Grace Grace | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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we want to welcome you to church online I'm so glad that you're joining us today wherever you're viewing this we're coming to you right now from our beautiful sanctuary in Gainesville Georgia and I'm so glad to be back we've got our worship team who are here on this stage practicing social distancing I think and we're doing our very best to to present to you the answer to it all Jesus Christ today we're gonna do that through song and I've got a very powerful message and I think the Lord is gonna speak to you I just want to say that I miss you and I miss us gathering together and we are right now making plans for the comeback I mentioned last week and you know we got to be flexible because we don't know what week to week is going to bring but we're trying now in planning and gearing up for a may May the 31st rebirth service to look like something and I don't know yet we're just going to be very careful are your safety is all that matters to us for most and the safety of your family and your children but I just wanted to take a moment and tell you you know that we were hoping for May the 31st to be a relaunch and a rebirth of the church in some form it may be an outside service in the parking lot where we practice social distancing in our car and we have a huge stage and I preach from that stage and as you're leaving at least I get to wave Charisse and I'll just stand out there and wave and give you distance hugs but we love you so much and if we don't do that then the other thing that we're talking about have plans for don't say thank you to our team they are working like crazy our pastors are making thousands of calls our teams are working our own line teams the technical teams are doing such a fabulous job we're reaching more people on a Sunday any given Sunday this is interesting but last weekend and the before you know typically Easter would be some of the highest numbers that you would ever have online and of course we had a record-setting Easter this year but we expected a drop the next weekend and what has happened is there was a little dip but not very much we just keep gaining hundreds of thousands of people who are viewing these programs and we're we're humbled by that we're thankful for all of you online and we even started an online church during the middle of this virus and we the last number that I heard I'm sure it's an old number now but we had over 1500 people joined free chapel online they're gonna go through our membership process and all of that think you can give a hand clap it's a pitiful little hand clapping here but I'll take anything I can get and by the way I'll take that during my preaching too you know it's really different and I just want to take a minute but it's really different preaching to an empty building I am never loaned to hear your a man's and your handclaps and your praise the Lord so if you would I believe if you do it in your house I might hear it I'm so desperate to get in a man that if you would praise the Lord right there and you're in your house we would all feel it I think I think that might be their mother that might not be a scripture and to prove that but the Bible does say if any two will agree and they will touch and we can use the screen to touch we can use the computer to touch but you join your praise with our praise and let's lift Jesus up but when we come back in this room if we do this in in May or June or whatever it is it's probably going to be an amping up we would only be allowed to do maybe you know maybe a thousand people at one campus according to the size of the room and all of that and we will worship as families we're not going to do children's ministry for some time but I kind of think that's refreshing too and so what we're talking about is maybe a 55-minute service where we also include not only adult praise and worship but we have something like a little skit or something for the kids where they can learn a Bible verse and Amy you're over there not in your head because you know how important it is to minister to the whole family and and so I promise you our team is all over it and when you come back to church it's gonna be amazing I got a feeling that we're gonna shout like we've never shouted we're gonna rejoice like we've never rejoiced we're gonna praise like we've never praised and we're gonna smile like we haven't smiled in a long time I love you it's what I'm trying to say this church loves you and we appreciate you and by the way I just want to give you a little update you know the people have been giving online in an incredible way and even this past Friday we were able to purchase a truckload of chicken of chicken fingers and it's very good quality chicken breast and give it away a whole truckload 1800 cases that weigh 10 pounds each and give it to single mothers and to families in need and with in charge of Penny and our teams have been by the way this week our amazing volunteers they prepared 14,000 meals for meals on wheels and our volunteers at free Chapel delivered 6,000 of those meals this past Friday to hungry needy and and isolated corn teams senior citizens all over Hall County and in other areas where our church is active like Spartanburg in Orange County and I just want to say I'm so proud of you and that's what it's all about loving one another caring for one another we are going to get through this smile right now the joy of the Lord is our strength and that's why we praise him right and that's why we praise him so it's time to praise in this Sunday let's lift Jesus up let's glorify Him it's the day the Lord is made I will rejoice and be glad in it come on Jonathan and leaders [Music] number one it hurts but sing with all we got crazy [Music] but that silence seems the Balthasar [Music] sing with me [Music] [Music] [Music] that baby the something that chorus song [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is what freedom feels like this is whatever we praise you we praise you is what bringing of [Music] we praise [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you see to do Oh God power has no [Music] the things of time before impediment you do give just there's no [Music] really [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you rose in victory and now you see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we're flipping hands right come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we do serve a mighty god of revival he's able today to touch you and to heal you and to help you and father I do pray for the sick today I do pray for those who are in a storm I pray for those who need prayer they need to know somebody is praying for them and so we just join ourselves together like a mighty army all over the world and we do ask you to pour it out pour out healing pour out deliverance pour out provision pour out hope pour out a new dream and life in life more abundantly into every dark place for your life pour your love pour your hope pour your peace into troubled waters today I praise you for that you are the god of revival you revive things that sing dead in things that seem over and things that seem to be a wasteland you're the God who revives you're the God who restores you're the God who renews so renew our nation and renew earth renew our economy and renew our lives so God and renew our church and renew our families in the mighty name of Jesus and I speak health and healing to you by His stripes we are healed and in the name of Jesus you shall recover and spose besides in Jesus name and everybody in your homes say right now now I want to encourage you to do something as you open your Bibles with me to the Old Testament to Zechariah chapter four I want to encourage you to remember that there's a way that you can communicate with us not only online by comments and so on but if you are a first-time guest we would love to hear from you and you can text hello zero-one or hello one two three one three one three one again that's text hello one two three one three one three one and if there is a prayer request that you have we really do care one of the things that we are learning from this online experience is that we're never going to stop doing church like this for our audience online we are going to Hara we're going to staff and have pastors who do nothing but tend and help administer and love and comfort and reach out to people online and so if you need prayer today I promise you that it won't just come in and be ignored but somebody will call your family out in prayer somebody boy we've got some of the greatest prayer warriors I'll speak for my mom I went to see her yesterday and planned to go today and I took her some I took her some some lunch and she started eating the food that I had her and talking about the Lord and just she and I there the table from a distance and the Holy Spirit came on her and she started praising God and she's isolated they're quarantined in that house she we tried to get her to come be with us but she wants she wants to be by herself just to be safe and of course our family is loving and connecting and dear friends and just a few are going in on a regular basis but one thing she's doing praying like never before and I know that that's the case for many of our precious elders in this church they are in those homes quarantine but boy we can get prayer requests to them and the devil is in the phone booth dialing 9-1-1 when those when those senior citizens begin to plead the blood of Jesus and pray for you and your family so if you have a prayer request text amen the word Amen a.m. in two three one three one three one text amen two three one three one three one and I promise you that there will be teams of prayer warriors praying for you and your family well I have a message today that is an old message that I felt new life come on when I read through it to show you how old it certain is you can see my outline I've had to tape it together and I'll tell you the story behind this message because there's a few times when I preach sermons and they get so engrafted to my soul in my spirit that I can never shake them off I never forget him I never fail to remember those messages and apply them to my life and I can't say that about every sermon but I can say it's been true about this one and it's from the book of Zechariah chapter four and I want you to listen to it because it's a word in season I'm not gonna preach long I'm gonna preach about 15 to 20 minutes I see you smiling right in your home at me don't do that that's very disrespectful to to act as though I cannot preach for 15 or 20 minutes but you watch but don't start the clock yet I'm still talking now now I'm preaching Zechariah chapter 4 and verse 6 so he answered and he said unto me this is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel not by mine I love this verse nor by power but by my spirit says the Lord of Hosts then he asked a question who are you old great mountain before zerubabbel you shall become a smooth plane and he shall bring forth the cornerstone with shouts of grace grace unto it moreover the word of the Lord came to me saying the hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this temple and his hands shall finish it also then you will know that the Lord of Hosts has has sent me to you for who has despised the day of small beginnings who has despised the day of small things that's a question for these seven rejoice to see the plumb line in the hand of Zerubbabel they are the eyes of the Lord which scan to and fro throughout the whole earth I love that verse there in verse seven the latter part of it that says take the cornerstone and lay it with shouts of grace grace I want to talk to you for a few minutes about grace not one time but a double portion grace grace of shouting grace grace at your mountains there are several kinds of grace that are mentioned in the Bible actually there are four kinds of grace that are talked about the first is saving grace in Ephesians chapter three by grace are you saved and not of works that simply means you don't get good to get God's you get God to get good our faith is not one of us working and deserving and earning our salvation but by grace are you saved and not of works salvation is not do do do it's done done Jesus said it is finished so they're saving grace thank God for it today I'm saved not by my performance but by what Jesus did on the cross saving grace ekend Li there's another kind of grace that's called justifying grace listen to this verse of scripture he says being justified freely by grace we have peace being justified freely I don't earn it but by grace we have peace being justified so there's justifying grace it's like it's just if I'd never sinned we really don't understand how great God's grace is how wonderful not only does it save us but it justifies us before God Satan is the accuser and when the accuser attacks us it's God's grace that covers us and says it's just if I'd never sinned because the grace and the righteousness of Jesus has been put on me now listen this is very important what I'm preparing you and setting you up for it I promise Israel relevant to this crisis that we're in and where we are right now as a nation and you as an individual and your business this is one of the most important principles stay tuned lene lene in right now thirdly there's teaching Grace and boy this is a part of grace that a lot of people don't know about but it says the grace of God has appeared unto men teaching us to deny were only lust and ungodliness and to live soberly and righteously in this present world in that amazing that grace is connected with holiness that grace is connected to living soberly and righteously and godly in this present world that grace is connected the Bible said the grace of God teaches us to deny ungodly lust and worldly lust and and and yet you hear that all grace is its permission to do wrong that is not what grace is the grace of God the way you know it's working in your life is it teaches you to deny the wrong and to not live an ungodly life he said the grace of God teaches us to live soberly and righteously and godly in this present world when the grace of God is operating in your life it doesn't mean it's permission to do more and more sin and you're covered it means that the grace of God is pulling you further away from that whole lifestyle and making you more like Jesus and then lastly not only is there saving grace and justifying grace and and teaching grace but there is something that is shown in Scripture that is in abling grace enabling grace it's what Paul was talking about in the book of Corinthians when he said that a thorn in the flesh was given to him some kind of affliction some kind of problem and he said I prayed I prayed three times and I beg God to take this problem away from me take this issue out of my life and three times God came back with the same answer here it is it's enabling grace my grace is sufficient for you I'm not taking it away I'm not taking you out of it I'm going to allow you to go through this but my grace will be sufficient for you in other words Paul took his thorn in the flesh to the throne of grace and God gave him the power and enabled him to deal with the challenge that came into his life and he gave him a special grace to deal with it when you have an enabling grace you can do things and deal with things that would break and crush other people the pressure that would wipe other people out God enables you and it's like you just you just do it because you've been gifted and graced to do it it's an inhale lene grace that's what Hebrews 4:16 was talking about when he said let us come boldly before the throne of grace to obtain help in the time of trouble which means when you get in trouble times there is an enabling grace sometimes God doesn't shield us and just take us out of problems and give us a perfect beautiful life but sometimes we have to go through great great crisis in trouble but with that comes then abling grace of God we go before the throne of grace in the time of trouble to obtain help and he gives us that enabling grace I love it grace is an important word in the New Testament 125 times grace is mentioned in the Bible 16 out of 21 New Testament epistles open with the words within the first seven verses grace be unto you grace v it must be important to be mentioned that much grace be unto you grace enabling grace teaching grace all of these Grace's being unto you the Bible talks about in Ephesians the riches of His grace the glory of His grace and in the text that I read today the rouble had had been sent back by God to rebuild to restart to rebirth the city of Jerusalem and the temple of God and the scripture said that he started trying to rebuild the temple first and when he started rebuilding it something happened the Bible said suddenly as he was trying to do what God had called him to do a mountain appeared before him and I like the way that zerubabbel deals with this mountain he asked the question who are you o great mountain identify yourself who are you dare daring to stand between me and what God has called me to do and what God has graced me to do I want you to identify yourself and he asked the mountain I love the fact that he's to the mountain it makes me think of mark chapter 11 that that we're not to talk to our God about how big the mountain is were to talk to our mountains about how big our God is now you missed a good chance to say man in your living room in your pajamas right there I guarantee and he talks to this mountain he says who are you that you think you can come between mountains in the Bible represent gigantic problems mountains in the Bible represent gigantic obstacles that come between us and the promise and he says who are you o great mountain and I know that right now by the Spirit of God I'm preaching to some people who are facing frustrating mountains in your life financial mountains and business mountains and and an unemployed of mountains thirty million people in America now unemployed that's a mountain but you don't let the mountain do all of the talking where people of faith and we talk to mountains we speak to mountains jesus said whosoever shall say unto this mark eleven whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and cast into the sea and not down in his heart but believe that the things which he saith shall come to pass which means it matters what you say talk to that mountain don't let it talk to you all night in fear and worry tossing and turning talk to that mountain speak to that mountain and that's what Saru beable did and Jesus said when you speak to it and you say from your heart what you believe the mountain would be moved and Zerubbabel said oh who are you O great mountain you shall become listen to these words a smooth plane I want to preach today that God is about to smooth things out I know you're facing a frustrating mountain I know it feels overwhelming but we serve the God who gives enabling grace you don't just have teaching grace you don't just have saving grace that got you out of sin and washed you you don't just have that precious justifying grace that makes you right before God but this grace that I'm preaching today comes on you and enables you to speak and deal with the challenges in the mountains and the Giants that come against us and you're facing one today but the Lord's word to you is I'm about to smooth things out I'm about to make it smooth and I'm gonna remove that mountain and you're gonna know that I did it because you don't just have those other Grace's you have enabling grace and it's not by Mike and it's not by power but it's by my spirit I will revive your business I will revive your life I will get you employment I will provide for you and I speak to that mountain in your life of sickness and that mountain of fear and that mountain of uncertainty and I command it to be smooth in Jesus name God's gonna level mountains in the crisis and season that we are in I really feel what I'm preaching right now down in my soul and what's this the Bible said that he began the project and when he did there came problems from without for the scripture said that the people of the land squatters had taken up residence and they didn't want to give it up and they hired counselors or attorneys and they they basically sued them and said you can't do that you don't have the proper paperwork sounds like the government trying to stop the church from doing what they were supposed to do and they had counselors and they said you don't have the proper permits and you don't have all of this and somebody is listening to me today and you've got problems on the outside better fighting you and everything was put on hold they said you don't have the proper paperwork and they aggravated the building program and he had to stop saruba both started building in 525 BC but then for the next ten years nothing happens they get in legal arguments and permits are not granted and he cannot do what he was called to do the king that gave the original license died and now they had a new king and he had to go back to Babylon and it's all this paperwork all of this stuff going on and it's frustrating nothing is happening it's not happening and then if that's not enough the Bible said that they had Samaritans with them the Samaritans were half Jew and half Gentile half hearted people they didn't just have problems without but now they've got problems within the Bible said the Samaritans started saying well you might get it built but it's not gonna be like it used to be the good old days are over it's not like Solomon's Temple so you've got half hearted people on the inside and you've got problems on the outside and I'm telling you that that's when you know that God is up to something great and it doesn't matter what's going on on the outside or the inside of your life the inside of your home the inside of your family or the outside you got challenges coming outside Lord how we're gonna pay the bills how we're gonna do this how we're gonna do that and then you got internal issues problems still break out in marriages problems still happen but I'm telling you today that you're not alone God has enabling grace that's the good message God has enabling grace for problems on the outside in the inside and what's this the scripture said that God gave a commandment right in the middle of all of this here and I want you to put yourself in Zerubbabel position he's sitting there he's discouraged he's defeated he's frustrated it's one setback after another after another after another problems on the outside problems on the inside and then comes the word of the Prophet who walks into his life and says these big words thus says the Lord began again begin again boy when I read that in my old raggedy notes that I had to take together God gave me this message Lord I guess it was 15 or 20 years ago and he said thus says the Lord it's time for America and for you and for your business and your finances and your shop or whatever it is that you do it's time to begin again and when God gives you a word he always gives using an abling grace to do a thing hallelujah I know when he called me to preach he gave me the words you're called to preach but he didn't leave it up to me to make it happen he gave me an enabling grace to grab a microphone and do what I'm doing right now I didn't have it all at first but he really I did have the grace I just had defeated and I'm telling you that you have an enabling grace that God has put on your life to begin again thus says the Lord to you begin again begin to dream again begin to hope again begin to fight begin to go to work begin to try begin to get up again begin again says the word of the Lord and then he gave him the strangest commandment he said I want you to take the headstone I want you to take the cornerstone now you got to understand in Jewish culture and in ancient Bible days this was to be the last stone this was to be like a dedication of a building and when you cut the ribbon and you were to take that last stone the headstone and you put it in after the building project was complete but God says no I don't want you to do it that way I want you to take that stone and I want you because when I start something once you see the beauty in this if I ever start something it doesn't have to look like it's finished if I started I'm gonna finish it if I ever began a thing don't you worry about me completing it he who begun a good work in you will be faithful to complete the only question is can he find anybody who hang in there long enough until God does that can he find anybody who would be willing to not quit and not give up and he said here take that stone that stone that is supposed to go on last after everything is rebuilt he said you take it and I want you to shout at that stone and he said I want you to shout two words grace grace grace grace and when you do it my power is gonna come on that stone and I'm gonna start rebuilding the temple from one stone that you shout grace grace over I'm telling you when when the Lord put this message in my spirit and in my heart many years ago it was the principle that began something in my life and in this I see you and I in this we've all stood in the mists of the unfinished we stood in the midst of the yet incomplete that that you're frustrated and you know God promised you something but it's not happening Lord but what do you do you start shouting grace grace you open your mouth your words are very important in this season your life your words have the power according to proverbs 18 of life and death don't talk fear don't talk depression don't talk the defeat don't talk lose in the house don't talk it don't talk financial crisis your words have power speak grace grace hold up your checkbook and say grace grace enabling grace to make money grace grace hold up your business lay your hands on your business and grace grace when you pull up in the parking lot grace grace to your job when you fill out an application to go in and get a job grace grace because there is a power behind that when we build our first sanctuary here in Gainesville the piece of property that we had was 18 acres and it was a mound a high mountain very high we had to grade you just I don't know how many feet I think it was like 40 feet we had to grade off of that thing just to get it level and it was all that we could afford so that's why we've hauled it and we had to grade and I can remember what God gave me this message way back then and I would ride buys those big old machines were were chewing up the ground and spitting out the dirt and taking that mountain down so that we could build our first building there you know that our new sanctuary and and I would ride by I would say grace grace grace grace and I did it so much that my little babies back then they're all adults now but my little children Courtney and Carissa and Caroline would be in their car seats and they would hear me do it I would never ride down Nick ever rode without putting my hand out toward the mountain and say grace grace grace grace grace grace we're building a church the devil's a liar we're gonna have plenty of money God's gonna do it and you know it wasn't long for my little kids they were still little toddlers little bitty things but they pulled her bottles out there being her little car seat pop that bottle hide their mouths and little bitty hand go up on the windshield grace grace grace grace and when one word started you know how they do then all I'm and my whole back seat grace grace grace grace hallelujah you say with that silly well it worked and we built the church and paid it off and then when we got this hundred and fifty acres I started doing the same thing I would never ride by this property without saying grace grace grace grace I don't know what kind of challenge you're facing but it's not up to you to win the battle it's not by might it's not by power it's by my spirit says the Lord of Hosts and when he set that stone and shouted and I could almost hear him in my mind he I don't get this I don't understand this is strange I'm gonna do it Lord the people are watching me but he takes that stone he says grace and God says I didn't say whisper I said shout and he says grace I didn't say shout one time I said say grace double grace grace so now here he is people are watching him and he's talking to rock grace ooh did you hear what I said you're talking to a rock in the middle of the storm you're talking to a rock that'll hold up your house and your family his name is Jesus and he said grace grace and when he did the Bible said they the seven spirits of God got released on the building project Oh hallelujah and the Bible said one translation said that men were running to and fro but but one translation said that means they were running over top of each other getting the job done couldn't make it happen all of a sudden the permit goes through all of a sudden they get permission from the King to make it finished and all of a sudden men are running all over themselves and they're building and they're building and they're building and what human ingenuity could not do grace grace there hallelujah and I don't know who I'm preaching to today but it's not by my it's not by power it's by my spirit says the Lord you can't get that kid off drugs you can't get that daughter straight now you can't get that situated you can't make that job happen you can't get the business back where it was but grace grace can do it enabling grace is coming on God's people enabling grace is coming on God's church enabling grace is coming on your family and on your business and on your resources and I'm standing up here preaching to 3,000 plus empty seats [Music] and you know what I'm gonna preach to grace grace and God's gonna fill every one of them again it's time to begin again hallelujah oh say those words begin again stir it up in your spirit now I dare you I dare you to get in your mind I want every one of you on this stage with me to get in one accord because maybe there's something in your life that you're believing God for that he started that he started but it's been frustrating because it's just not happening like you thought it would happen and and it's almost like a mountain stands between you define you a mountain of defiance I dare you to get that mountain in your mind and now with faith open your mouth and I'm talking to you in your home open your mouth that guy looked crazy out there all by himself saying gratis grace but he was activating something in the spirit realm and and suddenly what couldn't he couldn't make happen with all of his efforts and phone calls and talks and and begging and everything he couldn't make it happen but when grace got activated God said I want some grace shouters [Music] so right now get a mountain in your mind and shout Grace had it right in your room come on everybody lift your voice crazy grace said those words grace grace say them again grace grace because what God starts he finishes and he's got enabling great for you right now you say well pastor you don't understand I'm lost I'm addicted I've got alcoholism and it's gotten worse during this pandemic I'm prescription drugs and I'm so filled with anxiety and panic and worry that that and I'm not putting you down I understand the older I get the more I understand that people are people are sometimes dominated by fear if they allow the mountain to talk to them more than they talk to the mountain this is a message today of grace grace to your addiction grace grace to your family grace grace to every mountain it's gonna be a smooth smoothing out that takes place it's time it's time for you to begin again that's why you need to dial that number that's on the screen and I gotta go back and look at it what what is that number text amen two three one three one three one because this is my altar call and if there is a mountain in your life of addiction text amen two three one three one three one right now if you need salvation if you need saving grace justifying grace teaching grace and enabling grace text amen to three-one three-one three-one and talked to that mountain we're gonna quit on a curse that mountain and it's gonna be moved and you're going to see grace grace say those words again everybody out loud say it grace grace one more time shouted from your rooftop grace grace if you got a house you're trying to sale grace grace have you got a have you got a bill that's too big for you grace grace watch car prettiest enabling grace on that situation come on guys come on out we're gonna sing this song and declare it over your life and I'm coming right back in a moment go to your phone and down amen three-one three-one let me hear from you today God is moving with soup natural enable Chris [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this this keeps coming to me so I'm gonna obey the Lord we're just falling with the Holy Spirit I feel that enabling grace right now I'll never forget when I was just a kid my dad was the pastor of a small country church in in North Carolina in Henderson North Carolina and we ran about 120 people in that little country church that's where I grew up most of my life every Saturday was spent usually vacuum cleaning that church arranging the chairs and the sunday-school department that's that's that's how it started I had to cut the grass before we could play football me and my brothers had to they didn't pay us either but we cut the grass and had to do this rubbery and then we could play football in the church yard out there and my dad was a great preacher but he never had a gifting in business he's just a good preacher grape and he needed to keep his day job which was preaching but he wanted to do better for his family and he decided to take all of his savings and then maximize credit to build out in the country in North Carolina his mother my grandmother grandmother Franklin needed a job and she was very compassionate and kind and she loved elderly people and I'm not talking about my mom that's on the other side I'm talking about my daddy's mother and so he built a small house according to regulations that could keep I think it was six senior citizens it was basically a rest home but it was just a big house that had all the you know the things that they do by code and he built it he mortgaged put every penny that he had he had a good idea you know he wanted to do good he wanted to hire his to run it and she had a good background and stuff like that and she would be fine but he got he got the House bill was desperate to get people in those rooms four of them after several months of almost losing everything he gets four of them in there and within this is not funny but it's funny if you understand my daddy's luck in business and all four of them kind so buddy within and there was no coronavirus in there I'm not making light of that I'm just telling you that it was just one thing after another and so he had he finally had to shut it down he got a hold of a real estate agent and he said please sell it it's a 9-1-1 even ever emergency sale the thing and he couldn't sell it they tried everything they couldn't sell it couldn't find a buyer he got desperate and I'll never forget it he got desperate he got he he by then the place was completely shut down nobody living in it grass growing up he we had to go cut the grass usually but then it's just it was just having all kinds of issues and month after month the payment no money coming in dad got desperate he started fast and he praying I'll never forget it one one that one day he took us out there and is he had a big old lone preacher Cadillac I don't know how to describe back in the 70s you know it's a long I don't know what kind of car it was I wish I had one now but but it looked like a pimp car or something I mean it was long and and me and my two mean brothers were sitting in the backseat and dad pulled up to that property and he got out and he had read this story and he had read about Joshua marching around the walls of Jericho and he started marching around that house praying in the Holy Ghost speaking in tongues pleading the blood of Jesus and shouting grace grace and marched around it seven times and me and my mean little brothers my brothers were much meaner than I was the kind compassionate one in the group but we were all just laughing and mocking we were we were saying things and heads I will whip you when I get finished but but you know and and he would keep walking and he just marched around that property he won't be on the perimeter of that property seven times on a hot summer day but when he came back around that 7th time and came back to the car tears were streaming down his face and he said it's done it's done God's gonna do that here's the honest country by then the real estate contract had run out he back then it costs $20 $20 to put a for sale and in the local newspaper he put a he put a $20 for sale house in the local newspaper and within 24 hours he got a phone call and the house was sold because of grace grace I don't care if you believe that story or not it's just a fact and I'm telling you that some of you are worried about things that God wants to put his enabling Grace on and Here I am I said I was born fifteen minutes and I've gone into 15 minutes of overtime grace grace okay somebody needs more than a 20 minute serving you need the full word of Lord God's gonna do it let's sing it one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and we and we give you the praise on every business person to go to your office your workplace tomorrow and pull up on that property shouting grace grace every time you ride bad every time you go every time you think of it shall grace grace and watch what God is about to do I don't believe we're just gonna recover where we came back from but we're going to exceed it because that's the kind of God we serve in Jesus mighty name I want to pray for you the blessing in conclusion today you know the anointing is very strong in this room right now and I know you feel it that's why it's important that if you prayed that prayer to pick up the phone and down the word a man am en 231 31 31 and father in the name of Jesus we agree I want to say thank you for supporting us and helping us the only way we do truck loads of food the only way we do all the things we're still feeding people in Haiti the checks are still going to all these ministries that the new beginnings and all of that we've not cut back on anything we've not let anybody go for the glory of God it is because of you so thank you for giving online thank you to our new online family for supporting this ministry reaching more people than we've ever reached before grace grace you receive that don't you I believe you do don't let this be another sermon maybe put it on your refrigerator all week maybe you need maybe need to put grace grace over the refrigerator like like some of us I've been eating terrible food everything inside I've been eating but I'm gonna put grace grace old ahead but you know what I want to be reminded put it on your mirror put it in your car somewhere grace grace so that when you feel anxiety and fear and worry about your future just shout grace ed and watch enabling grace take control I love you Charisse and I miss you so much and now may the Lord bless you and keep you make his face shine on you be gracious unto you lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace grace grace [Music] you
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 93,483
Rating: 4.8685031 out of 5
Keywords: Free Chapel, Christian, Church, Jesus, Jentezen Franklin, Gainesville, Georgia, Atlanta, Grace, Spiritual Growth, Fear
Id: a1s5RwCDy4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 35sec (3755 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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