Soaking in God’s Presence - Carol Arnott (2018)

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hey everybody thank you for watching catch the fire TV please consider supporting us with a financial gift by clicking the icon on the screen then selecting catch the fire TV and by subscribing to our Channel we want more we are so grateful and so thankful for all that you have done lord over the last 24 years we are just absolutely amazed astounded honored blast testimonies from all over the world of your goodness your kindness your healing your freedom your causing us to just fall even more in love and you know Smith Wigglesworth sad and I don't have the date but Smith Wigglesworth said that the next revival would be a revival of the word and the spirit and so as we are preparing ourselves you know we really need to begin to read through the Bible read it slowly meditate on it digest it put yourself in the place of its leading characters in the school the other day we did Joseph the making of a leader and I had all of them become Joseph's for the hour and watch their hearts as they went through the story and as we go through the Bible we need to just put ourselves in that position it will come more alive to you it might take you longer to read it through but make yourself like those that that are in the scriptures we want more of the Holy Spirit don't we and so we want to go back but also go forward you know it's amazing because a lot of you when you came in here at the beginning looks like my friend and I want to introduce you to my friends some of you have already met my friend but I want to introduce you to my friend and my friend is called mr. sponge and a lot of you came in kind of looking like mr. sponge you were not very flexible you were kind of crusty and hard you were a little dried out weren't you I noticed now that there's a lot more smiles and you look much more relaxed and so I want us to just watch mr. sponge over the next little while because we're gonna set mr. sponge to sulking and I want to see what happens to mr. sponge when he soaks in the Holy Spirit so we have some h2o here well Holy Spirit we asked you to fill it your baptismal water when you baptize people ah Lord we just ask you to anoint this water and Lord we just what mr. sponge in and let him soak for a little while okay and see what happens to him oh he's really hard my goodness mr. sponge you really need to have a drink Wow hmm hope I'm not that hard but you know we get on with life we get busy with life and we forget to do the good things we forget to prepare our hearts and part of preparing for the glory is preparing our own selves becoming immersed in this presence becoming saturated to overflowing the Bible says in Psalm 46:10 be still and know that I am God B can you just be hmm or are you too busy are you too occupied my timer just went off mmm Jesus I worship you I give you glory I give you honor I give you praise Wow I'm gonna talk to you about my timer in a little bit but be God wants us to be [Music] doesn't want us to always do doo doo doo doo go go go go go he said be still our generation finds it so difficult to be still our teachers have taught us to stop daydreaming to get to work to do it to you know our parents get it done you know stop daydreaming stuff you know lying on the floor stop you know get working get doing and so we're a society I mean just coming down again on the 401 oh my gosh you know we've been away for a little bit and oh my gosh it's just like you know and the Beast still kind of got left somewhere and was like you know you have to be on your toes because there people are going zip zip zip zip zip zip and our cities are full of that our cities are full of busyness our churches are full of busyness our jobs are full of busyness our homes are full of busyness but the Bible says be just be just say that word Carroll or whatever your name is just be [Music] then that feel good okay just to be be still and why do we want to be still so that we will know our God like Eliezer I wasn't in the whirlwind II wasn't in the UH Thunder he wasn't in the wind he was that still small voice that we so often miss and so I want to talk to you today about a foundational truth that we've learned here that we need to relearn probably most of us need to learn how to be still in his presence you know I love to worship oh my goodness I love to pray but I've not always been a good listener Lord it's something that we need to quiet ourselves down and listen to what God is saying to us so what are you talking about today Carol I'm talking about marinating being quiet we call it soaking in his presence the old fashions called it tarrying until the glory came down Wow you mean you can't work it up he can't strive you can't whatever no fashion's knew that you needed to spend time with him you needed to connect your heart with his we want to listen to what he says to us which a lot of times there are impressions on the mind just that intercepting thought [Music] you want to grab ahold what did you say Lord we want to tune our hearts to be able to hear what he has to say we want to learn to see what he shows us impressions on the mind that fleeting picture that fleeting face that we haven't thought about in a while what a cat should say Lord what are you saying am I supposed to call Chloe am I supposed to call Trevor am I supposed to call somebody why are you giving me their face why are you giving me their name so we want to learn to experience the reality of God not just when we come to a wonderful meeting like this we want to learn to walk in this jesus said I only do what I see my father doing and I only say what I hear my father saying like for months months I've been saying oh god help me help me tune in help me ask can you imagine if all of us just in this room and those on the internet could walk like Jesus walked what would happen in a week take a week of Jesus life the blind would see the Deaf would hear a little boy would get freed from epilepsy you'd go to maybe a Jewish home or a Muslim home or uh atheists home and you lead them into a relationship with Jesus it would be incredible if we could only get there and say God I want to be that connected I want to be that close with you you see having an experience of the reality of God isn't just a one-time thing it's an ongoing one its present it's now it's living and it's today and it's tomorrow and it's the next day through soaking through spending time in the presence of God [Music] we find that God is real we find that he wants to come and have a wonderful close relationship with us intimacy with him is his heart's desire you see he's got everything else but he wants you he's paid a horrific price for you and he wants to come close and he wants you to come close he doesn't want you going on a you know a prayer list around the world that's good what we need to do that but first and foremost we need to connect heart-to-heart with him when the Holy Spirit fell January 20th 1994 I was thrilled sorry my timer just went again yeah shut Calabar - we'll tell you about it cuz it's gonna go off every ten minutes this is what I'm talking about as a timer okay it's set for every 10 minutes it's called my 10 minute timer and it's amazing when you wear one because it reminds you to worship Him and it goes off at the most inappropriate times when somebody's cut you off in traffic and you're ready to go right [Music] that stupid man driver right but that diaper goes off and you go you can't speak negative and worship at the same time it's amazing or something happens or you're not feeling so good and the timer goes off and you go oh Lord I love you I love you anyway sometimes you can do it like I'm doing it full-on full up worship Him sometimes you can't do that but you can learn to worship under your breath right but it's amazing when you worship every 10 minutes how it changes you and how it brings you into that close an intimate relationship with him Kathryn Kuhlman used to say the Holy Spirit is more real to me than any human being now is a brand new Christian I couldn't catch that because you see growing up in it a denominational Church it was God the Father and God the Son and God the high ghost now is a little girl I knew what it goes to us but I didn't know what a holy one was and they didn't tell me and so when Catherine I went to her meetings and she started talking about this wonderful third person of the Trinity that was so real that he would want to be more real to us than any human being come on what a wonderful wonderful thing that God Almighty would come and want to be with us and become that real to us when I first got saved I would kneel down by my bed I would pray to Jesus and this presence would come and I would say oh Jesus I so love your presence oh this is so great but I didn't know it was the only spirit that came you see as I was loving Jesus the Holy Spirit loves when we do that and he wants to come close and so the more we love Jesus the closer he'll come to you ah because you see Jesus has got to be with the father and the Holy Spirit has been sent down to help us and so when we love Jesus he's right there and he wants to be close to us and he wants to be near to us Wow you know we get so busy we get busy doing the good we get busy pastoring you know as a pastor's wife I was busy busy busy busy busy busy busy busy busy busy doing the things that I thought were good and they were good I was helping people I was you know counseling I was listening to them I was praying for them and if somebody had said to me Carol you've lost your first love I would have laughed at them but you know really in truth that's what happened my focus got down on the problems of our congregation and the problems of life and forgot how wonderfully big an awesome God really is when I married John he owned a travel agency it's quite funny you know because we travel a lot more than we did when we owned a travel agency but then he he wanted to start a church and so we started a church in our hometown in Stratford and I used to cry and say oh honey like what can I do like I have no abilities no talents I've not gone to Bible School I mean how can I be a pastor's wife I can't sing or I can't play the piano years later David Campbell said oh yeah but you can arrange flowers Carol good thanks David good anyway I just I had no talents no abilities nothing and John would say yes but honey you can love I said yeah but everybody can love and he said no God has given you a gift to love the unlovely to love people to life and he said that's a gift you see a lot of times when God gives us something we think it's just part of who we are and that everybody has it and so we need to really appreciate what God has given us because it will all be the same but we need to ask him God what have you given me might be the gift of helps it might be the gift of evangelism it might be the gift of prophecy it might be the gift of encouragement whatever it is we need to embrace those wonderful gifts that God's given us so when we started the church I was so incredibly shy and intimidated I mean everybody laughs at me now she doesn't seem like she's very shy because I'm quite tenacious when the Holy Spirit says go after somebody right Curtis and but I was really really really really shy and so John said okay on Mother's Day you're going to preach and that was six months out before Mother's Day it took me six months to find something in the Bible to preach on I was so nervous oh that whole Saturday night I was up the whole night I oh I brought out every single word I I was perspiring the next morning I think I read I think I've read it all off and it was just really really incredible but you know God is away a prophet came to our little Church in Stratford and he said his name was Mark du Pont and he said Carol II said I see you preaching to hundreds and hundreds of pastors and leaders and he said I see you preaching to thousands and thousands of people and I laughed right in his face and I said some prophet you are gotta be kidding me are you serious mind you I've gone back and apologized to him since oh dear anyway but as I learned about soaking it changed all that [Music] so maybe you're saying what have you here no soaking this is a reminder because a lot of us have gotten too busy but some of you might be saying what do you mean by soaking how do I soak why do I soak good questions soaking is positioning yourself before God just to experience his love for you and to give him your love no expectations this is just intimacy a love affair between you and your Savior listening to that still small voice [Music] being immersed in that beautiful presence of the Holy Spirit keep your prayer lists keep your agendas for another time but you see if we do not learn how to be intimate with him now how are we going to be his bride when we get to heaven and have never had that kind of closeness that's going to be slightly awkward and those that have managed to be intimate with him now we are gonna be I don't think you can get jealous in heaven though come to think of it but I think we're going to be have a regret that we haven't done that here on earth because the Bible says the bride is making herself ready and so soaking is part of getting yourself ready preparing for more you see because when were filled with him and we've poured out our love for him John likes to say it's a circle you him and them and if we're not filled ourselves with him them are gonna get very much because you can't give away what you haven't got or it becomes religion it becomes striving it becomes controlling it becomes manipular but if you're filled [Music] to overflowing with this presence and your heart is bursting with love for him guess what's going to come out of you to others all of that because we want people in the world to say to us what do you have what's different about you I want what you have don't we we want to radiate his glory we wanted so filled with his love [Music] intercession prayer lists are very important but first and foremost is this intimate time with him Matthew 22:37 is the first commandment it says love the Lord your God with all your head [Music] that's what a lot of us are doing aren't we love the Lord your God with all your heart get your heart and fall right and then with all your soul somewhere down in here and then with all your mind so your mind keeps us on track but it's a love affair the Bible says God is love well what does that look like have you watched somebody to young people falling in love they're just you know the whole world just gets forgotten and all they can see is each other so we need to have eyes for him eyes only for him because if we have eyes for him he loves the lost I didn't say if we're in tune like that he will open the opportunities and so we want that circle to be a continuous everyday circle where we spend time with him loving him and just absolutely being transformed by his love for us you see a lot of times we can't really believe that he really really really loves us a lot of times I will make people can't make people but really super encourage them - every single morning when they wake up and brush their teeth to look themselves in the eyes and say I am solely loved by Jesus I am worthy my daddy God loves me because if you look at somebody that doesn't believe that you can see that it stops here they just kind of and won't let it go down into their heart because they've been so hurt so wounded so abused but we need to believe that truce and that's part of soaking [Music] there must be time for him must be time for him just to love him just to let him love us you know we had a guy come and the Reviva was so cute he came and he learned about hearing the voice of God he learned about soaking and I think it was a year went by he came back again and he said I am so frustrated with this soaking business and so we said well tell us what what's wrong and he said well every time I lie down to soak all I hear from the Lord is my son I really love you he said that's all he said for a year so I said that's interesting lie down and soak for a minute tune in to the Lord I said ask him why he's only said that to you well he was down for about five minutes he jumps up and he said you know what he said to me I said I have a feeling but tell me he said I will say that until you believe it you still don't believe it in your heart that I really love you isn't that amazing and you see a lot of us are like that we'll let him love us if we've really been praying if we've really been reading the word if we've really been spending time might go in a bit more but if we've been too busy or whatever whatever we feel like we haven't earned his love but you see Jesus pay grass the ultimate love [Music] and so we need to say yes to that love God is love and he wants us to be lovers of him in lovers of others Wow Shabba mm by worship Jesus Oh just worship with me for a few seconds ah we love you Lord we worship You Lord you are good [Music] it's amazing when we love him how his presence just comes most of us have a hard time being still we have very busy minds and our minds go with thing Xing Xing Xing all over the place and it takes sometimes about two weeks to get your mind set on the Lord and when you first start soaking the devil will remind you of all the things that you need to do so just get a piece of paper and write them all down say thank you and go back to soaking [Music] you know what the devil will give up and then when the Lord reminds you of one thing or two things it'll be really important but your mind wants to control you but you see it's spirit it's our spirit to spirit with him [Music] be still take a deep breath [Music] and know that I am God you see we must constantly be on duty it's really funny when when some of the organizers are running around here a lot of times I'll catch them and and it'll soak them a minute and and it's it's a riot because it comes back on me they won't take it and I see but you stop just for a minute and drink I'm not asking you to you know I'm not gonna put you on the floor just just get a little drink it filled up and go again and so now they'll come up to me and say you know I'm really feeling really tired can you pray for me for a minute you know and John long does that a lot and it's just you know he just gets a little top up and off he goes again and [Music] but from the time we've been in school we were taught to do do do task task task strategy strategy strategy it's how well be you perform is how successful we are that has been the goal all of our lives so over the past 24 years imagine Mary Audrey 24 years oh my gosh when God's presence comes strongly some people just can't stay put you pray for people on the lines and they're down and they're boom back up again oh I thought just absolutely really gets me that's one of my pet peeves because it's not the falling down it's the connecting with him it's it's saying Oh Lord show me Here I am and if his presence lifts then say Lord do you want me to get up or have you cut some more for me will you come more and begin to encourage because you see he wants to know whether you really do want him right [Music] it's the experience the experience with him will change your life you see he wants more than a five minute fling doesn't want a love affair in five minutes just like you don't right we don't like five minute flings how much do we really value his presence what value have you got on his presence [Music] Luke 10:30 oh yeah 10 38 to 42 is the story of Mary and Martha and we all know that story I mean can you imagine if you were Martha and Mary all of a sudden you've got 12 guys and probably a few extra and I think probably Martha was a good cook and so they all come in and say hey Michael what's for dinner we're starving you know and then they go to the meeting with Jesus well Martha is in the kitchen and her door is majorly up and so here she is running around the kitchen trying to prepare a meal and where's Mary I need some help well Mary is at the feet of Jesus [Music] just looking at him just drawing in his love and Martha gets so perturbed she's just absolutely fit to be tied Mary Mary come here Mary's finally she can't stand it anymore and she walks into Jesus and she said Jesus will you tell my sister to get out in the kitchen here and help me and you know what Jesus says to her Martha Martha you are so troubled and worried about many things but mary has chosen the best hello did you hear what I said she has chosen the best and it will not be taken away from her Wow you mean the best is being with Jesus just sitting in his presence just being with him yeah I mean it's in the scriptures for all of us to see she valued his presence whenever he was around Mary was at his feet she was just soaking in she was loving him she knew the value Martha on the other hand was serving and working right and Jesus rebuked her he absolutely rebuked her and said Martha mary has chosen the best [Music] take time in his presence and don't be in a hurry right so you're late for supper so you miss supper I won't kill you the tummy might be a little growly but have a bottle of water it'll fix this told be in a hurry when I soak I put on a CD that brings me into the presence of the Holy Spirit that draws my heart in to loving Jesus ah Jesus I still love you I worship you lord I I take this time and I position my heart and I tell my mind to go on hold you can take function later but now I am heart-to-heart I'm positioning myself for love I'm positioning myself to be with my Jesus Wow maybe you're thinking but Carol I read my Bible every day I intercede every day why is it so important to soak the Bible is a book of law of history of prophecy of poetry and of teaching and all of it comes out of the experiences that is not a bad word it comes out of the experiences of its leading characters isn't that an interesting thought you see your life needs to comprise of experiences with him and the only way that's going to happen is by spending tonight with him right he's not a McGee this he's not a drive-through he wants a relationship Chiba soaking in his presence opens up the heart and the soul to divine romance with God it allows the Lord to love you and for you to love him who says that as with any relationship you're not gonna get to know somebody unless you spend time with them and this is one of the most valuable things that we can do each time with him will be different probably sometimes you'll flood you with unconditional love and affection sometimes he might put his finger on a wound or a hurt that is in your heart sometimes he will just cover you with a blanket of his healing presence I've seen so many times that we've done a session called healing through soaking and I'm gonna do that one time soon and but the last time I did it was in England and a lady was terminal for stage 4 terminal cancer came and Laura Jessica let her into the revival Alliance meeting and so she sat there and she just looked horrible anyway she sat there so at the end I said I want everybody to find a spot and lie down cuz we're gonna soak in his presence and she said Oh took everything I caught and I had to beg to get in here because I couldn't pay for the registration and and now she's telling me that I have to lie down on the carpet does she know how painful that is I'm already and you know a 10 out of a 10 pain level so this is issues this is then her testimony afterwards anyway she laid down on the carpet and gasps what God healed her 100% [Music] nobody prayed for she laid in the presence of God and his presence came on this woman she did it out of obedience and God saw you see once you really realize God wants to be with you he loves you he just wants to hang around you he'll change how you think it'll change what you do he likes loving you and he likes when you love him have you noticed and you're really worship how his presence comes as because we're focused we're giving our love to him but then he wants to come and talk to us before I started soaking I never had a vision I grew up in a denominational Church no one told me that you could actually feel God much less hear God it was just duty it was just go through the motions read the Bible do the prayers but nobody ever told me that the electrifying power of God would come so many times when you're soaking God will give you a vision and if it starts if you start to see something it might be just a little bit grab it don't analyze it you can analyze it later okay don't let your brain analyze just grab it and say Father let it flow let it flow let it flow and God won't take you in to a vision sometimes Wow it's just so precious when he does that you know I remember one time my dad had just died and and I was sitting in my chair and I was kind of praying and I was feeling sorry for myself and and I just kind of went oh god I I really need a dad but just kind of sat there kind of Wow you know well about a week later is at the school of ministry and we were ministering and I decided just to lie down and soak after he ministered and I had this full-on vision though I I had read in in Daniel 7 9 to 14 but anyway in that when I was in the school of ministry all of a sudden Jesus came up to me and it was really funny because he had a red rose in his his mouth and his eyes were sparkling and twinkling and and so he took me in and we started to dance and we just were swirling and dancing it and it was wow and then I kind of went oh my gosh you know when he slowed down a little bit I mean it was shiny it was so shiny I that my gosh were gonna fall and not and and then I thought gosh where are we and I realized that we were on the sea of glass we were dancing in heaven on the sea of glass and then in the distance I sort of saw the throne of God and was smoking and I saw the emerald rainbow and and then all of a sudden saw a figure coming come off the throne but then we were dancing and I and I lost sight of that and all of a sudden I saw this big an tap Jesus on the shoulder and I and I looked up and it was father God and he said Jesus can I dance with my daughter [Music] and it just absolutely did me in that God would do that you see somebody could have told me that the father really loved me but the father really cared for me that the father wanted to be with me but you see a picture is worth a thousand words and I've realized that my heavenly daddy really loved me he got off the throne and walked however far it was to dance with his daughter and so that is the intimacy that is the experience aspect of becoming close to Jesus to spending time with him the Holy Spirit likes us when we become like children Matthew 18 3 and 4 unless you become like a little child you will know I know means enter the kingdom of heaven therefore whoever humbles himself like this little child Wow is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven you see the price oh sorry up just mmm buzzing again Thank You art I love your presence and the price for soaking is vulnerability and humility you see we don't want to be vulnerable when we lie down [Music] we want what you have but we don't want to do what you do right it's like the mind says it's foolishness but I guarantee you if you make a habit a lifestyle of soaking your ministry will increase your relationships will increase your anointing will increase miracles signs and wonders will increase everything will increase everything that you've been trying trying trying will increase when you spend some time soaking with him [Music] now does sulking mean that you're not going to accomplish anything people will say to you Oh for heaven's sakes don't tell me you're still lying on the floor in Toronto yes we are and we need to do more of it because we have listened to the busy and we need to get back to the basics but fruitfulness comes from intimacy as we become intimate with him fruitfulness comes a man in England gave me this and why I have it in this is it is soaked in oil he gave me this and he said Carol this is for you intimacy the next move of my spirit will be burst out of intimacy an intimacy can only be found in that secret place where you and I can be as one out of this intimacy will come the release of life power and fire to enable you to see and feel my glory start to cover the earth you must find that place that secret place that relationship with me find that place now when Terry would walk into a room you would smell very strongly English roses very strongly and for years like I kept this at I've always kept it in my Bible but you don't smell the English roses the day Terry died and went to be with Jesus it no longer smells the oil is still there it is still oily but the fragrance of his relationship with Jesus went to heaven with him and so we need to need to have our own fragrance of his presence in our lives Sarah Edwards wife of Jonathan Edwards of the Great Awakening 1740 summed it up so well she didn't call it soaking but that's in fact what it was she had a famous statement that said I am overwhelmed by his nearness to me and my dear Ness to him isn't that precious this is my prayer for you today that you will be overwhelmed by his nearness to you and your dearness to him we want to check before we actually practice sulking because we want to practice because I would ask that you would make this a lifestyle start with something that you can accomplish start with ten minutes don't try to do an hour or four hours you want something you can do consistently every day because you see it'll become so sweet that the lengths will grow so let's check on our mr. sponge shall we see if all this soaking time has helped him at all okay [Music] probably so mr. sponge how are you doing oh my gracious looking happy oh my word you are sloshing wet you are soft and you look slightly drunk mr. sponge oh wow whoops better watch it well he is saturated with the presence of God ah mr. sponge is anointed [Applause] [Music] ah do you want to become saturated [Music] by the presence of God he can do it for a hard old sponge how much more can he do it for you so let's position ourselves [Music] find yourself a spot if you can kind of stay in rather than going horizontally it helps get more people in find yourself a comfortable spot [Music] and we've got a bit of time and so we're gonna soak for 15 to 20 minutes [Music] now we're asking the Lord to give us more of the Holy Spirit correct that what we're gonna do [Music] the Bible says in Luke 11 11 to 13 if a son asks for bread from any father among you will he give him a stone can I have that up on the overhead please or if he asks for a fish will he give him a serpent instead of a fish or if he asked for an egg will he offer him a scorpion if you then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Wow thank you Lord so I want you to pray with me [Music] Heavenly Father come on all of you pray I so thank you that you want to come close to me and Lord I position myself today to have relationship with you I tell my mind to be still and I call my spirit to life [Music] Lord would you come close [Music] and speak to me and I just want to tell you Lord that I love you and I'm sorry I haven't been spending as much time with you as you would want will you come and draw me in thank you part [Music] you see the scripture says in Psalm 23 [Music] the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he makes me lie down in green pastures so he's calling us today to lie down in his green pastures he leads me beside the still waters he restores my soul Lord I ask that you'd come and that you would restore these precious sons and daughters but their soul be refreshed let it be restored he leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake and even though you're walking through the valley of the shadow of death you need not fear any evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of mine enemies you anoint my head with oil lord will you come and anoint their heads with oil today [Music] the oil of intimacy [Music] just comes on each one the oil of joy [Music] also comes on and Lord my cup runs over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever [Music] if your mind wanders away just bring it back focus on Jesus [Music] holy spirit grease [Music] your love blankety twine [Music] after you've told them how much you love him and appreciate him to say Lord what would you say to me to have something you want to say to me or something you want to show to me [Music] Psalm 37 7 says rest in the Lord [Music] and wait patiently for him Lord were waiting patiently come and find us [Music] Matthew 11:28 230 says come to me all who labor and are heavy-laden and I will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn of me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls for my yoke is easy and my burden is light just give him your burdens right now [Music] he's right here some of you are thinking about all the things that are wrong or they're all the things that you're burdened down with just hand them over to Jesus say Jesus I give them to you right now and I choose your wrist I choose your love and I choose your presence [Music] holy spirit' increase your power I got more [Music] don't forget this is a two-way dialogue he speaks to you and you speak to him the romance [Music] time of intimacy [Music] Lord we pray that as the deer pants after the WaterBrook [Music] Lord so pants my soul after you Lord my soul thirsts for God for the Living God Lord we are hungry and thirsty for you Lord right on her hearts your love right on our hearts that crime is within us at first that's within us [Music] now some of you may not be used to being super soakers [Music] but we want to just take a couple of testimonies from love you hear that God has really spoken to [Music] I'm billing you can sulk for as long as you want but I'd like some testimonies because it always encourages those that feel that they're not getting a breakthrough [Music] she's crawling up the stairs [Music] Wow what's been happening what's your name Cheryl Cheryl hi Carol okay I'm doing the school of ministry and I was retaught about to a journaling so um in just the last few days I was journaling masking the word that just showed me how he saw me I saw us go by the Sea of Galilee as Mark burglars teaching had encouraged by the recording but then I had seen Jesus take my hand and we went up over the hill by the Sea of Galilee and we went by this River and I knew that the river was flowing from the throne of God it was very quiet and still and there was a tree that was beside the river and I knew that that was the tree that was planted by the river whose leaves would not wither and whatever it did would prosper and so Jesus sat down by the tree he leaned up by the tree with his back against the tree and invited me to come he stretched out his legs and I laid down my let my head on his lap we just spent time there and I looked up on what I saw was the most magnificent leaves like the leaves on the carpet here and I just looked up enjoying these beautiful leaves and this time with Jesus today just now the Lord expanded the picture what did you have to say to me Lord and he expanded the picture to my right that as I asked him what he wanted to show me is that these vast meadows started to unfold rolling hills way in the distance all around me on the other side of the river and as I sat there next to him looking out in awe flowers shot up all around all around as far as the eye could see there were mountains in the distance but there were these huge gerbera daisies I love gerberas and all these colors it was just it was like just this explosion of flowers scene I absolutely love that we're laughing you're laughing it out what amazing it was and he was so excited because he knew how much I loved gerber daisies as far as the eye could see but then he took my hand and he drew me to dance and as he twirled me and we danced I realized that his power every time I brushed or stepped on a flower or came near it which was all around me his power was infused in those flowers and as we danced his flower that his power infused in those flowers just kept electrifying me in love I I stood at one point I stood on his eye he said just put your feet on my feet I was like I don't know how to do this dance and we were laughing and he said just put your feet on my feet and he took me and we danced through the flowers and I was receiving his power and just delighting in his love we went back as Carol said to those who thirst to come and drink and so we went back to the river we kneel down and we just kept our hands and drank and the father started to laugh up at the throne in the distance where the rivers were coming from his throne he laughed this big hearty laugh because he just delighted in us drinking this up and when I turned around [Music] Jesus had prepared this most amazing picnic for me right by the river underneath this tree with all the flowers and the meadows and I just thought oh Lord [Music] I can't believe you did this for me he had cooked fish and we sat on this checkered blanket and we just we just beamed cuz it had been such a great day what did that do for your heart it just spoke in so many ways just and earnest and joy but the flowers and dancing just being free but the powers as we danced I danced in his arms any twirl that it was so much fun but as I was having this fun in this just delightful day just this delightful experience I was being infused by power like my friend Paula's dad would he worked on the power lines and the Lord showed me last night just like Paula's dad worked on the power lines and Jeff works with power and electricity there's voltage in there to produce something and there was voltage producing something in me and me it me like do you know what I mean it was in me not somebody else the power in those beautiful gerbera daisies just like Jeff deals with like it's real electricity it was doing something in me praise God have some more Wow [Music] ah rekt you did it Oh um I'll just start out with when I was a little girl my father and always wanted a little girl and I was the third born and I was the only I was the youngest and I was the only daughter and my dad and I we used to he would sit in his he has his big chair and I run out money any time you go near that chair and I run up and jump in his lap and we just snuggle and so what God did um Jesus Jesus took my hands and he started to dance with me and then I didn't know what was happening cuz it was like he scooped me in his arms and he was carrying me and I'm thinking where are we going what's going on and I know I was having fun dancing because I love to dance to and what's going on father takes me there Zarek's and just like helped me really feel like I can conquer the world cuz I made my daddy's arms and I could do anything [Music] Oh ha now how many think that you could tell her that a thousand times but she wouldn't have gotten it would she 15 minutes and God did it hi come on [Music] so last night I don't know what happened but I just started writing out and I felt like this love for my family and I was just like writing God's words for them and then I went through some of the fire tunnels and I fell on the floor over there after and it's not really like me like I usually don't follow I love God in his presence but I couldn't get up and I just started experience experiencing God's love in a way that was like so personal you know it's like I know God loves me but it was like oh you love me like like me and and yeah I just felt like he started to tickle me and it sounds so simple but in that I felt like you said like you know you haven't let yourself have fun and it really long like months and I was like no that's not true and then I thought about it and it was it was true and he opened my heart up in this new way and I just felt loved and yeah away I haven't in a long time and I couldn't move after that and I just feel his legs [Music] and it's energy in in my body and and I feel like he's restored things in my health I had my body that had been damaged and I only had two hours of sleep last night because it was so good and I couldn't go to sleep and I'm not really tired like I have strength and I don't know what he did but I just know it was powerful yeah oh Jesus we thank you for her we thank you lord ah well for speaking to her for apprehending her Wow for healing her strengthening her and letting her know that she's precious [Music] well any of them been come on men don't be shy you know men get this too don't they hello I'm Lucas and I grew up in a Christian family and then one day I had this experience and one day I believe the lie that God doesn't want me anymore and I just run away to the world and I was lost I was prodigal son but I know my parents prayed for me and two and a half years ago just God took me back but what I did I was like I rejected this prodigal son I say how god thank you I can bury him and I'm rid of it and yesterday I could see that the father really even in the time I wasn't safe he lost me and he could see my heart that I was seeking for a father and seeking for love and and I could really forgive me the first time and it just embraced me and say come on I love you and this for me I could feel more whole in all this life I know I'm oh I just want to say if you have a son even if you 11 years away from the Lord don't stop praying God's gonna hold him back whew thank you lord we call those prodigal z' back into the arms of love Lord sir [Music] hi this week's just being such a blessing it's been intentional it's been God given time I had a new need put in first a November and I knew though that this time was about not just bringing do something new in here but bring something new in here karlie be back together again so I'm at it I'm off work at the moment but she's been a good time but there's been ups and downs but I knew about coming here this was so timely and it's just God spoken in so many different ways through to so many different people and just lying over there I felt a bit embarrassed because I just started laughing about ten minutes I kind of kept it in the because I didn't want to just too many people around it to English I know here okay but I just couldn't let it stop just kept floods upon lots of it and just anything you were saying was what everything was funny at one point it just all it's just there's so God's putting me back together inside and that's a testimony for this week and I knew it would be this way because God they come to this conference and join up the sign up and have the time to do it it's been a real gift so it's been fantastic well like the prophetic word that we've had from one of our intercessors has been this is a year of joy so I bless you to be not English you and let the joy flow you can make as much noise as you want whenever you want we are so used to that come on Lord isn't that great okay one more okay come on let it be contagious to us all Lord I was hearing the Lord say be still and know that I am God and that nothing shall be impossible for those who believe and he was saying it again and again and I kept hearing him say be still and and knowing and I'm like part of me just wants to do things and I want to be busy for God and be faithful and and I feel like that something broke off that this sense of striving I feel like he made me lie down and I got I got stuck at this morning I I felt down there and I was like so full of fire on the floor that I that I couldn't get up and so time went by and the Lord said just received just receive no no no one had to say just receive because yeah because he was saying it and he was saying just receive son just receive he was telling me he loves me over and over and I figured well if he has to keep telling me then maybe I don't really believe it and then and then the Lord said remember when you were in LA and and you were at the airport and and that woman walked up and then and I asked you to pray for her and she was healed she came out of the wheelchair and I said yes Lord that was amazing because I want it to do I want it to happen again and I looked up and right then our sister rolled up on in a wheelchair I had just opened my eyes I stuck on the floor since this morning I missed lunch praise God and then the Lord showed me he's gonna do it to her he's gonna do it to her and so I started to tell her you know it's funny cuz I was having a vision of this remembrance of a woman who was touched by the glory and how God had healed her her legs and she got up and she was shouting and people were going whoa in the airport of LA and I said in God showed me he wants to do this for you and and I just know I was stuck here all day until you got here and I began to prophesy the Lord said speak over her body over the bones and prophesy can these bones live yes they could live if you will prophesy if he will speak over them and then many other people began to pray and we watched her come out of the wheelchair and she got stronger and stronger and stronger and I just knew Jesus is going to release a whole new wave of the miraculous from the revelation of rest that we can work from rest that we can work from approval and not for it that we can walk in the righteousness that is our destiny then we can move with fire and zeal and power and passion and that nothing shall be impossible for those who believe who put their trust in the one who is faithful and I just want to say this that he chose you that you are here by divine design that this house is giving birth to a whole new measure of glory and that there's anointing present now that will break every yoke and every weight and the bondage of your past sin and the remembrance of your failure and he will lift you up and take you into the next glory and cause you to mount up on wings as Eagles and walk and not fete and run and not grow weary and will see things like this woman running and dancing and leading teams that travel around the world and they'll dance in the glory and they'll spark waves of revival that will shift the world and this is what God wants to do through you his sons and daughters so I bless you in the name of Jesus [Music] well [Music] by well what I want to share it was there's just a lot of him just from reminding me of a lot of experiences that I had this past while I'm in college so I could buy less past semester and fall and it was I sure go to a lot with like the father's heart and because I had a lot of like father wounds and I had this had these just like continual series of like heavenly encounters where the Lord would just well Jesus would take me up to the Father and and he would I would just feel led to ask him about about his heart and one of the just like I'll just share a couple things that just come of my experiences if one of the ones that really saw that stuck with me he said he was taking me to the time because I worked for my dad this past semester this the summer and the semester before and he said do you know how much like your dad loves when you go to work with him and I was and I said yeah I do and he said I feel that love but so much greater when my kids come to work with me every single day it was just like this amazing just love of the father because he because his daddy just loves for most kids don't it's just like it's like the dad when daddy takes the kid to work day and he's so excited he gets to live that every day with every kid that does yields themselves to him because he just he just loves us and he wants us to yield to him and one of the other things that Jesus took me to is one of the places that he would take me to a bit was he would take me to this this Beach this Beach in heaven because I love to surf and I was just like watching the waves and I was just like oh that looks awesome and all of a sudden these like surfboards appeared and I was like whoa we're gonna go surfing with Jesus and then we did and it was like the most folks so much fun and he was so obviously incredible he was so much fun and we get we go back to the beach I'm like what is the father doing to see does he do this like to see you like take a break or what I I didn't know and I see him running down the beach in a wetsuit he's ready to run out - we all went out and it was so amazing and there's just so many other just really awesome encounters with him throughout this past semesters and how does that make your heart feel it makes our heart feel amazing and just so loved because I just love feeling like daddy's little boy and like whenever I have like having a hard time I just close my eyes and I just like I'm daddy's little boy I'm daddy's little boy I just kind of yield to that and and I'm just I'm just so in love with God and it's just been amazing father thank you isn't that wonderful Oh God is so good ah so you may continue to soak or there's the time you never find the time or it is 4:59 so you may be released to go to supper bless you have a great day and let's soaking be a part of your lives from now on okay bless you
Channel: Catch The Fire Toronto
Views: 146,192
Rating: 4.7657843 out of 5
Keywords: Catch The Fire, Toronto, Carol Arnott, Preaching, Learning, Rest, soaking, encounter, transformation, teaching, relaxation, calm, Soaking in God's Presence, Soaking, in, God's, His, presence, Sid, Roth, Sid Roth, Peace, Meditation, How to
Id: Egci279K_dU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 26sec (6626 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2018
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