It's Your Funeral, Enjoy It! | Jentezen Franklin

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the following program is sponsored in part by friends and partners of jensen franklin media ministries thank you so much for joining us today i really appreciate you joining us for this special telecast today i'm going to share with you a simple teaching that can change your life but then we're going to show you the power of water baptism by letting you see on this program and hear some of the most powerful testimonies watch this and listen to this this is god's word to your life [Music] mark chapter 1 verse 9 and it came to pass in those days that jesus came from nazareth of galilee and was baptized by john in the jordan and immediately coming up from the water he saw the heavens parting and the spirit descended upon him like a dove then a voice came from heaven you are my beloved son in whom i am well pleased if we're not careful we get to thinking that water baptism is something especially those of us who have been baptized is something in our past that you know done that been there and got the t-shirt and that's great and i'm excited for these people but it really you know it's a memory that's about all it is and it's so much more than that so much more important than that as a matter of fact i believe that we're supposed to draw from the benefits of water baptism your whole life there were three things that jesus did and that happened to jesus when he was baptized for you and i to understand that there are benefits three of them three great benefits from water baptism that are not ending when you get baptized but you are to remind yourself of these three great truths your whole life jesus opened the way for blessings to be received through water baptism that you can draw on the rest of your life and here they are three the bible said when jesus went into the water that the that the voice began to speak the voice of god from heaven and god said you're my beloved son and who i am well please a voice spoke you know what else happened the heavens were parted and the holy spirit descended like a dove and here's the three benefits that you are to continually receive from water baptism number one they're going to put them up all of them everybody read the first one out loud baptism provides an occasion for god's announcement to your soul you see when that voice spoke god made an announcement about his son jesus a divine seal of approval was proclaimed god was speaking over his son and he said you are my beloved son in whom i am well pleased the father said you you've well pleased me why because he was pleased with his son's sinless state as he was standing in that water the father looked down and the bible is clear jesus was in a sinless state he was tempted but he had never sinned and he's standing in that water and the father says i am so proud i love you you're my beloved son in whom i am well pleased you're in a sinless state and look at the humility that you're standing there in that water you didn't have to do that you did it in humility and you're doing it in a sinless state the father's confirmation of the purity of his son and i'm preaching to people in this room and i'm preaching to people at every campus and online something happened this week there are many people you did something you thought something you said something some thing happened that tore your life up and now you feel like you failed the lord maybe you did we don't make light of sin we believe in living holy and living clean but the truth is there comes those times when we all fall short we feel the deficiency of confidence because we failed the lord we feel drained because the joy of the lord doesn't seem to be there because we feel rejected we feel unworthy and then we come to the waters of baptism and god proclaims the same thing over you that he proclaimed over his son standing in the jordan river he does not see you in your sin but if you've been to the cross and been washed by the blood he sees you in a sinless state and he pronounces and his voice booms over heaven his voice booms over the powers of hell and he says you are a person that i'm speaking over and you are my beloved son you are my beloved daughter and today not one day when you get in heaven but today i am well pleased with you we need to hear that we need to you might have messed up you wish you could go back and redo some things but the father says i see you through calvary in a sinless state the blood has washed you clean and when you're standing in this water what i see is what i saw when i looked on my son in the jordan river a sinless beloved son or daughter of the most high god in whom i am well pleased why don't you just turn to somebody around you and say god wants you to know he's well pleased with you today if your sins are forgiven you're in that equally true place you are a sinless child of god let that resonate into your soul this morning when the enemy is trying to suffocate you with guilt with condemnation accusing you you are god's child and he is pleased with you the second thing that you are to continually draw the benefit of baptism provides a setting for spiritual breakthrough in your circumstances the bible said that the heavens opened when jesus was baptized the word opened in greek is schizo it's the word from which we get a negative word schizophrenic which means the tearing of the mind or the soul but in this particular case it's used to describe when jesus came out of the water that there was a tearing in the heavens one translation said a tearing open into the invisible realm and that is exactly what happens in water baptism is suddenly something is supposed to happen in us that we see into the invisible realm not spooky and strange but we see spiritual things our eyes of understanding are made wide open to the fact that i don't battle with flesh and blood but i see into the invisible realm and i see the enemy that comes to steal kill and destroy and it's not flesh and blood but it's the power of the enemy and they that be with us are more than they that be with them when you understand that when you understand that you have discernment into the invisible realm because now a whole new world has opened up to you you don't see things like you saw it before you don't live like you lived before you don't want the things you used to want because the heavens have opened up and you are part and a citizen of another world that is more real to you than this world that's a powerful supernatural thing and you can get a breakthrough even in a baptism service here this morning in that area and then lastly baptism provides everybody out loud baptism provides a way to ceaseless overflow of the holy spirit in your life it's this amazing verse that john chapter 3 where he said he whom god sent he gave the spirit without measure john was talking about jesus and he said he whom god sent i noticed that he had the holy spirit given to him without measure and then jesus 17 chapters later makes this statement to his disciples he says receive the holy spirit the same spirit that was on me you receive the holy spirit and then he makes this powerful statement and as the father sent me so now i send you how did the father send him with a with a measureless outflow of the holy spirit the holy spirit without measure you have a limited a limitless resource of the holy spirit that empowers you that comes upon you that is available to you it's really amazing and what is going to happen is when i baptize these people the bible said that we're buried in baptism with christ when they go down into the water it's their funeral i told them in the first service it's your funeral enjoy it the worst thing in the world that you can do when somebody dies is not bury the corpse and some of you got saved two and three and five years ago but you've never had the funeral and buried the old you and the blood of jesus brought them saved them while they were in egypt but the water is what separated them from egypt and said that they will never return to the devil's territory because the water was between them and the devil's territory there's something about burying the old you that is supernatural and powerful when people feel dirty inside they usually wash outside pilate said i wash my hands you know why he did that he felt guilty inside and he started washing his hands saying i don't i i i don't i won't have anything to do with crucifying him even though he knew he was crucifying him and okay with it and he washed outside because he felt guilty inside the levitical priests would wash before they went into the presence of god listen to me here's what i'm trying to say and i'm almost done there is no such thing in the new testament as an unbaptized christian there's not one person in the new testament who called themself a disciple and christian who was not baptized immersed in water not one the the forefathers the the the writers of the new testament the apostle paul et cetera would be astonished at how many christians have never been baptized in water it was not read church history there was no early church built that did not have baptism tanks where they baptized the people in water it did not exist only in the modern church are these things happening and it may be why we struggle so much with the old nature do it like god said do it repent and be baptized every one of you the word baptized means it's baptizo in the greek listen to this it means to drench to dip to dunk to deluge it means to soak to sink to swamp to saturate i thought this was neat do you know that john the baptist translated baptizo john the dipper that's literally what it means john the plunger john the soaker and then jesus had the same title only he doesn't dip you and plunge you and soak you in water but john said he who's coming after me he shall he shall be jesus the dipper in the holy ghost and fire the saturator in the holy ghost and fire a continual without measure flow of the holy spirit are you thankful for the power of the holy spirit and it's without limit [Music] glory preaching myself happy in acts chapter 8 the ethiopian went down into the water and came out there was no sprinkling not against if that's how you grow up in what you grow up in but when you see it in the scripture do it like the bible said well i was baptized as a baby well did you repent when you were a baby did you believe in your heart when you were a baby did you have a clear conscience when you were a baby because they are the three requirements for baptism repent believe have a clear conscience with god and be baptized in all due respect we bring our babies to be dedicated like jesus model give me the children suffer them let me bless them he spoke a blessing that's baby dedication you can't baptize a baby we don't baptize infants here and i appreciate anything a parent wants to do to have the blessing of god on their life so i'm not putting that down at all but it's not in this book you can't really be baptized until you're old enough to believe to repent to believe in your heart confess with your mouth and know that your conscience has been has been cleansed and you approach god excited about this place because the old you has passed away and behold all things are new are you ready are you ready to hear what only jesus can do i want him to come on out and we're going to celebrate and i say to you marching out enjoy your funeral i want you right now to just open up your heart and let god speak to you through real life testimonies you're about to hear as i mentioned at the opening of this telecast we like to hear from people we like to hear their stories the bible said we're overcomers by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony when we start telling people what christ has done in our family and in our life it brings the power of god's grace to the forefront in our life like nothing else if you need to know somebody cares about you pick up that phone dial the number on the screen or send us an email we will have a team that is praying for you now let's go back into the service and listen to these testimonies got a fan base out there new beginnings you're part of new beginnings wonderful wonderful they're a noisy bunch [Applause] pardon the noise it's the sound of freedom amen what's your name and tell us a little bit about how you got here um my name is jennifer freeman uh i spent the better part of the past 20 years in and out of addiction but about a year ago i came to new beginnings and thanks to god and the staff there i've completely turned my life around and i couldn't be happier about it been clean how long two years two years and i graduated friday so you graduated this past friday i'm now a graduate and i'm a staff member i run the dorm with the mothers and children and i just god's done so much for me i just want to give my life to him and serve him what would you say to people that are struggling that the enemy is telling them this is just who you are and this is how it's going to be and you can't change that's an absolute lie you're who god says you are you're who god says you are and he's speaking over you think about that you are my beloved daughter in your sinless state because of the cross in whom i am well pleased i baptize you in the name of the father the son jesus christ and the holy spirit anoint them with oil and heal them in jesus name fantastic comes another winner from from new beginnings and so you did you hear about the program how did you end up in the program um actually um somebody told me about the program i've struggled with addiction um you know for a better part of my life and i'm suicide attempts depression and um i just ended up at new beginnings and they've they've changed my life they've helped me had you ever you know i talked about a few minutes ago the heavens being opened and like you see a spiritual side of things because really it's not enough just to come down and say jesus save me forgive me and nothing happens but but when you really get saved the heavens open up don't they did when you went there did they did you begin to see who you were and why why christ wanted you free i did i remember you know i was on my knees at the cross and i was just surrendering my everything that i had and i just knew that what i've dealt with my main thing was abortions and i never thought that i would ever be forgiven for something like that and you know but he can and he has forgiven me for that and i just i baptize you in the name of the father the son jesus christ and the holy spirit bless her lord bless her lord use the lord [Music] [Applause] and give us your name please my name is megan taylor megan taylor and you're from new beginnings yes i'm from new beginnings so they had a were you were you a graduate also um no i have three more months before i graduate but yesterday was my year sober one year everybody shout praise god one year being sober after many years i assumed after eight years of addiction i was an iv user of meth and i was i was into prostitution and i lost everything i lost my son i lost my family and god is restoring that really i haven't got to see my son yet but i know the promise that god has made me and i will get to see him one day and when he sees me again he's going to find a changed person i believe that i feel that you know that's the beauty of this is you we're it's your funeral enjoy it you're burying all of that and when you come up we see who you really are more importantly god sees who you really are and your light is shining can you see jesus in this woman can you see jesus in this woman i baptize you in the name of the father the son jesus christ and the holy spirit and lord restore what the enemy has taken in jesus mighty name how you doing great what's your name elton johnson elton and uh how how long have you been coming to free chapel oh a little about about two and a half months good how did you hear about the church um actually in a sober living place called we are living proof you know they come here so that's how you came with them and and uh what happened well you know i battled with drugs and alcohol for like the majority of my life since 17. i've been in prison i've sold a lot of drugs i did a lot of drugs and i never actually thought i could live life sober but jesus came and set me free you know how long have you been sober you were a little over three months a little little about three months three months that's a great victory that's a great victory praise god amen anything else you want to say oh i used to watch you on tv and i'm like man i like this guy right here and uh thank you for watching thank you so much i never thought i'd be right here with you now i'm blessed i'm blessed he's right here with me this is a miracle i'm touching we're proud of you god's hand is on you he's well pleased with you lord in the name of jesus i thank you for this miracle and i baptize him in the name of the father the son jesus christ and the holy spirit hallelujah [Applause] [Music] i believe that what you've heard today was what god intended for you to hear something was said that touched your heart and that's why you're still watching this program and i want to give you an invite that god loves you that god cares about you that jesus christ came and died a horrible death so that i could be forgiven so that you could be forgiven say jesus savior healer deliverer i need you i confess with my mouth and believe from my heart you are the son of god you died and rose from the dead you're king of kings and lord of lords and today come into my life in jesus name amen and amen in our closing moments together i must say a huge thank you to our partners and friends that as we watch the news daily and the conflict that's going on in israel the hundreds and thousands of rockets that have been fired into israel and now the push back we started building bomb shelters there almost two years ago and we already have one shelter children are running to it every day families are running to it every day and we have committed to build three more we also just committed a hundred thousand dollars more to help counseling for children who have post-traumatic stress and they said the number one need now is they need to be able to send many many counselors into that area and try to help people who are having great difficulty will you be a part of the miracle we need your help and we appreciate all that you have done and all that you're going to do pray about it god will bless you in miraculous ways when you begin to bless the nation of israel the red alert warning sirens were sounding almost constantly day after day as thousands of missiles were fired into israeli civilian centers 13 israelis were killed and many were wounded including some children but even more common and widespread were the invisible wounds these attacks left on children these are wounds that scarred their souls in israel tell me there is no post trauma for thousands of israeli children the trauma has been regular and reoccurring for far too long for many their entire childhood years to help bring comfort to the nation of israel we have been led to build bomb shelters in the region of the nation that has been under heavy attack the eschkal region thanks to your generous support so far we have finished the construction of one of the shelters and it was used as a safe place to run during the most recent escalation jetson franklin media ministries received this memo from our contacts in israel we can sincerely say you have saved lives by affording us as bomb shelter and our residents give thanks for your organization daily in these uncertain times these buildings will not only bring safety to the community they will be used for trauma therapy that children and families desperately need when you give the ministry has some special gifts including an olive wood mezuzah and a powerful teaching from jensen franklin you can be a part of the miracle to help bring comfort to the nation of israel go online today [Music] we can all draw close to him with the veil removed from our faces and with no veil we all become like mirrors who brightly reflect the glory of the lord jesus here we are god bring us closer to you [Music] hmm this program has been sponsored by friends and partners of jensen franklin media ministries we hope you've enjoyed this teaching by jensen franklin and thank you for your continued support of this ministry your prayers and financial support make these programs possible for more information about this message and other ministry resources visit us online at you
Channel: Jentezen Franklin
Views: 14,373
Rating: 4.9788918 out of 5
Keywords: Jentezen Franklin, Free Chapel, Sermons, jensen franklin, jentezen franklin sermons, christianity, franklin jentezen sermons, church online, kingdom connection, kingdom connection jentezen franklin, funeral, baptisms in jesus name, its your funeral enjoy it, kingdom connection free chapel, jentezen franklin sermons 2021, free chapel jentezen franklin
Id: EQy6JJHr1Rs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 55sec (1735 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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