Going Medieval | NEW Medieval Kingdom City Builder Survival Crafting Farming and Defenses LIVE

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[Applause] [Music] i know [Music] let's bring them [Music] [Music] know [Music] when i do something for you guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello and welcome back looks like the game just had a little minor update before release so just finishing up the big update for going medieval looks like the the dev uh made some last minute changes or whatever and added some new stuff before it's released tomorrow which is june 1st 2021 welcome back [Music] we'll get started here in a minute or two as soon as the update's done just waiting on steam how about a couple uh a gig to go should be any second now [Music] and i think i put back in our kingdom emotes as well so if you all want to enjoy those lovely new emotes they are ready to go [Music] well i should say newest there we go oh it's a fishing pole cool very efficient [Music] whew all right let's get into uh going medieval we'll be starting from scratch from any previous uh run-throughs that we did and i have a lot more to learn about this game as it is uh it's rather not complex but there's a lot to a lot of little things to do and we'll see what we can cover in today's stream so feel free to to backseat or whatnot because this one's going to be one that's a little more um a little more um how do you say uh yeah like i said complex but there's a lot more to it oh come on now all right we'll do it this way if it doesn't want to cooperate there we go wait hold on let me try this damn you windows update okay that'll work [Music] ah yes welcome back good to see you all here so if you're interested in going medieval it is an early access as of tomorrow and uh we've been covering it on and off as it's been in like closed beta for the last few uh i guess months or so it's a pretty good game though i must say the buildings and stuff are highly detailed the people are kind of just like low poly looks like on turn type people but it's fine it's all good i like it it's got a good art style and some good music too oh look at this this guy's actually sharpening a spear i wonder if he's gonna go fishing oh they're making hot pockets for dinner that's nice very nice uh what's up travis good to see you what's up stingray 19 and foodie food good to see all of our usuals here and a lot of new faces too nice to have you all dropping in oh you're watching a menos eyeshadow that game was cool a lot of so many games are made on like limited budgets with like a couple of people they turn out really neat it's like you can have your aaa title that's like 60 bucks with 19 expansions and each expansion is like micro transaction hell or you can have like a you know 19 to 35 game that has a lot of cool features and city building and stuff if you like city builders by the way this is a a good game for you this is a little bit like rim world a little bit like um well like going medieval it's a little bit like rim world meets maybe um hearthstone i think or stonehearth sorry hearthstone is the card game stonehearth is the castle building game yeah indie games are better yeah i certainly do like the fact that we get to do a lot more in indie games where it's like okay the graphics are like a step in a different direction they look they look nice but they don't have to be like you know cinematic quality but yet you get so much better [Music] little bit of graphics and gameplay more time into gameplay which it's like okay negative one to graphics but plus 10 to gameplay like some games are really that way truly okay well let's start ourselves a new kingdom a new game uh there's different game modes that we can play in standard peaceful and survival uh the only difference is with so this is scenario mode i don't know if this will be multiplayer or anything it would be a cool multiplayer game i don't think it is oh actually wait let's take a look at the road road map first roadmap welcome to going medieval thank you for your support please note that we are actively developing the game so you may notice that some areas are still in progress rest assured that we'll be updating the game regularly to add features and to make the experience more robust over time should you encounter any bugs please reach out to us in our discord server or report them through the in-game bug reporter planned updates include trading and merchants caravans settlement diplomacy settler social interactions religious influence wow thank you very much simon draper for becoming a raptor i appreciate that simon draper is coming apparently to the uh to the in-game features as well thank you very much uh fire and flammability accumulating snow that's going to be interesting i wonder how the hell that's going to work do you have to actually plow things out organic dirt paths ooh so a little bit of austria there mounted siege weaponry so you can put like a ballista up in your tower that's cool raiding other settlements so military will be an important thing and then of course vassal system which means like when you take over another uh settlement then you get to like kind of make monthly or weekly or yearly demands on which they have to deliver on map factions prisoner system taming wildlife animal husbandry oh wow so this game is like there's a lot here and yet now that they mentioned it at this i forgot all these things are like not not even in here yet natural caves ruins shelves and weapon racks and then more structures music map types resources siege weapons oh man they're just going to be adding more this is a really good start if this game has a lot in terms of like building a base and a settlement you know you could build a few houses put a wall around it and then like the construction in this game is really nice so by the time you get boarded all the construction then that's when all the trading and external world stuff will come in and then eventually you can start building an army and taking over that's going to be really cool i like that that's really neat so for new game now that we have this what's nice about the live streams too by the way is that you know usually in a video we have to just go straight into it and like get into the game play because that's what we all kind of want to see but at least in a stream we can take our time and just kind of take a look at all the features and uh you know like when you get bored of a peaceful mode or something then you see what else you can do scenario standard your settlement will experience enemy raids as well as environmental events raids occur at a steady interval their difficulty adapts as you progress peaceful there are no enemy attacks choose this game mode if you prefer to focus on constructing and settlement and taking care of your settlers it's a good way to learn for your first playthrough survival enemy raids happen frequently in this mode and their difficulty increases over time then we can also change the difficulty down here too uh oh so i guess this is considered more of a colony sim than a city builder which is true because the traits of your people and like researching and skills are very important each person is especially at the start is really important like you want one person to be good at farming want to be good at like building and want to be good at like hunting so that way you can get right into it right away so you're going going medieval that's why i'm going medieval on this game i thought it was a weird title i thought it was going to be more of a kind of like a lighthearted game but this game is really good with like um kind of making it so that way you have to really micromanage everything in the camp at the start at least because you only have a few people but eventually more people will join you and that's a real cool thing all right well let's start on standard mode in normal and we'll just see what we can do and we'll learn as we go let's see starting conditions a new life each settler has a story about their past they left behind but now the tattered group has a common goal to build a new home together recommended scenario for first time players starting in the spring with 12 packaged meals 400 wood 200 hay 35 cabbage 2 pinto bless in chat 25 chronicles 50 linen 10 simple healing kits five mechanical components 25 ale one partridge in a pear tree uh sturdy equipment wooden spear sturdy uh steel short sword short bow longbow wooden buckler and a linen gabinson wow constraints is to three people between the ages of 23 to 55 night range what why why would height matter is that a thing what would that do wow they they took this into account in the game that's crazy height range is 150 to 190 50 kilograms to 110 uh 50 men and 50 women well wait a minute hold on wait where was that number three 50. it would have to they should say uh they should say 25.75 then uh whatever i see what they're going for restrictions or no what wait wait what does that word mean restitutionist oak brethren oh i think these are uh enemy factions i think maybe like raiders or uh like uh maybe like enemy tribes or something or what do they call those not raiders but uh barbarians maybe oh those are the two religions restitutionists and oak brethren oh okay oh all right so that's um but that that's people that we can meet that's cool so that'll be important later especially when they include the religious buildings and things and elaborate on that further so clothes are winter clothes a lot of winter clothes uh wood uh wool leather and linen that's cool all right and then there's a different mode to try too so you can do a little bit more difficult where you start just alone or you can add a new mode where you write it up yourself that's really cool too by the way so if you want to create a scenario in the game like uh after you know like you could get like 10 people at the start and say after after a big military battle our faction lost and now we've ran into the woods to start our own settlement to seek revenge and then you can start with a bunch of military equipment or something that's kind of cool that's really neat that you have the option to do that and uh right you can write out the whole narrative it's nice that they give you options to do that i like options and that's a good thing well we got a little little billy nurse here okay so let's go with a new life and i don't think the map is procedurally generated maybe it is actually yeah this looks different oh yeah because there's a random seed what happens if i type in letters i'm gonna type a random name into chat let's try this one oh i can't type the s but that's close enough so we're starting in the kingdom of baltimore all right so we can name it we can give ourselves like a logo and change the map type so we can do like a hillside if we want to or a mountain i think that might increase the uh difficulty maybe mountain would provide more limestone oh there's actually big differences to this that's really cool if you start in a valley it's more fruitful for vegetation and fertile soil but a mountain is more golden iron but less soil and clay and stuff that's cool hillside's probably a mix of both uh fair amount of limestone and clay mod okay yeah so it's medium so it's basically good for farming a mix of both or good for like military bases like if you want to build a castle the mountain's probably a good spot because you can build it out of big stones and uh get a bunch of iron to make troops what's up w storm good to see you thanks again to simon for becoming a member too we'll have some if i get some more keys for going medieval from the developer i'll be giving those away on the discord so make sure you jump on that with the links down below in the description all right well i think we're gonna have to name our settlement we're gonna have to see if chad can come up with a good name in the meantime i'm actually going to take a second to design a logo how is that pretty cool hope you're doing good there storm thanks for your uh your big o message and your big o5 dude thank you all right let's oh there's actually a lot of cool options here for this let's do like a blue oh wait let's let's try like a white color how do i change like the oh i see oh that's cool we can change that on top wait let's clear all this out okay so then we can try to start with like a pattern oh that's cool so background color let's go with like a blue and then how do i change the other color oh nice okay so we can go with like a blue and a white that's cool and then let's go with like uh go with like a sun maybe we can get a dragon in here or something oh wow cool and then we could probably make it bigger if we want destiny we'll probably go with the uh wow we're gonna have a chicken too we can have a chicken nug club okay can i make these bigger oh transform there we go oh yeah you can move it around scale 10 i'll make it like 20 now like 15 maybe and then try to put it right up in the middle sweet i think that's all i want right there what is custom oh the little uh foxy voxel logo for the developer oh that's cool all right let's go with that and what did chat decide on for names hmm the raptor pen for fort wendy's port wendy's i like that i think we'll go with the well let's try the hillside mountain seems like uh that's gonna be trouble and the valley seems cool but i want to see the the hillside raptor heim ah yes the settlement of raptorheim in raptoria how original okay i like that one that's cool we'll go with that one the wind the wendy city gotcha you come up with some good names oh the legend of raptoria well this is the city of raptorheim in raptoria then so that's a good mix oh now we gotta make some people all right i'll name some people after the next people to become raptor ultimate members or i'll just pick some names from chat so raptor ultimate's a guarantee let's start up at the top uh let's see animal handling oh can i can i pick the traits or do we have to just roll dice i guess we have to roll dice okay well let's get somebody who's really good at construction because that's going to be an important thing there we go wow 17 what's the double star mean very passionate oh she's a very passionate construction intellectual construction intellectual that sounds like a sweet band name okay let's try another one we'll try to go for maybe hunting on this one or what else would be useful farming hunting or farming intellectual is good too though actually because we need to do a lot of research oh yeah okay let's do this we'll do our carpenter uh researcher and hunter i hope we can get a good hunter which would be under hunting marksman no maybe not that oh animal handling taming feeding training and hunting animals that's what we want so we want animal handling to be real high we want a legendary hunter 13 is good let's keep rolling though 21 yeah new member oh morgan thanks for becoming a raptor egg appreciate the support all right uh wait what do these matter oh their backgrounds actually matter melee 12 culinary 10 animal handling 3 in construction 5 or faithless army cook and then zealot of uh printing b inconspicuous armor okay so he might be really good at uh oh yeah he's very good at smithing too so this guy can spend his time once he's done doing some research he can actually start making some weapons for us too this guy's very good at animal handling uh confident swine hand animal handling plus 12. oh that's good that'll be a perfect hunter we're always going to need food so that's perfect ripcord thanks for the download99 thank you very much for the red thumb let's get him some blue thumbs in return uh let's see 40 wings oh that's first uh recovery oh these are all sorts of different perks uh industrious global work speed plus 10 oh it makes everybody plus 10 percent more productive hot blooded uh throwing open windows and shutting warm clothes should be kept cool oh okay so probably somebody we want in the winter green thumb ah okay good at farming too uh chance harvest fails oh wow this guy's got some r oh these are really good bonuses but he also eats a lot more okay he's he's called the gobbler uh let's see winsome and listless these are important to know religious alignment oh he's leaning to the left which is oh the oak brethren okay let's see 44 39 and 46 ah the boomer group all right operation boomer is a go let's see yeah wow she weighs 103 kilograms the guys weigh 75 and 92. damn and look at that she's shorter than them too you got all that strength that's what is she carrying a heavy burden from her military past summary raptoria raptor heim settlers standard new life hillside and i guess we'll turn uh tips on and stuff too uh animal handling is coming soon but animal handling also does affect hunting so that's a pretty good thing though that's going to be a nice little bonus for us actually i don't think there's any animals at all but it might be good to have a character for animal handling at some point maybe maybe it'll give us some other bonus that we don't know a new life the plague had ravaged the british isles leaving a trail of devastation in its wake untold millions went into an early grave and those left standing were plunged into poverty brutal brutally scarred by the horrors that they had witnessed nothing would ever be the same again as the cold retreated heralding spring of the year 1353 oh yeah i forgot to name rename everybody oh well uh queenie wilhelm and bob bob ross no it's rob boss yeah sent off into the beautiful happy bush-filled little wilderness to claim a piece of land as their own as was their right in the eyes of god and under the law here they may lie down a foundation for some kind of future perhaps hope will follow william is confident deviant and even we will make this work we'll make our share of this land we will build there and we will build and we will defend it many have tried some have fallen set by bandits or bested by bandits and defeated by drought yet many have also prevailed have faith the place we found will stand the centuries from now our descendants will be here still into a landscape of rolling hills and ancient crumbling forts the companions trekked each ascent rewarded rob with a view that stretched for many leagues no enemy approach would go unseen he thought they built a camp that would in time become the settlement of raptor heim wow oh that's cool this dude actually like rewrote some uh actual documentation to just work our characters into it initiate backseating go tell me what to do chap all right welcome to going medieval please bear in mind that the game is under heavy development this means that the game will have some bugs and unfinished systems you can consult the almanac for help and tutorials this is awesome dude these people here built like their base with a giant bridge i got to do that minecraft once like build on a uh on a tower and then build a giant um like a bridge going to it all right what's the first thing we got to do chat press next okay got it uh tutorial camera control i use wsd to move around mouse wheel to zoom in and out tilt with the middle mouse button num five will reset the camera alternative controls are arrow keys q and e plus and minus customize the camera controls in the options menu world layers you can shuffle between the layers like a taco bell burrito use the up and down layer to buttons to the top left corner of z and x use control on the mouse wheel or control and left click is useful for customizing multi-story buildings okay oh so it's like in the sims 4 like where you you can like you know level one level two and you can see them individually and you can also build underground in this game too which is pretty sweet that's pretty cool you can actually build like a mine this way i think this shows a mine right here when they go down you'll see it yeah so they could be doing like stone mining there that's cool game speed controls you can speed up time with one two three press space to pause the game you can give orders place buildings and draft while the game is paused this is especially useful if things get hectic i'm already overwhelmed all right let's begin nowhere to store resources and settlers are idle okay uh store resources somewhere and don't be idle okay cool i think we beat the game guys yep that's the credits music [Music] all right we need to build a settlement let's take a look at our lands well this is actually a good spot right here actually that's nice or over here oh oh dear all right well let's go ahead and give some orders to uh start cutting down trees the music is going to be loud enough with that remix music's good though turn it down just a little bit more yeah that's better ah good good what's up alex bazin how you doing that plan yeah that pan flute was like hey i'm i'm in charge now like okay tutorial forbidden allow uh settlers will not interact with items that are marked as forbidden forbidden items will have a forbidden sign over them you can allow forbidden item or you can yeah you can allow forbidden items by using the allow order or by selecting the item and selecting the allow action stockpile your settlers need somewhere to store resources you can designate a stockpile zone choose the default stockpile from the zone press f6 in the lower right corner of the screen lower left corner uh place stockpile under roofs or inside to slow down resource decay so it might be a good idea for us to build a little resource barn to start or at least some sort of house so let's do that let's pause like they said this is a great spot to build a settlement right here and look at that we could build a bridge we build a bridge to our settlement is that an apple tree oh just leaves oh and this is probably coal here maybe or something something we can use [Music] hmm there's a lot of space to fill man oh we could do a mine down here [Music] oh this must be uh oh is this gold oh it's clay okay all right well let's tell our people to start cutting down trees and then we'll build a fortress i think we'll cut down these trees first let's see chop chop people there we go and now we're gonna designate a little uh something to oh wait there's food here okay let's build a little storage yard or something [Music] don't forget to build an in at the crossroads no you meet me at the crossroads boom boom boom boom boom okay i think we'll build the settlement going this way let's do like a let's start with like a six by six maybe give me a lot of stuff to store which i'll build on this oh that's one too many yeah this game has a lot in common with stoneheart if if you miss stonehearth this game kind of like does that game and then goes beyond at least what i've seen so far or at least what they promise and i hope they deliver and i think they will because they've done a lot so far it's a cool game so far i guess as long as we don't get stun locked it's done locked okay that's gonna be our little storage area right and we also need to put down a fire so our people can eat and make food and then we also need to put down a house too like for sleeping and we need to put a roof on that oh that means we need to get uh play i mean hey is there a way i could rotate the roof actually that's fine because the door is facing that's fine wait is oh wait we can choose the material oh wicker roof wooden batched or a half roof oh it's a half roof oh i see okay i see i think we can also build on top of this too so if we didn't build a if we didn't put a roof on this we could actually build like a second floor on top of that but i think we'll hold off on that for now okay let's get our people to work and then we'll build another i can already hear them there they go you ruined my beat rob you better run matthew thanks for the five dude appreciate the support thank you for being here damn they had a good beat going and then they were champ is here what up raptor five for you my friend thanks for the content long time supporter god bless big guy oh thanks man glad to have your support let's build a house a huge where's the door for this thing here okay oh dude we actually you know what we could do we can build a whole settlement along here and then wall it off that'll be cool so as soon as they're done we'll have to designate the floor as a uh storage area i think i'll build another building next to it of the same size what do we want six [Music] oops be nice if there was is there a way to duplicate buildings that'd be helpful [Music] all right throw a door on it [Music] we need a campfire to make food and cook meat and things like that then we need to do basic research too our people are just gonna be busy with gathering wood for quite some time there is a way to duplicate how would i duplicate also people if you could go ahead and not uh there we go we're gonna need more wood than what's here though like one what 200 200 well that's 100 1 2 3 400. now we need more than that we're going to need all the wood ever also we can go ahead and turn uh oh yeah wait no hey doesn't count as thatch but that's okay let's uh designate a storage area uh your stuff just spawns like that you have to you have to store yourself i kind of picture it as like they were traveling and then their wagon broke down and then just all the stuff spilled out and the wagons useless so it became wood it's kind of like how banish starts where like you have a little wagon at the start but after a while you just kind of get rid of it all right construction your settlers still need somewhere to live start by placing wooden walls from the base panel i did that i'm a big boy just discovered your channel i subscribed right away well thank you very much daniel can we get a one in chat if you're a subscriber with the notification bell turned to all and have notifications enabled too by the way so just never discovered your channel i subscribed right away well thank you for watching dude welcome aboard nice to have you in the number one community on youtube uh start by placing wooden walls from the base panel and then add a wooden door place sleeping spots from furniture panel inside the settler your so your settlers have somewhere to sleep okay we are working on that now orders issue orders to your settlers with the order tools in the lower right corner try selecting the chop tool and drag it over some trees you want to cut down yep we're already way ahead on that one we're cutting down trees we're building houses we're building a storage area we're doing good oh dear yeah this game is pretty good um i haven't been able to build like a full castle settlement yet but after playing it for like just a couple hours and kind of like getting a feel for just the house building i get the feeling of what it's like to build like a you know you build like a barn for storing all your farm stuff you build you build because you want to you could build like one giant building and store everything in it like it was a mall but i think it's more satisfying to build smaller buildings for like you know small houses for just a couple people maybe a larger house for like food storage and like a like an inn or something like that kind of a kind of a do whatever you want kind of game where it's like the sims you know it's like you could build a giant house a mansion or you could build a trailer but the objectives in this one are kind of challenging like you you will be attacked all the time so we will need to get defenses up at some point but first things first we gotta have food because mother nature always wants us dead she's mean and she's got no problem going back to prison [Music] they got her with the stun lock okay so oh we should put a wooden floor in this house too oh actually i did that reverse didn't i i put a zone here uh how do i undo let me delete that because this is going to be our storage bar in here there we go now we'll just remember to do it our people are so busy doing other stuff they won't have time at the moment to transport stuff anyway well we're building strategically kind of by this canyon so that way they can't it's gonna be if an enemy attacks it's going to be really hard for them to like attack through the you know like all these cliffs and stuff like that they'll have to come up these ramps so if the enemy attacks from like the south we at least got him there we can focus our defenses in like the east north north and west and then in the south we can have a gate which is kind of cool we have not enough beds we're working on that food resort reserves on stockpile are low i guess to be fair we don't really have any food except for these berries rob are you eating all them berries wait a minute he's got a very small afro tutorial production to start producing something select a workstation and add a product from the product list set the number of products you want your settlers to make set the food production to until you have made so your settlers will continuously produce if they have the material up to the required number right so the campfire we want to make a bunch of wendy's meals let's say make um yeah go ahead and give me uh 20 uh dave's doubles and a baconator oh look at this too by the way we can actually smoke human meat or eat raw human meat too so you can make a if you want to make a crazy colony of cannibals you can do that it is confirmed your crazy cannibal colony is confirmed if that's what you want to do [Music] all right well it looks like they're just eating raw berries for now but we can also gather mushrooms quite a bit to gather for food at the start and we will need those statues for roofs so let's cut all that down well oh we got to put another roof on we could also set their schedule and jobs and stuff but we'll do that in a little bit we got a ways to go [Music] okay we got to get them a sleeping spawn under furniture might have to end up spending the first night outside but that'll be the last night they spend outside well they get xp from doing this too so they'll become the more they do a job if they if they're not very good at a job if they suck at hunting and you make them go hunting eventually they'll get better at it you feel manor lords vibes from this game well i don't think in manor lords you can custom make your own buildings i think you there's a little customization but it's not like you can build a like a viking longhouse or something if you want to i'm gonna build simple buildings but if you wanted to build like uh you know japanese style castles or something you could definitely do it that way what's in here all this cabbage okay so we got some food on us too although i think that has to be cooked eventually we'll tell our people they can gather that stuff but first and foremost is hunting hunting hunting and when it when they're finally tired enough they'll go to bed [Music] settlers are exhausted good they got their beds made good job damn they were they had a busy day man they built two houses chopped down an entire like little forest down here or pretty much most of it a couple of trees remaining they did a great job i guess we won't have to make food until we're out of uh stuff they can eat raw i think what they can eat raw is mushrooms and berries and then everything else should be cooked and looks like they're happy and getting to work fantastic yeah there's a little bit of foundation in this oh yeah we also have the packaged meals too that they can eat i feel like it's a good idea to save those for as long as possible until you've actually exhausted your local food supply but we'll let them eat it too if they want to all right what's their stats at anyway oh yeah they're yeah they're filled up by the meals yeah happy meal exactly that's like a little bit of banished a little bit of uh a little bit banished a little bit of room world a little bit of foundation it's all good like those are all games i like so it's it's almost like uh it's like saying oh this m this meal is a juicy steak with some steamed uh broccoli or green beans with a side of mashed potatoes ah [Music] all right well the houses are all done now so let's start some research looks like they finished up all the construction and materials have been gathered so let's go for wait what are these wooden stool tables okay let's build a research table inside this house and one of our researchers i forgot who our researcher was wasn't it rob wasn't here our big brain no it was [Music] william what is his research speed at research speed is 114 wow that is a that is a gigantic brain chat that is that is massive [Music] so we'll unlock the chronicles now too [Music] so he'll build that and then get to work on that uh let's see i think we should continue logging for the time being oh wait no we're good okay i think we can put our zone there to store now [Music] wait i also need to tell people to start doing some uh meals oh warfare oh so we can build an armory a dumping site and a standard storage cool now we'll just accept everything for now so it doesn't decay [Music] you'd rather have carrots and onion rings well that sounds okay i guess oh we got somebody making meals too nice [Music] i wonder if there's a way to store hay outside it'd be nice if there's a way to store all the hay outside but if it decays that's okay it'll grow back there is seasons in this game so it does kind of play out a little bit like austria where you know your some of your biggest threats are the winter because that's when you can't grow food you gotta really prepare for it all year [Music] and we got some clothing okay let's go ahead and turn all this stuff to approve now so they can store it [Music] and let's assign somebody to start doing uh all the research so let's see tutorial schedule you can use the schedule panel to modify the time of day your settler will do each type of activity so leisure anything sleep or work okay uh well we were just purchased by amazon so what's that rob you were late this morning okay let me just go ahead and take note of that okay great if we could cut that down into one third that'd be nice but gotta make that money unfortunately tutorial manage use the manage panel to determine which items your settlers will auto equip what food and alcohol they're allowed to consume you can still for settlers to consume or equip something using the right click action menu okay and research research unlock new building options and production types in the research panel various forms of knowledge in the form of books are available to unlock research items unlocked research items will not consume the books take care of your books having them destroyed or stolen will disable unlocking new research items until the previously allocated amount is reached books which are the chronicle textbook thesis are produced at research tables basic research table research table and advanced research table okay how do you grow your population i think people will come in uh off the map like there'll be events where it'll be like oh hey so-and-so wants to join your camp they were like oh this person like ran away from their home will you let them join you that kind of thing okay let's do okay so let's do the schedule for real though and let's go slow because we want to make sure we do everything correctly or at least the best we can let's go 22 do people in this world need eight hours of sleep really gonna cut into our profits one two three four five six seven can we get away with that and then we'll just mark anything for the last maybe four hours i guess eventually getting only x amount of hours would uh eventually take a toll on them afternoon siesta okay uh let's try to get him to work a little bit more and then if it becomes a problem we'll add to it hashtag bezos okay oh jobs uh the job panel is where you can prioritize each settler's task by the default by default settlers will prioritize their jobs from left to right using left and right click you can change priorities so a given settler will choose one job before another job set to the same priority level will be prioritized left to right if the job box is empty that means that a settler will never do that job settlers will always do the highest priority job they can find if a specific job is not on anyone's priority list that job will never get done the frame color of a job box indicates the settler's skill level you can click or tap join and become a member today with the 20 discount if you choose to do it in multiple months get access to the discord and many more giveaways what are you waiting for why would you want to miss out on such an amazing opportunity omg painful oh interesting all right well let's go ahead and uh get wilhelm then to do the big brain make that a high priority construction a high priority and hunting [Music] uh where's hunting harvest no [Music] oh hunt it literally is just called hunt i thought it'd be like grouped in under food okay [Music] there we go so now we've got two houses rolling and we're researching agriculture now so they're oh yeah they're bringing the rest of the stuff back to the uh to the stockpile too you can see a bunch of the stuff finally getting brought in there finally oh and uh we got meals that we can make not enough resources that's fine uh let's try some farming how do we do that oh leisure oh look at that a wooden restitutionist shrine oak brethren shrine or a backgammon table that's cool different types of uh wait oh thankfully we can finally get some light around here that was needed uh this game releases tomorrow okay leisure miscellaneous what's under miscellaneous unmarked grave pyre banner and a fan oh cool we can put fences around things and we've got zones chop cutting plants harvesting mining deconstruction hunting and allower for bid i think we have to finish agricultural research before we can actually build a farm but i guess first and foremost these people are moving all the stuff into the warehouse which is important too gonna need those books though but that's right yeah let's put stuff into storage first so first we're going to put things into storage then we're going to start using them then we're going to start farming hope stuff doesn't burn down in the game well from what i understand currently it won't but a future update will bring fire to the game or at least buildings burning down so it could actually happen that an enemy could attack us that way can you start a quarry yep you can you can mine in this game you can actually build like a little building over the mine too if you want to or into the side of a of a building or i mean uh you can build into like the side of a cliff side and build a building there so your workers can go in there and start mining coal or iron or whatever all right well we're just going to wait until these guys go to bed now they still have a few more things to bring into storage but they did a good job almost everything's stored now i think we can also make weapon racks in this game so all the stuff that's stored in there eventually we can make like a storage area for it and tell our people what they can take what they can't like who's our hunter isn't it rob rob we could definitely give him like a ranged weapon auto saving [Music] uh the first thing we're researching is [Music] uh architecture and agriculture the first things we have to research and i think under architecture it gives you like wooden beams or something like that oh yeah first things rob's doing in the morning going to grab something to eat [Music] yeah like three more things three more things to grab and then research begins now to make sure they're still doing stuff let's make sure we grab more wood to cut down we'll need it eventually [Music] um yeah all that'll provide thatch and some of that might be mushrooms for [Music] food is this similar to rimworld it shares a lot of the same stuff that we've seen in space haven uh going medieval space haven and room world kind of all have this same like kind of the same management and research systems it's almost impossible for games not to kind of have that shared thing anymore because like even in uh city builder games that are more about city building than survival well maybe that's not true because uh surviving the aftermath is a game where you also have to make weapons and make homes you don't design the buildings but you do give your people weapons and stuff and so you can actually plan out the research on what you want to do next for your settlement and it'll affect everything unlocking something new tutorial mode what is mode mode represents your settlers happiness be sure to check if your settlers move be sure to check on your settler's mood often a low mood can result in a settler rebelling and refusing to follow orders if a settler's mood reaches zero they'll leave your settlement things like cooked or lavish meals comfortable beds and a fair amount of leisure time can help keep your settler spirits high oh very nice so mood is very important improved by meals and naps hey that's a big thing a little nap time a little little little little little omnom time all right is all the stuff around in here did you guys did you guys move everything all but one thing okay uh we'll probably tell somebody to wear that let's tell rob to wear the armor since he'll have the bow and arrow too let's see go ahead and wear a cap and you can wear all armor i guess cool all right now we need to get researching so let's see how we do that production queue deconstruct copy production queue oh we can actually cut wait can we copy buildings maybe all right we need to get somebody on research then now that everything's been moved in here so it's uh wilhelm that's let's go ahead and make research his number one priority for now calling to wait what where you going [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] 25 chronicles are here wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute rob i don't want you doing that though that's what i was afraid of no it's okay i guess it's only basic stuff we're all good yeah apparently he ran out to the woods oh there he is okay all right oh no creepers here i don't need no creepers [Music] uh the game is going into early access very soon as in tomorrow that's pretty cool how many books do we want to make maybe how much did that research take let's see so agriculture is 15 i think we'll consume 10 from there [Music] uh beams of solid wood held up floors and ceilings of england for centuries okay now we can build multi-story buildings that's helpful butchering table yeah i guess we'll build that but i can make a separate hunting thing for that oh there we go now wilhelm's doing it perfect all right rob i need to go hunting bro anytime you're ready underground storage we could do that yeah i think we still need to support the floor above but um yeah we're gonna we're gonna need additional storage for sure what i think i want to do here is we could we could build um if we focus on building a second story here we could probably just like build a cool little platform on top chris thank you very much for becoming a raptor egg appreciate the support i mean we could build a floor up here and then the second story would save us building a whole new building again new member welcome wow welcome yeah we'd have to remove the roof and build stairs up there that'd be kind of cool i want to i want to see how that works oh cool we can build a stairwell right there and then a wooden floor and then a door that goes inside on the second story that's cool and look at that our people are upgrading their construction so more and more storage means that we can store like for example the this building here can just be default stuff then we can build an armory we can build a castle and then we can put that uh armory inside of it double decker storage yeah it's possible we can put a little stairwell out back so that way they can go inside there or they can store it upstairs looks like they're storing a lot of stuff by the door so we need a little extra storage space let's add a door i don't know if we need a beam though to support it on the first floor oh wow wow wow you can build a beam that wide geez you can this means you can build massive great halls for giant feasts and stuff that's cool can you build gates um maybe eventually research i can't recall [Music] there we go yeah i don't know if you can build gates either we'll see yeah this game is all about more all these games are all about more more more more more yeah it's a good idea to put food underground for storage so it doesn't spoil what we could do is maybe make like a little we could do like a little cellar out here like make a door that goes down underneath the storage barn and then maybe store it underneath i don't know if it has any effect in this game i gotta i think so long as there's a roof over it the game just slows decay but i don't know if you can actually slow it more by building like a deep cave and then putting stuff in it that'd be kind of cool man our people are busy though let's throw another roof on that and then um research of agriculture and architecture will be complete good ah there we go preserving food so oh we can smoke meat and also make a smoke house or i guess this is uh maybe drying it or putting it over a fire i guess that's cool lots to do then um uh you can you designate zones for storage inside buildings so you can make one building all for storage or you can build like a little workshop and designate only wood to go in there so if you were making let's say you're at the start of the game and you have like a little workshop making like wooden spears you can make a little workshop and then put a little storage area in the workshop and then designate it to only take wood to make spears so that way they don't store like food or thatch or ropes or whatever else there it's pretty cool oh looks like everybody's napping and this building's almost done let's do another oh a cabbage field there you go okay now we can start growing cabbage oh it's raining oh thank goodness everybody built a house all right let's put up a cabbage field we'll have a cabbage patch kids it'll be awesome oh brown type matters oh there we go cabbage flax carrots beets barley herbs uh red coriand tall grass and a bird birch trees oh we can regrow trees that's cool uh if you guys could go ahead and cancel that thank you i'll build it next to here then be a good day to build a cabbage field it's all raining already i guess we'll build a little cabbage field over here we'll start with cabbage because we already have cabbages so we might be able to plant some when's winter well up here it says that it's a day four the year is 1353 and it's spring so and it actually modifies how things work so in the spring moderate temperatures rain and fog are frequent small chance of hail storms in the summer high temperatures so there'll be a chance of heat waves build underground storage to keep your food fresh during hot summer days there you go chat that was a good question to ask so we should probably build an underground storage under the barn as soon as possible um moderate temperature in the autumn with rain and okay so it's basically the same as spring and also harvest season for most crops and then winter is low temperature high chance of snowfall and blizzards chance of cold snap vegetation may not grow in lower low temperatures so ensure that you pinto bless and chat and harvest as much as you can before winter starts okay so yeah so they're right about that so let's start farming and building storage for food now how do we build underground i assume we need pickaxes and such to build underground well let's see if we can build like an underground storage here under the barn new member a new member welcome aboard ah nan and welcome back is a raptor egg that's cool [Music] if you put your cabbages into a cart watch out for a small bald child with an arrow tattoo [Music] thank you for the uh for the tip appreciate that see chat's got jokes too how do i build underground i like that okay we could put the entrance to this right under the we could build like a little um seller over here chat's jokes aren't as good as raptors dad jokes though that's not true i mean it is but i don't want you guys to think that that's where i derive all my power what keeps me going like an energizer battery oh that takes 45 wood and there must be something special i have to do to dig underground oh mine that probably be it although i don't know well all right let's let's build a separate building for food storage but let's also grow more crops stuff we don't have to process yet because when winter comes i don't know if we'll have enough time to build a mill to turn wheat into flour and then flour into bread oh yeah this option uh let's try carrots this field is a one by seven by seven okay boy this really reminds me a lot of banished setting up all the uh all the fields and all that this may be way too ambitious but or maybe not enough but herbs okay so that seems like the three basic starts no potatoes yet man that's the most important crop that's why i wanted to be with matt damon when we when he went to mars he took all the potatoes with him that jerk damn you matt damon okay so ah man where can we store food i want to i want to make a separate little building for food storage i guess maybe we can build like by the camp here mine out a little area let's try like a three by three [Music] how do i cancel that okay [Music] oh really you have to cancel one at a time oh boy [Music] three by three there i think will be fine nice yeah so we're going to grow cabbages carrots and beets and then we should already have we have some food in storage already but that's not going to get us through the winter and then we can also gather berries mushrooms and we can also hunt which there was a deer nearby is that potato there oh oh was this tree i thought it was like a potato crop or something that we could gather oh yeah i guess we could use the cancel button and just drag that way yep all right well chat's out farming that's you chad that's you doing the work that's right get that cryptocurrency speed it up y'all damn right do i have a discord yep the link is down below in the description i do daily giveaways and such for our community and our other moderators do too on my behalf so make sure you join the discord today links down below in the description boy i can't believe it but this window really looks like a door it it always looks like a door to me like you can see that it's like a little like there's little shutters there but man does that look like a door the door really looks like a door but the the windows for whatever reason also remind me of a door do members have to work too um i'd prefer that you guys attempt to make pizza roll pyramids but i mean you can do what you want yeah this is my evil subscriber farm this is me trying to remind everyone to turn on the notification bell and subscribe so they can see more awesome content and all new games and tomorrow for example the sims has a new dlc so we're going to go build some cool survival houses in the sims maybe if we have some extra time we'll build a farm in the basement and try to build a survival bunker all sorts of things like that so as soon as the farming is done these folks are going to then work on mining and we should probably check more research shouldn't we so agriculture and architecture are done what's another good one probably food preservation next and then go on to brick making well this is all just smoking i don't oh that takes limestone we haven't found that yet melting wooden wooden weaponry might be good well then again there's only three of us and we've already brought three weapons you love the videos well thank you andrew we got the best community out there so thanks for being a part of it number one number one's in shape my channel cause it's all about me that's right build my storage in the ravine oh down here oh we could i was actually thinking about building a cool bridge across here or something like maybe eventually we can move the farm oh you know what we could do it'd be kind of cool to build a bridge over here and then build another farm on this side because this is kind of an island i don't know if there's well there's not an easy way to get out there we'll kind of but it would be cool to build like a little farm out here too and then we could put we could put a wall all the way around our settlement and then do like a farm out here or something we can eventually move it well look at that we got all the all the crops are planted except for the beats [Music] nice give me medieval uh dynasty vibes how much will this sell for i cannot recall the pricing but i would say it's probably between uh 19 and and 25 maybe 30 if it's 29.99 i'd say that's fair because they certainly are offering a lot of stuff in the future and this game started out pretty good and the more recent time that i played it now has gotten quite better and it looks like there's going to be some more game modes and stuff coming too i for one would like to see like a story mode or something where maybe it tells a story kind of like how stronghold you know how some games the the campaign is just kind of a it's just a glorified tutorial but they do a really good job of making it interesting and fun and ramping up the challenges as things go on i i'd like kind of something like that maybe like in the first mission you just build a small house and a farm and then you go to another area and have to start doing logging and then eventually you have to go kill some bears or something like that that'd be kind of cool yeah we could build ourselves a fortress out here um we're not going to be fully isolated because these ramps lead up to uh the the top up here so that might be a little tough to defend because like we'd still have to build a wall like our gate in front of each one of these but it's possible why would you kill a bear listen uh chat knows why okay we have a we have a long history with each other yeah we're in the uh standard mode so raiders will come every so often there's an even more difficult mode where they come quite frequently and there's also a peaceful mode too where it's probably good for your first run to maybe do peaceful if you're if you're a little unsure about surviving in this game and you just want to focus on the building then just play peaceful it's your game you do what you want honestly i wish i could turn it on and off it'd be nice to play in peaceful until you built a huge castle and then turn it on to like attack mode that'd be cool you spend like a few days building a sweet castle and then after that you uh turn it on to like attack mode and see how how long how many waves you can survive from the enemy that'd be kind of cool no no action and then all the action you just have this big big weight just this big buildup oh there's more berries here [Music] i love it that you have almost a million subscribers and you read like five or six of my comments and maybe five streams so far best subscription ever keep up the good work yeah well thank you our chat's pretty um pretty chill i think a lot of people just put it on after work and like they make dinner and our audience is uh not the tick tock audience so a lot of people are are just a little more more relaxed we've got our usuals our crazy people like sarah chung and tan and billy nelson but welcome to all the new people too i guess tutorial equipment to prepare your settlers equip them with armor clothing and weapons select a settler with right click on an item and order them to equip it examine which of your settlers is proficient with melee or ranged weapons and equip accordingly use structures like uh watermelons to your advantage to cover your archers from enemy projectiles place archers on higher ground so they get a buff and precision range and critical hit chance ooh place traps strategically around your settlement to weaken your enemies oh that's cool these guys wait is that a wall or did they build on the cliffside there oh yeah oh yeah you can place traps sweet yeah there's those spike traps that's cool oh yeah they just built like little uh oh yeah they built right up on the ravine nice nice you can do a little ambushing very cool transport fever too dude that game's so cool i like transport fever it's a lot of problem solving unintentionally [Music] wait a minute chad i'm being told that we have an emote in chat that uh it looks like a fishing pole but apparently it's a mace what do you guys think chat can you find the fishing pole slash mace emote and let me know what you think it is my people are unhappy yeah they didn't get the notification for the most recent stream because they didn't have the notification bell turned on so hopefully in the future these three turn on that notification bell does that look like a mace or does that look like it's a fishing mace i thought i thought it was a i honestly thought it was like a a bobber that's a mace is it it's a hobo fishing mace oh okay ah yes of course as you all know in ancient times in in 1353 uh most humans were just diving into a lake and just you just you gotta wind up before you hit the fish i mean you all know the ho the hobo travel bag wow it's clearly a lantern oh my lantern all right farming's almost done uh what is the temperature 11 11 oh it'll probably warm up like early morning yep there it is 12.5 there we go trying to be here as often as i can watching on my phone found the stream a month or so ago and like most i was bitten and became a raptor egg and i i will never look back well thank you very much for watching dude oh we're gonna do mining now let's see how mining works in this game all right they're digging a hole like me and my live streams wow this is is this what it's like to watch me live wow would you look at that build up your defenses oh boy so they're telling me to prepare for like potential attacks but it's like a dude what do you want me to do like i mean i guess we could try to build a wall around the camp although i don't really want to build a wall just yet because i think we need more livings uh like we need more room for the farms and stuff and i want more like space for houses i was about to say living room as if like i was in the sims again wait where did so-and-so run off to okay let's go back to research i think we should do probably food preservation first okay let's make another you know i'm gonna just tell them to make about maybe 50 of these because honestly we're going to use so many well not that but oh ah that's fine for now we'll cancel that later oh there it goes oh it won't like let me type in a number uh produce until you have let's say 35. there we go food reserves on stockpile are low okay there we go [Music] i want to keep telling our people to gather food around here [Music] yeah i guess it's a morning star i mean i thought it was a fishing pole when somebody like put that out there i i had the emote and i was like oh i'll put this fishing pole in here i don't think this game has fishing but um i would like to see that in the future it does seem like in their road map they did they did say that there'd be like more landscapes so hopefully water like lakes and rivers it'd be really cool to build a like a village on the river and have boats and stuff come and then you can just trade via a ship rather than like carts oh there's there's a lot of food here is this the graveyard though is this like an old graveyard i think this is an old graveyard just because this is where everything's buried looks like we can grow those ourselves are there any lebanese viewers here uh most people here are bots confirm being a bot by pressing one now salvation whether it was the third coming seeking a s a poor sinner to make an example of or other zealots was unclear oriel raved about religion torture escape but details were confused would you give them refuge danger might ensue well let's see settlers slammed the door shut leaving oral outside inhabitants decided to help her very good at botany which i don't know if that means she'd be a better armor question mark i don't see farming listed here so maybe botany is farming also very good at smithing 14. uh expect a possible attack coming in a few days okay well we're gonna help you come on in ma'am you're welcome to stay with us do i enjoy the graphics of this game yeah i i think um a lot of games that i played the graphics don't mind i don't mind them as much they don't really make too much of a difference so long as i can tell what's going on and it has some sort of visually pleasing aspect to me it's more about the animation you know like if if wilhelm was just standing here not moving his hands around like he was trying to like you know thumb through the pages or whatnot i think that's more important animations than graphics to me you know like here somebody's actually using a sickle to harvest the berries and they'll chop wood and you know they'll run around and stuff like that's a little more important now than graphics for me oh okay there we go now we got our pit here but now i can put food down there i'm gonna try to make some berry bushes too oops all berries okay let's make another bed all right so that person's really good at farming so that's good but now this means we might be attacked so maybe we should make like a tower to defend ourselves from attackers maybe maybe i'll put a tower in the middle of the camp i don't really know how to defend that though wait what's this oh a clay wall [Music] because if we make a tower and put a door on it aren't they just going to come through the door and then stab us um uh the arid demo yeah that game was cool i'll probably go back to play that some more all things in due time my friend oops can i just do like a three by three here like we do have somebody who's a good archer i think we should build a tower it'll look sweet [Music] but i want to build the tower a little wider though yeah i guess that'll work all right enemies are coming in one day 19 hours settler wounds are tending okay so she was wounded one of our people is very good at healing yeah i think rob is is good sexual healing leisure activities drinking games okay backgammon 75 wood now let's build it out in front of the hut they can hang out outside yeah we must have a good spy network if we know they're coming in two days well she probably told us that she was being chased i mean that was her story wait i didn't even think of putting a stairwell in there i was thinking about a ladder oops oh they can climb the stairs from the side okay well we got lucky [Music] oh i'm sorry did i get you guys trapped in there my bad can build a door now no oh yeah i feel the same way you too okay well home can you help out with the construction sir no okay yeah no that's fine uh oops oh my god [Music] how do i destroy stuff oh here oh there you go how come you couldn't just build the door goofballs well that was a damn good trap we'll have to see if we can use that on the enemy took me like 15 minutes to figure out how to get out of there ma'am don't go back inside oh my god oh you can just build the door it doesn't have to be in a wall section cool [Music] all right do we have more wood coming in [Music] we got a lot of thatch there and a lot of sticks i think we need more logs now second house is really uh the tower is really cut into our materials all right so we're going to be attacked shortly the enemy's going to be on their way i'm more afraid of winter though because winter is a constant good graphic makes a good play through yeah for me it's like it's more about the animations and the gameplay games can look good but if there's not a lot of substance behind them you don't really come back to them more than once honestly it's like every time that you play city skylines the more you play that game the better you get at it and it becomes more like of a challenge the game looks good though but what's more important is that it flows and that there's more to do okay preserving food is going to cost 20 those who are waiting on those oh yeah that we should probably get weapons going for our let's go all weapons i think we only had one piece of armor so everyone else is just gonna have to make do if you can grab a weapon go for it yep and we should also have somebody grab a shield whatever we got just grab it i think when the enemy attacks two when they die they'll drop stuff so we might be able to get some good loot from them too if we kill them fast enough we might be able to get that uh why can't i find days gone in raptors playlists uh it should be on the channel it should be there uh do they have weapons yeah you spawn with like a an error like a bow and arrow a spear and like a sword and shield i think so we're gonna get them armed up why is that up in the air they just set that on the second floor balcony oh yeah still your trees being cut down oh we forgot to assign somebody a schedule all right ma'am welcome to our camp as soon as you're back to 100 health welcome to the uh welcome to the space jam that's your chance no to pass a space jam oh yeah yeah days gone was a fantastic game supe super super recommended for playstation and super super super super recommended for pc great game oh yeah we can eat them too if we want to good point why is rob green why is he green is he having a good day he's well rested he's joyful and he's hungry same except for all of those [Music] okay well we can put our food down there now i think i need to dig out a spot for a stairwell though let's dig out a bigger spot maybe just a little bit bigger yeah that should be fine yeah yeah you can make your people cannibals dude that'd be cool like to go into the survival mode where you get attacked all the time and just feast off your enemies would be crazy like your enemy every time that they attacked you would just be feeding you and i wonder if well they did say prisoners would be coming soon in the game too so you could actually have a food source if you know what i mean and or possibly uh recruit them to be fellow cannibals and like convert them to your cannibal cause [Music] yeah this uh this this space here isn't necessarily like an island it's um there's quite a few ramps that go up there so i'm still gonna have to build defenses no matter where i build it's not like if i move here like they can't get to me but i do wanna i will build out there eventually we could try to build like a something here like a maybe maybe a big castle i wish our people would bring all that stuff here wilhelm has now achieved big brain chat he's got a big brain now can you mine the ramps i don't i don't think so i will toy around with it i think uh right now more more importantly than building a giant fortress is the farming and stuff because if we build a cool castle but yeah we don't have any food we're going to die and that means we'd die to death speaking of death chad is killing it with all the likes guys thank you very much for smashing like and sub into the channel for those of you who've been joining recently i hope you're all enjoying your week and thanks again for all the support didn't you play this like a year ago yeah and now it comes out tomorrow so there's a big hype around the release of going medieval tomorrow and there's a lot more stuff coming down the line so it's it's nice that they're releasing the game into early access and that they've already got a lot of stuff planned for the road map which i hope they deliver on there seems to be a lot of cool stuff there that would be really cool once it comes around like in banish there was no combat at all so you know that was kind of a a darn all right everybody's working everybody's working for the weekend we're gonna store food down in that pit that's our food pit y'all okay so now we can uh build stairs down there and i assume i could just build a ceiling over it oh cool but i think i want to put a floor there because i might put a building on top of this so let me let me hold off on the roof because if we if we put a roof down we're gonna have to put a fiddler on the roof and we just don't have the casting abilities for that just yet bump estimated time of release oh probably about noon wherever you live it's usually how it goes on steam usually times or the uh for games like that is the ish you know it's like noon-ish two-ish four beams need to be placed between two walls or ground oh well listen that music wait is this harry potter literally hogwarts you guys this is downtown hogwarts well but wait what is this oh oh wicker floor that looks purple why does that look purple like that that's weird i thought that was like a floor where was crushing grapes for wine all right well i could put a wall down there and then throw a door on it and it'll be a room that's so cool how the game tells you to like build underground for a food bonus that's neat i love food it's my favorite i need it to not die yep i'm a wizard now that's that's correct [Music] nice dream first time here well welcome eddie it's nice to have you with us thanks for tuning in and hanging out disappoints you that the map is small well it seems like in the future you'll be able to manage multiple settlements so that's kind of cool oh there actually is water oh no that's just that's just a deer on a oh it's just tron never mind that that's just tron guys it's fine oh did you see that wow one of the bikes just went by damn cool but yeah in the future it seems like you'll be able to manage multiple cities which is kind of cool like you can have one that's like a logging camp one that's like a big farm another one that's like a military like you could build a big castle it's kind of cool to build it all together but also it's cool to build it all separately because then you can build in different regions and it simulates a kingdom better than just one big city like building a big city is cool but also managing a bunch of little settlements and a castle is also pretty cool too i got i wonder how that'll work out like i want to see that i think that'll be cool all right we've got our little castle defense thingy here i think i could build onto this i can't build the stairs there huh i think i'll build the tower up one more oh damn it you moved don't don't you don't you build that don't you build that stairwell okay i'll build it one higher so that way our archers can shoot further i know conor i was trying i was attempting to be comedic it was an attempt i wonder if this is enough to store food i'm gonna make a clay storage pile somewhere outside place seems to last a long time it's a natural resource anyway so [Music] damn that's a banger y'all [Applause] yep the invasion is coming massive full-scale crazy billion dollar invasion biggest ever youtube short 10 seconds [Music] underground storage yeah we're gonna put food in there it's also called raptor's tummy we're gonna put food in that too later though settlers wounds need healing still wait who got hurt oh uh oriel holmes got whipped [Music] severity is moderate oh it'll heal in 51 hours okay they show up with a huge army uh no it's it's like two dudes but uh i mean but we'll say that though massive full-scale military invasion beyond the kursk and d-day are nothing in comparison plus barbarossa divided by zero is still nothing compared to this invasion that equals zero yes exactly oh there it is material clay oh no our clay's gonna get wet oh no [Music] man our people are you two are playing backgammon on the rain damn [Music] these ladies do not care i don't i haven't even built like a little okay now they care oh she blacked out okay well let's keep on building our wall here we're going to build a cool tower i think [Music] and then i need to order them to cut down a ton of trees oh wait nope we're good never mind well we're still gonna need wood yeah there is a peaceful building mode i don't know if there's a mode where you can just build whatever you want would be nice though to test designs that way you can like pre-build a castle see how many material it needed and then just copy the idea when you go over to survivor mode or i guess normal is what it's called but there is a peaceful mode if you're afraid of the combat and not confident enough yet you can totally not do that there's a peaceful mode too which is all right it's good uh wow they're all napping i do have enough beds though don't i oh no yeah i do okay the attack should come sometime today all right so what's everybody up to let's see oh i forgot to actually oh here we go oh yeah so here we butt butt darts lol so this is how things look so these other settlements are ones that are willing to trade with us in the future in future updates this is what it'll look like so raptor heim is here other settlements are nearby and then these are the enemy camps so bandits are there there and there so butt darts lawn boobs and uh uh billiards tush and then uh yeah you get the idea oh region influence is fine oh what is this as your settlement grows so does your influence in the region to gain influence you must enrich your wealth by amusing amassing resources sorry and constructing buildings victory in battle and repelling enemy raids increases your influence even faster reaching 100 percent influence means your settlement is the most influential in the region who's more influential right now nobody oh i guess we can't see their stats but that's cool though butt darts the raptor said booby reported all right six hours enemies inbound let's get that tower up boys i always never understood that math it was always something that made me double guess it was like so if you take a number and divide it by zero which means not dividing it isn't that just still the same number uh no oh okay that was one thing that always threw me off it was like if i have one hamburger and i don't cut it in half how many hamburgers do you have none like what it sounds like somebody's saying hey give me half your hamburger nerd uh no well then you're not gonna get any burger and then they just take it from you it's like what that's how i do my math burger math don't you guys do burger math that's why i don't deal with fractions or division or subtractions it's only plus one patty plus two patties equals a dave's double plus one well that's a triple one plus two is triple see there you go chad now you got a big brain damn construction skills level 20 man this girl's going to be building international airports by the end of the day dividing by zero ends the universe is that like how the the crossing of the beams works in ghostbusters is that why they couldn't do that [Music] okay now we're gonna put a platform up here oh and then i can build the um actually i can build these things the um i wonder if we have to bury our enemies is that why we want unmarked graves okay we want to build merlin which way do they need to face though only that way well that puts the shield on that side though oh i mean all right chat big brains which way does the shield need to face inside the tower outside if our person's gonna take cover behind it that's what you learned in mixed school yeah but this is wendy's it needs to be facing outwards okay i can't wait to build um it'll be really cool to actually have like a full like a legitimate invasion where the enemy comes in with like cavalry hopefully they do that and then you can have cavalry and trebuchets and multiple it'll be like more like stronghold that way front towards enemy okay well that makes sense i understand that you have to build them upside down okay yeah the reason i question that is because one side shows a big shield so it made me think of like company heroes so it's like okay i don't know if the corner pieces are actually going to like look nice now we'll see how it works this tower is like uh cramped as hell but hopefully our people you know what i should have done is a little overhang but looks like the enemies are about here so let's just we'll rebuild it later and let's build a trap outside our doors at least the tower violent extortionist salvation the zealots demanded that you relinquish orrell immediately uh to be burned at the stake or oh wait steak okay i think we're good on that i'll go ahead and agree to that uh or possibly flayed alive for their manifold sins god's will should be done they were authorized to kill hell is this a beginning of a of a song daniel thanks for the five dude appreciate the support uh defiant settlers refused about the assailant's demands damn right your settlers will get a positive mood modifier for helping someone in need now we're going to stand for raptoria baby you stood your ground refusing to give in to their demands love your videos keep it up is this what rage shadow legends is uh raptor raptor heim folk took up arms making ready for battle tutorial draft settlers oh yeah we gotta go into combat mode now all right here it is combat to control your settlers directly draft them by selecting them and clicking on the draft option in their selection panel you may choose two types of draft nfl or miller genuine you can select multiple settlers and then draft them use the cellular panel on the left side quickly to select a single settler use the shift to select multiple uh lawrence thank you very much for the 50 swedish growner appreciate that dude uh positioning and movement oh look at that cool tower damn this game just makes me want to play more and more to like first learn what i'm doing and then like build sweet settlements and stuff oh yeah it looks like you can build little uh corner pieces all right we'll do that well probably after this attack a drafted settler will go will go where you tell them to and attack who you tell them to attack right click anywhere to order your settlers to go to that position thanks again lars during combat and archer will shoot anybody within their range while melee settler will wait until the enemy comes closer or attacks them place archers in high ground in order for them to get a buff in precision range and critical hit chance oh boy so these guys have axes and swords not just axes and they spawn down there so we are where where's our camp there looks like they spawn up there so we definitely want to build a wall around the camp yeah axes and allies that's right the very famous board game about uh 1353 combat all right so let's see we need to draft nice rob's got his arrow then [Music] damn the floor is not built though well you can stand on the all stairs where's everybody else it looks like she's got a short bow oh wow that's gonna get her experience actually this reminds me of alloy from uh horizon zero dawn just just the outfit i guess and maybe that maybe the hair i don't know okay we gave everybody a weapon right okay so you got a short bow so let's get you up in the tower [Music] let's unpause and see what happens where's uh these guys are supposed to be attacking but they're kind of just wandering around when you can't play until tomorrow oh it's okay enemies have started their attack oh good they can actually go on the walls pretty damn this game is pretty lenient about your defenses that's nice oh my god we're blessed in the middle of this rainstorm beams of light have broken through we are pinto blast chat it is the raptorian way our village has been blessed our warriors shall be successful or dead pinto bless oh boy maybe we should do did we build these things or do were we too late no we were too late okay that's fine hopefully our archers kick ass getting boys okay good work okay he's cracked i'm pushing armor's cracked okay one down okay i'm pushing victory yes of course the beleaguered settlers came under attack in the spring of 1353 their ordeal concluded it continued for two hours 49 minutes really it was 2 hours and 49 minutes to swing an axe four times mercifully all settlers survived the raid two sworn enemies died during the fight oh somebody must have bailed then that third guy bailed uh let's see somebody of the settlers dealing the most damage took the most damage damn well now we got our now we got our uh warrior oh no you don't lee finish him off amen brother hold on we'll get back here you you finish them off this is yours oh cool oh sweet yep we get all the weapons badass oh boy and now we got to make unmarked graves yay right well let's go bury them over here [Music] sweet all right everyone deserves a break holy crap good job everybody uh we are we are bleeding oh boy you uh might want to go see a rob we've got a rob can i get you to heal him up please wait where's everybody going wait where are y'all going to get berries what the hell oh everybody's hungry after battle yeah hey don't worry about the bleeding out or anything willem let's uh let's go grab uh let's go grab some taco bell real quick that gordita crunch is mighty mighty awesome sir you're you're bleeding out don't worry just give me that chalupa with chicken okay sweet so look at this now i mean these are flimsy weapons but now we got more weapons to fight with that's pretty sweet and armor too not bad they're flimsy but better than making it ourselves can you bro can you go get some medical uh help right now damn i shouldn't have had him go all in he woke up in a good mood though hey harry how you doing man yeah the gordita crunch guys you know the power of that gordita crunch oh yeah see look at that oriel is uh she's carrying that burrito back to the house but all of that mild uh all that mild sauce is just dripping out of the end of that burrito she she overloaded that thing with way too many okay well everybody go ahead and have a nap uh do we have bandages anymore i thought we had some in storage what's her name came to town and then oh yeah there we go simple healing kits well we better immediately make that a top priority who's really good oh i want that uh let's do [Music] oh yeah jobs who's really good at healing oh they're all threes let's see that's probably number one right now for all of you yep everybody go grab a band-aid please new member welcome actually wait tend to the wound of others that's what i wanted never mind did we just get a new member hey welcome aboard guys if you haven't yet become a member you're missing out on giveaways and stuff in the discord you're missing out on our sweet emotes like uh i don't know let's get let's get a wendy's wall in chat missing out on those wendy's emotes or ramen missing out on all those awesome giveaways you missing out on that green name highlighted that sweet sweet badge next to your name oh look at that chat's got wendy's i think we need to get a five guys emote i think i'm gonna have five guys for dinner i haven't been to a five guy since 2017. and i deserved it five guys is just gourmet wendy's in my in my mind oh alex cruz becoming a raptor plus member again welcome back dude thank you very much for that ultimate level of support why bury them because if we don't bury them disease respect animals hey well well what do you what are you doing bro you're bleeding out can you guys go grab bandages real quick [Music] oh yeah okay just sleep it off guys that'll be fine let's turn off the research here we'll just put uh we'll just put healing as number one for now and everything else can be equal we got a few people uh i've been playing this it's rough but the enemies remind me of room world yeah that's just the first attack i i think though our our gameplay will be based on how well we set up our defenses for the next attack if we set up a giant wall the enemy really won't be able to do much against us if they just come with axes again we'll just make some more bow and arrow and we could have like four archers just walk along the wall and follow those guys dude are you going out for yet another snack oh my god you played this for three days straight this is gonna be a lot of fun though i think the most amount of fun is going to be like setting up your initial camp then defending it and then uh setting up defenses like advanced defenses and farming and stuff like the the first couple years seem like the most fun even though it might be the same gameplay every time it seems really more about the landscape that's going to be cool we're playing in the hilly landscape which is a lot more interesting than what we played before which was like in the valley but i want to try the mountains next too but seems like this is a good mix of mountain and and planes new member welcome oh my goodness uh dan rage 47 back as a raptor egg look at all these people coming back these are not these are members who are renewing their membership make sure you guys have checked too by the way let's get an emote check and chat let's get a golden one from everybody who's a member or one in chat you guys who are members you know where it's at some people i think it kind of disables it or whatever like you you might have to renew it there's a good uh deal going on too by the way youtube's giving like 20 off so it's literally if you've gone to mcdonald's in the last six months once for a small fry you can become a member yes you even yes even you me no not you but yes everyone else yeah stonearth stonehearth is a similar game in many ways it feels a little bit like banished for sure a little bit like rimworld it's good it's got a good mix of everything you like it's like a stir fry of gaming bro little rice little little good beef in there a little teriyaki some peas carrots it's all good oh you thought you could sneak out without leaving a blood trail everybody in our camp well actually two of our camp was wounded the ones in the tower they they did just fine we're gonna have to wait until tomorrow for everyone to be okay all right let's speed these things up here back to go and get food again oh there we go good job rob good job rob yeah wounds tended good job the rob is going to uh heal everybody up i guess and we got to bring all that food back do we not have any more storage in the storage warehouse oh we got plenty to be fair our people need to recover from a slaughter so uh mustache pete thank you very much for becoming a raptor egg uh is uterus in the chat by the way calling uthrus uthrus in the chat he'll be good at a game like this if you haven't watched my friend uthras i'll drop a link to his channel he's an absolute uh genius let's say gargantuan brain apparently apparently my windows updated now i don't have that link anymore but if he's in the chat make sure you subscribe to him the dude's a genius he's he's your medieval man and also space engineers too which i plan to play multiplayer sometime soon have you guys played medieval sorry not medieval engineers but space engineers [Music] the multiplayer is is it any good i don't think i've i think i played a few times in like 2013 and never played again ever since massive updates [Music] rob can you help this dude out [Music] our our bros down to just seven percent oh oh how come no one's healing him [Music] this is pretty important [Music] he's down to six percent blood oops the amount of blood a person has oh we need like emergency healing wait a minute do you need something other than healing kids to heal simple pack of herbs and bandages oh for minor scrapes and bruises oh oh wait a minute we don't we don't want to lose our boy hold on we better do a cheese save just in case so um what the hell is this word convalescy well i gotta look this up what does this mean hold on i'm literally gonna pull this up on google g okay see i've never heard this word before convalescent oh i have heard that word before recovering from an illness or operation oh it's bed rest basically okay i have heard that word before interesting well let's put okay let's put everything on hold and put everyone on bed rest bro you need to lay down no don't he's going to go do research damn that's like what a granddad would do oh there we go he's still going to lose blood though there we go oh he's still got a chest lasso oh there we go hey we saved it yay he's not gonna die now yeah we'll put everybody on healing and bed rest first make sure that's top priority then you can go out and work that was a close one yeah all it took was evanescence all we had to do was play one of the cds and that was it play an evanescent cd and you're good to go wounds healed themselves like the t2000 and terminator 2. just just healing right up right there all right that was cool so is this blood increasing oh yeah cool uh you might want to take a few days off dude you're literally okay nope he's he's got to go out and get them berries though damn our people are addicted to these damn berries honestly it's the only food we have so how do i know when the cabbage is done maximum yield in 16 hours oh nice maximum yield on carrots in three days and five days on the beats that's cool now our people will oh nice cooking some food and we can go ahead and gather all these things feel free to take all their stuff what what did you just do with the body ma'am wow she's she's just like thro like firemen carrying them to an unmarked grave damn wow is that ash there is that ash from cooking or is that from a body oh man i don't trust our people anymore but kind of wish we would have did that cannibalism now just you know just saying that was a lot of good food i mean to be honest guys is there anything that hidden valley ranch style ranch can't make taste good yeah i mean i mean let's be honest come on you know i mean let's let's be fair even a kfc famous bowl can be made to taste good with a little bit of ranch in it right come on come on guys you know it's true come on all right research available awesome let's start working on maybe something called burn fernate for night farnai tour oh we're gonna go tour a furnace nice let's go tour that that's cool brunei tour uh we're missing somebody oh there is no rob just like just sprinting back to the base uh lars taxi make it bro thanks for the 50. thanks to all you guys for your super chats and your memberships and your likes and your hellos and chat welcome to everybody thanks for the support that hidden valley ranch makes life taste better is that is that their like official like slogan or whatever i kind of want to build a bridge here can we do that like can i just i guess i could just click and drag and then it'll yeah it'll tell me hey nerd you need to put wooden beams here and we'll do it later being too ambitious well we survived our first attack we built somewhat of a a neat little tower and a base and whatnot i think we got to throw a wall around it but really we need food which we're going to get cabbage in 11 hours so that deals that solves some of our problem uh can we do oh if we do hunting we need the butcher table up so let's get that done so now we can have meat make better meals let's do a butcher table outside i guess there we go wait wait wait that's not a butcher table is it raptor come on now that's not a butcher table okay that's a butcher table there we go uh i want to upgrade my membership i go to the perks and it shows me the tiers however there's no option when i select the tier you might have to because it's on discount right now if you want to upgrade your membership you might need to cancel and then just like renew it at the tier you want to be at but i think if you if you cancel your tier or if you cancel your membership it'll unlock all the tiers and then you can pick the one you want to like become a new member as and then you'll be fine it shouldn't mess with anything in the discord um fun fact if if you lose your membership or you cancel for a while you're still welcome into the discord for like another month or so or at least into the member section it's not like we're going to shun you to the shadow realm because you didn't you can't become a member or something it's okay time to go to work here's some hot pockets go to work here is some hot pocket funds for you uh kangler rat thank you very much dude for the 7.99 appreciate that dude this game is just getting good now like the whole the whole beginning of the game lasts a couple hours and then once you're past your first attack now it's like sky's the limit oh good we'll be able to harvest in four hours nice food won't be an issue it's a seven day grace period let's make it three days grace just just just for the band i thought it was a month well if you guys made it seven days and that's okay too all right so it's a week i thought it was a month thurston said it was seven okay yes this game comes out tomorrow it was really good when i first played it now there's just been like it's just been making all the right improvements does this game have a sidequest type of story kind of like there are events that will come up and then you can choose yes or no and then those will have consequences but just like how it works in like for example um in let's say surviving the aftermath if somebody comes to your camp and they're like a refugee you can you can take them on but then you'll be attacked so you got to withstand the attack [Music] uh the map size is small because this is early access it will get bigger but what they're intending to do is for you to build multiple settlements like this it's not so much about building one big city they want you to control a whole region so in the future you'll be able to build other types of settlements and uh trade with them too so one one settlement can be your farm another settlement can be like your military base like your your big main capital city and another one could be like a mining town so that way you can put all the things in the different corners of the map it seems like that and i like it okay i'm gonna put food underneath mark that as a food area is there a way we can just designate for food no we'd have to do it this way we're all food and then let's go with meals stimulants that's fine let's just not go with human meat wow the fact that you can choose cannibalism wow but why would you choose cannibalism when we have chicken you know what i mean and i mean if you're if you're that desperate like i don't know why the donner party just didn't swing by you know like a let's be honest like a like a hardy's or a carl's jr you know i mean well then again they were good people that's why they were like hey we can go down the mountain there's a carl's jr oh hell no come over here bob you're looking mighty tasty okay well we are gathering a hell of a lot of cabbage now so that solves that problem we have the cabbage patch kids check it out ma'am are you still wearing your helmet uh i don't know why okay oh you can just choose to banish someone all right uh junior thanks for the 10 i'll just do this okay well thank you very much yeah you can always support via there's a paypal link in the description if you like there's uh many many ways however you want you do you oh yeah we're getting the food out of the way nice i'll just do this smiley face smiley face we got a bunch of cabbage now we got to get carrots and beets and then we can go hunting too now we got the butcher table going let's make a bunch of raw meat i guess infinite just forever forever ever forever how do you get more villagers uh through events people will come to your village eventually people will hear about your settlement and then they'll show up i'm assuming also people can probably do the birds and the bees the the dirty dirty the lowdown get with it the uh gnome sand the hey how you doing [Music] okay settlers are idle let's find more more projects [Music] a bunch of clay out here i guess i could tell them to bring that back that'd be useful we honestly should be storing things so let's increase uh awling now i'm gonna make hauling a little bit more important and then how we doing our research we've got the ability to preserve food now so we should be able to build a meat smoker oh nice we have a smokehouse amen brother all right we got a barbecue now boys hell yeah yeah we gotta build that near the tower so we know it's protected gotta keep it safe chicken nuggets brother okay butchering table damn and this is just the beginning of the game too so imagine like if we get a little bit more advanced you can do things like building bridges between houses so you can make like all the first floors of homes uh all the storage for each individual house and then you can connect them via bridges and stuff too so that way they can walk up above i can't wait to see what you know like people like my friend utherus do where he's very good at both uh functionality and also like form and design so he can make a castle make it look good and also connect everything for efficiency and uh also for maximum defense he's very good at maxing out all the stuff with natural design oh boy then again i think this is the type of game too where the more more you play it the better your designs are going to get over time oh there's actually clay just sitting here and mushroom mushroom mushroom looks like there's bones but i don't think we need those mushrooms there yeah now most of our problems are solved we just need to keep up with it now with the work and we should be able to put meals down here oh yep there you go we got uh food being made too and people coming down to drop it off all right cool how many levels is max i don't know maybe 99 with it being early access there might be an early level cap but not sure yeah uthras is pretty ambitious about his designs and stuff usually the way i build my villages and stuff is i try to cram as many people as i can into a small building first to save materials and space and then i try to build something cool uh with the with a larger building and then what i'll probably do is convert this this area here where we have our little workshop and all this other stuff we'll probably just turn this into a uh another storage area it's pretty cool how the buildings look oh yeah we finished our traps too nice so i'm assuming the enemy will not just attack from here in the future but they could possibly come from any angle so i don't think it'd be worth it just to build like a tower here or something and like put a moat around it can you build drawbridges is there any way you can build like gates that open and stuff i i haven't seen that yet i think i can just tell our people to gather whatever they want except for the bones you're gonna go eat pizza what you better bring pizza for the rest of the group yes we need 40 clay for the smokehouse and then that means we can start going hunting and hopefully store all the deer meat around here for the winter of course deer mead is known only as venison oh damn it i meant meant to say veal i meant to say veal and then have chat correct me damn it i mean uh as you guys know in chat dear meat is known as veal there we go somebody just tuned in ah yes delicious veal oh nice backgammon game going on is he playing alone [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh there we go you can tell the people in chat who aren't paying attention if you if you pay attention to chat i'll say something and then two seconds later the question will come out about it or they'll be the correction that's how you can tell [Music] so this game is called gone postal it's available two days from now one of the coolest things is using an m16 to shoot a deer so you can make veal really cool stuff can't wait to build our helicopter landing pad so we can have the uss enterprise uh pull up to do a landing it's one of the smallest aircraft carriers ever built in fact they're still building it [Music] yeah can you believe that chad look at i can't even believe that [Music] just watch the comment section after the video [Music] all right let's let's let's do it again let's see who just who just arrived in the chat you guys ready we'll do it one more time all right so uh we probably should get some more food now one of the things that we can do is use a bowman a hunter to go out and gather meat so tomorrow morning one of our characters here will probably go out hunting and that'll of course get us deer which when we bring them over to the butchering block we can make meals out of the veal that they give us deer meat is known as veal so once we've gathered all that deer meat from the butcher who will then turn it into cuts of veal they can then turn it into a meal from veal to a meal the deer story confirmed 100 accurate settlers are exhausted go to bed pizza or burgers both [Music] uh we have a storage area here for food and it works pretty good actually i think i want to cancel some of this yeah the music is good i i want to build a building down on top of this but oh is that is that snow oh it's rain well they give us a long time till winter all right we'll try the veal and venison thing again in a little bit and see what happens do i like the simpsons i certainly do i haven't watched in years but i mean i know all the quotes i probably couldn't name any by off the top of my head but if i heard one i'd be like oh yeah that's the simpsons like you can't buy friends with salad or canyon arrow two lanes wide 65 tons of american pride canyon arrow wow we got a lot of stuff in storage man this barn was a good that was a good thing to buy do i like this more than rim world i haven't really played much a rim world but i do like the whole medieval aspect of this hello from macedonia hello and thanks for watching dude by the way everybody make sure you follow it on twitter and instagram too i hope to get some keys to give away to all of you and i hope more people follow on twitter and instagram so if you haven't followed please do and i'll find a way to give some keys out there as well for everybody who does follow there that'd be super cool i guess yeah eat my shorts yeah cowabunga yeah all those classic simpsons lines okay we're gonna have a lot more food than i think we can store we might need to build another barn somewhere we could build another level onto this house but um i think we just need to build more and more storage storage you're gonna buy a raptor hoodie well i g i guess spring is a good time to still buy a hoodie the weather could change and be cold or wet at any time good idea viewer in fact i think you should buy two just in case all right let's see i want to build a storage barn i think for some of our crops [Music] so we can start to store raw food out here till we make meals out of it [Music] settlers are becoming annoyed oh uh slept in an uncomfortable bed ugly apparel deprived of entertainment deprived of religious activities oh well one thing we can do is build a doesn't he like the um the brethren um how do i see his religious affiliation hmm i think there's a way to check that somewhere right oh there it is oak brethren zealot okay there it was oak brethren i'm gonna put that over by the barbecue not like good old-fashioned barbecue and religious to hoedown or whatever they do i don't know they worship trees i guess there seems to be two religious affiliations though there's there's two groups ah good level 21 skills what else can we build uh let's do more research uh let's see available six oh we gotta do more research uh jobs who's our big brain [Music] yeah we'll keep him to research then [Music] i'm assuming also buildings will need to be repaired after combat i see some durability stats on some of these items it points yep so there must be repairs bro make those 45 we got a lot of research to do hey man brother that looks like a cool little religious monument thing next quest is building a castle yeah true that's uh going to be an important thing we're going to have to uh well we have to research first like stone mining and then get enough people to actually like we're going to need people to continuously farm to continuously build and then continuously manufacture and gather and then do construction so probably closer to like if we get 10 people in the in the village starting to make a castle for four people looks like an easter island head no you might be right about that certainly does have that appeal doesn't it uh what does the steward do take care of basic tasks like locking doors closing windows and extinguishing torches wow i didn't even know that was the thing i guess everybody's kind of more on a free free attitude right now our free roam except for willem for now he's got to wait for more time to pass to grow more food looks like the barn is done let's uh put a wooden floor down on that and then we'll store all of our food in the barn damn his his brain got bigger his big brain just increased in big brainness [Music] it's gonna take a little while now but things are good seems pretty cool though like the the fact that we can build a giant wall around the camp and then defend it is really neat and locking doors before invasions is important true yeah nine out of ten military invasions can be prevented by just locking your door hi we're from the enemy military uh no thank you oh we're gonna come in anyway oh is your door locked yeah okay well we'll we'll head on back then thanks for your cooperation bud [Music] and there it was settlers are exhausted bedtime again oh a little backgammon around though hey brother roll them dice let it ride basically vegas all right [Music] now chat question of the day i've noticed that there's a lot of deer that are running around this map there's a lot of bunnies around here too but i noticed a lot of deer now if we killed a deer and we were harvesting its uh if we butchered it got its meat maybe it's hide as well we could probably make leather out of it what is the word for deer meat only big brains know comment now operators are standing by i'm gonna go turn on my uh fan here real quick and you guys determine that for yourselves good luck well that is correct the correct answer is veal veal is deer and venison is baby cow that is correct what wait a minute you two okay it looks like the wooden floor is almost done and then we can store everything inside oh good we have 12 hours on that one fantastic uh max w when when you try something like that once and nobody in the room reacts to it probably the last thing to do is to copy and paste it a couple more times wow the the storage is absolutely to the brim we have any more logs nearby also we we must have used the clay oh yeah we use the clay on the smoke house amen brother all right we got a smokehouse now hell yeah now we can go get some of that veal that comes from deer confirmed hold on i'm looking to our judges is veal come from deer okay it is confirmed that is correct according to that random sound effect [Music] all right let's go ahead and put all the food in here all right [Music] we're all we'll just put vegetables in here [Music] mushrooms man maybe some meat too that seems to be our food types uh berries cabbage barley beet mushrooms and i also saw there were there's also flax so that means that that's how we make our clothing too we can make linen from that [Music] it's an interesting experiment isn't it chat it lets you know how many uh the average view time is about five minutes at any time anyway so if i ask that every five minutes you'll get the booster emote new beds i don't know if we can build new beds yeah we can let's do it let's start building them upgraded beds [Music] that one's like three long oh can i move something after we build it oh i wish you could move something after you built it that'd be nice well let's uh get rid of this and that and we'll start upgrading the beds one at a time please do it more often uh some people won't get it and they'll get mad [Music] even after i explain it then ask it immediately after explaining it it'll just be correction but there's that um there is a i forget what the rule is though but if you're if you're looking for an answer or a correct answer on the internet the goal is not to ask a question it's to post the wrong answers and then you'll you'll be corrected as to what the correct answer is so don't ask questions just post wrong answers alright i accidentally deleted the floor have we have we gotten anything yet meat wise i i haven't even seen our hunter go out at all although i don't see any deer around so that might answer that question they may have already gathered all the veal alright i'll stop ah good the carrots are coming out yeah that would be a nice update is to be able to move beds and stuff because i could i could see that being a problem when you you know if you want to expand onto a house and you want to move things from one side of the house to the other to expand it that seems like it's going to get in the way we'll make one bed at a time and then upgrade them and we'll have extra sleeping just in case someone else comes along uh i think hunting is automatic so long as they have free time to do it maybe orange is a vegetable well i mean carrots are orange so i mean kinda man good thing we oh look at that look at how much stuff's gonna be stored in the barn hey man brother we're gonna have food for all winter now we just got to worry about producing weapons so our next thing will be upgrade all the furniture get everybody's mood up and take care of all the take care of the village first and then build a weapon shop and then start i think the best thing to probably do would be to build a bunch of bow and arrow for everybody and have them become skilled archers and i guess the only way to get them to become better marksmen is to i don't know if we can build a practice thing for them be cool is there a way to do training i can't remember is there a way to like set up targets and have them do combat to practice uh which came first the color orange or the food orange good question i'm pretty sure they discovered oranges after the color though you know like the sun creates the color orange so there's probably a name for that but what was it before orange they probably called they'd probably described it as some sort of red color [Music] nobody takes the new bed well yeah and now they're all mad well you're the ones who didn't want the new bed i guess better red than bed i guess oh there's no training yet okay well that'll be a good added feature in the future a future feature featuring me okay let's just build four we'll build this as kind of a temporary shack and we'll start building some nice houses seems to be really cool though in the game to build a lot of small houses because it'll look like a traditional village and to try to build things closer together although i built the tower out here for a good reason so we'll get the beds done and then we'll start building some more houses yeah i think they can enter the bed from the from the front of the bed it's not like the sims we need clearance on either side but it's quite obvious that they want new beds well we certainly have a long way to go did they eat all the cabbage or do they oh they must have made all that into food oh no it's upstairs okay then let's not accept cabbage here anymore so we will not accept cabbage or meals here anymore so no food no more food no more food no more carcasses and same with the one downstairs so that'll get them to move it the appropriate sections that's cool so food will go down into the basement and meals will this will only be meals then so food what's what's a dubious meal what could that be no raw food though so we'll take beers down here and smoked meats pickled vegetables etc and then everything else should go in the barn uh yeah we should be able to grow barley and things we i think we'll try to get we got to get more people in the camp so we're just going to have to wait time wise for more people to move in it looks like all the beds are constructed looks like the game also gives them different um declarations too like this is a spare [Music] room we want to lower the temperature on some of these foods but i think we really just want to make meals now let's just make like 30 meals and we'll make somebody a little higher in cooking so we can get those stored in the cold room below who's our good cook let's pick down a number one job right now very nice so basically the cycle repeats get more people build more shelters build more homes put a wall around it build a castle and so on and so forth yeah we were just attacked by a raiding group earlier so there should be another one on the way soon it seems like the more you try to grow your village the more they'll attack you too people people will try to come to the village to attack and uh they'll do so after you try to do good deeds like you know keep people happy at your village take on refugees that kind of thing it's cool [Music] oh boy another night oh everybody's going down to eat some meals oh they're on free time now okay oh boy that's a lot of carrots man now hopefully we can get some meat together so that way we can build a uh large storage of uh meals i do like that though in games where they allow you to make more complicated meals and stuff and then store them that way there's a storage area for the raw food and a storage area for all the cooked meals it's cool yeah so it seems like so you can make weapons and build defenses like for example our defensive tower here that we're working on and then also it seems like in the future of the game there will be many settlements that you can build and defend so the game will kind of be you know you'll build one village build it up and then send people out to settle another village like how it was like truly done you know a bunch of people come together to build a village and once that was secure you go out and settle new lands and you repeat repeat repeat kind of cool because you're you're building that you're not just building a city you're building many cities and you're building a kingdom well that's cool because that could be done really that could be done really poorly but it looks like it's going to be done really nicely here looks like they might have a winner here okay it looks like we can also make a farm for trees let's build a tree farm too because we're going to need a lot of resources if we're going to throw a wall around the castle so again this game comes out tomorrow too so if you're interested just make sure you add going medieval to your uh wish list a nice little uh grove of trees there summer summer appeared like a warm blessing coaxing the settlers to shed their warm clothing now was the time to build underground storage to keep food fresh in the sunny days to come true well we're way ahead of you at least in putting things into storage we got a barn there and then we should be making meals and putting it in the ground which will make it last a very long time 24.99 thank you very much megalodon for the confirmation on that that seems like a fair price especially since they're going to be adding a lot of stuff and i like the whole idea of traders coming soon more military combat coming soon chat soon getting to 700 likes everybody smashing join i i like all that that's good stuff it's very cool oh look at that damn she is making some hot pockets [Music] yeah we got to keep that wood going so we can keep making meals look at that three stew i think we got to make this into a building we'll call this the arby's what we could do is we could build like a bridge to connect these two buildings together after playing this a few times i'll get some more ideas on like okay what do i want to build and where and like what do i use it for because like at the start you're kind of limited but you know storehour storehouse barn this is gonna have to be a workshop later but i think we're gonna have to build some like a multi-story house for everybody because this settlement is eventually this map looks small but the goal of the game is not to build one giant city it's to build a few settlements and then defend them which makes sense because in medieval times like that there'd be a lot of smaller settlements of villages and farms and then the larger city which would also have farms and such around it and they'd all kind of like tr you know trade with each other and stuff so it's cool it'll be cool to actually have trade come to your city and have a gate open up nice yeah it's cool to see the summer months like that and then our tower looks good too hey what's up will how you doing welcome to the stream all right well if we're going to build a giant wall it's probably going to have to be out of wood though later we can research at the research table that's some of the stuff that we haven't seen before like wooden weapons i didn't show you that before but we make crossbows eventually armor fermenting axes maces blacksmithing so we'll finally be able to do some of that stuff defensive structures we can build a reinforced door a wooden trap i think we should probably start with clay brick making though because we got a lot of a lot of clay around or stone block cutting looks like we had a lot of clay around let's do that and then stone blocks too we can start a quarry over here to gather these things rocky soil clay okay so this is clay here so we could make a bunch of clay bricks let's make a clay cory over here and we'll probably get stoned and stuff from that too get some extra mushrooms we can make a variety of meals that way nice uh you can't take prisoners at the moment but it is something they'll be adding to the game uh and for harvesting their organs no but you can cannibalize people if you want to so very soon you'll be able to take prisoners and probably eat them later if you want to be some sort of crazy cannibal cult you can literally become like the forest or something like that if you want and then whenever anybody attacks you uh i guess you'd have to find out a non-lethal way to take prisoners i don't know i guess maybe you could knock them out with non-lethal weapons and then put them in a jail cell or maybe they'll surrender if they're if you kill most of their group maybe they'll surrender but it'll be interesting to see that is disgusting well it's an option though if you want to and our people are building stuff like oh they're on free time now they are on free time i don't know why they're not on miller time okay i'm just going to tell them to cut down a bunch of trees nice i can't wait to see what people like utherus do when this uh comes out tomorrow it'll be really neat to see what people start with for initial settlements and then like they'll reach the limits of this smaller map and then when the game allows you to build multiple larger settlements and including castles that'll be really cool i hope that research carries over to other settlements too or that you can maybe possibly buy research in the future but i guess you could always buy the chronicles and then eventually from that you can unlock more stuff just basically paying for it's like a research currency like research points well we got better beds that's good and we got a long way to go with many attacks on the way and i think it's a little slow how not frequently that new settlers come in but i think over time like you don't want a lot of people at the start because that's more miles to feed you you want to build a settlement first and then once you're ready you start mining and building and gathering it's cool it feels it feels like foundation and off stream and a little rim world in there with a little bit of like manor lords and uh quite a bit of uh stonehearth and like i said banished is definitely a feeling in here too at least for like the beginning desperation where you feel like you're gonna you go and die do the colonists get a mood debuff for living in a barracks um let's see what affects their mood i think it's their clothing there's a few things that can affect their mood things like clothing and um what they're wearing and if it's appropriate for the season and i think if they live in a nice house that'll give a buff there's more things i think that give buffs than debuffs i mean having a place to sleep and not being on fire back then was like literally living the lavish lifestyle wow i'm 28 and i haven't been stabbed and i'm not dead wow like that's that's that's what those times were like auriel is unhappy she needs some oreos oh well maybe these people would really like the most important thing of all anybody here ever uh eat veal before you guys ever go out deer hunting and you shoot a deer and then you go home and you have yourself some good old veal there it is there it was i was waiting for it in chat i was waiting for it it didn't take long oh it's rather warm 25 degrees celsius well good thing we got our food and storage this is so cool how you can build underground stuff because this means you can build a dungeon and this also means you could build an underground armory or you can build a well yeah you could build a castle with like a a dungeon in it or put all your soldiers underground that's pretty sweet you prefer pork loin from a from a deer dude pork loin comes from cows it's literally in the name loin well these trees are going to take a while to grow i feel nine days wow a hopeful help mate constance approached with her held uh her hand held up out warm open smile const oh smileys oh we we don't we know one smiler in chat uh constance was keen to learn about raptor heim and only to lend a hand all she asked was for a safe place to call home and a cut of that sweet sweet veal that can only come from deer let's see the settlers decided to welcome her what's she good at ooh tailoring animal handling oh good oh a marksman nice let's get you on the wall you're gonna be a new archer oh she can't wait to get all that tasty tasty [Music] deer meat cool all right now we got another settler so that means we've got to make another bed see i can see you can see it's not a game that you're going to play in 10 minutes it it is definitely a long game which is good because that means you actually have time to build a castle and it'll be satisfying how long it takes to build and we're out of space for beds uh-oh [Music] uh ma'am you don't mind sleeping in the tower do you question mark okay i didn't think so well she'll be our archer on watch or people can take turns i guess they'll have shifts every couple of days people can uh switch and then sleep in the tower it'll be like dorms what are those oh beets oh wow we got beets too oh damn okay wow we got too much food oh constance immediately getting to work with the farming damn this has suddenly become uh tucker's farm from uh days gone research is available let's do uh wooden weaponry for sure and we'll try to make some short bows a boyer's table and a work woodwork bench what's up jerry oh she's good at speech too jerry always though veal was moose meat thank you raptor for giving jerry more big brain fork and knife yes jerry of course veal from moose that's that is true confirmed uh did i build a wall around this oh we're out of uh we're out of logs we need some more logs that's right i think our people are really busy with harvesting right now we got so much food we don't know what to do with we got like somebody full-time cooking we got everybody else farming well let's set up her schedule too uh let's see that's way too much free time we gotta go with more work oh you can just drag cool and then sleep there two hours of free time everybody's gotta work though otherwise we die so that's cool all right well speaking of dying i'm sure you're all dying to try out gone medieval tomorrow when it releases this game is really cool and i think i want to give this a continuation tomorrow until we can see some castles and such and i want to build some more underground build some defensive walls and build a big old castle and see how far we can go caesar says uh you hyped me for this game i played the beta i love it current uh definitely gonna buy it but the fact that uh you're already playing it it just makes the hype even more yeah it's good like it seems like you run out of things to do but the game just takes a while you know it's like austria like you can't build a giant city in one day it does take a few seasons to do so random events are what you know bringing more people to your camp and uh more people will attack ma'am are you sleeping outside oh we forgot to build your bed my bad uh oops you're fine it's fine you're sleeping with the carrots at least it's not the fishes and of course the only way to fish is with our lovely new fishing pole emote which totally is not a mace at all all right guys let's get some maces in chat let's get everybody to subscribe if you haven't we are almost up to 1 million subscribers and i want to do some more giveaways on the discord so make sure you follow the link down below to follow me on discord i'll drop some links for twitter and instagram too i want to give away more games i want to talk about more games that's all i talk about man games and food two of my favorite things that bring people together and that we can truly enjoy nothing better than this an optimized wonderful racing game that also has elements of a first person shooter and of course the delicious taste of venison no i'm just kidding no one here eats baby cow all right guys i'm gonna hop out of here for now i'll see you all tomorrow for more tomorrow the new sims dlc comes out for building a cool little decorative house the dream house renovator thing sounds pretty interesting actually the fact that we can go and uh redesign people's houses to fit their needs is pretty sweet and then we'll come back to this game as well when it releases tomorrow too so i think tomorrow we're gonna play uh this and also the sims so make sure you jump in for both so i can do some awesome giveaways you guys are amazing thanks again for all the support greatly appreciate you thank you very much bedford for being here you're awesome tan thanks for jumping in uh shannara and stingray 19. good to see everybody here megala dawn and jtb world and many many more don't be afraid to say hi on the discord we've got a wonderful community especially in the members section never be afraid to say hi in there we've got some lovely people who welcome you in and same with the general section too if you have any questions you can of course hit me up on twitter or check out more of those videos or comment down below and share your design ideas this game's really cool i hope to see everybody check it out and uh of course as always if it's not for you and you give it a try if you're under two hours you can always return it too but i think within two hours if you watch a couple videos you'll know what to do and you can just speed speed run into building an even better village than me yes even me with this perfect village with no flaws or room for improvement at all in fact we basically reached the edges of the map because there's just no room for improvement at all all right guys i'll see you later have a fantastic afternoon good evening and good night we'll be back tomorrow for more castle building here in gone medieval i'm gone for the evening and i'll see you all tomorrow take care everybody have a good one [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] we're just lost [Music] so all
Channel: Raptor
Views: 81,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: y74IspGjSxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 195min 23sec (11723 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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