NO RAGE HERE! | The World's Easy-est Game

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so Instagram Instagram I'm trying I'm trying them no hold up hold up real talk Real Talk folks here Instagram are trying to use you more because Facebook video is terrible and because Instagram needs a growing platform it's going to be here for a while and try my best to use you but there's their settings don't make any sense they don't so then I put it into Premiere Pro which is you know the the correct photo editing tool and like I'm having to watch like tutorials I'm like the three different wacky X 41 by 19 ratios pixel ratio is insane it's insane Stephanie I feel yeah you do you you are wrong with you you want how about called with me did even pound like big toe I thought it would hurt welcome [Music] [Applause] hey welcome to GG lie he lives welcome to the live stream everyone today we're playing the world's easiest game that'll be oh great which I should be good at that which I can only assume is one of the troll game welcome to the world's easiest yet easiest game our reputation as an intelligent individual depends on today ready go it says wait 10 seconds yes now it says week with guys like this away I think we wait oh god nailed it why is the worst word life okay what what I read it oh the water race car and same forwards backwards and upside down okay race car upside down race cars not up so now right yeah either back with it why omander who's clean well made $5 or you Wow Wow looking for spending great rain palaces 14 on her birthday and gets in a car heads towards a friend Samantha's house how old was Alice Alice in 14 or Alex's 14 she was 13 I got weird it could be any birthday although she could have been 10 is the moon made cheese oh no I don't know what no no no sons here I don't do what sponsibility for them why is two and two put together funny James went unity great okay turn on the light bulb [Music] why there are eight miles of woods by your house how far can you walk into the woods oh this is classic oak a slash it's halfway yeah that's this is one of those classic riddle UPenn you're walking out of the harder than half your rocking so the other answer would be four yeah you've got four miles into the wood but that on the other phone right now I'm talking this is a line we have to fill Analia I really gracias a button is it on the keyboard of a southern keyboard there we got right what that puts the ball in the basket oh okay beat me hit tic-tac-toe well I always go through the center up to the left yeah Oh rockin the word swims is the same forwards backwards it'll sit out looking forward swim backwards is no is that it under down is swimmin could fall off so wrong no I don't take responsibility that says poop it's not correct game pitched and and do you stir soup with my right my left or neither to spoon me though neither and I oughta do it instead with those yeah that guy's awesome what is a round red rubber ball isn't rubber great the word I is the same forward backwards and upside down again wouldn't be the same upside down yeah by the rules of this game upside down it would be yeah you I thought okay great what is your favorite color purple I know that purple Stephanie's favorite color I'm a caring affectionate person well my favorite color what does no but no really no maybe he doesn't know what I think he doesn't know do I not know I don't like it no what is this game why is it so stupid choose the mob boss that does not appear to be a mob boss anything less money or not not just not to stereotype people shoot this guy no no this was does this line the red herring this is it's actually a redhead that's him but are we are we stereotyping in Oregon I'm gonna make it every given significant well nailed it assassination for the win what are you put in a toaster toes no you put in bread ah what a brat again boom I am bread what state is this you know when you look at Texas this way it looks like what look like when you look at that shape Stephanie what do you think upside down Texan we're gonna reopen an elephant I mean what on a lot no yes yes brilliant is a triangle the only basic shape with three sides yeah I'm a Safford treat you grammar nazi' ah beware I love that this in another driving the grammar I know just not appropriate grammar so this whole question is kind of about uh which is correct do you want to go to the mall with John and me do you want to go to the mall with John and I you know which one it is yes me yeah because what you do is you take out the one thing and if it's still do you want to go to the ball with me don't worry yeah do you want to go with I yeah yeah great look how educational this one yeah which is furthest away Jupiter Mars period Mars Mars like if this was the impossible quiz I'd be like what does that mean yeah I was like I mean it literally is pretty dirty using Pluto played out great which one is the United States now come on man maps such as and like and is a big at this point I think one thing an example of this one maybe not that one correct nailed it what our 2011 pennies worth there would be twenty thirty dollars and less you have a terrible exchanger well these others and so that's our words I think used to be in telling you what our 2004 pennies were no okay okay okay attractive because the last cuz the last one had a comma it was 2000 oh one one bit is zero point I knees from 2004 yeah what art is open for pennies word hurry to go bring it on okay everyone up here yeah oh we got you Kenzie man come on 360 no-scope in no open that tic-tac-toe here oh it's all so dear lots more powerful than God the devil evil itself rich people fear having it but poor people can be described as having it nothing money pot yeah I pretty sure it's not disease could be disease yep oh yeah you're describing poor people as disease Matthew please click the button this is serious is it going to be the button up there it was nothing ventually stuff just like a test impatient what great come on yeah birthday cake ah I twenty seven flowers sadly all but fourteen guide how many are left fourteen read the question well plane crash never own no touching on my locust target fears and everything a person on board died who survived no one no one men survived dad yay what a great question what shape is an eight right oh maybe that's it maybe that is what the trick here is a triangle not be trying dinner it is a triangle hey well got the Marriott you guys let's go to rabbit six rabbit thirteen rabbit twenty-three rabbit booyah hangman why why why your thing what I don't understand you know it's like here's a joke coming and then the joke never wrong that's definitely settle here normal evolve are totally right every single question is like the setup for a joke as you open it up for a job there's no payoff you're just like keep going forever yeah baby I play is another word for water right where's the joke it's a secret where this is an internet game where is the post line the joke is what Chris and Jason are playing on us right now the joke is that there is a game does a frog bump his but when he hop you got it legs or weapons or piercing you sure great great pillow accomplish Highgarden how many oh I don't know that I get all of this you beside you pines without that is to compliment paint to thinking for it for for for yeah how many courts and popular or also for okay what is P plus two plus seven nine seven four great great fantastic how many sides of square have four how many sides of the rectangle have four how many went to the dog have four if you take half of sweaters legs off because you're cruel how many legs player left i noticing a pattern how many seasons are there in a year four how many fingers are the human hand hi it lasted unless they're you speeds are they counting the thumb because there's always a all the horizontal speed but it is why does nothing who have ever said that the sum is not every preschooler ever says five we're going to say fun done great huzzah we did it four-letter word can you tune it you can tune a guitar but you can't to the tuna fish gonna ban I like it I like it how many days are in July 31 hand boom yeah mariachi man hello gazers I don't know that one day June July on that's what is Jennifer March April May June July August September 30 come on okay you and your weird rhyme that puts the months out of rhythm hey never April June and November it's so weird 31 at the rest have 31 except for February it does get a little awkward right exactly this is our days are in January how many days are there in May anyone yep yeah I know I all be repelled I don't think I'm ready go April ah Kuipers like your life is a heavy pot I've never read another dogs anyone yeah Anna fingers was a good morning when I was born in I gave her in October 31 cuz hold on Oh often months is it this really how many months at thirty-one days no count oh yeah they're not going dumb in now yeah how many month wait what do you get no any months laughing its classic all of them twelve they all have 28 day one oh that's good I like that my level of humor and riddle knowledge goes back to began like my like elementary school days Oh boom you must think you're pretty smart heck yeah yeah there you go let's me your detective skills pay very close attention you'll see the following scene only 100k okay this might require a crime you want to take the left-hand side otherwise I know who's like okay here we go it should be easy noticeable fact I didn't see it wasn't on my side did you was on your side no was it what I do a bit on your side because either was gonna wear there was no book bag on the right side of the screen there is no book bag that's where were you okay oh you're all right no no see look what was on her we both it was both of our fault it was green at some point of the years 1900 1999 there was a year it could be read the same right side up or upside down oh right side up upside down not for demerit okay and when they in the way we do all enjoyment so in 1961 1961 yeah that's got to be it yeah right because then you flip it out yeah okay yeah I feel like that was a hard okay set here we go watch the scene it will only happen so we got to focus if there is something moving I should both pee today I sadly last time really ok I got a cat we throw the clock on the wall shoot the couch with purples of pillows array oh Claire camels and diploma the cushions were purple and red there was a cat yeah shoo no how do we this look look at brown and I thought it was a grandfather clock with their grandfather yeah it's a grandfather clock it's brass I know that and I know for a fact I know for a fact that the time on the clock was 9 o'clock right I know I made specific note of that but I actually didn't notice the color around alright Sam Brown was about Brown yeah hey Brown the woods hot I burned down the flowers with your awesome flame what is this game right what is this game David body part that spelled the same forwards and backwards [Music] begins and ends with the same letter I [Music] well having speaking from experience that time that we gave the undertale - I was that to say having met him pretty sure he is oh yeah I'm gonna home no no that was totally hashtag regular Brad I don't care what religion he is I do know that he's an online undertale gamer did you genocide run what is your name Matt Pat look what that's funny what does that not mean what's so funny no just how the one lower case letter and I love it cuz you're taping with your cap like that you think you're making fun in here - yeah punchline swim to safety why why is this big why is this a thing that exists this is so stupid it is a word problem honey ninety points you write am i adding right yes wait wait what what out-out got it I know the twenty nine thirty you and you and you know it's that's a good one that was actually tricky it was actually really hard does a Pete bear poop with the wood and the Charmin commercial and in real life kill the zombies let's put this you have multiple weapons waiting for this sweet what is 5.38 no Wi-Fi there's no pipeline but if but this is my dog press the enter button I'm sharing the system can I try to keyboard this time okay there it is I like that press the cake you didn't what's the next number in the city one two why why is this a thing that exists that was real fit is thanks thanks everyone why didn't it out when hilarious I wanna be other really weird random ones is the final question - is it this is the final one this is question no this is quick with it then the next one is define a question is this the world view yes yeah yeah you like I'm always the one Redemption here's another shot is the moon made of cheese apparently and apparently it is yes great red claw clasp so slide purple my bread and addict what time was it shoot I did to attend with Taylor Rosa read it wasn't on the wall yeah what color was the clock in the wall no color because it is a grandfather clock and thus it is not on the wall it's on the wrong game so it's backwards and upside down I think that's the waiter so if you turn it back backwards and then you flip it upside down then it still is Oh cuz the car backwards it upside down forward yeah backwards and upside down yes you're totally right it's the lack of the Oxford comma which is I thought what they were going for got it not for comma is a tricky mystery it clarifies so much is it that safe that's why the Oxford comma to become the absolute rule for come I know it drives me mad people so here is Pro Oxford comma say what your choice I won five out of five hundred it ain't your job you ever tired if they said no there you go the easiest quiz in the world we're back in our quiz e and aren't like quizzing right now it's good I'm glad that we're able to introduce this to Chris I almost want to put Chris on the couch and just put him through like the first impossible quiz and think it's time how long it takes to get through it because it is rough so anyway and that's and remember that is just a stream and impossibly easy hard stream thank you guys so much for watching let's a great good night that was the easiest quiz ever if you want to see us tackle the hardest quiz ever so click right here to watch us try and tackle impossible quiz 1 they also attempted to complete the impossible quiz book 3 after we finish the world's easiest game that's a part of the complete livestream which you can watch right now like clicking the button on the right see you next time
Channel: GTLive
Views: 652,489
Rating: 4.891664 out of 5
Keywords: world's easyest game, easiest game, worlds easiest game, world easyest game, impossible quiz, markiplier quiz, markiplier, troll, troll game, troll quiz, world's easy-est game, worlds easy-est game, kahoot quiz, kahoot, quiz game, gtlive, gt live, matpat quiz, game theory, matpat, gtlive game
Id: qUA3kMZ3Ho0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2017
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