Altars, Wells & Encounters | Pastor Jentezen Franklin

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[Music] checking one - are we good sir checking one - [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] pre-shampoo family how you feeling this morning come on put your hands together like this happy Father's Day andthere is gone still you can't there but face this loss of a whole exhausted you will be by strain I've decided cuz you won't give up on me cuz you won't give up on me No don't back in every see you keep repeating promises to me now this don't stop but you have started [Music] Oh when that are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus [Music] shackleton let's go see breaking down Oh break it down [Music] [Music] I when you come in the presence of God don't you do don't you know that with this morning we say Jesus everybody say Jesus say we are here for you - already heeey that was there the gods would you get the key [Music] [Music] friends [Music] come on families from the top all the way to the bottom would you just raise both hands this morning and in your own way would you just begin to verbalize your adoration for an amazing guy who loves you his presence is right here lord I adore you Lord I'm 50 on father would you open up the win and would you pour up would you preyed upon us shall we research come on free chapel family little rain on me rain open up the windows of heaven No Oh [Music] ray somebody had been we [Applause] and can we also tell the Katinas how much we love and appreciate them and thank them for leading us in worship on this Father's Day well why don't you turn to two or three people and greet them and welcome them today give them a high five give him a hug tell him happy Father's Day and welcome them this morning we also want to welcome all of you who are joining us online we are so excited that you are a part of this service today it's a good day to be in church isn't it you know what if it is your first time with us this morning we are so excited that you are here we're really honored that you would spend your Sunday with us and we want to know of your visit so if you would fill out the card and the seat back in front of you or you can text hello 1 2 3 1 3 1 3 1 that way we can know that you are here and we have a gift for you in our connection lounge we would love to meet you and just get to know you now I have never met you my name is Lance and this is my wife Kate and these are our beautiful daughters Charlotte and Jillian and they're excited to be out here - yes she's amazed but we're just so honored we're the children's pastors here and were honored to partner with all of the parents of this church leading the next generation into a growing real relationship with Christ you know I'm thankful for a church who loves and puts the next generation on stage to act crazy I'm thankful for a church that devotes a whole month to the next generation the whole month of June is devoted to this youth and to kids last week we had our summer extreme camp and in just a week and a half we're gonna have our forward conference who's excited for both it's gonna be an amazing week we have 13,000 students that are gonna gather in Atlanta amazing worship and you know what there are just a limited amount of tickets left and we want you to purchase them but also you can sponsor a student sponsor a student to attend forward conference this year and change a life you know as you prepare to give this morning we want to say thank you to all of you for making it possible for our kids to experience God in a real way it's because of your faithful giving that we're able to have services every Sunday and that we're able to do amazing things for the kids and we wanted to give you a glimpse at what your giving is going toward so if you would please take a look at the screen [Applause] [Music] hearts open wide hands lifted high over the clouds up into the blue sky [Music] hearts open wide hands lifted high over the clouds up until the blue sky come on can we thank the Lord for those lives that were changed forever we also want to thank those 250 volunteers who took time off of work took vacation time to pour into these kids were so thankful for all of them you know at the beginning of that video we saw the verse Malachi 4:6 that says and he will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers and to help me out with that we have a special guest who's going to come up right now and he's gonna help me tell you about that verse can we give it up for him hey how y'all doing my name is uh Drake Franklin I'm the new pastor here at free chapel no notes Joe bomb down now it's got a quick story I want to tell you about my dad so I used to be a pretty big boy back in the day I loved Olive Garden a lot of breadsticks and my parents put me in football and of course I was really good so they started me and we were having this scrimmage one day and this kid kept this hacking me kept like walking me in the back facemask in just a little dirty stuff so I started talking a little bit he started talking and then oh a little fight broke out and then all of a sudden the other team's coach came and just grabbed me by the helmet and started shaking me like crazy and all of a sudden I see in the corner of my eye another crazy man running across the field and flip-flops screaming his head off and throwing his hat of the coach and I learned that day that I learned that day there's a man out there that's always gonna have my back no matter would that's my dad our families uh had a couple problems these past 20 years or something like that some of those are my fault but it was mainly these two down here some of the darkest moments I'd uh I'd sneak downstairs when I was a little kid I'd seen my dad pray and then crying over his nose every Saturday and also not just fill the peace come over me and everything under I just knew it was gonna be alright cuz there's someone bigger fine from me that's cuz my dad was calling and it also inspired me because I knew there was someone out there that live day in and day out to the things he said he was gonna do I was my dad and he taught me that I'll never forget it so I just want to say thank you dad I love you so much and happy Father's Day assisting thumb down I cry and say I gotta get a lot of money here in a minute uh sure of skin position now your heads lord thank you for this day thank you for everything you've done bless this offer and Jesus name Amen would you let us speak on the start early night to try Council Oh [Music] but I found Oh what treasure is in your sky let's get the friend you treated [Applause] [Music] please be seated Drake that was beautiful man you might be prophetic bro we feel like family anytime we come here pastor Jensen mysteries thank you for just blessing our families over the years speaking of family will be with your OC campus next week we'll tall tell all them California people hello from y'all and then the Monday after a week from tomorrow us brothers our wives and our kids 17 of our 19 kids will be headed to Samba our homeland and the South Pacific for a missions trip so pray for us and in the back where our CDs and t-shirts are we have a table of just it's free stuff for donation so any donation you give will help us to get to psalm or just remember we get you don't give a 19 kid donation if you know what I'm saying I can't wait to see our dad he's still pastoring the church in the islands and you know growing up we always thought we had a pretty close family until our mother passed away of cancer it wasn't long until we realized that we didn't just lose the love of our lives we lost the bridge to our father our dad's a retired marine Pentecostal preacher which is not a good combination for kids he didn't show a whole lot of emotion not a lot of affirmation people used to ask us man how are all 12 kids serving God what had nothing to do with God we were just scared of our dad [Applause] [Music] our motivation to do music was to please our dad and it seemed like no matter how hard we tried it always fell short until several years ago and I won't go into the details I remember him calling our older brother Sam on the keys and he said Sam I need to talk to you and your brothers and he's in the islands we're in Tennessee so we get around the speakerphone and he says some things that we never heard in our lives he said guys I realized the only reason you're decent young men is because of God's grace and the prayers of your mother this is a preacher telling us this then he said this sound James John Jesse Joe I never told you this but I want you to know I'm proud of you he he he began to say these phrases he said would you please forgive me and I'm sorry he said I knew I was gonna call you guys this week but I've been wondering how do I ask the person that I need the most forgiveness from she's no longer here he said I wrote this three-page letter and I climbed this mountain by where I'm staying at and when I got to the top I read it to your mother he said I didn't hear an audible voice but boys I know without a shadow of a doubt that mom's forgiven me too Lewis Smedes says to forgive is to release a prisoner and then you realize that prisoner is you I don't know what your family situation or your relationship situations are like this morning but perhaps there's a father there's a mother there's a son there's a daughter maybe it's your turn to say I'm sorry or I forgive you don't wait till tomorrow to say what you must today yeah every generation flames are wonderful all of that frustration they come meeting on your door all that humble Wallace off-center you [Music] Stan's car [Music] Oh stay just you just can't [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] when my father passed away a dating all the things [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and on the phone sad [Music] [Music] [Music] let's tell the cattiness one more time what amazing that story never hurts you better this is incredible incredible incredible people and we're going to sew into that mission trill us figuring they're you know probably a thousand dollars per child then there's five of them and so we'll round it off at twenty five thousand in case one of their wives is pregnant and and help them with that trip how about that sound good they're in full-time ministry preaching the gospel through song all over the world is to joy a joy to share into that great great ministry we got to say I got to say that I'm I had no idea my son's rate was gonna get up here and do that that was so moving and I'll never forget it as long as I live thank you son I'm so proud of he definitely and it's so wonderful to have my daughter in from California Caroline and she's just a light a joy and I'm so thankful that you're here today and then we've got Courtney my oldest daughter sitting on the front row of course she works in the media ministry Courtney I love you so much and rest of my kids maybe are watching online I don't know but they're out on the west coast but we're so thankful as a matter of fact I know I speak for every man there's no greater joy in our lives than to see our children walk in truth I don't want every father we won't hold on just one moment we want to say it loud we want to say it strong and we want to say it now we love our fathers there are heroes in the house this morning with every father in this room stand up and at all of our emphasis stand up and let's give him a big us say a mile let's say a crown let's say it now that we love and appreciate you more than words can say the world is a better place because of you in it I want today to talk to you for just a few moments I do realize the US Open is on at two o'clock so I will keep moving here but I'm not gonna preach long but I do want to share with you we've been in Israel this week we went for a quick trip right after the service last Sunday did some amazing TV taping and just to sum up the week it turned into I think a supernatural week the cost of the favor of God I don't know any other way to explain it I can't even talk publicly about some of the things that happened and are going to happen but God is really just when you think that you seen God do any and everything that you could ever dream of I can truly say in Jerusalem in the Holy City God spoke again and is working again in this ministry in ways that are going to boggle our minds and you just gonna have to trust me on this one I'll explain it when I can but God is up to something magnificent and we're gonna be a major major part of it I know that and since then I'll be sharing more maybe next week maybe the week after maybe the week after so you got to come I'll tell you a whole lot more about it later all right I want to talk to you for a few moments today on altars whales and encounters altars whales and encounters there are three generations that are talked about over and over in the Bible the God of Abraham the god of Isaac the God of Jacob three generations the first generation Abraham got everything that he received from God he started out with nothing he became my until he blessed in amazing ways but he got everything that he received from God by prayer by an altar Isaac the next generation received everything that he received from God by inheritance it was given to him by his father but he had to learn to read igg the whales that his father dug and then finally the third generation Jacob the generation of Jacob received everything that he got in a different way he tried to take shortcuts his name means schemer and he was using his own intellect he thought that he knew more through his intellect he could get to where he was supposed to be by his mind not by building an altar or digging a whale the first generation represented by Abraham was a generation of Prayer the great outpouring in the book of Acts was not born in a planning committee the great outpouring of Acts chapter 2 was born out of a prayer meeting were 450 days men and women gathered in the upper room they did not plan and scheme and come up with visions and marketing they got in a room and they prayed and they saw God in a prayer meeting for 50 days and they waited on the Lord they prayed until the heavens were moved they prayed until the rain began to pour in that upper room and it would move across the earth Abraham built seven altars in his lifetime it would not have been hard to follow Abraham because everywhere that he stayed any amount of time he built an altar in that place and then he would move on and live in another area and build an altar and in his life he left seven altars those altars to me speak of four things an altar speaks of four things first of all an art - an altar speaks of sacrifice it was on one of those sat on one of those altars that Abraham laid his son Isaac and raised the GNAT knife and was willing to sacrifice his boy in obedience to what God was calling him to do God stopped him from doing it but he had to reach the point of ultimate sacrifice that sacrifice was so real in the history of the early church and I'm saying to you that at some point your relationship with God has to go beyond what God can do for you and you develop an altar and the altar speaks of sacrifice where Christianity to you means more than one day out of seven it means more to you than one dollar out of 10 it means more to you than an occasional sacrifice but it begins to alter the way that you live because an altar requires sacrifice I think of the generation that went before me my father who I honor today who's been in heaven for many years but his generation my mother who sits here today that generation Pat's mother who sits here today who it is her birthday today and happy birthday Pat we love you and we honor you but that generation knew what it was to get everything they obtained from God materially spiritually in every way they knew what it was to get it through prayer when they had needs their first response was to drop to their knees and pray when they didn't have money I can think of my own parents when we didn't have things when we didn't have the needs met I have the memories and the knowing of stories that my parents understood how to depend on God and build an altar and pray they prayed I think of my father in many ways that generation was criticized they were made fun of they were ostracized they were isolated they were treated as a you know just weird Pentecostal people who are the Laughing scourge of their city sometimes that was the way they came up and yet there was a beauty in the fact that everything they obtained they obtained not by leaning on man but when there was a need they would get on their knees and pray and God would move they paid the price they laid the sacrifice on the altar Smith Wigglesworth one of the great leaders and bygone days of the of the spirit-filled Church was once asked to go preach at a small tiny church he was a very famous speaker and preacher and the pastor almost apologetically said it's just a tiny Church just a few people and it won't take much out of you will you please come preach Smith Wigglesworth said if it doesn't take much out of me it won't do much for you a religion that costs you nothing is worth nothing a religion that costs you nothing and prayer speaks the altar speaks of sacrifice this generation must reach a point where we stop sacrificing sacrifice out of our Christianity and assuming that it's only what I want to do when I want to do it for the Lord is all that I offer God but the very theme of sacrifice is I don't do what I feel like doing I do this as a sacrifice of my time in my life in honor to my king that's what is developed out of an altar secondly an altar speaks of cleansing Abraham came to the altar to make sure everything was clean between him and God he understood that through the shedding of the blood of an animal his sins under the Old Covenant could be rolled over and they could be removed from his life pereira lee i heard a story about a man who wanted to he was feeling job insecurity and he wanted to check up on his condition of his job and whether or not he was going to be fired he felt insecure he felt like his boss was gonna replace him for whatever reason so one day he called in disguised his voice and asked for the boss the boss came on the line and he said in a disguised voice i'm looking for a job and the boss said what kind of job and he began to describe every detail of the things that he said he was skilled in and it fit perfectly the job he was presently holding and doing for that boss and then he ended by saying his little resume that he gave he ended by saying I heard that you weren't happy with the man you've got in that position over there and I'd love to fill it and the man said oh no that's not true I have a good man there and I want to keep him and then he was so excited he lost his fake voice and he said it's me boss and I was just wanting to call and check up to see how I was really doing that is what prayer is prayer is calling up heaven and it's saying god I don't want anything in the in the relationship I want you to cleanse me prayer is cleansing prayer speaks of being cleanse of removing anything and everything from the power of God operating in your life prayer speaks of unity did you know that once upon a time there were no denominations there were no labels there were no you know moves of God and camps over here in this camp in that church in this church but there was we were according to the scripture baptized by one spirit into one body men united from different persuasions in America around the 1900s at the beginning of the 1900s they United in revival in an altar and they prayed from different persuade Asians that God would send revival and then lastly an altar speaks of the place of prayer when men take time to seek the face of God they take time and discipline to seek the counsel of God the will of God the way of God it's critical that early generation and many of you are the byproduct like me of those who've gone before us who they built an altar and they understood the power of prayer and he calls started at a prayer meeting not a revival meeting fifty days they salt the face of God and waited on the Lord and suddenly there came a sound from heaven and then in Topeka Kansas in the nineteen hundreds there was a Bible College in America did not have revival America was not really seeking the face of God in the spirit being poured out but in Topeka Kansas there were a group of college students in a Bible College who read the book of Acts and something in them read the miracles and read about the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the upper room they begin to yearn and ask the professor why and how can we have this power today and he said I don't know but I'm declaring a fast and I'm declaring a season of Prayer and they prayed and they prayed and they prayed in one night at 3:00 a.m. in an old-fashioned prayer meeting among young people young adults of about twenty years of age to 18 as they were praying suddenly the first droughts of the latter rain fell in that Bible School in Topeka Kansas and those young people were filled with the Holy Spirit and then the drips of rain began to turn into and form a creek and there was a man that was touched by that and he went to Los Angeles California his name was Byron seemed older and he began to preach that there was a river of power and annoying and suddenly that Creek turned into a mighty river and it was the Azusa Street revival it reached five continents from that little barn in Los Angeles the power of God began to move that the Assemblies of God the Church of God every spirit-filled Church like this today in the world has its roots in that old-fashioned prayer meeting that happened with a group of young people who said surely there's more to Christianity than just going to church but the thing I want you to understand is our forefathers everything they got came by prayer Abraham built an altar and then Along Came Isaac and everything that Isaac received the Bible said in Genesis chapter 25 and Abraham gave all that he had unto Isaac notice that it was by inheritance the problem with inheritance sometimes is this the person who receives doesn't fully appreciate the sacrifice the calloused hands the tremendous price the sacrifice the doing without that the previous generation has gone through to get you where you are today and Isaac just received the Bible said Abraham his father gave him everything that he had he just handed it to him and he didn't really understand personally how that dream had become a tangible reality that he was standing in he took it for granted I like had a lot going for him he had a great father he had a religious upbringing in spite of it all in spite of all that he would inherit listen to me carefully he had to meet God for himself there came a time when it was not enough to hear about mother's touch and daddys experience or even the fact that I was brought up a Christian home all of that is good all of that is fine but you hear me the Lamb's Book of Life is listed in individual names not family names there's no family names in the Lamb's Book of Life it doesn't say Franklin it says Jenson Franklin Charice Franklin and if my children don't encounter the same God we encountered their names will not go in that book it's an individual thing and just because you've been raised in it and just because you've been around greatness and just because you have a grandmother who's godly it does not mean you have encountered God for your self Issac learned that he had to read igg the whales of ancient revival that his father had left him a whale but the Philistines had plugged it up and I like the fact I was reading it again this week as I was traveling and the Bible said that he actually Isaac actually dug two new whales before he read ugh his dad's oh well in other words he thought well that old-fashioned stuff I don't need that oh they're silly I don't need Church I don't have to go I can worship at home I don't need this I don't need that I don't believe in tithing I don't god I just don't your mom and dad that was for you but my I'm digging me some new whales but the Bible said those two new whales dried up and I want to preach just a minute to the young people here you go off the university and you let them tell you what a joke this book is and you let them laugh at your old fashioned Bible clinging and calling on the name of Jesus but any new whale you dig it's a matter of time before it dries up but we've left you one that if you'll read igg it there's live in water there we've left you one that I don't care how many people make fun of it when you get in the crisis when it's your baby that needs a miracle or it's your family that's in a crisis the only thing that's going to stand is the word of I refuse to go forward until you clap your hands in acknowledgment that there's nothing like the old whales sometimes like David I need a drink from the old well of Bethlehem I know what the professor said but he's miserable and the what smartypants said but they can't hold a marriage together their lives are a mess they're all jacked up drunk and high all the time there's an old whale where there's living water and it makes you feel alive again hallelujah somebody give God praise if you believe whoa come on praise them in this house get the dirt out get the carnality out and say fill me Holy Spirit we need an Isaac generation all you've been given all you've been given ours is a rich spiritual heritage men and women of bygone days dug whales spiritual whales at deep coasts at deep cost my father dug away Oh at deep cost but it's not enough it's not enough to know it appear you must encounter for yourself Isaac knew it up here but there came a time when he had to counter God for himself I got no there's water I got a dig I've got a dig I've got a dig until I hit it myself and I fear that there's young people who sit on these seats and they hear ass preach every week but somehow in their mind there's new wails that tell them this bad I don't matter and that don't matter and they're old fashioned in Old Town but whatever number one you're messed up because the stuff we're preaching you to you now you may think you don't have it but it's got you whether you think you've got it or not in one of these old days the olders gonna pop up in one of these old days the old yearning of living water is gonna come and you gonna say that don't satisfy that whale doesn't work Hopa jesus oh jesus he is the living water lastly abraham built altars isaac came along and encountered god and read ugh whales but jacob the third generation his name means deceiver he took shortcuts to every blessing do you remember what he did to his brother his brother was hunting he was the oldest therefore the firstborn therefore would receive the blessing of Abraham and Isaac and now it would come on Esau but he came home from a hunting trip exhausted in starving and he smelled the aroma of the meal that his brother Jacob had fixed the tantalizing aroma of that bean soup he was starving and he said give me some and if that been me and that's my brother I'm out of giving him some soup that's just kind of guy I am but but but not but not listen to this not Jacob Jacob said I want the blessing but I don't want to get it the way that others have got it I want the shortcut I've intellectually figured this thing out scheming you give me the birthright I'll give you the beans and in a moment of weakness Esau gave him the birthright he didn't just want the birthright he didn't just deceive and treat his brother wrong then he turned around and his father Isaac who was on his deathbed had lost his vision and the Bible said while he was eating the meal and distracted he went in and took goats hair and put it on his arms because his brother was hairy and he went in and he disguised his voice and he said father father bless me Father I have the birthright in my hand bless me it's your son Esau and his dad said something interesting his dad said you sound like Jacob but you feel like Esau it's a huge little lesson right here the Bible said he went by his what he felt instead of what he heard anytime you start letting your feelings go above what God is saying your feelings will always deceive you and take you in the wrong direction over what God is telling you we don't want by our feelings if it feels right but the word says it's wrong your feelings are wrong and the word is right what you hear is right man shall not live by every word that by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God can't trust your feelings but you can trust the voice listen so think about it then he goes to his father-in-law and his father-in-law ripped him off for 14 years cuz you reap what you sow but then he turns around and rips his father often takes the choice breeding animals and steals them and goes away so he's ripped off and deceived his brother burned that bridge he's ripped off and deceived this father don't you know his father was heartbroken when he found out the truth burned that bridge his father-in-law burned that bridge I'm sure his wife was upset with him because of that burned that bridge and now he finds himself at a place called J Bach and the word j-bot means the place of breakin he's all by himself he's got stuff he's got wealth and then the thought hits him I'm here and I have never encountered and I do not have what my grandfather Abraham had I do not have what my father Isaac had I don't have an altar I don't have a whale I have nothing and suddenly he cries out to God and he says I want it I want to have a fresh encounter with you for myself I can't I thank you for what you did in other generations but I want you to touch me my generation me I need to know you not appear but in here the Bible said God dispatched an angel in the angel came and Jacob grabbed that angel and wrestled with him until that angel touched the hollow of his thigh and disjointed his leg he was wrestling with that angel he's having his own encounter with God at the place of breaking he's broken he every relationship in his life is broken all of his dreams are broken everything that J Bach is messed up but it's there the very place of breaking becomes the very place a blessing that any time God allows you to end up at the river J Bop broken alone disillusion what has happened in my life how did this happen what is going on I'll tell you what is going on it's a Bible pattern Moses go to the desert for 40 years and lose everything broken job you're gonna go through the trial of your life and you'll lose everything broken Joseph you're gonna be thrown into a prison for 14 years for a crime you didn't commit broken Paul I'm gonna knock you off your high horse and you're gonna fall in the dirt and for three days you'll go blind and you won't even know who you are anymore broken but if you read the last chapter of all four of those illustrations I just gave you you'll see this fact that the breaking was where the blessing always came Oh and I close with this there are three great lessons that I want you to get and I give them to you in three sentences sometimes you have to hold on to God this is what Jacob teaches us within wrestling with that angel for his own encounter with God sometimes you have to hold on to God longer than your flesh wants to if you're going to get an answer from the throne notice that he's crippled now but the thing about a is all he can do is clean and if God has crippled you in some area it wasn't to hurt you it was to make you clean to him and I can't get there on my own but I'm gonna hold tight to you now I've learned in the place of breaking that that I'm crippled in this area now but it'll cause me to cling to you Jesus secondly victory in Jacobs life came by a touch Nick y'all know me I feel like I'm surrounded with angels right now like I'm keenly aware the presence of God is in this room you listen to me you listen to me victory came by a touch what kind of touch an exhilarating touch exciting touch of fun happy hallelujah touch no touch breaking a touch of crippling lastly this story teaches us that after you have your encounter with Jesus Jacob never won't the same again and every friend who knew him before when they saw him after this encounter they all recognize one thing he has a different walk it changed his walk before if they saw the shape of someone coming they knew that sold proud arrogant deceiving self-centered Jacob he would walk in and you could see him coming but now his walk has changed he's got a limp because when you truly encounter Jesus he changes your walk and I'm praying some of you will have such an encounter with Jesus today that you leave here with some spiritual swag this is spiritual swag I'm clinging to Jesus and I can't even make it I don't want to go anywhere - he doesn't want me to go I only go where he goes with me and if Jesus can't go you can have it I'd rather clean - help I have a new toe and I wonder I know when it happened to me I know when I had a Jacob encounter when I was 16 years old that I left that building and that service changed I didn't know what the future held but I knew one thing I was clinging on to him and nothing would ever separate me again that's the truth nothing can separate me from the love of God I failed the Lord many times but my mom liked my lameness my crippled place it causes me to clean not run and there's a whole new generation with Jacobs that know about him up here and you sit through years and years and years and see all these young people but you need a whale you need an altar and you need an encounter and I close with this sometimes victory means defeat sometimes you have to lose physically to win spiritually in the natural world you lose it looks like but in the spiritual world you just stepped up into God's holy spotlight and it happened not at a happy place but at a J Buc brokenness weeping loneliness crying wondering will I ever see the light again no you can't avoid the altar of Abraham you can't avoid the wail of Isaac and you can't avoid the encounter of Jacob in a personal way stand to your feet all over this building thank you for being a tenant for just another moment can obey call there's a generation now that needs an encounter that's what forward conference is all about in two weeks we're not playing games over there we're gonna have an encounter I feel actually more faith than I've ever felt for forward this year by the way something unusual is going to happen in that meeting the fires gonna follow you watch what I tell you but can I just do what I feel like doing it I know it sounds crazy and I know people don't understand but my church they would never do nothing like that and all that we appreciate you being here but this is how we do it in their song this is how we do when we feel like it sometimes we just a normal but sometimes we go with the wind and can I get families could I get young people could I get a Jakob generation or maybe your the Isaac generation that you've been just received so much and yet deep in your heart you know you need to read igg a whale because you're so dry is so drying you come into church but you're dry I wonder if there's people here today who would say I need an altar I need a whale and I need a fresh encounter and I'm not just something I call them all and all that forward I know they're here we'll pray a prayer before we leave but but today I feel like God wants to do something in families that is beyond anything we can comprehend and I'm just gonna ask you today if you're with any of your family if you don't have family God's drawing you to this altar to a personal encounter this is for you but mostly I'm talking to family people you've got a brother sister husband wife child I want you to come as families and gather and I'm declaring that where's the altar build an altar where is the altar it's it's this face from there all the way down that aisle that aisle that in this area this is the altar come to the altar of Abraham comes to the all Isaac come to the fridge and wrestle and clean to Jesus in second ravit you in today even jewelry sponding step out on holy ground come and lift up now and say Lord touch our family use our family that's it rain on us gun rain on this guy I don't want a new whale of an idea fantasy have you Oh you choose rich over begin to print right now the power that's it come on guys go around sing it down we ran away that makes me standing on my god come on sing it the witness of him don't you want it to rain stand there bless us stand there speak blessing over you s cops will to be done in their lap I wanna chamber told everybody to start seeing it I want every one of you to have been filled with the Holy Spirit to lift your hands time and retake that whale and set up the altar and ask God for press encounter for you in their children in your children three generations can be affected in your family by the service today poor woman classroom with all the in one ray those weapons in your home with that refreshing one more the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord praise somebody magnify the Lord with me let us exalt his name together just one more just one more take me that said raki where I need you to take me where I dare little it's your hands it's a simple sound it said take me back this morning take me back I want you to touch me back to that old place that'll wait where I need a fresh touch what all through that place won't you please take me I need you to take me back I wanna go back remember that place where everybody lift your hands toward heaven say Lord Jesus I receive an altar I redeem a whale and a half a fresh encounter with Jesus Christ I give you my life I give you my gifts I give you my future I surrender everything I trust you with my life use me bless me I receive the touch of the master's hand on me and my family I am blessed I am saved my name is in the Lamb's Book of Life in Jesus name may the Lord bless you and keep you make his face shine on you be gracious unto you lift up his countenance upon you give you peace and bless your family we love you we'll see you Wednesday night I get to preach twins tonight we're gonna have church around here I'll see I'll see you next Sunday we love you happy Father's Day hug a father telling EULA and as we leave here today I do want to remind you if you have not yet picked up your conference ticket - for soon a conference coming up in just a few short days I would encourage you to do that today for the forward conference dough our register yourself register someone as well but you can also sponsor an opportunity to send us students that will be able to get a four word conference and encounter the presence of God just like we've done today so again go to foreign conference don't owe our team all the information that you need is available for you right but one last thing I do encourage you to do if you are not currently following us on social media I would encourage you to do that today on the Instagram Facebook YouTube check out all the social outlets would love you so expensive actually today at free travelers if we see them something
Channel: Free Chapel
Views: 50,241
Rating: 4.8811121 out of 5
Keywords: Direction, Miracles, Supernatural, Faith, Jentezen Franklin, Free Chapel
Id: mRaQE2O2J5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 25sec (3145 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2019
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