"Surprisingly a 10/10", Rimworld Console Edition #1

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today we're checking out rimworld console edition this is a sneak preview it releases in about two days or so but i imagine that's not gonna age very well uh i'm gonna divide this video up into three parts which is just gonna be a lot of me talking on the main menu right now uh sorry about that but then after that we're gonna do the actual colony setup and then after that we will just play through the colony so i'll mark that on the video timeline and if you wanted to skip to those parts feel free to do so i received a key from this from uh pedro from double 11. so huge thanks to them i'm playing it on ps4 right now but i also believe it's going to be available on xbox uh and i don't know about the other versions of those there's so many consoles anyway um we're going to try to play through a pretty normal colony today i've played about one hour of the tutorial and i was pretty pleasantly surprised i'm not gonna take you through this tutorial but uh i mean so far i i think it looks great just the main menu uh double 11 seems to have done a really good job just keeping all the sharpness of rimworld um but more on that later hey the console i also just want to do this quick disclaimer it has done everything to fit it into a console but i mean if you're trying to compare this with keyboard and mouse i think that's kind of an apples oranges comparison so i don't want to try to do that i know i'm going to do it throughout the stream a lot uh because it's rimworld but you know this is made for people who are console gamers or are restricted to console gamers i would imagine or if you really like rimroll then you want to play it on your couch which actually that was me when i was 16 i had a pc that could run minecraft at about 10 fps and i was playing like halo wars and i wish that they had ported minecraft a little earlier um uh like i said the indexed i'll just really quickly go through the positives and the negatives before we start the new colony i think that um the controls were really intuitive text is not overwhelming or invasive the ui looks cool and is super clear um and prioritizing and manual command i was a naysayer when i first heard about this but um you know couple things like i can't get perfectly under the hood i don't have a um a custom scenario button here i don't know if there's any plans for that uh but a couple little things like that and i haven't really had larger colonies yet with a lot of emergencies so i think we're gonna go into um i think we're gonna go into crash landing because like i said i just want things to go pretty simply this time around i'm going to play because randy is too random i know he's me and he gets a lot of youtube video attention but i i just find it to be a very unsatisfying experience phoebe chillax i don't know if i've ever even played with i'm also not going to play on the hardest difficulty i normally play on blood and dust so i'm going to do uh honestly adventure story just because of my fear and i'm gonna do reload any time in case of some doo-doo arises i think we'll do let's keep everything normal i don't think it's gonna make a difference am i able to generate more than thirty percent of the world though cause so far i haven't what percentage of the overall okay there it is the globe let's just do medium because we aren't gonna do it but it's nice to see that that's allowed um yeah and again i turned back on notifications because i guess we're at like world generation that's my like brief brief review though that's all that i think of it um i've also got on royalty here i don't know if you can go back to the main area but i showed that icon for a second royalty is also available with this release which i was kind of impressed by um yes it's like rimworld but on console like that episode of spongebob where everything's at night so did we get what is this uh this is a temporary forest i'm going to go either boreal or temperate forest i'm doing everything in fahrenheit only because i don't intuitively get like a knee-jerk reaction at how hot or cold it is i honestly this screen is playing really intuitively to me you can just zoom in and out do it like this i had my doubts on this world screen you can see information about the world just by hitting the playstation button i think everything is really clearly like delineated here just to see what's what i mean i'm not going to go into all of the other information but surprisingly easy to select the site i want to have some uh variety in my lent but i also i'm probably not even gonna do any trading to be completely honest i just want to see if like a normal normie colony will work but i don't have any mountains here all right let's go here i like that 50 to 60 days of growing season okay let's go ahead and make our colonists we do unfortunately have to randomize everything uh so we can't like cheat in that way annoying voice and fast walker i don't think i like those we have our colonists we have vance adam robinson we have uh makara sheckley and we have ronan shield lawless unfortunately i seem to have messed up my remote play uh these guys have a pretty actually overpowered start i'm hoping that our colonists will be very good because i don't want to deal with people going crazy right away eventually i'll take on some colonists that bring more baggage to the table but i figure i at least want to give myself a decent place to start um everybody's been talking about how much they like the new ui and how they want the original game we have controller vibration for everyone coming down from this guy and i can instantly pause which if you are a normie rimworld player you will uh you will you will appreciate i'm gonna go ahead and it seems like that's the biggest box i can drag okay not not my thousand columns i've done some absurd things in room world i think the thousand colonists play through might have been the one that i was i'm just making sure i have everything on the map yeah we got some steel over there all right i think i've designated everything um let's un-pause so pretty easy for me to do a fairly advanced order which was just allowing everything on the map there's other ways to do things too like you can double click um that was pretty intuitive you can also like box over people i'll i'll go through all this stuff i don't want to belabor it i just kind of want to get into playing so um yeah let's go ahead and use this pre-constructed shelter for a home because we do have what appears to be fertile soil over there i'm not sure completely yet how to toggle different views of the game or if that's something i'm going to find um actually is it up here nope i can't seem to find it um i'm not really going to belabor too much that stuff maybe it'll come around but this looks like fertile soil here on the ground and we do actually have there on the lower right side of the screen um rich soil walk speed 87 fertility 140 so let's go ahead and set up over there and i'm gonna do uh let's do architect and we'll do a stockpile zone let's see if we can make this very sketchy position between here and here into our first stockpile zone um we could use this doorway and let's just do [Music] actually i want to make sure i can get an appreciable amount of stuff in there so let's go ahead and do that close that out uh we'll do a grow zone too here while we're in the zoning menu let's do some basic rice over in this patch we don't want them to be working on that forever but i think we can just mouse over to that interact and i mean see it it's honestly quite fast that i've been able to designate all these stockpile zones and i really am not i haven't been playing this game for very long at all um so i'm pretty happy to see that here we go doors working surprisingly well with the controller i really i was a doubter i kind of want to emphasize that i didn't think that i would uh i didn't think that i would like this at all but i mean look at how kind of tightly the analog stick is controlling i don't know if it's just that i like the ps4 controller but as somebody who's had a lot of like rsi from uh doing a lot of computer work it's pretty comfortable for me to do this so i was enjoying it on um on console yes and also everyone please enjoy the fact that i'm using uh that i'm using fahrenheit i i would do celsius to make it more accessible to probably most of my audience however uh i probably wouldn't be able to react in time in case of emergency i just don't intuitively get celsius let's go ahead and check out our colonists see who has the best shot and kind of equip them from there i'm gonna go look at information on our colonists we have needs we have stats so you are not very good at anything oh wait a minute adam is actually the one who's incapable of violence so we're going to go ahead and just leave him we're going to give shaklee the bolt action rifle i think and i think shield has the revolver so we do have one incapable of violence colonists thanks for all this exactly your content got me through quarantine and you're the reason i have 300 plus hours in this game happy it helped you enjoy uh whatever you came to rimworld for first hey uh uh as larry hey thank you for the 300 bits my friend oops there we go i accidentally just selected that instead let's go interact equip see it took me like three buttons to equip him with that thing and i i found drafting colonists surprisingly intuitive and easy um yeah maybe i should just learn what is it celsius but my 10 out of 10 moment was you can play the game in kelvin i'm not going to do it because no one will understand maybe we'll all just be on even ground now i'm going to take fahrenheit representing my american friends all right let's go ahead and do that and then we'll also see if we can get some beds in place which it looks like we have a decent amount of wood uh let's also just make a designation so architect orders we'll do chop wood i mean see it took me like three seconds to do that you know the one thing i can't have right now is my mods like the harvest fully grown which i think is but maybe i've just gotten so used to mod play um anyway like i said i don't want to do those apples oranges comparisons for today it's also pretty easy to speed up time if i want to let me just go put in a couple more orders though for here and i'm finding that i'm not getting like a lot of button conflict like whoever did this new controls really really well and it just it feels very comfortable to play but enough enough of that maybe i'll let's say some things that i don't like i would have liked the wall light mod to have been in here what about designating things in our home area or design claiming things okay that's something i would like to be able to do it would be nice if i could select multiple of these walls by double clicking like i can on pc that's a i mean that's something that could just quickly be added in though so that's just a thought claim because i'm thinking how else am i going to claim i guess i could also do this i mean i'm going to do a little bit of this in this video if you don't mind i'm going to like belabor some things that are already emerald okay so claiming can be done fairly easily like that just wanna make sure that they have this as their home area i want them to start repairing these things um yeah the one comment i don't want to make is i wish i had x-mod i want to think of stuff like like double-clicking the steel wall tastes like them all would have been nice but them is the way it is the interact with square is pretty easy and actually build copy some of these things i haven't even figured out yet but that's something you could do pretty easily on pc with what do you press o in order to build a copy um let me just think i want to give them a couple more walls so i'm going to do architect yeah and also too i mean if anybody has any questions during the stream go ahead and ask them you can also swap material fairly easily i believe oh how did i do this again yeah do i place in it whoops no i didn't mean to do that oh there's an undo button that is very helpful ah here we go okay this is how i swap the material some of these things i'm just going to try to find out for myself before i look at chat because i know there's probably things i'm missing on the screen um but i have one set of eyes just please appreciate that let's go ahead and do this yeah yeah i'll do it why not i know stupid man builds his house on uh out of wood but i just want to get started here get something basic going all right uh give them some rooves and other things like that that are nice although we also do kind of want to clog up the uh here we go go ahead and build a nope not architect architect structure there we go all right yeah like it's kind of yeah like you said it's kind of like a muscle memory type of thing i think we're good now is there anything else we need to do to get our basic colony up and running we want to get them off of these packaged survival meals but they've got enough hauling to do for today that i think let's just leave it like that um someone's removed their pants i imagine that's probably checkly maybe he put on that here we go where flak fest pretty easy though like just common actions you would want to do with the thing the one situation i haven't gotten into yet is like oh so-and-so is downed and needs tending so he needs a like a bed right next to him but i imagine that the people who play this game will have wanted to play rimworld for a long time but they couldn't because they didn't have a console i mean i guess just one question is like do folks in chat is anybody planning on buying this like i'm definitely going to do this on day one as a purchase um and i guess if so why like so that i can play it on my couch a pretty good answer it was cool to play it in 4k i was enjoying that i don't know how this recording will come out like if i move the screen around a lot like this i'm recording remotely from ps4 right now so it might get some weird stuff but it looks pretty sharp on here to me like it looks like the real rim world that i'm playing i mean it is but you know not for pc so i am an elitist and i am obnoxious i just like pc yeah i mean if you already own it i could see that i don't know i felt very like fine and rich playing it in my living room though i was like hmm i can play rimworld in here or out there and all the people that i know who play rimworld like i've chatted with some of you guys from various uh various events and things like that or gotten to play a game together there's some smart people who play rimworld like i mean doctors and engineers this is what people do in their free time we are we are bizarre people we are bizarre people at least contributing something to society though let's see if we can work open up the work tab to just make sure that everyone's doing everything i thought they would we also i'm gonna pull a page from mr sam streamer right here pretty easy to pause or unpause i can just hit r2 force them to work i'm gonna do something very advanced here now oh this is how we change the view on that tab okay it was hidden but i found it so that's good to know we have beauty there as well um wow like all of the features are in this is nice it doesn't really feel like that they took things out of the game it just sort of feels like okay here we've got work so is anybody doing any plant plant cooking grow mine okay so this guy is pretty much stuck with everything uh we got a good amount of incapable loves here shield is pretty much doing everything i'm gonna leave it at default right now um actually let me just do one quick thing i just want to make sure that everybody's cutting the plants yeah he's gonna need some help with that let's also make sure you're mining it you should be constructing i don't know why that wasn't set up that way normally that one would be a given um doctoring you should also do doctoring are you capable of it not really necessary but i also don't like having this on i leave mine on checks because i like to keep it simple but i'm pretty sure that yeah you can do it in numbers um actually now i'll just leave it for right now i'm going to go simple with checks handle cook hunt hunting we'll leave that as is plant cut yeah that's all i wanted to do okay let's make them all work until the end of the night so we're gonna do schedule and let's just say oh that's kind of interesting all right we're going to force everyone to work for the rest of the day oh and this is actually kind of nice i can just sort of click and drag this i'm holding down the right analog stick this is surprisingly good look at this distinguished gentleman look at this distinguished gentleman i know i'm triggering a lot of you because you have very picky tastes about using checks or numbers in it but be triggered by it all right all right force everyone to work for the rest of the day now let's go ahead and check on people's moves that's something i like to do a lot uh as moki and uh thank you very much for the subs and jackal bunny for the bits all right so we've got like some sort of yellow dot on him what does this mean what are your needs mood 62 percent food can we get a quick uh heads up on all of the moodlets stats relations needs oh here we go this is what i was looking for uncomfortable eight without table soaking wet darkness recreation unfulfilled okay so let's go ahead and give them a quick uh i forgot about this no i mean i'm gonna go ahead and say that i've been playing rimworld for a long time since before you were born but um you know there's stuff that everybody forgets in the game unless if you're playing it like it's a career so it's it's nice to at least get these little heads ups hunter lax range weapon uh who is that again so let's go ahead and jump to an event that did jump to the colonists that was good all right now i want to get out of that uh oh i accidentally did not give you that item to equip so that's good to know uh i was liking the jump twos i wasn't able to jump to a ship like destroyed chunk before but that event was pretty easy to jump to i also found it hard strangely to locate where a raid was coming from the last time but also to keep in mind that i am just rather impatient as a person let's go ahead and build um some lighting let's go into furniture that was pretty easy to navigate an entire furniture thing then let's go ahead and do this i mean it's differentiating the left and the right analog stick here or even using the d-pad is actually pretty easy let's go ahead and do this out of wood now the one unfortunate thing is that my favorite thing about rimworld on pc is the fact that there is um you have two rotate buttons and i lost that's that's the one petty thing i'm going to gripe about here uh there needed to be one there needed to be one oh the though this uninstall and reinstall is quite good gather spot filled colony yes unfortunately a man died today from eating without a table yeah i guess the other thing to keep in mind is you know ah hang on a second whoops actually hold that thought let's go ahead and see architect orders i'm finding that the orders tab is very easy to navigate to smoothing the surface let's go ahead and smooth this surface in here oh so smooth i can hardly even i can hardly even contain myself with how smooth this surface is uh i might explode with pleasure if the surface were any smoother let's go ahead and let's go ahead and do something normal now um i will just do cheap paved style no dirt tracking there we go dirt can't get dirty though at the same time now i mean the the slight orange to them is making me nervous change tab draft the drafting was surprisingly easy but i'm finding how what what is the fastest way to check on people's moods like is there a quick way to do that change tab maybe it's just because i play so much for like checking on colonists moods colony schedule work oh wait a second it's because i forced them to work all night that's why i forgot about that all right let's go ahead and have them sleep during these hours what is a normal time to wake up at 8am that's pretty normal right and then let's do anything here for the rest and we'll tell them now they don't have to sleep we don't have any night owls i'm pretty sure in this colony i don't really want them interrupting each other's sleep either seven to eight i guess we'll just have them do that at night what is that eight hours eight square hours of sleep there we go all right so they should have finished their work for today i'll figure out the mood checking fast later but at least they got in for a good night's sleep oh uh there we go oops i actually tried to draft and undraft that's usually what i do when a colonist isn't like doing what i want them to but i guess that also works does anybody have any uh other questions or anything that i missed i feel like i'm focused on the game more now because i'm trying to get things to work out exactly the way that i want them to i still need to roof this in is this going to be made of wood all right so we have that wood outside all right i just want to make sure i get those check boxes finished with the thing is that i feel like if i were trying to learn rimworld has a slightly steeper learning curve than many other simulation games and i don't think that it's hard but i've played it with friends who play like not rimworld and who didn't have a desire to learn it and i feel like that they might struggle here um but i feel like that they would struggle with it on the computer too so you know maybe it's not worth maybe they aren't worth trying to win over to this i suppose is what i'm trying to say let's go ahead and just do some neutral paved tile in here there we go looks pretty good to me how's everybody doing now that i've let them stop working imported the exact same source current for the game is these seeds should be identical okay that's good to know a lot of the things that come over from pc actually seem to carry over then uh actually i can sort of get there it's annoying me that when i'm streaming this right now i can't mouse over things that i'm looking at but you see that happy face on the lower left where it says that he's neutral you know content at least you have that slight thing does it turn into a frown when he's upset i think color coding could help that a little bit more i mean it is kind of color-coded there on the top though yeah fair fair i don't know i'm gonna say a bunch of stupid opinions that i have on things that i have no right to say them about dodge chance social work basics i mean this is all information you could seek out so that's quite nice right extremely low expectations we want to keep that we've just had rain for the last few days recreation unfulfilled eight without table i don't know why you did that quite comfortable let's just make sure that that horseshoe pin is up the horseshoe pin is up so that's done and then they're just building that all right so let's give them some time we've got it in three times speed um what a great looking house uh hefty zoom you can do here compared to the pc are we zooming right now i'm gonna leave the camera very still for a moment just so and i'm gonna slow down time just so that you can hopefully see from my pleb uh recording software hopefully how sharp it looks because i'm aware of the fact that when i'm moving the camera around a lot things start to look blurry just because of bitrate i also noticed that it looked significantly sharper on my screen than it did when i looked at the actual recording um you know i didn't want to belabor it too much otherwise i would have been here until next week i actually just do a ram shuffle on my pc because i had power go out so it was taking me long enough to get this stream up but yeah oh actually that's a good point hang on a second fastest way to compare moods is to open the mood screen for one pawn use l1 and r1 to flick through them all okay so i guess that would be rb and lb yeah actually that could work let's go over to adam counselor information screen i like that i can just press like what i guess is essentially the select button i press the touchpad on the ps4 controller needs so i go over here and then i could swap around so it does still kind of bring me back to that screen okay back to the room okay indeed uh back to the roots yeah i don't know it feels righteous to be back in room world you know what i mean wait a second why is there a vibration on the console that could actually be very good though because i have a tendency to miss events at times on pc okay so let's try jumping too oh that's nice there's actually like a small distinction between reading the message and jumping too need a meal source need defenses okay let's hang on or let's uh let's worry about that stuff visitor i don't believe that wait does she have items to trade also do we have an historical log of things that have happened ques we have quest historical okay so it can't protect you from being as that astronomically stupid okay let's go ahead and see if we can start to get a meal source up because we've got this um wow i feel like i've surprisingly quickly gotten past a lot of the intro matter in room world let's also just make sure people aren't going to die we have 64 degrees fahrenheit okay i think they'll be all right i'm gonna go ahead and just make them all do some like basic construction work because this isn't skilled flavor this is just smoothing rocks i want that done because i want their main bedroom to be very nice um let's also mine this surprisingly easy to use the okay i'm liking that that can be done let's just make sure that we aren't underneath a mountain which i believe we now know how to yes we do know how to select it so we can see that we have no under mountain uh tiles we do have like rock roof and normal roof very distinguished very distinguished logs are in the world menu also too let me just go ahead and save uh we had the black expanse alliance that was our test colony let's call it new arrivals too i'm not going to try to use the keyboard at all because i crashed the entire game um and that wasn't due to this that was just due to the way that i'm recording things so i feel like any time that i bring up a naming dialogue i'm just gonna be like okay let's take the default uh which is too bad because i do like naming things funny names all right this is a pretty good opportunity let's uh well we'll see if she's here in the morning then hopefully we'll trade with her nice cut plants dialogue though right here we could do that can we just oh we can just select that you can't even do that on pc that's quite nice like just a button to do that immediately oh no she's leaving wait a second no don't leave trade can i catch up with her please come back just to at least open up the ui and see what it looks like honestly like first impression that looks okay because there's a lot on the rim world menu uh [Music] left and right okay that's pretty easy um let's go see if we can buy just some random stuff from her i want her component hmm price is 39. now why is mine red okay that's because of profit and cost i'll keep my sin thread pants uh let's also take her medicine that's good she has flake could get into the flake business gonna stick for now i'm gonna stick for now more well done and mass you know what i mean okay let's just do this i want to accept the trade good that was easy that was easy um being problem with being under a mountain if i was under a mountain then i would get a uh i would get an infestation honestly i'm feeling quite comfortable with this like i have horrible i want to emphasize how bad my repetitive stress injuries are just from like clicking on things and editing um like the ps4 uh controller is very ergonomic and i don't even like it a lot of people have said like they think that it looks hard to use i'm surprised at how much i like it um and the one thing that i've pretty much universally heard is that people like the look of this ui better than the original rimworlds i like it because it's bare bones but it looks very like tasteful very carbon themed you know what i mean very carbon yes imagine if they had support for mods as well i don't know what the plans are i'm just i'm just a guy i'm just an idiot on a computer all right let's go ahead and build a um some actual stuff now let's go ahead and get into product product cheyenne i think we'll have a fueled stove first here we go over yonder nice nice oh wait no we don't want the dirty cooking area though eh we could move it unfortunately we won't have the common sense mod okay now i'm gonna go into cooking bills so this was fairly easy we're going to here we go uh whoops a daisy oh there we go bills with triangle right um head bills i'm always finding that whenever i look somewhere on the screen the control is right there for me cook simple meal then we will click on that can we change this to [Music] okay so that's for cooked number of meals but can we change it to mode okay do until you have x see like right there i i didn't even know that yet do until you have x but i was looking at exactly the right place and that was very easy and wait a minute take to best stockpile see this is very intuitive okay let's try dropping on the floor um who any worker allowed cooking school let's change the allowed cooking skill to uh i'm gonna go ahead and say eight because i do think that we have that ingredients choose ingredient radius unlimited let's change that to does it show it on the screen in front of me if it does then 10 out of 10. it does 10 out of 10. it does it does look remember how that's in the pc version the one thing i would like to be able to do here is if i could use the right analog stick to zoom in and out just to kind of get a slight look at the map while i'm doing that that's like um that would be amazing mad squirrel he's right there he's right there okay this is actually a very good situation for stress testing the game hmm oh jesus we're being attacked do we have weapons under okay we do show it on them that's pretty decent hey holy cow a might night taco hold out 10 out of 10 10 gift subs well thank you very much i'll have to find some other things that are 10 out of 10 then hey thank you very much you didn't have to do that i hope you're uh i hope you're enjoying the stream okay so we've got like some pair of sneakers here this is good i'm gonna go ahead and draft him as well and i'm just going to put him take him and plunk him over there see now i'm doing this just like with keyboard and mouse let's try speeding back up time whoops a daisy don't want to do it like that we may just be able to wait for this squirrel to become calm again [Music] thank you very much guys if you're getting the gifts up please be sure to say thanks might night taco hold out thank you very much for the for the gift subs that's await the squirrels calm good i gotta say like i thought that would not be that easy uh l one and b undraft i mean like some of the controls aren't really intuitive like that like l one and and circle right down in there on the left but that's i mean it's right where i'm looking for it so that was the other thing i wanted to say is that everything is very clearly labeled everything is very clearly laid out um and when i am looking for a control even before they've even had a chance to commit these things to like muscle memory i mean they're working um all right let's see if we can go ahead and do this i want to move this i want to reinstall this over here fairly easy okay liking that so far done fast i mean i haven't really noticed any loss of speed from what i would have had on the pc and i was surprised by that um maybe a tiny bit if you were trying to do something like uh really crazy like you wanted to build a million beds or just something bizarre but that type of thing is always best restricted to pc anyway uh let's go ahead and do i know it isn't smart to put your kitchen in your bedroom but well i'm doing it let's go ahead and do architect border zone furniture the one thing i do wish is i really miss doing rimroll multiplayer with friends because just nowadays when i play on my own it's very fun to just like when i did it with jimmy and when i did with rawr and when i did with a bunch of other people a little while back uh we're in the furniture menu here whoops i gotta go over to production butcher table i don't want to rape waste any of these resources so i'm just going to leave this down there all right let's give them some time to just finish this stuff off and then let's go ahead and make out another stockpile i am actually going to go down to just normal speed because i don't want them to be coding quite this fast architect zone you know i haven't really had any stability issues again the multiplayer is a mod it's not part of the official game but i've just had it work out so well for me that i'm surprised they haven't added in somehow into the main game because it's so amazing ahmad speaking of which i mean i will say this you're missing like half the game without mods because half of remoral is about mods i never really thought i would like mods that much how do we change what's in the stockpile okay here we go triangle for storage okay priority normal hit point range quality range this is fairly decent do they have oof is there the alas i don't seem to have how do i get into okay expand category right there i guess we'll just put everything in there not an easy more of a pc based menu to navigate it would be nice if i had like a little uh actually in fact i'm glad that i wasn't able to search things up otherwise i would have accidentally crashed the stream remember what keeps happening whenever i try to put in a um like a keyboard command but otherwise that would have been cool let's go ahead and smooth this out um smooth surface i mean tell me i just kind of want everybody to say and chat like if you definitely hate it go ahead and say that um or if if you are like pleasantly surprised say that but just like a short word or phrase i'm kind of curious how people are feeling like slightly disappointed slightly pleased by what i'm seeing i'm kind of curious because i was surprisingly pleased but i wonder how it looks as a viewer that's how i feel after playing live dangerously on the computer looking forward to trying it soon looks good they did a good job i i mean i get shiny and sharp that's what i get it looks it looks fresh it looks fresh to me i wonder how it'll go over with a non-pc crowd soundscape is intact that's good yeah i didn't know if it was a slightly new track something that they had added into the pc i did have one moment at the end of the tutorial where my entire playstation just like bricked for a moment so i'm wondering how it handles bigger raids i think it was just some sort of script event that i it might have been this [Music] good job so far i haven't really seen too many negative comments so i'm i'm surprised i thought there would be a lot more negativity around it but i know i'm i'm happy as you guys are whoops uh we gotta select interact mind that man mind that baby uh okay we know that we aren't gonna change anything so at finiston unification honestly kind of a funny name [Music] your faction has now adventist and this community is known as tiben need defenses three colonists idle i'd rather have them idle and like slightly happy but they don't seem to be happy with their idleness so let's go ahead and see if we can make their lives better for right now [Music] yeah honestly not a game i ever expected them to port either but i'm also somebody who played a lot of halo wars you guys remember halo wars all right let's get information about him needs food rest recreation beauty recreation deprived i don't know why they're getting this maybe they just need more variety in their recreation awful barracks slept in the cold so let's go ahead and make their barrack more beautiful and let's give them another like form of some enjoyment and entertainment uh one thing i would like to see here really fast is the beauty of a room now normally in rimworld you can mouse over a room and get a really quick like beauty score for a room terrain affordance like you know the thing that i'm talking about where you see that it says the room is extremely impressive i'm not seeing that on the ui but i'm guessing it's something that i'm just missing because i'm able to see the beauty i can see that this might just be one that i'm missing but you know how it changes when you go from room to room beauty panels in the next patch supposedly okay okay i believe you quality normal here we go uh we don't get quality on these items i'm content to just oh wait a second do we have horrible dining chairs okay we do have one awful dining chair uh let's deconstruct that and then rebuild another one [Music] and then we're just gonna have to go through we don't have the quality builder mods so we're just gonna have to go through and hope that things work out we'll also try to make sure that the beds are of decent quality that's something i've left out because an awful quality bed is definitely something that you want to replace um plant pot kind of requires some maintenance so i don't love having that but it's a pretty quick we could plant like one day lily in the room yeah i'll do that [Music] just for some variety let's do that and also too let's kind of move this into the middle of the room just so that they can maybe get some type of social dining happening i'm not sure if this actually occurs [Music] interact reinstall this over here there we go uh there good and then move uh actually cancel and then i mean this is like rather detailed architectural bs that i'm doing right now and even it is working out pretty well there's also an undo button that they added see that in big red letters on the bottom that wasn't on pc but i think that was a great addition um let's go ahead and also do [Music] a dresser let's give them added comfort i think we can do one on all three and then we'll do end table and another end table and voila there we go so far really liking the controls i haven't found a single thing that i haven't like there was only that one thing that i mentioned a couple seconds ago about seeing the beauty of a room but supposedly that's uh are people hearing a difference in music i thought i heard it at the beginning but now i don't okay so this bed is poor let's go ahead and deconstruct that deconstruct we got a good quality bed yeah you need at least a normal quality bed just because otherwise you know we're going to be in the newspaper let's go ahead and do this i'm not going to do double beds just single for right now actually i believe we won't have any romance in this colonist we have an awful end table let's go ahead and deconstruct and reconstruct that oh i probably should take the people who are horrible at construction off of construction now i forgot about that let's go ahead and do that really quick um colony work i mean look these are all like very much above the shoulders types of tasks that i'm trying to get them to do right now and the fact that it's going as well as it is is surprising and is another reason why all right i'm gonna stop saying how pleasantly surprised i am now let's just get on with the colony but yeah i mean like that is to say i may actually come back and do this because i do get a hankering to play rimworld from time to time you know even with all the i think i've got like 600 hours in it so i mean to be completely honest i've i've played it a lot so it doesn't really feel as new to me anymore but can we build a copy quickly here oh we can't that's quite nice that's not what i wanted interact build copy okay that's a pretty fast way to build a copy of something good we got at least normal on all of these all right all right somebody's cooking with fire now um all right how do i get the exact quality on the room uh pc we have the option to cook until 50 meals pause bill and only x amount of total meals i haven't seen that i don't have any of that history factions um i just want to see if there's anything that's like very unintuitive see inventory isn't oh this just tells me my entire inventory in the colony this is not something that i even have on pc you can pin things that's useful uh research the research screen i forgot to show this it looks really good this one i i definitely like better than pc it kind of reminds me of the um i'll say i wouldn't hate it if they just changed the pc version to something like this uh really readable really readable forgot to show that um wildlife what about our wildlife tab looks just as simple and readable as on pc yeah okay so what i'm starting to see now is it's just like messes in the rooms does it show the oh wait a second it says show beauty yeah i'm just not seeing it i also have the option to take away your resources from up there if you feel like you have enough and it's cluttering it yeah that's the that's literally the only thing it's funny that i'm getting like so stressed about it because i keep thinking to myself i've been able to find one example of everything else in the colony oh we forgot to butcher that squirrel um let's add a bill butcher creature uh r mood do forever yes i believe that's what we want to do cool why are you just lying in bed and not sleeping prioritize see how quickly he can just prioritize that's brilliant i like that um yeah the room filth i think that's the one thing they could add uh but that's something that i learned kind of later into playing room world like i didn't know about the different views beauty and stuff like that no i mean pretty non-invasive that's the one thing i i'm really stressing though because i feel like i must be missing it somewhere in the ui and it's there because i found every single other thing in it so i don't know i mean if i'm misinformed and i'm just not seeing it or if it happens to be in a later update or something like that just forgive me all right the only thing that it still says that i need is defenses um i'm gonna go ahead and take a page from the book of my friend rar right here and just build a wall rar does this in colonies and surprisingly i feel safe behind this wall but what to make the wall of let's go ahead and just designate out some other things i mean i could do it the proper way where i designate all the orders but some of these things are working better on console like i find myself doing all of this keyboard voodoo whenever i want to mine things out of here on uh oh this would have been a good spot to set up the colony too actually this could end up becoming our kitchen area up here could be a way that something is happening the controller vibrates every time there's an event which is quite nice and you can't get on pc trev austin is here i didn't mean to dismiss that yeah this is uh actually can i go find that historical log change tab historical log yeah it would it would have been wait a second trash see that with the triangle on the bottom no jump two it would be nice if i could jump to old events or if it didn't dismiss them so quickly because i did notice that this happened in the tutorial i was being raided and i was like ooh where is the raider ah i missed these as well all right so let's allow those i forgot about these fortunately there are they are in decent quality still [Music] we could go about making a kill box to be fair or we could go seal off these bugs or like here's another one chunks of spacecraft i didn't see them land but i couldn't jump to it like tiny little things that can be really easily fixed are what i'm seeing about uh the game all right we've got trev austin here who is our best social colonist but i mean right off the bat i'm i'm not struggling with anything i shouldn't be struggling with it's all stuff that would take me a second on pc anyway all right let's see adam his social is 11 okay i guess adam is the obvious pick here uh how do we do that okay so adam pretty easy to select a colonist even if i have no idea where they are on the map um go ahead and trade uh how am i how do i jump to okay there we go that's how you jump to a colonist i'm not sure if there's a way you could do that on the over map but that might be nice all right let's see more components yeah probably just going to take the components for medicine i still feel like it's worth it to take the medicine we might as well if we have all this money and yeah i'll take package survival meals because i'm not going to get them let's just do that nice yeah a rumble pack for the mouse and then set up some kind of command everybody's mood is still somehow low i'm trying to figure out why all right now i'm getting down some of the muscle memories here recreation's starved okay so let's go ahead and give them another option before you all go crazy and go berserk though i would like to handle a mood break i want to see what it's uh what they do so it's not under furniture where is chess orders production security power recreation here we go uh ah you know what i like about the ui is it does tell you in red if you have enough resources now like i was saying about accessibility before kind of nice that they added that in um [Music] i guess we'll do it right here and then just make this one room for everything oh and let's also just take the butcher table out of here because i don't want it to get dirty immediately i'd rather have it outside okay that's an improvement but see now i'm getting into like micromanage room world stuff and i never thought i would get here in this stream so i'm just happy that i can say that like if i were somebody who were playing rimworld on the console and streaming this which i don't know how he does it but my friend streams from ps5 like with a face cam and a mic and everything and if he wanted to just go directly from his ps5 without a pc he could actually get a full rimworld streaming experience going up uh if you could boot the console mode from pc i have no idea if they'll make it like an option or something i would really like to be able to uh link to tynan's book and uh his twitter from the from the console version though that would be the that's my one uh wishlist item that's uh that's my favorite part of it are they set to not work all the time they're set to do whatever makes the most comfortable all the time okay so we do have a raid now and we got an auto pause in which i do think that we have an option for that let's see if we can jump to that okay so maybe that would be nice um like when i jumped to the raid it actually got it dismissed the raid notification so that would be nice but i don't know that's awfully nitpicky but i find that's one thing that i tend to do like is he attacking right now or is he gonna come in a minute i didn't get a chance to see that and it appears as if he is attacking right now okay uh uh everyone is drafted but i mean like the game behaves like a keyboard and mouse exactly whenever i need it too all right let's just hide behind the stone chunks hopefully this guy won't get anywhere near us and i'll use the non-violent guy as a meat shield if need be [Music] uh let's see are we in decent range okay the naked man is coming maybe he's wearing pants we'll say he has unpants [Music] these tribals man i'm going to do my favorite thing to do in this game which is run away i this is how i hunted down a polar bear was by running away from it oh no he might fight the warg let's run away slightly closer to where we were then [Music] come on morgy warg okay start running way more good the warg is returning indoors all right now i'm going to do something really micro managing i want to just see what his information is needs health he's bleeding death in seven hours why am i getting like that peter griffin thing from the knee holding uh his asthma has actually slowed him down it seems is there a way to see his moving percentage ah here we go manipulation talking eating breathing hearing some of this stuff i feel like they could put in text i see why they wanted to minimize the amount of text here but okay all right i'll take it 32 move i can only 32 percent move that is to say i think they did a great job with this oh good the visitor is taking him down yes do we have any psychopaths in the colony uh [Music] how do i undraft oops l1 and yeah there we go all right victory screech there we go oh he's not completely dead well let's find out let's learn about him we're gonna learn about you friend all right have we done anything horrible unconscious can't walk extreme death in five hours though there is an opportunity to save him if we want the war he could be like warg food character what is he like what is his character needs stats okay let's find out a decent planter honestly okay uh he is a fast walking abrasive person this guy is a very very good lonely planter i do actually want him i'm sorry that i went so hard on him i know i was thinking tribal maybe he won't hmm i do want him but if i can't save him it might be better to not have an abrasive person but i do want to genuinely try it so let's give it a shot um i'm gonna go ahead and create a zone or he's gonna die in five hours uh i don't really wanna mess with these guys schedules you know what if i can get up like a little prison room in a couple of minutes i'll do it uh and i'm thinking that this is gonna be kind of our kill box area anyway so let's just get a prison cell open like somewhere easy how about here sort of yeah that'll work i'm sure i'm probably not gonna get this guy in but i don't care uh let's see zone furniture let's do a sleeping spot right there and let's try to designate that for here we go for prisoners um only doesn't okay so only beds in enclosed locations can be designated for prisoners let's just get them all on that right away okay he's just going to take his pemmican i keep this as a lower priority all right let's try to do some manual designations here and see how this works need material wood we don't even have the wood i don't want to mess up these guys sleep schedules that would be far worse to me than losing this guy um honestly it's more meals for the warg i'm okay with it i'm okay with it but let's cancel these cancel that as well yeah you know what just plant he's probably dead all right let's just uh gloss over this one act like this never happened but see i'm playing in just as sketchy a manner as i would play on uh oh yeah so actually that asthma is gonna kind of slow him down so that does kind of undo the uh i think well we hate to see you go so sorry about it yeah it's it's a little disturbing how quickly i just gloss over human lives in this game isn't it uh well you know such is it's natural guys it's natural it is it is poor man they really keep messing this up deconstruct that all right let's see if we can get some stone uh mining block sort of tomfoolery going on over here tomfoolery how about hijinks let's get some high jinks going on as well let's get a stone cutters table and i'm sick of this steel crap we need to get more of the of the wood going right here baby let's go let's have that right there and i think that the other tomfoolery in which we'll engage will be uh let's cut down more of these trees uh especially over here because this is probably we're going to going to be uh delimiting our guests there we go and then i think we'll try to move in toward this area i'm surprised at how comfortable i am with this i thought i would be uh experiencing far actually in fact i can lean back in the chair and play it without getting any more scoliosis than i already have oh my god you don't know how much pleasure i'm experiencing right now you don't even know look my colonists are in good moods wow some days everything just works out yeah i'm just excited that i've got content today you know i could actually see this colony going on for a long time hmm all right let's see the bills here so it did transfer the bills along with that i'm not noticing any kind of weird mumbo jumbo here that's nice to see let's get another planting zone up is that going to be enough rice i mean good for your body to switch back and forth between you know neck positions so i'm all for it i'm all for it all right this is for prisoners now obviously we're going to make this slightly more comfortable slightly more pleasurable to sit in but only after we've can we leave this roof overlay up would be kind of interesting if i could like double press something to leave the roof over layup you know and then double press it again to like take it i'm just getting ideas saying this there oh man they they're not paying me to do this but maybe they should uh [Music] i think that'd be nice i don't know i think it's a good sign that it's it's working out if i'm getting ideas as it comes in this happened to us naturally with ideology as we played it before i feel like i'm going a little bit faster than i was before as well we have traders controller support for steam i do believe it's already uh available on steam deck the steam deck [Music] i think that's i have no idea though it would be cool if they added this for steam because i would like to be able to play with controller now that i'm able to do this yeah you're right at first i was kind of scoffing at that idea who was i to scoff at your idea but it would be kind of nice to be able to play the pc version with a controller just like this wow i would do that even if i had to pay for like a little expansion or something like that too because i don't know if that would be i don't know if that's very plausible though hmm no who am i i am a mirror i am a mirror wait a second wait a second i annoyed i changed my mind i don't want that cancel that cancel that order chief there we go there we go good i'd like to have some cells running side by side like this for the bad people when they uh join us [Music] does it come with the expansion or just vanilla the number i've been reading is 54.99 to get the deluxe which includes royalty i have royalty on right now but i uh i mean i don't really care if i end up seeing any royalty content if i do that would be kind of interesting but if not whatever one thing that i will say is that the after a while the rimworld music does start to upset me i like it i've just heard it so many times so because it starts to sound kind of like new age and depressing i'm gonna slightly turn it down ah plant we even have a plant wind sway option pause on major threats can we pause on other stuff any threat major how does it distinguish between a major threat and maybe a threat uh also just show controller layout in case if you want to see it move reticle quick change column actually there's some stuff to be seen in here does the share button do anything i don't know i haven't played much playstation secondary actions interact actions neat has it have i not shown anything that people want to see okay we have a psychic drone if there's anything that you want me to show of the game too feel free to ask if i haven't done it every mail can uh this is a good reason why we have the um i mean not as exciting i'm glad we did get one raid raids are probably the most exciting let's go ahead and put that dead body somewhere um and my stomach is rumbling what an unfortunate sequence of things to have said oh well um i happen to be hungry and there's also a dead body outside um oh oh what a funny happenstance this is alright let's go create a there's a place where i have the dead bodies um let's try actually let's try making this area a little bit smaller how do i get rid of the zone from the zone this is a test of our metal how do i shrink actually that is one that i can't see shrink shrink zone okay that's fairly intuitive i mean that's a fairly obscure detailed thing that i was just trying to do storage people expand category human-like corpses not animal wait a second how do i de-expand oh no oh you just go back okay don't want mechanoids don't want you know what i want is human human corpses here see if that happens make it happen boys in fact i will prioritize you on it can i cue it as an order rather than telling him to do it right now this would be the equivalent of shift clicking consume him there we go prioritize hauling him i i feel like i saw a way to queue an order before rather than having him interrupt his meal to just have him eat the meal you know what i mean but i didn't see it right there consumed did he have on pants actually i forgot to do this find out learn about him gear oh he didn't even have on pants no wonder he didn't make it we had a pair of pants for him all he had to do was say hi i really want to join your colony and that would have been enough but no he had to attack us ah king under the mountain actually i do like having an undermountain area on the prison because i think it's funny when the prisoners are attacked by uh giant insects out of the ceiling so i'm actually just going to leave that right there uh let's go ahead and whoops the ambushed knight okay we've got our first royalty quest details nikita's rosa a knight of the black imperium is calling from nearby as guards were killed by an ambush she escaped but is now being followed by a man-hunting yorkshire terrier right yep yeah we're going to take that one yeah we're gonna we're absolutely gonna take that uh who who is going to be the uh i have to do it guys who is our um you know we want we want to make sure we're picking the right royal person i really don't love i i i for one am not a huge fan of royalty like going hard into that i've done it unless if you're really going to go hard into it um it's not really the way i play it but yeah i i definitely want a man-hunting work yorkshire terrier to arrive it seems like sheckley would make a pretty decent royal yeah definitely not shield because then we'll lose all that work but look sheckly he's just he's a good shot and he's a good doctor i'm pretty sure he can keep that and a good researcher so we'll give that to shackley he's going to be the royal let's go ahead and see if we can try it out um unfortunately i can't get that quest back right here ambush knight okay so fairly easy to find confirm rewards i like the way that i like that you see that the way that green bar uh that's nice ah sheckly oh crap i forgot that he was gonna join us immediately all right and so we have a an important man oh crap how many days did it say man hunting yorkshire terrier pause is this designated as a a difficult threat uh see there i wanted to jump to it okay now we're getting to the thing i was talking about uh yep i'm just gonna have to find the yorkshire terrier here i don't i mean i kind of rushed through those dialogues to be fair but i accidentally hit something and now i'm finding myself looking around the map for a yorkshire terrier so that would be it'd be nice if it didn't dismiss the dialogue quite so fast but at least it doesn't keep the ui cluttered so there is that maybe i just need to be a smarter boy yeah i can't find that yorkshire terrier guys i'm so sorry i might lose this man um where is he oh there he is okay so he's right here all right um you know why don't you just stand in the plants there a while am i am i totally missing it i told you guys i would derp some things throughout the stream but now i'm finding myself searching longing for a yorkshire terrier hello double a console edition did it say yes console edition hey matt how you doing thank you very much for the 22 months and the eternal [Music] thank you very much for the prime uh mo mo fungo fruitcake as well as uh lumberjack squid thank you very much guys maybe i could go back to the quest okay keep him safe for a few hours so i said okay wait there is the see i missed this yorkshire terrier i could have been a more decisive position for the yorkshire terrier i am slightly that's the one thing that is confusing to me i mean i it be hard to miss a simple threat but where is my other colonist also too how do i select every single person okay now we have hit a slightly harder spot so looks like two months actions let's draft everybody ah darn now how do i get back to my drafted okay let's just move everybody here get the people going hmm air debata hey thank you very much for the sub i have a notification very important notification right uh why why bother even going it okay so then fine adam adam yeah actually adam you're incapable of doing anything cannot tend adam undraft okay yeah there i lost track of what i was doing a little bit how do i just jump to a columnist that would be nice if i could just trying out a couple of intuitive all right that maybe that one they could add in like one button that you press to jump to the colonist sometimes it's easy to find them sometimes it's not all right let's go here with you here with you they all happen to be close on screen together but there's you run into some crazy stuff in room world okay and let's move you back here because as we know rimworld is about defending the rich yeah like that was not a great fight i'm pretty sure they're fine yeah healthy completely healthy but yeah that could have gone better if i were on pc i would have done this okay all right a first moment my first moment otherwise though i think this has been completely smooth with all the things that i thought would be difficult yorkie is a man hunter okay there's a party no acceptable food oh well he's gonna be gone in a moment so let's not worry about him adam is throwing a party what the hell adam wait why did adam throw a party with the oh wait no he didn't i don't know why it had me jump over there wait a second is he where is adam why is he going over there he's going to the party in the cave with the man hunting insects okay we need to make this a not allowed area either that or we need to hunt these people down and i'm more of a fan of combat so oh or i have a much better idea well first off certainly don't attend the insect party um oh yeah l one and square is q action all right so now i i'm happy that i ran into a slight difficulty though you know otherwise it felt like i was too much of a softy yeah what are we going to over here gentlemen wait a second no i object to this party hang on a second uh no party go over here i need to make some changes damn it uh okay all right uh you know what we're gonna have to do now all right now i am gonna have to do some colony all right this is gonna be like a real test of the game's prowess let's do an area let's create a area uh one there is an invert area control okay that's good uh confirm error i'm doing some advanced stuff here i want you guys to know all right no one is allowed in the forbidden insect cave i just i can't see us using that okay we've placed the area now i want to invert it so i close i look back here i go back to colony i go back to aries i see area one and i invert that okay it worked that was pretty easy and that's a fairly advanced room world maneuver area one how come i can't restrict your movement okay this is strange adam is like a machine i don't know why he can't do this adam are you just going to sack your sacrifice yourself to the bugs i won't allow that i hope you plan to stream again soon that quasi i am going to sustain myself solely on mint mentos until you do this is problematic but also kind of funny [Laughter] uh yeah i don't know i would like to hold out this colony i i just kind of want to prove that rimworld can be played on console thanks very much for all the very generous donations uh mike knight i appreciate it um mint mentos and diet don't drink diet coke yeah it's like answering the door hey google reorder mentos uh uh you are quite funny all right hahaha google doesn't have their own amazon ordering platform thank you very much um how do i undraft all three of them there we go okay you can get into the ship interact auto load you know auto load yourself sir oh thank god i even got a satisfying controller vibration here nice yorkshire terrier is on the menu for tonight boys triple g night night taco hobo and uh uh robo bob atron uh thank you robot robo babatron yeah i said that name right hey thank you very much for the sub anyway okay we got through a couple of little difficulties but i think i've pretty much figured out every single thing that this game is supposed to do like that's bizarre to me i thought we would hit some something that we couldn't reconcile in the stream but so far none like i could do a whole colony in this they did a great job all right let's just have some fun with it now so i want to do some blueprinting let's see if we can do something really super advanced can we do an order are we able to do that we are able to make some plans okay i can tell you what i'm thinking about um so we can do this so i think this is going to be like a grow zone over here uh here we go it's easy to get back into the menu here too with that d-pad left and right selection so you can do that we also have that undo button is that working there if i do it with an order okay that didn't work with the orders but it works with everything else um this will be the plant area i think then b uh what is this exotic goods trader hang on a second let me just get rid of some of this clutter jump to freeholder title game checkly good checklist yeoman ceremony i don't care because we're probably not going to pursue royalty too much quest completed exotic goods trader from i don't really need an exotic goods trader yet okay i'm thinking we convert this all into a kill box so we do something like this probably end up mining out part of this mountain and make this into a sort of circular-ish type of configuration uh where will enemies come from they could come from right over here i want to have the main colony over here though too how much time left before we start mass producing flake yeah yeah don't ask about that okay all right uh thank you uh yeah we're uh probably pretty soon uh something like that either way well let's designate the things out that will be like these will definitely be some prison cells over here we'll probably do four wide for each of those let's do that three and four okay i think like three or four prison cells is probably enough we'll make them kind of long boy prison cells there we go something like that this is great that you can actually architect like this girl kisser four thousand and thank you very much for the sub [Music] now what needs to be done i think that the next most important thing is just like a general stockpile zone over here let's see if we can um well we'll do like another wall so we have a double wide wall over there and then let's just start to kind of chip away at some of this mountain because i want this to be very boxy for when i go in you know i need everything to be kind of square in rimworld so let's go ahead and do this take this out we're going to be hollowing out this area too let's go ahead and hollow out this area and now they call it a mine mine you know and all that oops a daisy i forgot about this let's go ahead and do that and then we can actually just select this interact and then build copies of it okay this is going very fast now and this is like super bass architecture mode uh we don't want to keep making everything out of wood so let's go ahead and what do we have here slate i didn't really pay attention to stone here slade is okay it's not really the best material for anything in particular but um let's just do this any stone blocks uh let's do this forever but we'll add an ingredient radius uh how do we do that again how did i had this for something else can we do that yep here we go ingredient radius let's make it so that it needs to be kind of close to them yeah like only chunks that we haul back to this area okay uh who any worker yep i'm good with that work to make 27 very nice though that they show that like all the stuff that you would get in pc even some of it is now more evident to me playing the console version it's wednesday wednesday gotta get down on wednesday everybody's looking forward to the next day wednesday wednesday getting down on wednesday everybody's getting forward like a combination of like jimmy here and rebecca black honestly a mashup i would like to see like it's wednesday my dudes uh you know like maybe jimmy here could do the chorus and rebecca black could do the main part man guys i should be in showbiz that was a great idea jesus christ how and what kind of genius am i thinking of these crazy mashup ideas can you imagine social media would go insane oh the sheep is within the sheep is within we got normal quality here nobody's unhappy with their bedroom not that they should be more unhappy with their bedrooms character uh whoops needs how happy are they with their rooms somewhat impressive rec room so this room is actually somewhat impressive now very distinguished okay oops uh again not gonna trade with this guy psychic drone is ending all right now seems like the right time to press on with my evil plan we'll go here me thinks if no one has claimed to be king under the mountain in this position let's go ahead and mine out this doo doo and i think we'll just want that to be entirely hollow and then i'm going to kind of chisel out bits of the walls to make it more squarish oh yes i love it when the colony is squarey ah there we go all right now we we are going to need this stuff it'd be nice if there were a way to auto designate stone chunks let's go ahead and plan out more of the rest though uh we're definitely gonna want these trees down that was a shame to me that colonists don't like nature more in the room world you know like i want them to enjoy the beauty of the beauty of the natural world around them but they just don't seem to get anything out of it it's like uh even if we look under the beauty tab they actually they do enjoy grass i take it back but most uh you know what trees are oh they're okay with the trees all right i stand slightly corrected here but still but still what we want to go ahead and do is get rid of all of the natural dirt terrain around here just so that they can't spread doo-doo on the ground nearby them and since i plan on this area be having nothing to do with life and growth let's go ahead and go into architect and we're just going to pave this entire thing out in um eventually we'll do it in something else later but concrete is or should we settle for paved tile yeah let's do it in paved tile it'll be a bit more work but i mean i've never done anything in paved tile and you know what why not okay so here's my gripe see chunks of spacecraft have impacted nearby but how am i supposed to jump to that event so that was uh that's that's my one little ask it would be nice if there were a button that i could press really quickly to just zoom to that event almost if did anybody see it but i didn't that's my one my one my one little ask but these are like minor tiny things i'm really enjoying this in fact i'm enjoying this more than on pc right now because of the scoliosis i was telling you about before uh hey pedro thank you very much for the five gift subs again pedro here from uh from double eleven i thank you very very much hey god bless pedro is actually the guy who hooked me up with the uh with the key in the first place so big thanks big thanks for that you know i was actually looking for a new summer jam and then i was thinking about this time last year in ideology so it was very nice very nice i don't know like uh rimworld is kind of the game that could it's like the the little tank engine that could you know didn't it start off as just tynan i've never chatted with tyna never before but i'm i've heard him at gdc and he had a really good talk so i'd be really interested in hearing uh i hope they're doing good how big is the team now i wonder welcome every i was such a nice guy good guy pedro i thank you very very much if you're getting this up please be sure to say thanks hmm yeah look at this distinguished gentleman like that meme what does r1 do for me um pulls up an event list i don't really have any events right now sheckley's yeoman's ceremony he's not going to be upset if we don't do this right but the fact that i've gotten into the nitty-gritty of rimworld this fast is quite good uh so i did this first level of psychic powers i'm just gonna go ahead and delete that we can restore what did restore do oh very distinguished okay well let's just give them some time because i've given them far too many orders to complete right here and we're also going to need um probably going to need that mining done before too long but these colonists are very nice you seem to be upset why are you upset no one is supposed to be upset here hungry and living in the darkness that's a pretty good reason um disturb sleep times too okay fair i'm hungry and i've been living in darkness oh i may have made a big idiot mistake though hang on a second what are our cook's skills [Music] man that music came in right at the perfect time [Music] cooking nothing cooking three cooking ten okay shield why aren't you cooking shields i'm gonna go ahead and now i'm gonna go into the next level of priorities work shields you are a bad doctor um so what i'm going to go ahead and do is well first off here's the way that i like to gear rimworld priorities is two on everything you l you don't put anything on one unless if you have to have them do something manually basic warden warden isn't really necessary here so i'm gonna take that away from you [Music] now we save two for priorities that they're good at so we do two but shield also kind of needs to be cooking more than growing wardening constructing these are good things to have you're good at this or you're passionate about it but you're not good at it i can relate um we don't really need any art right here it's pretty good for me nothing i would really put on for but let's also just keep kind of everything at a four so that they can just do it in case if there's nobody doing it that's good yeah um i'm gonna leave hauling and cleaning on a four there we go but wasn't one of them a fast walker who was the fast walker we'll find out anyway cooking is good to have ah crap i meant to do triangle not that would i like to see these incorporated into rimrolled console or would i a a couple of people have asked about i mean have requested from this that they would actually like to see this in the main game i wasn't expecting that i would like them this much but yeah it'd be really cool now that i'm thinking of it if i could just swap out a controller in the main game i don't know how much of a feat that is with coding though so i'm just saying that it's a wishful thinking hmm i'll leave construction as four because that is kind of helpful and it it does help to have a couple of extra hands in growing so i'll leave those as fours plant cutting and actually let's leave these as threes for all of them i think that this should work out well though yeah let's see how they do with that alright so why are you mining well let's let him finish his mining task and see what he does harvesting oak tree but i thought i told you to make meals so what's going on there pause again because i don't want them to be without meals okay work shield did i accidentally put it first hmm [Music] yeah i don't know why you went for that first why don't i make that a one shield you will cook uh draft undraft whoops whoops there we go hmm actually that is a little bit funny i don't know what i'm doing wrong i assume it's something that i just prioritized wrong but i don't know why he's harvesting the poplar trees instead of cooking does anybody see something that i'm not seeing console releases i believe on july 29th plant cut is at two oh wait oh did i have the plant cut it too maybe you know what might be happening here i mean this is possible i'm not sure if this is coded in for console this way but normal the reason why i'm doing a double take here is because the way that i set up his priorities on schedule if we can get over there is because normally on console well i've got it out of one as well so i don't know why that's happening maybe they're happening simultaneously usually it goes from left to right so there is that but maybe they're going right to left i'm not honestly sure bad relevant bad relevant oh wait is he the guy with the does he have the level of cooking here or maybe i set up the bill on this wrong hang on i may very well have done that allowed cooking oh you know what it might have been might have been that that it was in a range ingredients choose let's make sure we got everything else right ingredient radius 12. that looks good any worker storage drop on floor repeat mode dude tell yourself i think you're right i think you're right how do i unpause the bill yep that's okay that's a good thing to see i thought that it was perhaps somewhat obvious to others not ah that was it okay my faith in humanity has been restored i told you it was something i was doing stupid thank you one awesome dog you have the eyes of a hawk and the uh oh holy cow we're getting a raid from philakites hey file like i'd say thank you very much for the raid my friend hang on one one second let me just give philokaites a quick shout out good streamer and youtuber friend philakites hey thank you very much for the raid and i'll be seeing you at uh pdxcon this year whoops you don't have a capital letter at the start of your name let me just give you a quick shout out hey thank you for dropping off your folks here what are you guys doing city skylines another game that needs to be ported in fact that was poured onto switch if i'm not mistaken how's your city going it's kind of a natural transition here have you had a chance to look at a rimworld console edition men i'm really liking it i i would be surprised if you did i'm surprised if anyone didn't like it well i could sort of see why i suppose but i like it is what i'm trying to say hmm what is another thing to do with my people people are upset for some reason again well let's give them like a day to catch up because we just made some changes needs ate without table why why impressive barrack why are you upset about the impressive barrack you dingus had a second unsightly nah they're okay they're fine only thing that they need is like some backup smoke leaf or something like that let's go ahead yes the cooking is going to hat well it maybe it will nope haven't tried ooh you should try it out ah you should try out rimworld console if you have a ps4 i like this um i like this controller better than the xbox one though i like the old xbox controllers and i like the new playstation controllers [Music] okay good the meals are happening as expected now i want to do something a little bit nitpicky here because i want to make sure that the area is completely clean so let's make sure that he cleans the clean place see that's not that hard because normally on pc i need to go ahead and right click and do stuff here it it knows what i want to do and all i need to do is hit square so i was afraid that small like stupid tasks like this would take a long time to do but prioritizing people to clean stuff is actually fairly fast so that was one of my biggest fears about this port and i don't know bravo um do we have slate blocks yet as well yeah i think we're good all right let's just allow them to get this thing finished up um and also too i'm going to pose this question can we have too much rice also let's try to mine this out i may shrink this area a bit i don't think they need quite this much food until you run out of food all right i'll leave it i'll leave it that and i think we should also probably start to get a research table going as soon as we get this area true you can't really ever have enough rice that's fair i keep a sack in my cupboard for the end of the world don't you i think i did that when i was in college eh i was just like well no more money for food time to just eat rice for the next 30 days easy mac was a luxury at the very end it's like coming into graduation on a full stomach uh it was nice to come home because i was uh well i had finally just paid the truth was that i had like i had worked a lot through college to make sure that i was breaking even with student loans um i didn't have horrible student loan debt but i mean you know i didn't have none either so i i worked a lot i worked like two or three jobs just to get it done and it was part of it was like professional experience like you know um what was i gonna say so when i got to the end of college i was like drastically unwilling to spend money on anything so i was like ooh i can survive on rice for 30 days this is a not a smart idea anyway i think that the spirit of um of uh you know getting by was there and i i think that i mean it was it was kind of stupid but it's funny to look back on it wasn't that bad either wasn't that bad either it was like rice with tomato sauce it was very very sketchy food sometimes that's where you find out about uh about meals that you really like though and occasionally strangely like eating foods from that time of my life makes me feel weirdly nostalgic like having i don't know if it was rice i think it was like tomato soup with something like probably i don't know a a rotten fish or something like that yeah that that makes me feel like teary-eyed and nostalgic okay let's go ahead and build some more prisons what a strange life i have had now ah back when i used to eat rice now i commit uh horrible crimes against people in rimworld how do i undo all of this very fast let's go into architect orders cancel okay there we go that was pretty fast oh wait that was my plans there we go ah now i can just quickly go over here very dis yes very distinguished very nice ricer well i still eat pasta as a normal food it's probably just because i can't cook it's a little more difficult now you just put it in a rice cooker i learned about rice cookers from one of my friends but yeah you learn recipes you learn recipes i mean right now they are eating rice so don't get it twisted they are living like that now the next thing i want to do is start to just automate some of these tasks and also just give them some basic line of security here um huh uh okay rage honestly a great time for a raid jump two okay so it's just some guy visiting the co see i wanted to jump too but i forgot to read the thing that said they're attacking right away or they aren't so you can go back in the video for two seconds but lucky you i can't yep okay he does appear to be waiting and we get a heat wave all right time to install a passive cooler 73 degrees um [Music] this is not funny i i take this very seriously this part of the game powership trade ritual floors production security zone structure furniture is it under here um does anything say temperature temperature rip my rice oh yeah the extra heat well i don't think we had any refrigerate i don't think it's ever gonna get too hot for it right okay here it is let's do a passive cooler later on we'll do a i just until i get batteries i don't want to think about that i like to lay out the int i'm weird i know i don't get the whole colony going right away but ah darn the visitors left okay the guy is still over there how is he as a columnist good i figured out how to unpause time without going directly to three times speed uh all right let's learn about you he's not that good does he have any traits that's gonna like keep him not down trigger happy this guy would have been great with a gun but they gave him a club um unfortunately i am going to have to wake up my columnist for this adam's there okay let's just get everybody out of bed in fact adam can just stay asleep yeah you know actually the one thing i'm noticing is that it's a little awkward to select like two out of three colonists as far as i can tell maybe there's something that i'm not seeing um and what was essentially like the octun mod where you could i know i'm not saying it right in the german i always get corrected for that um but i don't have to go ah you know i i just i'll sound silly if i try to say it right so i'm just gonna say it wrong uh but yeah i can't like put them in a line at least as far as i can see i feel like that would be a pretty easy thing to add though okay none of this is going well at all um sacrifice ah that didn't work save i'm so dirty for doing this i should have positioned them better see i would have done that better on pc but i was thinking there's no way that they could miss five shots in a row at least now they've done it okay is he hurt badly he's bleeding no immediate danger oh no he destroyed his big left toe you bastard ah this is why i should have put the other guy out front all right nobody's perfect nobody's perfect shoot this man in the face all right there we go no your poor big left toe sheesh all right a victory meal hope they don't get food poisoning to be fair i haven't run into any problems yet if only adam could have sacrificed his own big left toe no now shaklee the policeman it's okay we'll give you a robot toe yeah he won't i mean you know left big toe at least it wasn't the right big toe uh he'll never walk again i do kind of feel for him that's like a stupid what kind of raider goes for his big left toe all right classic rimmer you know we've already lost one big left toe ten out of ten ten out of ten uh we probably shouldn't be using that sort of medicine for this it was only a destroyed tail that doesn't actually have a danger of infection if i'm not mistaken so okay another opportunity to navigate through some murky uh ui waters i want to do this so i'm going to go ahead and do it again um is it under a sign good uh whoops carried med because oh they can carry the med kits with them actually that's quite good all right uh i told myself i wanted to do this i know i don't have to right now but yeah i want to do some hardcore rimworld micromanagement let's see if we can find it in his menu um what i'm looking for right here is the medicine restriction see if i can find it yeah i don't want to use the good medicine to patch up a toe is what i'm saying records settings let's just go through every single thing oh we do have the whole record that's quite good i'm starting to find more of this ui as i go okay uh food restrictions medicine level okay here we go herbal medicine or worse doctor care but no yeah there we go herbal medicine yeah just set everybody to herbal medicine or worse unless if we see like someone loses their face okay fairly easy it wasn't in the place i was expecting it because i had to go individually into the colonists menu but i'm finding it fairly easy to do exactly the same things that i used to do on pc now good all right good enough i'd like to be able to like toggle it on one menu for all of them like check one box and everybody gets it but maybe that's hidden somewhere and i just can't find it yes life imitates art well said now why are you cooking with the dirt nope nope no you don't clean the blood in the dirt clean the blood it's messy very messy there we go okay so let's actually talk about base design um there's another youtuber named i believe it was lore plays who put out this really good video a while back that was all that i learned about basebuilding because i'm not very organized with this type of thing do you guys remember her she's very good it was a very nice video it was like very well laid out but she used the color-coded um planning mod which was very helpful because you could show like in green this is where the plants are going to be kept and then in i don't know like maybe a red or a black like this is where the kill box is and then like brown for the stockpiles or something like that it was very nice but unfortunately i can use only this normie mod uh thing which means that i write out sketchy words in the well what i can do is this um and i i do like doing this let's go over here okay we'll call this p for p for plants sorry i lost it there for a second p not a very good feat uh p but it's our p so stop laughing please all right um whoops actually let's make this p a little bit better sorry old p not that we didn't like old p uh i'm dying all right what i'm thinking here is that we need somewhere for a fridge and we need somewhere for a kitchen because you want to go from you always start with like the planting and the geothermal vents for your colony so it doesn't look like that we have easy access to any geothermal vents i probably would have looked at that a little bit more closely if i had done this better but not a perfect colony it's fine um start with your planting because you are limited by the fertile soil unless you're doing hydroponics which i don't want to do um these geothermal vents are actually in quite horrible places there's one there i'm surprised that there's not one in this inlet over here maybe there's one trap behind this mountain though somewhere so let's go ahead and try to do that uh naturally from the plants we need to lead to the kitchen and the fridge somewhere off to the side of that and the fridge can fortunately be underground um you ideally want one main fridge and then you want like a deep freeze fridge um let me go ahead and dismiss some of these things read that close heatwave is still there visitors i think they're gone now heat stroke who has heat stroke wait that's not good how hot is it it's 107 degrees fahrenheit that is very hot i'm gonna so that you can see that in celsius for a second in kelvin if we're in space that's 41c that's ridiculously hot so let's go ahead and uh change it back to fahrenheit so i understand things again and then we'll go ahead and do um darn okay my pet peeve is telling me to make this interact expand zone i don't know why i have to do this force of habit um how cool is it at least in there okay at least in their bedroom it's 86 so that's a little bit more manageable health oh no your poor toe manipulation site okay so he's not getting any type of heat stroke what about you okay no tape of heat stroke yet yet you go to the doctor and they're like well you don't have heat stroke yet so they're just getting sweaty darkness all right that's it that's fine but i mean speaking of which we really should get some sort of electricity going soon um um i don't want to go to the whole trouble of creating the base yet i have my plant zone here oh a basement fridge are you on the z levels mod that's been my most anticipated mod of all time question came up why did the date time and other stuff take up so much room i think that's because there's no information on the lower left um honestly i yeah it's a bit much for me i wonder if there's a way to make that slightly smaller i feel like that that would be very welcome for new players though because all of that information is usually a little bit harder to find can i make it smaller yeah i think if you've played rimworld a lot it might be nice if you could shrink down that text a little bit not a bad thing to point out uh but other than that i'm i'm not really getting annoyed by it um hmm let's haul this stuff over and then what and then what rob let's do [Music] i'm trying to trace that in my mind what i want this refrigerator to look like i think i'm gonna keep this entire area for kill boxes but i don't know exactly how it'll look yet uh i think what we should probably do would be to have some kind of kitchen right here and then have the fridge and freezer kind of around it that way they can go right into the freezer when they harvest but you can also easily get it from the fridge from the excuse me from the kitchen and then you could feed the prisoners with that pretty easily too as far as getting that to like a dining room where the colonists themselves would eat i think we're going to need to bring this fridge back in here so that we then have a dining area like over here-ish you just have to work out that food workflow before you get started on all this and then once you do that you can go full speed ahead so i'm gonna go into that architect menu again and there's gonna be a very deep under the mountain type of fridge but that should be okay because i don't really mind dealing with infestations if they do come up um i think that they're fun personally uh that you can also lose your entire colony which is also fun um [Music] and that's great let's call this our refrigerator more of that all right nice big r here nice big r good uh actually you can kind of find control the mouse speed if you zoom in and zoom out which is really easy with the analog stick not having any issues there i was thinking that that kind of fine motor control would be hard but i'm not getting an issue there um as far as kitchen we could have a kitchen here or here thinking it might be a little bit simpler to just keep it here for now so let's do like dude and do to do for the kitchen and i can't really fit a k in here for kitchen but okay did it ah it couldn't even they said it couldn't be done they said it couldn't be done all right and i think that this will be like the dining room area is everyone liking how carefully i'm planning this i i was so disorganized as a player before and now i just feel great pride when i actually take time to like plan things out while i ever play kenshi again probably not for a little while i haven't had any ideas nothing really against it it's just that every idea i've thought of i've already done now uh and no one watched my crab army playthrough i liked the crab army maybe i'll do that again and that was pretty much all that i had was just like a thousand animals can she too i'll definitely do oh i thought that the game you know what rimrolls is very reliable like i've never had it crash on me normally [Music] uh create a new save you know we're just gonna overwrite everything because that's gonna be the way it is can we change the storyteller difficulty i wanna know storyteller settings cassandra classic oh you can change it to strive to survive so i'll leave it like this since we're just kind of chill making a base right here i don't want to make i i was very wary of making it too hard for myself on the first playthrough but we can change it okay that's good to know hospitality for a friend uh i don't wanna have somebody who won't do any work so no yeah can she too i'm hyped for so far way surprised i honestly thought that this would turn into a complaint session guys like i've had only a couple of people who just roamed in and said i've tried not to read the negative things i've noticed a couple comments here and there where people are like you i look super clunky i don't get that at all honestly and i'm not just saying that i mean i would tell you because i've played this game a lot in the past if something was not to my liking you know how conceited that sounds but yeah i mean there it is no i surprised all right um go ahead finish this off finish this off boy all right um now you've kind of seen my colony plan let's go ahead and do architect orders i'm just going to label this with a big d for dining room or i guess a refrigerator go into the refrigerator i'm going to call this d i know it's gonna be like a rec room and everything else but how does one make a d in pixel art in a nice way good enough ah the heat wave is over that should calm them down so i don't want to rely on torches too much anymore better off having one good cell than five bad ones um am i going to make things with wood and also too is any of these guys a decent crafter i'm trying to remember nope nope nope all right so yeah crafter is kind of a late game job anyway uh iselle's terrorists oh god okay again i forgot to read the thing but if i read the thing that i can't jump to them so ugh right uh what are you good at sir you are terrible at actually you're decent at melee just trying to decide if we should go straight out and ambush this guy yep he's coming i like him in the bowler hat he looks like a fiend of some kind of villainous i don't know like gangster all right uh let's draft all these guys and send them out here oh actually we're kind of short on time here trying to think is there a more tactful position i haven't really thought of kill boxes at all yes a fiendish bowler hat an affair oh gosh here we go okay the way to get out of pause with that is hold down r2 i gotta remember that all right let me make sure that they're i'm gonna do micromanaging combat right here but you know what i'm saying is like it's a good sign that i'm able to micromanage the combat pretty well okay so i do need to unpause if i want to or it seems i need to if i want to do this right hopefully we can just slow him down and then change positions but okay there we go we didn't tag him once always do this just to see like if he's moving he's moving at 27 but he's also getting the bullet shock right here oh they got him in the lung okay fantastic so that means that he's significantly slowed down what is it wrong with his brain oh god they sent out a guy with alzheimer's oh that's horrible so what they're just trying to get rid of it like that oh no oh this is nice i'm liking this look at all the infrared that is very non-invasive okay liking this also why do they always send out the oldest man with alzheimer's to attack us look he's greeting him he's greeting him sir please stop coming this way ah they gave him wake up as well god this is horrible how could they do this how could this happen how could this happen i gotta say that the draft on draft buttons are becoming a lot more uh uh muscle memory or down to muscle memory now yes that was someone's father uh all right let's do an animal sleeping spot yes that's right you get only a sleeping spot i'm sorry [Music] let's clean this yeah yes have a nice meal nice meal i could keep uh these corpses in a decent spot too guys this keeps getting better and better um i i think even with ideology we had more things that it was slightly where i was like uh you know it'd be cool if they added this ha ha or i wish they were playing with this month no like no i'm i have zero complaints only those two or three things that i i didn't even i wasn't even anticipating this that much liking this way more though i'm excited to tell one of my friends who's uh who's like a console purist try to get him to play some room world i i do like this game a lot requires a certain brain but i am tired of this song no music right now i can't take it game you have you ever heard this game soundtrack too many times and then you just can't can't do it i'm sorry okay i'll turn it back on maybe it'll have like slightly quieted down by now i think it's just the instrumentation in that one song that makes me very nervous it sounds like something out of an 80s movie yeah like something very kind of new age it sounds like kind of corporate slightly you know what i mean and it makes me uncomfortable it makes me feel like i'm watching a commercial yes it's on both consoles but unfortunately i don't believe it's on nintendo switch yep there's also royalty on console they don't have um ideology for it though i don't know if there are any plans i haven't read clean oh that's rather nice so there were multiple actions did everyone see that there are multiple actions that you could have cleaned either the blood or the dirt um yeah see here we go animal filth or dirt so that's that goes into a quick two option menu all right i like that the one thing is i i do find myself toggling speed more they've just done such a good job with these controls that i'm trying to figure out if like is there even any more that they could add in like i like to be able to quickly switch between time speeds on pc because i always keep my left hand on the one two and three buttons but here i like that you can quickly pause all the time but maybe i just need to get used to that just still good playing it on ps4 right now come on guys l2 and r2 well i guess you could confuse it for ps5 all right let's triple time nobody's in a bad mood i tried to pick colonists who would never go on mood breaks if i just left them to their own devices all right how are we doing on meals as well meals seem to be good is the rice spoiling it wasn't 36 days we should have enough time to get it into the fridge the one thing that we didn't really give any of these guys is uh mining capabilities which is beginning to occur to me uh i think i am going to place down a couple more torches just for the short term like win that we'll get for that so let's go here is there a quick way to place no it just does kind of keep on the place multiple menu okay all right i'm fine with that i like that it doesn't totally get out of the placement menu after i place one is what i'm trying to say like i'm not finding myself trying to toggle things on or toggle them off it just everything feels perfect i wonder how it is compared to the steam deck because i haven't played it on that either unless if uh valve wants to send me a steam now it's been so hard to get your hands on one of those things or hasn't it i don't know i haven't sought one [Music] they do look kind of cool though um to wood or not to wood i feel like it's gonna be easy enough to just replace everything a little later on let's go haul those i wonder if i could do it out of steel maybe steel now we'll lose some of that valuable some of those valuable resources let's go ahead and just make a very basic one out of wood i mean we are kind of leaning on a mountain so it's unlikely that everything will be no you know what those have always been my such those have always been my last words um famous last words as they say let's go ahead and just have somebody do some crafting who all right everybody who wants to do some crafting i know you want to do some crafting let's actually see who's the best at it though isn't it sort of like just a normal timed task all right everybody wants to do some crafting i know you do let's see who's gonna do it eeny meeny who is the most useless actually adam is quite useful here because of his mining capabilities you know sheckley i think you're going to be the whoops not the darn it i accidentally clicked out sometimes i do find myself hitting circle to get out of a minute okay but that's on me do that column up oh we could do the whole column too that's quite nice with l1 and see that's an example of like a power user control that i think they did a good job with uh sheckly let's have you do [Music] yeah that let's see if scheckley goes over there yup good very responsive do i think they'll add a modding system for consoles i have no idea wouldn't it be awesome if it were added i don't know how they would do it if you could just download something wait is this real yes this is real uh but it's not available yet it's available in a day or two probably if you stay up till like midnight and you're in a certain time zone on the 28th the date i read was the 29th though is that right [Music] okay um now that we've got all this amazing slate actually that was not so hard to make slate good for us making all of that slate let's go ahead and do architecture and now we can stop making everything out of wood which makes me extremely uncomfortable if you know what's happened to my early colonies i will never take someone who's a pyromaniac ever again it's unfortunate because you know i could have been somebody but i made a mistake here see the kitchen i would like to isolate yeah we'll just do that i don't want to go over the fertile soil but i like to airlock this room as best i can because it's always in contact with other stuff oh no the simple meals are simply rotting away can you clean yeah see so easy to actually in fact that's even easier than on the pc i wish that they were on pc that's a compliment that's a compliment if there were a quick way to just select a colonist and hit a key instead i have to right click and it gives me more future arthritis you know what i mean i hope that they get more remoral players from it though you know i hope that it attracts more people like i remember when super meat boy came out for the uh for the xbox that was a big console release that was huge huge okay let's go ahead and make a real kitchen now oh boy we get a real kitchen i've never had one of those nice um we'll go ahead and take this and let's put the butcher table like out here as well i also was thinking okay yeah we do get like a slight that's normal for rimworld though to get a slight like boop whenever in a big event happens this is collection of fortune i wonder how it'll be to take these people on a quest i have no more doubts yeah i mean this is even beyond what i expected when i started the stream this gets a full recommendation for me if you're on a console if you're stuck on a console you're pretty much getting i wouldn't say a full experience because you don't have mods um but i mean as far as base game goes in royalty if you've been waiting to play this i'm liking it all right now we can go ahead and create an actually organized base from work after 11 hour shift but you being live with rimworld is the perfect relaxation method ah you should really let out a big sigh of relief um man an 11-hour shift what are you doing who is holding you for 11 hours i had a job where i had a was it a 12-hour shift i think i would work 14-hour shifts but they would feed us they would feed us and it was a very fun job i worked at a restaurant and bar are you in like hospitality leah roboto thank you very much for the sub and congrats on a big day over hang on a second where are we i might even try to gear some challenges for the main channel for this if i really didn't expect myself to say that i still if i can't think of anything but if i can think of anything that's interesting on console i was thinking this will certainly be a fun vod to do um okay so here's what we need to do a room with dirt is by definition dirty so we're gonna go ahead and create some floors over here we're also gonna go ahead and just try to build a lot of concrete nearby here now this is the trade-off with kitchens paved tile because we want it to be fairly neutral excuse me if not pretty um [Music] i regret putting this soil just a bit too close to this kitchen we'll see if we can push this entire thing a little bit more under mountain but it's fine for now um from this point forward we're going to start making specialized stockpiles and we'll make a real rimworld colony like i didn't think i would get to this phase but okay it's taken me enough hours of this belief that it's probably if you watch this in the future it will seem very obnoxious but so be it um right for this zone pause that don't start trying to bring things over here uh this should be allow fresh well it won't make a difference i want to disallow everything except for some foods some raw foods i want all vegetarian stuff in here is this all of the vegetables in the game [Music] priority preferred i wait no we want this one to be important but then we should also probably make the stockpile zone slightly smaller this very specific annoying micromanagement stuff you have to do with rimworld kitchens okay that's pretty good to me animal disease plague okay here's a stress test let's pause so that we can get to him okay rose the warg uh has got the plague she's down with the plague we could use herbal medicine on her see how this progresses yeah i would give i would give rose some like plague minor 7.6 immunity 10 let's just see how her immunity rises she should be fine what did we get on that tend anyway 10 quality 33 okay decent decent i'm not mistaken i mean it's not like super fast but i don't want to lose her maybe we'll give her one bill's anesthetize sterilize administer we can sterilize the dog wait this exists in real world oh my god this would have been so much more helpful in my colony of llamas than where they reproduced so much is this in the main game when was this added did this exist well it's time for me to leave just remember that the total amount of mentos i consume until you stream again is on your head i'll be waiting with fresh breath until you stream again this is very menacing hey we just got a raid hey thank you very much hey agent number one hey thank you for the nice raid yeah that's a nice little raid there let me give you a quick shout out agent number one are you like uh number one from a codename kid next door i like that hey how was your stream what'd you what'd you play how did it go hey thank you very much for the raid oh you're playing rimworld have you guys been doing the uh what what have you guys been doing and a second i didn't see it i've been watching you for years on youtube hey thank you very much hey hope your stream went well how's your colony doing hope you guys are you on the console version perhaps are you guys have you guys been anticipating will you be trying it out really uh really liking it so far i don't know if you've uh oh wait a second this why is this chunk here this is not allowed i hate it um take it away take it away storage but how did this happen oh i understand now i've been duped here we go hey kibble okay haze for horses meat vegetarian animal products but we don't want insect jelly here we don't uh milk is fine not fertilized eggs not that we'll probably ever be dealing with those but okay this is a thing in a place now look at that everybody we've got a thing at a place nice okay let's have no more food here storage uh we can take away foods no food allowed no one can ever have food anyway too dangerous to have food been doing historical medieval village oh that sounds like fun i was like a good low-tech play-through always everyone likes a good b i can't imagine someone who wouldn't like a good low tech play through [Music] me thinks let's build out thus wait a moment how do i cancel cancel there we go um whoops-a-daisy whoops-a-daisy here we are there we go okay here we go now mine that here's where my double door will be located plagues and sickness though that's no fun i feel like we've been playing on such a low difficulty or like kind of an average difficulty but i thought i would struggle with the console version so i gave myself the benefit of the doubt here but i don't know i think it was good to give myself the benefit of the doubt because it's made for a more satisfying stream but yeah i feel that though i feel that usually i'm in great pain let's cancel this one i don't want that i would never want that i guess again why can't i oh i guess this is because this is so deep under the mountain here we are you guys remember when thorin oakenshield said king under the mountain in the hobbit and it sounded so like splendid and majestic when he would say it and i really envy that and that's what i'm trying to channel here is it working oh holy cow lucky they didn't get some kind of cave in hang on a second whoa let's wait a moment gentlemen well i was all i told you we'd find an underground geothermal vent or something like that okay i wasn't ready for this much refrigerator oh no i was hoping i could do some kind of rock roof all right instead we're going to need to change the escalation of the hypotenuse of the mountain all right well we were pretty much planning on that i mean it does save time that's true i don't need that much refrigerator though um okay is there any way for the heat to escape but then let's just do this you know what save ourselves some time let's get it done quick and dirty i'm gonna go ahead and mine out this crap here we go and um and this crap and then we'll put in some air conditioners in there security power here we go guys i am clicking and clacking right here i'm i'm like a controller fiend like a child the way i'm playing this this is good this is good oh infestations shaw this brings a whole new meaning to deep storage let's go ahead and get in the temperature control um okay it's gonna want that area opened up never mind i want to get two of them just because i feel like it's gonna take more right lots of nice hauling lots of nice hauling happening around here nice hauling nice hauling we do unfortunately have the meals in here but let's go ahead and clean this up um structure we'll do some normal completely normal nothing to see here wooden doorways over in this section and then let's do some coolers over here uh we'll smooth out these walls yeah let's just do that i like that i can do things multiple ways that i don't have to click designate order for everything that i can just do this kind of because you guys know that i like to do it this way right where you just go in quickly from that menu ship to the stars ship to the stars it's fine okay now we could begin the wiring and they call it a mine would i consider naming colonist after one i would but the time that i what was i going to say uh tried to open up the keyboard in the game i had ps4 remote play crash so it's not due to the game it's due to the way i have my setting set up uh so i can't actually name anything unfortunately in this playthrough but i i'm thinking of you i'm thinking of you [Music] um i've got the power in it so funny is anyone else here at the stream because of the jokes yeah so funny all right let's uh let's begin begin the beginning then as they say um [Music] i'm straining right here maybe we should do some research like some some real research we'll have one windmill i know it's a wind turbine but it's a windmill it's a windmill um we could do it here i could instantly regret this though as well and i could set all of the fields on fire you know i'm gonna go for the long term call me obnoxious but i want to get the i want to get something else happening i need to get solar panels and power before we do this is anyone smart should maybe help us out for a moment you know now that we've gotten the kitchen away from the this horrible area we could put this here good and we could make some more luxurious chairs guys i've got the controls down now this is not that bad what have i been playing for three hours ah wait a second is this a new song why do i feel like this is a new song i'm gonna turn it up slightly does anyone else think that tynan has a fun name i think he has a fun name tainan sylvester i like how it's right up there on everything story generator i wonder if he would object to the title game like i have this fantasy in my mind that tynan is like this sommelier with a pipe in his mouth like i didn't i am not a game designer i am a story generator designer i haha i like i have a little bit of a weird entertainment of this fantasy in my mind but i digress i don't maybe i'm not the only one probably probably due to the memes it's not a new song he sounds like an oil baron i think he sounds like a mysterious traveler who i i don't know and the fantasy ends there it doesn't go any further just in case if you were worried about me i hope aa is okay can we select research from here no we can't right but we can get to the research menu all right so what i would like to have would be i would like batteries but a little bit more uh you can't really have one without the other can we cue it now no we can't do it all right never mind alas good shackly the policeman now does he have any psychic abilities yet like if we draft him i don't see where his psychic abilities are ah wait a minute there we go i struggled there for a second the l1 and b to undraft slightly takes me a minute hmm tainan's still sylvester still faster i don't know if we're on that linguistic confusing the b and the v like the grimm's law thing oh you cook so magnificently the ui looks really nice what console is this does anyone have any like professional review opinion maybe that's a bad question to ask probably only if it's something that i haven't said yet links wait a second link's revenge we can't have that a lynx is attacking after being maybe our warg is going after other meat sources yep much as i expected all right you know what at least the warg like goes out there and feeds itself though i don't mind that and you know like he gets some battle scars or she rose sorry um health you'll be all right you just got bit i mean as long as the warg doesn't lose a lot of stuff at least it's going out there and feeding itself i like that it's not like eating our domestic animals see it's self-sufficient it's like henry david thoreau at that lake you know drinking the water out of the lake and going crazy or whatever he did to write that book okay i see a very easy solution here we could go ahead and mine that and then open that doorway that would be nice link's revenge like a legend of zelda game ah that's kind of funny you're so funny oh you guys are so funny remember i'm only the one who's allowed to tell the jokes chat all right uh there won't be any other joke telling no of course i'm just being facetious sometimes i you know there's a part of my brain that feels that way when i'm streaming though like only i'm allowed to be funny but that's why i say the things that you say that are funny in chat so that's how that's how this whole streaming thing works you know i'm gonna tell you a sign why this is a good stream is because i'm actually very hungry right now which means i've been streaming for a long time but i'm comfortable ignoring it look at that nice like research green bar on the side everyone loves a green bar that is being filled up by research look at it it's just chock full of that research it's like brain juice filling up that bar when we it's like something out of nickelodeon you know like when they would slime people i didn't think that was very appropriate that they would slime people i didn't i don't think people deserve to be slimed uh of course i'm just being facetious again i thoroughly enjoyed sliming but i i don't think that you should do that as a member of society i wonder what's behind this lair this could be a secret ancient layer in here it's nice that you can check on research speed though just by holding down l2 that was one thing i was surprised by was how good use they made of the l the left trigger here all right let's see other things am i missing anything this area looks like doo doo this area looks good this area is uh separated out from the rest we've got all of that what is terrain affordance though um is this yeah okay that's unbuildable and water all right rarely a menu that i need to use because it's usually just evident unless if we're dealing with a lot of mud and we need to drain it haul that i don't want that doorway block let's also make this into a double door simply because um there we go we just want to make sure that we have a decent air lock here from the kitchen uh build a copy i like you the building copy thing i'm starting to use more and that's working out quite nicely let's also just start to pre-build for some research finish battery i thought i broke the game for a second oh no it's i finished oh well um [Music] let's go ahead and put architect we'll make some not orders here zone zone put it like around here good r for refrigerator re refrigerator hmm storage there we go i keep thinking it's interact um let's delete everything then we do want some [Music] is it under manufactured for medicine [Music] actually we want only herbal medicine in there because it's just herbal medicine is like a non-urgent thing i like how when i press the back button it doesn't take me all the way out to the main menu but it just like it brings me to the menu that i was just at the easy things to mess up though is what i'm trying to say and none of them have been messed up because a consul port is necessarily like a difficult job to have it's like becoming president after like abraham lincoln or something like that like whoever's next is gonna is gonna be derided you know andrew johnson hard guy to follow up hard lincoln was a hard guy to follow up but uh yeah you never want to step into bigger shoes and rimworld has some big shoes to step into i don't know i'm comparing rimroll to the president i just have bad analogies i guess hmm squeeze squeeze this section of rock let's have some of that good the rock is being squeezed hmm where to put the batteries though i think somewhere that it won't blow up the entire colony preferably blowing up the prisoners is not as bad you know sorry mods created for pc would not be directly crap are they keen on exploring how it expands crosstalk customization and gameplay so maybe not that but yeah i wouldn't put it past them i mean like they were updating royalty for wasn't it like a year after that we were still getting updates it was quite good so i you know even updates that nobody asked for um but were very nice updates that added a lot of content so i wouldn't be surprised if they did a lot more wires look good i'm thinking i could run a battery room in the back of the fridge maybe like behind and i don't want it to be near the humans part of me wants to see the explosion though you know like that might be really nice okay let's see setting temperature control target temperature 70 so we want to bring it down to uh freezing in fahrenheit is 32 degrees i don't know why there are certain things that you're made to memorize as a kid and i i remember that 32 degrees is freezing though you also just kind of see that on the weather let's have one let's have them fight it out i'm just going to set it to zero because i like it to be at a place where it's comfortably underneath freezing i guess not so cold though because people are gonna have to get in and out of there to be fair but they'll be in and out fast it's really an issue only when you have like people mining the inside of the fridge and they're all getting frostbite on their fingers i have one distinctive memory of this happening with an old colony uh but actually we also do need it to be frozen because of infestations so there is that yeah all right i stand by it let's see if it manages to cool down this entire area obviously we need some power though let's go ahead and do that uh how close are we to the we're gonna have the solar panels by the time we get batteries so let's just do that do i have any plan for the colony i just want to make a very good colony um not really any particular challenge play through because we don't have ideology on i guess we could go the royalty track if we really take this far batteries left side or right side you know i'm gonna go with left side simply because look if i get raided from that side at least the batteries don't blow up in the middle of our base and cause a huge fuselage yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna stick with that logic that sounds good to me um let's also mine out the rest of this because we've committed ourselves to thoroughly not caring about infestations and i think i want it to be about five wide here we go one actually let's go there i take that back undo i can't undo there two three four five okay so let's have it be there and do this all right i'm happy nice got a little fridge going got a little kitchen going um i think we can start to now put things into more intelligent stockpiles so the first thing that i want to make sure is that not everybody dies once i have like a decent workflow going and they have a barracks i i think that the next important thing is to just make sure you have some walls around you at least um it's a little tricky here with the corner because it's not a tactically advantageous position to defend i'm going to leave this barracks here just and live in it for a little while eventually i'll move them over here i want to have this as like the inlet where they're just totally safe you know and you can get drop potted in on but solar panels okay good uh let's just keep the research going up let's do what console yeah we're no we're just playing rimworld not rimworld on console of course not what would that be hmm all right so i think that at this point like my colony is completely set up i'm trying to think of something memey and stupid to do because we're on console that i could do only on console like a little bit of me was thinking will it be easier to do a solo colonist adventure i just pick somebody who's super overpowered because i mean you're always gonna have to do that when you're playing with the solo colonists but would it somehow feel more like an rpg if i was playing it with a controller i don't really think it would i just feel like i'm playing the normal game now which is super successful if you ask me let's go ahead and do some uh battery action i love some good battery action everyone always laughs at me when i make batteries i just try to make sure that they're nowhere near even like seeing each other in fact oh we have another raid enbay cold that sounds real um hang on a second i just want to lay out how i'm going to place these batteries and then i'll deal with the bad people hmm i think if i do this then i should be able to build a wall i'm thinking of what's gonna happen if one of the batteries explodes because it it's always a matter of when more than if so there and there okay this is the yes this is the solution i was looking for and then we can have another battery against the other wall with something sort of like this cancel and then yes we can mine that out see i'm gonna lay the batteries out like like people in beds so here's my issue is i can't jump to and then read but at least it does tell me that they're attacking immediately so that's nice all right it's just a guy again you know i think i can turn up the difficulty now because i keep getting raided by a single guy with a club not that i want it to go much slower but let's do it well well well indeed hey f talk how you doing thank you very much for the 18 months and alec jiff and uh locked lock and lols thank you very much for the prime and alfonso stoner much appreciated hmm storyteller settings let's turn up the heat strive to survive don't laugh at me for playing on this difficulty i'm i'm being serious i also didn't know what i was dealing with when i first started this but no i think i think i don't really feel as though i would need any difficulty lowering because of this and now i can micromanage the way i used to could we get the long-range guy there you know what you stand out in front just in case if we need a meat shield and good job yeah who says you can't make a use for uh non-violent colonists you know i want to see what this guy's information is though before we take him down uh uh okay the plants could be useful psychopath is good too um but i've yet to see how this really devolves in like social interactions knowing capabilities the greedy is a bit annoying i'm not super crazy about this colonist yeah i don't really want greedy what does greedy do exactly again let me just double check is that the one where they are upset if someone else has a better bedroom yeah i don't really want that i i prefer to be extremely picky with colonists at the beginning because the game will always just send you more people as long as you're under like a certain number um but once you hit a certain threshold then it actually actively starts trying to kill you and usually it doesn't just take one colonist usually it takes all of them and it takes your good colonists too okay now i think i could speed up time again i was thinking that time speed up and down would be a big like stumbling point as well the deserter it's not time for dessert to oppose oh i'm not ready to fight the uh the empire no way yeah sometimes people are tell you that they're being chased by the cia and then they're like you could help me like no this isn't breaking bad sir you're on your own you are very on your own all right um i think i'm going to need to [Music] do these out let's also get some spot for solar panels i used to think that solar panels were like smackeldorfed by the shade here but i don't believe that they are if i'm not mistaken i don't want to put them out in a place where the enemies can expose them to fire but i also don't want them to blow up so i want them to be separated somewhat in our base too um let's go ahead and just see what the roof situation looks like i think that maybe in this central causeway here we could put in some solar panels like here one and i know it looks like a weird spot to put in a solar panel but um according to like my final vision for the colony it does sort of make sense can we fit them too wide across here we could fit them in like this because i would like a two wide pathway there but then i also might want to build in a wall let's just put in plenty of room for padding here i don't i don't want to get too greedy so i'm just going to do yeah like that oops there we go man they're doing research way faster than i expected let's give them some long project long boy project oh wait cycloid brewing oh what else do we have well technically cycloid brewing is okay here we go drug production and cycloid growing we'll go here as well hey pknee hey thank you very much from the for the hundred bits ah chicago i love chicago yes the wires could explode but everything could explode um the wires can't explode stop being ridiculous i've never seen a wire explode before no that would never happen to us never has happened to us let's go ahead and have this really good idea to put wire through wooden wall there we go isn't that nice i like to put do that make the wires out of wood too while we're at it a loyal chicken she wants you take your hair of her pet the chicken vixen all right i don't who are these people um sometimes royalty is kind of a comfort to have around because it just wait a second what death of rose died of blood loss ah i see wait a moment wait a minute where are the bugs well you know i made my first rimworld mistake but i mean she shouldn't have done that she shouldn't have done that can we get some f's in chat for rose please that is rather unfortunate actually because shield is he's going to be very negatively affected by her death yeah he won't like that at all okay but it's only a negative eight debuff it does last for 20 days i don't like that i should done would have been to restrict the dog zones but i never thought that the dog would run so low on meat as to go after the insects can we take the insects down once and for all honestly kind of a needless death but there's always something that gets through the cracks so i'm i forgive myself i forgive myself these things are rather tough though um [Music] might just leave them there because i always think it's kind of interesting to leave bugs on the map and they're going right back into their home anyway honestly if i wanted to take these things out what i would do would be to build spike traps in a line and lure them out yeah her tombstone will reach she should not have done that bad dog bad dog dying like that it's too bad though because wargs are actually rather useful animals at least for self-defense but i mean if it's for self-defense it's only like a matter of time before they get themselves killed uh so there is that let's go ahead to this smooth surface here we go ah nice and smooth smooth boy surface cancel that actually um um hey duv d d was here and keeler and opfazonk and peace bloom and schwifty pug and bep wall and lin thank you very much for the subs appreciate it guys i feel as though actions are happening faster than they would on pc like i feel like research has gotten off to a faster clip but is he just smarter let's go ahead and check him out no he is pretty smart i was i was thinking that they'd put in some type of like speed modifier to make the game just slightly more satisfying to play like thinking that people playing the console would might not have had as much patience as pc player i don't know i got off to all these theories of what they might do but no there doesn't appear to be any of that smooth the surface architect i mean i feel as though if i watch myself an hour ago i would have been having way more trouble with the controls and i didn't want to um i didn't want to learn the to play the game totally before the stream i wanted to kind of muddle through it so i'm sorry for being slow an hour ago if that was annoying but um i i just kind of wanted to visually see what the learning curve would have looked like after the fact yeah we're still getting it connected to the grid the only i just read this out of context from jen i like to enclose them and burn them alive it's like such a kind of a distinctively rim world comment like yeah yeah me too ah i think that the next thing we can focus on now that we've got all this food stuff here oh yeah we said we were gonna do uh defenses and then we got raided so i think that the safest way to gear this is to just have like a line that goes here but i'm trying to figure out how i want to do this will anyone come in from this section if we wall this off or if we wall off this section and then we force them in from that's what we'll do okay we're gonna yes let's have that if we get sappers then it's gonna be annoying but well i hope that we don't get sappers let's just dissuade dewellers from attacking us from this side and then we'll make our kill box over here and if this happens then crap crap ubiquitous ubiquitous hey thank you very much for those five gift subs my friend thank you very much for being so so kind to me i appreciate that [Music] hope you're enjoying the stream okay the time has come time has come for well we really can't do any of this i'm just trying to think is there any type of research that would just be passively better for us or is it anything we need to do actively we could go ahead and like make the guns and stuff no no no oh this is microelectronics wait a second i totally missed that it was right in the middle i was thinking that was just emp grenades see when i think microelectronics i think to myself trade beacon i don't think of emp grenades but so be it that's what they are and that's what they will remain let's get a second battery as well i don't know if it's really going to be necessary on this grid but and then we'll just finish up the rest of the power whoops actually 86 that give them a minute to just finish up with the other stuff shoot frenzy on shaklee not really very useful but i guess we could have him like hunt all of the animals down not really necessary hmm having a good time having a good time so far are you guys having a good time watching it or i don't know i feel like it would have changed my mind i i liked it but i can't tell if that's as instantly evident from watching it all right now i think we can start to put items in more centralized stockpiles so i like to do um the dining room here may need to go a bit higher actually let's just leave it at that i think we'll do a stockpile zone like right about here-ish okay what did we get fire where is it they already put it out not a big deal but i should probably replace these from wood because i don't want that to spread onto because the solar panel is four by four let's go ahead and d build this deconstruct oh that's pretty easy i just had such low expectations i thought it would be like pulling teeth oh this isn't as hard as i imagined it would be uh you know what they can't get in there for the corner let's just put in an electrical wire there okay that's pretty good and we'll do this see how quickly i'm getting around this building and all the menus i just did like 12 things in a row that was nice um okay we were on stockpile zones so let's go ahead and plan out another zone is it on orders yeah so i think here ish this would be a good spot for like building materials and then we might even be able to have a separate stockpile room over here but i want like a two wide hallway over in this section cod boy thank you very much for the prime is this actually console yeah this is actually console probably a lot of people have come into the stream and thought oh that's a mod but yeah i didn't mean to make i put console in all like spaced out letters on the stream title so it probably looks way more cursed than i had intended but no this is seriously uh console edition ah you're in j hey patty how you doing good good that you are completely enjoying yourself too now we're actually just at refrigeration in here what i'm going to go ahead and do here is what they call a back fridge maneuver this is very rare not often seen but um i'm gonna do it anyway okay it's it's frowned upon to complete a back fridge maneuver oh you wouldn't produce them in that order would you okay there we go thank god look at this back of fridge maneuver oh holy cow look at that we're insulating the whole fridge oh my god i've never seen this done before by in person wow that was amazing don't you think target temperature is zero target temperature is zero i don't believe that that affects the batteries in any way to have them cooled down i mean there are i used to be superstitious about batteries like i thought that if you put them in the fridge that they stayed good longer isn't that supposed to be a thing is that that is a conspiracy right that's not real i also um you know i would say bloody mirror mary five times in the mirror before i uh put the batteries into the control no i didn't do that but that would have been funny hmm i make that sound a lot when i'm streaming like sherlock hmm there i just did it again okay me thinks slate walls along here because we want to start to clear off these paths and then i think we want to do a dining room over in this section dining room slash rec room slash what have you room and let's have some doorways along this spot and this spot there we go and we should also be able to peek and duck and cover around these walls because we can sometimes get drop potted around these areas you ever have that happen in the middle of your base my god i've gotten a lot better at this game over the years this is not an easy game to i took like a month of my life when i just tried to figure out how to play this game it was all for content it wasn't just like a month of quietude there we go there we go this is a perfect stockpile room isn't it isn't it now nazi and chrono thank you very much for the subs [Music] i like everything to be nice and wide here double entrances double hallways double everything um ah relaxing guitar actually sorry like i said i i start to get very upset whenever whenever any music plays no no music for a moment i need to be alone in my in my vault here we go now i feel much more comfortable i don't know why the sound of being alone with my own voice makes me strangely comfortable after all these years hmm okay now the war on dirt we're we are waging the war on dirt good for us i'm gonna go ahead and make some path tiles like a real like a real trooper you know these are pretty fast to construct and they're not negative in terms of look i know i sound like a game menu when i say that but believe me please believe me uh and we are good we are getting zero degrees here wild man wanders in oh look a wild man his name is dark eye death jack i got a badass hang on a second there's steel over here 239 steel just sitting on the ground mmm dark guy who are you you mysterious man he is very strong great memory trigger hap this guy is a very good fighter like he could he could ki he could kill uh people death jack what is the death jack hang on a second what what is a death jack character yeah he was a student socialite on calthus 4. and he was a political assassin on set e5 what the hell we've just gone into star wars here now i am a little bit worried about taming this man i think we need the animal skill i i would actually like to take this guy because he could be a hauler what is he a slow learner so he actually makes a pretty ideal hauler right he's just naked that's all that's the only just kept to give him some pants um he might even have on a loin cloth for all i know let's take him in is anyone any good with animals though you're decent okay shield could be decent but i'm worried about what'll happen if this guy gets up close and personal with shield oh where is he again darn it all right oh he's gonna kill himself my god this man has balls of steel i don't want to you know i don't want to try to tame him while he's in there but they will get the restricted area thing so they shouldn't try to tame him while he's over there so that's uh at least that much is good news he is he may be one with the bugs and it seems as though one of the bugs has died too so that's good news um how do we oh i guess we have to go back into the wildlife menu detainment why am i getting wait a second mad boomer not funny thank god we just started replacing the most essential walls with uh oh god this is not okay all right i'm gonna turn back on the music now i feel alone it's been a very quiet last few minutes but i don't know i've enjoyed it sometimes it's too much calming acoustic guitar for me every time i get a wild man they fight the largest predator on the map let's see if we can get actually there is nowhere that's very good to encounter this thing i would prefer greatly to do this let's send them out like individuals he's probably going for andrew as well anywhere but on the solar panel you know what if we can get them back here a few weeks ago and binged a ton of your other content love your stuff we have the second tts voice a green man cometh hey thank you very much for the 500 500 bits god everything has become twitch to me five dollars thank you very much hmm spore that's a good memory i guess are we like in the ideal death position here is there an easy way to see the range of a colonist to hmm that might be nice to see the range with like the click of i don't know the left stick or something like that because that you can see in unless if i'm mistaken and i can't see it might make combat micromanaging a little bit easier which is one of the tiny areas i've noticed just a little bit more controlling difficulty here not to say that that's very much at all though now i don't want to take them down on the wood but i got to do something to him okay you stay away walk over there sir my god it's perfectly red can i start playing this blind or is it there is a tutorial but it's very like minimal i i think if you play rimworld you could probably start it blind and you'd be fine okay now i am a bit nervous he's getting closer to the wood how was his move stat you gotta be careful when you're taking these things down move only at 45 huzzah huzzah we got him in the rear right leg and we shot off one of his other legs good perfect well sort of perfect as good as it could have been um on draft it does slightly throw me off that the undraft button is different from the draft button because i'm so used to doing that but yeah it's pretty intuitive still victory screech yeah very nice very nice okay okay okay let's go ahead and make some zones now some celebration zones hmm i'm thinking like that if we just put all of the building materials in here see look at how organized that guys i'm not organized you know i'm not organized let's go ahead not do all let's do um i believe it's under raw resources yeah we want all the stone blocks in here we're going to make this preferred and we'll just see them ah this is going to be nice um hmm what else should we do here i like to arrange things out like perfectly as as i make my colony we might put the steel over here simply because steel doesn't go oh wait a minute no we don't need to put this in here it is kind of like an art material though you know what i am a dingus guys i'm a dingus uh you know i i take it all back let's shrink this zone over here boink boink and let's just put the stone blocks over on this side because clearly we're not gonna have enough room under the mountain to do all of the things that i was planning on doing here to widen this out [Music] isn't newm fun to say i like it okay ah now this is much more like nice jungle music that i was expecting here we go um expand that zone expand that over to you over there good interact no here we go this is feeling extremely intuitive it's taking me longer before good uh food all foods nah i just want the blocks in here stone blocks and then let's go back into this what will be an indoor area and now i'm getting very passionate about organic organizing all of these piles for you chat uh you know i like to organize piles let's get the things that will rot in here so plant plant matter no that won't rot plasteel this blasteel rot i don't believe it does off the top of my head does it let's just put wood in there and we'll make this preferred no it doesn't okay good i was not mistaken that i was not mistaken how could that ever happen an area that makes pathing into the base easier for the enemy ai but i lace it with traps and pawns to get is the kill box yes so i might end up doing a kill box here i've built a wall to try to prevent them from wanting to come around this way we might get sappers because sappers now like i've seen the pathing and they just make a direct line from wherever it is it's quite good for just meaning that your base needs to be quite secure from all sides i mean really the ideal solution is just keep all your pawns armed and make it so that there's places in the base where you can kind of lean to in case if somebody you know if there's trouble afoot hmm dining room i feel like i want to get attacked now all mine-able stuff except for components doesn't it here i actually yes that's what i should also put in here um let me give components their own separate area just because i like to see them visually but this is also going to be more like the workshop crafting area what the heck all right that's bizarre all right um another raid okay who are these like the hat people he does have on a hat um are you good no you're not good don't be ridiculous actually you are kind of a decent shot or do you have any shot characteristics hmm comic childing no colony settler nah not really good at anything okay so then i'm not afraid i don't want to wake my people up from slumber but i guess i'm just gonna have to oh wait no you're gonna wait a while oh so you're gonna give us time give us time before the attack well i like that too i like that too let's go ahead and build some sandbags out front we can always kind of shift these around but i think it'd be kind of cool to get in something like that are these you know what i'll take some light leather sandbags ah no i spoke too soon i spoke too soon well then let's at least get into better positioning than him you're her i don't know what it was you go there ah darn it you go there see that is controlling practically like it does on pc which i'm very very happy about oh he's right there i didn't even see that i thought he was i thought i had maybe i sped up three times faster than i thought i did okay you get behind cover uh you get did you just get shot like in the face or something ooh that's not good uh yeah go over there all right ooh i shouldn't have done that yeah well i've made some mistakes but the one thing i've found is that like i'm not as agile at turning it from one times to three times speed are you going to die hang on a second uh death in 13 hours okay that's good ways away yep we're fine pause so still i'm struggling a little bit there but it's also just because i'm kind of getting used to the controls take it with a grain of salt but yeah oh good auto pistol all right that's decent and neutral i mean uh we could actually strip this colonist for the flak jacket and then burn that in a smelter all right i'm all for it one to ten how hard is console i'm not finding it hard at all uh there were only a couple tiny little functions that i couldn't find in their normal places there was one that i couldn't find at all only one though after four hours i i it feels way better than i expected and i'll be coming back uh what are we oh wait a second colonists needs treatment you are uh do you really need the good we'll see if anything gets infected and then we'll use the um the good in uh medicine let's make sure that i we haven't really had to tend to colonists much yet but honestly seems the same still that left big toe missing life will never be the same you were also shot in the kidney which is just only a minor inconvenience apparently yeah how nice of him to deliver the auto pistol right i guess let's say let's go ahead and start to take these um back oh it's under raw resources let's take stone blocks out of here just so that they can use this room for more important stuff they are still more kind of focused on construction i'm going to go ahead and do some quick micromanagement here for you so let's just have everybody haul as like priority number one and i can do this even faster now if i just do column up column up that's why i don't like to put things on number one priorities because if i just have one task like there's a blight on crops and i want my colonists to just go straight to that task i can do this see so like they're just going straight to hauling and then i can de-prioritize it i feel like that this is only the start of a good colony though i just want to make sure i have the difficulty up enough i mean i thought that would be difficult enough to do i don't want to go onto blood and dust because that's my normal difficulty and i still think i'm at just a slight slight handicap or i want to be wary of that because whenever you think it's too easy it's just going to get too hard i'll take some time on this difficulty but i want to get the colony a little bit more set up and then i'll probably ramp things up yeah he's got a backup kidney he'll be fine all right it's kind of nice to see them bringing everything in all at once too i don't know what it is yeah they've still got the tainted on closing i was hoping i could get away without having taint on clothes but yeah that's the way it is uh all right um hmm what else is there to do i mean i thought i would die before this time i didn't expect that the colony would go this well i i can't say that i think it was perfect but i think we did a pretty good job in general um anyway i i guess that's one thing that they could add in i don't know i feel like i kind of want to sum everything up i i think i'm going to continue this colony uh i feel like we're just getting started yeah i'll be back um i've been streaming for a really long time today so i do want to give it a break for now because i think that's enough um but i'll just give like overall final thoughts and impressions
Channel: ambiguousamphibian VODs
Views: 44,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld console edition gameplay, rimworld gameplay, rimworld console edition, lets play rimworld, rimworld ambiguousamphibian, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, rimworld game, rimworld ps4, rimworld ps5, rimworld xbox, rimworld xbox one, rimworld playstation, rimworld xbox series x, ambiguousamphibian rimworld, rimworld console edition tips, rimworld console, rimworld console edition review, rimworld console edition guide, rimworld 2022
Id: UtO0eTvxgc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 197min 34sec (11854 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2022
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