeah yeah I grew up with them being called decals and I think deckle I think Jekyll is so much more appropriate I wrong chuckles I think I think decals is like some off brand of coffee yeah I guess I make ya'll know you can have a deck great laughs bye thank you thank you I'm gonna pimp out my laptop with some decals nessam deco that's right now you're speaking my language yeah that's not very normal right for laughing at you that's not a lorry that I pronounced deckle wrong yeah yeah that's low forest I think you need to work on your story Loreen it's a little softer a little story oh yeah very sorry alright so sorry no no you're getting rid of no you're just appropriating all sorts of different cultures as it will mash it all up great to do a beautiful load me up with some food I'm hungry oh gosh I don't know if I could take any more oh come on you take it to the extreme grant yeah all about I wish it with a different colour and basilic bright i light things on fire push the limit till it's right yeah all right I'm surprised that when you did a video with columns key that he didn't force you to eat like gummy food hurtin real good you know I got on that no fidget spinner versus real fidgets Peter I got it off I got on a case about the thumbnails and you already said is the one where he put the worms in his mouth was all real that wasn't fake that wasn't any Photoshop it wasn't yeah I mean there was some photoshop work to enhance it but that was literally worms in his mouth okay just feels like a tomato it does oh you're right it's like I don't mean which makes me also want to make sure that I have a plate under that nestling of the fan thing ready oh that's awesome I love Tomatoes I mean I liked them before now actually it's so sweet now that's the thing does anybody getting like hey maybe this is too sweet for a tomato I'm getting out I need a drink to wash it down can I have a little salt and pepper oh no subtle yeah it's so sweet you guys I think my taste buds are looking sandy this one tastes the same to me face normal it's really it's just like a tomato this tastes like the tomato but like if you put a whole bunch of sugar out of tomato which is actually like not what you're supposed to do it all go it's an unpopular preparation with tomato and I I love Tomatoes but I actually don't like this version of it because I want to just enjoy my nice savory tomato but I'm getting like I'm getting like a big mouthful of blend of flavor what is it wha what is oh I missed that there was something else does anything else yeah there's a beverage a beverage well I saw it but I'm still gonna blindfold oh my god why don't you take it because I knew what the tomato was I didn't realize we're having like a little conveyor belt good line oh this is so sweet oh my god whoa it tastes like well Graham berry juice it's like way too it's like you know how sometimes grape juice is too sweet I don't know if any one of our experiences s am I the only one who thinks stuff is too sweet sometimes no I feel that this is way too because really this is really sweet still smells like vinegar same glasses everything is just the vinegar it's just butt out hill from there vinegar huh it tastes great isn't cranberry juice yeah this is well I got my cranberry juice I definitely taste I think I and Bama in the crime which I hate and hate cranberry juice well actually this is like the most palatable cranberry juice I've ever had right usually cranberry juice makes me like how to pucker up again is one of those things that makes you pucker up and like oh that's a good point I didn't realise that be alright there was no pucker flowers yeah yeah I'm like ooh you know like it's got that bike - it's got that like bitterness yeah but and this is super sweet like I'm doing take off your blindfold it looks similar to similar to the ginger similar to the lemon it's just like I'm able to eat it drink it without having that like initial reaction of like yeah instead of the pucker it's more like oh give me more yeah it's really I really wanted to enjoy my tomato though and my tomato eggs so sweet for Stephanies lamenting over her tomatoes sorry stuff ah well that was a nice ending are we done haha the grand can bail out it and judge if you want to welcome enjoy we helped crew yeah well so we got more time duration yeah we have three hearty long do it you can participate or she's yeah you're feeling it I'm feeling it but let's just say I probably have room for dinner after this because I'm like stuff I mean that gender just really hit the spot I write themselves over I'm sure we have more with that gift you want more like you can have a whole whole ginger steak Oh awesome no my stomach's doing things that I care not to think about it yeah I know it'll cleanse you out you're not alone your new friends like this is like a new Kylie Jenner fad diet you know here we go bring it on see you did all these collaborations all this week with Logan Paul and calm key you know uh right oh I just seen and I'm sure none of them put you through such no misery no you're very unique and I'm very glad to be here I'm glad clay my friends because only true only true friends would do something like this right he's going into life here he's like I have no clue what I'm doing a selfie it's like what is happening oh oh sprinkler time was right everywhere just chaos everywhere and even with a clap and a half yet alright I know why we've been doing class than ham without him alright writing okay green on crime spree at home what do we got I think we got at least another half hour of our of our till left yeah let's load it up we got ten more men to the stream less though go for you all denied I okay I know what this is already oh yeah I guess I am really I'm really curious about this though you know this is like a parfait it's got layers pork or like an ogre or no here oh you guys are already binding into and I can hear you uh that's Pleasant oh wow I know what it is I'm okay with it oh wait okay what's happening wait wait until it hits your throat whew Oh swallowing it now swallowing yeah following it it's video oh wow oh no anyone else oh my gosh it's like when you're when it's on your tongue you're eating it oh yeah you don't fine I like you obviously onion right but it's not until it's the back of your oh it is interesting how how easy it is to tell the different food simply based on texture alone that's right I like it you can case or I mean you can tell so much just off of the texture but it's one of those things that like the flavor even though I know what I'm eating and any given point time the flavor is not what I'm expecting that's right yeah that's a that actually changed it tasted strangely good in the beginning it did it really don't we in the beginning and then and then that sweetness just went potent so like a wolf in sheep's clothing like once it hit the area of your mouth and your digestive system that is not coated with the miracle berry kicking the gagry front is like a Trojan horse of miracle very food I do I do to big bite I do feel really legit though with this because I've always been jealous of the opening sequence of Iron Chef whole pan I'm taking off the blindfold yeah have you ever have you seen Iron Chef Japan I haven't he opens up every episode by basically picking up a pepper and like biting into it about all that's so girl you killed it I'm like oh that's so nasty now I feel like I can do it with the onion yeah look we do some pretty substantial dice you guys you heard these are pretty serious that's good yeah yeah who bid it better ha ha ha ok I get to hear you guys crunching it next to me and I was like oh man oh man was it's gonna be like yeah like it was good at first and then it was it almost tastes like it tastes like eating leeks go and tastes like a leek there's like a water at all and then you go to swallow and I look rock it's more watery like it's not quite celery mmm leek is a good one mm-hmm it's got the texture I believe it does one more other way - okay yeah give it a choice oh that was delicious yes yes yeah now we're talking oh yay he's olive Pigman radishes oh oh yeah oh yeah oh okay righto it's all for your request so oh the child I'm going to be running a little bit of everything yeah I'm gonna try the radish all right ready oh sweet okay so the berries take all the bite out of the Reta really it just really good yeah really it's just kind of like a watery vegetable well looks like a radish but it doesn't it's not potent it's really good vinegar chip thank you it is uh-oh weird is that weird finally we get a reaction oven hi Wow yeah because I know what I was expecting completely WI yeah lately different like I could pound this whole bag now I know the Ottoman hmm try the red am i rattle yeah cuz I I actually really don't like radishes yeah well done I didn't work at all hmm oh oh this is bro watch the pickle what kind table and drop your cheese thank you there's no no no you're totally right about the rat this is a dill pickle it's amazing you gotta try this pickle okay coming right up it's weird it's so weird the dill pickle hey I'll be sweet pickle I love dill pickles and that is completely doing really not really employed oh it takes so it takes the whole dill punched out of it it almost this tastes like one of those like sweet so you weirdo cucumber now like one of those sweet hamburger pickles yeah I hate those hamburger but yeah there's okay okay I've been tempted into the radish oh yeah I've got a jump on the radish bandwagon I want pickled the love pickles and I hate the pickle pickle gives me stress and sadness this is a sad pickle oh that's right oh it tastes like those bread-and-butter pickles when you're going for the garbage I think so l hate olives - hello there's just like at all does it right over bode well for my enthusiasm for trying are these the same olives that we use the cap for earlier today yeah inside joke really yeah you'll you'll see it it's in a video we set things on fire it's delightful facade really all I need is disappointing a little chip and we're getting into weird foods here right yep a chip dipped in ketchup did the cheese taste different I didn't even think about it I guess it wasn't unpleasant the cheese different tastes like cheese mmm yes I heard it's like a very muted cheese I don't know I think it tastes worse - yeah it's kind of taste okay so you know ketchup on chips would seem like a weird idea right dog but when you think about fries all fries are sliced fried potatoes already okay so you take this thing out of this chip and put ketchup on it actually tastes quite good you like the french fries yeah really I really does the ketchup tastes any sweeter because I don't touch it it's pretty good to begin with I think we're just getting ourselves excuses to eat more of the chips you guys I couldn't um oh wow it does taste like um like a crispy fried kind of dipping ketchup oh all right you know what I've noticed I'm tasty actually I like that you know you know how ketchups got a bit of a sting like a zing to it yeah this takes the sting out it does it it tastes like ketchup but it's a lot more to the gallon yeah you're going to eat your soul so what they should be calling these is the deezen berries do you think easing berries oh yeah it takes the zing right out like the anti like the anti Miracle Whip so which quick zing is didn't make a whole lot of sense right okay leave me alone shut up it's quiet everyone it's all unzip it wait wait we got to do this at the same time I'm going to do team team salt taste this here you go Oh silvano salt it's so slow for me it still thought you guys might warrant offers wasn't it bellows I didn't I didn't get a whole lot of like Bell please oh my gosh yeah it was yeah it's a very muted no really - yeah very well like it dulled a lot of the flavors that I thought would be really intense yeah that's right usually like when you would react strongly to something like good yeah it takes the out of it and it just allows you to enjoy like the mind yeah it does after they came back yes all right right the very ideally like a brain signified good job do not speed running me last straw these last few a no I did hot boss hold up alright although I don't think based on what we know this doesn't doesn't do you feel like this isn't gonna do a whole lot for ya I'm hot dog isn't one of those like yeah just hang II there we go hold on I think you're right look what thumbs up I'm just gonna lick it off good call well that's hot yeah Wow the toasty one is having a moment of appreciation right clean it off with some chip there yeah roll it around your tongue tasted basically asleep yeah I didn't notice a difference in case it stings Justin funny right no it is still not it doesn't D sting it using ding not doing yeah oh hey we have gone through all the food good job you guys final thoughts of miracle berries guys I think we did great we experimented with it till we broke it what oh yes yay or nay miracle berries do they work would do you recommend rate them I would say yes for sure they're awesome Travis I wouldn't say blindfold yourself because I think it's fun do you mentally know what you think it's gonna taste like and then you see what yeah be surprised by yeah and it doesn't change the flavor of the food it just takes off the intensity of like the pucker you're talking about the lemon because like aware-lea stuff like the lemon and to me like the video is up tasty completely different well I took this thing it took that pucker I did take the puck around yeah I know you're right it's like a deep pucker berry yeah I really work today works a lot better than I saw say when I merely thought we'd be like fighting the whole time to get any effect out of them yeah but they were super effective almost like to some points like to affected like but you you wouldn't want to take this before getting a meal because it's going to make the stuff you already like too sweet and then it's going to take the stuff you don't like and just like kind of take the edge off right that's kind of like I'm not sure of the use cases right I like it that's what that's what I was going to say outside of hey we're YouTube live streams we were doing like the the tape space trip challenge or whatever yeah I have no idea when in your day-to-day life you would ever need to do this story you're not gonna you're not gonna like trip out on your berries you can eaten onion right it's like yeah bad I really want you to blow onion today so let me let me clear up a few pills and take it or like man I really don't feel like going out and buying bread butter pickles - let me take a pill and then eat my dill pickle yeah a lot of bread and butter pickles no like and I feel like it if you're like every to eat something like a stir fry that would have a huge combination of flavors it would make it like taste a lot more flat right because it makes the thing out of it so you know you're comparing in your life guys you need a little thing in your life Oh miracle berries fun to experiment with very cool to like taste testimony op ways but as far as like David may usage as like a dietary supplement I like know what were the things that you guys tried that you were like mind blow know that you would try it again if you were going to do this experimenting it oh my gosh oh my man lemon and the strawberry was amazing cover is great um I was definitely surprised by the onions about that I could just bite into a raw onion and be like alright well Raj would you is that an option would I eat it again mm-hmm like no one I dated a like I feel like what's in joy like I felt that like lemon was actually enjoy let it actively enjoyable and I feel like the salt and pepper or the sawmill your - yes oh that was a mind blow that was yeah that was one of the biggest surprises the salt and vinegar chips certainly one of the biggest surprises okay okay and then the radish wasn't bad but it wasn't great like a pickled radish like radish good yeah because you're kind of like the mass of the food world and a strawberries strawberry so those three I would say the strawberries the salt and vinegar chips and happended I don't which cartoons all right Carter's not after one day so anyway that is it for today and our experiment grant thank you for actually you know doing all the gloves come on thank you oh yeah thank you so much for being here give another plug to your channel so everybody knows where to go to check you out oh just look at his heaving pectoral Oh random mr. experiment mr. experimentation himself on YouTube come have some fun come let's go blow some stuff up the mature version of Bill Nye the Science Guy all the cool things that Bill Nye can't and wouldn't do and that's what you do he has a little more less there's a little more red tape yeah you're just like I'll do it whatever let me drink liquid nitrogen you wouldn't do that no III do have videos drinking liquid nitrogen yesterday well then the lesson you can watch them right now hang around a grand time so thank you so much for being here it's mean time remember that is justice dream alive stream thanks first and tasty let's sing about you guys Jenna yeah think about of people um Oh Genevieve oh man people want the Nugget boy's death no your boys have the chat what up state is late and I goodbye to the Nugget boy soon it take about Ashley Ashley do that sky Lynx melody pond miniconjou
Channel: GTLive
Views: 328,011
Rating: 4.9228501 out of 5
Keywords: miracle berry, miracle fruit, taste tripping, taste buds, food challenge, taste challenge, challenge, reaction, react, funny, fun, gtlive, miracle berry taste test challenge, gt live, matpat, the king of random, king of random, food challenge gtlive, game theory, game theorists, taste test challenge, flavor tripping
Id: HNGD2k3kfyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 24sec (3984 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2017
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