DESTROY with 1. d4: London and Queen's Gambit Openings | Rating Climb 1000+

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back to the d4 rating climb it's part two let  me just remind you of the format i am playing   against twitch subs twitch say hi and today we  are going to be only playing against people who   are rated at least a thousand and below 1200  i'm gonna be playing d4 in every game sometimes   i'll play the queen's gambit sometimes i'll  play the london most of the time i will play   these two and sometimes i'll mix it up with  other stuff some gambits um that's it yeah   let's get started wormsbane all you got to  do is be in live chess the time format is oh   it's actually wait a second no let me abort this  the time format is three minutes and five second   bonus it's not five minutes and three second bonus  three minutes and five second bonus there we go   d4 let me just fix all the other commands please  b6 now normally i would say take the center   uh but for this game i'm gonna go  for a catalan setup or okay he's   he's doing my thing against me i'm very scared i'm gonna go for this this is the uh catalan setup  when you castle play c4 and knight c3 it's not   technically called a catalan but for the purposes  of the climb we will refer to it as a catalan   okay that's interesting so he he's blocking  in his pawns the first thing that i notice all right c5 there is a there is an idea here  when your bishops are on opposite sides like   this this is a pretty advanced idea uh he didn't  take had he taken i would have played knight h4   it's an idea from the queen's indian and  he can't take again because of the pin   and i'm also threatening knight f5 he  didn't take though if i do this i open   up this but then he takes with this pawn and he  defends i'm just gonna play knight c3 and chill now the thing about the catalan is that you  have very high difficulty predicting what your   opponent is going to play and as such it makes  it a little bit harder for you to just map out a   middle game plan okay i'm gonna do this it's  exactly what i just said that i was going to do   play the verisoft okay i'll play the verse off so you see the point the pin and now i have this idea i'm gonna take back  and i'm gonna take a big center so like i   said it's it's difficult uh to get a very clear  attack it's just not so simple what you're doing also i'm eating breakfast so sorry  that's a good move oh wait no it's not   i just realized that that's a  mistake because if i take take take   i actually thought it was a good move that was  not me being sarcastic it was just a blunder his   coordination here is messed up because his bishop  just has no protector so he blunders a bishop it looked like a good move  unfortunately it was not he might be playing this because he has the e6  b6 opening scores but the thing about the the e6   b6 openings course is that i always recommend f5  i always recommend that you play the pawn to f5   and then the knight to f6 because  that way you really clamp down on this   okay he plays here there's a couple  of ways to win a winning position   what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna play b3 line  up this guy this way and i'm going for this   i mean we could play this into an end game  but i'm i'm going for the kill here's my plan   here here take checkmate that's my plan let's  see if it works hmm that kind of stops it let's go here oh so yeah you guys are missing out men youtubers  we're listening to fallout boy right now so probably the best punk rock band  as far as i'm concerned punk pop   i should say punk rock was more you  know sex pistols and so it's like more   oh he stopped my plan so mean  even for the cost of a rook emo okay emo hey don't call them garbage hey i said be nice  you get a 10 minute timeout can't talk for 10   minutes guess i said be nice we should spread  more positivity i am i am sarcastic but i'm   being completely serious on this subject they'll  be nice to you you'll be nice to them also you   so many people watch on twitch and on  youtube so you're just being mean to yourself   something mean to yourself okay well i have a new plan  knight e7 and win is rook let's take i am protected that's an interesting question so we  would like to talk a little bit about   sports sometimes while we do these climbs uh do  i think that this nba championship is tainted   i don't think so will it be tainted i think so yes yes i think so definitely it will be tainted i think everyone's going to have  a problem no matter what happens now i am getting it more into an endgame  we are trying to trade the rooks here but um yeah i mean people are people  are definitely going to argue that it's   you know whatever it's not you know it's not i'm i'm just i'm just thinking  people are going to argue about it that's all okay well we are waiting for  wormsbane uh i'm gonna give you guys uh let's uh i can also play bishop takes f6 actually check and take the bishop play a3 the knight is under attack check  nate coolidge thanks kristoff gen daddy   appreciate all the subs uh okay i don't  know rook b5 this is taking a long time   check take this other pawn clean up this  this is part of the game that's cleanup now i will give you a little announcement about  the next opponent the next opponent is going to   be surprisingly low rated for being in this rating  bracket but he was very nice and he was trying to   tell me that his rapid rating is a lot higher than  his blitz and so he gets an opportunity to play   so that is why he's going to get a game what is  my username on norwegian i don't even know what   that means i what okay and we go for a ladur  oh wait a second i don't want to stalemate him   ah you see if i pre-move this it wouldn't have  worked now we check him and we made him all right that is the catalan setup very solid  remember this idea if the bishops are   on opposite sides other than that just  one tactic it came down to take take here   so take take and take on d6 and  that's it like i said this next guy is going to be a little bit lower rated i believe  his blitz is a lot lower than his rapid but   as long as he's in live chess it's all good caps lock user here we go d4 this time i will  definitely play london unless he goes here oh   okay see is he is he is he a uh-huh okay is  he gonna oh is he lying am i getting lioned i   shouldn't even gone knight c3 because i don't know  if he's gonna go kings indian okay he goes lion uh i'm not gonna take and help him  with development i'm gonna go back   if he takes me he helps my development he  doesn't wanna help my developments now we   put a second pawn in the center looks like he's  going to go for a lion ah this guy's a lion guy   okay all right well let's castle queen  side let's see what he's got against but you know the other thing about  lion uh the like the black lion players   is that um they all get their setup and they  constantly try to just implement the game plan   against the same thing no matter what so i'm going  to uh i'm going to try to just attack him in the   center oh that's already a mistake i think yeah  like immediately he just blunders i mean this   is just wrong and i don't think you should be  playing you got to chop in the center now that   we're fully developed and i have this whenever i  want it so can i play this now maybe d e5 d5 hits   the knight and he can take but he's just running  into a pin and that does not look good a knight b5 so now the queen has to go here and also could have maybe  played bishop to b5 by the way   i'm amazed there's no mate  i want like a morphe mate oh okay well that's just a horsey  and and and don't take the queen   because the horsey can move out  of the way let's just go here this is this is not good it's not  good we got a horsey we're up a horsey so if i take and then i go here okay but this  is not a bad move because he hits my queen   and he's threatening this in the future so let  me take and then i'll play knight c7 i think   yeah i'm gonna win a rook but he's he  he also has some stuff he also has ideas   oh but actually wait a second no he  doesn't because if he puts his king here   i can take the rook but i can also  play a move which adds pressure here but yes i can take the rook but he'll fork  me first of all i can also play knight h3   which just prevents this entirely and bishop  g5 check is prevented with the knight on h3   but i have bishop to b5 which pins the bishop to  the king and if he plays fork then i just go here or i can just take the bishop for free   so i can just take the bishop for free and the  rook is still hanging we are now up two pieces   and yes he can play this but  that would be losing his own rook   so the lion my my game plan against the land  okay let's take now let's just prevent knight f2   we'll prevent knight f2 by playing the move  knight h3 and now we are just up two pieces   um what i recommend if you see somebody  playing like this this setup with the knight   f6 knight knight d7 this is the lion and i just  recommend going after it i mean long castle f4   you know i i went for knight c3 because i thought  he was going to try to go for king's indian   and we know that that's my recommendation  but he went lying so just attack the lion   and you'll be good but that's the thing like you  know we this guy's raid 800 right and like when   before the game even began i said lion players  sometimes have this problem uh where they try to they try to kind of just spam  their setup and they don't they don't really think too too far ahead they  just they just do the plan checkmate in two where how do i feel about the giants and jets  right now the nfl is not a real sport   that's how i feel about it listen we got a lot of folks watching from  europe we got a lot of folks watching from   india on youtube they agree with  me the nfl is not a real sport   and and football frankly is is just like i  i knew i knew people who played it in high   school and ended up with life-changing brain  damage so that's all i'm saying about that okay he attacks my horsey i move my  horsey um you know what let's just go here   just take it i i will trade  off your rook and i will win   the bishop up end game that's that's my  game plan right now just take the rook take and like this and and i recommend a good opening  besides the vienna for white any opening like and i don't i don't understand  there's a lot of good openings ah   the italian against e4 i mean against  the 45 i don't what's the question like this entire climb guys like watching a rating climb going i know  and also i know about that other thing but give   me more i don't know at some point they're all  good a lot of good openings rue lopez scotch go here please see all you gotta do is ask nicely that's mate  okay i also realized that these challenges that   i was sending out were unrated so i didn't  even get ready for them anyway lion london   system i recommend a quick f4 push thrusting  and uh and just pushing in you know there we go and uh yeah that that did not go very well do  not open the center when your king is stuck in   the middle it's just it's gonna be a problem  so i think black should accept the queen's   gamut or deny it they're both fine but as a  beginner accepting the gambit is a little bit   more dangerous because you seed control of the  center and when you seek control of the center   uh position is a lot harder to play okay next  person in the queue is step on uh quinovich   gotta step on let's go step on here we go d4  this one is rated though my russian man okay um i can play c4 but against bishop against knight  of six i like bishop f4 let's see what he plays   king's indian which one is he going for london  versus knight f6 i also like trompowski okay   please standard some play e3 and i i do this  because i don't want him um to to hit my knight   okay place like this uh there's a lot of  normal stuff here now knight f3 is fine   but if he played bishop g4 there i  would have played the move pawn to f3 your day was tough without me streaming yesterday  though c5 generally the rule of thumb is c3   but knight d2 is actually considered a little  bit better do i know some irena do i know the the world famous comedian turned global  chess ambassador particularly for india   collaborating with magnus carlson anand  many celebrities do i know that semi-arena   i am asked at least once or twice every stream to  collab with him and i don't think folks realize   the fact that it's not up to me or you it's up  to some a and i've never been invited to a stream   somehow has never invited me to collab so you  gotta tell samay to get me on that's what you   gotta tell him it's not up to me that would  be fun okay i'm gonna show you guys a very   common london thing queen b6 can be met with the  move queen to b3 and a lot of people will trade and that helps you that helps you open up your  rook so this queen be oh wow all right well i'll   go back too then i don't that's not the right i'm  just memeing uh no okay he got so scared 92 now castles castles castles how can you play me uh you can get uh psyctripper  think of the the sub you've got to be a subscriber   so in these raiding climbs i try to give games  to people who are subscribers people who support   the channel let's play h3 i don't actually  have any idea what that knight is doing there   and he might think that it's stupid to  go back to where he was so he'll go here   then i will double his pawns or he'll  just go back he'll be like all right   that didn't work all right that's  the right thing to do now knight e5 i could have castle long but i'm showing you  guys different things i played a lot of london's   where i didn't castle i played a lot of london's  where i where you know i castled queen side now   i'm showing you even castling kingside is fine  um now let's play this queen f3 idea this is   generally how you will attack people in the  london once you have plopped the knight here   you will lock it in with a rook you will  transfer your queen over this way so let's   let's just get all of our pieces involved show  you the the real power that the london holds guys the god mentor is going to be taking a break  uh from streaming uh sorry not um not streaming   but from uh from youtube he is he's undergoing  heart replacement heart valve replacement surgery   an incredibly serious procedure he's like an  incredibly chill guy and so you would never   think that he's nervous or worried but it's a  it's a very very serious thing uh he did post it   on twitter um and he did make a recent youtube  video so those of you that you know are mainly   just watching on twitch uh i probably will also  watch his manga or read through his manga today   let's play this rookie three idea the point  is that i wanna transfer the rook over here   soon we will have one two three four  five pieces attacking the king so yeah   is there a difference between the a-rook and the  ephrook no but this a-rook would have had no job   and i got a job and not like not like not like  the trump pence administration job report where   you know we lost millions of jobs but we picked up  some as the economy recovered like real jobs not   like you know the biggest job loss in the history  of the united states and that like not that but   you know like serious one anyway anyway don't get  triggered that was a little political humor here   let's sacrifice the bishop we're ready nobody get  triggered take a deep breath no trigger let's send   our best wishes to god mature we always him the  best and now let me give this guy a little check   he has a tough decision to make where to move  his king clearly going to the corner and hiding   in the corner is better because if you just  run to the center you're going to run into oh   no he played the better move i was hoping  that he was stream sniping but he was not   and now i will play either this or this to hit  this pawn and this knight but which one of them   is better it was 100 better to play toward this  way because that was just check made in one move   split queen f4 hit the knight and hit the pawn  and now we see the point king g7 is a bad move right let's go like this any republicans in new york  city not a single one actually not a single person   in all of new york city is a republican  not one can you believe that that's crazy   okay rook g3 right queen g5 is no longer possible and i think i have another idea to sacrifice  and play queen to h6 somebody commented on   one of the climb videos i think it was part  one of this video of this video series and   they were like stop sacrificing pieces in every  game we don't learn anything so i'm not gonna   sacrifice he told me i'm gonna listen to him  he's not okay but i also don't like that move   so i've changed my mind i am going to sacrifice sorry sorry guy because how can i not i i  need to get rid of the defender of the f6 pawn and i for a moment i'm down a full rook but  we're winning it's mate mate in two puzzle rush no this might lead to me maybe  it doesn't give a check check if here queen g7 and if here queen  g6 or queen g7 if you like it   a little bit longer but we want to finish as pa  as fast as possible like an inconsiderate male   in the sheets queen g6 my  opponent wrote good game pogo   so this attack worked because we had a lot  of attacking pieces near the enemy king okay we played a relatively normal  opening he didn't trade queens   and then we found a way to mobilize this is how  you should play the london like if you're going to   play the london this is exactly how you should  play it bring all your pieces to the attack   actually put pressure on the opponent this is  exactly how you should do it why why queen g3 not   queen g4 what is the difference guys that's you're  over analyzing it is the exact same outcome there   is literally zero difference between these moves  not a single move difference not one there is   no difference zero but levy boy did you like for  example have i gone here you go you would have   written why not queen g3 now why not queen g5 that  hangs the queen don't do that okay don't do that now who's next who's next jim  rico rito jim rito here we go all you guys going to do is be in life  chess being live chess everything's good   i'm already getting challenges another knight  f6 um again i want to play queen's gambit but   i'm only gonna play c4 when they play  d5 so i'm gonna stick to london for now   okay e3 this guy this last opponent  played d5 so we're seeing how to ah a lot of people ask me about this so early  c5 i'm gonna recommend you guys go knight c3   early c5 you can go c3 but last  time okay so it takes takes   ah okay now we have this move well little  action in here maybe we'll see what happens okay blocks fair let's go here   okay but the good thing this is still good for us  because his bishops are blocked so even though we   don't win any material he's blocked in his  bishops and now we drop back and you say   well levy what about why'd you waste time doing  this well he blocked in his pieces bishop to d3 and we're good we're happy and castles do we have  a big advantage from the opening no not really   c5 is a good line that's a good  line i mean that's one of the   it's the best way that you  can play against this system also guys we're going to get off chest tv  in nine minutes if you're not yet following   the channel please do so we're almost at 91  000. on youtube at the time of recording this   we're almost at 90. it's gonna be a close  race to a hundred thousand maybe whichever   platform wins i'll give away like five thousand  dollars worth of stuff i don't know we'll see whichever platform gets 100k first and by the way  like 60 of the people that watch on youtube aren't   even subbed the 60k watching the 60 of people  watching on youtube that aren't even subbed they   could like flip a switch and you guys would just  get blown out of the water and that would be that so queen b6 oh my god it was a fork i completely didn't  see that oh my i can't believe it i hung up on damn all right i gotta bounce back gotta focus   gotta focus just queen takes d4  here i'll probably play bishop e3 wow damn e5 okay that's a i guess i'll go here oh my god how did i not see that unfortunately there is a trap here   damn when he played e5 i actually  thought he didn't fall for that i actually thought that like he he had tricked  me but it turns out that i did trick him after   all and i'm a little sad now okay so the pawn  on d4 is not hanging because you do have this   bishop takes h7 trick but he did this and i was  like oh he got me yeah he actually you know but   then i then i gave him another opportunity to  blunder into it let's take the bishop with check   and then let's put the queen  here and try to pick up some   pawns show you how to convert this in the  fastest way possible just trade the rooks before stacking bishop or something do  you calculate it to good compensation   i guess that's a question about the last game before you sack the bishop you do you  basically here's here here's how any   chess thought process works you get an idea right   the way like let's say your opponent can do  like four things you need to find what the   fastest thing that refutes your idea so because  in chess you have to prove yourself wrong fast   if you're like i have an idea oh no it's wrong  bad because of this okay cool because the thing   about it if you spend all your time thinking why  it's good but you at the end find why it's bad   and you're like oh my god i just spent all this  time you just spent way too much time thinking   about something that you're not going to play so  uh that's the way you have to think about it and when you visualize something and you don't see  anything bad that's when you play it that's when   you play it so that last game when i sacrificed  the piece for the attack i didn't see anything   that my opponent could do it seemed that he  was too futile i had too many attacking pieces   and it seemed like it was just gonna  work and it did and we would say well   whenever i do that it doesn't quite work the same  i make mistakes yes i mean the reality of this   situation is that it comes from experience i mean  it comes from practice we talking about practice   not a game not a game we talking about practice  not a game a game we talking about practice semi is playing judith polgar with his  friends today sir you wrote that already   no disrespect intended but why are you writing  it again i mean i i know but when you tell   other people about something that's going on in  another channel if anything that i'm just gonna   i i might just lose viewers to that are you a paid  advertiser what's going on here oh don't go here   his position was so good his position was so  good but this move now weakens two things right like this so now i can hit both of these right  nobody got ignorant little role thank you for the   sub for my report thank you for the stuff i just  guys i i want to thank subs like once every seven   eight minutes not every time it comes in otherwise  it's like all right and now in this position thank   you for the sub by the way all right now in this  position he's hitting my pawn on c2 and also the   pawn on b5 i'm gonna play c4 it takes thanks  by the way thank you for the sub appreciate it   oh don't give me a little time all right give  me a little time oh can't push be careful oh man miss that deep bra appreciate  the twitch prime sub thank you   well the trick here is that i i i have this  this that we we did some damage to this king so here time to push let's go time to push oh one  trick uh if he checked me don't go here   it would have been a fork check  it's the block we take the horsey   check now the easiest thing to do here is to make  sure the king gets glued to the corner only has   one move back and forth you don't even have  to push the pawn but you can and this is made and ggo now we didn't get a great position  from the opening but he did blunder and that   does help now personally against c5 i think the  the simplest thing guys just go c3 and if they   play queen b6 as i showed you in game two just go  for this queen b3 thing where it's not the most   exciting thing in the world but you have a small  advantage because you have the open rook and you   can do some tricky stuff here with the horsey to  get into c7 like knight a3 knight b5 knight here and everything's all right all right  leonard leonard gunawan you are next i'm waiting for d5 now we're gonna  start playing some 1100s please play d5   a lot of people go knight f6 though not  a lot of people are playing this anymore   do i usually stream this early i have been  streaming at nine in the morning for a very   long time let's go c4 because i think he's  gonna go here i mean if he doesn't then whoops   all right wins gambit and personally  i like to go here to put some pressure   on his center but this just becomes  now we're in a slav defense okay so had to swallow there bishop five this is a mistake because the move queen to b3 oh no he just missed queen takes b7 so a lot of people they played this bishop f5  move but that okay well he should have just   blundered the pawn why not take on d5 first  i don't want to help him open up the position oh no i'm just gonna win all his  pawns okay we're just up two puns   that's not good let's get to  a hundred subs before noon 19 subs in an hour we got some big  gangsters in the chat i think it's doable   thanks michael allen i appreciate you he could have gone b6 yep now if he goes b6 he weakens this diagonal  so what i like to do there is i like to take   and try to get this bishop  to b5 or play bishop b4 oh no this was i mean maybe you will beat 1140s   this fast but yeah this is very surprising okay  let's take i don't know get my bishop out i'm   not worried about this because it's just a trade  very strange game i guess he's just never seen   this i don't i don't know i guess he's just  never seen this idea that's crazy the whole   queen side got completely torn apart there  should be two in castles which is upper rook wow my dark my my darker donk and michael  allen martin just gifted five subs youtubers   get over here if you're not here yet  you get a free sub maybe who knows   wow shy town oh my goodness  you guys are crazy 10 sub gifts   thank you so much i could have also got knight c6  just to take the bishop remove one more piece from   him i feel bad it's like it's like a it's like a  misbehaving kid you just take all his toys away knight c6 okay let's take this guy away did we cross 100 for the day that fast oh 97  very close i played b3 so i could get the bishop   out this way sneaky move he also just can't stop  the move bishop a3 yes i was that kid oh no yeah   yeah i got in trouble once and uh everything  was removed from my room i had a bed and a desk it was like jail shouldn't have messed  around glug glug glug something again i was that kid yeah what did i do i don't know i don't know probably something i mean when i was a toddler when i was like two  you know how like kids bite stuff when they're two you know they have like their teething  so uh or whatever that's called   when i was two i bit a dog at the park   i wasn't even angry i was just standing next  to the dog and i just like went like this that was what i did i that that's  that that's that's one of the most   legendary toddler stories not like hard i  didn't like i didn't like rip its ear off   but like i was playing with  the dog and i just went and the dog was like bro what are you doing   i was like two years old that's that's like you  know what i used to do so i was i was i was a kid   i wasn't destructive i didn't destroy things  when i was a baby but um i was very stubborn   i was very very stubborn and uh i used to put  rocks in my mouth and like just my i knew my   parents didn't want me to put rocks in my  mouth so i'll just put rocks in my mouth like and this is checkmate there's for  rocks like i'd be on the playground i   just get rocks put put rocks in my mouth like  two or three years old guys guys why do you   think i became a chess player and i don't  have a full-time job i mean i put rocks in   my mouth as a kid like no wonder i became  a chess player you know what i mean like you know that's how you get yeah i  mean you can put rocks in your mouth now those of you asking about b6 yes this is a  move but here c takes d5 is very powerful let   me explain why because if knight takes d5 you  have e4 if he takes here you take the bishop   and your position here is much much better you've  got two bishops active queen bishop castle very   quick development but if they take with the pawn  this is open there's a movie here that's winning   e4 if pawn takes knight to e5 threatens checkmate  if they go e6 remember i told you about this so   you just shred open the position and here i think  the cherry on the k on the on the sunday g4 this   knight is guarding this so if they play bishop  takes this knight is now what's called overloaded   and in this position you can play the move bishop  takes d7 knight d7 and knight g4 you just want a   bishop and you're happy or you can play the even  sexier move knight takes e4 and he can't take   you like this because bishop d7 and you destroy  everything and you're threatening knight f6 and   bishop takes so b6 is is a very natural looking  move but one move and the entire position crumbles   for black just c takes d5 the entire position  crumbles for black okay he just missed it and i   mean i i mean i can't ask for much more just upper  rook and coupons from the opening i mean it's   i you know like i said i wish some of these games  go a little bit longer but i can't always control   that so i just do i just show you guys uh some  ideas and hopefully it works this one worked is it possible for a 500 rated player who's  been playing for two days to get 99.7 accuracy   in a 20-plus move game sure especially if the  opponent blunders all their pieces yes d4 let's   see what smirnstein plays i've been playing  a lot of london's today i played one catalan   okay let's play c4 so we're going we're  not going for london this game so it's   a very similar setup as last time very  similar defense actually slav defense   um so we're playing this queen's  gambit style with knight c3 triple axis thank you for the sub attila hunt  thank you for the sub casual cookie thank you   for the sub you guys will have an opportunity  to play in the future so this guy takes   i'm gonna play e4 he might go here and then  we actually have a pretty interesting position   uh we have a high level position a position that's  played at gm level all the time um okay he doesn't   so he just gives me this back that would have  been you know he hangs onto the pawn but now i   just have the center and the pawn back this is not  what he wants this is definitely not what he wants   and uh well now i have the full center  and his bishop is a little bit passive so   we see how the queen's gambit can be powerful  if they don't know what they're doing against it okay a little crash there almost i'm gonna  castle now what i should have done is i   should have protect first of all i'm giving  him an opportunity to see if he can do this   but there is a plan there is a plan now of course  the best move here is to play something like   queen e2 or bishop g5 to pin the knight or  queen d3 pushing is okay but then he just   puts his knight in the center so let's see if he  does this i'm offering him the pawn i'm offering   him the pawn because this is going to be the only  active piece that he has the only active piece   and now it's going to be very hard for him to  castle i am actually offering him a second pawn   because i am preventing his king from castling  and let's see if he is able to deal with the   fact that the king is going to be stuck  in the center of the board this guy's 933 yes i know this no no it's it's more like  we started a thousand we try to climb   but this guy's also higher in  rapid i think yeah he's 1100 rapid   so that's a great move he blocks my  bishop i'm going to put this guy over here   and try to line up on this way knight to  the center is going to be a move as well   queen e2 and put the rooks to the middle of the  board did i have to play like this absolutely not   in fact i would recommend you just defend your  pawn but this is how i played it so i have to   live with the consequences knight to the center  what's up gal how are you f4 is another idea to   open up the rook we have very active piece play  bishop knight bishop queen coming that's the   other idea of moving the knight to the center it  has nothing to do with the knight i mean unless   he plays queen d7 27 is his only way to lose  a queen right now so i really hope he plays it   he did not play it can i sacrifice can i play here  here here here here here here here here that works that works the knight stops  protecting this and we see immediately   why this works we have four attacking pieces  and he has no guards he has no guards actually   i just realized something i just  realized something kind of interesting kind of interesting let's see hold on so this  is i think the way i played this is inaccurate   i should have played this first  i should have played this first   because if he declines the capture which  is what he did he played king of f8   the other version of this my  bishop would have still been here   so if takes here i could have played  knight c4 and i still have a bishop   pressuring the knight to the king so giving it  away was inaccurate i should have played bishop   seven first because then if he had played into  it i would have played bishop takes d6 second   and everything probably works out this is still  good for me but it could have been better queen h5   also this is very interesting very interesting  move um if queen f3 there is this i think   here here here here here here it  doesn't look like there's a mate there   you can also play f4 at  least i'm not down in peace let's see queen h5 queenish 5 looks  extremely natural because then f6   doesn't work i have queen f7 so let's say  queen h5 anyway threatening checkmate okay   we just have too many attacking pieces i mean  we also have to remember that if i play f4   or even rook rook rook i have a new piece joining  the attack and i'm not letting him play something   like knight d7 a move like knight d7 would help  him immensely getting getting rid of this knight   my knight is the more most powerful piece that  i have this bishop isn't great it's going to be   very useful but it's not great right now  it's going to be useful in a move or two   okay so now we have a something called the  clearance sacrifice which is the move bishop to g6   it's not really a sacrifice but he can't take  it and the bishop actually does add an attack right and queen to h8 yo yo i'm send you a message   i'm gonna figure something out for  this week that's what i want to do i'm going on twitter we're done llama follow me back i can  send you a dm on twitter   we're doing this right now thank you  for stop gifting him the diablo god it's the beauty of these climbs we're doing this lama and i have  been talking llama's like 1300 so   if we do it on stream chess lesson it's  going to be beneficial to a lot of you   okay and i think you guys would enjoy it a  lot bishop takes f7 and now we see the other   threat the threat was not just queen h8 it  was the bust in here and he just has no time   now the rook is hit now there so now this is  the part of the attack that i call cashing out   the attack is successful you don't  need to deliver checkmate in an attack   although that's also nice like for example here  we will probably end up delivering checkmate um no let's bring his king a little closer so uh maybe not maybe we don't have a force  mate but winning material is also a the end of   a good attack so if you can win a rook at the  end of your attack your attack was successful   what if you played rookie 7 instead  of queen e7 here it wouldn't have what okay this is like a runaway car on the highway so  look we beat him because we never let three of his   pieces get into the game we played with basically  every piece that we had but we didn't let three of   his pieces into the game which is so important now  even if he plays knight d7 we're just hunting down   the king so i think there should be six next  queen of three is mate queen of three is mate no it's not he takes my knight check check i mean guys i would love to  end this game a little bit faster but   i'm not trying to stall but uh  i do tell folks not to resign and i also want to teach you guys  how to win winning positions so   give him a sub he already is a sub check oh no all right let's  calculate the fastest checkmate ah is this it yes we hit 100 subs on the day thank you  guys this is going to be check and mate that was a tough game and it shows you why it's  difficult for folks to play positions where   their king gets stuck in the center because you  immediately start putting pressure and then right   away like two moves later we already have tactics  right we can take and take and the position for   black begins to fall apart because three pieces  never get into the game now a lot of beginners a lot of beginners never have a position where their knight is  on d6 right and so the tactics are a little   bit different and so one of those things is  that the h7 pawn is not protected by anything   so that's what happened there   uh ahmad matar is saying you playing next game  please sir you cannot just sit in the chat sun dried hot dogs are moon dry tim of course moon  dried i mean moon dried sounds great now ahmad   you cannot sit in the chat  and just tell me to play you   again the process to sign up if you're  a sub is very simple very simple we make the queue you have to be in discord you  sign up to play if you're a thousand to twelve   hundred and you play you should not just sit  here and ask to play it's a very simple process   it's not complicated super simple you just  gotta sign up when we're playing that's it   pretty easy process but don't just go like i'm  challenging you because i'm not taking challenges   i'm playing against people who have signed up i  know who they are i know their accounts beforehand   and we play and that's the beauty of  it okay glug glug you're coming up d4 aha okay another queen's gambit so queen's  gamut in london that's what we're doing so far   everybody's playing oh that's already a mistake  you're actually supposed to take this because   the whole point is that now the opponent has to  put a piece in the center so they want to put   a pawn like this and because now i just get the  center so this is another way to get the center to beginners in the last game it looks  like i was throwing my bishops away   in the last game which game this game  looks like i was giving away my bishops   but i was showing you why it was important because  i was removing the defender of the f7 pawn so   hopefully that's helpful d5 the knight  now we see the problem he needs pawns   in the center otherwise you overrun the setter f4 hit the knight knight will go back to  g6 probably maybe it goes here okay that   is not a threat so we could push the reason i  don't push is because he can just go back to   the middle and then just defend himself  and so my pawns create this little hole   okay uh let's attack this bishop i would actually  love a trade here because i have more space i like   that and now let's not forget that we have  this check so his horses are in weird spots   he's developed almost no pawns that's a  good move if i take he goes here but we do   have in peasant but i'm not gonna play that i'm  gonna give him this check now he has to go here okay trading pieces when you have space is a bad move  but getting the two bishops oh my gosh wait what   is this what's he doing he did not have to do  that that's so strange because i have two things   hitting this like it's right there so i it's a  strange thing to blunder yeah cause now i'm just   and the thing is if he goes here i'm  not even gonna take this probably   oh no maybe i will take now it but he should  have played that without blundering i just now   now i take if he played k7 i probably  would have swarmed okay don't tell him and uh he might think that he has this but uh horses also go backwards if they want to they  don't have to but if they want to i'm gonna   eat a cucumber that's not a euphemism  i'm just straight up eating good sonics so many twitch primes caligan umako freaking bard castles i can take but that doesn't attack this   because the knight comes defense  and attack so i'm going to go here oh we're chilling everything's good let's go here game appreciate all the subs guys guy named i  am irrelevant you're relevant dude come on   you mean you're irrelevant stop it you're  great jj alcapo appreciate the two months we've also added somebody jello  bean because we like your username okay now we have an end game the easiest thing to  do here double up and go to the back rank or you   know win a free piece so just keep trading this  time we're going to try to convert in an end game   what is the aim elo 2000 maybe i love the song i know you guys  can't hear it we're listening to um   alesso sorry sorry not alesso  um ingrosso the other guy   not alesso ingrosso you guys can hear it  but youtube in the future can't hear it   so but it's okay because they want to focus  on the chess can't go here fortunately and you beat magnus if you start two central pawns  advantage probably that's a huge advantage for   humans probably i can beat magnus if you give  me the e and d pawns and he doesn't have them i mean yeah that's like a huge advantage i mean   that's not a cap but it's like  a that's a massive handicap am i using the audio split you showed  me oh me you didn't show me anything   i've been doing audio splitting oh do you mean um uh voice meter uh yes we do we  do use voice meter yes i thought you meant like   yeah sorry i i think that's what you're  talking about i was like man taking   credit for the fact that i know how to put  something on a different audio track what   yeah yeah yeah lucas you you helped me out  shadock helped me out a lot shadow basically   because when we do commentary guys we have  three audio tracks the commentary uh the music   and my microphone and so it's really important  that we uh we do it the right way yep did i play a verisoft not today  i'll do it in the next game   two central pawns is only plus  three for white plus three is huge that's a huge disadvantage like i don't think you  guys realize magnus carlsen is the world champion   but it's not crazy to suggest that him not  having two central pawns is basically decisive   like he would need to out navigate me   in because i could just be super solid and slowly  improve my position i don't have to take any risk   and no openings exist so i'm we could try it  we could do it maybe we play it against ikaru so we could do it i don't know why it's such a now yes hikaru and i recently we played  this position from the immortal game   uh or not the immortal game something else and um yeah the position is like  on computer like plus five   or something like that now i'd be willing to  i'd be willing to try it against like hikaru for   example and we'll see but uh also what is the time  control that's another important question what's   the time control you know 90 minute game very  different than three minute with no second bonus   with no bonus time because that's different then  a guy can just you know play the clock as well so   but 90 minutes is very different than three minute  game three two i can't push don't push back up all right i seem very convinced then i seem  very convinced in the other direction so   is the only way to set this up is to  make a match put the queen in the center okay let's go for a ladder mate nice okay so don't decline the gambit  with the knight decline it with a pawn   that's what i recommend if you're a beginner  because otherwise you're just going to get   a position where the other guy has the full  center and uh if cd5 queen d5 knight c3 and easy-peasy all right aki of course uh sorry no  tomas then aki of course and then jello bean   i think that's the order and if  i mess up the odor i'm very sorry okay i'm gonna go back to this   and playing against alpha zero of course i'm going  to lose self is zero okay e4 i don't like that's   not even a question i mean i'll of course alpha  zero will find a way to beat me the strongest   i don't is it still the strongest  computer or is it is new better yes you know one of the reasons that  i struggled so much against tekaro   in the um immortal position is because again  three minutes zero zero second bonus and hikaru   sees through com you know that's a very complex  position and so while i'm busy you know finding   my way and navigating and everything he's already  planning counter play the level of thinking there   is a lot deeper but if you start from scratch from  nothing from the very beginning of a game it's a   little different than playing from already a super  complicated position it's a little bit different   i mean but again 3-0 is very  different than 90 minutes   i saw some guy in the chat write something  like magnus would [ __ ] on him in class   i don't know who he was talking about i don't know  if he meant like me versus magnus straight up i   don't even like i don't know i think he just heard  magnus classical so he just had to say something   insulting about someone i don't even know who he's  insulting me someone else i i don't know yes if i   played magnus in a classical game of chess chances  are that he would beat me pretty good chance too   it might even be it might be a close game i mean  the thing is i can play really solidly and then   just get you know crushed uh but yes that is not  you that is you know you don't have to be a genius   to predict that but without two central pawns  i'm telling you it's a pretty big disadvantage   it is it's pretty big that's what she said so  so i i don't i don't i don't know oh that's not   a good move though and again guys i'm not  explaining too much what i'm doing in the   opening because you have seen me play this against  the king's indian many times the opposite side   castling position where you just go for the big  attack john zorge branca thank you for the subs yes let's go here we got something about  someone said or didn't say something what ah got myself a bishop let's play bishop h6 just looking to get in here would i beat magnus if he had no pieces and only  two pawns on the king yeah yeah i would beat   magnus a hundred games out of a hundred i would  beat magnus a million games out of a million games   if he only had two pawns in a king i  am willing to make that hot take oh   instructive moment here very rare that stuff like  this arises i can take but he offered me this move   and geometrically trapped his queen ouch he only  has one way to save it let's see if he sees it yes   disagree in a million games you will miss  click something leading to a stalemate wow ah nice idea but i just take the bishop so  it's free bishop yeah as if this he would have   taken my queen cool cool idea but unfortunately  we just do this and magnus is your friend and   you're gonna and you're gonna tell him about  what what you said no sir just because you   have multiple pictures of magnus carlsen in your  room and a little statue that you made out of   play and uh you write i love you magnus every day  to him on twitter it doesn't mean you're friends   that that that that that just means you're  weird man that that doesn't mean you're friends i just your dad works for magnus no again again  again just because your your boss's name   your dad's boss's name is some sounds a  little bit like magnus like it's mac maxwell   it's not it's not no it's not you you don't just  get to make a situation in your in in in your mind   by the way if anyone's confused why  i didn't take he was attacking me so   ah okay let's uh kick out the knight yeah let's let's that you know let's be serious let's go here let's go here hey levy i'm seriously  struggling in college right now on   the verge of dropping your stem  pad that you've always wanted   you would not be the first person to struggle with  that man i mean you should really look deep within   yourself to see if that's where your skills lie  if that's where your abilities truly are um i know it's a serious thing like for example i was i  was pretty stem my whole life and then one day i   realized i wasn't actually that good at it and my  my abilities were elsewhere and i was lucky enough   that i had something like chess but you know the  thing is also some countries and some economies   only function under stem and so it's really  difficult to move past that i'm gonna go here   you can't take but work hard um and you know let's  go here stem is uh science technology mathematics what was i good at well teaching educating managing projects i  like to be i like to be someone who manages   different elements of what's going on like  what's the project from start to finish   whatever it is it doesn't matter what it  is like i like to i like to manage a team   stuff like that i don't just like to sit and  you know stat stat stats excel excel excel like   stuff like that i'm i'm better stuff like this  so a check here and um i want to take the rook   this doesn't work because it helps his  king come closer but this does work yeah steam is really interesting because you  can apply a lot of tech with a lot of art   like urban design architecture engineering  there's like different you know people who   are good at graphic design can combine that  with something like math or engineering um that's it that was a tough game that was actually  vintage london versus king's indian just opposite   side castling you know and and really putting  some pressure on him i highly highly recommend   that you guys put this into your arsenal of tools  would i work for an nba stat team like they have   in houston i mean i i'm i'm guys i i do not  want a desk job i mean maybe if it happened   to me before i was a streamer sure but i don't  like that stuff maybe something interesting like basketball highly highly recommend this all right we're  going to sign off on the youtube portion of   this because we're already at over uh 70 minutes  much love to those of you watching on youtube   uh remember that there's other parts of the  playlist that you can check out some videos   are going to appear on that side browse  around on the channel playlist to check   out the other parts of the d4 climb the  climb with the black pieces is amazing   not just because i did it but because it's just  really good there's an e4 climb there's openings   courses in the description also join the discord  so you can talk to those people twitch say bye to   the youtube folks we're going to keep going here  on twitch which is one of the reasons you can   catch the whole stream at search gotham  just bye guys be awesome see you in part three
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 549,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gothamchess lessons, master chess, hikaru nakamura, gotham e4 climb, gotham guide, gotham black climb, gotham rating climb, gothamchess rating climb, chess openings for beginners, chess opening strategy, 10 minute chess openings, gothamchess openings, london system, london opening, d4 opening, chess opening, queens pawn opening, chess speedrun, chess rating climb, chess strategy for beginners, london opening chess, london chess opening, queens gambit
Id: 2a93Fqqy9mM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 15sec (4335 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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