How to Pray for Healing - Heidi Baker & More

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the way I approach praying for someone for healing is God spoken to me many times that my jobs to love and his jobs to heal so I just go and love on the people you know I hug them I hold them I rock them in my arms i I bless them as a person and I pray for their healing with the deaf ears it's been in the last three and a half years it's like been a hundred percent for Mozambicans in Kabul Delgado but with blind eyes it's probably been 70 percent so with with the blind eyes we hold them we pray for them but we also build homes for the blind we also build places where they're taken care of and loved we also allow them in with great joy to be on the ministry team to pray for the sick to pray God would open other people's eyes so it's always about pouring out love and compassion and sometimes we're so interested in the end result that we forget the person along the way and it's about sharing compassion and love and you can't fail because people leave feeling left and that's what matters don't beg for healing but we really need to we need to tell the body what it's supposed to do you know this body was made from the dust of the earth this was made from from the ground from the dirt and that's what that's what God gave man dominion over was the dirt the ground and so we have authority over these bodies in Sturgeon why Paul could say I put my body under subjection you know I put my body in check and and so speaking to the body not from the standpoint of Oh Lord if it would be so nice if you would just come and heal and would you please come and heal and I don't like the idea notion of God's sovereignty from the standpoint of oh you were naughty you were nice you get it you don't or I like your color of shoes today so you get healed and you don't have shoes so you don't you know that sort of notion I think is really broken you know image of God's sovereignty because I don't think how his sovereignty is really at work but what I think we have to approach it is we've got to speak to the body we've got to give it order give it direction and so I'll pray for a shoulder and I'll say I'd command you shoulder be restored by the authority pain get out right now leave you may not stay and I command you shoulder be healed be restored by the authority of Jesus Christ now there are people that that when you pray for it now typically for me if it's believer I have to pray multiple times that's the standard if it's an unbeliever I was just at a Chinese restaurant and waitress had a wrist brace had carpal tunnel and told her I said look Jesus is about to completely heal your wrist right now and that's a message to you how much he loves you is pursuing you once a relationship with you prayed for instantly all the pain left if she had been in one of my meetings it had probably been three or four times if she was a Christian and I believe that's because the war is greater in the church than outside it's a battle it's a fight this is a fight to the death and so contending for that handling is there now we don't have the energy to do it all day but according to mark chapter 8 jesus prayed twice for the blind man you know and and if and he had to take him out of his environment he had to take him out lead him out because and he doesn't say this but it gives a strong indication that it was because of the unbelief that was there he was known as the blind man that was his identity in that village and he removed him from that identity from that being pegged but if G I'm thinking if Jesus gets to pray for a blind man twice I got 15 times at least and so take it but if it doesn't happen what I look at the person I said listen we cannot earn healing it's a gift and you can't earn it you can't be good enough for it none of us deserve it and God has given it and we're we're fighting I'll contend with you for this we'll fight together you know for this healing but understand if it doesn't happen I can't make it happen but I will do everything that the Lord told me to do in Scripture in praying and pursuing and contending for your healing and I believe that gets results I believe that makes an impact on and the people I was actually at this this location where we're at now and prayed for a man who is deaf in his right ear I prayed nine times nothing changed the man right behind him said actually I'm deaf in the same year I could have looked at him said you know Jesus is intended years tonight I'm sorry just go home but I grabbed the guy who would just pray I just prayed for it I said come back here I said this man needs to be healed in the same ear we prayed together by the third time complete restored hearing and he had not had hearing in that ear since he was three years old and he was completely healed a hundred percent I looked at the guy who we had just pray for and I said now how does that make you feel and I was expecting him to say bombed and he looked at in the end he goes like I can pray for deaf ears and they'll be little here I mean he totally saw it from the other perspective of God wants to do this with me and that's the message that God wants us to have in that and so I encouraged him listen you can't earn it you can't deserve it you know we'll contend for it but we're not in the fullness of the kingdom yet and so this is just the result you know of that and the result of the fall and we're just you know but whoa don't give up well I'm again for myself how I do it is like when I go up to someone and I ask them if they want prayer and they say yes and god I operate more than knowledge all know things pieces I'm just like the reason you have this because of this this and this and I'll say look I'm just a donkey Jesus rides in on but how about if we come together and agree with God you know and stand because you know Jesus you know a lot of people lose their healings because you come into agreement that's what faith is to come together we agree and then we stand and so people go well I didn't get out of the wheelchair and I'll say but what do you what do you have right now and I'll say I had this most unbelievable peace and a faith just in a couple minutes of praying with them because I've call it like an onion it's sometimes it's a layer at a time you know it doesn't it doesn't always happen like Chaz I am you know like in a blink of an eye and I believe that God uses those times that layering not for us to become more heavier and sadder and feel like we're rejected or to use it I see people use as their Oh what was me look at me feel sorry for me I mean really people have allowed their their sickness to become their identity and so they're like oh don't pray for me because I won't get healed if you pray for me but if they pray for me I will and so it's almost like a battle of the mind
Channel: WP Films
Views: 527,079
Rating: 4.8576875 out of 5
Keywords: event, angels, miracles, healings, christianity, religion, holy spirit, darren wilson, father of lights, finger of god, furious love, wanderlust productions, heidi baker, robby dawkins, angela greenig, spiritual warfare, faith healing
Id: s5xzVgACo2M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 7sec (427 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 01 2011
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