God's Promise for Broken Families | Jentezen Franklin

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if you have your bibles i'm going to ask you to open them with me for a few moments this morning and i want to give you a word from the lord i don't know but i just feel that he's going to speak to us today and uh i want to go i want to go over to jeremiah the actually let's go to ac to matthew chapter 2 and we'll end up in jeremiah 31 in a little bit go with me to matthew chapter 2 i'll begin reading with verse 16 for the sake of time then herod when he saw that he was deceived by the wise men was exceedingly angry and he sent forth and put to death all the male children who were in bethlehem and in all its districts from two years of age under according to the time which he had determined from the wise men then was fulfilled what was spoken by the prophet jeremiah saying a voice was heard in rhema lamentations weeping and great mourning rachel weeping for her children refusing to be comforted because they are no more if i backed up in matthew chapter 2 you would read in verse 2 about a star in the east you would read about wise men who came you would read about verse 10 where they saw the star and rejoice with exceeding great joy fell down and worshiped this the messiah born you would read about shepherds in the field you would read about angel visitations it was amazing the glory of god you would read words like good will and peace and good will toward men and sandwiched right in the middle of all of that is this strange text lifted from the pages of jeremiah 31 a voice was heard in the middle of the birth of christ and all the celebration all of the joy all of the happiness and laughter and singing of angels and announcements and proclamations to the world of peace and good will right in the middle verse 18 a voice was heard in rhema lamentation weeping great mourning rachel weeping for her children because she couldn't be comforted it seems so out of place when i read it it seems so why is this here it's inserted into the christmas story and i'm not preaching on christmas this morning i want to talk about this crazy verse in the middle that you never hear anybody preach on concerning the christmas story so what was taking place here what was this about this is not the first time this utterance shows up in scripture it goes all the way back to the book of genesis the 35th chapter and in genesis chapter 35 there's a woman by the name of rachel we're introduced to rachel according to the scripture was barren and could not have children and she prayed a prayer of desperation in her barren state give me children or let me die give me children or let me die and god caused her and her husband jacob to give a miracle birth to a miracle child of enormous potential and his name was joseph joseph would ultimately be the savior of the entire planet and world in that time and these are just historical facts there was such a famine that the whole world was starving to death and joseph had a dream from god stored up food seven years of it to feed the hungry in the seven years of famine and now jose jacob and little joseph who's a little toddler by this time the miracle child and rachel are on their way to bethlehem they're taking a journey and along the journey she's nine months pregnant and she goes into labor and on the side of a dusty road headed to bethlehem rachel begins to give birth to her second child his name would become benjamin that would be the line that the kings all the kings of israel would come through that bloodline so this is a this is a heavy moment that jacob's name would be changed to israel so all these children that they're having would become the children of israel that would become the nation of israel through which a messiah would come so this is a pretty pretty powerful moment when rachel on the side of a dusty road is giving birth only a husband could plan a trip the ninth month of pregnancy own a donkey and she goes into labor and there's complications we're not told what happened but she begins to die rachel in giving birth to her second child at a place called rhema if you go to israel today you will find that rhema is a landmark city it's where the tomb of rachel is and it's significant and here's why because here put yourself every mother will will understand this here is a mother who's just given birth to a brand new newborn baby and the baby's laying on her breast she's got little joseph a toddler and she realizes i'm dying i'm leaving this world all the hopes and the dreams that i have for this children her husband jacob is watching the whole nightmare and he's weeping and she's weeping and she's weeping for her children she's weeping like any mother would weep for their child the hopes the dreams i'll never see it rhema is the place of separation rhema is where the baby is taken out of the dead fingers of the mother rhema is where the little toddler says goodbye to his mother for the last time rhema is where jacob is weeping because his family has gone through a division and a separation of unspeakable pain and the thing that stands out is rachel weeping for her children because they are no more she's going away that's the beginning of the story it's found in another place fast forward fast forward understanding that rhema is the place of division for a family rhema is a place of division for little children and mom it's a place of being torn apart for families and homes and to this day it is a sacred landmark in israel that people go especially jewish people to pay tribute to this weeping mother who lost her children that day on the dusty road to bethlehem now fast forward to 586 bc many generations later same spot same place you can't make this stuff up the bible is an amazing book and here's the setting nebuchadnezzar has invaded with his powerful babylonian army the nation of israel he has pillaged and stolen all of the gold all of the silver all of the wealth he has decimated the city he has burned down the temple he has he has stolen the temple gold and vessels of gold and made a mockery and having a party drinking his wines drunk with those vessels mocking god the god of israel and if that were not enough he slaughtered their army he's torn down the massive walls of jerusalem and left the stones burned there's nothing left of the temple there's nothing left of the heritage there's nothing left of the families much but then he did something very strange that caught my attention and i'd never seen it before in second kings 24. i don't know why i missed this unless it was the right timing for the lord to open my eyes to it nebuchadnezzar gave a strange command to his elite forces he said i want you to go through those who are still alive the families of israel and i want you to look into each family and i want you to find the children in the family the teenagers the young people the youth that are in that household and if you see special potential if you see special talent gifts if you see that they're skilled in arts or in craft or in music or if they're physically strong if they are if there's something about them in their intellect or their abilities their talents i want you to pull them out of the family you're not going to believe this and take them to rhema and hold them in holding pens i want 10 000 nebuchadnezzar gave the command 10 000 special children that were in the temple ten thousand children that are gifted and anointed and have incredible potential and could do amazing things for the kingdom that they were in which was the kingdom of god but now i want you to gather them in the holding pens of rhema five miles outside of jerusalem the dusty road that leads to bethlehem and i want you to put barbed wire fence around them and i want you to chain them up and when we go back to babylon we will take those children with us and they will build my kingdom nebuchadnezzar said and they will cause me to be great and their talents and their gifts i will use for my glory and i want you to see the day when after he's done all the damage that he could do nebuchadnezzar stands out and he's about to leave israel in the hands of the troops that he's gonna leave but he's taking with him ten thousand teenagers ten thousand twenty-somethings thirty-somethings the most talented the most gifted the most powerful the most creative the most inventive he took them kidnapped them and they're and he's holding them at a place called rhema where centuries before a woman named rachel had had her children taken out of her hands as she wept her last breath and saw her family torn to pieces now generations later the cries of mothers and daughters being separated or being heard again generations later the young people are crying for their parents looking realizing as the as the caravan begins to move they're chained like slaves one to another and they look back and mom and dad are behind the barbed wire fence and the mothers are weeping the dads are weeping the division the the separation of family the the family will never be the same the home will never be the same the children will never be the same and they're weeping families are broken husbands and wives looking at each other saying i can't believe this is happening to our home to our family how can this happen to our family we raise them in the temple how can this happen we taught them to fear jehovah the one god and and now where is he and the children are being taken away captive much like the in my mind i saw it like the world war ii uh nazi troops as they took the jews to concentration camps and there someone would separate the mothers from their children the children would go one way and the mothers would go another way and the dad would go another way this is exactly what was taking place and that's when we're given jeremiah who was alive and saw it he was an eyewitness and this is what he said happened at that moment as the as the children are being listen to me enslaved those chains speak of addiction those chains speak of alcoholism those chains speak of drug addiction those chains speak of of cocaine and marijuana and and and all of the things that are enslaving a whole generation and the dreams of parents are dying because the children are being enslaved and taken away from everything they were taught and raised in chains of mental illness chains of depression chains of eating disorders chains of of of of sexual dysfunction chains of immorality and lifestyles that that that they were not reared in not raised in taken into a whole new culture and the children are going away and the parents are grieving and in the middle of that jeremiah said i heard a voice verse 15 of jeremiah 31 i heard a voice in rhema where they were being held as they're being taken away above the clinging of the chains above the screens of the soldiers get in line was the voice of rachel it's like the ghost of rachel because you know she was buried right there and her ghost comes up from the comes up from the sepulcher and she starts above all those noises an eerie piercing lamenting voice weeping weeping over the children they're gone they're gone she's weeping they could hear this eerie female voice weeping like the cry of a mother a mother when she loses a child a mother when she's standing at the gravesite a mother when she when she when she when she goes through something that just so devastating have you ever heard your mother cry like that have you ever heard a mother cry how many of you know what i'm how many of you are mothers and you know you've cried let me see your hand imagine that's it and hell whispers they're mine your sons your daughters your grandsons your granddaughters the marriages the families are divided separated for second time it happened first with jacob and rachel and little joseph and infant benjamin separation division in the family torn to pieces this time it's happening again because nebuchadnezzar boy when i read that the holy spirit spoke to me and he said let this be a warning to the youth of your generation that you will preach to tell them that that spirit has never died and covid has brought great desperation to young people you are the target of the enemy you 20 you 30 you teenagers you are the target and the enemy has come to take the best out of our churches out of our homes where we raised you to fear and honor god and he wants to enslave you with addiction a slave you with alcoholism drug addiction sexual perversion enslave you and use all your gifts and all your potential and all your talent for him and his kingdom and rachel's been weeping and up to this point this is a pretty depressing sermon let's be honest but you can't preach the gospel it's called good news and stay depressed it's a real book it's a real book it doesn't play games it doesn't pretend like families are beautiful all the time and there's nothing but unity and love and i love you darling i love you and some of you siblings don't speak for years this is real the only part of the christmas story i can relate to nobody ever preaches on it i can't relate to the virgin mary and you can't either because you aren't one and you were not one and yeah i i i i cannot relate to i cannot relate to angels on the hilltop singing glory to god in the highest piece on earth good will i can't relate to wise men bringing gold my children take my gold amen nobody brings me no gold for my children i'd be you know you know i'd be a wealthy man phil a wealthy man almost as rich as you i'd be a wealthy man i can't relate to any of that and you can't either the one part of the christmas story that we can relate to families being divided families weeping families being torn to pieces things division coming into a home we can all in one way we all know what it's like to have a son taken off we all know what it is to have a daughter somewhere messed up in some lifestyle we all know what it if it's not your son or your daughter it's your granddaughter it's your aunt it's your sister's brother you're your sons you got somebody jacked up in your family somewhere i need somebody to get honest this is the first service back we might as well quit playing church somebody is out smoking dope today that used to be in the house of god some kid that was raised in kid pack is out in some immoral lifestyle right now satan's got the chain and nebuchadnezzar's spirit says they're mine some kid is shacked up with her boyfriend or girlfriend and they know better they know the truth and the truth is it breaks your heart and you're grieving and it hurts you but i have come with good news today now we make the final shift it's not how long you preach it's how quick you can get there under the anointing and i'm almost there i feel this thing the wise men show up in jerusalem many centuries later we saw a star a king is being born an angel told us he's the king of israel he's the king of all the earth he's the messiah he's a child of great potential he'll save the world and herod watch how that demon jumps from generation to there's nothing new crazy acting people you think you're an original sinner you're not no original sinner we did the same stuff you acting like and we know how stupid you are because we acting like that too y'all think your parents are so dumb they know a lot more the reason they know is cause they were dumb like you and they're trying to save you turn to your child if you're near them and say i wasn't quite as dumb as you but i i was now listen to this listen to this same spirit now shows up to wipe out a whole generation in a time when deliverance is about to be born in bethlehem on the road to bethlehem and do you know who i'm talking about i'm talking about jesus and mary and joseph being warned in a dream that herod was going to slaughter all the male children two years of age and under took their son of potential and the bible said the wording wording's very specific they took him to egypt by night there's a son in egypt and his knight and he's got great potential and some mothers weeping over him he's out there she's out there and the tears matter to god but i just came today to preach that can you imagine those children as they were taken to rhema because i'm gonna i'm gonna quote you this same verse in that's in jeremiah 15 now shows up in matthew chapter 2 the birthing chapter of jesus and when herod is slaughtering the two-year-old male children he he did it for two years we think that was just one occasion he did it for two years for two years he took those boys to a spot in israel called rhema five miles north of jerusalem and he slaughtered one after another after another and there that place is where the mothers were weeping that place was the was where the fathers were weeping as they watched their precious little you know you know how you feel about your children parents can you imagine the horror and one final time the ghost of rachel comes up in matthew 2 and the prophet said in matthew 2 the writer matthew said said in in in chapter 2 a voice was heard in rhema what is that connected to when herod is slaughtering the innocents lamentation weeping great mourning reach rachel weeping for her children refusing to be comforted because they are no more and it sounds like that's it that's it the story is a sad sad story but i want to preach and i came to preach that rhema is not a dead end streak because if you go back to jeremiah 31 and i'm going to after you read about the weeping of rachel in rhema in verse 15 you can see it the verse throw it up jeremiah 31 15 they're weeping rapes are weeping for children refusing to be comfort i know you preach that pastor because they are no more but you got to get it you got to understand the setting next verse something powerful happens thus says the lord because rhema is not a dead in street because down the road on the same road a child is going to be born in bethlehem and he shall be called jesus and he shall save people from their curses and from their sins and break the chains of addiction and break the chains of shame and break the chains of condemnation and the lord says to weeping mothers and weeping grandparents refrain your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears for your work shall be rewarded which means if you raised them right they may get off course but your work will be rewarded train up a child in the way they should go they may drink from the polluted streams of sin they may dabble in this and get hooked on that and end up here and there but your don't don't don't don't leave my verse go back to my verse your work shall be rewarded anybody in here and the spirit of nebuchadnezzar has kidnapped somebody from your family can you grab hold of that promise for somebody in your family the reward is coming i'm sorry if you were raised in a christian home you are not going to have a lot of fun in sin you'll have fun for a season and god is a party crasher he crashed nebuchadnezzar's party and wrote on the wall while they were drinking and backing it up he's smoking and he wrote on the wall the party's over i've come for my children i've come for the children of the covenant i'm come for the children that have been wept over and prayed over and fasted over and hell can't have our children and our children's children shout a man somebody like you believe you've got a covenant like you believe you've got a promise y'all better put my promise back up all right now i want everybody in this room to get your mouth open swallow real good and get your throat loosened up and i want you to say these words and they shall come back from the land of the enemy shout it out loud everybody they shall come back from the la you got a brother you got a sister that's out there you got a chair empty in your house because they're on drugs or they're here or they're there they shall come back from the land of the enemy clap your hands and praise god [Applause] oh somebody's grandma was weeping she's dead but her ghost has come back and seen some of you and the only reason you're sitting here and not dead in the ground is god heard their weeping next part of that verse this is the this is this is the promise given at rhema there is hope in your future do you hear me family family divided family separated family broken family hurting everybody in it dysfunctional and messed up there is hope in your future says the lord listen to this that your children will come back to their own border they may be in the occult they may be dabbling in witchcraft they may be dabbling in some new eastern religion they may have told you i don't believe that old black book i don't want to hear about that cross and that blood but that's the border the boundaries that you raise them in and my bible said that they will come back to their own border might take a year here's the hard part might take 10 years it might take 20 years might take me dying you dying might be a lot of weeping this is a phenomenal fabulous promise there is hope in your family's future they shall come back to their own borders and i heard the lord say after i wrote this little sermon and preached it for the first time last sunday make hell pay and i in that moment something exploded and the lord said ten thousand young people that the enemy has kidnapped and destroyed and used and abused and thrown aside they're coming back they're coming back your sons your daughters your grandsons your granddaughters your children your children's children they're coming back i don't need you to believe i already have heard from the lord nobody will talk me out of it i will see it and the lord said ten thousand ten thousand in every city ten thousand ten thousand church kids ten thousand kids raised in kid pack mac raised in kid pack sitting right there on the second row is mac mac and his precious wife stacy they came out here they're from georgia i don't know why they keep coming orange county they came with me 13 years ago the first time i ever had a church service they he was here they were here he helped bill kill kid pack he worked as a volunteer successful businessman flew out here on his own dime week after week after week after week after week after week after week to see this and here we stand the first sunday after hell hit us with his best shot and tried to take out do you know how many young people have gotten into crazy stuff during covet because they've lost all hope they've lost all faith they've lost everything the enemies just lied to them they've lost their self-esteem they've lost their confidence they've lost their dream they've lost it all but i'm here today to say hell's going to pay we're going to see 10 000 young people reached in orange county and hell is gonna pay they're coming back to the church they're coming back to the cross they're coming back to the blood the name the name that is above every name they're coming back [Applause] to their own borders [Applause] they're coming home and so i was laying in the bed monday after i preached this and we had a phenomenal move of god in georgia it was not the norm it's very uncanny and i just opened the altars and hundreds and hundreds of young people ran from the top balconies to in every campus we were going to every campus with the exception of this one last sunday and and they ran to the altars weeping crying throwing things down throwing bags of dope down i've never seen anything on people i mean i didn't know y'all brought it to church and light up out in the parking lot my god can you at least get off the holy ground and go do it over there in the other place but that day they left it and when one start another one starts and another one starts and enough they're throwing all kinds of stuff up there throwing packs of condoms up on the stage no that's called revival that's called they shall come back from the land and there's no happiness in that land there's no joy in that land there's no sustained joy in what the world has to offer you it'll leave you empty it'll abuse you and use you and throw you aside and laugh at you but i have come jesus said that you might have life and have it more abundantly more abundantly more abundantly more abundantly and the lord spoke to me monday morning early i woke up and all i all i heard i know when i hear him not an audible voice but deep in here it said ten thousand ten thousand kept hearing at ten thousand ten thousand ten thousand i said what lord what he said didn't nebuchadnezzar claim ten thousand church kids go get em back i said how he said you know i just gave you 10 million extra dollars we had a family donate five and a half million and then you wonderful people matched it and we it was supposed to be four and you've gone over that and we have 10 million and we've set him and god didn't give it to us to say we so we can brag how much money we got while the harvest is going to hell so the lord spoke to me and he said i want you starting next year to go to ten cities major cities in america started in atlanta fill up that coliseum make sure it seats at least ten thousand do it free don't charge the kids bring them in from all over the city don't charge one penny bring the biggest bands you get my he said he said this what the lord i mean i'm laying there and it just starts down low call reggie dabs tell him i want him to go into the schools for a month in every city and then tell him you're going to partner with him he's going in other words i'm going to be he and i are going to preach and ben's going to preach and anybody else god tells us is going to preach you're going to preach what's your name i forgot just in the moment jake jake the snake is going to preach come on and we're going to go to 10 cities we're coming chicago we're coming new york we're coming to l.a we're coming arch county 10 000 out of orange county i don't care if you believe it i don't have a lot of things going for me but i know when i hear from god oh it'll cost millions but we got the money when operating off the top not the bottom and then the lord said my friend jeff anders is sitting over here i'm almost done and he's sitting over here and he's gone through hell his family's gone through hell my family's going through hell we don't have no secrets you know how to do it all i'll be glad to give you the mic i don't want this i don't have to have this at this point in my life i'm doing this because god called me to do it and he said make hell pay for ever touching your family and my family in jail and jail jeff jeff came to me with an idea almost a year ago and i forgot about it i'm just being honest and he said he said he said i got this idea of opening up uh a program or some kind of campaign called no hope no hope and i thought he meant n-o hope he said no k-n-o-w hope no hope and the lord when i'm laying in the bed and i'm laying in the bed the lord said now don't just go in and have a big revival in a youth conference but build build no hope centers drug rehabs alcohol rehabs build 10 of them partner with my dear friend dr tim clinton who has 30 000 trained counselors certified counselors is amazing the biggest christian organization of counselors in the nation is my very dear friend tim clinton and i called him he said i'm in i'm in i'll staff him i'll take care of him how you gonna do that jehovah jireh is my provider and we're gonna do it we're gonna do it i'm too crazy now the devil should i was good and content to go off into the sunset an easy ride i've had a good run here praise the lord but now my fight is back and i am declaring war on the power of the enemy that is shredding youth's life hell will not win hell's gonna pay i want every mom every dad i want every grandparent get up on your feet i want every teenager i want every college student i want everybody under the sound of my voice throw your hands up and say lord make hell pay in my family for every tear for every heartache for every separation for every minute of division make hell pain make he'll pay may kell pay it's going to happen we'll have one right here in orange county and we'll fill the colosseum with young people by the i'm not telling you something we haven't already done i've done it we've done it for 13 15 years and we know how to do it i just never had the vision i got the vision now just like i had the vision to come here it didn't come from me it came from god look around you when god tells you something it's true i sing praises to your name lift your hands oh lord praises to your name oh lord [Music] for your name is great [Music] hey rachel quit weeping quit quit your weeping i sing praises too in the last days saith god i'll pour out my spirit on all flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy [Music] for your name is great does anybody believe god's word about what you see what your experience does anybody believe that god has a special purpose and potential for your family raise your hands and sing oh i sing praises to your name [Music] oh yes it is there's nothing he can't do there's nothing he can't heal there's no divide he can't find and heal oh he's a mighty god he's a mighty god of families oh praises to your mighty [Music] every head bowed every eye closed i don't care what age you are i don't care who you are i don't care where you came from it matters not to this church and this people whether you're rich or poor black or white asian or hispanic anything else we don't care we don't care what you have we don't care what you don't have it's the truth i don't have time to get up here i heard t.d jakes preach admissions me the part that touched me the most was he said tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock that messed me up i started weeping up in that stadium in bank stadium in los angeles yesterday when he started saying tick-tock he said it over and over probably a hundred times tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock and what his point was time you're running out of time boy the lord just confirmed it again to me and he said you're running out of time jensen you always dreamed of going after the young people like never before but you're running out of time so i'm not going to let tick-tock tick-tock tick-tock in here anymore i'm going for it i'm going for 10 000 young people in every city a hundred thousand face-to-face encounters with jesus christ chains will break burdens will live depression will break hopelessness will leave visions will come dreams will come to a new generation anybody with me your sons and your daughters may need to staff those ten centers if you don't know me i'm not a talker i don't get up and say things and not do what i said i'm going to do it because god told me to do it and it would be his glory and his strength and his miracles we're just the donkey that jesus rides on who in the world has the holy spirit brought here today for freedom for hope or hope in your future when i when we read that that came alive there's hope in your future it's going to be all right there's hope in your future the past can't stop the hope in your future oh who am i talking to who feels a yes lord yes to your will yes to your way yes let what i've gone through make hell pay the pain the tears i have a web make hell pay if you know that's you i got to be very specific just bow your head for one moment i need i need i need an army of 100 rachels to intercede moms and grandmothers begin to intercede right where you're standing pray if you're in this room today and you're lost you're backslid you don't know god you've never been in anything like this you've never experienced any you don't even know why you came today somebody just kidnapped you and and dragged you here and you did it because you promised and whatever to get them off my back but here we are and you're encountering the presence of a living god in this room right now he's drawing you by his holy spirit that's not a natural thing you feel it's the holy spirit and he's saying come home come back come back you've gone too far come back come back home there's nothing out there in babylon for you come back and if you know that's you and you would say pastor pray for me i want to get right with god this morning i need a miracle in my whole life this morning i need freedom i need change to break i need the power of hell broken off my life it may be chains of suicide it may be chains of depression it may be chains of addiction it may be chains i don't know but god does pastor pray for me if that's you quickly raise your hand as high as you can get it i want to see it all over this room there there there there yes yes yes yes yes come on raise it high raise it how the moment you raise your hand freedom starts moving in your direction there there there there there there yes yes yes yes every one of you not not any exceptions not any exceptions get out of your seat and come down here right here in the front just come right now just come now don't wait on anybody don't hesitate don't talk yourself out of it don't negotiate in your mind just just you you raised your hand because for a moment you felt something you felt life you felt hope there's hope in your future my text said come right over here ushers lead them right over here right over here bless your daughter bless you lord and bless you bless you bless your hell's gonna pay hell's gonna pay for the what you've been through what the enemy thinks he's gonna win in these lives come on come on there's others there's others there's there's grown men and women there's husbands and wives there's dads there's moms families that's been under severe attack just get out of your seat and walk down here and say hell's going to pay we're not going to give up on our future we're not going to give up on our faith we're not gonna the enemy is going to lose come on come on come on come on anyone else anyone else this is powerful this is an army well we were believing for ten thousand young people but now we got less to believe for because there's a bunch of them in this altar here look at all these young people look at me look at all these young people powerful powerful anyone else i'm just simply telling you that when you move in obedience and and you humble yourself because it's a humbling thing to get out of that seat and say excuse me get out of my way i've got to get down there but when you do it something breaks off of you that's why i believe in old-fashioned order calls the devil didn't humiliate you in private he humiliated you in every way he could openly so now it's time to take a stand openly for jesus christ the one who lifts the shame and pronounces you clean and forgiven anyone else come on this is powerful every one of you in this altar lift your hands high all of you out there on behalf of your family if there's anyone in your family that's been held captive by the enemy and when i say that someone's face comes before you you've been weeping rachel you've been weeping but right now raise your hands and put those people before the throne of god in your prayers begin to pray and right where you're standing everybody in this room say jesus jesus wash me cleanse me save me deliver me hallelujah i love that sound i love that sound i love that style of my son [Music] sunday [Music] oh [Music] cry out to him right where you're standing singing singers sing it with everything you've got lift it up glorify jesus and his presence will sweep this room it'll heal broken places it'll heal broken hearts it'll heal broken minds oh yes it will the name of jesus [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] worship him worship him worship him [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] yes [Music] there [Music] hmm sing one more with me i stand i stand in heart lift your hands all over this room please i stand i stand in a holy god holy god to whom all praises do i just stand you may be going through weeping season personally but you've got a promise greater than the grief raise your hands and sing i stand in all of you oh i said i said you're a holy god holy god [Music] go after god go after god [Music] you just forgive yourself you just forgive yourself holy god [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] hey [Music] hey [Music] we worship you lord we worship your holy worship hallelujah to the lamb hallelujah to the lamb hallelujah jesus jesus chin i know i know the clock is tock tick tock tick tock but then sings my soul must say you're gone [Music] sing it like a big choir everybody [Music] then sings my soul come on now guys come on and how great though i want all my baptist brothers methodists presbyterians that sung this sing it with me now then sings my soul [Music] [Music] the great lord yes you are soul [Music] one more how [Music] anybody agree with me for ten thousand in ten cities [Music] hey mac you might have to hit the road again oh what are we getting ourselves into how great [Music] is i gone you know how great [Music] can you do that [Music] see your name people are still being [Music] oh blind [Music] my heart we'll sing how great is our god sing it again name [Music] worthy of our praise so our heart will sing how great can we take it up a half key we're going up a half key now sing how great that's it oh how great is i god come on and sing with me about the greatness of your god his name is jesus oh i will see how great i believe you need to take it up one more time [Music] [Music] come on and sing with me how [Music] grace one more time name above all names [Music] is [Music] hey silas play a solo [Music] come on he plays with his heart [Music] take another one [Music] oh believe prison doors are opening cause silas is playing hey play it again son play it again you got one more engine [Music] hey [Music] babylon thought it had that talent babbling through that gift belonging to rock band hallelujah [Music] everybody seeing how great [Music] i want to tell the world [Music] one more time i promise how great is our god [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] i'll need to book you on the road all of y'all we'll start it in georgia but we're going to end it in california and to god be the glory two important things number one if you gave your heart to jesus christ and you did darling that's why you're changed right now and you and you and you and you go get signed up downstairs for next steps that's what you need to do because you're going to be a great mother next steps holding that beautiful little baby [Applause] and we want to baptize you in water because jesus commanded it it's a powerful thing that happens when you obey his commandment it really is it really is so you know get signed up let us help you grow because what's happened your spirit soul and body your spirit got saved today your soul is your mind and you need it renewed and your body may have some struggles with stuff addictions and not may it will but there's help for that and hope for that too there's hope in your future is what i'm trying to tell you and we want to help you we want to help you we want to help you more and more and more so secondly next week we are having forward conference online and we're doing it in-house at our campus in georgia our campus in georgia seats 3 300 and every session which we're doing for free the lord spoke to me and said do everything you do from now on for young people for free and i'll super abundantly supply all you need so there'll be people there'll be people god will speak to that will by the center and and you may not want to hear that but there's one or two of them in here and we will we will possess a permanent home in those cities for hope they'll no hope k-n-o-w hope centers i feel god in this every time i tell somebody and there'll be drug rehab centers and counseling centers and lay hands on them and anoint them with oil centers we'll mix it all in that right and god will get all the glory because we're going to reach 10 000 in every city 10 000. hallelujah so today as you leave their giving stations all over and give go online if you're not a regular tither and giver you ought to pray about that if you are you've sustained us through this amazing season we can't thank you enough and there are many many many wonderful givers under the sound of my voice that have made the miracle of this service and all that we'll have in our new fresh inside experience at free chapel and i'm praying about that tent i wish we could get it out there permanent i just feel like something's up with that i don't know what but maybe maybe we do a sunday night uh afterglow outside under the under the big tent and have miracles out there you know for the whole highway to see i want to see them rubbernecking because they're getting dried by blessings and miracles just off the afterglow so who knows what god's going to do let's all be open let's let's walk in the spirit and love one another and i want to bless your family you ready may the lord bless you and keep you make his face shine on you be gracious unto you lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace i want you to look around you i i heard california was it you know the californian people west coast people are not really open to the moving of the holy spirit look around you it's one o'clock and nobody's left nobody's left look around you it's one o'clock we won't do this every week we don't do that if you're visiting this is very rare i'm a time i'm very conscious how precious your time is because you got to hurry up and get to that beach i know i know but i'm kidding but we but you know when the lord leads we need to follow the clown can i get a big amen so we'll see you next sunday father's day i'll be preaching i hope you'll come bring a friend share a miracle we love you so much god bless you everybody hallelujah hell lost another one can we go out on that one you guys are amazing hell lost another one you got one more song in you don't act like you oh you got one more song in you hail lost another one y'all better get it going
Channel: Free Chapel OC
Views: 5,685
Rating: 4.9708028 out of 5
Keywords: inspirational stories about jesus christ, inspirational stories about jesus, stories about the holy Spirit, stories of hearing God's voice, inspirational stories about following jesus, people who have heard God speak, Live every day for God, Live a life of significance, voice of the Holy Spirit, how to hear God's voice, free chapel orange county live stream, free chapel orange county, free chapel in orange county, Free chapel oc live stream, free chapel, jentezen franklin
Id: pEMp6-4ijOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 43sec (4183 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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