KIDNAPPED by Blizzard! | The Hearthstone Escape Room (Kobolds & Catacombs)

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/mightyhero370 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2017 🗫︎ replies
Oh guys hang on whoa look at all this we get this goes back it's all walk past they're like yes all right bring it with us put everything in it oh please it may be y'all so I am ready strap in here we go whoa we're off to save the world a metaphor for my life blam Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys and welcome to GT not live it's not live you guys it's like a typical YouTube video that isn't live it's irregular this may come as a surprise to you this is not our couch this is not the fart ball in our lives it is equally delightful no we are in the middle of the LA slums even though it's not live you are still coming with us as everything is unfolding today we are at a blizzard event and thank you to lizards for sponsoring this video and for inviting us to flooring and crafting as well as our thing and stoning whoa well done oh thank you that's good today they actually built in a safe room in the middle of LA which we love we're huge and they built this one for hearthstone so if you've never played hearthstone it's it has like a lot of your favorite characters like Warcraft and staff we're big fans so they've set that up we're going to go through it and see how we do that's gonna be amazingly yeah where we will do amazingly well at this escape room yeah and the reason they put it together the whole point of it is because there's new features of hearthstone they have a new bow that's called and and I can't say it you've been three times fast - one of the hell and one-and-a-half try to get once try again you got this no if you say kobolds Elsa catacombs catacomb catacombs catacombs did it three times that was it if you want to check it out head over to play hearthstone comm where you can just download it try it out and meanwhile we will be trying to escape yeah I'm here for the escape rooming stephanie is here for the hearthstone 8ci I am NOT as welder stephanie you suddenly got even shorter than you always are I grew up with consoles stephanie is the one who grew up with PCs and all like the Blizzard history and so she's the expert when it comes to you know Warcraft Starcraft all the crafting except for mine crafting which is like my goods but uh so Stephanie is here to handle that element I'm here to handle the escaping and together our powers will combine to an average escape ability got this otherwise we'll be trapped in some orc prison somewhere sure what my name is Rachel aka seltzer and today we have something incredible for you to celebrate the release of Hearts tones kobolds and catacombs we have built our very own catacombs now there behind me and I know you can't see much but I assure you we are going to go inside and explore the depths of this puzzle event here's how escape rooms go they either go really really well everyone's really focused it's a well-oiled machine or you get stuck on some random puzzle where there's just a key under a table and you didn't see it and you get to choose actually of several items here this is of course one of our kobold mushroom helms have fitted out with a GoPro okay dynamite a keeper have sometimes this what is this Rachel are we sure oh it's a pencil it's a pencil if I give you two there so you can wear no as a team and it looks like you've selected the the journal so they okay great I am it is such an honor that my handwriting will represent the thoughts of six human beings with what I've just recently learned is offense 'el you are a bit of an escape room aficionado I I am indeed I pride myself on locking myself in to contain spaces and then slowly trying to work my way out it's about a 50/50 that's gonna give you some some some things to draw on here as you choose your next i I was really excited about the pencil Oh both of them go the key all right Wow interesting and mysterious the key we will find out shortly how that comes into play I hope it goes into either a door or a chest you know what I feel like that's too obvious have you also done a bunch of escape routes I have done a few escape rooms I think my record might be a little bit better than Matthew so I hope there's not knowing a little competitiveness going in here I mean we'll see right away as soon as I walked over here I was like wow we're gonna do a bang-up job today are you prepared as an adventurer for the catacombs no I've never done in this game room so but Trump's done like 30 so and he gave me tips and stuff well kinda yeah like I got a strategy but it took the pencils so the whole thing is out of whack now Thanks nobody took the Hat nobody took the head I'm gonna take the foods you got to see him go through the the item picking process yes you guys are talking strategize well it's obviously the Hat looks stupid so we're Trump being last you know it's easy isn't it so I'm gonna go for this well can I have the table this is actually leaking on me and it says Max's elixir I guess am I reading that right yeah you've done I think the maximum number of escape rooms out of the group here and what do you think was the most important thing that you learned from those escape rooms definitely the most important thing is coordination talking about everything that you see man we've got a team full of people who talk for a living I think our communication is gonna be on point I've got one last item to give you guys here to start you off on your journey it's a single mana crystal so I'm not quite sure who to give it to here have you guys elected a leader elected leader because I was the only person to really tall I'm Giganta by the way you have one hour unless twitchchat decides to be generous they may decide to give you more time throughout the event but I've got a key okay Rachel all right I'm patting you in in five four three two leader I found a mana crystal okay leave the mana crystal on there for now because we have two mana crystals on one bloom over here hi hi camera okay okay well if you wish to pass through Ragan by the previous guests will help you try okay ul was here P P something was here 628 he's something you got the pencil in the paper characters with the dates bring it what else we go over here we I'm collecting cards here we've got one bloomin size and salt of my favorite cards alright direct song should we be collecting the mana crystal ball in a bag and then we have this over here is that is that probably proportional for these mushrooms that are in the room on the ground to that table we've got the five to Huether is a three six okay what's a five - it's just gosh how scream was here we've got Rex on was he on there we've got anything with our is that is that what our was here 628 I'm so glad they turned off that fuse that was so we're over here on the floor alright you know proudmoore JP here's another okay we notate candle I think we've got equipment in order so right yeah and we print you them but do these line up is this amazed so I'm thinking we arrange them in the order of the dates that they were here yeah right well show it to it and see if it all right do we do we have a you P or an MS Jane across Anduin Wrynn we know you up here we go ul is third aw is fourth and ruin and then sorry woody H is 5 and then and then whatever is our is six so we've got malfurion's one drain of two garages no no ethers three and ruins for thrush is fine this is six three oh that's only 350 or three eight six or something on there another number okay this is a four number lock no make will try each one cuz just there's the second number mean then so we've got the order there and then we've got 11 26 to do we add enough take them apart we must do stickers for three and brute force from there actually knocked on the door using the dragon yeah yeah like with the knocker let's see if opportunity knocks for adventures oh wait wait Oh knock it six times and then four times then three times okay all right so I'm gonna start with eleven wait wait no not yet no not get 6 and then 4 then 3 ok 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 there was a beep it was the next number 4 4 1 2 3 4 yep 3 yeah 1 2 3 open not 643 times we've got 2 mana crystals and a power overwhelming holy we are building it okay my bag is your notion pour some of my elixir into each potion this is violet illusionist wands quantity 3 captain green skin coins quantity 9 black wing technician wrenches quantity 5 red riding-hood locks of hair 26 silver vanguard brass knuckles quantity for bluegill warrior teeth quantity 8 golden Cole bold eye quantity waka and what does the sign read by taking my bag my bag can you possible my loadout here to each potion should you are Sean can you pass that coat out here rifle through that could you pour some more in there and see if it actually it doesn't are these attach these these are actually taped down so okay so we've got each sting is a color so you need to find the red the blue the yellow and the green one guys we're getting colors that correspond to numbers we have green to match with this is a number and then we have gold and I cobalt that's one so one is red we have three and one and then we have something that's blue which is it was just stuck yeah I would assume as the bull gear warrior teeth should be eight good job we were right alright hang on wait II was of the characters here we go oh right no mushrooms okay we're gonna have to match the mushroom placements and oh okay because from the the map the map okay great okay there's oh my god this is disgusting red me too Oh careful this is actually hang on so we've got blues alright there's a for Big Red's and then three small purple one guys I for better site take a bite I'm just gonna not take this max it says yes you can really eat these yeah okay now I think the marshmallows sure you think just a marshmallow bit or maybe I'm just take them out opening this is wrong I'm not ready use your muscles it's amazing I can't believe you're eating that you have to all right so I have gonna be the string yep one of the glasses are ready look at the blue you'll see something so I see hand okay it says May we need to connect to mark okay so here's my hypothesis we need to all six of us touch the intersecting mushrik mostly mostly okay so which ones like this six double glasses didn't work five six there are six intersection points okay alright touch every mushroom and zap those the ones near the time touch you damn mushroom come on man okay yeah here we go this is like those hands don't conduct anything okay should one leader go bold King just took video tall guys hang on whoa look at all this weekend this goes back let's all walk past they're like yes alright bring it with us put everything in it oh please I am already strapped in here we go we're off to save the world a metaphor for my life lambda y OU h l m YP e RN AV tzm what's this string on the floor and there's nothing over here oh oh man are we the sticks of dynamite go you see a near a hammer here you can probably use the dime okay hm a.m. lamb goes the hammer oh yeah h-hey yep into H M a and how many I mean I have full four dynamite yeah where is it h-hey what an eight and then the two M's and then eight yeah I don't think this is how Hammond then right and then down the bottom bottom left and then I get it no push the thingy but maybe both a nine you got to get away from the dynamite my gel what are you doing here ducky oh they literally said nothing with your patio oh wow okay okay we got okay we got okay your oh we need we also symbols on the wall code them okay all right okay so I know now one of those symbols is right there yeah another symbols right there okay down here we got we got like a cup one on each wall right one one okay so why would the order matter okay yeah and Wow okay oh let's point out which is our number one okay that's one over here one two Oh guys there's there's not that keys on the Wolves yep yeah yeah the Voodoo master has his eye on you the blood route you touched can only be cured by saying the magic phrase to find it all these clues that is if you want to remove this hood or this hoodoo you've acquired what cures a lot of things as well let's make the sound when they play with toy trains at your axis okay these are foods your food all right let's get let's get that that's fine even after I believe oh geez well first of all is there a choo-choo here eh oh oh okay I think we want to use the pencil and cross these out let's do it okay here I've got one once again I retreat to the shadows oh we have we have mirrors we have one two three four five six reflective surfaces I guarantee you one of these has a light now sit around the room on this order start laser to hear yeah oh yeah oh it says shed a little light on the scroll by examining the dolls first okay all right guys what did you put his food that you like so once you have read the answers I didn't really but these do you have words on them okay maybe you need to find the word that is my sex desire my wish for you did we put food on every single one I sent that you're nodding oh we have to smell the dough's Oh God yeah mine's peppermint so that's the right one I've got the right one on me all right Oh cinnamon oh that's cinnamon there there we go I think some light on things okay okay Oh what did the curse so what can we see now that means no no we've we've done that bit yeah what think embarrassed the blood curse always we have to say something follow the lore of the room okay so I have the five answers or at least what I think they are okay and now we have to cross out some of the letters on this bottom we should definitely cross it here right okay maybe limiting the letter okay well doodle things good oh oh oh Kenny Loggins so it seems like they're keeping the O's and they're eliminating the other letters can I see this real fun guest course yeah [Music] things in between the double letter should be crossed all what it's saying that's what it's saying yep okay so CH m e o do between the double things between the double O's need to be crossed och should be crossed out from this me yeah that's th l PR PR okay good okay B should be crossed out know me Deauville doodle-doo so DL C L should be crossed up for this one Footloose V aunty L and then and then deal Eadie well done well put my hat back on guys or maybe just me voodoo wait wait everyone let's say it at the same time one two three sorry one two three me we might be idiots we might be M II do vo o do [Music] yeah me too voodoo to me to voodoo to me too here we go okay no okay okay we need the note yes colors okay so pink one red is here yellow okay now I got the yellow right here oh very bad okay is this your cameraman you're blocking our clue cameraman come this way no seriously you need to move great we need to be green okay and green is back behind the cameraman and up here it's up here could use a little color so we need to do the white runes on here we do with the color of these pink up here we go there we go yeah what's mines light blue is this eye one there we go here we go get up there [Music] Zelda can we put the lights right what happened all right get your dolls get your dogs baby dolls Iran yeah oh let's feel their feet and don't forget oh ah ah careful Open Sesame we do voodoo - all right teamwork oh hey guys okay only three of you may live selects the champ okay we have a lock over here we've got a bow and some arrows we have a five-digit oh ha like alpha battery we have to kill each other okay oh then we need a five letter word got letters over here we've got spinach right maduk wisdom and a soul CDL kind of but right pretty tell me we have something look like this okay what yeah that fills in the gaps and you yeah like no no other way yet there's per step so is it can I hold it up somewhere can straight up on that board no I kind of want a projector saying we got any turned upside down good cranking man does that maybe say troll I think it this is wrong Oh true yeah yes that's true I think you Weaver then shoot yeah have explained it makes sense with a range weapon yeah right yeah we're gonna do you have anything to like sticking so over there there's blue coins are those mana crystals can't stop cranking yeah yeah saying that good job wait trol okay while we're doing that what are the cards we've collected [Music] oh okay wait listen I've got him okay and I'll make you say no take em you know take Kendall you know take so there are five spikes there but there are zero spikes here yep those are candles or say you know candles so we need to get some candles can you make it say you know I found a card there's a candle holders there's a candle and a card up there so if you can treat the bow and arrow that would be super okay I just have to nail the candle on cheese here a cameraman you'll probably want to get this get it on the second just pick up these tiny oh where's Aleppo 500 there it is you got this grab that candle Oh oh okay we're trying to knock it off guys watch this yeah I think you did it that's why it's come down is there anything that discounts Sophie's dress so we need to force the key where's the hellfire ship the key the key is the key so oh hang on there the candles there we go I'm pretty sick so how much money do we have is it that is that we got all the money we have or anyone's anything that we're not actually maxed out oh you guys wait wait a second wait a second and the three for this one I just want to make sure there's no more the infinite matter in here yeah we may be making this harder on ourselves that we need to I've got a blue crystal that's kind of like manna babies maybe we can change oh yeah what does the Hat do I think I'm just looking cool man anyways thinking about how much damage this is so far I think yeah I think I think I see it can you can you know take candle can you take the count at the top we have to power all that whelming this yeah now that we need to do are missing one mana can you guys find one more mana crystal please Mike has no bad so if we give them the wrath guards first how do we kill the abominations guaranteed I guess Cataclysm but that has to be done last of those who just cart our hands yeah so we would have to blood bloom out that card we got I think we or went and it'll get this really that yes it fist goes here or however well me wants to wait how many cards one two three four five six seven eight even though just enough four six eight nine ten yards so that can go if we siphon soul this yeah this will be at two we can then Hellfire it which will deal enough damage to kill the hoarding dragon and then we have a space in setting this to 15 so we should blow it looms you for whatever no we don't love in because two plus two plus four ordered in yes yeah if I even soul would be first okay I believe you're a hundred percent correct Oh yep think we have it so grass guards treachery so they were sleeping I'm out the Hellfire so don't ask for into abomination so to there so then this is three from this three from this two from this how it down where are we down to we can blood bloom out the fist of jaraxxus I think that's lethal nine and then we get two coins back we do this in cataclysms let's count so we've got axis yeah we did it DB do it I heard something [Applause] [Music] praise of Rachel its Rachel [Music] well first let me be the one to congratulate you on escaping from dog waggle and the first to let you know that you went over time kids in the slide my absolute favorite was peeling open no idea how stale vicki and disgusting that was it was like ripping cement open it was very very sad actually did you say somebody ate some yeah you know what smack lying to me the entire time yeah taco has your best interest of mine so much and congratulations once again on escaping the catacombs now their adventure is done but your adventure is just starting on December 7th Cobalts and catacombs comes to hearthstone but if you want a taste of it early on you can pre-purchase 50 packs right now get yourself one of those sweet card bags ok thank you for joining us here today I hope you enjoyed this experience did you guys have fun [Applause] Thanks [Music]
Channel: GTLive
Views: 167,080
Rating: 4.9492326 out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone, blizzard, hearthstone kobolds and catacombs, hearthstone kobolds, hearthstone catacombs, hearthstone tournament, escape room, kobolds, catacombs, blizzard escape room, hearthstone gameplay, hearthstone game, hearthstone escape room, escape room gtlive, hearthstone gtlive, gtlive, gt live, matpat, hearthstone matpat, matpat gtlive
Id: 21bRcfRzXLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 49sec (2089 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2017
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